C-------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Environment: C This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly C for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part C of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement. C C Copyright Information: See EvtGen/COPYRIGHT C Copyright (C) 1998 Caltech, UCSB C C Module: EvtBToKpipi.F C C Description: C C Modification history: C C DJL/RYD August 11, 1998 Module created C C------------------------------------------------------------------------ C=================================================================== C This package is providing a neutral B -->-- K pi pi decay generator C Its is composed of the following subroutines: C C [*] HowToUse C This is an How To Use routine where one may find the C implementation of the time dependance: That is to C say that it shows how the output of the routine is C supposed to be used in the mind of the authors. C C=================================================================== C [0] EVTKpipi C The routine to be called. Note that on the first call C some initialization will be made, in particular the C computation of a normalization factor designed to help C the subsequent time-dependent generation of events. C The normalisation done inside EVTKpipi is such that C at the level of the time implementation, the maximum C time-dependant weight is unity : nothing is to be C computed to generate unity-weight events. The exact C meaning of the above is made explicit in the HowToUse C routine. C [1] first_step_Kpipi C Generation of the kinematics of the 3 prongs C It uses the function evtranf which is a random number C generator providing an uniform distribution C of Real*4 random number between 0 and 1 C [2] compute C return the amplitudes of the B0 -->-- K+pi-pi0 C corrected for the generation mechanism. c Note that this is a Tagging Mode. The CP conjugate c mode (B0bar -->-- K-pi+pi0) is treated at the same time. C [3] BreitWigner C compute the Breit-Wigner of the contributing K* and rho C taking into account the cosine term linked to the C zero-helicity of the spin-1 resonances. There is two c forms of Breit-Wigners available. The first one is the c simple non-relativistic form, while the second is the C relativistic expressions. C The default setting is the relativistic one. C [4] Set_constants C Set the constants values, from the pion mass to the C penguin contributions. It is called by EVTKpipi C C And other routines which do not deserve comment here. C=================================================================== c Implicit none C Real Hmemor C Common/Pawc/Hmemor(1000000) C Call Hlimit(1000000) C Call EvtHowToUse_Kpipi C Stop C End subroutine EvtHowToUse_Kpipi Implicit none Real*8 alphaCP, betaCP Integer iset,number,j,N_gener,N_asked Real*8 p_K_plus(4),p_pi_minus(4) Real*8 p_gamma_1(4),p_gamma_2(4) Real*8 Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0Bar Real*8 Weight,Weight_max Real*8 m_Kstarp,m_Kstar0,m_rhom Real*8 Wrong Real*8 Evtranf,Tag alphaCP = 1.35 betaCP = 0.362 N_gener = 0 N_asked = 100000 weight_max = 1.0 c run : Simulation of the Anders Ryd Generator Do number=1,N_asked ! weighted events as generated here If(number.eq.1) then iset=10000 ! 10^4 events are used to normalize amplitudes Else iset=0 ! iset must be reset to zero after the first call End If c Here is the call to EVTKpipi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c communication of data is done by argument only <<<<<<<< call EVTKpipi( + alphaCP,betaCP,iset, + p_K_plus,p_pi_minus, + p_gamma_1,p_gamma_2, + Real_B0,Imag_B0,real_B0bar,Imag_B0bar) C that is it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c select the Tag Tag =evtranf() c generate acording to the tag If(Tag.gt.0.5) Then c a B0bar tag => the decay is one from a B0 Weight= Real_B0 **2 + Imag_B0 **2 Else c a B0 tag => the decay is one from a B0bar Weight= Real_B0bar **2 + Imag_B0bar **2 End If If(Weight.Gt.evtranf()) Then c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c unweighted event production c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N_gener=N_gener+1 C here is just a Dalitz plot and a few prints m_Kstarp=(p_K_plus (4)+p_gamma_1(4)+p_gamma_2(4))**2 m_rhom =(p_pi_minus (4)+p_gamma_1(4)+p_gamma_2(4))**2 m_Kstar0=(p_K_plus (4)+p_pi_minus (4)) **2 do j=1,3 m_Kstarp=m_Kstarp -(p_K_plus (j)+p_gamma_1(j)+p_gamma_2(j))**2 m_rhom =m_rhom -(p_pi_minus (j)+p_gamma_1(j)+p_gamma_2(j))**2 m_Kstar0=m_Kstar0 -(p_K_plus (j)+p_pi_minus (j)) **2 end do c here is the Dalitz plot when assuming the pion mass for the Kaon c the energy is redefined Wrong =0. do j=1,3 Wrong = Wrong + p_K_plus(j)**2 end do Wrong = Dsqrt(Wrong+0.139**2) m_Kstarp=(Wrong +p_gamma_1(4)+p_gamma_2(4))**2 m_Kstar0=(Wrong +p_pi_minus (4)) **2 do j=1,3 m_Kstarp=m_Kstarp -(p_K_plus (j)+p_gamma_1(j)+p_gamma_2(j))**2 m_Kstar0=m_Kstar0 -(p_K_plus (j)+p_pi_minus (j)) **2 end do c here is a check that weight_max is one If(Weight.gt.Weight_max) Then Weight_max=Weight Print*,' overweighted event found at weight = ',Weight_max End If c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- End If c end of the loop over events End Do Print*,'number of unity-weight events generated : ',N_gener Print*,'number of trials : ',N_asked End C=================================================================== subroutine EvtKpipi( + alpha_input,beta_input,iset, + p_K_plus,p_pi_minus, + p_gamma_1,p_gamma_2, + Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0bar) c----------------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- This is the routine to be called by the Main generator c to get the decay of B0 -->-- K+ pi- pi0 c The decay proceeeds through three channels: c a) B0 -->-- K*+ pi- ; K*+ -->-- K+ pi0 c b) K*0 pi0 ; K*0bar -->-- K+ pi- c c) K- rho+ ; rho+ -->-- pi+ pi0 c .) The K0 rho0 channel is not implemented since it does c not lead to Kpipi final state, but it is interesting c in itself. c It provides at the same time the CP conjugate decay c B0bar -->-- K- pi+ pi0 c**************************************************************************** c --- Outputs are : c c --- p_K_plus : the four momentum of the K+ c --- p_pi_minus : ........................ pi- c --- p_gamma_1 : ........................ first gamma of the pi0 c --- p_gamma_2 : ........................ second gamma of the pi0 c c Note that : the energy is stored in the fourth component c the values are the ones of the B rest frame c a random rotation has been applied c c --- Real_B0 : The real part of the amplitude of the decay c B0 -->-- K+ pi- pi0 c --- Imag_B0 : ... imaginary .................................. c similarly c --- Real_B0bar : The real part of the amplitude of the decay c B0bar -->-- K- pi+ pi0 c --- Imag_B0bar : ... imaginary .................................. c**************************************************************************** c----------------------------------------------------------------- Implicit none #include "EvtGenModels/EvtBTo3pi.inc" Real*8 alpha_input, beta_input Integer iset Real*8 p_K_plus(4),p_pi_minus(4) Real*8 p_gamma_1(4),p_gamma_2(4) Real*8 Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0Bar c Working quantities Integer i,number Real*8 p1(5),p2(5),p3(5) Real*8 Gamma1(5),Gamma2(5) Real*8 factor_max,ABp,ABm Integer ierr data factor_max/1.D+00/ ierr =0 c------------------------------------------------------------------- If(iset.eq.0) Then c------------------------------------------------------------------- c this is the normal mode of operation c First, generate the kinematics p1(5)= M_Kp **2 p2(5)= M_pim**2 p3(5)= M_pi0**2 10 continue call Evtfirst_step_Kpipi(p1,p2,p3) c Then, compute the amplitudes Call