/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // Implementation of the interface for THBTprocessor // Author: Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Wrapper class for "hbt processor" after burner //The origibal code is written in fortran by Lanny Ray //and is put in the directory $ALICE_ROOT/HBTprocessor //Detailed description is on the top of the file hbt_event_processor.f // //This class can be used ONLY with AliGenCocktailAfterBurner wrapper generator //i.e. (in Config.C) // .... // AliGenCocktailAfterBurner = gener = new AliGenCocktailAfterBurner(); // gener->SetPhiRange(0, 360); //Set global parameters // gener->SetThetaRange(35., 145.); // AliGenHIJINGpara *hijing = new AliGenHIJINGpara(10000); //Add some generator // hijing->SetMomentumRange(0, 999); // gener->AddGenerator(hijing,"HIJING PARAMETRIZATION",1); // // AliGenHBTprocessor *hbtp = new AliGenHBTprocessor(); //create object // hbtp->SetRefControl(2); //set parameters // hbtp->SetSwitch1D(1); // hbtp->SetR0(6);//fm - radius // hbtp->SetLambda(0.7);//chaocity parameter // gener->AddAfterBurner(hbtp,"HBT PROCESSOR",1); //add to the main generator // // gener->Init(); // //CAUTIONS: // A) HBT PROCESSOR NEEDS MORE THAN ONE EVENT TO WORK // AS MORE AS IT BETTER WORKS // B) IT IS ABLE TO "ADD" CORRELATIONS ONLY UP TO TWO PARTICLE TYPES AT ONES // // // Artificial particle dennsity enhancment feature // HBT Processor is unable to process correctly low multiplicity particles // even if the high statistics (more events) is supplied. // For that reason was implemented artificial multiplicity enhancement // - see also comments in HBT Processor source file (HBTP/hbt_event_processor.f) // or web page (http://alisoft.cern.ch/people/skowron/hbtprocessor/hbteventprocessor.html) // concerning trk_accep or SetTrackRejectionFactor method in this class // Fortran is cheated by masking several events a single one. Number is defined by fEventMerge // variable. In case it is equal to 1, there is no masking and the feature is off. // But, for example if it is 5, and we have 100 events, number of events passed to fortran is 100/5=20 // When fortran asks about multiplcity of event, let sey, 1 - multiplicity of events 5 to 9 is summed up // and returned. // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 11.11.2001 Piotr Skowronski // Setting seed (date) in RNG in the constructor // 09.10.2001 Piotr Skowronski // // Theta - Eta cohernecy facilities added: // AliGenerator::SetThetaRange method overriden // Static methods added // EtaToTheta // ThetaToEta // DegreesToRadians // RadiansToDegrees // // Class description comments put on proper place // 27.09.2001 Piotr Skowronski // removing of redefinition of defaults velues // in method's implementation. // // #include "AliGenHBTprocessor.h" #include #include "THBTprocessor.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliGenCocktailAfterBurner.h" ClassImp(AliGenHBTprocessor) Int_t AliGenHBTprocessor::fgDebug = 0; static TRandom* gAliRandom;//RNG to be used by the fortran code AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* GetGenerator(); /*******************************************************************/ AliGenHBTprocessor::AliGenHBTprocessor(const AliGenHBTprocessor& in): AliGenerator(in), fHBTprocessor(0x0), fHbtPStatCodes(0x0), fEventMerge(1) { //copy contructor // AliGenHBTprocessor::AliGenHBTprocessor(); } AliGenHBTprocessor::AliGenHBTprocessor(): AliGenerator(), fHBTprocessor(0x0), fHbtPStatCodes(0x0), fEventMerge(1) { // // Standard constructor // Sets default veues of all parameters SetName("AliGenHBTprocessor"); SetTitle("AliGenHBTprocessor"); gAliRandom = fRandom; fHBTprocessor = new THBTprocessor(); fNPDGCodes = 0; DefineParticles(); SetTrackRejectionFactor(); SetRefControl(); SetPIDs(); SetNPIDtypes(); SetDeltap(); SetMaxIterations(); SetDelChi(); SetIRand(); SetLambda(); SetR1d() ; SetRSide(); SetROut() ; SetRLong() ; SetRPerp(); SetRParallel(); SetR0(); SetQ0(); SetSwitch1D(); SetSwitch3D(); SetSwitchType(); SetSwitchCoherence(); SetSwitchCoulomb(); SetSwitchFermiBose(); //SetMomentumRange(); SetPtRange(); SetPxRange(); SetPyRange(); SetPzRange(); SetPhiRange(); SetEtaRange(); SetNPtBins(); SetNPhiBins(); SetNEtaBins(); SetNPxBins(); SetNPyBins(); SetNPzBins(); SetNBins1DFineMesh(); SetBinSize1DFineMesh(); SetNBins1DCoarseMesh(); SetBinSize1DCoarseMesh(); SetNBins3DFineMesh(); SetBinSize3DFineMesh(); SetNBins3DCoarseMesh(); SetBinSize3DCoarseMesh(); SetNBins3DFineProjectMesh(); } /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/ AliGenHBTprocessor::~AliGenHBTprocessor() { //destructor CleanStatusCodes(); if (fHBTprocessor) delete fHBTprocessor; //delete generator } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::InitStatusCodes() { //creates and inits status codes array to zero AliGenCocktailAfterBurner *cab = GetGenerator(); if(!cab) Fatal("InitStatusCodes()","Can not find AliGenCocktailAfterBurner generator"); Int_t nev = cab->GetNumberOfEvents(); fHbtPStatCodes = new Int_t* [nev]; for( Int_t i =0; iGetStack(i)->GetNprimary(); fHbtPStatCodes[i] = new Int_t[nprim]; for (Int_t k =0 ;kGetNumberOfEvents(); i++) delete [] fHbtPStatCodes[i]; delete fHbtPStatCodes; fHbtPStatCodes = 0; } } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::Init() { //sets up parameters in generator THBTprocessor *thbtp = fHBTprocessor; thbtp->SetTrackRejectionFactor(fTrackRejectionFactor); thbtp->SetRefControl(fReferenceControl); if ((fPid[0] == fPid[1]) || (fPid[0] == 0) || (fPid[1] == 0)) { if (fPid[0] == 0) thbtp->SetPIDs(IdFromPDG(fPid[1]) ,0); else thbtp->SetPIDs(IdFromPDG(fPid[0]) ,0); thbtp->SetNPIDtypes(1); if (fSwitchType !=1) Warning("AliGenHBTprocessor::Init","\nThere is only one particle type set,\n\ and Switch_Type differnt then 1,\n which does not make sense.\n\ Setting it to 1.\n"); SetSwitchType(1); } else { thbtp->SetPIDs(IdFromPDG(fPid[0]) ,IdFromPDG(fPid[1])); SetNPIDtypes(2); thbtp->SetSwitchType(fSwitchType); } thbtp->SetMaxIterations(fMaxit); thbtp->SetDelChi(fDelchi); thbtp->SetIRand(fIrand); thbtp->SetLambda(fLambda); thbtp->SetR1d(fR1d); thbtp->SetRSide(fRside); thbtp->SetROut(fRout); thbtp->SetRLong(fRlong); thbtp->SetRPerp(fRperp); thbtp->SetRParallel(fRparallel); thbtp->SetR0(fR0); thbtp->SetQ0(fQ0); thbtp->SetSwitch1D(fSwitch1d); thbtp->SetSwitch3D(fSwitch3d); thbtp->SetSwitchType(fSwitchType); thbtp->SetSwitchCoherence(fSwitchCoherence); thbtp->SetSwitchCoulomb(fSwitchCoulomb); thbtp->SetSwitchFermiBose(fSwitchFermiBose); thbtp->SetPtRange(fPtMin,fPtMax); thbtp->SetPxRange(fPxMin,fPxMax); thbtp->SetPyRange(fPyMin,fPyMax); thbtp->SetPzRange(fPzMin,fPzMax); thbtp->SetPhiRange(fPhiMin*180./((Float_t)TMath::Pi())+180.0, //casting is because if fPhiMin = 180.0 then fPhiMax*180./((Float_t)TMath::Pi())+180.0);//TMath::Pi() != TMath::Pi()*fPhiMin/180.0, thbtp->SetEtaRange(fEtaMin,fEtaMax); thbtp->SetNPtBins(fNPtBins); thbtp->SetNPhiBins(fNPhiBins); thbtp->SetNEtaBins(fNEtaBins); thbtp->SetNPxBins(fNPxBins); thbtp->SetNPyBins(fNPyBins); thbtp->SetNPzBins(fNPzBins); thbtp->SetNBins1DFineMesh(fN1dFine); thbtp->SetBinSize1DFineMesh(fBinsize1dFine); thbtp->SetNBins1DCoarseMesh(fN1dCoarse); thbtp->SetBinSize1DCoarseMesh(fBinsize1dCoarse); thbtp->SetNBins3DFineMesh(fN3dFine); thbtp->SetBinSize3DFineMesh(fBinsize3dFine); thbtp->SetNBins3DCoarseMesh(fN3dCoarse); thbtp->SetBinSize3DCoarseMesh(fBinsize3dCoarse); thbtp->SetNBins3DFineProjectMesh(fN3dFineProject); thbtp->SetPrintFull(fPrintFull); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::Generate() { //starts processig AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* cab = GetGenerator(); if (cab == 0x0) { Fatal("Generate()","AliGenHBTprocessor needs AliGenCocktailAfterBurner to be main generator"); } if (cab->GetNumberOfEvents() <2) { Fatal("Generate()", "HBT Processor needs more than 1 event to work properly,\ but there is only %d set", cab->GetNumberOfEvents()); } fHBTprocessor->Initialize(); //reset all fields of common blocks //in case there are many HBT processors //run one after one (i.e. in AliCocktailAfterBurner) //between Init() called and Generate there might Init(); //be different instance running - be sure that we have our settings InitStatusCodes(); //Init status codes fHBTprocessor->GenerateEvent(); //Generates event CleanStatusCodes(); //Clean Status codes - thet are not needed anymore } /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::GetParticles(TClonesArray * particles) const { //practically dumm if (!particles) { Error("GetParticles","Particles has to be initialized"); return; } fHBTprocessor->ImportParticles(particles); } /*******************************************************************/ Int_t AliGenHBTprocessor::GetHbtPStatusCode(Int_t part) const { //returns the status code of the given particle in the active event //see SetActiveEvent in the bottom of AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx //and in AliCocktailAfterBurner Int_t ev, idx; GetTrackEventIndex(part,ev,idx); if ( (ev<0) || (idx<0) ) { Error("GetHbtPStatusCode","GetTrackEventIndex returned error"); return 0; } return