// module identifier line... // Author: Brian Thorsbro, 24/6-2014 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "THepMCParser.h" #include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h" using namespace std; THepMCParser::THepMCParser(const char * infile) : fTree(0) { HepMC::IO_BaseClass * events = new HepMC::IO_GenEvent(infile, std::ios::in); init(events); delete events; events = 0; // nullptr } THepMCParser::THepMCParser(HepMC::IO_BaseClass * events) : fTree(0) { init(events); } void THepMCParser::init(HepMC::IO_BaseClass * events) { int particlecount = 0; fTree = new TTree("treeEPOS","Tree EPOS"); TClonesArray * array = new TClonesArray("TParticle"); // array->BypassStreamer(); fTree->Branch("Particles",&array); // more flags? THepMCParser::HeavyIonHeader_t heavyIonHeader; fTree->Branch("HeavyIonInfo", &heavyIonHeader, THepMCParser::fgHeavyIonHeaderBranchString); THepMCParser::PdfHeader_t pdfHeader; fTree->Branch("PdfInfo", &pdfHeader, THepMCParser::fgPdfHeaderBranchString); HepMC::GenEvent* evt = 0; // nullptr while ((evt = events->read_next_event())) { string errMsg1 = ParseGenEvent2TCloneArray(evt,array); string errMsg2 = ParseGenEvent2HeaderStructs(evt,heavyIonHeader,pdfHeader); if (errMsg1.length() == 0 && errMsg2.length() == 0) { fTree->Fill(); } else { if (errMsg1.length() != 0) cerr << errMsg1 << endl; if (errMsg2.length() != 0) cerr << errMsg2 << endl; } particlecount += array->Capacity(); } // array->Clear(); // delete array; // array = 0; // nullptr cout << " parsed " << particlecount << " particles" << endl; } TTree * THepMCParser::GetTTree() { return fTree; } void THepMCParser::WriteTTreeToFile(const char *outfile) { TFile * f = new TFile(outfile, "recreate"); fTree->Write(); delete f; f = 0; // nullptr } // Based on a validator written by Peter Hristov, CERN bool THepMCParser::IsValidMotherDaughtersConsitency(bool useStdErr, bool requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters) { bool valid = true; TClonesArray * array = new TClonesArray("TParticle"); TBranch* branch = fTree->GetBranch("Particles"); branch->SetAddress(&array); Int_t count = branch->GetEntries(); for (Int_t idx=0; idxClear(); branch->GetEntry(idx); // "fill" the array Int_t nkeep = array->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iAddrAt(i); Int_t mum1 = part->GetFirstMother(); Int_t mum2 = part->GetSecondMother(); Int_t fd = part->GetFirstDaughter(); Int_t ld = part->GetLastDaughter(); if (mum1>-1 && i-1 && i ld ) { valid = false; if (useStdErr) cerr << "Problem: first_daughter(" << fd << ") > last_daughter(" << ld << ")" << endl; } for (Int_t id=TMath::Max(fd,0); id<=ld; id++) { TParticle * daughter = (TParticle*)array->AddrAt(id); if (daughter->GetFirstMother() != i && daughter->GetSecondMother() != i) { valid = false; if (useStdErr) cerr << "Problem: mother("<< i << ") not registered as mother for either first_daughter(" << daughter->GetFirstMother() << ") or second_daughter(" << daughter->GetSecondMother() << ")" << endl; } } } } delete array; array = 0; return valid; } bool THepMCParser::IsValidParticleInvariantMass(bool useStdErr, bool includeStatusCode2Particles) { bool valid = true; TClonesArray *array = new TClonesArray("TParticle"); TBranch* branch = fTree->GetBranch("Particles"); branch->SetAddress(&array); Int_t count = branch->GetEntries(); for (Int_t idx=0; idxClear(); branch->GetEntry(idx); Int_t nkeep = array->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; iAddrAt(i); if (parton->GetStatusCode()==2 && !includeStatusCode2Particles) { continue; } TLorentzVector v; parton->Momentum(v); Double_t m1 = v.M(); // invariant mass from the particle in the HepMC event TParticlePDG *dbParton = parton->GetPDG(); if (!dbParton) { if (useStdErr) cerr << "Warning: could not look up particle with PDG Code: " << parton->GetPdgCode() << endl << endl; continue; } Double_t m2 = dbParton->Mass(); bool checkok; if (m2 == 0) { checkok = abs(m1) < 0.0001; // no such thing as negative mass... } else { checkok = abs(1 - m1/m2) < 0.01; } if (!checkok && useStdErr) { cerr << "Problem: " << GetParticleName(parton) << " HepMC:" << m1 << endl; cerr << ListReactionChain(array,i); cerr << endl; } if (!checkok) valid = false; } } delete array; array = 0; return valid; } bool THepMCParser::IsValidVertexInvariantMass(bool useStdErr, bool includeStatusCode2Particles) { bool valid = true; TClonesArray * array = new TClonesArray("TParticle"); TBranch* branch = fTree->GetBranch("Particles"); branch->SetAddress(&array); Int_t count = branch->GetEntries(); for (Int_t idx=0; idxClear(); branch->GetEntry(idx); // "fill" the array TLorentzVector v_st1; TLorentzVector v_st4; Int_t nkeep = array->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iAddrAt(i); TLorentzVector v_in; parton->Momentum(v_in); if (parton->GetStatusCode()==4) { v_st4 += v_in; } else if (parton->GetStatusCode()==1) { v_st1 += v_in; } if (!includeStatusCode2Particles) { // only check beam particles vs final particles continue; } Int_t fd = parton->GetFirstDaughter(); Int_t ld = parton->GetLastDaughter(); if (fd == -1) continue; // no daughters, continue loop Int_t mother2 = -1; TLorentzVector v_out; bool oneok = false; bool allok = true; bool agreemother2 = true; ostringstream daughterpdg; ostringstream motherpdg; for (Int_t id=TMath::Max(fd,0); id<=ld; id++) { TParticle * daughter = (TParticle*)array->AddrAt(id); if (fd==id) { daughter->Momentum(v_out); mother2 = daughter->GetSecondMother(); } else { TLorentzVector d; daughter->Momentum(d); v_out += d; if (daughter->GetSecondMother() != mother2) agreemother2 = false; } if (daughter->GetFirstMother() == i) { oneok = true; } else { allok = false; } daughterpdg << " " << daughter->GetPdgCode(); } motherpdg << " " << parton->GetPdgCode(); if (mother2 > -1 && agreemother2) { TParticle * m2 = (TParticle*)array->AddrAt(mother2); TLorentzVector m2v; m2->Momentum(m2v); v_in += m2v; motherpdg << " " << m2->GetPdgCode(); } if (oneok && allok && agreemother2) { bool checkok = abs(1 - v_in.M()/v_out.M()) < 0.1; if (!checkok) valid=false; if (!checkok && useStdErr) { // cerr << "Problem: " << i << "[" << fd << "," << ld << "] PDG:" << motherpdg.str() << " ->" << daughterpdg.str() << " Inv.mass: " << v_in.M() << " -> " << v_out.M() << endl; cerr << ListReactionChain(array,i); cerr << endl; // cerr << v_in.Px() << " " << v_in.Py() << " " << v_in.Pz() << " " << v_in.E() << endl; } else if (useStdErr) { // cerr << "OK: " << i << "[" << fd << "," << ld << "] PDG:" << motherpdg.str() << " ->" << daughterpdg.str() << " Inv.mass: " << v_in.M() << " -> " << v_out.M() << endl; } } } bool checkok = abs(1 - v_st4.M()/v_st1.M()) < 0.001; if (!checkok) valid=false; if (!checkok && useStdErr) { cerr << " BEAM PARTICLES -> FINAL PARTICLES " << endl; cerr << " status 4 (" << v_st4.M() << ") -> status 1 (" << v_st1.M() << ")" << endl << endl; } } delete array; array = 0; return valid; } string THepMCParser::GetParticleName(TParticle * thisPart) { TParticlePDG *dbPart = thisPart->GetPDG(); ostringstream