EvtCompute_Kpipi(p1,p2,p3, + Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0Bar,iset,ierr) if(ierr.ne.0 ) Go To 10 c----------------nedit EvtBto--------------------------------------------------- ElseIf(iset.lt.0) Then c------------------------------------------------------------------- c This is an user mode of operation where the kinematics is c provided by the user who only wants the corresponding amplitudes c to be computed Do i=1,4 p1(i)= p_K_plus (i) p2(i)= p_pi_minus(i) p3(i)= p_gamma_1 (i) + p_gamma_2 (i) End Do p1(5)= M_Kp **2 p2(5)= M_pim**2 p3(5)= M_pi0**2 Call EvtCompute_Kpipi(p1,p2,p3, + Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0Bar,iset,ierr) if(ierr.ne.0) Then Print*,'the provided kinematics are not physical' Print*,'ierr=',ierr Print*,'the program will stop' Stop endif c------------------------------------------------------------------- ElseIf(iset.gt.0) Then c------------------------------------------------------------------- c This is the pre-run mode of operation where initializations are c performed. factor_max= 0 call Evtset_constants(alpha_input, beta_input) p1(5)= M_Kp **2 p2(5)= M_pim**2 p3(5)= M_pi0**2 c pre-run Do number=1,iset 20 continue call Evtfirst_step_Kpipi(p1,p2,p3) Call EvtCompute_Kpipi(p1,p2,p3, + Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0Bar,iset,ierr) if(ierr.ne.0) Go To 20 ABp = Real_B0 **2 + Imag_B0 **2 ABm = Real_B0bar **2 + Imag_B0Bar **2 If(ABp.gt.factor_max) factor_max=ABp If(ABm.gt.factor_max) factor_max=ABm End Do c end of the pre-run factor_max=1.D+00/Dsqrt(factor_max) c------------------------------------------------------------------- End If c------------------------------------------------------------------- Real_B0 =Real_B0 * factor_max Imag_B0 =Imag_B0 * factor_max Real_B0bar=Real_B0bar * factor_max Imag_B0Bar=Imag_B0Bar * factor_max if(iset.lt.0) return c P1,p2,p3 ---> random rotation in B rest frame Call EvtRotation(p1,1) Call EvtRotation(p2,0) Call EvtRotation(p3,0) C Desintegrate the pi_0 s Call EvtGammaGamma(p3,Gamma1,Gamma2) C Feed the output four vectors Do i=1,4 p_K_plus (i)=p1 (i) p_pi_minus(i)=p2 (i) p_gamma_1 (i)=Gamma1(i) p_gamma_2 (i)=Gamma2(i) End Do Return End c=================================================================== subroutine Evtfirst_step_Kpipi(P1,P2,P3) c----------------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- This routine generates the 5-vectors P1,P2,P3 c --- Associated respectively with the Pi+ and two Pi0 s c --- P1(1) = Px c --- P1(2) = Py c --- P1(3) = Pz c --- P1(4) = E c --- P1(5) = M**2 c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Input Four Vectors C --- Particle [1] is the K+ C --- Particle [2] is the pi- C --- Particle [3] is the pi0 c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- commons c ---------------------------------------------------------- #include "EvtGenModels/EvtBTo3pi.inc" c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Used Functions c ---------------------------------------------------------- real*8 evtranf c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Variables in Argument c ---------------------------------------------------------- real*8 P1(5),P2(5),P3(5) c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Local Variables c ---------------------------------------------------------- real*8 m12,min_m12, max_m12 real*8 m13,min_m13, max_m13 real*8 m23,min_m23, max_m23 Real*8 cost13,cost12,cost23 real*8 p1mom,p2mom,p3mom real*8 x, y, z, mass integer i Logical Phase_space data Phase_space/.false./ c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Computation c ---------------------------------------------------------- max_m12 = M_B**2 min_m12 = P1(5) + P2(5) + 2.*Dsqrt(p1(5)*p2(5)) max_m13 = M_B**2 min_m13 = P1(5) + P3(5) + 2.*Dsqrt(p1(5)*p3(5)) max_m23 = M_B**2 min_m23 = P2(5) + P3(5) + 2.