//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Environment: // This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly // for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part // of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement. // // Copyright Information: See EvtGen/COPYRIGHT // Copyright (C) 1998 Caltech, UCSB // // Module: EvtBToKpipiCP.cc // // Description: Routine to decay B->K pi pi // and has CP violation. // --- This is the routine to be called by the Main generator // to get the decay of B0 -->-- K+ pi- pi0 // The decay proceeeds through three channels: // a) B0 -->-- K*+ pi- ; K*+ -->-- K+ pi0 // b) K*0 pi0 ; K*0bar -->-- K+ pi- // c) K- rho+ ; rho+ -->-- pi+ pi0 // It provides at the same time the CP conjugate decay // B0bar -->-- K- pi+ pi0 // // Modification history: // // Versille September, 1997 Module created // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh" #include #include "EvtGenBase/EvtParticle.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtGenKine.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtCPUtil.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPDL.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtReport.hh" #include "EvtGenModels/EvtBToKpipiCP.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtId.hh" #include #ifdef WIN32 extern "C" { extern void __stdcall EVTKPIPI(double *, double *, int *,double *, double *,double *,double *,double *, double *,double *,double *); } #else extern "C" { extern void evtkpipi_(double *, double *, int *,double *, double *,double *,double *,double *, double *,double *,double *); } #endif EvtBToKpipiCP::~EvtBToKpipiCP() {} std::string EvtBToKpipiCP::getName(){ return "BTOKPIPI_CP"; } EvtDecayBase* EvtBToKpipiCP::clone(){ return new EvtBToKpipiCP; } void EvtBToKpipiCP::init(){ // check that there are 3 arguments checkNArg(3); checkNDaug(3); checkSpinParent(EvtSpinType::SCALAR); checkSpinDaughter(0,EvtSpinType::SCALAR); checkSpinDaughter(1,EvtSpinType::SCALAR); checkSpinDaughter(2,EvtSpinType::SCALAR); double alpha=getArg(1); double beta=getArg(2); int iset; iset=10000; double p4Kplus[4],p4piminus[4],p4gamm1[4],p4gamm2[4]; double realA,imgA,realbarA,imgbarA; #ifdef WIN32 EVTKPIPI(&alpha,&beta,&iset,p4Kplus,p4piminus,p4gamm1,p4gamm2, &realA,&imgA,&realbarA,&imgbarA); #else evtkpipi_(&alpha,&beta,&iset,p4Kplus,p4piminus,p4gamm1,p4gamm2, &realA,&imgA,&realbarA,&imgbarA); #endif } void EvtBToKpipiCP::decay( EvtParticle *p){ //added by Lange Jan4,2000 static EvtId B0=EvtPDL::getId("B0"); static EvtId B0B=EvtPDL::getId("anti-B0"); double t; EvtId other_b; EvtCPUtil::getInstance()->OtherB(p,t,other_b,0.5); EvtParticle *Kp,*pim,*pi0; p->makeDaughters(getNDaug(),getDaugs()); Kp=p->getDaug(0); pim=p->getDaug(1); pi0=p->getDaug(2); EvtVector4R p4[3]; //double dm=getArg(0); double alpha=getArg(1); double beta=getArg(2); int iset; iset=0; double p4Kplus[4],p4piminus[4],p4gamm1[4],p4gamm2[4]; double realA,imgA,realbarA,imgbarA; #ifdef WIN32 EVTKPIPI(&alpha,&beta,&iset,p4Kplus,p4piminus,p4gamm1,p4gamm2, &realA,&imgA,&realbarA,&imgbarA); #else evtkpipi_(&alpha,&beta,&iset,p4Kplus,p4piminus,p4gamm1,p4gamm2, &realA,&imgA,&realbarA,&imgbarA); #endif p4[0].set(p4Kplus[3],p4Kplus[0],p4Kplus[1],p4Kplus[2]); p4[1].set(p4piminus[3],p4piminus[0],p4piminus[1],p4piminus[2]); p4[2].set(p4gamm1[3]+p4gamm2[3],p4gamm1[0]+p4gamm2[0], p4gamm1[1]+p4gamm2[1],p4gamm1[2]+p4gamm2[2]); Kp->init( getDaug(0), p4[0] ); pim->init( getDaug(1), p4[1] ); pi0->init( getDaug(2), p4[2] ); EvtComplex amp; EvtComplex A(realA,imgA); EvtComplex Abar(realbarA,imgbarA); if (other_b==B0B){ amp=Abar; } if (other_b==B0){ amp=A; } vertex(amp); return ; }