/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ // // Realisation of the TVirtualMC interface for the FLUKA code // (See official web side http://www.fluka.org/). // // This implementation makes use of the TGeo geometry modeller. // User configuration is via automatic generation of FLUKA input cards. // // Authors: // A. Fasso // E. Futo // A. Gheata // A. Morsch // #include #include "TFluka.h" #include "TFlukaCodes.h" #include "TCallf77.h" //For the fortran calls #include "Fdblprc.h" //(DBLPRC) fluka common #include "Fsourcm.h" //(SOURCM) fluka common #include "Fgenstk.h" //(GENSTK) fluka common #include "Fiounit.h" //(IOUNIT) fluka common #include "Fpaprop.h" //(PAPROP) fluka common #include "Fpart.h" //(PART) fluka common #include "Ftrackr.h" //(TRACKR) fluka common #include "Fpaprop.h" //(PAPROP) fluka common #include "Ffheavy.h" //(FHEAVY) fluka common #include "Fopphst.h" //(OPPHST) fluka common #include "Fflkstk.h" //(FLKSTK) fluka common #include "Fstepsz.h" //(STEPSZ) fluka common #include "Fopphst.h" //(OPPHST) fluka common #include "Fltclcm.h" //(LTCLCM) fluka common #include "Falldlt.h" //(ALLDLT) fluka common #include "TVirtualMC.h" #include "TMCProcess.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TGeoMaterial.h" #include "TGeoMedium.h" #include "TFlukaMCGeometry.h" #include "TGeoMCGeometry.h" #include "TFlukaCerenkov.h" #include "TFlukaConfigOption.h" #include "TFlukaScoringOption.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TArrayI.h" #include "TArrayD.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" // Fluka methods that may be needed. #ifndef WIN32 # define flukam flukam_ # define fluka_openinp fluka_openinp_ # define fluka_openout fluka_openout_ # define fluka_closeinp fluka_closeinp_ # define mcihad mcihad_ # define mpdgha mpdgha_ # define newplo newplo_ #else # define flukam FLUKAM # define fluka_openinp FLUKA_OPENINP # define fluka_openout FLUKA_OPENOUT # define fluka_closeinp FLUKA_CLOSEINP # define mcihad MCIHAD # define mpdgha MPDGHA # define newplo NEWPLO #endif extern "C" { // // Prototypes for FLUKA functions // void type_of_call flukam(const int&); void type_of_call newplo(); void type_of_call fluka_openinp(const int&, DEFCHARA); void type_of_call fluka_openout(const int&, DEFCHARA); void type_of_call fluka_closeinp(const int&); int type_of_call mcihad(const int&); int type_of_call mpdgha(const int&); } // // Class implementation for ROOT // ClassImp(TFluka) // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TFluka constructors and destructors. //______________________________________________________________________________ TFluka::TFluka() :TVirtualMC(), fVerbosityLevel(0), fInputFileName(""), fUserConfig(0), fUserScore(0) { // // Default constructor // fGeneratePemf = kFALSE; fNVolumes = 0; fCurrentFlukaRegion = -1; fNewReg = -1; fGeom = 0; fMCGeo = 0; fMaterials = 0; fDummyBoundary = 0; fFieldFlag = 1; fStopped = 0; fStopEvent = 0; fStopRun = 0; fNEvent = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFluka::TFluka(const char *title, Int_t verbosity, Bool_t isRootGeometrySupported) :TVirtualMC("TFluka",title, isRootGeometrySupported), fVerbosityLevel(verbosity), fInputFileName(""), fTrackIsEntering(0), fTrackIsExiting(0), fTrackIsNew(0), fUserConfig(new TObjArray(100)), fUserScore(new TObjArray(100)) { // create geometry interface if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "<== TFluka::TFluka(" << title << ") constructor called." << endl; SetCoreInputFileName(); SetInputFileName(); SetGeneratePemf(kFALSE); fNVolumes = 0; fCurrentFlukaRegion = -1; fNewReg = -1; fDummyBoundary = 0; fFieldFlag = 1; fGeneratePemf = kFALSE; fMCGeo = new TGeoMCGeometry("MCGeo", "TGeo Implementation of VirtualMCGeometry", kFALSE); fGeom = new TFlukaMCGeometry("geom", "FLUKA VMC Geometry"); if (verbosity > 2) fGeom->SetDebugMode(kTRUE); fMaterials = 0; fStopped = 0; fStopEvent = 0; fStopRun = 0; fNEvent = 0; PrintHeader(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFluka::~TFluka() { // Destructor if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "<== TFluka::~TFluka() destructor called." << endl; delete fGeom; delete fMCGeo; if (fUserConfig) { fUserConfig->Delete(); delete fUserConfig; } if (fUserScore) { fUserScore->Delete(); delete fUserScore; } } // //______________________________________________________________________________ // TFluka control methods //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Init() { // // Geometry initialisation // if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "==> TFluka::Init() called." << endl; if (!gGeoManager) new TGeoManager("geom", "FLUKA geometry"); fApplication->ConstructGeometry(); if (!gGeoManager->IsClosed()) { TGeoVolume *top = (TGeoVolume*)gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes()->First(); gGeoManager->SetTopVolume(top); gGeoManager->CloseGeometry("di"); } else { TGeoNodeCache *cache = gGeoManager->GetCache(); if (!cache->HasIdArray()) { Warning("Init", "Node ID tracking must be enabled with TFluka: enabling...\n"); cache->BuildIdArray(); } } fNVolumes = fGeom->NofVolumes(); fGeom->CreateFlukaMatFile("flukaMat.inp"); if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) { printf("== Number of volumes: %i\n ==", fNVolumes); cout << "\t* InitPhysics() - Prepare input file to be called" << endl; } fApplication->InitGeometry(); // // Add ions to PDG Data base // AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::FinishGeometry() { // // Build-up table with region to medium correspondance // if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) { cout << "==> TFluka::FinishGeometry() called." << endl; printf("----FinishGeometry - nothing to do with TGeo\n"); cout << "<== TFluka::FinishGeometry() called." << endl; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::BuildPhysics() { // // Prepare FLUKA input files and call FLUKA physics initialisation // if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "==> TFluka::BuildPhysics() called." << endl; if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) { TList *medlist = gGeoManager->GetListOfMedia(); TIter next(medlist); TGeoMedium* med = 0x0; TGeoMaterial* mat = 0x0; Int_t ic = 0; while((med = (TGeoMedium*)next())) { mat = med->GetMaterial(); printf("Medium %5d %12s %5d %5d\n", ic, (med->GetName()), med->GetId(), mat->GetIndex()); ic++; } } // // At this stage we have the information on materials and cuts available. // Now create the pemf file if (fGeneratePemf) fGeom->CreatePemfFile(); // // Prepare input file with the current physics settings InitPhysics(); // Open fortran files const char* fname = fInputFileName; fluka_openinp(lunin, PASSCHARA(fname)); fluka_openout(11, PASSCHARA("fluka.out")); // Read input cards GLOBAL.lfdrtr = true; flukam(1); // Close input file fluka_closeinp(lunin); // Finish geometry FinishGeometry(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::ProcessEvent() { // // Process one event // if (fStopRun) { Warning("ProcessEvent", "User Run Abortion: No more events handled !