// $Id$ // Category: geometry // // See the class description in the header file. #include "TG4XMLConvertor.h" #include "TG4Polycone.h" #include "TG4Polyhedra.h" #include "TG4G3Units.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const G4int TG4XMLConvertor::fgkMaxVolumeNameLength = 10; const G4int TG4XMLConvertor::fgkMaxMaterialNameLength = 20; const G4int TG4XMLConvertor::fgkDefaultNumWidth = 7; const G4int TG4XMLConvertor::fgkDefaultNumPrecision = 4; //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4XMLConvertor::TG4XMLConvertor(G4std::ofstream& outFile) : fOutFile(outFile), fkBasicIndention(" "), fNW(fgkDefaultNumWidth), fNP(fgkDefaultNumPrecision), fIndention(fkBasicIndention), fRotationCounter(0) { fOutFile.width(fgkDefaultNumWidth); fOutFile.precision(fgkDefaultNumPrecision); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TG4XMLConvertor::~TG4XMLConvertor() { // } // private methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::CutName(G4String& name) const { // Removes spaces after the name if present. // --- G4int i = name.length(); while (name(--i) == ' ') name = name(0,i); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::CutName(G4String& name, G4int size) const { // Cuts name to given size. // --- if (name.length() > size) name = name(0, size); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::PutName(G4String& element, G4String name, G4String templ) const { // Replaces given template in string element with a give name. // --- CutName(name); // make better if (templ == "#") CutName(name, fgkMaxVolumeNameLength); else if (templ == "!") CutName(name, fgkMaxMaterialNameLength); element.replace(element.find(templ), name.size(), name); element.replace(element.find(templ), 1, "\""); while (element.contains(templ)) element.replace(element.find(templ), 1 , " "); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteBox(G4String lvName, const G4Box* box, G4String materialName) { // Writes G4box solid. // --- // get parameters G4double x = box->GetXHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double y = box->GetYHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double z = box->GetZHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << y << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << z << element4 << G4endl << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteTubs(G4String lvName, const G4Tubs* tubs, G4String materialName) { // Writes G4tubs solid. // --- // get parameters G4double rmin = tubs->GetInnerRadius()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double rmax = tubs->GetOuterRadius()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double hz = tubs->GetZHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double sphi = tubs->GetStartPhiAngle()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); G4double dphi = tubs->GetDeltaPhiAngle()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << sphi << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << sphi+dphi << quota << G4endl << indention << element4 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmin << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmax << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << hz << element5 << G4endl << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteCons(G4String lvName, const G4Cons* cons, G4String materialName) { // Writes G4cons solid. // --- // get parameters G4double rmin1 = cons->GetInnerRadiusMinusZ()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double rmax1 = cons->GetOuterRadiusMinusZ()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double rmin2 = cons->GetInnerRadiusPlusZ()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double rmax2 = cons->GetOuterRadiusPlusZ()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double hz = cons->GetZHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double sphi = cons->GetStartPhiAngle()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); G4double dphi = cons->GetDeltaPhiAngle()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << sphi << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << sphi+dphi << quota << G4endl << indention << element4 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmin1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmin2 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmax1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmax2 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << hz << element5 << G4endl << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteTrd(G4String lvName, const G4Trd* trd, G4String materialName) { // Writes G4Trd solid. // --- // get parameters G4double x1 = trd->GetXHalfLength1()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2; G4double x2 = trd->GetXHalfLength2()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2; G4double y1 = trd->GetYHalfLength1()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2; G4double y2 = trd->GetYHalfLength2()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2; G4double hz = trd->GetZHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2; // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x2 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << y1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << y2 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << hz << element4 << G4endl << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteTrap(G4String lvName, const G4Trap* trap, G4String materialName) { // Writes G4Trap solid. // --- // get parameters G4double dz = trap->GetZHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4ThreeVector symAxis = trap->GetSymAxis(); G4double y1 = trap->GetYHalfLength1()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double x1 = trap->GetXHalfLength1()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double x2 = trap->GetXHalfLength2()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double tanAlpha1 = trap->GetTanAlpha1(); G4double y2 = trap->GetYHalfLength2()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double x3 = trap->GetXHalfLength3()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double x4 = trap->GetXHalfLength4()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double tanAlpha2 = trap->GetTanAlpha2(); // ordering of parameters in XML element // Xmumdpupd_Ymp_Z: 2x2 2x1 2x4 2x3 2y2 2y1 2dz // inclination: atan(symAxis.x/symAxis.z), atan(symAxis.y/symAxis.z) // declination: alpha1, alpha2 // get angles G4double inc1 = atan(symAxis.x()/symAxis.z()) / deg; G4double inc2 = atan(symAxis.y()/symAxis.z()) / deg; G4double alpha1 = atan(tanAlpha1) / deg; G4double alpha2 = atan(tanAlpha2) / deg; // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x2 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x4 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x3 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << y2 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << y1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << dz << quota << G4endl << indention << element4 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << inc1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << inc2 << quota << G4endl << indention << element5 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << alpha1 << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << alpha2 << element6 << G4endl << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WritePara(G4String lvName, const G4Para* para, G4String materialName) { // Writes G4Para solid. // --- // get parameters G4double dx = para->GetXHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double dy = para->GetYHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double dz = para->GetZHalfLength()/TG4G3Units::Length()*2.; G4double tanAlpha = para->GetTanAlpha(); G4ThreeVector symAxis = para->GetSymAxis(); G4double alpha = atan(tanAlpha) / deg; G4double theta = acos(symAxis.z()) / deg; G4double phi; if (theta == 0.) phi = 0; else phi = atan(symAxis.y()/symAxis.x()) / deg; // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << dx << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << dy << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << dz << quota << G4endl << indention << element4 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << alpha << quota << G4endl << indention << element5 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << theta << quota << G4endl << indention << element6 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << phi << element7 << G4endl << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WritePolycone(G4String lvName, const G4Polycone* polycone, G4String materialName) { // Writes G4Polycone solid. // --- // get profile parameters G4double sphi = polycone->GetStartPhi()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); G4double ephi = polycone->GetEndPhi()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); // get polycone Z planes parameters TG4Polycone historicalPolycone = TG4Polycone(*polycone); G4int nofZPlanes = historicalPolycone.GetNofZPlanes(); G4double* rminArray = historicalPolycone.GetRmin(); G4double* rmaxArray = historicalPolycone.GetRmax(); G4double* zArray = historicalPolycone.GetZ(); // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String element5 = ""; G4String element7 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write pcon element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << sphi << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << ephi << element4 << G4endl; // write polyplane elements for (G4int i=0; iGetNumSide(); G4double sphi = polyhedra->GetStartPhi()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); G4double ephi = polyhedra->GetEndPhi()/TG4G3Units::Angle(); // get polyhedra Z planes parameters TG4Polyhedra historicalPolyhedra = TG4Polyhedra(*polyhedra); G4int nofZPlanes = historicalPolyhedra.GetNofZPlanes(); G4double* rminArray = historicalPolyhedra.GetRmin(); G4double* rmaxArray = historicalPolyhedra.GetRmax(); G4double* zArray = historicalPolyhedra.GetZ(); // compose element string template G4String quota = "\""; G4String element1 = ""; G4String indention = fkBasicIndention + fkBasicIndention; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4endl << indention << element2 << G4endl << indention << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << sphi << " " << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << ephi << quota << G4endl << indention << element4 << nofSides << quota << G4endl; fOutFile << indention << element5; G4int i; for (i=0; i0) fOutFile << " "; fOutFile << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmin; }; fOutFile << quota << G4endl; fOutFile << indention << element6; for (i=0; i0) fOutFile << " "; fOutFile << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << rmax; }; fOutFile << quota << G4endl; fOutFile << indention << element7; for (i=0; i0) fOutFile << " "; fOutFile << G4std::setw(fNW) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << z; }; fOutFile << element8 << G4endl << G4endl; } // public methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::OpenMaterials(const G4String& version, const G4String& date, const G4String& author, const G4String dtdVersion) { // Writes section opening. // --- G4String element1 = ""); // write element fOutFile << fIndention << element << G4endl; // increase indention IncreaseIndention(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::CloseMaterials() { // Writes materials closing. // --- // define element G4String element = ""; // write element fOutFile << element << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::CloseSection() { // Writes section closing. // --- // define element G4String element = ""; // write element fOutFile << element << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::CloseComposition() { // Writes composition closing. // --- // decrease indention DecreaseIndention(); // define element G4String element = ""; // write element fOutFile << fIndention << element << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteMaterial(const G4Material* material) { // Writes G4Material. // Not yet implemented, only XML comment element is written. // --- G4String name = material->GetName(); CutName(name); // only comment line G4String element1 = ""; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << name << element2 << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteSolid(G4String lvName, const G4VSolid* solid, G4String materialName) { // Finds G4Solid concrete type and calls writing function. // For not yet implemented solids, only XML comment element is written. // --- // to be removed when materials are supported materialName = "Hydrogen"; const G4Box* box = dynamic_cast(solid); if (box) { WriteBox(lvName, box, materialName); return; } const G4Tubs* tubs = dynamic_cast(solid); if (tubs) { WriteTubs(lvName, tubs, materialName); return; } const G4Cons* cons = dynamic_cast(solid); if (cons) { WriteCons(lvName, cons, materialName); return; } const G4Trd* trd = dynamic_cast(solid); if (trd) { WriteTrd(lvName, trd, materialName); return; } const