/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Time Of Flight // // This class contains the basic functions for the Time Of Flight // // detector. Functions specific to one particular geometry are // // contained in the derived classes // // // // VERSIONE WITH 5 SYMMETRIC MODULES ALONG Z AXIS // // ============================================================ // // // // VERSION WITH HOLES FOR PHOS AND TRD IN SPACEFRAME WITH HOLES // // // // Volume sensibile : FPAD // // // // // // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html #include "TFile.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTask.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TVirtualMC.h" #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliTOFDDLRawData.h" #include "AliTOFDigitizer.h" #include "AliTOFdigit.h" #include "AliTOFhitT0.h" #include "AliTOFhit.h" #include "AliTOFGeometry.h" #include "AliTOFSDigitizer.h" #include "AliTOFSDigit.h" #include "AliTOF.h" class AliTOFcluster; extern TFile *gFile; extern TROOT *gROOT; extern TVirtualMC *gMC; extern AliRun *gAlice; ClassImp(AliTOF) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOF::AliTOF() { // // Default constructor // fFGeom = 0x0; fDTask = 0x0; fReTask = 0x0; fIshunt = 0; fSDigits = 0 ; fNSDigits = 0; fDigits = 0 ; fReconParticles = 0x0; fName="TOF"; fTZero = kFALSE; fTOFGeometry = 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOF::AliTOF(const char *name, const char *title, Option_t *option) : AliDetector(name,title) { // // AliTOF standard constructor // // Here are fixed some important parameters // // Initialization of hits, sdigits and digits array // added option for time zero analysis fFGeom = 0x0; //skowron fDTask = 0x0; fReTask = 0x0; fReconParticles= 0x0; fTOFGeometry = new AliTOFGeometry(); if (strstr(option,"tzero")){ fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhitT0", 1000); fTZero = kTRUE; AliWarning("tzero option requires AliTOFv4T0/AliTOFv5T0 as TOF version (check Your Config.C)"); }else{ fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhit", 1000); fTZero = kFALSE; } if (gAlice==0) { AliFatal("gAlice==0 !"); } AliMC *mcApplication = (AliMC*)gAlice->GetMCApp(); if (mcApplication->GetHitLists()) mcApplication->AddHitList(fHits); else AliError("gAlice->GetHitLists()==0"); fIshunt = 0; fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000); fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 1000); fNSDigits = 0; fFGeom = 0x0; fDTask = 0x0; fReTask = 0x0; fReconParticles = 0x0; // // Digitization parameters // // (Transfer Functions to be inserted here) // SetMarkerColor(7); SetMarkerStyle(2); SetMarkerSize(0.4); // Strip Parameters //fGapA = 4.; //cm Gap beetween tilted strip in A-type plate //fGapB = 6.; //cm Gap beetween tilted strip in B-type plate // Physical performances //fTimeRes = 100.;//ps //fChrgRes = 100.;//pC } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::SetTOFSectors(Int_t *sectors){ for(Int_t isec=0;isec<18;isec++){ fTOFSectors[isec]=sectors[isec]; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::GetTOFSectors(Int_t *sectors) const { for(Int_t isec=0;isec<18;isec++){ sectors[isec]=fTOFSectors[isec]; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOF::AliTOF(const AliTOF &source) :AliDetector() { // copy constructor this->fReconParticles=source.fReconParticles; this->fSDigits=source.fSDigits; this->fTOFGeometry=source.fTOFGeometry; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOF& AliTOF::operator=(const AliTOF &source) { // ass. op. this->fReconParticles=source.fReconParticles; this->fSDigits=source.fSDigits; this->fTOFGeometry=source.fTOFGeometry; return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::CreateTOFFolders() { // create the ALICE TFolder // create the ALICE TTasks // create the ALICE main TFolder // to be done by AliRun TFolder * alice = new TFolder(); alice->SetNameTitle("FPAlice", "Alice Folder") ; gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(alice) ; TFolder * aliceF = alice->AddFolder("folders", "Alice memory Folder") ; // make it the owner of the objects that it contains aliceF->SetOwner() ; // geometry