\n"); fNEvent += 1; return; } if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "==> TFluka::ProcessEvent() called." << endl; fApplication->GeneratePrimaries(); SOURCM.lsouit = true; flukam(1); if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "<== TFluka::ProcessEvent() called." << endl; // // Increase event number // fNEvent += 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::ProcessRun(Int_t nevent) { // // Run steering // if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "==> TFluka::ProcessRun(" << nevent << ") called." << endl; if (fVerbosityLevel >=2) { cout << "\t* GLOBAL.fdrtr = " << (GLOBAL.lfdrtr?'T':'F') << endl; cout << "\t* Calling flukam again..." << endl; } Int_t todo = TMath::Abs(nevent); for (Int_t ev = 0; ev < todo; ev++) { fApplication->BeginEvent(); ProcessEvent(); fApplication->FinishEvent(); } if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "<== TFluka::ProcessRun(" << nevent << ") called." << endl; // Write fluka specific scoring output newplo(); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ // methods for building/management of geometry // functions from GCONS //____________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gfmate(Int_t imat, char *name, Float_t &a, Float_t &z, Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl, Float_t* /*ubuf*/, Int_t& /*nbuf*/) { // TGeoMaterial *mat; TIter next (gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials()); while ((mat = (TGeoMaterial*)next())) { if (mat->GetUniqueID() == (UInt_t)imat) break; } if (!mat) { Error("Gfmate", "no material with index %i found", imat); return; } sprintf(name, "%s", mat->GetName()); a = mat->GetA(); z = mat->GetZ(); dens = mat->GetDensity(); radl = mat->GetRadLen(); absl = mat->GetIntLen(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gfmate(Int_t imat, char *name, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &dens, Double_t &radl, Double_t &absl, Double_t* /*ubuf*/, Int_t& /*nbuf*/) { // TGeoMaterial *mat; TIter next (gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials()); while ((mat = (TGeoMaterial*)next())) { if (mat->GetUniqueID() == (UInt_t)imat) break; } if (!mat) { Error("Gfmate", "no material with index %i found", imat); return; } sprintf(name, "%s", mat->GetName()); a = mat->GetA(); z = mat->GetZ(); dens = mat->GetDensity(); radl = mat->GetRadLen(); absl = mat->GetIntLen(); } // detector composition //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Float_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf) { // Double_t* dbuf = fGeom->CreateDoubleArray(buf, nwbuf); Material(kmat, name, a, z, dens, radl, absl, dbuf, nwbuf); delete [] dbuf; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Double_t* /*buf*/, Int_t /*nwbuf*/) { // // Define a material TGeoMaterial *mat; kmat = gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials()->GetSize(); if ((z-Int_t(z)) > 1E-3) { mat = fGeom->GetMakeWrongMaterial(z); if (mat) { mat->SetRadLen(radl,absl); mat->SetUniqueID(kmat); return; } } gGeoManager->Material(name, a, z, dens, kmat, radl, absl); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat) { // // Define a material mixture // Double_t* da = fGeom->CreateDoubleArray(a, TMath::Abs(nlmat)); Double_t* dz = fGeom->CreateDoubleArray(z, TMath::Abs(nlmat)); Double_t* dwmat = fGeom->CreateDoubleArray(wmat, TMath::Abs(nlmat)); Mixture(kmat, name, da, dz, dens, nlmat, dwmat); for (Int_t i=0; i 0 then wmat contains the proportion by // weights of each basic material in the mixture. // // If nlmat < 0 then WMAT contains the number of atoms // of a given kind into the molecule of the COMPOUND // In this case, WMAT in output is changed to relative // weigths. // Int_t i,j; if (nlmat < 0) { nlmat = - nlmat; Double_t amol = 0; for (i=0;iGetListOfMaterials()->GetSize(); // Check if we have elements with fractional Z TGeoMaterial *mat = 0; TGeoMixture *mix = 0; Bool_t mixnew = kFALSE; for (i=0; i loop mixtures to look for it for (j=0; jGetListOfMaterials()->At(j); if (!mat) break; if (!mat->IsMixture()) continue; mix = (TGeoMixture*)mat; if (TMath::Abs(z[i]-mix->GetZ()) >1E-3) continue; mixnew = kTRUE; break; } if (!mixnew) Warning("Mixture","%s : cannot find component %i with fractional Z=%f\n", name, i, z[i]); break; } if (mixnew) { Int_t nlmatnew = nlmat+mix->GetNelements()-1; Double_t *anew = new Double_t[nlmatnew]; Double_t *znew = new Double_t[nlmatnew]; Double_t *wmatnew = new Double_t[nlmatnew]; Int_t ind=0; for (j=0; jGetNelements(); j++) { anew[ind] = mix->GetAmixt()[j]; znew[ind] = mix->GetZmixt()[j]; wmatnew[ind] = wmat[i]*mix->GetWmixt()[j]; ind++; } Mixture(kmat, name, anew, znew, dens, nlmatnew, wmatnew); delete [] anew; delete [] znew; delete [] wmatnew; return; } // Now we need to compact identical elements within the mixture // First check if this happens mixnew = kFALSE; for (i=0; iMixture(name, a, z, dens, nlmat, wmat, kmat); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Float_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf) { // Define a medium // kmed = gGeoManager->GetListOfMedia()->GetSize()+1; fMCGeo->Medium(kmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf, nbuf); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Double_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf) { // Define a medium // kmed = gGeoManager->GetListOfMedia()->GetSize()+1; fMCGeo->Medium(kmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf, nbuf); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Matrix(Int_t& krot, Double_t thetaX, Double_t phiX, Double_t thetaY, Double_t phiY, Double_t thetaZ, Double_t phiZ) { // krot = gGeoManager->GetListOfMatrices()->GetEntriesFast(); fMCGeo->Matrix(krot, thetaX, phiX, thetaY, phiY, thetaZ, phiZ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gstpar(Int_t itmed, const char* param, Double_t parval) { // // // Bool_t process = kFALSE; Bool_t modelp = kFALSE; if (strncmp(param, "DCAY", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "PAIR", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "COMP", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "PHOT", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "PFIS", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "DRAY", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "ANNI", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "BREM", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "MUNU", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "CKOV", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "HADR", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "LOSS", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "MULS", 4) == 0 || strncmp(param, "RAYL", 4) == 0) { process = kTRUE; } if (strncmp(param, "PRIMIO_N", 8) == 0 || strncmp(param, "PRIMIO_E", 8) == 0) { modelp = kTRUE; } if (process) { // Process switch SetProcess(param, Int_t (parval), itmed); } else if (modelp) { // Model parameters SetModelParameter(param, parval, itmed); } else { // Cuts SetCut(param, parval, itmed); } } // functions from GGEOM //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsatt(const char *name, const char *att, Int_t val) { // Set visualisation attributes for one volume char vname[5]; fGeom->Vname(name,vname); char