//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // File and Version Information: // $Id: EvtBtoKD3P.cc,v 1.7 2009/02/19 03:23:29 ryd Exp $ // // Environment: // This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly // for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part // of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement. // // Copyright Information: // Copyright (C) 2003, Colorado State University // // Module creator: // Abi soffer, CSU, 2003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh" // Decay model that does the decay B+->D0K, D0->3 psudoscalars #include #include "EvtGenModels/EvtBtoKD3P.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtDecayTable.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtParticle.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtId.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtRandom.hh" #include "EvtGenModels/EvtPto3P.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtReport.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtDalitzPoint.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtCyclic3.hh" using std::endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------ EvtBtoKD3P::EvtBtoKD3P() : _model1(0), _model2(0), _decayedOnce(false) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------ EvtBtoKD3P::EvtBtoKD3P(const EvtBtoKD3P & other){ } //------------------------------------------------------------------ EvtBtoKD3P::~EvtBtoKD3P(){ } //------------------------------------------------------------------ EvtDecayBase * EvtBtoKD3P::clone(){ return new EvtBtoKD3P(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string EvtBtoKD3P::getName(){ return "BTOKD3P"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void EvtBtoKD3P::init(){ checkNArg(2); // r, phase checkNDaug(3); // K, D0(allowed), D0(suppressed). // The last two daughters are really one particle // check that the mother and all daughters are scalars: checkSpinParent ( EvtSpinType::SCALAR); checkSpinDaughter(0,EvtSpinType::SCALAR); checkSpinDaughter(1,EvtSpinType::SCALAR); checkSpinDaughter(2,EvtSpinType::SCALAR); // Check that the B dtr types are K D D: // get the parameters: _r = getArg(0); double phase = getArg(1); _exp = EvtComplex(cos(phase), sin(phase)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void EvtBtoKD3P::initProbMax(){ setProbMax(1); // this is later changed in decay() } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void EvtBtoKD3P::decay(EvtParticle *p){ // tell the subclass that we decay the daughter: _daugsDecayedByParentModel = true; // the K is the 1st daughter of the B EvtParticle. // The decay mode of the allowed D (the one produced in b->c decay) is 2nd // The decay mode of the suppressed D (the one produced in b->u decay) is 3rd const int KIND = 0; const int D1IND = 1; const int D2IND = 2; // generate kinematics of daughters (K and D): EvtId tempDaug[2] = {getDaug(KIND), getDaug(D1IND)}; p->initializePhaseSpace(2, tempDaug); // Get the D daughter particle and the decay models of the allowed // and suppressed D modes: EvtParticle * theD = p->getDaug(D1IND); EvtPto3P * model1 = (EvtPto3P*)(EvtDecayTable::getDecayFunc(theD)); // for the suppressed mode, re-initialize theD as the suppressed D alias: theD->init(getDaug(D2IND), theD->getP4()); EvtPto3P * model2 = (EvtPto3P*)(EvtDecayTable::getDecayFunc(theD)); // on the first call: if (false == _decayedOnce) { _decayedOnce = true; // store the D decay model pointers: _model1 = model1; _model2 = model2; // check the decay models of the first 2 daughters and that they // have the same final states: std::string name1=model1->getName(); std::string name2=model2->getName(); if (name1 != "PTO3P") { report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "D daughters of EvtBtoKD3P decay must decay via the \"PTO3P\" model" << endl << " but found to decay via " << name1.c_str() << " or " << name2.c_str() << ". Will terminate execution!" << endl; assert(0); } EvtId * daugs1 = model1->getDaugs(); EvtId * daugs2 = model2->getDaugs(); bool idMatch = true; int d; for (d = 0; d < 2; ++d) { if (daugs1[d] != daugs2[d]) { idMatch = false; } } if (false == idMatch) { report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "D daughters of EvtBtoKD3P decay must decay to the same final state" << endl << " particles in the same order (not CP-conjugate order)," << endl << " but they were found to decay to" << endl; for (d = 0; d < model1->getNDaug(); ++d) { report(ERROR,"") << " " << EvtPDL::name(daugs1[d]).c_str() << " "; } report(ERROR,"") << endl; for (d = 0; d < model1->getNDaug(); ++d) { report(ERROR,"") << " " << EvtPDL::name(daugs2[d]).c_str() << " "; } report(ERROR,"") << endl << ". Will terminate execution!" << endl; assert(0); } // estimate the probmax. Need to know the probmax's of the 2 // models for this: setProbMax(model1->getProbMax(0) + _r * _r * model2->getProbMax(0) + 2 * _r * sqrt(model1->getProbMax(0) * model2->getProbMax(0))); } // end of things to do on the first call // make sure the models haven't changed since the first call: if (_model1 != model1 || _model2 != model2) { report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "D daughters of EvtBtoKD3P decay should have only 1 decay modes, " << endl << " but a new decay mode was found after the first call" << endl << " Will terminate execution!" << endl; assert(0); } // get the cover function for each of the models and add them up. // They are summed with coefficients 1 because we are willing to // take a small inefficiency (~50%) in order to ensure that the // cover function is large enough without getting into complications // associated with the smallness of _r: EvtPdfSum * pc1 = model1->getPC(); EvtPdfSum * pc2 = model2->getPC(); EvtPdfSum pc; pc.addTerm(1.0, *pc1); pc.addTerm(1.0, *pc2); // from this combined cover function, generate the Dalitz point: EvtDalitzPoint x = pc.randomPoint(); // get the aptitude for each of the models on this point and add them up: EvtComplex amp1 = model1->amplNonCP(x); EvtComplex amp2 = model2->amplNonCP(x); EvtComplex amp = amp1 + amp2 * _r * _exp; // get the value of the cover function for this point and set the // relative amplitude for this decay: double comp = sqrt(pc.evaluate (x)); vertex (amp/comp); // Make the daughters of theD: theD->generateMassTree(); // Now generate the p4's of the daughters of theD: std::vector v = model2->initDaughters(x); if(v.size() != theD->getNDaug()) { report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Number of daughters " << theD->getNDaug() << " != " << "Momentum vector size " << v.size() << endl << " Terminating execution." << endl; assert(0); } // Apply the new p4's to the daughters: for(unsigned int i=0; igetNDaug(); ++i){ theD->getDaug(i)->init(model2->getDaugs()[i], v[i]); } }