folder TFolder * geomF = aliceF->AddFolder("Geometry", "Geometry objects") ; TFolder * aliceT = alice->AddFolder("tasks", "Alice tasks Folder") ; // make it the owner of the objects that it contains aliceT->SetOwner() ; TTask * aliceDi = new TTask("(S)Digitizer", "Alice SDigitizer & Digitizer") ; aliceT->Add(aliceDi); TTask * aliceRe = new TTask("Reconstructioner", "Alice Reconstructioner") ; aliceT->Add(aliceRe); char * tempo = new char[80] ; // creates the TOF Digitizer and adds it to alice main (S)Digitizer task sprintf(tempo, "%sDigitizers container",GetName() ) ; fDTask = new TTask(GetName(), tempo); aliceDi->Add(fDTask) ; // creates the TOF reconstructioner and adds it to alice main Reconstructioner task sprintf(tempo, "%sReconstructioner container",GetName() ) ; fReTask = new TTask(GetName(), tempo); aliceRe->Add(fReTask) ; delete [] tempo ; // creates the TOF geometry folder geomF->AddFolder("TOF", "Geometry for TOF") ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOF::~AliTOF() { // dtor: // it remove also the alice folder // and task that TOF creates instead of AliRun /* PH Temporarily commented because of problems TFolder * alice = (TFolder*)gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->FindObject("FPAlice") ; delete alice; alice = 0; */ if (fHits) { fHits->Delete (); delete fHits; fHits = 0; } if (fDigits) { fDigits->Delete (); delete fDigits; fDigits = 0; } if (fSDigits) { fSDigits->Delete(); delete fSDigits; fSDigits = 0; } if (fReconParticles) { fReconParticles->Delete (); delete fReconParticles; fReconParticles = 0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) { // // Add a TOF hit // new with placement used // TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits; new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliTOFhit(fIshunt, track, vol, hits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::AddT0Hit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) { // // Add a TOF hit // new with placement used // TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits; new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliTOFhitT0(fIshunt, track, vol, hits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::AddDigit(Int_t *tracks, Int_t *vol, Float_t *digits) { // // Add a TOF digit // new with placement used // TClonesArray &ldigits = *fDigits; new (ldigits[fNdigits++]) AliTOFdigit(tracks, vol, digits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::AddSDigit(Int_t tracknum, Int_t *vol, Float_t *digits) { // // Add a TOF sdigit // TClonesArray &lSDigits = *fSDigits; new(lSDigits[fNSDigits++]) AliTOFSDigit(tracknum, vol, digits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::SetTreeAddress () { // Set branch address for the Hits and Digits Tree. if (fLoader->TreeH()) { if (fHits == 0x0) { if (fTZero) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhitT0", 1000); else fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhit", 1000); } } AliDetector::SetTreeAddress (); TBranch *branch; if (fLoader->TreeS () ) { branch = fLoader->TreeS ()->GetBranch ("TOF"); if (branch) { if (fSDigits == 0x0) fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000); branch->SetAddress (&fSDigits); } } if (fLoader->TreeR() ) { branch = fLoader->TreeR()->GetBranch("TOF"); if (branch) { if (fReconParticles == 0x0) fReconParticles = new TClonesArray("AliTOFcluster", 1000); branch->SetAddress(&fReconParticles); } } /* if (fLoader->TreeR() && fReconParticles) //I do not know where this array is created - skowron { branch = fLoader->TreeR()->GetBranch("TOF"); if (branch) { branch->SetAddress(&fReconParticles) ; } } */ } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::CreateGeometry() { // // Common geometry code // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html // Float_t xTof, yTof; if (IsVersion()==7) { xTof = 124.5;//fTOFGeometry->StripLength()+2.*(0.3+0.03); // cm, x-dimension of FTOA volume yTof = fTOFGeometry->Rmax()-fTOFGeometry->Rmin(); // cm, y-dimension of FTOA volume Float_t zTof = fTOFGeometry->ZlenA(); // cm, z-dimension of FTOA volume // TOF module internal definitions TOFpc(xTof, yTof, zTof, fTOFGeometry->ZlenB()); } else { Float_t wall = 4.;//cm // frame inbetween TOF modules // Sizes of TOF module with its support etc.. xTof = 2.