name; if (dbPart) { name << dbPart->GetName() << "(" << dbPart->PdgCode() << "," << dbPart->Mass() << ")"; } else { name << thisPart->GetPdgCode() << "(NoDBinfo)"; } return name.str(); } string THepMCParser::ListReactionChain(TClonesArray * particles, Int_t particleId) { ostringstream output; TParticle * part = (TParticle*)particles->AddrAt(particleId); Int_t m1id = part->GetFirstMother(); Int_t m2id = part->GetSecondMother(); if (m1id > 1) { // ignore the initial collision with beam particles ostringstream inStr; ostringstream outStr; TParticle * m1 = (TParticle*)particles->AddrAt(m1id); TLorentzVector v_in; m1->Momentum(v_in); inStr << GetParticleName(m1) << "[" << v_in.M() << "]"; if (m2id > 1) { TParticle * m2 = (TParticle*)particles->AddrAt(m2id); TLorentzVector v_m2; m2->Momentum(v_m2); v_in += v_m2; inStr << " " << GetParticleName(m2) << "[" << v_m2.M() << "]"; } Int_t fd = m1->GetFirstDaughter(); Int_t ld = m1->GetLastDaughter(); TLorentzVector v_out; part->Momentum(v_out); outStr << GetParticleName(part) << "[" << v_out.M() << "]"; for (Int_t i=fd; i<=ld; ++i) { if (i!=particleId) { TParticle * d = (TParticle*)particles->AddrAt(i); TLorentzVector v_d; d->Momentum(v_d); v_out += v_d; outStr << " " << GetParticleName(d) << "[" << v_d.M() << "]"; } } output << "Parent reaction, inv mass: " << v_in.M() << " -> " << v_out.M() << endl; output << " - partons: " << inStr.str() << " -> " << outStr.str() << endl; } Int_t fd = part->GetFirstDaughter(); Int_t ld = part->GetLastDaughter(); if (fd > -1) { ostringstream inStr; ostringstream outStr; TLorentzVector v_in; part->Momentum(v_in); inStr << GetParticleName(part) << "[" << v_in.M() << "]"; TParticle * f = (TParticle*)particles->AddrAt(fd); m2id = f->GetSecondMother(); if (m2id == particleId) { m2id = f->GetFirstMother(); } if (m2id > -1) { TParticle * m2 = (TParticle*)particles->AddrAt(m2id); TLorentzVector v_m2; m2->Momentum(v_m2); v_in += v_m2; inStr << " " << GetParticleName(m2) << "[" << v_m2.M() << "]"; } TLorentzVector v_out; f->Momentum(v_out); outStr << GetParticleName(f) << "[" << v_out.M() << "]"; for (Int_t i=fd+1; i<=ld; ++i) { TParticle * d = (TParticle*)particles->AddrAt(i); TLorentzVector v_d; d->Momentum(v_d); v_out += v_d; outStr << " " << GetParticleName(d) << "[" << v_d.M() << "]"; } output << "Child reaction, inv mass: " << v_in.M() << " -> " << v_out.M() << endl; output << " - partons: " << inStr.str() << " -> " << outStr.str() << endl; } else { output << "Child reaction" << endl << " - none" << endl; } return output.str(); } string THepMCParser::ParseGenEvent2TCloneArray(HepMC::GenEvent * genEvent, TClonesArray * array, bool requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters) { if (requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters) { return "requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters not implemented yet!"; } array->Clear(); ostringstream errMsgStream; map partonMemory; // unordered_map in c++11 - but probably not much performance gain from that: log(n) vs log(1) where constant can be high // Check event with HepMC's internal validation algorithm if (!genEvent->is_valid()) { errMsgStream << "Error with event id: " << genEvent->event_number() << ", event is not valid!"; return errMsgStream.str(); } // Pull out the beam particles from the event const pair beamparts = genEvent->beam_particles(); // Four sanity checks: // - Beam particles exists and are not the same // - Both beam particles should have no production vertices, they come from