C******************************************************* C --------------------------------------------------------------------- C The stdhep event common C --------------------------------------------------------------------- C This is the "official" event common of the HEP community for MC events. C NEVHEP = event number C NHEP = number of particles ("lines") C ISTHEP(N) = stability code; 0 if stable, 1 if decays. C IDHEP(I) = particle ID code; see PDG '92, III.73 C JMOHEP(1,I) = line number of mother particle C JMOHEP(2,I) = line number of last mother particle, if formed by string C JDAHEP(1,I) = line number of 1st daughter particle C JDAHEP(2,I) = line number of last daughter particle - MUST BE CONSECUTIVE! C PHEP(5,I) = px,py,pz,E,m of particle C VHEP(4,I) = x,y,z,L of production vertex INTEGER nmxhep ! maximum number of particles PARAMETER ( nmxhep=4000) REAL*8 phep, vhep ! to be real*4 or *8 depending on host INTEGER nevhep,nhep,isthep,idhep,jmohep, $ jdahep COMMON /hepevt/ $ nevhep, ! serial number $ nhep, ! number of particles $ isthep(nmxhep), ! status code $ idhep(nmxhep), ! particle ident KF $ jmohep(2,nmxhep), ! parent particles $ jdahep(2,nmxhep), ! childreen particles $ phep(5,nmxhep), ! four-momentum, mass [GeV] $ vhep(4,nmxhep) ! vertex [mm] c$$$ INTEGER NMXHEP,NEVHEP,NHEP,ISTHEP,IDHEP,JMOHEP,JDAHEP c$$$ REAL PHEP,VHEP c$$$ PARAMETER (NMXHEP=2000) c$$$ COMMON/STDHEP/NEVHEP,NHEP,ISTHEP(NMXHEP),IDHEP(NMXHEP), c$$$ *JMOHEP(2,NMXHEP),JDAHEP(2,NMXHEP),PHEP(5,NMXHEP),VHEP(4,NMXHEP) c$$$ SAVE /STDHEP/