vatt[5]; fGeom->Vname(att,vatt); gGeoManager->SetVolumeAttribute(vname, vatt, val); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Float_t *upar, Int_t np) { // return fMCGeo->Gsvolu(name, shape, nmed, upar, np); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Double_t *upar, Int_t np) { // return fMCGeo->Gsvolu(name, shape, nmed, upar, np); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsdvn(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis) { // fMCGeo->Gsdvn(name, mother, ndiv, iaxis); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsdvn2(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed) { // fMCGeo->Gsdvn2(name, mother, ndiv, iaxis, c0i, numed); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsdvt(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) { // fMCGeo->Gsdvt(name, mother, step, iaxis, numed, ndvmx); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsdvt2(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) { // fMCGeo->Gsdvt2(name, mother, step, iaxis, c0, numed, ndvmx); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsord(const char * /*name*/, Int_t /*iax*/) { // // Nothing to do with TGeo } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gspos(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly) { // fMCGeo->Gspos(name, nr, mother, x, y, z, irot, konly); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np) { // fMCGeo->Gsposp(name, nr, mother, x, y, z, irot, konly, upar, np); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Double_t *upar, Int_t np) { // fMCGeo->Gsposp(name, nr, mother, x, y, z, irot, konly, upar, np); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gsbool(const char* /*onlyVolName*/, const char* /*manyVolName*/) { // // Nothing to do with TGeo } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::GetTransformation(const TString &volumePath,TGeoHMatrix &mat) { // Returns the Transformation matrix between the volume specified // by the path volumePath and the Top or mater volume. The format // of the path volumePath is as follows (assuming ALIC is the Top volume) // "/ALIC_1/DDIP_1/S05I_2/S05H_1/S05G_3". Here ALIC is the top most // or master volume which has only 1 instance of. Of all of the daughter // volumes of ALICE, DDIP volume copy #1 is indicated. Similarly for // the daughter volume of DDIP is S05I copy #2 and so on. // Inputs: // TString& volumePath The volume path to the specific volume // for which you want the matrix. Volume name // hierarchy is separated by "/" while the // copy number is appended using a "_". // Outputs: // TGeoHMatrix &mat A matrix with its values set to those // appropriate to the Local to Master transformation // Return: // A logical value if kFALSE then an error occurred and no change to // mat was made. // We have to preserve the modeler state return fMCGeo->GetTransformation(volumePath, mat); } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::GetShape(const TString &volumePath,TString &shapeType, TArrayD &par) { // Returns the shape and its parameters for the volume specified // by volumeName. // Inputs: // TString& volumeName The volume name // Outputs: // TString &shapeType Shape type // TArrayD &par A TArrayD of parameters with all of the // parameters of the specified shape. // Return: // A logical indicating whether there was an error in getting this // information return fMCGeo->GetShape(volumePath, shapeType, par); } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::GetMaterial(const TString &volumeName, TString &name,Int_t &imat, Double_t &a,Double_t &z,Double_t &dens, Double_t &radl,Double_t &inter,TArrayD &par) { // Returns the Material and its parameters for the volume specified // by volumeName. // Note, Geant3 stores and uses mixtures as an element with an effective // Z and A. Consequently, if the parameter Z is not integer, then // this material represents some sort of mixture. // Inputs: // TString& volumeName The volume name // Outputs: // TSrting &name Material name // Int_t &imat Material index number // Double_t &a Average Atomic mass of material // Double_t &z Average Atomic number of material // Double_t &dens Density of material [g/cm^3] // Double_t &radl Average radiation length of material [cm] // Double_t &inter Average interaction length of material [cm] // TArrayD &par A TArrayD of user defined parameters. // Return: // kTRUE if no errors return fMCGeo->GetMaterial(volumeName,name,imat,a,z,dens,radl,inter,par); } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::GetMedium(const TString &volumeName,TString &name, Int_t &imed,Int_t &nmat,Int_t &isvol,Int_t &ifield, Double_t &fieldm,Double_t &tmaxfd,Double_t &stemax, Double_t &deemax,Double_t &epsil, Double_t &stmin, TArrayD &par) { // Returns the Medium and its parameters for the volume specified // by volumeName. // Inputs: // TString& volumeName The volume name. // Outputs: // TString &name Medium name // Int_t &nmat Material number defined for this medium // Int_t &imed The medium index number // Int_t &isvol volume number defined for this medium // Int_t &iflield Magnetic field flag // Double_t &fieldm Magnetic field strength // Double_t &tmaxfd Maximum angle of deflection per step // Double_t &stemax Maximum step size // Double_t &deemax Maximum fraction of energy allowed to be lost // to continuous process. // Double_t &epsil Boundary crossing precision // Double_t &stmin Minimum step size allowed // TArrayD &par A TArrayD of user parameters with all of the // parameters of the specified medium. // Return: // kTRUE if there where no errors return fMCGeo->GetMedium(volumeName,name,imed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,par); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t* ppckov, Float_t* absco, Float_t* effic, Float_t* rindex) { // // Set Cerenkov properties for medium itmed // // npckov: number of sampling points // ppckov: energy values // absco: absorption length // effic: quantum efficiency // rindex: refraction index // // // // Create object holding Cerenkov properties // TFlukaCerenkov* cerenkovProperties = new TFlukaCerenkov(npckov, ppckov, absco, effic, rindex); // // Pass object to medium TGeoMedium* medium = gGeoManager->GetMedium(itmed); medium->SetCerenkovProperties(cerenkovProperties); } void TFluka::SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t* ppckov, Float_t* absco, Float_t* effic, Float_t* rindex, Float_t* rfl) { // // Set Cerenkov properties for medium itmed // // npckov: number of sampling points // ppckov: energy values // absco: absorption length // effic: quantum efficiency // rindex: refraction index // rfl: reflectivity for boundary to medium itmed // // // Create object holding Cerenkov properties // TFlukaCerenkov* cerenkovProperties = new TFlukaCerenkov(npckov, ppckov, absco, effic, rindex, rfl); // // Pass object to medium TGeoMedium* medium = gGeoManager->GetMedium(itmed); medium->SetCerenkovProperties(cerenkovProperties); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetCerenkov(Int_t /*itmed*/, Int_t /*npckov*/, Double_t * /*ppckov*/, Double_t * /*absco*/, Double_t * /*effic*/, Double_t * /*rindex*/) { // // Double_t version not implemented } void TFluka::SetCerenkov(Int_t /*itmed*/, Int_t /*npckov*/, Double_t* /*ppckov*/, Double_t* /*absco*/, Double_t* /*effic*/, Double_t* /*rindex*/, Double_t* /*rfl*/) { // // // Double_t version not implemented } // Euclid //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::WriteEuclid(const char* /*fileName*/, const char* /*topVol*/, Int_t /*number*/, Int_t /*nlevel*/) { // // Not with TGeo Warning("WriteEuclid", "Not implemented !"