//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // File and Version Information: // $Id: EvtMassAmp.cpp,v 1.3 2009-03-16 15:47:10 robbep Exp $ // // Environment: // This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly // for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part // of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement. // // Copyright Information: // Copyright (C) 1998 Caltech, UCSB // // Module creator: // Alexei Dvoretskii, Caltech, 2001-2002. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtMassAmp.hh" EvtMassAmp::EvtMassAmp(const EvtPropBreitWignerRel& prop, const EvtTwoBodyVertex& vd) : EvtAmplitude() ,_prop(prop), _vd(vd), _vb(0) ,_useBirthFact(false), _useDeathFact(false) ,_useBirthFactFF(false), _useDeathFactFF(false) {} EvtMassAmp::EvtMassAmp(const EvtMassAmp& other) : EvtAmplitude(other) ,_prop(other._prop), _vd(other._vd) ,_vb(other._vb ? new EvtTwoBodyVertex(*other._vb) : 0) ,_useBirthFact(other._useBirthFact) ,_useDeathFact(other._useDeathFact) ,_useBirthFactFF(other._useBirthFactFF) ,_useDeathFactFF(other._useDeathFactFF) {} EvtMassAmp::~EvtMassAmp() { if(_vb) delete _vb; } EvtComplex EvtMassAmp::amplitude(const EvtPoint1D& p) const { // Modified vertex double m = p.value(); // keep things from crashing.. if ( m< (_vd.mA()+_vd.mB()) ) return EvtComplex(0.,0.); EvtTwoBodyKine vd(_vd.mA(),_vd.mB(),m); // Compute mass-dependent width for relativistic propagator EvtPropBreitWignerRel bw(_prop.m0(),_prop.g0()*_vd.widthFactor(vd)); EvtComplex amp = bw.evaluate(m); // Birth vertex factors if(_useBirthFact) { assert(_vb); if ( (m+_vb->mB()) < _vb->mAB() ) { EvtTwoBodyKine vb(m,_vb->mB(),_vb->mAB()); amp *= _vb->phaseSpaceFactor(vb,EvtTwoBodyKine::AB); amp *= sqrt((vb.p() / _vb->pD())); if(_useBirthFactFF) { assert(_vb); amp *= _vb->formFactor(vb); } } else{ if ( _vb->L() != 0 ) amp=0.; } } // Decay vertex factors if(_useDeathFact) { amp *= _vd.phaseSpaceFactor(vd,EvtTwoBodyKine::AB); amp *= sqrt((vd.p() / _vd.pD())); } if(_useDeathFactFF) amp *= _vd.formFactor(vd); return amp; }