/**************************************************************************** * This macro estimates efficiency of matching with the TOF. * * TOF "Good" tracks are those originating from the primary vertex, * * being "good" in the ITS and having at least one digit in the TOF. * * (To get the list of "good" tracks one should first run * * AliTPCComparison.C and AliITSComparisonV2.C macros) * * Origin: I.Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch * ****************************************************************************/ #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliTOFcluster.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #endif Int_t GoodTracksTOF(const Char_t *dir="."); extern AliRun *gAlice; extern TBenchmark *gBenchmark; extern TROOT *gROOT; static Int_t allgood=0; static Int_t allmatched=0; static Int_t allmismatched=0; Int_t AliTOFComparison(const Char_t *dir=".") { gBenchmark->Start("AliTOFComparison"); ::Info("AliTOFComparison.C","Doing comparison..."); Double_t pmin=0.2; Double_t pmax=3.0; TH1F *hgood=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgood"); if (!hgood) hgood=new TH1F("hgood","Good tracks",30,pmin,pmax); TH1F *hfound=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfound"); if (!hfound) hfound=new TH1F("hfound","Matched tracks",30,pmin,pmax); TH1F *hfake=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfake"); if (!hfake) hfake=new TH1F("hfake","Mismatched tracks",30,pmin,pmax); TH1F *hgp=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgp"); if (!hgp) hgp=new TH1F("hgp","",30,pmin,pmax); hgp->SetLineColor(4); hgp->SetLineWidth(2); TH1F *hfp=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfp"); if (!hfp) hfp=new TH1F("hfp","Probability of mismatching",30,pmin,pmax); hfp->SetFillColor(1); hfp->SetFillStyle(3013); hfp->SetLineWidth(2); TH1F *hgoo=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgoo"); if (!hgoo) hgoo=new TH1F("hgoo","Good tracks",30,-1,1); TH1F *hfoun=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfoun"); if (!hfoun) hfoun=new TH1F("hfoun","Matched tracks",30,-1,1); TH1F *hfak=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfak"); if (!hfak) hfak=new TH1F("hfak","Mismatched tracks",30,-1,1); TH1F *hgl=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgl"); if (!hgl) hgl=new TH1F("hgl","",30,-1,1); hgl->SetLineColor(4); hgl->SetLineWidth(2); TH1F *hfl=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfl"); if (!hfl) hfl=new TH1F("hfl","Probability of mismatching",30,-1,1); hfl->SetFillColor(1); hfl->SetFillStyle(3013); hfl->SetLineWidth(2); Char_t fname[100]; sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksTOF.root",dir); TFile *refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old"); if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) { ::Info("AliTOFComparison.C","Marking good tracks (will take a while)..."); if (GoodTracksTOF(dir)) { ::Error("AliTOFComparison.C","Can't generate the reference file !"); return 1; } } refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old"); if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) { ::Error("AliTOFComparison.C","Can't open the reference file !"); return 1; } TTree *tofTree=(TTree*)refFile->Get("tofTree"); if (!tofTree) { ::Error("AliTOFComparison.C","Can't get the reference tree !"); return 2; } TBranch *branch=tofTree->GetBranch("TOF"); if (!branch) { ::Error("AliTOFComparison.C","Can't get the TOF branch !"); return 3; } TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *refs=&dummy; branch->SetAddress(&refs); if (gAlice) { delete AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice;//if everything was OK here it is already NULL gAlice = 0x0; } sprintf(fname,"%s/galice.root",dir); AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fname,"COMPARISON"); if (rl == 0x0) { cerr<<"Can not open session"<GetLoader("TOFLoader"); if (tofl == 0x0) { cerr<<"Can not get the TOF loader"<LoadRecPoints("read"); sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDs.root",dir); TFile *ef=TFile::Open(fname); if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) { ::Error("AliTOFComparison.C","Can't open AliESDs.root !"); delete rl; return 4; } AliESDEvent* event = new AliESDEvent(); TTree* esdTree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree"); if (!esdTree) { ::Error("AliTOFComparison.C", "no ESD tree found"); return 5; } event->ReadFromTree(esdTree); //******* Loop over events ********* Int_t e=0; while (esdTree->GetEvent(e)) { cout<GetEvent(e); TTree *clsTree=tofl->TreeR(); if (!clsTree) { cerr<<"Can't get the TOF cluster tree !\n"; return 3; } TBranch *branch=clsTree->GetBranch("TOF"); if (!branch) { cerr<<"Can't get the branch with the TOF digits !\n"; return 4; } TClonesArray dummy("AliTOFcluster",10000), *clusters=&dummy; branch->SetAddress(&clusters); clsTree->GetEvent(0); Int_t nd=clusters->GetEntriesFast(); cerr<<"Number of the TOF clusters: "<GetNumberOfTracks(); cerr<<"Number of ESD tracks : "<GetEvent(e++)==0) { cerr<<"No reconstructable tracks !\n"; continue; } Int_t ngood=refs->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t matched=0; Int_t mismatched=0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); Int_t lab=ref->Label(); Float_t ptg=TMath::Sqrt(ref->Px()*ref->Px() + ref->Py()*ref->Py()); Double_t tgl=ref->Pz()/ptg; //tan(lambda) if (ptg>pmin) { hgood->Fill(ptg); hgoo->Fill(tgl); } Int_t j; AliESDtrack *t=0; for (j=0; jGetTrack(j); if (lab!=TMath::Abs(tt->GetLabel())) continue; t=tt; //if ((tt->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFpid) == 0) continue; if (tt->GetTOFsignal() < 0) continue; UInt_t idx=tt->GetTOFcluster(); if ((Int_t)idx>=nd) { cerr<<"Wrong cluster index ! "<UncheckedAt(idx); if (cls->GetLabel(0)!=lab) if (cls->GetLabel(1)!=lab) if (cls->GetLabel(2)!=lab) { mismatched++; if (ptg>pmin) { hfake->Fill(ptg); hfak->Fill(tgl); } break; } if (ptg>pmin) { hfound->Fill(ptg); hfoun->Fill(tgl); } matched++; break; } if (j==ntrk) { cerr<<"Not matched: "<GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kITSout)<<' ' <<(t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTPCout)<<' ' <<(t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTRDout)<<' ' <<(t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTIME); } else cerr<<"No ESD track !"; cerr<Clear(); } //***** End of the loop over events delete event; delete esdTree; ef->Close(); delete tofTree; refFile->Close(); if (allgood!=0) cerr<<"\n\nEfficiency: "<FindObject("c1"); if (!c1) { c1=new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,600,900); c1->Divide(1,2); } hfound->Sumw2(); hgood->Sumw2(); hfake->Sumw2(); hgp->Divide(hfound,hgood,1,1.,"b"); hfp->Divide(hfake,hgood,1,1.,"b"); hgp->SetMaximum(1.4); hgp->SetYTitle("Matching efficiency"); hgp->SetXTitle("Pt (GeV/c)"); hfoun->Sumw2(); hgoo->Sumw2(); hfak->Sumw2(); hgl->Divide(hfoun,hgoo,1,1.,"b"); hfl->Divide(hfak,hgoo,1,1.,"b"); hgl->SetMaximum(1.4); hgl->SetYTitle("Matching efficiency"); hgl->SetXTitle("Tan(lambda)"); c1->cd(1); hgp->Draw(); hfp->Draw("histsame"); TLine *line1 = new TLine(pmin,1.0,pmax,1.0); line1->SetLineStyle(4); line1->Draw("same"); TLine *line2 = new