*Dsqrt(p2(5)*p3(5)) 100 Continue c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Generation of the Mass of the Rho or Kstar c ---------------------------------------------------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- z is the Flag needed to choose between the generation c --- of a K*+, K*0 or rho- resonance c ---------------------------------------------------------- z = 3.*evtranf() MC2 = M_B**2 If(z.lt.1.) Then c K*+ production If(Phase_space) Then m13 = evtranf()*(max_m13-min_m13)+min_m13 Else y = evtranf()*PI - PI/2. x = Dtan(y) mass = x*Gam_Kstarp/2. +Mass_Kstarp m13 = mass**2 End If m12 = evtranf()*(max_m12-min_m12)+min_m12 m23 = MC2 - m12 - m13 ElseIf(z.lt.2.) Then c K*0 production If(Phase_space) Then m12 = evtranf()*(max_m12-min_m12)+min_m12 Else y = evtranf()*PI - PI/2. x = Dtan(y) mass = x*Gam_Kstar0/2. +Mass_Kstar0 m12 = mass**2 End If m13 = evtranf()*(max_m13-min_m13)+min_m13 m23 = MC2 - m12 - m13 Else c rho- production If(Phase_space) Then m23 = evtranf()*(max_m23-min_m23)+min_m23 Else y = evtranf()*PI - PI/2. x = Dtan(y) mass = x*Gam_rho/2. +Mass_rho m23 = mass**2 End If m13 = evtranf()*(max_m13-min_m13)+min_m13 m12 = MC2 - m23 - m13 Endif c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Check that the physics is OK : c --- Are the invariant Masses in allowed ranges ? c ---------------------------------------------------------- If(m23.lt.min_m23.or.m23.gt.max_m23) Go to 100 If(m13.lt.min_m13.or.m13.gt.max_m13) Go to 100 If(m12.lt.min_m12.or.m12.gt.max_m12) Go to 100 c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Are the Cosines of the angles between particles c --- Between -1 and +1 ? c ---------------------------------------------------------- P1(4)=(M_B**2+P1(5)-m23)/(2.*M_B) P2(4)=(M_B**2+P2(5)-m13)/(2.*M_B) P3(4)=(M_B**2+P3(5)-m12)/(2.*M_B) p1mom=p1(4)**2-P1(5) p2mom=p2(4)**2-P2(5) p3mom=p3(4)**2-P3(5) If(p1mom.lt.0) Go to 100 If(p2mom.lt.0) Go to 100 If(p3mom.lt.0) Go to 100 p1mom=Dsqrt(p1mom) p2mom=Dsqrt(p2mom) p3mom=Dsqrt(p3mom) cost13=(2.*p1(4)*p3(4)+P1(5)+p3(5)-m13)/(2.*p1mom*p3mom) cost12=(2.*p1(4)*p2(4)+P1(5)+p2(5)-m12)/(2.*p1mom*p2mom) cost23=(2.*p2(4)*p3(4)+P2(5)+p3(5)-m23)/(2.*p2mom*p3mom) If(Dabs(cost13).gt.1.) Go to 100 If(Dabs(cost12).gt.1.) Go to 100 If(Dabs(cost23).gt.1.) Go to 100 c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Filling the 5-vectors P1,P2,P3 c ---------------------------------------------------------- P3(1) = 0 P3(2) = 0 p3(3) = p3mom P1(3) = p1mom*cost13 P1(1) = p1mom*Dsqrt(1.D+00-cost13**2) p1(2) = 0. Do i=1,3 P2(i)=-p1(i)-p3(i) End do END c====================================================================== Subroutine EvtCompute_Kpipi(p1,p2,p3, + Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0Bar,iset,ierr) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT None #include "EvtGenModels/EvtBTo3pi.inc" Real*8 m12, m13, m23, W12, W13, W23, Wtot Real*8 evt_gmas Complex*16 MatB0,MatB0bar,BW12,BW13,BW23 Real*8 Real_B0,Imag_B0,Real_B0bar,Imag_B0Bar Real*8 p1(5),p2(5),p3(5) Integer ierr,iset Complex*16 BrightWagner,BreitWigner ierr = 0 c ---------------------------------------------------------------- C --- Account for the pole compensation c ---------------------------------------------------------------- m12 = evt_gmas(p1,p2) m13 = evt_gmas(p1,p3) m23 = evt_gmas(p2,p3) if(m12.lt.0. .or. m13.lt.0. .or. m23.lt.0.) Then ierr=1 Print*,'ierr = ',ierr return endif m12 = sqrt(m12) m13 = sqrt(m13) m23 = sqrt(m23) W12 = 1. / (((Mass_Kstar0 - m12)**2+(Gam_Kstar0/2.)**2)*m12) W13 = 1. / (((Mass_Kstarp - m13)**2+(Gam_Kstarp/2.)**2)*m13) W23 = 1. / (((Mass_rho - m23)**2+(Gam_rho /2.)