extern "C" { //*$ create trackr.add //*copy trackr //* * //*=== trackr ===========================================================* //* * //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* //* * //* tracks recording by alfredo ferrari, infn - milan * //* * //* last change 31 january 2001 by alfredo ferrari * //* * //* included in : * //* electr * //* emfsco * //* kaskad (new version) * //* kashea * //* kasneu * //* geoden (new version) * //* mageas * //* magmov * //* magnew * //* move * //* photon * //* usrsco * //* * //* ntrack = number of track segments * //* mtrack = number of energy deposition events along the track * //* 0 < i < ntrack * //* xtrack = end x-point of the ith track segment * //* ytrack = end y-point of the ith track segment * //* ztrack = end z-point of the ith track segment * //* 1 < i < ntrack * //* ttrack = length of the ith track segment * //* 1 < j < mtrack * //* dtrack = energy deposition of the jth deposition event * //* * //* jtrack = identity number of the particle * //* etrack = total energy of the particle * //* ptrack = momentum of the particle (not always defined, if * //* < 0 must be obtained from etrack) * //* cx,y,ztrck = direction cosines of the current particle * //* cx,y,ztrpl = polarization cosines of the current particle * //* wtrack = weight of the particle * //* wscrng = scoring weight: it can differ from wtrack if some * //* biasing techniques are used (for example inelastic * //* interaction length biasing) * //* ctrack = total curved path * //* zfftrk = of the particle * //* zfrttk = actual z_eff of the particle * //* atrack = age of the particle * //* akshrt = kshrt amplitude for k0/k0bar * //* aklong = klong amplitude for k0/k0bar * //* wninou = neutron algebraic balance of interactions (both * //* for "high" energy particles and "low" energy * //* neutrons) * //* spausr = user defined spare variables for the current * //* particle * //* sttrck = macroscopic total cross section for low energy * //* neutron collisions * //* satrck = macroscopic absorption cross section for low energy* //* neutron collisions (it can be negative for pnab>1) * //* ktrack = if > 0 neutron group of the particle (neutron) * //* * //* ntrack > 0, mtrack > 0 : energy loss distributed along the * //* track * //* ntrack > 0, mtrack = 0 : no energy loss along the track * //* ntrack = 0, mtrack = 0 : local energy deposition (the * //* value and the point are not re- * //* corded in trackr) * //* mmtrck = flag recording the material index for low energy * //* neutron collisions * //* lt1trk = initial lattice cell of the current track * //* (or lattice cell for a point energy deposition) * //* lt2trk = final lattice cell of the current track * //* ihspnt = current geometry history pointer (not set if -1) * //* ltrack = flag recording the generation number * //* llouse = user defined flag for the current particle * //* ispusr = user defined spare flags for the current particle * //* lfsssc = logical flag for inelastic interactions ending with* //* fission (used also for low energy neutrons) * //* * //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* //* * const Int_t mxtrck = 2500; typedef struct { Double_t xtrack[mxtrck+1]; Double_t ytrack[mxtrck+1]; Double_t ztrack[mxtrck+1]; Double_t ttrack[mxtrck]; Double_t dtrack[mxtrck]; Double_t etrack; Double_t ptrack; Double_t cxtrck; Double_t cytrck; Double_t cztrck; Double_t wtrack; Double_t cxtrpl; Double_t cytrpl; Double_t cztrpl; Double_t zfftrk; Double_t zfrttk; Double_t atrack; Double_t ctrack; Double_t akshrt; Double_t aklong; Double_t wscrng; Double_t wninou; Double_t spausr[mkbmx1]; Double_t sttrck; Double_t satrck; Int_t ntrack; Int_t mtrack; Int_t jtrack; Int_t ktrack; Int_t mmtrck; Int_t lt1trk; Int_t lt2trk; Int_t ihspnt; Int_t ltrack; Int_t llouse; Int_t ispusr[mkbmx2]; Int_t lfsssc; } trackrCommon; #define TRACKR COMMON_BLOCK(TRACKR,trackr) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(trackrCommon,TRACKR); //static union { Double_t spause; Double_t spausr[0];}; //static union { Int_t ispuse; Int_t ispusr[0];}; }