//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Environment: // This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly // for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part // of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement. // // Module: EvtBtoXsllUtil.cc // // Description: Routine to generate non-resonant B -> Xs l+ l- decays. // It generates a dilepton mass spectrum according to // F.Kruger and L.M.Sehgal, Phys. Lett. B380, 199 (1996) // and then generates the two lepton momenta according to // A.Ali, G.Hiller, L.T.Handoko and T.Morozumi, Phys. Rev. D55, 4105 (1997). // Expressions for Wilson coefficients and power corrections are taken // from A.Ali, E.Lunghi, C.Greub and G.Hiller, Phys. Rev. D66, 034002 (2002). // Detailed formulae for shat dependence of these coefficients are taken // from H.H.Asatryan, H.M.Asatrian, C.Greub and M.Walker, PRD65, 074004 (2002) // and C.Bobeth, M.Misiak and J.Urban, Nucl. Phys. B574, 291 (2000). // The resultant Xs particles may be decayed by JETSET. // // Modification history: // // Stephane Willocq Jan 19, 2001 Module created // Stephane Willocq Nov 6, 2003 Update Wilson Coeffs & dG's // &Jeff Berryhill // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh" // #include #include "EvtGenBase/EvtRandom.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtParticle.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtGenKine.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPDL.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtReport.hh" #include "EvtGenModels/EvtBtoXsllUtil.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtComplex.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtConst.hh" #include "EvtGenBase/EvtDiLog.hh" EvtComplex EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC7Eff0(double sh, bool nnlo) { // This function returns the zeroth-order alpha_s part of C7 if (!nnlo) return -0.313; double A7; // use energy scale of 2.5 GeV as a computational trick (G.Hiller) // at least for shat > 0.25 A7 = -0.353 + 0.023; EvtComplex c7eff; if (sh > 0.25) { c7eff = A7; return c7eff; } // change energy scale to 5.0 for full NNLO calculation below shat = 0.25 A7 = -0.312 + 0.008; c7eff = A7; return c7eff; } EvtComplex EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC7Eff1(double sh, double mbeff, bool nnlo) { // This function returns the first-order alpha_s part of C7 if (!nnlo) return 0.0; double logsh; logsh = log(sh); EvtComplex uniti(0.0,1.0); EvtComplex c7eff = 0.0; if (sh > 0.25) { return c7eff; } // change energy scale to 5.0 for full NNLO calculation below shat = 0.25 double muscale = 5.0; double alphas = 0.215; //double A7 = -0.312 + 0.008; double A8 = -0.148; //double A9 = 4.174 + (-0.035); //double A10 = -4.592 + 0.379; double C1 = -0.487; double C2 = 1.024; //double T9 = 0.374 + 0.252; //double U9 = 0.033 + 0.015; //double W9 = 0.032 + 0.012; double Lmu = log(muscale/mbeff); EvtComplex F71; EvtComplex f71; EvtComplex k7100(-0.68192,-0.074998); EvtComplex