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ // methods needed by the stepping //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::GetMedium() const { // // Get the medium number for the current fluka region // return fGeom->GetMedium(); // this I need to check due to remapping !!! } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::GetDummyRegion() const { // Returns index of the dummy region. return fGeom->GetDummyRegion(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::GetDummyLattice() const { // Returns index of the dummy lattice. return fGeom->GetDummyLattice(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ // particle table usage // ID <--> PDG transformations //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::IdFromPDG(Int_t pdg) const { // // Return Fluka code from PDG and pseudo ENDF code // Catch the feedback photons if (pdg == 50000051) return (kFLUKAoptical); // MCIHAD() goes from pdg to fluka internal. Int_t intfluka = mcihad(pdg); // KPTOIP array goes from internal to official return GetFlukaKPTOIP(intfluka); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::PDGFromId(Int_t id) const { // // Return PDG code and pseudo ENDF code from Fluka code // Alpha He3 Triton Deuteron gen. ion opt. photon Int_t idSpecial[6] = {10020040, 10020030, 10010030, 10010020, 10000000, 50000050}; // IPTOKP array goes from official to internal if (id == kFLUKAoptical) { // Cerenkov photon if (fVerbosityLevel >= 3) printf("\n PDGFromId: Cerenkov Photon \n"); return 50000050; } // Error id if (id == 0 || id < kFLUKAcodemin || id > kFLUKAcodemax) { if (fVerbosityLevel >= 3) printf("PDGFromId: Error id = 0\n"); return -1; } // Good id if (id > 0) { Int_t intfluka = GetFlukaIPTOKP(id); if (intfluka == 0) { if (fVerbosityLevel >= 3) printf("PDGFromId: Error intfluka = 0: %d\n", id); return -1; } else if (intfluka < 0) { if (fVerbosityLevel >= 3) printf("PDGFromId: Error intfluka < 0: %d\n", id); return -1; } // if (fVerbosityLevel >= 3) // printf("mpdgha called with %d %d \n", id, intfluka); return mpdgha(intfluka); } else { // ions and optical photons return idSpecial[id - kFLUKAcodemin]; } } void TFluka::StopTrack() { // Set stopping conditions // Works for photons and charged particles fStopped = kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ // methods for physics management //____________________________________________________________________________ // // set methods // void TFluka::SetProcess(const char* flagName, Int_t flagValue, Int_t imed) { // Set process user flag for material imat // // // Update if already in the list // TIter next(fUserConfig); TFlukaConfigOption* proc; while((proc = (TFlukaConfigOption*)next())) { if (proc->Medium() == imed) { proc->SetProcess(flagName, flagValue); return; } } proc = new TFlukaConfigOption(imed); proc->SetProcess(flagName, flagValue); fUserConfig->Add(proc); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::SetProcess(const char* flagName, Int_t flagValue) { // Set process user flag // // SetProcess(flagName, flagValue, -1); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetCut(const char* cutName, Double_t cutValue, Int_t imed) { // Set user cut value for material imed // TIter next(fUserConfig); TFlukaConfigOption* proc; while((proc = (TFlukaConfigOption*)next())) { if (proc->Medium() == imed) { proc->SetCut(cutName, cutValue); return; } } proc = new TFlukaConfigOption(imed); proc->SetCut(cutName, cutValue); fUserConfig->Add(proc); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetModelParameter(const char* parName, Double_t parValue, Int_t imed) { // Set model parameter for material imed // TIter next(fUserConfig); TFlukaConfigOption* proc; while((proc = (TFlukaConfigOption*)next())) { if (proc->Medium() == imed) { proc->SetModelParameter(parName, parValue); return; } } proc = new TFlukaConfigOption(imed); proc->SetModelParameter(parName, parValue); fUserConfig->Add(proc); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::SetCut(const char* cutName, Double_t cutValue) { // Set user cut value // // SetCut(cutName, cutValue, -1); return kTRUE; } void TFluka::SetUserScoring(const char* option, Int_t npr, char* outfile, Float_t* what) { // // Adds a user scoring option to the list // TFlukaScoringOption* opt = new TFlukaScoringOption(option, "User Scoring", npr,outfile,what); fUserScore->Add(opt); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetUserScoring(const char* option, Int_t npr, char* outfile, Float_t* what, const char* det1, const char* det2, const char* det3) { // // Adds a user scoring option to the list // TFlukaScoringOption* opt = new TFlukaScoringOption(option, "User Scoring", npr, outfile, what, det1, det2, det3); fUserScore->Add(opt); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::Xsec(char*, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t) { Warning("Xsec", "Not yet implemented.!\n"); return -1.; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::InitPhysics() { // // Physics initialisation with preparation of FLUKA input cards // // Construct file names FILE *pFlukaVmcCoreInp, *pFlukaVmcFlukaMat, *pFlukaVmcInp; TString sFlukaVmcCoreInp = getenv("ALICE_ROOT"); sFlukaVmcCoreInp +="/TFluka/input/"; TString sFlukaVmcTmp = "flukaMat.inp"; TString sFlukaVmcInp = GetInputFileName(); sFlukaVmcCoreInp += GetCoreInputFileName(); // Open files if ((pFlukaVmcCoreInp = fopen(sFlukaVmcCoreInp.Data(),"r")) == NULL) { Warning("InitPhysics", "\nCannot open file %s\n",sFlukaVmcCoreInp.Data()); exit(1); } if ((pFlukaVmcFlukaMat = fopen(sFlukaVmcTmp.Data(),"r")) == NULL) { Warning("InitPhysics", "\nCannot open file %s\n",sFlukaVmcTmp.Data()); exit(1); } if ((pFlukaVmcInp = fopen(sFlukaVmcInp.Data(),"w")) == NULL) { Warning("InitPhysics", "\nCannot open file %s\n",sFlukaVmcInp.Data()); exit(1); } // Copy core input file Char_t sLine[255]; Float_t fEventsPerRun; while ((fgets(sLine,255,pFlukaVmcCoreInp)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(sLine,"GEOEND",6) != 0) fprintf(pFlukaVmcInp,"%s",sLine); // copy until GEOEND card else { fprintf(pFlukaVmcInp,"GEOEND\n"); // add GEOEND card goto flukamat; } } // end of while until GEOEND card flukamat: while ((fgets(sLine,255,pFlukaVmcFlukaMat)) != NULL) { // copy flukaMat.inp file fprintf(pFlukaVmcInp,"%s\n",sLine); } while ((fgets(sLine,255,pFlukaVmcCoreInp)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(sLine,"START",5) != 0) fprintf(pFlukaVmcInp,"%s\n",sLine); else { sscanf(sLine+10,"%10f",&fEventsPerRun); goto fin; } } //end of while until START card fin: // Pass information to configuration objects Float_t fLastMaterial = fGeom->GetLastMaterialIndex(); TFlukaConfigOption::SetStaticInfo(pFlukaVmcInp, 3, fLastMaterial, fGeom); TIter next(fUserConfig); TFlukaConfigOption* proc; while((proc = dynamic_cast (next()))) proc->WriteFlukaInputCards(); // // Process Fluka specific scoring options // TFlukaScoringOption::SetStaticInfo(pFlukaVmcInp, fGeom); Float_t loginp = 49.0; Int_t inp = 0; Int_t nscore = fUserScore->GetEntries(); TFlukaScoringOption *mopo = 0; TFlukaScoringOption *mopi = 0; for (Int_t isc = 0; isc < nscore; isc++) { mopo = dynamic_cast (fUserScore->At(isc)); char* fileName = mopo->GetFileName(); Int_t size = strlen(fileName); Float_t lun = -1.; // // Check if new output file has to be opened for (Int_t isci = 0; isci < isc; isci++) { mopi = dynamic_cast (fUserScore->At(isci)); if(strncmp(mopi->GetFileName(), fileName, size)==0) { // // No, the file already exists lun = mopi->GetLun(); mopo->SetLun(lun); break; } } // inner loop if (lun == -1.) { // Open new output file inp++; mopo->SetLun(loginp + inp); mopo->WriteOpenFlukaFile(); } mopo->WriteFlukaInputCards(); } // Add RANDOMIZ card fprintf(pFlukaVmcInp,"RANDOMIZ %10.1f%10.0f\n", 1., Float_t(gRandom->GetSeed())); // Add START and STOP card fprintf(pFlukaVmcInp,"START %10.1f\n",fEventsPerRun); fprintf(pFlukaVmcInp,"STOP \n"); // Close files fclose(pFlukaVmcCoreInp); fclose(pFlukaVmcFlukaMat); fclose(pFlukaVmcInp); // // Initialisation needed for Cerenkov photon production and transport TObjArray *matList = GetFlukaMaterials(); Int_t nmaterial = matList->GetEntriesFast(); fMaterials = new Int_t[nmaterial+3]; for (Int_t im = 0; im < nmaterial; im++) { TGeoMaterial* material = dynamic_cast (matList->At(im)); Int_t idmat = material->GetIndex(); fMaterials[idmat] = im; } } // end of InitPhysics //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetMaxStep(Double_t step) { // Set the maximum step size if (step > 1.e4) return; Int_t mreg, latt; fGeom->GetCurrentRegion(mreg, latt); STEPSZ.stepmx[mreg - 1] = step; } Double_t TFluka::MaxStep() const { // Return the maximum for current medium Int_t mreg, latt; fGeom->GetCurrentRegion(mreg, latt); return (STEPSZ.stepmx[mreg - 1]); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetMaxNStep(Int_t) { // SetMaxNStep is dummy procedure in TFluka ! if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "SetMaxNStep is dummy procedure in TFluka !" << endl; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetUserDecay(Int_t) { // SetUserDecay is dummy procedure in TFluka ! if (fVerbosityLevel >=3) cout << "SetUserDecay is dummy procedure in TFluka !" << endl; } // // dynamic properties // //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::TrackPosition(TLorentzVector& position) const { // Return the current position in the master reference frame of the // track being transported // TRACKR.atrack = age of the particle // TRACKR.xtrack = x-position of the last point // TRACKR.ytrack = y-position of the last point // TRACKR.ztrack = z-position of the last point FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kENDRAW || caller == kUSDRAW || caller == kBXExiting || caller == kBXEntering || caller == kUSTCKV) { position.SetX(GetXsco()); position.SetY(GetYsco()); position.SetZ(GetZsco()); position.SetT(TRACKR.atrack); } else if (caller == kMGDRAW) { position.SetX(TRACKR.xtrack[TRACKR.ntrack]); position.SetY(TRACKR.ytrack[TRACKR.ntrack]); position.SetZ(TRACKR.ztrack[TRACKR.ntrack]); position.SetT(TRACKR.atrack); } else if (caller == kSODRAW) { position.SetX(TRACKR.xtrack[TRACKR.ntrack]); position.SetY(TRACKR.ytrack[TRACKR.ntrack]); position.SetZ(TRACKR.ztrack[TRACKR.ntrack]); position.SetT(0); } else if (caller == kMGResumedTrack) { position.SetX(TRACKR.spausr[0]); position.SetY(TRACKR.spausr[1]); position.SetZ(TRACKR.spausr[2]); position.SetT(TRACKR.spausr[3]); } else Warning("TrackPosition","position not available"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::TrackPosition(Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t& z) const { // Return the current position in the master reference frame of the // track being transported // TRACKR.atrack = age of the particle // TRACKR.xtrack = x-position of the last point // TRACKR.ytrack = y-position of the last point // TRACKR.ztrack = z-position of the last point FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kENDRAW || caller == kUSDRAW || caller == kBXExiting || caller == kBXEntering || caller == kUSTCKV) { x = GetXsco(); y = GetYsco(); z = GetZsco(); } else if (caller == kMGDRAW || caller == kSODRAW) { x = TRACKR.xtrack[TRACKR.ntrack]; y = TRACKR.ytrack[TRACKR.ntrack]; z = TRACKR.ztrack[TRACKR.ntrack]; } else if (caller == kMGResumedTrack) { x = TRACKR.spausr[0]; y = TRACKR.spausr[1]; z = TRACKR.spausr[2]; } else Warning("TrackPosition","position not available"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::TrackMomentum(TLorentzVector& momentum) const { // Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track // currently being transported // TRACKR.ptrack = momentum of the particle (not always defined, if // < 0 must be obtained from etrack) // TRACKR.cx,y,ztrck = direction cosines of the current particle // TRACKR.etrack = total energy of the particle // TRACKR.jtrack = identity number of the particle // PAPROP.am[TRACKR.jtrack] = particle mass in gev FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); FlukaProcessCode_t icode = GetIcode(); if (caller != kEEDRAW && caller != kMGResumedTrack && (caller != kENDRAW || (icode != kEMFSCOstopping1 && icode != kEMFSCOstopping2))) { if (TRACKR.ptrack >= 0) { momentum.SetPx(TRACKR.ptrack*TRACKR.cxtrck); momentum.SetPy(TRACKR.ptrack*TRACKR.cytrck); momentum.SetPz(TRACKR.ptrack*TRACKR.cztrck); momentum.SetE(TRACKR.etrack); return; } else { Double_t p = sqrt(TRACKR.etrack * TRACKR.etrack - ParticleMassFPC(TRACKR.jtrack) * ParticleMassFPC(TRACKR.jtrack)); momentum.SetPx(p*TRACKR.cxtrck); momentum.SetPy(p*TRACKR.cytrck); momentum.SetPz(p*TRACKR.cztrck); momentum.SetE(TRACKR.etrack); return; } } else if (caller == kMGResumedTrack) { momentum.SetPx(TRACKR.spausr[4]); momentum.SetPy(TRACKR.spausr[5]); momentum.SetPz(TRACKR.spausr[6]); momentum.SetE (TRACKR.spausr[7]); return; } else if (caller == kENDRAW && (icode == kEMFSCOstopping1 || icode == kEMFSCOstopping2)) { momentum.SetPx(0.); momentum.SetPy(0.); momentum.SetPz(0.); momentum.SetE(TrackMass()); } else Warning("TrackMomentum","momentum not available"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::TrackMomentum(Double_t& px, Double_t& py, Double_t& pz, Double_t& e) const { // Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track // currently being transported // TRACKR.ptrack = momentum of the particle (not always defined, if // < 0 must be obtained from etrack) // TRACKR.cx,y,ztrck = direction cosines of the current particle // TRACKR.etrack = total energy of the particle // TRACKR.jtrack = identity number of the particle // PAPROP.am[TRACKR.jtrack] = particle mass in gev FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); FlukaProcessCode_t icode = GetIcode(); if (caller != kEEDRAW && caller != kMGResumedTrack && (caller != kENDRAW || (icode != kEMFSCOstopping1 && icode != kEMFSCOstopping2))) { if (TRACKR.ptrack >= 0) { px = TRACKR.ptrack*TRACKR.cxtrck; py = TRACKR.ptrack*TRACKR.cytrck; pz = TRACKR.ptrack*TRACKR.cztrck; e = TRACKR.etrack; return; } else { Double_t p = sqrt(TRACKR.etrack * TRACKR.etrack - ParticleMassFPC(TRACKR.jtrack) * ParticleMassFPC(TRACKR.jtrack)); px = p*TRACKR.cxtrck; py = p*TRACKR.cytrck; pz = p*TRACKR.cztrck; e = TRACKR.etrack; return; } } else if (caller == kMGResumedTrack) { px = TRACKR.spausr[4]; py = TRACKR.spausr[5]; pz = TRACKR.spausr[6]; e = TRACKR.spausr[7]; return; } else if (caller == kENDRAW && (icode == kEMFSCOstopping1 || icode == kEMFSCOstopping2)) { px = 0.; py = 0.; pz = 0.; e = TrackMass(); } else Warning("TrackMomentum","momentum not available"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::TrackStep() const { // Return the length in centimeters of the current step // TRACKR.ctrack = total curved path FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kBXEntering || caller == kBXExiting || caller == kENDRAW || caller == kUSDRAW || caller == kUSTCKV || caller == kMGResumedTrack) return 0.0; else if (caller == kMGDRAW) return TRACKR.ctrack; else { Warning("TrackStep", "track step not available"); return 0.0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::TrackLength() const { // TRACKR.cmtrck = cumulative curved path since particle birth FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kBXEntering || caller == kBXExiting || caller == kENDRAW || caller == kUSDRAW || caller == kMGDRAW || caller == kUSTCKV) return TRACKR.cmtrck; else if (caller == kMGResumedTrack) return TRACKR.spausr[8]; else { Warning("TrackLength", "track length not available"); return 0.0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::TrackTime() const { // Return the current time of flight of the track being transported // TRACKR.atrack = age of the particle FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kBXEntering || caller == kBXExiting || caller == kENDRAW || caller == kUSDRAW || caller == kMGDRAW || caller == kUSTCKV) return TRACKR.atrack; else if (caller == kMGResumedTrack) return TRACKR.spausr[3]; else { Warning("TrackTime", "track time not available"); return 0.0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::Edep() const { // Energy deposition // if TRACKR.ntrack = 0, TRACKR.mtrack = 0: // -->local energy deposition (the value and the point are not recorded in TRACKR) // but in the variable "rull" of the procedure "endraw.cxx" // if TRACKR.ntrack > 0, TRACKR.mtrack = 0: // -->no energy loss along the track // if TRACKR.ntrack > 0, TRACKR.mtrack > 0: // -->energy loss distributed along the track // TRACKR.dtrack = energy deposition of the jth deposition event // If coming from bxdraw we have 2 steps of 0 length and 0 edep // If coming from usdraw we just signal particle production - no edep // If just first time after resuming, no edep for the primary FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kBXExiting || caller == kBXEntering || caller == kUSDRAW || caller == kMGResumedTrack) return 0.0; Double_t sum = 0; for ( Int_t j=0;j=3) cout << "CorrectFlukaId() for icode=" << GetIcode() << " track=" << TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2 - 1] << " current PDG=" << PDGFromId(TRACKR.jtrack) << " assign parent PDG=" << PDGFromId(TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2 - 3]) << endl; return TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2 - 3]; // assign parent identity } return TRACKR.jtrack; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::TrackPid() const { // Return the id of the particle transported // TRACKR.jtrack = identity number of the particle FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller != kEEDRAW) { return PDGFromId( CorrectFlukaId() ); } else return -1000; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::TrackCharge() const { // Return charge of the track currently transported // PAPROP.ichrge = electric charge of the particle // TRACKR.jtrack = identity number of the particle FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller != kEEDRAW) return PAPROP.ichrge[CorrectFlukaId()+6]; else return -1000.0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::TrackMass() const { // PAPROP.am = particle mass in GeV // TRACKR.jtrack = identity number of the particle FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller != kEEDRAW) return PAPROP.am[CorrectFlukaId()+6]; else return -1000.0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TFluka::Etot() const { // TRACKR.etrack = total energy of the particle FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller != kEEDRAW) return TRACKR.etrack; else return -1000.0; } // // track status // //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsNewTrack() const { // Return true for the first call of Stepping() return fTrackIsNew; } void TFluka::SetTrackIsNew(Bool_t flag) { // Return true for the first call of Stepping() fTrackIsNew = flag; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackInside() const { // True if the track is not at the boundary of the current volume // In Fluka a step is always inside one kind of material // If the step would go behind the region of one material, // it will be shortened to reach only the boundary. // Therefore IsTrackInside() is always true. FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kBXEntering || caller == kBXExiting) return 0; else return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackEntering() const { // True if this is the first step of the track in the current volume FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kBXEntering) return 1; else return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackExiting() const { // True if track is exiting volume // FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kBXExiting) return 1; else return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackOut() const { // True if the track is out of the setup // means escape FlukaProcessCode_t icode = GetIcode(); if (icode == kKASKADescape || icode == kEMFSCOescape || icode == kKASNEUescape || icode == kKASHEAescape || icode == kKASOPHescape) return 1; else return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackDisappeared() const { // All inelastic interactions and decays // fIcode from usdraw FlukaProcessCode_t icode = GetIcode(); if (icode == kKASKADinelint || // inelastic interaction icode == kKASKADdecay || // particle decay icode == kKASKADdray || // delta ray generation by hadron icode == kKASKADpair || // direct pair production icode == kKASKADbrems || // bremsstrahlung (muon) icode == kEMFSCObrems || // bremsstrahlung (electron) icode == kEMFSCOmoller || // Moller scattering icode == kEMFSCObhabha || // Bhaba scattering icode == kEMFSCOanniflight || // in-flight annihilation icode == kEMFSCOannirest || // annihilation at rest icode == kEMFSCOpair || // pair production icode == kEMFSCOcompton || // Compton scattering icode == kEMFSCOphotoel || // Photoelectric effect icode == kKASNEUhadronic || // hadronic interaction icode == kKASHEAdray // delta-ray ) return 1; else return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackStop() const { // True if the track energy has fallen below the threshold // means stopped by signal or below energy threshold FlukaProcessCode_t