*(fTOFGeometry->Rmin()*TMath::Tan(10.*kDegrad)-wall/2.-0.5); yTof = fTOFGeometry->Rmax()-fTOFGeometry->Rmin(); // TOF module internal definitions TOFpc(xTof, yTof, fTOFGeometry->ZlenC(), fTOFGeometry->ZlenB(), fTOFGeometry->ZlenA(), fTOFGeometry->MaxhZtof()); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::DrawModule() const { // // Draw a shaded view of the common part of the TOF geometry // AliInfo(" Drawing of AliTOF"); // Set everything unseen gMC->Gsatt("*", "seen", -1); // // Set ALIC mother transparent gMC->Gsatt("ALIC","SEEN",0); // // Set the volumes visible gMC->Gsatt("FTOA","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FTOB","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FTOC","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FLTA","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FLTB","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FLTC","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FSTR","SEEN",1); // gMC->Gdopt("hide", "on"); gMC->Gdopt("shad", "on"); gMC->Gsatt("*", "fill", 7); gMC->SetClipBox("."); gMC->SetClipBox("*", 0, 1000, -1000, 1000, -1000, 1000); gMC->DefaultRange(); gMC->Gdraw("alic", 40, 30, 0, 12, 9.5, .02, .02); gMC->Gdhead(1111, "Time Of Flight"); gMC->Gdman(18, 4, "MAN"); gMC->Gdopt("hide","off"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTOF::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t , Int_t ) { // // Returns distance from mouse pointer to detector, default version // return 9999; } //___________________________________________ void AliTOF::ResetHits () { // Reset number of clusters and the cluster array for this detector AliDetector::ResetHits (); } //____________________________________________ void AliTOF::ResetDigits () { // // Reset number of digits and the digits array for this detector AliDetector::ResetDigits (); // } //____________________________________________ void AliTOF::ResetSDigits () { // // Reset number of sdigits and the sdigits array for this detector fNSDigits = 0; //fSDigits = 0x0; // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::Init() { // // Initialise TOF detector after it has been built // // Set id of TOF sensitive volume if (IsVersion() !=0) fIdSens=gMC->VolId("FPAD"); /* // Save the geometry TDirectory* saveDir = gDirectory; gAlice->GetRunLoader()->CdGAFile(); fTOFGeometry->Write("TOFGeometry"); saveDir->cd(); */ } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::MakeBranch(Option_t* option) { // // Initializes the Branches of the TOF inside the // trees written for each event. // AliDetector::MakeBranch initializes just the // Branch inside TreeH. Here we add the branches in // TreeD, TreeS and TreeR. // const char *oH = strstr(option,"H"); if (fLoader->TreeH() && oH) { if (fHits == 0x0) { if (fTZero) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhitT0", 1000); else fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhit", 1000); } } AliDetector::MakeBranch(option); Int_t buffersize = 4000; Char_t branchname[10]; sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName()); const char *oD = strstr(option,"D"); const char *oS = strstr(option,"S"); const char *oR = strstr(option,"R"); if (fLoader->TreeD() && oD){ if (fDigits == 0x0) fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 1000); MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeD(), branchname, &fDigits,buffersize, 0) ; } if (fLoader->TreeS() && oS){ if (fSDigits == 0x0) fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000); MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeS(), branchname, &fSDigits,buffersize, 0) ; } if (fLoader->TreeR() && oR){ if (fReconParticles == 0x0) fReconParticles = new TClonesArray("AliTOFcluster", 1000); MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeR(), branchname, &fReconParticles,buffersize, 0) ; } /* if (fReconParticles && fLoader->TreeR() && oR){ MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeR(), branchname, &fReconParticles,buffersize, 0) ; } */ } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::Makehits(Bool_t hits) { // default argument used, see AliTOF.h // Enable/Disable the writing of the TOF-hits branch // on TreeH // by default : enabled for TOFv1, v2, v3, v4, v5 // disabled for TOFv0 // if (hits && (IsVersion()!