G4Trap* trap = dynamic_cast(solid); if (trap) { WriteTrap(lvName, trap, materialName); return; } const G4Para* para = dynamic_cast(solid); if (para) { WritePara(lvName, para, materialName); return; } const G4Polycone* polycone = dynamic_cast(solid); if (polycone) { WritePolycone(lvName, polycone, materialName); return; } const G4Polyhedra* polyhedra = dynamic_cast(solid); if (polyhedra) { WritePolyhedra(lvName, polyhedra, materialName); return; } // write comment line in case of unsupported // shape // only comment line G4String element1 = ""; // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << lvName << element2 << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteRotation(const G4RotationMatrix* rotation) { // Writes G4RotationMatrix. // Not yet implemented, only XML comment element is written. // --- // return if this rotation was already written G4int nofRotations = fRotations.size(); if (nofRotations>0) for (G4int i=0; ixx(); G4double xy = rotation->xy(); G4double xz = rotation->xz(); G4double yx = rotation->yx(); G4double yy = rotation->yy(); G4double yz = rotation->yz(); G4double zx = rotation->zx(); G4double zy = rotation->zy(); G4double zz = rotation->zz(); G4String id = "RM"; TG4Globals::AppendNumberToString(id, ++fRotationCounter); // compose element string template G4String quota = "\"\n"; G4String element1 = ""; // put identifier PutName(element1, id, "#"); // write element fOutFile << fkBasicIndention << element1 << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << xx << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << xy << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << xz << quota << fkBasicIndention << element2 << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << yx << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << yy << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << yz << quota << fkBasicIndention << element3 << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << zx << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << zy << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << zz << element4 << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WritePosition(G4String lvName, G4ThreeVector position) { // Writes position without rotation with a given solid name. // --- // get parameters G4double x = position.x()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double y = position.y()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double z = position.z()/TG4G3Units::Length(); // compose element string template G4String element1 = ""; // put solid name PutName(element1, lvName, "#"); // write element fOutFile << fIndention << element1 << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x << " " << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << y << " " << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << z << element2 << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WritePositionWithRotation( G4String lvName, G4ThreeVector position, const G4RotationMatrix* rotation) { // Writes position with rotation with a given solid name. // Not yet implemented, only XML comment element is written. // --- // get parameters G4double x = position.x()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double y = position.y()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double z = position.z()/TG4G3Units::Length(); G4double xx = rotation->xx(); G4double xy = rotation->xy(); G4double xz = rotation->xz(); G4double yx = rotation->yx(); G4double yy = rotation->yy(); G4double yz = rotation->yz(); G4double zx = rotation->zx(); G4double zy = rotation->zy(); G4double zz = rotation->zz(); /* // find rotation G4int i=0; while (i"; // put solid name PutName(element1, lvName, "#"); // write element fOutFile << fIndention << element1 << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << x << " " << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << y << " " << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << z << quota << fIndention << element2 << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << xx << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << xy << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << xz << G4endl << fIndention << element3 << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << yx << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << yy << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << yz << G4endl << fIndention << element3 << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << zx << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << zy << " " << G4std::setw(8) << G4std::setprecision(5) << zz << element4 << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteReplica(G4String lvName, G4PVReplica* pvr) { // Writes position without rotation with a given solid name. // --- // get parameters EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width; G4double offset; G4bool consuming; pvr->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); G4String tag; switch (axis) { case kXAxis: tag = "X"; break; case kYAxis: tag = "Y"; break; case kZAxis: tag = "Z"; break; case kRho: tag = "R"; break; case kPhi: tag = "Phi"; break; } // set units G4double value0 = offset; G4double dValue = width; if (axis != kPhi) { value0 = value0/TG4G3Units::Length(); dValue = dValue/TG4G3Units::Length(); } else { value0 = value0/TG4G3Units::Angle(); dValue = dValue/TG4G3Units::Angle(); } // set tag and attributes names G4String a0 = "mpos"; a0 = a0 + tag; G4String a1 = tag; a1 = a1 + "0"; G4String a2 = "d"; a2 = a2 + tag; // compose element string template G4String element1 = "<" + a0 + " volume=\"########### ncopy=\""; G4String element2 = "\" " + a1 + "=\""; G4String element3 = "\" " + a2 + "=\""; G4String element4 = "\" />"; // put solid name PutName(element1, lvName, "#"); // write element fOutFile << fIndention << element1 << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << nReplicas << element2 << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << value0 << element3 << G4std::setw(fNW+1) << G4std::setprecision(fNP) << dValue << element4 << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::WriteEmptyLine() { // Writes empty line. // --- fOutFile << G4endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::IncreaseIndention() { // increase indention fIndention.append(fkBasicIndention); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TG4XMLConvertor::DecreaseIndention() { // decrease indention fIndention.replace(fIndention.find(fkBasicIndention), 3 , ""); }