icode = GetIcode(); if (icode == kKASKADstopping || // stopping particle icode == kKASKADtimekill || // time kill icode == kEMFSCOstopping1 || // below user-defined cut-off icode == kEMFSCOstopping2 || // below user cut-off icode == kEMFSCOtimekill || // time kill icode == kKASNEUstopping || // neutron below threshold icode == kKASNEUtimekill || // time kill icode == kKASHEAtimekill || // time kill icode == kKASOPHtimekill) return 1; // time kill else return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackAlive() const { // means not disappeared or not out if (IsTrackDisappeared() || IsTrackOut() ) return 0; else return 1; } // // secondaries // //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::NSecondaries() const { // Number of secondary particles generated in the current step // GENSTK.np = number of secondaries except light and heavy ions // FHEAVY.npheav = number of secondaries for light and heavy secondary ions FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kUSDRAW) // valid only after usdraw return GENSTK.np + FHEAVY.npheav; else if (caller == kUSTCKV) { // Cerenkov Photon production return fNCerenkov; } return 0; } // end of NSecondaries //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::GetSecondary(Int_t isec, Int_t& particleId, TLorentzVector& position, TLorentzVector& momentum) { // Copy particles from secondary stack to vmc stack // FlukaCallerCode_t caller = GetCaller(); if (caller == kUSDRAW) { // valid only after usdraw if (GENSTK.np > 0) { // Hadronic interaction if (isec >= 0 && isec < GENSTK.np) { particleId = PDGFromId(GENSTK.kpart[isec]); position.SetX(fXsco); position.SetY(fYsco); position.SetZ(fZsco); position.SetT(TRACKR.atrack); momentum.SetPx(GENSTK.plr[isec]*GENSTK.cxr[isec]); momentum.SetPy(GENSTK.plr[isec]*GENSTK.cyr[isec]); momentum.SetPz(GENSTK.plr[isec]*GENSTK.czr[isec]); momentum.SetE(GENSTK.tki[isec] + PAPROP.am[GENSTK.kpart[isec]+6]); } else if (isec >= GENSTK.np && isec < GENSTK.np + FHEAVY.npheav) { Int_t jsec = isec - GENSTK.np; particleId = FHEAVY.kheavy[jsec]; // this is Fluka id !!! position.SetX(fXsco); position.SetY(fYsco); position.SetZ(fZsco); position.SetT(TRACKR.atrack); momentum.SetPx(FHEAVY.pheavy[jsec]*FHEAVY.cxheav[jsec]); momentum.SetPy(FHEAVY.pheavy[jsec]*FHEAVY.cyheav[jsec]); momentum.SetPz(FHEAVY.pheavy[jsec]*FHEAVY.czheav[jsec]); if (FHEAVY.tkheav[jsec] >= 3 && FHEAVY.tkheav[jsec] <= 6) momentum.SetE(FHEAVY.tkheav[jsec] + PAPROP.am[jsec+6]); else if (FHEAVY.tkheav[jsec] > 6) momentum.SetE(FHEAVY.tkheav[jsec] + FHEAVY.amnhea[jsec]); // to be checked !!! } else Warning("GetSecondary","isec out of range"); } } else if (caller == kUSTCKV) { Int_t index = OPPHST.lstopp - isec; position.SetX(OPPHST.xoptph[index]); position.SetY(OPPHST.yoptph[index]); position.SetZ(OPPHST.zoptph[index]); position.SetT(OPPHST.agopph[index]); Double_t p = OPPHST.poptph[index]; momentum.SetPx(p * OPPHST.txopph[index]); momentum.SetPy(p * OPPHST.tyopph[index]); momentum.SetPz(p * OPPHST.tzopph[index]); momentum.SetE(p); } else Warning("GetSecondary","no secondaries available"); } // end of GetSecondary //______________________________________________________________________________ TMCProcess TFluka::ProdProcess(Int_t) const { // Name of the process that has produced the secondary particles // in the current step Int_t mugamma = (TRACKR.jtrack == kFLUKAphoton || TRACKR.jtrack == kFLUKAmuplus || TRACKR.jtrack == kFLUKAmuminus); FlukaProcessCode_t icode = GetIcode(); if (icode == kKASKADdecay) return kPDecay; else if (icode == kKASKADpair || icode == kEMFSCOpair) return kPPair; else if (icode == kEMFSCOcompton) return kPCompton; else if (icode == kEMFSCOphotoel) return kPPhotoelectric; else if (icode == kKASKADbrems || icode == kEMFSCObrems) return kPBrem; else if (icode == kKASKADdray || icode == kKASHEAdray) return kPDeltaRay; else if (icode == kEMFSCOmoller || icode == kEMFSCObhabha) return kPDeltaRay; else if (icode == kEMFSCOanniflight || icode == kEMFSCOannirest) return kPAnnihilation; else if (icode == kKASKADinelint) { if (!mugamma) return kPHadronic; else if (TRACKR.jtrack == kFLUKAphoton) return kPPhotoFission; else return kPMuonNuclear; } else if (icode == kEMFSCOrayleigh) return kPRayleigh; // Fluka codes 100, 300 and 400 still to be investigasted else return kPNoProcess; } Int_t TFluka::StepProcesses(TArrayI &proc) const { // // Return processes active in the current step // FlukaProcessCode_t icode = GetIcode(); proc.Set(1); TMCProcess iproc; switch (icode) { case kKASKADtimekill: case kEMFSCOtimekill: case kKASNEUtimekill: case kKASHEAtimekill: case kKASOPHtimekill: iproc = kPTOFlimit; break; case kKASKADstopping: case kKASKADescape: case kEMFSCOstopping1: case kEMFSCOstopping2: case kEMFSCOescape: case kKASNEUstopping: case kKASNEUescape: case kKASHEAescape: case kKASOPHescape: iproc = kPStop; break; case kKASOPHabsorption: iproc = kPLightAbsorption; break; case kKASOPHrefraction: iproc = kPLightRefraction; case kEMSCOlocaledep : iproc = kPPhotoelectric; break; default: iproc = ProdProcess(0); } proc[0] = iproc; return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::VolId2Mate(Int_t id) const { // // Returns the material number for a given volume ID // return fMCGeo->VolId2Mate(id); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TFluka::VolName(Int_t id) const { // // Returns the volume name for a given volume ID // return fMCGeo->VolName(id); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::VolId(const Text_t* volName) const { // // Converts from volume name to volume ID. // Time consuming. (Only used during set-up) // Could be replaced by hash-table // char sname[20]; Int_t len; strncpy(sname, volName, len = strlen(volName)); sname[len] = 0; while (sname[len - 1] == ' ') sname[--len] = 0; return fMCGeo->VolId(sname); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::CurrentVolID(Int_t& copyNo) const { // // Return the logical id and copy number corresponding to the current fluka region // if (gGeoManager->IsOutside()) return 0; TGeoNode *node = gGeoManager->GetCurrentNode(); copyNo = node->GetNumber(); Int_t id = node->GetVolume()->GetNumber(); return id; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::CurrentVolOffID(Int_t off, Int_t& copyNo) const { // // Return the logical id and copy number of off'th mother // corresponding to the current fluka region // if (off<0 || off>gGeoManager->GetLevel()) return 0; if (off==0) return CurrentVolID(copyNo); TGeoNode *node = gGeoManager->GetMother(off); if (!node) return 0; copyNo = node->GetNumber(); return node->GetVolume()->GetNumber(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TFluka::CurrentVolName() const { // // Return the current volume name // if (gGeoManager->IsOutside()) return 0; return gGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume()->GetName(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TFluka::CurrentVolOffName(Int_t off) const { // // Return the volume name of the off'th mother of the current volume // if (off<0 || off>gGeoManager->GetLevel()) return 0; if (off==0) return CurrentVolName(); TGeoNode *node = gGeoManager->GetMother(off); if (!node) return 