//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // THijing // // // // THijing is an interface class to F77 version of Hijing 1.36 // // event generator, written by X.N. Wang and M. Gyulassy. // // For details see http://nta2.lbl.gov/~xnwang // // // // ************************************************** // // * | _______ / ------/ * // // * ----- ------ |_____| /_/ / * // // * || / |_____| / / * // // * /| /_/ /_______ /_ / _ * // // * / | / / / / / | ------- * // // * | / / / / | / | * // // * | / / / / _| / ------- * // // * * // // ************************************************** // // HIJING // // Heavy Ion Jet INteraction Generator // // by // // X. N. Wang and M. Gyulassy // // Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory // //****************************************************************************// //*KEEP,THIJING. #include "THijing.h" //*KEEP,HCOMMON. #include "Hcommon.h" //*KEEP,TMCParticle. //#include "TMCParticle.h" //*KEEP,TParticle,T=C++. #include "TParticle.h" //*KEND. //*KEEP,TCanvas. //#include "TCanvas.h" //*KEEP,TView. //#include "TView.h" //*KEEP,TROOT. #include "TROOT.h" //*KEEP,TPaveText. //#include "TPaveText.h" //*KEND. #ifndef WIN32 # define hijset hijset_ # define hijing hijing_ # define profile profile_ # define rluget_hijing rluget_hijing_ # define rluset_hijing rluset_hijing_ # define type_of_call #else # define hijset HIJSET # define hijing HIJING # define profile PROFILE # define rluget_hijing RLUGET_HIJING # define rluset_hijing RLUSET_HIJING # define type_of_call _stdcall #endif #ifndef WIN32 //extern "C" void type_of_call hijset(float &efrm, const char *frame, // const char *proj, const char *targ, // int &iap, int &izp, int &iat, // int &izt, Long_t l_frame, // Long_t l_proj, Long_t l_targ); extern "C" void type_of_call hijset(Float_t & , const char *, const char *, const char *, Int_t & , Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, const int, const int, const int); extern "C" float type_of_call profile(Float_t &); //extern "C" void type_of_call hijing(const char *frame, float &bmin, // float &bmax, Long_t l_frame); extern "C" void type_of_call hijing(const char *, Float_t &, Float_t &, const int); extern "C" void type_of_call rluget_hijing(Int_t & lfn, Int_t & move); extern "C" void type_of_call rluset_hijing(Int_t & lfn, Int_t & move); #else //extern "C" void type_of_call hijset(float &efrm, const char *frame, // Long_t l_frame, const char *proj, // Long_t l_proj, const char *targ, // Long_t l_targ, // int &iap, int &izp, int &iat, // int &izt); //extern "C" void type_of_call hijing(const char *frame, Long_t l_frame, // float &bmin, float &bmax); #endif ClassImp(THijing) // void THijing::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b){} //______________________________________________________________________________ THijing::THijing() : TGenerator("Hijing","Hijing") { // THijing constructor: creates a TClonesArray in which it will store all // particles. Note that there may be only one functional THijing object // at a time, so it's not use to create more than one instance of it. // delete fParticles; // was allocated as TObjArray in TGenerator // fParticles = new TClonesArray("TMCParticle",50); } //______________________________________________________________________________ THijing::THijing(Float_t efrm, const char *frame="CMS", const char *proj="A", const char *targ="A", Int_t iap=207, Int_t izp=82, Int_t iat=207, Int_t izt=82, Float_t bmin=0, Float_t bmax=20) : TGenerator("Hijing","Hijing") { // THijing constructor: creates a TClonesArray in which it will store all // particles. Note that there may be only one functional THijing object // at a time, so it's not use to create more than one instance of it. // delete fParticles; // was allocated as TObjArray in TGenerator // fParticles = new TClonesArray("TMCParticle",50); fEfrm=efrm; fFrame=frame; fProj=proj; fTarg=targ; fIap=iap; fIzp=izp; fIat=iat; fIzt=izt; fBmin=bmin; fBmax=bmax; } //______________________________________________________________________________ THijing::~THijing() { // Destroys the object, deletes and disposes all TMCParticles currently on list. // if (fParticles) { // fParticles->Delete(); // delete fParticles; // fParticles = 0; // } } //______________________________________________________________________________ //void THijing::Draw(Option_t *option) //{ // Event display - not supported for THijing yet. // if (!gPad) { // if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return; // (gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas())(); // gPad->GetCanvas()->SetFillColor(13); // } // static Float_t rbox = 1000; // Float_t rmin[3],rmax[3]; // TView *view = gPad->GetView(); // if (!strstr(option,"same")) { // if (view) { view->GetRange(rmin,rmax); rbox = rmax[2];} // gPad->Clear(); // } // AppendPad(option); // view = gPad->GetView(); // // compute 3D view // if (view) { // view->GetRange(rmin,rmax); // rbox = rmax[2]; // } else { // view = new TView(1); // view->SetRange(-rbox,-rbox,-rbox, rbox,rbox,rbox ); // } // TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(-0.94,0.85,-0.25,0.98,"br"); // pt->AddText((char*)GetName()); // pt->AddText((char*)GetTitle()); // pt->SetFillColor(42); // pt->Draw(); //} //______________________________________________________________________________ //TObjArray *THijing::ImportParticles(Option_t *) //{ // Fills TClonesArray fParticles list with particles from common LUJETS. // Old contents of a list are cleared. This function should be called after // any change in common LUJETS, however GetParticles() method calls it // automatically - user don't need to care about it. In case you make a call // to LuExec() you must call this method yourself to transfer new data from // common LUJETS to the fParticles list. // // fParticles->Clear(); // // Int_t numpart = LUJETS.n; // TClonesArray &a = *((TClonesArray*)fParticles); // // for (Int_t i = 0; i < numpart; i++) { // new(a[i]) TMCParticle(LUJETS.k[0][i] , // LUJETS.k[1][i] , // LUJETS.k[2][i] , // LUJETS.k[3][i] , // LUJETS.k[4][i] , // // LUJETS.p[0][i] , // LUJETS.p[1][i] , // LUJETS.p[2][i] , // LUJETS.p[3][i] , // LUJETS.p[4][i] , // // LUJETS.v[0][i] , // LUJETS.v[1][i] , // LUJETS.v[2][i] , // LUJETS.v[3][i] , // LUJETS.v[4][i]); // } // return fParticles; //} //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::ImportParticles(TClonesArray *particles, Option_t *option) { // // Default primary creation method. It reads the /HEPEVT/ common block which // has been filled by the GenerateEvent method. If the event generator does // not use the HEPEVT common block, This routine has to be overloaded by // the subclasses. // The function loops on the generated particles and store them in // the TClonesArray pointed by the argument particles. // The default action is to store only the stable particles (ISTHEP = 1) // This can be demanded explicitly by setting the option = "Final" // If the option = "All", all the particles are stored. // if (particles == 0) return 0; TClonesArray &Particles = *particles; Particles.Clear(); Int_t numpart = HIMAIN1.natt; if (!strcmp(option,"") || !strcmp(option,"Final")) { for (Int_t i = 0; i<=numpart; i++) { if (HIMAIN2.katt[3][i] == 1) { // // Use the common block values for the TParticle constructor // new(Particles[i]) TParticle( HIMAIN2.katt[0][i] , HIMAIN2.katt[1][i] , HIMAIN2.katt[2][i] , -1, -1, -1, HIMAIN2.patt[0][i] , HIMAIN2.patt[1][i] , HIMAIN2.patt[2][i] , HIMAIN2.patt[3][i] , 0, 0, 0, 0); } } } else if (!strcmp(option,"All")) { for (Int_t i = 0; i<=numpart; i++) { Int_t iParent = HIMAIN2.katt[2][i]-1; if (iParent >= 0) { TParticle *mother = (TParticle*) (Particles.UncheckedAt(iParent)); mother->SetLastDaughter(i); if (mother->GetFirstDaughter()==-1) mother->SetFirstDaughter(i); } new(Particles[i]) TParticle( HIMAIN2.katt[0][i] , HIMAIN2.katt[3][i] , iParent, -1, -1, -1, HIMAIN2.patt[0][i] , HIMAIN2.patt[1][i] , HIMAIN2.patt[2][i] , HIMAIN2.patt[3][i] , 0, 0, 0, 0); } } return numpart; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetEFRM(Float_t efrm) { fEfrm=efrm; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetFRAME(const char* frame) { fFrame=frame; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetPROJ(const char* proj) { fProj=proj; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetTARG(const char* targ) { fTarg=targ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetIAP(Int_t iap) { fIap=iap; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetIZP(Int_t izp) { fIzp=izp; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetIAT(Int_t iat) { fIat=iat; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetIZT(Int_t izt) { fIzt=izt; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetBMIN(Float_t bmin) { fBmin=bmin; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetBMAX(Float_t bmax) { fBmax=bmax; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetEFRM() const { return fEfrm; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* THijing::GetFRAME() const { return fFrame.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* THijing::GetPROJ() const { return fProj; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* THijing::GetTARG() const { return fTarg; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetIAP() const { return fIap; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetIZP() const { return fIzp; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetIAT() const { return fIat; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetIZT() const { return fIzt; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetBMIN() const { return fBmin; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetBMAX() const { return fBmax; } //====================== access to common HIPARNT =============================== //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetHIPR1(Int_t key,Float_t value) { if ( key<1 || key>100 ) { printf ("ERROR in THijing:SetHIPR1(key,value): \n "); printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..100]!\n",key); return; } HIPARNT.hipr1[key-1]=value; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetHIPR1(Int_t key) const { if ( key<1 || key>100 ) { printf ("ERROR in THijing:GetHIPR1(key): \n "); printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..100]!\n",key); return 0; } return HIPARNT.hipr1[key-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::SetIHPR2(Int_t key,Int_t value) { if ( key<1 || key>50 ) { printf ("ERROR in THijing:SetIHPR2(key,value): \n "); printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..50]!\n",key); return; } HIPARNT.ihpr2[key-1]=value; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetIHPR2(Int_t key) const { if ( key<1 || key>50 ) { printf ("ERROR in THijing:GetIHPR2(key): \n "); printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..50]!\n",key); return 0; } return HIPARNT.ihpr2[key-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetHINT1(Int_t key) const { if ( key<1 || key>100 ) { printf ("ERROR in THijing:GetHINT1(key): \n "); printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..100]!\n",key); return 0; } return HIPARNT.hint1[key-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetIHNT2(Int_t key) const { if ( key<1 || key>50 ) { printf ("ERROR in THijing:GetIHNT2(key): \n "); printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..50]!