////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Module: EvtVubBLNPHybrid.cc // // Description: Modeled on Riccardo Faccini's EvtVubNLO module // // tripleDiff from BLNP's notebook (based on BLNP4, hep-ph/0504071) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh" #include #include "EvtGenBase/EvtParticle.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtGenKine.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPDL.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtReport.hh" #include "EvtGenModels/EvtVubBLNPHybrid.hh" #include #include "EvtGenBase/EvtVector4R.hh" #include "EvtGenModels/EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator.hh" #include "EvtGenModels/EvtItgPtrFunction.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtRandom.hh" #include "EvtGenModels/EvtPFermi.hh" // For incomplete gamma function #include "math.h" #include "signal.h" #define ITMAX 100 #define EPS 3.0e-7 #define FPMIN 1.0e-30 using std::cout; using std::endl; EvtVubBLNPHybrid::EvtVubBLNPHybrid() : _noHybrid(false), _storeWhat(true), _nbins_mX(0), _nbins_q2(0), _nbins_El(0), _nbins(0), _masscut(0.28), _bins_mX(0), _bins_q2(0), _bins_El(0), _weights(0) {} EvtVubBLNPHybrid::~EvtVubBLNPHybrid() { delete [] _bins_mX; delete [] _bins_q2; delete [] _bins_El; delete [] _weights; } std::string EvtVubBLNPHybrid::getName(){ return "VUB_BLNPHYBRID"; } EvtDecayBase *EvtVubBLNPHybrid::clone() { return new EvtVubBLNPHybrid; } void EvtVubBLNPHybrid::init() { // check that there are at least 3 arguments if (getNArg() < EvtVubBLNPHybrid::nParameters) { report(ERROR,"EvtVubBLNPHybrid") << "EvtVubBLNPHybrid generator expected " << "at least " << EvtVubBLNPHybrid::nParameters << " arguments but found: " << getNArg() << "\nWill terminate execution!"< Xu l nu events " << "without using the hybrid reweighting." << endl; _noHybrid = true; } else if (getNArg() < EvtVubBLNPHybrid::nParameters+EvtVubBLNPHybrid::nVariables) { report(ERROR,"EvtVubBLNPHybrid") << "EvtVubBLNPHybrid could not read number of bins for " << "all variables used in the reweighting\n" << "Will terminate execution!" << endl; ::abort(); } // get parameters (declared in the header file) // Input parameters mBB = 5.2792; lambda2 = 0.12; // Shape function parameters b = getArg(0); Lambda = getArg(1); Ecut = 1.8; wzero = mBB - 2*Ecut; // SF and SSF modes itype = (int)getArg(5); dtype = getArg(5); isubl = (int)getArg(6); // flags flag1 = (int)getArg(7); flag2 = (int)getArg(8); flag3 = (int)getArg(9); // Quark mass mb = 4.61; // hidden parameter what and SF stuff const double xlow = 0; const double xhigh = mBB; const int aSize = 10000; EvtPFermi pFermi(Lambda,b); // pf is the cumulative distribution normalized to 1. _pf.resize(aSize); for(int i=0;iinitializePhaseSpace(getNDaug(), getDaugs()); xuhad = Bmeson->getDaug(0); lepton = Bmeson->getDaug(1); neutrino = Bmeson ->getDaug(2); mBB = Bmeson->mass(); ml = lepton->mass(); // get SF value xlow = 0; xhigh = mBB; // the case for alphas = 0 is not considered what = 2*xhigh; while( what > xhigh || what < xlow ) { what = findBLNPWhat(); what = xlow + what*(xhigh-xlow); } bool tryit = true; while (tryit) { // generate pp between 0 