// $Id$ // Category: geometry // // See the class description in the header file. #include "TG4ElementTable.h" #include "TG4Globals.h" #include // static data members TG4ElementTable* TG4ElementTable::fgInstance = 0; //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4ElementTable::TG4ElementTable() { // Construct(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4ElementTable::TG4ElementTable(const TG4ElementTable& right) { // TG4Globals::Exception( "Attempt to copy TG4ElementTable singleton."); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4ElementTable::~TG4ElementTable(){ // } // operators //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4ElementTable& TG4ElementTable::operator=(const TG4ElementTable& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; TG4Globals::Exception( "Attempt to assign TG4ElementTable singleton."); return *this; } // static methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4ElementTable* TG4ElementTable::Instance() { // singleton access method // --- if (fgInstance == 0 ) { fgInstance = new TG4ElementTable(); } return fgInstance; } // private methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4ElementTable::Construct() { // construct element table // --- // new G4Element(name, symbol, z, a); // check names new G4Element("Hydrogen", "H", 1., 1.00797*g/mole); new G4Element("Helium", "He", 2., 4.00260*g/mole); new G4Element("Lithium", "Li", 3., 6.941*g/mole); new G4Element("Berylium", "Be", 4., 9.01218*g/mole); new G4Element("Bohr", "B", 5., 10.811*g/mole); new G4Element("Carbon", "C", 6., 12.01115*g/mole); new G4Element("Nitrogen", "N", 7., 14.0067*g/mole); //in periodic table //new G4Element("Oxygen", "O", 8., 15.9994*g/mole); new G4Element("Oxygen", "O", 8., 16.00*g/mole); new G4Element("Fluorine", "F", 9., 18.99840*g/mole); new G4Element("Neon", "Ne", 10., 20.179*g/mole); new G4Element("Sodium", "Na", 11., 22.98977*g/mole); new G4Element("Magnesium", "Mg", 12., 24.305 *g/mole); new G4Element("Aluminium", "Al", 13., 26.98154*g/mole); new G4Element("Silicon", "Si", 14., 28.086*g/mole); new G4Element("Phosphorus","P", 15., 30.97376*g/mole); new G4Element("Sulfur", "S", 16., 32.064*g/mole); new G4Element("Chlorine", "Cl", 17., 35.453*g/mole); new G4Element("Argon", "Ar", 18, 39.948*g/mole); new G4Element("Pottassium","K", 19., 39.098*g/mole); new G4Element("Calcium", "Ca", 20., 40.08*g/mole); new G4Element("Scandium", "Sc", 21., 44.9559*g/mole); new G4Element("Titanium", "Ti", 22., 47.90*g/mole); new G4Element("Vanadium", "V", 23., 50.9414*g/mole); new G4Element("Chromium", "Cr", 24., 51.996*g/mole); new G4Element("Manganese", "Mn", 25., 54.9380*g/mole); new G4Element("Iron", "Fe", 26., 55.847*g/mole); new G4Element("Cobalt", "Co", 27., 58.9332*g/mole); new G4Element("Nickel", "Ni", 28., 58.70*g/mole); new G4Element("Copper", "Cu", 29., 63.546*g/mole); new G4Element("Zinc", "Zn", 30., 65.38*g/mole); new G4Element("Gallium", "Ga", 31., 69.72*g/mole); new G4Element("Germanium", "Ge", 32., 72.59*g/mole); new G4Element("Arsenic", "As", 33., 74.9216*g/mole); new G4Element("Selenium", "Se", 34., 78.96*g/mole); new G4Element("Bromine", "Br", 35., 79.904*g/mole); new G4Element("Krypton", "Kr", 36., 83.80*g/mole); new G4Element("Rubidium", "Rb", 37., 85.4678*g/mole); new G4Element("Strontium", "Sr", 38., 87.62*g/mole); new G4Element("Yttrium", "Y", 39., 88.9059*g/mole); new G4Element("Zirconium", "Zr", 40., 91.22*g/mole); new G4Element("Niobium", "Nb", 41., 92.9064*g/mole); new G4Element("Molybdenum","Mo", 42., 95.94*g/mole); new G4Element("Technetium","Tc", 43., 97.*g/mole); new G4Element("Ruthenium", "Ru", 44., 101.07*g/mole); new G4Element("Rhodium", "Rh", 45., 102.9055*g/mole); new G4Element("Palladium", "Pd", 46., 106.4*g/mole); new G4Element("Silver", "Ag", 47., 107.868*g/mole); /* new G4Element("Cadmium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Indium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Tin", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Antimony", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Tellurium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Iodine", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Xenon", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Cesium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Ba??", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Lanthanum", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Hafnium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Tantalum", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Tungsten", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Rhenium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Osmium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Iridium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Platinum", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Gold", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Mercury", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Thallium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Lead", "Pb", 82., 207.19*g/mole); new G4Element("Bismuth", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Polonium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Astatine", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Radon", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Franicum", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Radium", "", , *g/mole); new G4Element("Actinium", "", , *g/mole); */ }