\n",key); return 0; } return HIPARNT.ihnt2[key-1]; } //====================== access to common HIMAIN1 =============================== //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNATT() const { return HIMAIN1.natt; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetEATT() const { return HIMAIN1.eatt; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetJATT() const { return HIMAIN1.jatt; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNT() const { return HIMAIN1.nt; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNP() const { return HIMAIN1.np; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetN0() const { return HIMAIN1.n0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetN01() const { return HIMAIN1.n01; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetN10() const { return HIMAIN1.n10; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetN11() const { return HIMAIN1.n11; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetBB() const { return HIMAIN1.bb; } //====================== access to common HIMAIN2 =============================== //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetKATT(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>130000 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetKATT(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..130000]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>4 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetKATT(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..4]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIMAIN2.katt[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPATT(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>130000 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPATT(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..130000]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>4 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPATT(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..4]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIMAIN2.patt[key2-1][key1-1]; } //====================== access to common HIJJET1 =============================== //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNPJ(Int_t key) const { if ( key<1 || key>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetNPJ(key):\n"); printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key); return 0; } return HIJJET1.npj[key-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetKFPJ(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetKFPJ(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetKFPJ(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.kfpj[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJPX(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPX(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPX(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjpx[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJPY(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPY(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPY(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjpy[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJPZ(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPZ(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPZ(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjpz[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJPE(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPE(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPE(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjpe[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJPM(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPM(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJPM(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjpm[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNTJ(Int_t key) const { if ( key<1 || key>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetNTJ(key):\n"); printf(" key=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key); return 0; } return HIJJET1.ntj[key-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetKFTJ(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetKFTJ(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetKFTJ(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.kftj[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJTX(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTX(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTX(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjtx[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJTY(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTY(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTY(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjty[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJTZ(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTZ(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTZ(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjtz[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJTE(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTE(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTE(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjte[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPJTM(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTM(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>500 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPJTM(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..500]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET1.pjtm[key2-1][key1-1]; } //====================== access to common HIJJET1 =============================== //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNSG() const { return HIJJET2.nsg; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNJSG(Int_t key) const { if ( key<1 || key>900 ) { printf ("ERROR in THijing:GetNJSG(key): \n "); printf (" key=%i is out of range [1..900]!\n",key); return 0; } return HIJJET2.njsg[key-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetIASG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetIASG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>3 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetIASG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..3]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.iasg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetK1SG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetK1SG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>100 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetK1SG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..100]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.k1sg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetK2SG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetK2SG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>100 