//*KEEP,CopyRight,T=C. /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //*KEND. //* +-------------------------------------------------------------+ //* | | //* | | //* | DPMJET 3.0 | //* | | //* | | //* | S. Roesler+), R. Engel#), J. Ranft*) | //* | | //* | +) CERN, TIS-RP | //* | CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland | //* | Email: Stefan.Roesler@cern.ch | //* | | //* | #) University of Delaware, BRI | //* | Newark, DE 19716, USA | //* | | //* | *) University of Siegen, Dept. of Physics | //* | D-57068 Siegen, Germany | //* | | //* | | //* | http://home.cern.ch/sroesler/dpmjet3.html | //* | | //* | | //* | Monte Carlo models used for event generation: | //* | PHOJET 1.12, JETSET 7.4 and LEPTO 6.5.1 | //* | | //* +-------------------------------------------------------------+ //*KEEP,TDPMjet. #include "TDPMjet.h" //*KEEP,DPMCOMMON. #include "DPMcommon.h" //*KEEP,TParticle,T=C++. #include "TParticle.h" //*KEND. //*KEEP,TROOT. #include "TROOT.h" //*KEND. #ifndef WIN32 # define dt_dtuini dt_dtuini_ # define dt_getemu de_getemu_ # define dt_kkinc dt_kkinc_ # define pho_phist pho_phist_ # define dt_dtuout dt_dtuout_ # define dt_rndm dt_rndm_ # define dt_rndmst dt_rndmst_ # define dt_rndmin dt_rndmin_ # define dt_rndmou dt_rndmou_ # define type_of_call #else # define dt_dtuini DT_DTUINI # define dt_getemu DT_GETEMU # define dt_kkinc DT_KKINC # define pho_phist PHO_PHIST # define dt_dtuout DT_DTUOUT # define dt_rndm DT_RNDM # define dt_rndmst DT_RNDMST # define dt_rndmin DT_RNDMIN # define dt_rndmou DT_RNDMOU # define type_of_call _stdcall #endif #ifndef WIN32 extern "C" void type_of_call dt_dtuini(Int_t & , Double_t &, Int_t & , Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &); extern "C" double type_of_call dt_getemu(Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &); extern "C" void type_of_call dt_kkinc(Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Double_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &); extern "C" void type_of_call pho_phist(Int_t &, Double_t &); extern "C" void type_of_call dt_dtuout(); extern "C" void type_of_call dt_rndm(Int_t &); extern "C" void type_of_call dt_rndmst(Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &); extern "C" void type_of_call dt_rndmin(Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &); extern "C" void type_of_call dt_rndmou(Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &); #else #endif ClassImp(TDPMjet) //______________________________________________________________________________ TDPMjet::TDPMjet() : TGenerator("dpmjet","dpmjet") { fNEvent = 0; fIp = 0; fIpz = 0; fIt = 0; fItz = 0; fEpn = 0; fCMEn = 0; fIdp = 0; fProcess = kDpmMb; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TDPMjet::TDPMjet(DpmProcess_t iproc, Int_t Ip=208, Int_t Ipz=82, Int_t It=208, Int_t Itz=82, Double_t Epn=2700., Double_t CMEn=5400.) : TGenerator("dpmjet","dpmjet") { printf("TDPMJet Constructor %d %d %d %d \n", Ip, Ipz, It, Itz); fNEvent = 0; fIp = Ip; fIpz = Ipz; fIt = It; fItz = Itz; fEpn = Epn; fCMEn = CMEn; fIdp = 0; fProcess = iproc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::ImportParticles(TClonesArray *particles, Option_t *option) { // // Default primary creation method. It reads the /HEPEVT/ common block which // has been filled by the GenerateEvent method. If the event generator does // not use the HEPEVT common block, This routine has to be overloaded by // the subclasses. // The function loops on the generated particles and store them in // the TClonesArray pointed by the argument particles. // The default action is to store only the stable particles // This can be demanded explicitly by setting the option = "Final" // If the option = "All", all the particles are stored. // if(particles==0) return 0; TClonesArray &Particles = *particles; Particles.Clear(); Int_t numpart = 0; // Total number of produced particles Int_t numStabpart = 0; // Total number of produced stable particles Double_t entot = 0; // Total energy in final state (from stable particles) numpart = DTEVT1.nhkk; for(Int_t i=0; i PHKK(4,i) } } //printf("\n TDPMjet: DPMJET stack contains %d particles", numpart); // printf("\n TDPMjet: Final not decayed particles: %d", numStabpart); //printf("\n TDPMjet: Total energy: %f GeV \n", entot); Int_t nump = 0; if(!strcmp(option,"") || !strcmp(option,"Final")){ for (Int_t i=0; i < numpart; i++) { if (DTEVT1.isthkk[i] == 1) { // // Use the common block values for the TParticle constructor // new(Particles[nump]) TParticle( DTEVT1.idhkk[i], DTEVT1.isthkk[i], -1, -1, -1, -1, DTEVT1.phkk[i][0], DTEVT1.phkk[i][1], DTEVT1.phkk[i][2], DTEVT1.phkk[i][3], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][0], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][1], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][2], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][3]); nump++; } } } else if(!strcmp(option,"All")){ nump = numpart; for (Int_t i=0; i <= numpart; i++){ // DTEVT1.JMOHKK[i][0] pointer to the entry of the 1st mother of entry i Int_t iParent = DTEVT1.jmohkk[i][0] - 1; if(iParent >= 0){ TParticle *mother = (TParticle*) (Particles.UncheckedAt(iParent)); mother->SetLastDaughter(i); if(mother->GetFirstDaughter() == -1) mother->SetFirstDaughter(i); } // --- PDGcode for residual nuclei (idhkk=80000) // --- 10000*Z + 10*A // --- DPMJET -> idres = mass #, idxres = charge if(DTEVT1.idhkk[i] == 80000) DTEVT1.idhkk[i] = 10000*DTEVT2.idxres[i]+10*DTEVT2.idres[i]; /* if(DTEVT2.idxres[i] != 0) printf("\n pc#%d -> A = %d, Z = %d -> PDGcode = %d\n", i,DTEVT2.idres[i],DTEVT2.idxres[i],DTEVT1.idhkk[i]); */ new(Particles[i]) TParticle( DTEVT1.idhkk[i], DTEVT1.isthkk[i], iParent, -1, -1, -1, DTEVT1.phkk[i][0], DTEVT1.phkk[i][1], DTEVT1.phkk[i][2], DTEVT1.phkk[i][3], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][0], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][1], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][2], DTEVT1.vhkk[i][3]); } // Particle