k7101(0.0,0.0); EvtComplex k7110(-0.23935,-0.12289); EvtComplex k7111(0.0027424,0.019676); EvtComplex k7120(-0.0018555,-0.175); EvtComplex k7121(0.022864,0.011456); EvtComplex k7130(0.28248,-0.12783); EvtComplex k7131(0.029027,-0.0082265); f71 = k7100 + k7101*logsh + sh*(k7110 + k7111*logsh) + sh*sh*(k7120 + k7121*logsh) + sh*sh*sh*(k7130 + k7131*logsh); F71 = (-208.0/243.0)*Lmu + f71; EvtComplex F72; EvtComplex f72; EvtComplex k7200(4.0915,0.44999); EvtComplex k7201(0.0,0.0); EvtComplex k7210(1.4361,0.73732); EvtComplex k7211(-0.016454,-0.11806); EvtComplex k7220(0.011133,1.05); EvtComplex k7221(-0.13718,-0.068733); EvtComplex k7230(-1.6949,0.76698); EvtComplex k7231(-0.17416,0.049359); f72 = k7200 + k7201*logsh + sh*(k7210 + k7211*logsh) + sh*sh*(k7220 + k7221*logsh) + sh*sh*sh*(k7230 + k7231*logsh); F72 = (416.0/81.0)*Lmu + f72; EvtComplex F78; F78 = (-32.0/9.0)*Lmu + 8.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi/27.0 + (-44.0/9.0) + (-8.0*EvtConst::pi/9.0)*uniti + (4.0/3.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi - 40.0/3.0)*sh + (32.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi/9.0 - 316.0/9.0)*sh*sh + (200.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi/27.0 - 658.0/9.0)*sh*sh*sh + (-8.0*logsh/9.0)*(sh + sh*sh + sh*sh*sh); c7eff = - alphas/(4.0*EvtConst::pi)*(C1*F71 + C2*F72 + A8*F78); return c7eff; } EvtComplex EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC9Eff0(double sh, double /* mbeff */, bool nnlo, bool btod) { // This function returns the zeroth-order alpha_s part of C9 if (!nnlo) return 4.344; double mch = 0.29; double A9; A9 = 4.287 + (-0.218); double C1; C1 = -0.697; double C2; C2 = 1.046; double T9; T9 = 0.114 + 0.280; double U9; U9 = 0.045 + 0.023; double W9; W9 = 0.044 + 0.016; EvtComplex uniti(0.0,1.0); EvtComplex hc; double xarg; xarg = 4.0*mch/sh; hc = -4.0/9.0*log(mch*mch) + 8.0/27.0 + 4.0*xarg/9.0; if (xarg < 1.0) { hc = hc - 2.0/9.0*(2.0 + xarg)*sqrt(fabs(1.0 - xarg))* (log((sqrt(1.0 - xarg)+1.0)/(sqrt(1.0 - xarg) - 1.0)) - uniti*EvtConst::pi); } else { hc = hc - 2.0/9.0*(2.0 + xarg)*sqrt(fabs(1.0 - xarg))* 2.0*atan(1.0/sqrt(xarg-1.0)); } EvtComplex h1; xarg = 4.0/sh; h1 = 8.0/27.0 + 4.0*xarg/9.0; if (xarg < 1.0) { h1 = h1 - 2.0/9.0*(2.0 + xarg)*sqrt(fabs(1.0 - xarg))* (log((sqrt(1.0 - xarg)+1.0)/(sqrt(1.0 - xarg) - 1.0)) - uniti*EvtConst::pi); } else { h1 = h1 - 2.0/9.0*(2.0 + xarg)*sqrt(fabs(1.0 - xarg))* 2.0*atan(1.0/sqrt(xarg-1.0)); } EvtComplex h0; h0 = 8.0/27.0 - 4.0*log(2.0)/9.0 + 4.0*uniti*EvtConst::pi/9.0; // X=V_{ud}^* V_ub / V_{td}^* V_tb * (4/3 C_1 +C_2) * (h(\hat m_c^2, hat s)- // h(\hat m_u^2, hat s)) EvtComplex Vudstar(1.0 - 0.2279*0.2279/2.0, 0.0); EvtComplex Vub((0.118+0.273)/2.0, -1.0*(0.305+0.393)/2.0); EvtComplex Vtdstar(1.0 - (0.118+0.273)/2.0,(0.305+0.393)/2.0); EvtComplex Vtb(1.0,0.0); EvtComplex Xd; Xd = (Vudstar * Vub / Vtdstar * Vtb) * (4.0/3.0*C1 + C2) * (hc - h0); EvtComplex c9eff = 4.344; if (sh > 0.25) { c9eff = A9 + T9*hc + U9*h1 + W9*h0; if (btod) { c9eff += Xd; } return c9eff; } // change energy scale to 5.0 for full NNLO calculation below shat = 0.25 A9 = 4.174 + (-0.035); C1 = -0.487; C2 = 1.024; T9 = 0.374 + 0.252; U9 = 0.033 + 0.015; W9 = 0.032 + 0.012; Xd = (Vudstar * Vub / Vtdstar * Vtb) * (4.0/3.0*C1 + C2) * (hc - h0); c9eff = A9 + T9*hc + U9*h1 + W9*h0; if (btod) { c9eff += Xd; } return c9eff; } EvtComplex EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC9Eff1(double sh, double mbeff, bool nnlo, bool /*btod*/) { // This function returns the first-order alpha_s part of C9 if (!nnlo) return 0.0; double logsh; logsh = log(sh); double mch = 0.29; EvtComplex uniti(0.0,1.0); EvtComplex c9eff = 0.0; if (sh > 0.25) { return c9eff; } // change energy scale to 5.0 for full NNLO calculation below shat = 0.25 double muscale = 5.0; double alphas = 0.215; double C1 = -0.487; double C2 = 1.024; double A8 = -0.148; double Lmu = log(muscale/mbeff); EvtComplex F91; EvtComplex f91; EvtComplex k9100(-11.973,0.16371); EvtComplex k9101(-0.081271,-0.059691); EvtComplex k9110(-28.432,-0.25044); EvtComplex k9111(-0.040243,0.016442); EvtComplex k9120(-57.114,-0.86486); EvtComplex k9121(-0.035191,0.027909); EvtComplex k9130(-128.8,-2.5243); EvtComplex k9131(-0.017587,0.050639); f91 = k9100 + k9101*logsh + sh*(k9110 + k9111*logsh) + sh*sh*(k9120 + k9121*logsh) + sh*sh*sh*(k9130 + k9131*logsh); F91 = (-1424.0/729.0 + 16.0*uniti*EvtConst::pi/243.0 + 64.0/27.0*log(mch))*Lmu - 16.0*Lmu*logsh/243.0 + (16.0/1215.0 - 32.0/135.0/mch/mch)*Lmu*sh + (4.0/2835.0 - 8.0/315.0/mch/mch/mch/mch)*Lmu*sh*sh + (16.0/76545.0 - 32.0/8505.0/mch/mch/mch/mch/mch/mch)* Lmu*sh*sh*sh -256.0*Lmu*Lmu/243.0 + f91; EvtComplex F92; EvtComplex f92; EvtComplex k9200(6.6338,-0.98225); EvtComplex k9201(0.48763,0.35815); EvtComplex k9210(3.3585,1.5026); EvtComplex k9211(0.24146,-0.098649); EvtComplex k9220(-1.1906,5.1892); EvtComplex k9221(0.21115,-0.16745); EvtComplex k9230(-17.12,15.146); EvtComplex k9231(0.10552,-0.30383); f92 = k9200 + k9201*logsh + sh*(k9210 + k9211*logsh) + sh*sh*(k9220 + k9221*logsh) + sh*sh*sh*(k9230 + k9231*logsh); F92 = (256.0/243.0 - 32.0*uniti*EvtConst::pi/81.0 - 128.0/9.0*log(mch))*Lmu + 32.0*Lmu*logsh/81.0 + (-32.0/405.0 + 64.0/45.0/mch/mch)*Lmu*sh + (-8.0/945.0 + 16.0/105.0/mch/mch/mch/mch)*Lmu*sh*sh + (-32.0/25515.0 + 64.0/2835.0/mch/mch/mch/mch/mch/mch)* Lmu*sh*sh*sh + 512.0*Lmu*Lmu/81.0 + f92; EvtComplex F98; F98 = 104.0/9.0 - 32.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi/27.0 + (1184.0/27.0 - 40.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi/9.0)*sh + (14212.0/135.0 - 32.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi/3.0)*sh*sh + (193444.0/945.0 - 560.