and // Flat(min, max) gives R(max - min) + min, where R = random btwn 0 and 1 Pp = EvtRandom::Flat(0, mBB); // P+ = EX - |PX| Pl = EvtRandom::Flat(0, mBB); // mBB - 2El Pm = EvtRandom::Flat(0, mBB); // P- = EX + |PX| sh = Pm*Pp; EX = 0.5*(Pm + Pp); qsq = (mBB - Pp)*(mBB - Pm); El = 0.5*(mBB - Pl); // Need maximum rate. Waiting for Mr. Paz to give it to me. // Meanwhile, use this. ratemax = 3.0; // From trial and error - most events below 3.0 // kinematic bounds (Eq. 2) mpi = 0.14; if ((Pp > 0)&&(Pp <= Pl)&&(Pl <= Pm)&&(Pm < mBB)&&(El > ml)&&(sh > 4*mpi*mpi)) { // Probability of pass proportional to PDF pdf = rate3(Pp, Pl, Pm); double testRan = EvtRandom::Flat(0., ratemax); if (pdf >= testRan) tryit = false; } } // compute all kinematic variables needed for reweighting mX = sqrt(sh); // Reweighting in bins of mX, q2, El if (_nbins>0) { double xran1 = EvtRandom::Flat(); double w = 1.0; if (!_noHybrid) w = getWeight(mX, qsq, El); if ( w >= xran1 ) rew = false; } else { rew = false; } } // o.k. we have the three kineamtic variables // now calculate a flat cos Theta_H [-1,1] distribution of the // hadron flight direction w.r.t the B flight direction // because the B is a scalar and should decay isotropic. // Then chose a flat Phi_H [0,2Pi] w.r.t the B flight direction // and and a flat Phi_L [0,2Pi] in the W restframe w.r.t the // W flight direction. double ctH = EvtRandom::Flat(-1,1); double phH = EvtRandom::Flat(0,2*M_PI); double phL = EvtRandom::Flat(0,2*M_PI); // now compute the four vectors in the B Meson restframe double ptmp,sttmp; // calculate the hadron 4 vector in the B Meson restframe sttmp = sqrt(1-ctH*ctH); ptmp = sqrt(EX*EX-sh); double pHB[4] = {EX,ptmp*sttmp*cos(phH),ptmp*sttmp*sin(phH),ptmp*ctH}; p4.set(pHB[0],pHB[1],pHB[2],pHB[3]); xuhad->init( getDaug(0), p4); if (_storeWhat ) { // cludge to store the hidden parameter what with the decay; // the lifetime of the Xu is abused for this purpose. // tau = 1 ps corresponds to ctau = 0.3 mm -> in order to // stay well below BaBars sensitivity we take what/(10000 GeV). // To extract what back from the StdHepTrk its necessary to get // delta_ctau = Xu->decayVtx()->point().distanceTo(XuDaughter->decayVtx()->point()); // // what = delta_ctau * 100000 * Mass_Xu/Momentum_Xu // xuhad->setLifetime(what/10000.); } // calculate the W 4 vector in the B Meson restrframe double apWB = ptmp; double pWB[4] = {mBB-EX,-pHB[1],-pHB[2],-pHB[3]}; // first go in the W restframe and calculate the lepton and // the neutrino in the W frame double mW2 = mBB*mBB + sh - 2*mBB*EX; double beta = ptmp/pWB[0]; double gamma = pWB[0]/sqrt(mW2); double pLW[4]; ptmp = (mW2-ml*ml)/2/sqrt(mW2); pLW[0] = sqrt(ml*ml + ptmp*ptmp); double ctL = (El - gamma*pLW[0])/beta/gamma/ptmp; if ( ctL < -1 ) ctL = -1; if ( ctL > 1 ) ctL = 1; sttmp = sqrt(1-ctL*ctL); // eX' = eZ x eW double xW[3] = {-pWB[2],pWB[1],0}; // eZ' = eW double zW[3] = {pWB[1]/apWB,pWB[2]/apWB,pWB[3]/apWB}; double lx = sqrt(xW[0]*xW[0]+xW[1]*xW[1]); for (j=0;j<2;j++) xW[j] /= lx; // eY' = eZ' x eX' double yW[3] = {-pWB[1]*pWB[3],-pWB[2]*pWB[3],pWB[1]*pWB[1]+pWB[2]*pWB[2]}; double ly = sqrt(yW[0]*yW[0]+yW[1]*yW[1]+yW[2]*yW[2]); for (j=0;j<3;j++) yW[j] /= ly; // p_lep = |p_lep| * ( sin(Theta) * cos(Phi) * eX' // + sin(Theta) * sin(Phi) * eY' // + cos(Theta) * eZ') for (j=0;j<3;j++) pLW[j+1] = sttmp*cos(phL)*ptmp*xW[j] + sttmp*sin(phL)*ptmp*yW[j] + ctL *ptmp*zW[j]; double apLW = ptmp; // boost them back in the B Meson restframe double appLB = beta*gamma*pLW[0] + gamma*ctL*apLW; ptmp = sqrt(El*El-ml*ml); double ctLL = appLB/ptmp; if ( ctLL > 1 ) ctLL = 1; if ( ctLL < -1 ) ctLL = -1; double pLB[4] = {El,0,0,0}; double pNB[4] = {pWB[0]-El,0,0,0}; for (j=1;j<4;j++) { pLB[j] = pLW[j] + (ctLL*ptmp - ctL*apLW)/apWB*pWB[j]; pNB[j] = pWB[j] - pLB[j]; } p4.set(pLB[0],pLB[1],pLB[2],pLB[3]); lepton->init( getDaug(1), p4); p4.set(pNB[0],pNB[1],pNB[2],pNB[3]); neutrino->init( getDaug(2), p4); return ; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::rate3(double Pp, double Pl, double Pm) { // rate3 in units of GF^2*Vub^2/pi^3 double factor = 1.0/16*(mBB-Pp)*U1lo(muh, mui)*pow( (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp), alo(muh, mui)); double doneJS = DoneJS(Pp, Pm, mui); double done1 = Done1(Pp, Pm, mui); double done2 = Done2(Pp, Pm, mui); double done3 = Done3(Pp, Pm, mui); // The EvtSimpsonIntegrator returns zero for bad integrals. // So if any of the integrals are zero (ie bad), return zero. // This will cause pdf = 0, so the event will not pass. // I hope this will not introduce a bias. if (doneJS*done1*done2*done3 == 0.0) { //cout << "Integral failed: (Pp, Pm, Pl) = (" << Pp << ", " << Pm << ", " << Pl << ")" << endl; return 0.0; } // if (doneJS*done1*done2*done3 != 0.0) { // cout << "Integral OK: (Pp, Pm, Pl) = (" << Pp << ", " << Pm << ", " << Pl << ")" << endl; //} double f1 = F1(Pp, Pm, muh, mui, mubar, doneJS, done1); double f2 = F2(Pp, Pm, muh, mui, mubar, done3); double f3 = F3(Pp, Pm, muh, mui, mubar, done2); double answer = factor*( (mBB + Pl - Pp - Pm)*(Pm - Pl)*f1 + 2*(Pl - Pp)*(Pm - Pl)*f2 + (mBB - Pm)*(Pm - Pp)*f3 ); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::F1(double Pp, double Pm, double muh, double mui, double mubar, double doneJS, double done1) { std::vector vars(12); vars[0] = Pp; vars[1] = Pm; for (int j=2;j<12;j++) {vars[j] = gvars[j];} double y = (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp); double ah = CF*alphas(muh, vars)/4/M_PI; double ai = CF*alphas(mui, vars)/4/M_PI; double abar = CF*alphas(mubar, vars)/4/M_PI; double lambda1 = -mupisq; double t1 = -4*ai/(Pp - Lbar)*(2*log((Pp - Lbar)/mui) + 1); double t2 = 1 + dU1nlo(muh, mui) + anlo(muh, mui)*log(y); double t3 = -4.0*pow(log(y*mb/muh),2) + 10.0*log(y*mb/muh) - 4.0*log(y) - 2.0*log(y)/(1-y) - 4.0*PolyLog(2, 1-y) - M_PI*M_PI/6.0 - 12.0; double t4 = 2*pow( log(y*mb*Pp/(mui*mui)), 2) - 3*log(y*mb*Pp/(mui*mui)) + 7 - M_PI*M_PI; double t5 = -wS(Pp) + 2*t(Pp) + (1.0/y - 1.0)*(u(Pp) - v(Pp)); double t6 = -(lambda1 + 3.0*lambda2)/3.0 + 1.0/pow(y,2)*(4.0/3.0*lambda1 - 2.0*lambda2); double shapePp = Shat(Pp, vars); double answer = (t2 + ah*t3 + ai*t4)*shapePp + ai*doneJS + 1/(mBB - Pp)*(flag2*abar*done1 + flag1*t5) + 1/pow(mBB - Pp, 2)*flag3*shapePp*t6; if (Pp > Lbar + mui/exp(0.5)) answer = answer + t1; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::F2(double