0; return node->GetVolume()->GetName(); } const char* TFluka::CurrentVolPath() { // Return the current volume path return gGeoManager->GetPath(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFluka::CurrentMaterial(Float_t & a, Float_t & z, Float_t & dens, Float_t & radl, Float_t & absl) const { // // Return the current medium number and material properties // Int_t copy; Int_t id = TFluka::CurrentVolID(copy); Int_t med = TFluka::VolId2Mate(id); TGeoVolume* vol = gGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume(); TGeoMaterial* mat = vol->GetMaterial(); a = mat->GetA(); z = mat->GetZ(); dens = mat->GetDensity(); radl = mat->GetRadLen(); absl = mat->GetIntLen(); return med; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gmtod(Float_t* xm, Float_t* xd, Int_t iflag) { // Transforms a position from the world reference frame // to the current volume reference frame. // // Geant3 desription: // ================== // Computes coordinates XD (in DRS) // from known coordinates XM in MRS // The local reference system can be initialized by // - the tracking routines and GMTOD used in GUSTEP // - a call to GMEDIA(XM,NUMED) // - a call to GLVOLU(NLEVEL,NAMES,NUMBER,IER) // (inverse routine is GDTOM) // // If IFLAG=1 convert coordinates // IFLAG=2 convert direction cosinus // // --- Double_t xmL[3], xdL[3]; Int_t i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) xmL[i]=xm[i]; if (iflag == 1) gGeoManager->MasterToLocal(xmL,xdL); else gGeoManager->MasterToLocalVect(xmL,xdL); for (i=0;i<3;i++) xd[i] = xdL[i]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gmtod(Double_t* xm, Double_t* xd, Int_t iflag) { // // See Gmtod(Float_t*, Float_t*, Int_t) // if (iflag == 1) gGeoManager->MasterToLocal(xm,xd); else gGeoManager->MasterToLocalVect(xm,xd); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gdtom(Float_t* xd, Float_t* xm, Int_t iflag) { // Transforms a position from the current volume reference frame // to the world reference frame. // // Geant3 desription: // ================== // Computes coordinates XM (Master Reference System // knowing the coordinates XD (Detector Ref System) // The local reference system can be initialized by // - the tracking routines and GDTOM used in GUSTEP // - a call to GSCMED(NLEVEL,NAMES,NUMBER) // (inverse routine is GMTOD) // // If IFLAG=1 convert coordinates // IFLAG=2 convert direction cosinus // // --- Double_t xmL[3], xdL[3]; Int_t i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) xdL[i] = xd[i]; if (iflag == 1) gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(xdL,xmL); else gGeoManager->LocalToMasterVect(xdL,xmL); for (i=0;i<3;i++) xm[i]=xmL[i]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::Gdtom(Double_t* xd, Double_t* xm, Int_t iflag) { // // See Gdtom(Float_t*, Float_t*, Int_t) // if (iflag == 1) gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(xd,xm); else gGeoManager->LocalToMasterVect(xd,xm); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObjArray *TFluka::GetFlukaMaterials() { // // Get array of Fluka materials return fGeom->GetMatList(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFluka::SetMreg(Int_t l, Int_t lttc) { // Set current fluka region fCurrentFlukaRegion = l; fGeom->SetMreg(l,lttc); } TString TFluka::ParticleName(Int_t pdg) const { // Return particle name for particle with pdg code pdg. Int_t ifluka = IdFromPDG(pdg); return TString((CHPPRP.btype[ifluka - kFLUKAcodemin]), 8); } Double_t TFluka::ParticleMass(Int_t pdg) const { // Return particle mass for particle with pdg code pdg. Int_t ifluka = IdFromPDG(pdg); return (PAPROP.am[ifluka - kFLUKAcodemin]); } Double_t TFluka::ParticleMassFPC(Int_t fpc) const { // Return particle mass for particle with Fluka particle code fpc return (PAPROP.am[fpc - kFLUKAcodemin]); } Double_t TFluka::ParticleCharge(Int_t pdg) const { // Return particle charge for particle with pdg code pdg. Int_t ifluka = IdFromPDG(pdg); return Double_t(PAPROP.ichrge[ifluka - kFLUKAcodemin]); } Double_t TFluka::ParticleLifeTime(Int_t pdg) const { // Return particle lifetime for particle with pdg code pdg. Int_t ifluka = IdFromPDG(pdg); return (PAPROP.tmnlf[ifluka - kFLUKAcodemin]); } void TFluka::Gfpart(Int_t pdg, char* name, Int_t& type, Float_t& mass, Float_t& charge, Float_t& tlife) { // Retrieve particle properties for particle with pdg code pdg. strcpy(name, ParticleName(pdg).Data()); type = ParticleMCType(pdg); mass = ParticleMass(pdg); charge = ParticleCharge(pdg); tlife = ParticleLifeTime(pdg); } void TFluka::PrintHeader() { // // Print a header printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("- You are using the TFluka Virtual Monte Carlo Interface to FLUKA. -\n"); printf("- Please see the file fluka.out for FLUKA output and licensing information. -\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } #define pshckp pshckp_ #define ustckv ustckv_ extern "C" { void pshckp(Double_t & px, Double_t & py, Double_t & pz, Double_t & e, Double_t & vx, Double_t & vy, Double_t & vz, Double_t & tof, Double_t & polx, Double_t & poly, Double_t & polz, Double_t & wgt, Int_t& ntr) { // // Pushes one cerenkov photon to the stack // TFluka* fluka = (TFluka*) gMC; TVirtualMCStack* cppstack = fluka->GetStack(); Int_t parent = TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2-1]; cppstack->PushTrack(0, parent, 50000050, px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof, polx, poly, polz, kPCerenkov, ntr, wgt, 0); } void ustckv(Int_t & nphot, Int_t & mreg, Double_t & x, Double_t & y, Double_t & z) { // // Calls stepping in order to signal cerenkov production // TFluka *fluka = (TFluka*)gMC; fluka->SetMreg(mreg,LTCLCM.mlatm1); fluka->SetXsco(x); fluka->SetYsco(y); fluka->SetZsco(z); fluka->SetNCerenkov(nphot); fluka->SetCaller(kUSTCKV); if (fluka->GetVerbosityLevel() >= 3) (TVirtualMCApplication::Instance())->Stepping(); } } void TFluka::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase() const { // // Add particles to the PDG data base TDatabasePDG *pdgDB = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); const Int_t kion=10000000; const Double_t kAu2Gev = 0.9314943228; const Double_t khSlash = 1.0545726663e-27; const Double_t kErg2Gev = 1/1.6021773349e-3; const Double_t khShGev = khSlash*kErg2Gev; const Double_t kYear2Sec = 3600*24*365.25; // // Ions // pdgDB->AddParticle("Deuteron","Deuteron",2*kAu2Gev+8.071e-3,kTRUE, 0,3,"Ion",kion+10020); pdgDB->AddParticle("Triton","Triton",3*kAu2Gev+14.931e-3,kFALSE, khShGev/(12.33*kYear2Sec),3,"Ion",kion+10030); pdgDB->AddParticle("Alpha","Alpha",4*kAu2Gev+2.424e-3,kTRUE, khShGev/(12.33*kYear2Sec),6,"Ion",kion+20040); pdgDB->AddParticle("HE3","HE3",3*kAu2Gev+14.931e-3,kFALSE, 0,6,"Ion",kion+20030); } // // Info about primary ionization electrons Int_t TFluka::GetNPrimaryElectrons() { // Get number of primary electrons return ALLDLT.nalldl; } Double_t GetPrimaryElectronKineticEnergy(Int_t i) { Double_t ekin = -1.; // Returns kinetic energy of primary electron i if (i >= 0 && i < ALLDLT.nalldl) { ekin = ALLDLT.talldl[i]; } else { Warning("GetPrimaryElectronKineticEnergy", "Primary electron index out of range %d %d \n", i, ALLDLT.nalldl); } return ekin; }