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi/27.0)*sh*sh*sh + 16.0*logsh/9.0*(1.0 + sh + sh*sh + sh*sh*sh); c9eff = - alphas/(4.0*EvtConst::pi)*(C1*F91 + C2*F92 + A8*F98); return c9eff; } EvtComplex EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC10Eff(double /*sh*/, bool nnlo) { if (!nnlo) return -4.669; double A10; A10 = -4.592 + 0.379; EvtComplex c10eff; c10eff = A10; return c10eff; } double EvtBtoXsllUtil::dGdsProb(double mb, double ms, double ml, double s) { // Compute the decay probability density function given a value of s // according to Ali-Lunghi-Greub-Hiller's 2002 paper // Note that the form given below is taken from // F.Kruger and L.M.Sehgal, Phys. Lett. B380, 199 (1996) // but the differential rate as a function of dilepton mass // in this latter paper reduces to Eq.(12) in ALGH's 2002 paper // for ml = 0 and ms = 0. bool btod = false; bool nnlo = true; double delta, lambda, prob; double f1, f2, f3, f4; double msh, mlh, sh; double mbeff = 4.8; mlh = ml / mb; msh = ms / mb; // set lepton and strange-quark masses to 0 if need to // be in strict agreement with ALGH 2002 paper // mlh = 0.0; msh = 0.0; // sh = s / (mb*mb); sh = s / (mbeff*mbeff); // if sh >1.0 code will return a nan. so just skip it if ( sh > 1.0 ) return 0.0; EvtComplex c7eff0 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC7Eff0(sh,nnlo); EvtComplex c7eff1 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC7Eff1(sh,mbeff,nnlo); EvtComplex c9eff0 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC9Eff0(sh,mbeff,nnlo,btod); EvtComplex c9eff1 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC9Eff1(sh,mbeff,nnlo,btod); EvtComplex c10eff = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC10Eff(sh,nnlo); double alphas = 0.119/ (1 + 0.119*log(pow(4.8,2)/pow(91.1867,2))*23.0/12.0/EvtConst::pi); double omega7 = -8.0/3.0*log(4.8/mb) -4.0/3.0*EvtDiLog::DiLog(sh) -2.0/9.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi -2.0/3.0*log(sh)*log(1.0-sh) -log(1-sh)*(8.0+sh)/(2.0+sh)/3.0 -2.0/3.0*sh*(2.0 - 2.0*sh - sh*sh)*log(sh)/pow((1.0 - sh),2)/(2.0 + sh) -(16.0 - 11.0*sh - 17.0*sh*sh)/18.0/(2.0 + sh)/(1.0 - sh); double eta7 = 1.0 + alphas*omega7/EvtConst::pi; double omega79 = -4.0/3.0*log(4.8/mb) -4.0/3.0*EvtDiLog::DiLog(sh) -2.0/9.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi -2.0/3.0*log(sh)*log(1.0-sh) -1.0/9.0*(2.0+7.0*sh)*log(1.0 - sh)/sh -2.0/9.0*sh*(3.0 - 2.0*sh)*log(sh)/pow((1.0 - sh),2) +1.0/18.0*(5.0 - 9.0*sh)/(1.0 - sh); double eta79 = 1.0 + alphas*omega79/EvtConst::pi; double omega9 = -2.0/9.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi - 4.0/3.0*EvtDiLog::DiLog(sh) - 2.0/3.0*log(sh)*log(1.0-sh) - (5.0+4.0*sh)/(3.0*(1.0+2.0*sh)) * log(1.0-sh) - 2.0*sh*(1.0+sh)*(1.0-2.0*sh) /(3.0*pow(1.0-sh,2)*(1.0+2.0*sh)) * log(sh) + (5.0+9.0*sh-6.0*sh*sh)/(6.0*(1.0-sh)*(1.0+2.0*sh)); double eta9 = 1.0 + alphas*omega9/EvtConst::pi; EvtComplex c7eff = eta7*c7eff0 + c7eff1; EvtComplex c9eff = eta9*c9eff0 + c9eff1; c10eff *= eta9; double c7c7 = abs2(c7eff); double c7c9 = real((eta79*c7eff0 + c7eff1)*conj(eta79*c9eff0 + c9eff1)); double c9c9plusc10c10 = abs2(c9eff) + abs2(c10eff); double c9c9minusc10c10 = abs2(c9eff) - abs2(c10eff); // Power corrections according to ALGH 2002 double lambda_1 = -0.2; double lambda_2 = 0.12; double C1 = -0.487; double C2 = 1.024; double mc = 0.29 * mb; EvtComplex