//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // File and Version Information: // $Id: EvtMultiChannelParser.cpp,v 1.4 2009-03-16 15:46:01 robbep Exp $ // // Environment: // This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly // for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part // of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement. // // Copyright Information: // Copyright (C) 1998 Caltech, UCSB // // Module creator: // Alexei Dvoretskii, Caltech, 2001-2002. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "EvtGenBase/EvtParser.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtMultiChannelParser.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtDecayMode.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPDL.hh" using std::string; using std::vector; EvtDecayMode EvtMultiChannelParser::getDecayMode(const char* file) { // Open file, read tokens EvtParser parser; parser.read(file); // Seek Decay int i = 0; int N = parser.getNToken(); while(i dauV; // Get daughters while(1) { std::string d = parser.getToken(i++); if(EvtPDL::getStdHep(EvtPDL::getId(d.c_str())) == 0) break; dauV.push_back(string(d.c_str())); } EvtDecayMode mode(mother,dauV); printf("Decay File defines mode %s\n",mode.mode().c_str()); return mode; } void EvtMultiChannelParser::parse(const char* file, const char* model) { // Open file, read tokens EvtParser parser; parser.read(file); // Get parameters (tokens between the model name and ;) int i = 0; int N = parser.getNToken(); // Seek the model name while(i v; while(i& v) { // place holder for strtod char** tc = 0; // Get PDF maximum or number of points to // use in the scan. if(v[0] == std::string("MAXPDF")) { _pdfMax = strtod(v[1].c_str(),tc); if(_pdfMax <= 0) { printf("Bad pdfMax=%f\n",_pdfMax); assert(0); } } else if(v[0] == std::string("SCANPDF")) { _nScan = atoi(v[1].c_str()); } else { printf("Error parsing decay file\n"); assert(0); } // Now parse the rest of file for amplitude specifications. bool conjugate = false; size_t i = 2; assert(isKeyword(v[2])); while(i < v.size()) { size_t i0 = i; // Switch to conjugate amplitudes after keyword if(v[i] == std::string("CONJUGATE")) { assert(conjugate == false); conjugate = true; i++; _dm = strtod(v[i++].c_str(),tc); _mixAmpli = strtod(v[i++].c_str(),tc); _mixPhase = strtod(v[i++].c_str(),tc); } if (i >= v.size()) break; std::vector params; EvtComplex c; int format; if(!conjugate && v[i] == std::string("AMPLITUDE")) { while(!isKeyword(v[++i])) params.push_back(v[i]); _amp.push_back(params); parseComplexCoef(i,v,c,format); _ampCoef.push_back(c); _coefFormat.push_back(format); continue; } else if(conjugate && v[i] == std::string("AMPLITUDE")) { while(!isKeyword(v[++i])) params.push_back(v[i]); _ampConj.push_back(params); parseComplexCoef(i,v,c,format); _ampConjCoef.push_back(c); _coefConjFormat.push_back(format); continue; } else { printf("Expect keyword, found parameter %s\n",v[i].c_str()); assert(0); } assert(i > i0); _unused( i0 ); } printf("PARSING SUCCESSFUL\n"); printf("%d amplitude terms\n",(int)_amp.size()); printf("%d conj amplitude terms\n",(int)_ampConj.size()); } void EvtMultiChannelParser::parseComplexCoef(size_t& i, const std::vector& v, EvtComplex& c, int& format) { // place holder for strtod char** tc = 0; std::string coefString = v[i++]; assert(coefString == std::string("COEFFICIENT")); if(v[i] == std::string("POLAR_DEG")) { double mag = strtod(v[i+1].c_str(),tc); double phaseRad = strtod(v[i+2].c_str(),tc)*EvtConst::pi/180.0; i += 3; c = EvtComplex(mag*cos(phaseRad),mag*sin(phaseRad)); format = POLAR_DEG; } else if(v[i] == std::string("POLAR_RAD")) { double mag = strtod(v[i+1].c_str(),tc); double phaseRad = strtod(v[i+2].c_str(),tc); i += 3; c = EvtComplex(mag*cos(phaseRad),mag*sin(phaseRad)); format = POLAR_RAD; } else if(v[i] == std::string("CARTESIAN")) { double re = strtod(v[i+1].c_str(),tc); double im = strtod(v[i+2].c_str(),tc); i += 3; c = EvtComplex(re,im); format = CARTESIAN; } else { printf("Invalid format %s for complex coefficient\n",v[i].c_str()); exit(0); } } double EvtMultiChannelParser::parseRealCoef(int& i, const std::vector& v) { // place holder for strtod char** tc = 0; double value = 0; if(v[i] == std::string("COEFFICIENT")) { value = strtod(v[i+1].c_str(),tc); } else assert(0); i += 2; assert(value > 0.); return value; } bool EvtMultiChannelParser::isKeyword(const std::string& s) { if(s == std::string("AMPLITUDE")) return true; if(s == std::string("CONJUGATE")) return true; if(s == std::string("COEFFICIENT")) return true; return false; }