=0)) fIdSens = gMC->VolId("FPAD"); else AliInfo("Option for writing the TOF-hits branch on TreeH: disabled"); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::FinishEvent() { // do nothing } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::Hits2SDigits() { // // Use the TOF SDigitizer to make TOF SDigits // // AliInfo("Start..."); AliRunLoader * rl = fLoader->GetRunLoader(); AliTOFSDigitizer sd((rl->GetFileName()).Data()); ToAliDebug(1, sd.Print("")); sd.Exec("") ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::Hits2SDigits(Int_t evNumber1, Int_t evNumber2) { // // Use the TOF SDigitizer to make TOF SDigits // if ((evNumber2-evNumber1)==1) AliDebug(1, Form("I am making sdigits for the %dth event", evNumber1)) else if ((evNumber2-evNumber1)>1) AliDebug(1, Form("I am making sdigits for the events from the " "%dth to the %dth", evNumber1, evNumber2-1)); AliRunLoader * rl = fLoader->GetRunLoader(); AliTOFSDigitizer sd((rl->GetFileName()).Data(),evNumber1,evNumber2) ; ToAliDebug(1, sd.Print("")); sd.Exec("") ; } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliDigitizer* AliTOF::CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const { return new AliTOFDigitizer(manager); } //___________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTOF::CheckOverlap(Int_t* vol, Float_t* digit,Int_t Track) { // // Checks if 2 or more hits belong to the same pad. // In this case the data assigned to the digit object // are the ones of the first hit in order of Time. // 2 hits from the same track on the same pad are collected. // Called only by Hits2SDigits. // This procedure has to be optimized in the next TOF release. // Bool_t overlap = kFALSE; Int_t vol2[5]; for (Int_t ndig=0; ndigGetEntries(); ndig++){ AliTOFdigit* currentDigit = (AliTOFdigit*)(fSDigits->UncheckedAt(ndig)); currentDigit->GetLocation(vol2); Bool_t idem= kTRUE; // check on digit volume for (Int_t i=0;i<=4;i++){ if (!idem) break; if (vol[i]!=vol2[i]) idem=kFALSE;} if (idem){ // same pad fired Float_t tdc2 = digit[0]; Float_t tdc1 = currentDigit->GetTdc(); // we separate two digits on the same pad if // they are separated in time by at least 25 ns // remember that tdc time is given in ps if (TMath::Abs(tdc1-tdc2)<25000){ // in case of overlap we take the earliest if (tdc1>tdc2){ currentDigit->SetTdc(tdc2); currentDigit->SetAdc(digit[1]); } else { currentDigit->SetTdc(tdc1); currentDigit->SetAdc(digit[1]); } currentDigit->AddTrack(Track); // add track number in the track array overlap = kTRUE; return overlap; } else overlap= kFALSE; } // close if (idem) -> two digits on the same TOF pad } // end loop on existing sdigits return overlap; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::Digits2Raw() { // // Starting from the TOF digits, writes the Raw Data objects // fLoader->LoadDigits(); TTree* digits = fLoader->TreeD(); if (!digits) { AliError("no digits tree"); return; } //AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root",AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(),"read"); fRunLoader->CdGAFile(); TFile *in=(TFile*)gFile; in->cd(); AliTOFGeometry *geometry = (AliTOFGeometry*)in->Get("TOFgeometry"); AliTOFDDLRawData rawWriter(geometry); //AliTOFDDLRawData rawWriter; rawWriter.SetVerbose(0); AliInfo("Formatting raw data for TOF"); digits->GetEvent(0); rawWriter.RawDataTOF(digits->GetBranch("TOF")); fLoader->UnloadDigits(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::RecreateSDigitsArray() { // // delete TClonesArray fSDigits and create it again // needed for backward compatability with PPR test production // delete fSDigits; fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOF::CreateSDigitsArray() { // // create TClonesArray fSDigits // needed for backward compatability with PPR test production // fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000); }