/******************************************************************************* * Project: BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II B-factory * Package: EvtGenBase * Author: Denis Dujmic, ddujmic@slac.stanford.edu * * Copyright (C) 2005 SLAC *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "EvtGenBase/EvtComplex.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtLASSAmp.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtDalitzCoord.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtdFunction.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtCyclic3.hh" using std::endl; using EvtCyclic3::Index; using EvtCyclic3::Pair; EvtLASSAmp::EvtLASSAmp(EvtDalitzPlot *dp, EvtCyclic3::Pair pair, double m0, double g0, double a, double r, double cutoff, std::string subtype) : EvtAmplitude(), _pair(pair), _m0(m0), _g0(g0), _r(r), _a(a), _cutoff(cutoff), _subtype(subtype) { _dalitzSpace = dp; double ma = dp->m( first(pair) ); double mb = dp->m( second(pair) ); double E0a = 0.5 * (_m0*_m0 + ma*ma - mb*mb) / _m0; _q0 = E0a*E0a - ma*ma; assert(_q0>0); _q0 = sqrt(_q0); } EvtLASSAmp::EvtLASSAmp(const EvtLASSAmp& other) : EvtAmplitude(other), _pair(other._pair), _m0(other._m0), _g0(other._g0), _q0(other._q0), _r(other._r), _a(other._a), _cutoff(other._cutoff), _subtype(other._subtype) { _dalitzSpace = other._dalitzSpace; } EvtLASSAmp::~EvtLASSAmp() {} EvtComplex EvtLASSAmp::amplitude(const EvtDalitzPoint &dalitzPoint) const { /* Parameterization of Kpi S-wave using LASS scattering data. - Nucl.Phys.B296, 493 (1988) - W.Dunwoodie,http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~wmd/kpi_swave/kpi_swave_fit.note m m0^2*Gamma0/q0 ----------------- + exp(2*i*delta) * -------------------------------- q*cot(delta)-i*q m0^2-m^2 - i*m0*Gamma0*q/m*m0/q0 where q = momentum of K or pi in Kpi system q*cot(delta) = 1/ a + 1/2 * [ r * q**2 ] a = scattering length r = effective range */ double s = dalitzPoint.q(_pair); double m = sqrt(s); double q = dalitzPoint.p(first(_pair), _pair); // elastic scattering double qcotd = 1./_a + 0.5*_r*q*q; EvtComplex lass_elastic = m<_cutoff ? m / ( qcotd - EvtComplex(0,q) ) : 0; // relative phase double cosd=1; double sind=0; if (q>0) { cosd = qcotd*qcotd/(q*q); cosd = sqrt( cosd/(1+cosd) ); sind = sqrt( 1-cosd*cosd ); } EvtComplex lass_phase( cosd, sind); lass_phase *= lass_phase; // K*(1430) double gamma = _g0 * q/m * _m0/_q0; EvtComplex lass_Kstar = (_m0*_m0)*(_g0/_q0)/(_m0*_m0-m*m-EvtComplex(0.,_m0*gamma)); EvtComplex theAmplitude(0.0, 0.0); if (_subtype == "LASS_ELASTIC") { theAmplitude = lass_elastic; } else if (_subtype == "LASS_RESONANT") { theAmplitude = lass_phase * lass_Kstar; } else { theAmplitude = lass_phase * lass_Kstar + lass_elastic; } return theAmplitude; }