loop } return nump; } //====================== access to dpmjet subroutines ========================= //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Initialize() { // // Write standard DPMJET input cards // FILE* out = fopen("dpmjet.inp","w"); // Projectile and Target definition fprintf(out, "PROJPAR %10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f\n", (Float_t) fIp, (Float_t) fIpz, 0., 0., 0., 0.); fprintf(out, "TARPAR %10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f\n", (Float_t) fIt, (Float_t) fItz, 0., 0., 0., 0.); // Beam energy and crossing-angle fprintf(out, "BEAM %10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f\n",fEpn, fEpn, 0., 0., 0., 0.); // Centrality fprintf(out, "CENTRAL %10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f%10.1f\n",-1., fBmin, fBmax, 0., 0., 0.); // // PHOJET specific fprintf(out, "PHOINPUT\n"); fprintf(out, "DEBUG 0 0 0 \n"); if (fProcess == kDpmMb) { fprintf(out, "PROCESS 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1\n"); } else if (fProcess == kDpmMbNonDiffr) { fprintf(out, "PROCESS 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1\n"); } fprintf(out, "ENDINPUT\n"); // // START card fprintf(out, "START 1.0 0.0\n"); fprintf(out, "STOP\n"); fclose(out); // // Call DPMJET initialisation Int_t iemu = 0; // No emulsion (default) Dt_Dtuini(1, fEpn, fIp, fIpz, fIt, fItz, fIdp, iemu); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::GenerateEvent() { // Generates one event; fNEvent++; DTEVNO.nevent=fNEvent; Int_t kkmat=-1; Float_t Elab = fEpn; Int_t irej=0; Dt_Kkinc(fIp, fIpz, fIt, fItz, fIdp, Elab, kkmat, irej); if(irej!=0) return; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Dt_Dtuini(int nevts, double epn, int npmass, int npchar, int ntmass, int ntchar, int idp, int iemu) { // Call dmpjet routine DT_DTUINI passing the parameters // in a way accepted by Fortran routines printf("\n-------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n Dt_Dtuini called with:\n\n"); printf(" Projectile -> A = %d, Z = %d \n",npmass, npchar); printf(" Target -> A = %d, Z = %d \n",ntmass, ntchar); printf(" Proj. LAB E -> E = %f GeV \n",epn); printf(" nevts = %d, idp = %d, iemu = %d \n",nevts,idp,iemu); printf("\n-------------------------------------------\n"); dt_dtuini(nevts, epn, npmass, npchar, ntmass, ntchar, idp, iemu); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Dt_Kkinc(int npmass, int npchar, int ntmass, int ntchar, int idp, double elab, int kkmat, int irej) { // Call dmpjet routine DT_KKINC passing the parameters // in a way accepted by Fortran routines dt_kkinc(npmass, npchar, ntmass, ntchar, idp, elab, kkmat, irej); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Pho_Phist(int imode, double weight) { // Call dmpjet routine PHO_PHIST passing the parameters // in a way accepted by Fortran routines pho_phist(imode,weight); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Dt_Dtuout() { // Call dmpjet routine DT_DTUOT passing the parameters // in a way accepted by Fortran routines dt_dtuout(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetEvNum() const { return DTEVT1.nevhkk; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetEntriesNum() const { return DTEVT1.nhkk; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetNumStablePc() const { Int_t NumStablePc = 0; for(Int_t i=0; i PHKK(4,i) } return TotEnergy; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetStatusCode(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT1.isthkk[evnum]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetPDGCode(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT1.idhkk[evnum]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::Getpx(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT1.phkk[evnum][0]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::Getpy(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT1.phkk[evnum][1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::Getpz(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT1.phkk[evnum][2]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::GetEnergy(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT1.phkk[evnum][3]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::GetMass(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT1.phkk[evnum][4]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetFragmentA(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT2.idres[evnum]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetFragmentZ(Int_t evnum) const { return DTEVT2.idxres[evnum]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::GetXSFrac() const { return DTIMPA.xsfrac; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::GetBImpac() const { return DTGLCP.bimpac; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::GetProjRadius() const { return DTGLCP.rproj; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TDPMjet::GetTargRadius() const { return DTGLCP.rtarg; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetProjWounded() const { return DTGLCP.nwasam; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetTargWounded() const { return DTGLCP.nwbsam; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetProjSpectators() const { return DTGLCP.nwtaac; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TDPMjet::GetTargSpectators() const { return DTGLCP.nwtbac; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Dt_Rndm(int idummy) { dt_rndm(idummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Dt_Rndmst(int na1, int na2, int na3, int nb1) { dt_rndmst(na1, na2, na3, nb1); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Dt_Rndmin(int u, int c, int cd, int cm, int i, int j) { dt_rndmin(u, c, cd, cm, i, j); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TDPMjet::Dt_Rndmou(int u, int c, int cd, int cm, int i, int j) { dt_rndmou(u, c, cd, cm, i, j); }