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetK2SG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..100]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.k2sg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPXSG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPXSG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>100 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPXSG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..100]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.pxsg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPYSG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPYSG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>100 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPYSG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..100]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.pysg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPZSG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPZSG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>100 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPZSG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..100]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.pzsg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPESG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPESG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>100 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPESG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..100]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.pesg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPMSG(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>900 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPMSG(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..900]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>100 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPMSG(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..100]\n",key2); return 0; } return HIJJET2.pmsg[key2-1][key1-1]; } //====================== access to common HISTRNG =============================== //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNFP(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetNFP(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>15 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetNFP(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..15]\n",key2); return 0; } return HISTRNG.nfp[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPP(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPP(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>15 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPP(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..15]\n",key2); return 0; } return HISTRNG.pp[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THijing::GetNFT(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetNFT(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>15 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetNFT(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..15]\n",key2); return 0; } return HISTRNG.nft[key2-1][key1-1]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t THijing::GetPT(Int_t key1, Int_t key2) const { if ( key1<1 || key1>300 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPT(key1):\n"); printf(" key1=%i is out of range [1..300]\n",key1); return 0; } if ( key2<1 || key2>15 ) { printf("ERROR in THijing::GetPT(key1,key2):\n"); printf(" key2=%i is out of range [1..15]\n",key2); return 0; } return HISTRNG.pt[key2-1][key1-1]; } //====================== access to Hijing subroutines ========================= //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::Initialize() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calls Hijset with the either default parameters or the ones set by the user // // via SetEFRM, SetFRAME, SetPROJ, SetTARG, SetIAP, SetIZP, SetIAT, SetIZT // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( (!strcmp(fFrame.Data(), "CMS " )) && (!strcmp(fFrame.Data(), "LAB " ))){ printf("WARNING! In THijing:Initialize():\n"); printf(" specified frame=%s is neither CMS or LAB\n",fFrame.Data()); printf(" resetting to default \"CMS\" ."); fFrame="CMS"; } if ( (!strcmp(fProj.Data(), "A " )) && (!strcmp(fProj.Data(), "P " )) && (!strcmp(fProj.Data(), "PBAR " ))){ printf("WARNING! In THijing:Initialize():\n"); printf(" specified projectile=%s is neither A, P or PBAR\n",fProj.Data()); printf(" resetting to default \"A\" ."); fProj="A"; } if ( (!strcmp(fTarg.Data(), "A " )) && (!strcmp(fTarg.Data(), "P " )) && (!strcmp(fTarg.Data(), "PBAR " ))){ printf("WARNING! In THijing:Initialize():\n"); printf(" specified target=%s is neither A, P or PBAR\n",fTarg.Data()); printf(" resetting to default \"A\" ."); fTarg="A"; } printf(" %s-%s at %f GeV \n",fProj.Data(),fTarg.Data(),fEfrm); Hijset(fEfrm,fFrame.Data(),fProj.Data(),fTarg.Data(),fIap,fIzp,fIat,fIzt); printf(" %s-%s at %f GeV \n",fProj.Data(),fTarg.Data(),fEfrm); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::GenerateEvent() { // Generates one event; Hijing(fFrame.Data(),fBmin,fBmax); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::Hijset(float efrm, const char *frame, const char *proj, const char *targ, int iap, int izp, int iat, int izt) { // Call HIJING routine HIJSET passing the parameters in a way accepted by // Fortran routines int s1 = strlen(frame); int s2 = strlen(proj); int s3 = strlen(targ); printf("s1 = %d s2 = %d s3 = %d\n",s1,s2,s3); #ifndef WIN32 hijset(efrm, frame, proj, targ, iap, izp, iat, izt, s1, s2, s3); #else hijset(efrm, frame, s1, proj, s2, targ, s3, iap, izp, iat, izt); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THijing::Hijing(const char *frame, float bmin, float bmax) { // Call HIJING routine HIJSET passing the parameters in a way accepted by // Fortran routines int s1 = strlen(frame); #ifndef WIN32 hijing(frame, bmin, bmax, s1); #else hijing(frame, s1, bmin, bmax); #endif } Float_t THijing::Profile(float b) { // Call HIJING routine PROFILE return profile(b); } void THijing::Rluget(Int_t lfn, Int_t move) { // write seed to file rluget_hijing(lfn, move); } void THijing::Rluset(Int_t lfn, Int_t move) { // read seed from file rluset_hijing(lfn, move); }