the beams // - Both beam particles should have defined end vertices, as they both should contribute // - Both beam particles should have the exact same end vertex if (!beamparts.first || !beamparts.second || beamparts.first->barcode()==beamparts.second->barcode()) { errMsgStream << "Error with event id: " << genEvent->event_number() << ", beam particles doesn't exists or are the same"; return errMsgStream.str(); } if (beamparts.first->production_vertex() || beamparts.second->production_vertex()) { errMsgStream << "Error with event id: " << genEvent->event_number() << ", beam particles have production vertex/vertices..."; return errMsgStream.str(); } if (!beamparts.first->end_vertex() || !beamparts.second->end_vertex()) { errMsgStream << "Error with event id: " << genEvent->event_number() << ", beam particles have undefined end vertex/vertices..."; return errMsgStream.str(); } if (beamparts.first->end_vertex() != beamparts.second->end_vertex()) { errMsgStream << "Error with event id: " << genEvent->event_number() << ", beam particles do not collide in the same end vertex."; return errMsgStream.str(); } // Set the array to hold the number of particles in the event array->Expand(genEvent->particles_size()); // Create a TParticle for each beam particle new((*array)[0]) TParticle( beamparts.first->pdg_id(), beamparts.first->status(), // check if status has the same meaning -1, // no mother1 -1, // no mother2 -1, // first daughter not known yet -1, // last daughter not known yet beamparts.first->momentum().px(), beamparts.first->momentum().py(), beamparts.first->momentum().pz(), beamparts.first->momentum().e(), 0, // no production vertex, so zero? 0, 0, 0 ); partonMemory[beamparts.first->barcode()] = 0; new((*array)[1]) TParticle( beamparts.second->pdg_id(), beamparts.second->status(), -1, // no mother1 -1, // no mother2 -1, // first daughter not known yet -1, // last daughter not known yet beamparts.second->momentum().px(), beamparts.second->momentum().py(), beamparts.second->momentum().pz(), beamparts.second->momentum().e(), 0, // no production vertex, so zero? 0, 0, 0 ); partonMemory[beamparts.second->barcode()] = 1; Int_t arrayID = 2; // start counting IDs after the beam particles // Do first vertex as a special case for performance, since its often has the most daughters and both mothers are known Int_t firstDaughter = arrayID; for (HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator iter = beamparts.first->end_vertex()->particles_out_const_begin(); iter != beamparts.first->end_vertex()->particles_out_const_end(); ++iter) { new((*array)[arrayID]) TParticle( (*iter)->pdg_id(), (*iter)->status(), 0, // beam particle 1 1, // beam particle 2 -1, // first daughter not known yet -1, // last daughter not known yet (*iter)->momentum().px(), (*iter)->momentum().py(), (*iter)->momentum().pz(), (*iter)->momentum().e(), beamparts.first->end_vertex()->position().x(), beamparts.first->end_vertex()->position().y(), beamparts.first->end_vertex()->position().z(), beamparts.first->end_vertex()->position().t() ); partonMemory[(*iter)->barcode()] = arrayID; ++arrayID; } Int_t lastDaughter = arrayID-1; ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(0))->SetFirstDaughter(firstDaughter); // beam particle 1 ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(0))->SetLastDaughter(lastDaughter); ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(1))->SetFirstDaughter(firstDaughter); // beam particle 2 ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(1))->SetLastDaughter(lastDaughter); // Build