fHbtPStatCodes[ev][idx]; } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetHbtPStatusCode(Int_t hbtstatcode, Int_t part) { //Sets the given status code to given particle number (part) in the active event Int_t ev, idx; GetTrackEventIndex(part,ev,idx); if ( (ev<0) || (idx<0) ) { Error("GetHbtPStatusCode","GetTrackEventIndex returned error"); return; } else fHbtPStatCodes[ev][idx] = hbtstatcode; } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetTrackRejectionFactor(Float_t trf) //def 1.0 { //Sets the Track Rejection Factor //variates in range 0.0 <-> 1.0 //Describes the factor of particles rejected from the output. //Used only in case of low muliplicity particles e.g. lambdas. //Processor generates addisional particles and builds the //correletions on such a statistics. //At the end these particels are left in the event according //to this factor: 1==all particles are left // 0==all are removed fTrackRejectionFactor=trf; fHBTprocessor->SetTrackRejectionFactor(trf); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetRefControl(Int_t rc) //default 2 { //Sets the Refernce Control Switch //switch wether read reference histograms from file =1 // compute from input events =2 - default fReferenceControl=rc; fHBTprocessor->SetRefControl(rc); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPIDs(Int_t pid1,Int_t pid2) { //default pi+ pi- //Sets PDG Codes of particles to be processed, default \\Pi^{+} and \\Pi^{-} //This method accepts PDG codes which is //in opposite to THBBProcessor which accepts GEANT PID if ( (pid1 == 0) && (pid2 == 0) ) { Error("AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPIDs","Sensless Particle Types setting: 0 0, Ignoring\n"); } fPid[0]=pid1; fPid[1]=pid2; if(pid1 == pid2) { fHBTprocessor->SetPIDs(IdFromPDG(pid1) ,0); SetNPIDtypes(1); SetSwitchType(1); } else { fHBTprocessor->SetPIDs(IdFromPDG(pid1) ,IdFromPDG(pid2)); SetNPIDtypes(2); } } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNPIDtypes(Int_t npidt) { //Number ofparticle types to be processed - default 2 //see AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPIDs fNPidTypes = npidt; fHBTprocessor->SetNPIDtypes(npidt); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetDeltap(Float_t deltp) { //default = 0.1 GeV //maximum range for random momentum shifts in GeV/c; //px,py,pz independent; Default = 0.1 GeV/c. fDeltap=deltp; fHBTprocessor->SetDeltap(deltp); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetMaxIterations(Int_t maxiter) { //maximum # allowed iterations thru all the //tracks for each event. Default = 50. //If maxit=0, then calculate the correlations //for the input set of events without doing the //track adjustment procedure. fMaxit=maxiter; fHBTprocessor->SetMaxIterations(maxiter); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetDelChi(Float_t dc) { //min % change in total chi-square for which //the track adjustment iterations may stop, //Default = 0.1%. fDelchi=dc; fHBTprocessor->SetDelChi(dc); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetIRand(Int_t irnd) { //if fact dummy - used only for compatibility //we are using AliRoot built in RNG //dummy in fact since we are using aliroot build-in RNG //Sets renaodom number generator fIrand=irnd; fHBTprocessor->SetIRand(irnd); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetLambda(Float_t lam) { //default = 0.6 // Sets Chaoticity Parameter fLambda = lam; fHBTprocessor->SetLambda(lam); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetR1d(Float_t r) { //default 7.0 //Sets Spherical source model radius (fm) fR1d = r; fHBTprocessor->SetR1d(r); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetRSide(Float_t rs) { //default rs = 6.0 //Rside,Rout,Rlong = Non-spherical Bertsch-Pratt source model (fm) fRside = rs; fHBTprocessor->SetRSide(rs); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetROut(Float_t ro) { //default ro = 7.0 //Rside,Rout,Rlong = Non-spherical Bertsch-Pratt source model (fm) fRout = ro; fHBTprocessor->SetROut(ro); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetRLong(Float_t rl) { //default rl = 4.0 //Rside,Rout,Rlong = Non-spherical Bertsch-Pratt source model (fm) fRlong = rl; fHBTprocessor->SetRLong(rl); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetRPerp(Float_t rp) { //default rp = 6.0 //Rperp,Rparallel,R0= Non-spherical Yano-Koonin-Podgoretski source model (fm). fRperp = rp; fHBTprocessor->SetRPerp(rp); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetRParallel(Float_t rprl) { //default rprl = 4.0 //Rperp,Rparallel,R0= Non-spherical Yano-Koonin-Podgoretski source model (fm). fRparallel = rprl; fHBTprocessor->SetRParallel(rprl); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetR0(Float_t r0) { //default r0 = 4.0 //Rperp,Rparallel,R0= Non-spherical Yano-Koonin-Podgoretski source model (fm). fR0 = r0; fHBTprocessor->SetR0(r0); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetQ0(Float_t q0) { //default q0 = 9.0 //Sets Q0 = NA35 Coulomb parameter for finite source size in (GeV/c) // if fSwitchCoulomb = 2 // = Spherical Coulomb source radius in (fm) // if switchCoulomb = 3, used to interpolate the // input Pratt/Cramer discrete Coulomb source // radii tables. fQ0 = q0; fHBTprocessor->SetQ0(q0); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetSwitch1D(Int_t s1d) { //default s1d = 3 // Sets fSwitch1d // = 0 to not compute the 1D two-body //orrelations. // = 1 to compute this using Q-invariant // = 2 to compute this using Q-total // = 3 to compute this using Q-3-ve//tor fSwitch1d = s1d; fHBTprocessor->SetSwitch1D(s1d); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetSwitch3D(Int_t s3d) { //default s3d = 0 // Sets fSwitch3d // = 0 to not compute the 3D two-body correlations. // = 1 to compute this using the side-out-long form // = 2 to compute this using the Yanno-Koonin-Pogoredskij form. fSwitch3d = s3d; fHBTprocessor->SetSwitch3D(s3d); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetSwitchType(Int_t st) { //default st = 3 // Sets switch_type = 1 to fit only the like pair correlations // = 2 to fit only the unlike pair correlations // = 3 to fit both the like and unlike pair correl. //See SetPIDs and Init //If only one particle type is set, unly==1 makes sens fSwitchType = st; fHBTprocessor->SetSwitchType(st); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetSwitchCoherence(Int_t sc) { // default sc = 0 // switchCoherence = 0 for purely incoherent source (but can have // lambda < 1.0) // = 1 for mixed incoherent and coherent source fSwitchCoherence = sc; fHBTprocessor->SetSwitchCoherence(sc); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetSwitchCoulomb(Int_t scol) { //default scol = 2 // switchCoulomb = 0 no Coulomb correction // = 1 Point source Gamow correction only // = 2 NA35 finite source size correction // = 3 Pratt/Cramer finite source size correction; // interpolated from input tables. fSwitchCoulomb =scol; fHBTprocessor->SetSwitchCoulomb(scol); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetSwitchFermiBose(Int_t sfb) { //default sfb = 1 // switchFermiBose = 1 Boson pairs // = -1 Fermion pairs fSwitchFermiBose = sfb; fHBTprocessor->SetSwitchFermiBose(sfb); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPtRange(Float_t ptmin, Float_t ptmax) { // default ptmin = 0.1, ptmax = 0.98 //Sets Pt range (GeV) AliGenerator::SetPtRange(ptmin,ptmax); fHBTprocessor->SetPtRange(ptmin,ptmax); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPxRange(Float_t pxmin, Float_t pxmax) { //default pxmin = -1.0, pxmax = 1.0 //Sets Px range fPxMin =pxmin; fPxMax =pxmax; fHBTprocessor->SetPxRange(pxmin,pxmax); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPyRange(Float_t pymin, Float_t pymax) { //default pymin = -1.0, pymax = 1.0 //Sets Py range fPyMin =pymin; fPyMax =pymax; fHBTprocessor->SetPyRange(pymin,pymax); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPzRange(Float_t pzmin, Float_t pzmax) { //default pzmin = -3.6, pzmax = 3.6 //Sets Py range fPzMin =pzmin; fPzMax =pzmax; fHBTprocessor->SetPzRange(pzmin,pzmax); } void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetMomentumRange(Float_t /*pmin*/, Float_t /*pmax*/) const { //default pmin=0, pmax=0 //Do not use this method! MayNotUse("AliGenHBTprocessor::SetMomentumRange Method is Dummy"); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPhiRange(Float_t phimin, Float_t phimax) { // //Sets \\Phi range AliGenerator::SetPhiRange(phimin,phimax); fHBTprocessor->SetPhiRange(phimin+180.0,phimax+180.0); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetEtaRange(Float_t etamin, Float_t etamax) { //default etamin = -1.5, etamax = 1.5 //Sets \\Eta range fEtaMin= etamin; fEtaMax =etamax; fHBTprocessor->SetEtaRange(etamin,etamax); //set the azimothal angle range in the AliGeneraor - //to keep coherency between azimuthal angle and pseudorapidity //DO NOT CALL this->SetThetaRange, because it calls this method (where we are) //which must cause INFINITE LOOP AliGenerator::SetThetaRange(RadiansToDegrees(EtaToTheta(fEtaMin)), RadiansToDegrees(EtaToTheta(fEtaMax))); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetThetaRange(Float_t thetamin, Float_t thetamax) { //default thetamin = 0, thetamax = 180 //Azimuthal angle, override AliGenerator method which uses widely (i.e. wrapper generators) //core fortran HBTProcessor uses Eta (pseudorapidity) //so these methods has to be synchronized AliGenerator::SetThetaRange(thetamin,thetamax); SetEtaRange( ThetaToEta(fThetaMin) , ThetaToEta(fThetaMax) ); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNPtBins(Int_t nptbin) { //default nptbin = 50 //set number of Pt bins fNPtBins= nptbin; fHBTprocessor->SetNPtBins(nptbin); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNPhiBins(Int_t nphibin) { //default nphibin = 50 //set number of Phi bins fNPhiBins=nphibin; fHBTprocessor->SetNPhiBins(nphibin); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNEtaBins(Int_t netabin) { //default netabin = 50 //set number of Eta bins fNEtaBins = netabin; fHBTprocessor->SetNEtaBins(netabin); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNPxBins(Int_t npxbin) { //default npxbin = 20 //set number of Px bins fNPxBins = npxbin; fHBTprocessor->SetNPxBins(npxbin); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNPyBins(Int_t npybin) { //default npybin = 20 //set number of Py bins fNPyBins = npybin; fHBTprocessor->SetNPyBins(npybin); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNPzBins(Int_t npzbin) { //default npzbin = 70 //set number of Pz bins fNPzBins = npzbin; fHBTprocessor->SetNPzBins(npzbin); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNBins1DFineMesh(Int_t n) { //default n = 10 //Sets the number of bins in the 1D mesh fN1dFine =n; fHBTprocessor->SetNBins1DFineMesh(n); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetBinSize1DFineMesh(Float_t x) { //default x=0.01 //Sets the bin size in the 1D mesh fBinsize1dFine = x; fHBTprocessor->SetBinSize1DFineMesh(x); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNBins1DCoarseMesh(Int_t n) { //default n =2 //Sets the number of bins in the coarse 1D mesh fN1dCoarse =n; fHBTprocessor->SetNBins1DCoarseMesh(n); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetBinSize1DCoarseMesh(Float_t x) { //default x=0.05 //Sets the bin size in the coarse 1D mesh fBinsize1dCoarse =x; fHBTprocessor->SetBinSize1DCoarseMesh(x); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNBins3DFineMesh(Int_t n) { //default n = 8 //Sets the number of bins in the 3D mesh fN3dFine =n; fHBTprocessor->SetNBins3DFineMesh(n); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetBinSize3DFineMesh(Float_t x) { //default x=0.01 //Sets the bin size in the 3D mesh fBinsize3dFine =x; fHBTprocessor->SetBinSize3DFineMesh(x); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNBins3DCoarseMesh(Int_t n) { //default n = 2 //Sets the number of bins in the coarse 3D mesh fN3dCoarse = n; fHBTprocessor->SetNBins3DCoarseMesh(n); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetBinSize3DCoarseMesh(Float_t x) { //default x=0.08 //Sets the bin size in the coarse 3D mesh fBinsize3dCoarse = x; fHBTprocessor->SetBinSize3DCoarseMesh(x); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNBins3DFineProjectMesh(Int_t n ) { //default n =3 //Sets the number of bins in the fine project mesh fN3dFineProject = n; fHBTprocessor->SetNBins3DFineProjectMesh(n); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetPrintFull(Int_t flag) { //sets the print full flag fPrintFull = flag; fHBTprocessor->SetPrintFull(flag); } /*******************************************************************/ Int_t AliGenHBTprocessor::GetNumberOfEvents() { //returns number of available events AliGenerator* g = gAlice->Generator(); AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* cab = (g)?dynamic_cast(g):0x0; if (cab == 0x0) { Fatal("GetNumberOfEvents","Master Generator is not an AliGenCocktailAfterBurner"); return 0; } return (Int_t)TMath::Ceil(cab->GetNumberOfEvents()/((Float_t)fEventMerge)); } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetActiveEventNumber(Int_t n) { //sets the active event fActiveStack = n*fEventMerge; if (GetDebug()) Info("SetActiveEventNumber","Settimg active event %d passed %d", fActiveStack,n); } /*******************************************************************/ Int_t AliGenHBTprocessor::GetNumberOfTracks() { //returns number of tracks in active event AliGenerator* g = gAlice->Generator(); AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* cab = (g)?dynamic_cast(g):0x0; if (cab == 0x0) { Fatal("GetNumberOfEvents","Master Generator is not an AliGenCocktailAfterBurner"); return 0; } Int_t n = 0; for (Int_t i = fActiveStack;i < fActiveStack+fEventMerge; i++) { if (i >= GetNumberOfEvents()) break; //protection not to overshoot