F; double r = s / (4.0 * mc * mc); EvtComplex uniti(0.0,1.0); F = 3.0 / (2.0 * r); if (r < 1) { F *= 1.0/sqrt(r*(1.0-r))*atan(sqrt(r/(1.0-r)))-1.0; } else { F *= 0.5/sqrt(r*(r-1.0))*(log((1.0-sqrt(1.0-1.0/r))/(1.0+sqrt(1.0-1.0/r))) +uniti*EvtConst::pi)-1.0; } double G1 = 1.0 + lambda_1 / (2.0 * mb * mb) + 3.0 * (1.0 - 15.0*sh*sh + 10.0*sh*sh*sh) / ((1.0 - sh)*(1.0 -sh)*(1.0 + 2.0*sh)) * lambda_2 / (2.0*mb*mb); double G2 = 1.0 + lambda_1 / (2.0 * mb * mb) - 3.0 * (6.0 + 3.0*sh - 5.0*sh*sh*sh) / ((1.0 - sh)*(1.0 -sh)*(2.0 + sh)) * lambda_2 / (2.0*mb*mb); double G3 = 1.0 + lambda_1 / (2.0 * mb * mb) - (5.0 + 6.0*sh - 7.0*sh*sh) / ((1.0 - sh)*(1.0 -sh)) * lambda_2 / (2.0*mb*mb); double Gc = -8.0/9.0 * (C2 - C1/6.0) * lambda_2/(mc*mc) * real(F*(conj(c9eff)*(2.0+sh)+conj(c7eff)*(1.0 + 6.0*sh - sh*sh)/sh)); // end of power corrections section // now back to Kruger & Sehgal expressions double msh2=msh*msh; lambda = 1.0 + sh*sh + msh2*msh2 - 2.0*(sh + sh*msh2 + msh2); // negative lambda screw up sqrt below! if ( lambda < 0.0 ) return 0.0; f1 = pow(1.0-msh2,2) - sh*(1.0 + msh2); f2 = 2.0*(1.0 + msh2) * pow(1.0-msh2,2) - sh*(1.0 + 14.0*msh2 + pow(msh,4)) - sh*sh*(1.0 + msh2); f3 = pow(1.0-msh2,2) + sh*(1.0 + msh2) - 2.0*sh*sh + lambda*2.0*mlh*mlh/sh; f4 = 1.0 - sh + msh2; delta = ( 12.0*c7c9*f1*G3 + 4.0*c7c7*f2*G2/sh ) * (1.0 + 2.0*mlh*mlh/sh) + c9c9plusc10c10*f3*G1 + 6.0*mlh*mlh*c9c9minusc10c10*f4 + Gc; // avoid negative probs if ( delta < 0.0 ) delta=0.; // negative when sh < 4*mlh*mlh // s < 4*ml*ml /// prob = sqrt(lambda*(1.0 - 4.0*mlh*mlh/sh)) * delta; prob = sqrt(lambda*(1.0 - 4.0*ml*ml/s)) * delta; // if ( !(prob>=0.0) && !(prob<=0.0) ) { //nan // std::cout << lambda << " " << mlh << " " << sh << " " << delta << " " << mb << " " << mbeff << std::endl; // std::cout << 4.0*mlh*mlh/sh << " " << 4.0*ml*ml/s << " " << s-4.0*ml*ml << " " << ml << std::endl; // std::cout << sh << " " << sh*sh << " " << msh2*msh2 << " " << msh << std::endl; //std::cout << ( 12.0*c7c9*f1*G3 + 4.0*c7c7*f2*G2/sh ) * (1.0 + 2.0*mlh*mlh/sh) // <<" " << c9c9plusc10c10*f3*G1 // << " "<< 6.0*mlh*mlh*c9c9minusc10c10*f4 // << " "<< Gc << std::endl; //std::cout << C2 << " " << C1 << " "<< lambda_2 << " " << mc << " " << real(F*(conj(c9eff)*(2.0+sh)+conj(c7eff)*(1.0 + 6.0*sh - sh*sh)/sh)) << " " << sh << " " << r << std::endl; //std::cout << c9eff << " " << eta9 << " " < 1.0) std::cout << "not a nan \n"; // } return prob; } double EvtBtoXsllUtil::dGdsdupProb(double mb, double ms, double ml, double s, double u) { // Compute the decay probability density function given a value of s and u // according to Ali-Hiller-Handoko-Morozumi's 1997 paper // see Appendix E bool btod = false; bool nnlo = true; double prob; double f1sp, f2sp, f3sp; double mbeff = 4.8; // double sh = s / (mb*mb); double sh = s / (mbeff*mbeff); // if sh >1.0 code will return a nan. so just skip it if ( sh > 1.0 ) return 0.0; EvtComplex c7eff0 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC7Eff0(sh,nnlo); EvtComplex c7eff1 