vertex list by exploring tree and sorting such that daughters comes after mothers list vertexList; set vertexSearchSet; ExploreVertex(beamparts.first->end_vertex(),vertexList,vertexSearchSet,requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters); // Analyze each vertex for (list::iterator i = vertexList.begin(); i != vertexList.end(); ++i) { HepMC::GenVertex * vertex = (*i); // first establish mother relations HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator iter = vertex->particles_in_const_begin(); if (iter == vertex->particles_in_const_end()) { return "Particle without a mother, and its not a beam particle!"; } int motherA = partonMemory[(*iter)->barcode()]; if (((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(motherA))->GetFirstDaughter() > -1) { return "Trying to assign new daughters to a particle that already has daughters defined!"; } ++iter; int motherB = -1; if (iter != vertex->particles_in_const_end()) { motherB = partonMemory[(*iter)->barcode()]; if (((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(motherB))->GetFirstDaughter() > -1) { return "Trying to assign new daughters to a particle that already has daughters defined!"; } ++iter; if (iter != vertex->particles_in_const_end()) { return "Particle with more than two mothers!"; } } if (motherB > -1 && motherB < motherA) { int swap = motherA; motherA = motherB; motherB = swap; } // add the particles to the array, important that they are add in succession with respect to arrayID firstDaughter = arrayID; for (iter = vertex->particles_out_const_begin(); iter != vertex->particles_out_const_end(); ++iter) { new((*array)[arrayID]) TParticle( (*iter)->pdg_id(), (*iter)->status(), motherA, // mother 1 motherB, // mother 2 -1, // first daughter, if applicable, not known yet -1, // last daughter, if applicable, not known yet (*iter)->momentum().px(), (*iter)->momentum().py(), (*iter)->momentum().pz(), (*iter)->momentum().e(), vertex->position().x(), vertex->position().y(), vertex->position().z(), vertex->position().t() ); partonMemory[(*iter)->barcode()] = arrayID; ++arrayID; } lastDaughter = arrayID-1; if (lastDaughter < firstDaughter) { return "Vertex with no out particles, should not be possible!"; } // update mother with daughter interval ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(motherA))->SetFirstDaughter(firstDaughter); ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(motherA))->SetLastDaughter(lastDaughter); if (motherB > -1) { ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(motherB))->SetFirstDaughter(firstDaughter); ((TParticle*)array->AddrAt(motherB))->SetLastDaughter(lastDaughter); } } return ""; } void THepMCParser::ExploreVertex(HepMC::GenVertex * vertex, list & vertexList, set & vertexSearchSet, bool requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters) { for (HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator iter = vertex->particles_out_const_begin(); iter != vertex->particles_out_const_end(); ++iter) { HepMC::GenVertex * testVertex = (*iter)->end_vertex(); if (testVertex) { bool foundVertex = vertexSearchSet.find((*iter)->end_vertex()->barcode()) != vertexSearchSet.end(); if (requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters) { // redo this algorithem to move subtree instead of node.... // its not completely error proof in its current implementation even though the error is extremely rare if (foundVertex) for (list::iterator i = vertexList.begin(); i != vertexList.