Pp, double Pm, double muh, double /* mui */, double mubar, double done3) { std::vector vars(12); vars[0] = Pp; vars[1] = Pm; for (int j=2;j<12;j++) {vars[j] = gvars[j];} double y = (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp); double lambda1 = -mupisq; double ah = CF*alphas(muh, vars)/4/M_PI; double abar = CF*alphas(mubar, vars)/4/M_PI; double t6 = -wS(Pp) - 2*t(Pp) + 1.0/y*(t(Pp) + v(Pp)); double t7 = 1/pow(y,2)*(2.0/3.0*lambda1 + 4.0*lambda2) - 1/y*(2.0/3.0*lambda1 + 3.0/2.0*lambda2); double shapePp = Shat(Pp, vars); double answer = ah*log(y)/(1-y)*shapePp + 1/(mBB - Pp)*(flag2*abar*0.5*done3 + flag1/y*t6) + 1.0/pow(mBB - Pp,2)*flag3*shapePp*t7; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::F3(double Pp, double Pm, double /*muh*/, double /* mui */, double mubar, double done2) { std::vector vars(12); vars[0] = Pp; vars[1] = Pm; for (int j=2;j<12;j++) {vars[j] = gvars[j];} double y = (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp); double lambda1 = -mupisq; double abar = CF*alphas(mubar, vars)/4/M_PI; double t7 = 1.0/pow(y,2)*(-2.0/3.0*lambda1 + lambda2); double shapePp = Shat(Pp, vars); double answer = 1.0/(Pm - Pp)*flag2*0.5*y*abar*done2 + 1.0/pow(mBB-Pp,2)*flag3*shapePp*t7; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::DoneJS(double Pp, double Pm, double /* mui */) { std::vector vars(12); vars[0] = Pp; vars[1] = Pm; for (int j=2;j<12;j++) {vars[j] = gvars[j];} double lowerlim = 0.001*Pp; double upperlim = (1.0-0.001)*Pp; EvtItgPtrFunction *func = new EvtItgPtrFunction(&IntJS, lowerlim, upperlim, vars); EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator *integ = new EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator(*func, precision, maxLoop); double myintegral = integ->evaluate(lowerlim, upperlim); delete integ; delete func; return myintegral; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Done1(double Pp, double Pm, double /* mui */) { std::vector vars(12); vars[0] = Pp; vars[1] = Pm; for (int j=2;j<12;j++) {vars[j] = gvars[j];} double lowerlim = 0.001*Pp; double upperlim = (1.0-0.001)*Pp; EvtItgPtrFunction *func = new EvtItgPtrFunction(&Int1, lowerlim, upperlim, vars); EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator *integ = new EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator(*func, precision, maxLoop); double myintegral = integ->evaluate(lowerlim, upperlim); delete integ; delete func; return myintegral; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Done2(double Pp, double Pm, double /* mui */ ) { std::vector vars(12); vars[0] = Pp; vars[1] = Pm; for (int j=2;j<12;j++) {vars[j] = gvars[j];} double lowerlim = 0.001*Pp; double upperlim = (1.0-0.001)*Pp; EvtItgPtrFunction *func = new EvtItgPtrFunction(&Int2, lowerlim, upperlim, vars); EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator *integ = new EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator(*func, precision, maxLoop); double myintegral = integ->evaluate(lowerlim, upperlim); delete integ; delete func; return myintegral; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Done3(double Pp, double Pm, double /* mui */) { std::vector vars(12); vars[0] = Pp; vars[1] = Pm; for (int j=2;j<12;j++) {vars[j] = gvars[j];} double lowerlim = 0.001*Pp; double upperlim = (1.0-0.001)*Pp; EvtItgPtrFunction *func = new EvtItgPtrFunction(&Int3, lowerlim, upperlim, vars); EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator *integ = new EvtItgSimpsonIntegrator(*func, precision, maxLoop); double myintegral = integ->evaluate(lowerlim, upperlim); delete integ; delete func; return myintegral; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Int1(double what, const std::vector &vars) { return Shat(what, vars)*g1(what, vars); } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Int2(double what, const std::vector &vars) { return Shat(what, vars)*g2(what, vars); } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Int3(double what, const std::vector &vars) { return Shat(what, vars)*g3(what, vars); } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::IntJS(double what, const std::vector &vars) { double Pp = vars[0]; double Pm = vars[1]; double mui = vars[2]; double mBB = vars[5]; double mb = vars[6]; double y = (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp); return 1/(Pp-what)*(Shat(what, vars) - Shat(Pp, vars))*(4*log(y*mb*(Pp-what)/(mui*mui)) - 3); } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::g1(double w, const std::vector &vars) { double Pp = vars[0]; double Pm = vars[1]; double mBB = vars[5]; double y = (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp); double x = (Pp - w)/(mBB - Pp); double q1 = (1+x)*(1+x)*y*(x+y); double q2 = y*(-9 + 10*y) + x*x*(-12.0 + 13.0*y) + 2*x*(-8.0 + 6*y + 3*y*y); double q3 = 4/x*log(y + y/x); double q4 = 3.0*pow(x,4)*(-2.0 + y) - 2*pow(y,3) - 4*pow(x,3)*(2.0+y) - 2*x*y*y*(4+y) - x*x*y*(12 + 4*y + y*y); double q5 = log(1 + y/x); double answer = q2/q1 - q3 - 2*q4*q5/(q1*y*x); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::g2(double w, const std::vector &vars) { double Pp = vars[0]; double Pm = vars[1]; double mBB = vars[5]; double y = (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp); double x = (Pp - w)/(mBB - Pp); double q1 = (1+x)*(1+x)*pow(y,3)*(x+y); double q2 = 10.0*pow(x,4) + y*y + 3.0*pow(x,2)*y*(10.0+y) + pow(x,3)*(12.0+19.0*y) + x*y*(8.0 + 4.0*y + y*y); double q3 = 5*pow(x,4) + 2.0*y*y + 6.0*pow(x,3)*(1.0+2.0*y) + 4.0*x*y*(1+2.0*y) + x*x*y*(18.0+5.0*y); double q4 = log(1 + y/x); double answer = 2.0/q1*( y*q2 - 2*x*q3*q4); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::g3(double w, const std::vector &vars) { double Pp = vars[0]; double Pm = vars[1]; double mBB = vars[5]; double y = (Pm - Pp)/(mBB - Pp); double x = (Pp - w)/(mBB - Pp); double q1 = (1+x)*(1+x)*pow(y,3)*(x+y); double q2 = 2.0*pow(y,3)*(-11.0+2.0*y) - 10.0*pow(x,4)*(6 - 6*y + y*y) + x*y*y*(-94.0 + 29.0*y + 2.0*y*y) + 2.0*x*x*y*(-72.0 +18.0*y + 13.0*y*y) - x*x*x*(72.0 + 42.0*y - 70.0*y*y + 3.0*y*y*y); double q3 = -6.0*x*(-5.0+y)*pow(y,3) + 4*pow(y,4) + 5*pow(x,5)*(6-6*y + y*y) - 4*x*x*y*y*(-20.0 + 6*y + y*y) + pow(x,3)*y*(90.0 - 10.0*y - 28.0*y*y + y*y*y) + pow(x,4)*(36.0 + 36.0*y - 50.0*y*y + 4*y*y*y); double q4 = log(1 + y/x); double answer = q2/q1 + 2/q1/y*q3*q4; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Shat(double w, const std::vector &vars) { double mui = vars[2]; double b = vars[3]; double Lambda = vars[4]; double wzero = vars[7]; int itype = (int)vars[11]; double norm = 0.0; double shape = 0.0; if (itype == 1) { double Lambar = (Lambda/b)*(Gamma(1+b)-Gamma(1+b,b*wzero/Lambda))/(Gamma(b) - Gamma(b, b*wzero/Lambda)); double muf = wzero - Lambar; double mupisq = 3*pow(Lambda,2)/pow(b,2)*(Gamma(2+b) - Gamma(2+b, b*wzero/Lambda))/(Gamma(b) - Gamma(b, b*wzero/Lambda)) - 3*Lambar*Lambar; norm = Mzero(muf, mui, mupisq, vars)*Gamma(b)/(Gamma(b) - Gamma(b, b*wzero/Lambda)); shape = pow(b,b)/Lambda/Gamma(b)*pow(w/Lambda, b-1)*exp(-b*w/Lambda); } if (itype == 2) { double dcoef = pow( Gamma(0.5*(1+b))/Gamma(0.5*b), 2); double t1 = wzero*wzero*dcoef/(Lambda*Lambda); double Lambar = Lambda*(Gamma(0.5*(1+b)) - Gamma(0.5*(1+b),t1))/pow(dcoef, 0.5)/(Gamma(0.5*b) - Gamma(0.5*b, t1)); double muf = wzero - Lambar; double mupisq = 3*Lambda*Lambda*( Gamma(1+0.5*b) - Gamma(1+0.5*b, t1))/dcoef/(Gamma(0.5*b) - Gamma(0.5*b, t1)) - 3*Lambar*Lambar; norm = Mzero(muf, mui, mupisq, vars)*Gamma(0.5*b)/(Gamma(0.5*b) - Gamma(0.5*b, wzero*wzero*dcoef/(Lambda*Lambda))); shape = 2*pow(dcoef, 0.5*b)/Lambda/Gamma(0.5*b)*pow(w/Lambda, b-1)*exp(-dcoef*w*w/(Lambda*Lambda)); } double answer = norm*shape; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Mzero(double muf, double mu, double mupisq, const std::vector &vars) { double CF = 4.0/3.0; double amu = CF*alphas(mu, vars)/M_PI; double answer = 1 - amu*( pow(log(muf/mu), 2) + log(muf/mu) + M_PI*M_PI/24.0) + amu*(log(muf/mu) - 0.5)*mupisq/(3*muf*muf); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::wS(double w) { double answer = (Lbar - w)*Shat(w, gvars); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::t(double w) { double t1 = -3*lambda2/mupisq*(Lbar - w)*Shat(w, gvars); double myf = myfunction(w, Lbar, moment2); double myBIK = myfunctionBIK(w, Lbar, moment2); double answer = t1; if (isubl == 1) answer = t1; if (isubl == 3) answer = t1 - myf; if (isubl == 4) answer = t1 + myf; if (isubl == 5) answer = t1 - myBIK; if (isubl == 6) answer = t1 + myBIK; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::u(double w) { double u1 = -2*(Lbar - w)*Shat(w, gvars); double myf = myfunction(w, Lbar, moment2); double myBIK = myfunctionBIK(w, Lbar, moment2); double answer = u1; if (isubl == 1) answer = u1; if (isubl == 3) answer = u1 + myf; if (isubl == 4) answer = u1 - myf; if (isubl == 5) answer = u1 + myBIK; if (isubl == 6) answer = u1 - myBIK; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::v(double w) { double v1 = 3*lambda2/mupisq*(Lbar - w)*Shat(w, gvars); double myf = myfunction(w, Lbar, moment2); double myBIK = myfunctionBIK(w, Lbar, moment2); double answer = v1; if (isubl == 1) answer = v1; if (isubl == 3) answer = v1 - myf; if (isubl == 4) answer = v1 + myf; if (isubl == 5) answer = v1 - myBIK; if (isubl == 6) answer = v1 + myBIK; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::myfunction(double w, double Lbar, double mom2) { double bval = 5.0; double x = w/Lbar; double factor = 0.5*mom2*pow(bval/Lbar, 3); double answer = factor*exp(-bval*x)*(1 - 2*bval*x + 0.5*bval*bval*x*x); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::myfunctionBIK(double