TLine(pmin,0.9,pmax,0.9); line2->SetLineStyle(4); line2->Draw("same"); c1->cd(2); hgl->Draw(); hfl->Draw("histsame"); TLine *line3 = new TLine(-1,1.0,1,1.0); line3->SetLineStyle(4); line3->Draw("same"); TLine *line4 = new TLine(-1,0.9,1,0.9); line4->SetLineStyle(4); line4->Draw("same"); c1->Update(); TFile fc("AliTOFComparison.root","RECREATE"); c1->Write(); fc.Close(); gBenchmark->Stop("AliTOFComparison"); gBenchmark->Show("AliTOFComparison"); delete rl; return 0; } Int_t GoodTracksTOF(const Char_t *dir) { if (gAlice) { delete AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice;//if everything was OK here it is already NULL gAlice = 0x0; } Char_t fname[100]; sprintf(fname,"%s/galice.root",dir); AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fname,"COMPARISON"); if (!rl) { ::Error("GoodTracksTOF","Can't start session !"); return 1; } rl->LoadgAlice(); rl->LoadHeader(); rl->LoadKinematics(); AliLoader* tofl = rl->GetLoader("TOFLoader"); if (tofl == 0x0) { ::Error("GoodTracksTOF","Can not get the TOF loader !"); delete rl; return 2; } tofl->LoadRecPoints("read"); Int_t nev=rl->GetNumberOfEvents(); ::Info("GoodTracksTOF","Number of events : %d\n",nev); sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksITS.root",dir); TFile *itsFile=TFile::Open(fname); if ((!itsFile)||(!itsFile->IsOpen())) { ::Error("GoodTracksTOF","Can't open the GoodTracksITS.root !"); delete rl; return 5; } TClonesArray dum("AliTrackReference",1000), *itsRefs=&dum; TTree *itsTree=(TTree*)itsFile->Get("itsTree"); if (!itsTree) { ::Error("GoodTracksTOF","Can't get the ITS reference tree !"); delete rl; return 6; } TBranch *itsBranch=itsTree->GetBranch("ITS"); if (!itsBranch) { ::Error("GoodTracksTOF","Can't get the ITS reference branch !"); delete rl; return 7; } itsBranch->SetAddress(&itsRefs); sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksTOF.root",dir); TFile *tofFile=TFile::Open(fname,"recreate"); TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *tofRefs=&dummy; TTree tofTree("tofTree","Tree with info about the reconstructable TOF tracks"); tofTree.Branch("TOF",&tofRefs); //******** Loop over generated events for (Int_t e=0; eGetEvent(e); tofFile->cd(); Int_t np = rl->GetHeader()->GetNtrack(); cout<<"Event "<TreeR(); if (!cTree) { ::Error("GoodTracksTOF","Can't get the TOF cluster tree !"); delete rl; return 8; } TBranch *branch=cTree->GetBranch("TOF"); if (!branch) { ::Error("GoodTracksTOF","Can't get the branch with the TOF digits !"); return 9; } TClonesArray dummy("AliTOFcluster",10000), *clusters=&dummy; branch->SetAddress(&clusters); cTree->GetEvent(0); Int_t nd=clusters->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); Int_t l0=c->GetLabel(0); if (l0>=np) {cerr<<"Wrong label: "<GetLabel(1); if (l1>=np) {cerr<<"Wrong label: "<GetLabel(2); if (l2>=np) {cerr<<"Wrong label: "<=0) good[l0]++; if (l1>=0) good[l1]++; if (l2>=0) good[l2]++; } clusters->Clear(); //****** select tracks which are "good" enough AliStack* stack = rl->Stack(); itsTree->GetEvent(e); Int_t nk=itsRefs->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t nt=0; for (k=0; kUncheckedAt(k); Int_t lab=itsRef->Label(); if (good[lab] == 0) continue; TParticle *p = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(lab); if (p == 0x0) { cerr<<"Can not get particle "<Vx())>0.1) continue; if (TMath::Abs(p->Vy())>0.1) continue; //if (TMath::Abs(p->Vz())>0.1) continue; new((*tofRefs)[nt]) AliTrackReference(*itsRef); nt++; } itsRefs->Clear(); tofTree.Fill(); tofRefs->Clear(); delete[] good; } //*** end of the loop over generated events tofTree.Write(); tofFile->Close(); delete itsTree; itsFile->Close(); delete rl; return 0; }