nb of events AliStack* stack = cab->GetStack(i); if (stack == 0x0) Error("GetNumberOfTracks","There is no stack %d",i); n+=stack->GetNprimary(); } return n; } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::SetNEventsToMerge(Int_t nev) { //sets number of events to merge if (nev > 0 ) fEventMerge = nev; } /*******************************************************************/ TParticle* AliGenHBTprocessor::GetTrack(Int_t n) { //returns track that hbtp thinks is n in active event if (GetDebug() > 5) Info("GetTrack","n = %d",n); AliGenerator* g = gAlice->Generator(); AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* cab = (g)?dynamic_cast(g):0x0; if (cab == 0x0) { Fatal("GetTrackEventIndex","Master Generator is not an AliGenCocktailAfterBurner"); return 0; } Int_t ev, idx; GetTrackEventIndex(n,ev,idx); if (GetDebug() > 5) Info("GetTrack","Event = %d Particle = %d",ev,idx); if ( (ev<0) || (idx<0) ) { Error("GetTrack","GetTrackEventIndex returned error"); return 0x0; } if (GetDebug() > 5) Info("GetTrack","Number of Tracks in Event(%d) = %d",ev,cab->GetStack(ev)->GetNprimary()); return cab->GetStack(ev)->Particle(idx);//safe - in case stack does not exist } /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::GetTrackEventIndex(Int_t n, Int_t &evno, Int_t &index) const { //returns event(stack) number and particle index AliGenerator* g = gAlice->Generator(); AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* cab = (g)?dynamic_cast(g):0x0; if (cab == 0x0) { Fatal("GetTrackEventIndex","Master Generator is not an AliGenCocktailAfterBurner"); return; } evno = -1; index = -1; for (Int_t i = fActiveStack;i < fActiveStack+fEventMerge; i++) { AliStack* stack = cab->GetStack(i); if (stack == 0x0) { Error("GetTrackEventIndex","There is no stack %d",i); return; } Int_t ntracks = stack->GetNprimary(); if (GetDebug() > 10) Info("GetTrackEventIndex","Event %d has %d tracks. n = %d",i,ntracks,n); if ( ntracks > n) { evno = i; index = n; return ; } else { n-=ntracks; continue; } } Error("GetTrackEventIndex","Could not find given track"); } /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/ void AliGenHBTprocessor::DefineParticles() { // // Load standard numbers for GEANT particles and PDG conversion fNPDGCodes = 0; //this is done in the constructor - but in any case ... fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-99; // 0 = unused location fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=22; // 1 = photon fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-11; // 2 = positron fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=11; // 3 = electron fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=12; // 4 = neutrino e fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-13; // 5 = muon + fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=13; // 6 = muon - fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=111; // 7 = pi0 fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=211; // 8 = pi+ fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-211; // 9 = pi- fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=130; // 10 = Kaon Long fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=321; // 11 = Kaon + fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-321; // 12 = Kaon - fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=2112; // 13 = Neutron fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=2212; // 14 = Proton fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-2212; // 15 = Anti Proton fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=310; // 16 = Kaon Short fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=221; // 17 = Eta fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3122; // 18 = Lambda fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3222; // 19 = Sigma + fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3212; // 20 = Sigma 0 fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3112; // 21 = Sigma - fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3322; // 22 = Xi0 fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3312; // 23 = Xi- fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=3334; // 24 = Omega- fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-2112; // 25 = Anti Proton fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3122; // 26 = Anti Proton fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3222; // 27 = Anti Sigma - fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3212; // 28 = Anti Sigma 0 fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3112; // 29 = Anti Sigma 0 fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3322; // 30 = Anti Xi 0 fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3312; // 31 = Anti Xi + fPDGCode[fNPDGCodes++]=-3334; // 32 = Anti Omega + } /*******************************************************************/ Int_t AliGenHBTprocessor::IdFromPDG(Int_t pdg) const { // // Return Geant3 code from PDG and pseudo ENDF code // for(Int_t i=0;i0 && id= TMath::Pi()) return 708.0;//This number is the biggest wich not crashes exp(x) if(arg<= 0.0) return -708.0;// if(arg == TMath::Pi()/2.) return 0.0;// if (arg > 0.0) { return TMath::Log( TMath::Tan(arg/2.)) ; } else { return -TMath::Log( TMath::Tan(-arg/2.)) ; } } /*******************************************************************/ /****** ROUTINES USED FOR COMMUNUCATION ********/ /******************** WITH FORTRAN ********************/ /*******************************************************************/ #ifndef WIN32 # define hbtpran hbtpran_ # define alihbtp_puttrack alihbtp_puttrack_ # define alihbtp_gettrack alihbtp_gettrack_ # define alihbtp_getnumberevents alihbtp_getnumberevents_ # define alihbtp_getnumbertracks alihbtp_getnumbertracks_ # define alihbtp_initialize alihbtp_initialize_ # define alihbtp_setactiveeventnumber alihbtp_setactiveeventnumber_ # define alihbtp_setparameters alihbtp_setparameters_ # define type_ofCall #else # define hbtpran HBTPRAN # define alihbtp_puttrack ALIHBTP_PUTTRACK # define alihbtp_gettrack ALIHBTP_GETTRACK # define alihbtp_getnumberevents ALIHBTP_GETNUMBEREVENTS # define alihbtp_getnumbertracks ALIHBTP_GETNUMBERTRACKS # define alihbtp_initialize ALIHBTP_INITIALIZE # define alihbtp_setactiveeventnumber ALIHBTP_SETACTIVEEVENTNUMBER # define alihbtp_setparameters ALIHBTP_SETPARAMETERS # define type_ofCall _stdcall #endif /*******************************************************************/ AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* GetGenerator() { // This function has two tasks: // Check if environment is OK (exist gAlice and generator) // Returns pointer to genrator //to be changed with TFolders if(!gAlice) { ::Error("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: GetGenerator()", "There is NO gALICE! Check what you are doing!"); ::Fatal("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: GetGenerator()", "Running HBT Processor without gAlice... Exiting \n"); return 0x0;//pro forma } AliGenerator * gen = gAlice->Generator(); if (!gen) { ::Fatal("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: GetGenerator()", "There is no generator in gAlice, exiting\n"); return 0x0; } //we do not sure actual type of the genetator //and simple casting is risky - we use ROOT machinery to do safe cast TClass* cabclass = AliGenCocktailAfterBurner::Class(); //get AliGenCocktailAfterBurner TClass TClass* genclass = gen->IsA();//get TClass of the generator we got from galice //use casting implemented in TClass //cast gen to cabclass AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* cab=(AliGenCocktailAfterBurner*)genclass->DynamicCast(cabclass,gen); if (cab == 0x0)//if generator that we got is not AliGenCocktailAfterBurner or its descendant we get null { //then quit with error ::Fatal("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: GetGenerator()", "The main Generator is not a AliGenCocktailAfterBurner, exiting\n"); return 0x0; } return cab; } /*******************************************************************/ AliGenHBTprocessor* GetAliGenHBTprocessor() { //returns pointer to the current instance of AliGenHBTprocessor in //AliGenCocktailAfterBurner (can be more than one) // AliGenCocktailAfterBurner* gen = GetGenerator(); AliGenerator* g = gen->GetCurrentGenerator(); if(g == 0x0) { ::Fatal("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: GetAliGenHBTprocessor()", "Can not get the current generator. Exiting"); return 0x0;//pro forma } TClass* hbtpclass = AliGenHBTprocessor::Class(); //get AliGenCocktailAfterBurner TClass TClass* gclass = g->IsA();//get TClass of the current generator we got from CAB AliGenHBTprocessor* hbtp = (AliGenHBTprocessor*)gclass->DynamicCast(hbtpclass,g);//try to cast if (hbtp == 0x0) { ::Fatal("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: GetAliGenHBTprocessor()", "\nCurrernt generator in AliGenCocktailAfterBurner is not a AliGenHBTprocessor, exiting\n"); return 0x0; } return hbtp; } /*******************************************************************/ extern "C" void type_ofCall alihbtp_setparameters() { //dummy } extern "C" void type_ofCall alihbtp_initialize() { //dummy } /*******************************************************************/ extern "C" void type_ofCall alihbtp_getnumberevents(Int_t &nev) { //passes number of events to the fortran if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()) ::Info("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_getnumberevents","(%d) ....",nev); AliGenHBTprocessor* gen = GetAliGenHBTprocessor();//we dont check because it is done in function nev = gen->GetNumberOfEvents(); if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_getnumberevents","EXITED N Ev = %d",nev); } /*******************************************************************/ extern "C" void type_ofCall alihbtp_setactiveeventnumber(Int_t & nev) { //sets active event in generator (AliGenCocktailAfterBurner) if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTpocessor.cxx: alihbtp_setactiveeventnumber","(%d)",nev); if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>0) ::Info("AliGenHBTpocessor.cxx: alihbtp_setactiveeventnumber","Asked for event %d",nev-1); AliGenHBTprocessor* gen = GetAliGenHBTprocessor();//we dont check because it is done in function gen->SetActiveEventNumber(nev - 1); //fortran numerates events from 1 to N if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTpocessor.cxx: alihbtp_setactiveeventnumber","EXITED returned %d",nev); } /*******************************************************************/ extern "C" void type_ofCall alihbtp_getnumbertracks(Int_t &ntracks) { //passes number of particles in active event to the fortran if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTpocessor.cxx: alihbtp_getnumbertracks","(%d)",ntracks); AliGenHBTprocessor* gen = GetAliGenHBTprocessor();//we dont check because it is done in function ntracks = gen->GetNumberOfTracks(); if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTpocessor.cxx: alihbtp_getnumbertracks","EXITED Ntracks = %d",ntracks); } /*******************************************************************/ extern "C" void type_ofCall alihbtp_puttrack(Int_t & n,Int_t& flag, Float_t& px, Float_t& py, Float_t& pz, Int_t& geantpid) { //sets new parameters (momenta) in track number n // in the active event // n - number of the track in active event // flag - flag of the track // px,py,pz - momenta // geantpid - type of the particle - Geant Particle ID if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTpocessor.cxx: alihbtp_puttrack","(%d)",n); AliGenHBTprocessor* gen = GetAliGenHBTprocessor();//we dont check because it is done in function TParticle * track = gen->GetTrack(n-1); if (track == 0x0) { ::Error("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx","Can not get track from AliGenHBTprocessor"); return; } //check to be deleted if (geantpid != (gen->IdFromPDG( track->GetPdgCode() ))) { ::Error("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_puttrack", "SOMETHING IS GOING BAD:\n GEANTPIDS ARE NOT THE SAME"); } if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>0) if (px != track->Px()) ::Info("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_puttrack", "Px diff. = %f", px - track->Px()); if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>3) ::Info("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_puttrack", "track->GetPdgCode() --> %d",track->GetPdgCode()); Float_t m = track->GetMass(); Float_t e = TMath::Sqrt(m*m+px*px+py*py+pz*pz); track->SetMomentum(px,py,pz,e); gen->SetHbtPStatusCode(flag,n-1); if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_puttrack","EXITED "); } /*******************************************************************/ extern "C" void type_ofCall alihbtp_gettrack(Int_t & n,Int_t & flag, Float_t & px, Float_t & py, Float_t & pz, Int_t & geantpid) { //passes track parameters to the fortran // n - number of the track in active event // flag - flag of the track // px,py,pz - momenta // geantpid - type of the particle - Geant Particle ID if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_gettrack","(%d)",n); AliGenHBTprocessor* g = GetAliGenHBTprocessor(); TParticle * track = g->GetTrack(n-1); flag = g->GetHbtPStatusCode(n-1); px = (Float_t)track->Px(); py = (Float_t)track->Py(); pz = (Float_t)track->Pz(); geantpid = g->IdFromPDG( track->GetPdgCode() ); if(AliGenHBTprocessor::GetDebug()>5) ::Info("AliGenHBTprocessor.cxx: alihbtp_gettrack","EXITED"); } /*******************************************************************/ extern "C" Float_t type_ofCall hbtpran(Int_t &) { //interface to the random number generator return gAliRandom->Rndm(); } /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/