w, double Lbar, double /* mom2 */) { double aval = 10.0; double normBIK = (4 - M_PI)*M_PI*M_PI/8/(2-M_PI)/aval + 1; double z = 3*M_PI*w/8/Lbar; double q = M_PI*M_PI*2*pow(M_PI*aval, 0.5)*exp(-aval*z*z)/(4*M_PI - 8)*(1 - 2*pow(aval/M_PI, 0.5)*z) + 8/pow(1+z*z, 4)*(z*log(z) + 0.5*z*(1+z*z) - M_PI/4*(1-z*z)); double answer = q/normBIK; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::dU1nlo(double muh, double mui) { double ai = alphas(mui, gvars); double ah = alphas(muh, gvars); double q1 = (ah - ai)/(4*M_PI*beta0); double q2 = log(mb/muh)*Gamma1 + gp1; double q3 = 4*beta1*(log(mb/muh)*Gamma0 + gp0) + Gamma2*(1-ai/ah); double q4 = beta1*beta1*Gamma0*(-1.0 + ai/ah)/(4*pow(beta0,3)); double q5 = -beta2*Gamma0*(1.0 + ai/ah) + beta1*Gamma1*(3 - ai/ah); double q6 = beta1*beta1*Gamma0*(ah - ai)/beta0 - beta2*Gamma0*ah + beta1*Gamma1*ai; double answer = q1*(q2 - q3/4/beta0 + q4 + q5/(4*beta0*beta0)) + 1/(8*M_PI*beta0*beta0*beta0)*log(ai/ah)*q6; return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::U1lo(double muh, double mui) { double epsilon = 0.0; double answer = pow(mb/muh, -2*aGamma(muh, mui, epsilon))*exp(2*Sfun(muh, mui, epsilon) - 2*agp(muh, mui, epsilon)); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Sfun(double mu1, double mu2, double epsilon) { double a1 = alphas(mu1, gvars)/4/M_PI; double a2 = alphas(mu2, gvars)/alphas(mu1, gvars); double answer = S0(a1,a2) + S1(a1,a2) + epsilon*S2(a1,a2); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::S0(double a1, double r) { double answer = -Gamma0/(4.0*beta0*beta0*a1)*(-1.0 + 1.0/r + log(r)); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::S1(double /* a1 */ , double r) { double answer = Gamma0/(4*beta0*beta0)*(0.5*log(r)*log(r)*beta1/beta0 + (Gamma1/Gamma0 - beta1/beta0)*(1 - r + log(r))); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::S2(double a1, double r) { double w1 = pow(beta1,2)/pow(beta0,2) - beta2/beta0 - beta1*Gamma1/(beta0*Gamma0) + Gamma2/Gamma0; double w2 = pow(beta1,2)/pow(beta0,2) - beta2/beta0; double w3 = beta1*Gamma1/(beta0*Gamma0) - beta2/beta0; double w4 = a1*Gamma0/(4*beta0*beta0); double answer = w4*(-0.5*pow(1-r,2)*w1 + w2*(1-r)*log(r) + w3*(1-r+r*log(r))); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::aGamma(double mu1, double mu2, double epsilon) { double a1 = alphas(mu1, gvars); double a2 = alphas(mu2, gvars); double answer = Gamma0/(2*beta0)*log(a2/a1) + epsilon*(a2-a1)/(8.0*M_PI)*(Gamma1/beta0 - beta1*Gamma0/(beta0*beta0)); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::agp(double mu1, double mu2, double epsilon) { double a1 = alphas(mu1, gvars); double a2 = alphas(mu2, gvars); double answer = gp0/(2*beta0)*log(a2/a1) + epsilon*(a2-a1)/(8.0*M_PI)*(gp1/beta0 - beta1*gp0/(beta0*beta0)); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::alo(double muh, double mui) { return -2.0*aGamma(muh, mui, 0);} double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::anlo(double muh, double mui) { // d/depsilon of aGamma double ah = alphas(muh, gvars); double ai = alphas(mui, gvars); double answer = (ah-ai)/(8.0*M_PI)*(Gamma1/beta0 - beta1*Gamma0/(beta0*beta0)); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::alphas(double mu, const std::vector &vars) { // Note: Lambda4 and Lambda5 depend on mbMS = 4.25 // So if you change mbMS, then you will have to recalculate them. double beta0 = vars[8]; double beta1 = vars[9]; double beta2 = vars[10]; double Lambda4 = 0.298791; double lg = 2*log(mu/Lambda4); double answer = 4*M_PI/(beta0*lg)*( 1 - beta1*log(lg)/(beta0*beta0*lg) + beta1*beta1/(beta0*beta0*beta0*beta0*lg*lg)*( (log(lg) - 0.5)*(log(lg) - 0.5) - 5.0/4.0 + beta2*beta0/(beta1*beta1))); return answer; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::PolyLog(double v, double z) { if (z >= 1) cout << "Error in EvtVubBLNPHybrid: 2nd argument to PolyLog is >= 1." << endl; double sum = 0.0; for (int k=1; k<101; k++) { sum = sum + pow(z,k)/pow(k,v); } return sum; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Gamma(double z) { if (z<=0) return 0; double v = lgamma(z); return exp(v); } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::Gamma(double a, double x) { double LogGamma; /* if (x<0.0 || a<= 0.0) raise(SIGFPE);*/ if(x<0.0) x=0.0; if(a<=0.0)a=1.e-50; LogGamma = lgamma(a); if (x < (a+1.0)) return gamser(a,x,LogGamma); else return 1.0-gammcf(a,x,LogGamma); } /* ------------------Incomplete gamma function-----------------*/ /* ------------------via its series representation-------------*/ double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::gamser(double a, double x, double LogGamma) { double n; double ap,del,sum; ap=a; del=sum=1.0/a; for (n=1;n rand int middle; while (nBinsAbove > nBinsBelow+1) { middle = (nBinsAbove + nBinsBelow+1)>>1; if (ranNum >= _pf[middle]) { nBinsBelow = middle; } else { nBinsAbove = middle; } } double bSize = _pf[nBinsAbove] - _pf[nBinsBelow]; // binMeasure is always aProbFunc[nBinsBelow], if ( bSize == 0 ) { // rand lies right in a bin of measure 0. Simply return the center // of the range of that bin. (Any value between k/N and (k+1)/N is // equally good, in this rare case.) return (nBinsBelow + .5) * oOverBins; } double bFract = (ranNum - _pf[nBinsBelow]) / bSize; return (nBinsBelow + bFract) * oOverBins; } double EvtVubBLNPHybrid::getWeight(double mX, double q2, double El) { int ibin_mX = -1; int ibin_q2 = -1; int ibin_El = -1; for (int i = 0; i < _nbins_mX; i++) { if (mX >= _bins_mX[i]) ibin_mX = i; } for (int i = 0; i < _nbins_q2; i++) { if (q2 >= _bins_q2[i]) ibin_q2 = i; } for (int i = 0; i < _nbins_El; i++) { if (El >= _bins_El[i]) ibin_El = i; } int ibin = ibin_mX + ibin_q2*_nbins_mX + ibin_El*_nbins_mX*_nbins_q2; if ( (ibin_mX < 0) || (ibin_q2 < 0) || (ibin_El < 0) ) { report(ERROR,"EvtVubHybrid") << "Cannot determine hybrid weight " << "for this event " << "-> assign weight = 0" << endl; return 0.0; } return _weights[ibin]; } void EvtVubBLNPHybrid::readWeights(int startArg) { _weights = new double[_nbins]; double maxw = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < _nbins; i++, startArg++) { _weights[i] = getArg(startArg); if (_weights[i] > maxw) maxw = _weights[i]; } if (maxw == 0) { report(ERROR,"EvtVubBLNPHybrid") << "EvtVub generator expected at least one " << " weight > 0, but found none! " << "Will terminate execution!"<