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->barcode() == testVertex->barcode()) { vertexList.erase(i); cout << " it happened, the vertex parsing order had to be changed " << endl; break; } } else { vertexSearchSet.insert((*iter)->end_vertex()->barcode()); } vertexList.push_back(testVertex); if (!foundVertex) ExploreVertex(testVertex,vertexList,vertexSearchSet,requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters); } else { if (!foundVertex) { vertexSearchSet.insert((*iter)->end_vertex()->barcode()); vertexList.push_back(testVertex); ExploreVertex(testVertex,vertexList,vertexSearchSet,requireSecondMotherBeforeDaughters); } } } } } const char * THepMCParser::fgHeavyIonHeaderBranchString = "Ncoll_hard/I:Npart_proj:Npart_targ:Ncoll:spectator_neutrons:spectator_protons:N_Nwounded_collisions:Nwounded_N_collisions:Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions:impact_parameter/F:event_plane_angle:eccentricity:sigma_inel_NN"; const char * THepMCParser::fgPdfHeaderBranchString = "id1/I:id2:pdf_id1:pdf_id2:x1/D:x2:scalePDF:pdf1:pdf2"; string THepMCParser::ParseGenEvent2HeaderStructs(HepMC::GenEvent * genEvent, HeavyIonHeader_t & heavyIonHeader, PdfHeader_t & pdfHeader, bool fillZeroOnMissingHeavyIon, bool fillZeroOnMissingPdf) { HepMC::HeavyIon * heavyIon = genEvent->heavy_ion(); HepMC::PdfInfo * pdfInfo = genEvent->pdf_info(); if ((!heavyIon && !fillZeroOnMissingHeavyIon) || (!pdfInfo && !fillZeroOnMissingPdf)) { return "HeavyIonInfo and/or PdfInfo not defined for this event, did you read it with IO_GenEvent?"; } if (heavyIon) { heavyIonHeader.Ncoll_hard = heavyIon->Ncoll_hard(); heavyIonHeader.Npart_proj = heavyIon->Npart_proj(); heavyIonHeader.Npart_targ = heavyIon->Npart_targ(); heavyIonHeader.Ncoll = heavyIon->Ncoll(); heavyIonHeader.spectator_neutrons = heavyIon->spectator_neutrons(); heavyIonHeader.spectator_protons = heavyIon->spectator_protons(); heavyIonHeader.N_Nwounded_collisions = heavyIon->N_Nwounded_collisions(); heavyIonHeader.Nwounded_N_collisions = heavyIon->Nwounded_N_collisions(); heavyIonHeader.Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions = heavyIon->Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions(); heavyIonHeader.impact_parameter = heavyIon->impact_parameter(); heavyIonHeader.event_plane_angle = heavyIon->event_plane_angle(); heavyIonHeader.eccentricity = heavyIon->eccentricity(); heavyIonHeader.sigma_inel_NN = heavyIon->sigma_inel_NN(); } else { heavyIonHeader.Ncoll_hard = 0; heavyIonHeader.Npart_proj = 0; heavyIonHeader.Npart_targ = 0; heavyIonHeader.Ncoll = 0; heavyIonHeader.spectator_neutrons = 0; heavyIonHeader.spectator_protons = 0; heavyIonHeader.N_Nwounded_collisions = 0; heavyIonHeader.Nwounded_N_collisions = 0; heavyIonHeader.Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions = 0; heavyIonHeader.impact_parameter = 0.0; heavyIonHeader.event_plane_angle = 0.0; heavyIonHeader.eccentricity = 0.0; heavyIonHeader.sigma_inel_NN = 0.0; } if (pdfInfo) { pdfHeader.id1 = pdfInfo->id1(); pdfHeader.id2 = pdfInfo->id2(); pdfHeader.pdf_id1 = pdfInfo->pdf_id1(); pdfHeader.pdf_id2 = pdfInfo->pdf_id2(); pdfHeader.x1 = pdfInfo->x1(); pdfHeader.x2 = pdfInfo->x2(); pdfHeader.scalePDF = pdfInfo->scalePDF(); pdfHeader.pdf1 = pdfInfo->pdf1(); pdfHeader.pdf2 = pdfInfo->pdf2(); } else { pdfHeader.id1 = 0; pdfHeader.id2 = 0; pdfHeader.pdf_id1 = 0; pdfHeader.pdf_id2 = 0; pdfHeader.x1 = 0.0; pdfHeader.x2 = 0.0; pdfHeader.scalePDF = 0.0; pdfHeader.pdf1 = 0.0; pdfHeader.pdf2 = 0.0; } return ""; }