#include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliStack.h" #ifndef WIN32 # define stuprf stuprf_ #else # define stuprf STUPRF #endif // // Fluka include #include "Fdimpar.h" //(DIMPAR) fluka include // Fluka commons #include "Fdblprc.h" //(DBLPRC) fluka common #include "Fevtflg.h" //(EVTFLG) fluka common #include "Fpaprop.h" //(PAPROP) fluka common #include "Fstack.h" //(STACK) fluka common #include "Ftrackr.h" //(TRACKR) fluka common #include "Ffinuc.h" //(FINUC) fluka common //Virtual MC #include "TFluka.h" #include "TVirtualMCStack.h" #include "TVirtualMCApplication.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TVector3.h" extern "C" { void stuprf(Int_t& /*ij*/, Int_t& /*mreg*/, Double_t& xx, Double_t& yy, Double_t& zz, Int_t& numsec, Int_t& npprmr) { //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* //* * //* SeT User PRoperties for Fluka particles * //* * //*----------------------------------------------------------------------* // STACK.lstack = stack pointer // STACK.louse = user flag // TRACKR.llouse = user defined flag for the current particle STACK.louse[STACK.lstack] = TRACKR.llouse; // mkbmx1 = dimension for kwb real spare array in fluka stack in DIMPAR // mkbmx2 = dimension for kwb int. spare array in fluka stack in DIMPAR // STACK.sparek = spare real variables available for k.w.burn // STACK.ispark = spare integer variables available for k.w.burn // TRACKR.spausr = user defined spare variables for the current particle // TRACKR.ispusr = user defined spare flags for the current particle Int_t ispr; for (ispr = 0; ispr <= mkbmx1 - 1; ispr++) { STACK.sparek[STACK.lstack][ispr] = TRACKR.spausr[ispr]; } for (ispr = 0; ispr <= mkbmx2 - 1; ispr++) { STACK.ispark[STACK.lstack][ispr] = TRACKR.ispusr[ispr]; } // Get the pointer to the VMC TFluka* fluka = (TFluka*) gMC; Int_t verbosityLevel = fluka->GetVerbosityLevel(); Bool_t debug = (verbosityLevel>=3)?kTRUE:kFALSE; fluka->SetTrackIsNew(kTRUE); // TVirtualMC* fluka = TFluka::GetMC(); // Get the stack produced from the generator TVirtualMCStack* cppstack = fluka->GetStack(); // EVTFLG.ntrcks = track number // Increment the track number and put it into the last flag // was numsec -1 // clarify with Alberto if (numsec > npprmr) { // Now call the PushTrack(...) Int_t done = 0; Int_t parent = TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2-1]; Int_t kpart = FINUC.kpart[numsec-1]; if (kpart < -6) return; Int_t pdg = fluka->PDGFromId(kpart); Double_t px = FINUC.plr[numsec-1] * FINUC.cxr[numsec-1]; Double_t py = FINUC.plr[numsec-1] * FINUC.cyr[numsec-1]; Double_t pz = FINUC.plr[numsec-1] * FINUC.czr[numsec-1]; Double_t e = FINUC.tki[numsec-1] + PAPROP.am[FINUC.kpart[numsec-1]+6]; Double_t vx = xx; Double_t vy = yy; Double_t vz = zz; Double_t tof = TRACKR.atrack; Double_t polx = FINUC.cxrpol[numsec-1]; Double_t poly = FINUC.cyrpol[numsec-1]; Double_t polz = FINUC.czrpol[numsec-1]; TMCProcess mech = kPHadronic; if (EVTFLG.ldecay == 1) { mech = kPDecay; if (debug) cout << endl << "Decay" << endl; } else if (EVTFLG.ldltry == 1) { mech = kPDeltaRay; if (debug) cout << endl << "Delta Ray" << endl; } else if (EVTFLG.lpairp == 1) { mech = kPPair; if (debug) cout << endl << "Pair Production" << endl; } else if (EVTFLG.lbrmsp == 1) { mech = kPBrem; if (debug) cout << endl << "Bremsstrahlung" << endl; } Double_t weight = FINUC.wei[numsec-1]; Int_t is = 0; Int_t ntr; // // Save particle in VMC stack cppstack->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg, px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof, polx, poly, polz, mech, ntr, weight, is); if (debug) cout << endl << " !!! stuprf: ntr=" << ntr << "pdg " << pdg << " parent=" << parent << "numsec " << numsec << "npprmr " << npprmr << endl; // // Save current track number STACK.ispark[STACK.lstack][mkbmx2-1] = ntr; STACK.ispark[STACK.lstack][mkbmx2-2] = 0; } // end of if (numsec-1 > npprmr) } // end of stuprf } // end of extern "C"