**2)*m23) if(iset.ge.0) Then Wtot = 1.D+00/Dsqrt(W12 + W13 + W23) else Wtot =1. Endif c ---------------------------------------------------------------- C --- Compute Breit-Wigners c ---------------------------------------------------------------- BW13=BrightWagner(p1,p3,p2,Mass_Kstarp,Gam_Kstarp,ierr) If(ierr.ne.0) Return BW12=BrightWagner(p1,p2,p3,Mass_Kstar0,Gam_Kstar0,ierr) If(ierr.ne.0) Return c If the rho is to be treated on the same footing as K* ==> use the line below c BW23=BrightWagner(p2,p3,p1,Mass_Rho ,Gam_Rho ,ierr) BW23=BreitWigner(p2,p3,p1,ierr) If(ierr.ne.0) Return c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c - and C --- Build up the amplitudes c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c Here come the relative amplitudes of the three decay channels c First, one computes the B0 decay B0 ->- K+ pi- pi0 MatB0 = MatKstarp * BW13 > + MatKstar0 * BW12 > + MatKrho * BW23 c Second, one computes the B0bar decay B0bar ->- K- pi+ pi0 MatB0bar = NatKstarp * BW13 > + NatKstar0 * BW12 > + NatKrho * BW23 c Pick up the Real and Imaginary parts Real_B0 = dreal(MatB0 )*Wtot Imag_B0 = Imag(MatB0 )*Wtot Real_B0bar = dreal(MatB0bar)*Wtot Imag_B0Bar = Imag(MatB0bar)*Wtot Return End c====================================================================== Function BrightWagner(p1,p2,p3,Mass,Width,ierr) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT None #include "EvtGenModels/EvtBTo3pi.inc" Complex *16 BrightWagner,EvtRBW Integer ierr Logical RelatBW Data RelatBW/.true./ Real*8 Mass,Width,Am2Min c --------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Input Four Vectors c --------------------------------------------------------------- Real*8 p1(5),p2(5),p3(5) c --------------------------------------------------------------- C --- intermediate variables c --------------------------------------------------------------- Real*8 E12_2,m12_2,beta,gamma,argu,m13_2,costet,coscms,m12 Real*8 Factor,Num_real,Num_imag Integer i Real *8 p1z,p1zcms12,e1cms12,p1cms12 c --------------------------------------------------------------- C --- Boost factor c --------------------------------------------------------------- BrightWagner=Dcmplx(0,0) ierr = 0 E12_2=(p1(4)+p2(4))**2 m12_2=E12_2 Do i=1,3 m12_2=m12_2-(p1(i)+p2(i))**2 End Do Argu = 1.D+00 - m12_2 / E12_2 If(argu.gt.0.) Then beta = Dsqrt(Argu) Else Print *,'Abnormal beta ! Argu = ',Argu Argu = 0. Beta = 0. End If If(m12_2.gt.0.)Then m12 = Dsqrt(m12_2) Else Print *,'Abnormal m12 ! m12_2 = ',m12_2 Print*,'p1 = ',p1 Print*,'p2 = ',p2 Print*,'p3 = ',p3 Stop End if gamma=Dsqrt(E12_2/m12_2) c --------------------------------------------------------------- C --- get the cosine in the B CMS c --------------------------------------------------------------- m13_2=(p1(4)+p3(4))**2 Do i=1,3 m13_2=m13_2-(p1(i)+p3(i))**2 End Do if(m13_2.lt.0) Go To 50 if((p1(4)**2-p1(5)).lt.0) Go To 50 if((p3(4)**2-p3(5)).lt.0) Go To 50 costet= (2.D+00*p1(4)*p3(4)-m13_2+p1(5)+p3(5)) > / > (2.D+00*Dsqrt( (p1(4)**2-p1(5)) * (p3(4)**2-p3(5)) )) c --------------------------------------------------------------- C --- get the costet in the 1-2 CMS c --------------------------------------------------------------- p1z=dsqrt(P1(4)**2-p1(5))*costet p1zcms12=gamma*(p1z+beta*P1(4)) e1cms12 =gamma*(p1(4)+beta*p1z) p1cms12 =Dsqrt(e1cms12**2-p1(5)) coscms=p1zcms12/p1cms12 c --------------------------------------------------------------- C --- Build the Breit Wigner c --------------------------------------------------------------- If(RelatBW) then Am2Min = p1(5) + p2(5) + 2.*Dsqrt( p1(5)*p2(5) ) BrightWagner = coscms * EvtRBW(m12_2,Mass**2,Width,Am2Min) Else Factor = 2.D+00* ( (Mass-m12)**2+(0.5D+00*Width)**2 ) Factor = coscms * Width / Factor Num_real= (Mass-m12) * Factor Num_imag= 0.5D+00*Width * Factor BrightWagner=Dcmplx(Num_real,Num_imag) End if Return 50 continue ierr = 2 Return End FUNCTION EvtRBW(s,Am2,Gam,Am2Min) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) COMPLEX*16 EvtRBW EvtRBW = 0. IF (s.le.Am2Min) RETURN G = Gam* (Am2/s) * ((s-Am2Min)/(Am2-Am2Min))**1.5 D = (Am2-s)**2 + s*G**2 X = Am2*(Am2-s) Y = Am2*SQRT(s)*G EvtRBW = DCMPLX(X/D,Y/D) RETURN END