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC7Eff1(sh,mbeff,nnlo); EvtComplex c9eff0 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC9Eff0(sh,mbeff,nnlo,btod); EvtComplex c9eff1 = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC9Eff1(sh,mbeff,nnlo,btod); EvtComplex c10eff = EvtBtoXsllUtil::GetC10Eff(sh,nnlo); double alphas = 0.119/ (1 + 0.119*log(pow(4.8,2)/pow(91.1867,2))*23.0/12.0/EvtConst::pi); double omega7 = -8.0/3.0*log(4.8/mb) -4.0/3.0*EvtDiLog::DiLog(sh) -2.0/9.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi -2.0/3.0*log(sh)*log(1.0-sh) -log(1-sh)*(8.0+sh)/(2.0+sh)/3.0 -2.0/3.0*sh*(2.0 - 2.0*sh - sh*sh)*log(sh)/pow((1.0 - sh),2)/(2.0 + sh) -(16.0 - 11.0*sh - 17.0*sh*sh)/18.0/(2.0 + sh)/(1.0 - sh); double eta7 = 1.0 + alphas*omega7/EvtConst::pi; double omega79 = -4.0/3.0*log(4.8/mb) -4.0/3.0*EvtDiLog::DiLog(sh) -2.0/9.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi -2.0/3.0*log(sh)*log(1.0-sh) -1.0/9.0*(2.0+7.0*sh)*log(1.0 - sh)/sh -2.0/9.0*sh*(3.0 - 2.0*sh)*log(sh)/pow((1.0 - sh),2) +1.0/18.0*(5.0 - 9.0*sh)/(1.0 - sh); double eta79 = 1.0 + alphas*omega79/EvtConst::pi; double omega9 = - 2.0/9.0*EvtConst::pi*EvtConst::pi - 4.0/3.0*EvtDiLog::DiLog(sh) - 2.0/3.0*log(sh)*log(1.0-sh) - (5.0+4.0*sh)/(3.0*(1.0+2.0*sh)) * log(1.0-sh) - 2.0*sh*(1.0+sh)*(1.0-2.0*sh) /(3.0*pow(1.0-sh,2)*(1.0+2.0*sh)) * log(sh) + (5.0+9.0*sh-6.0*sh*sh)/(6.0*(1.0-sh)*(1.0+2.0*sh)); double eta9 = 1.0 + alphas*omega9/EvtConst::pi; EvtComplex c7eff = eta7*c7eff0 + c7eff1; EvtComplex c9eff = eta9*c9eff0 + c9eff1; c10eff *= eta9; double c7c7 = abs2(c7eff); double c7c9 = real((eta79*c7eff0 + c7eff1)*conj(eta79*c9eff0 + c9eff1)); double c7c10 = real((eta79*c7eff0 + c7eff1)*conj(eta9*c10eff)); double c9c10 = real((eta9*c9eff0 + c9eff1)*conj(eta9*c10eff)); double c9c9plusc10c10 = abs2(c9eff) + abs2(c10eff); f1sp = ( pow(mb*mb-ms*ms,2) - s*s) * c9c9plusc10c10 + 4.0*( pow(mb,4) - ms*ms*mb*mb - pow(ms,4)*(1.0 - ms*ms/(mb*mb)) - 8.0*s*ms*ms - s*s*(1.0 + ms*ms/(mb*mb) ))*mb*mb*c7c7/s // kludged mass term *(1.0 + 2.0*ml*ml/s) - 8.0*(s*(mb*mb + ms*ms) - pow(mb*mb-ms*ms,2)) * c7c9 // kludged mass term *(1.0 + 2.0*ml*ml/s); f2sp = 4.0*s*c9c10 + 8.0*(mb*mb + ms*ms)*c7c10; f3sp = - (c9c9plusc10c10) + 4.0*(1.0 + pow(ms/mb,4)) * mb*mb*c7c7/s // kludged mass term *(1.0 + 2.0*ml*ml/s); prob = (f1sp + f2sp*u + f3sp*u*u)/ pow(mb,3); if ( prob < 0.0 ) prob=0.; return prob; } double EvtBtoXsllUtil::FermiMomentum(double pf) { // Pick a value for the b-quark Fermi motion momentum // according to Ali's Gaussian model double pb, pbmax, xbox, ybox; pb = 0.0; pbmax = 5.0 * pf; while (pb == 0.0) { xbox = EvtRandom::Flat(pbmax); ybox = EvtRandom::Flat(); if (ybox < FermiMomentumProb(xbox, pf)) { pb = xbox;} } return pb; } double EvtBtoXsllUtil::FermiMomentumProb(double pb, double pf) { // Compute probability according to Ali's Gaussian model // the function chosen has a convenient maximum value of 1 for pb = pf double prsq = (pb*pb)/(pf*pf); double prob = prsq * exp(1.0 - prsq); return prob; }