/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //#include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTOFChannelOnlineArray.h" #include "AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray.h" #include "AliTOFDataDCS.h" #include "AliTOFDCSmaps.h" #include "AliTOFLvHvDataPoints.h" #include "AliTOFGeometry.h" #include "AliTOFPreprocessor.h" #include "AliTOFFEEReader.h" #include "AliTOFRawStream.h" #include "AliTOFCableLengthMap.h" #include "AliTOFcalibHisto.h" #include "AliTOFFEEDump.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "AliTOFDeltaBCOffset.h" #include "AliTOFCTPLatency.h" #include "AliTOFT0Fill.h" #include "AliTOFT0FillOnlineCalib.h" #include "AliTOFHitField.h" #include "AliTOFChannelOffline.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" // TOF preprocessor class. // It takes data from DCS and passes them to the class AliTOFDataDCS, which // processes them. The result is then written to the CDB. // Analogously, it takes data form DAQ (both at Run level and inclusive - // of all the runs - level, processes them, and stores both Reference Data // and Online Calibration files in the CDB. // Processing of Pulser/Noise Run data and of TOF FEE DCS map included also. // return codes: // return=0 : all ok // return=1 : no DCS input data Map // return=2 : no DCS input data processing // return=3 : no DCS processed data was stored in Ref Data // return=4 : no DAQ input for Ref Data // return=5 : failed to store DAQ Ref Data // return=6 : failed to retrieve DAQ data for calibration // return=7 : problems in processing histos in the input DAQ file // return=8 : failed to store Online Delays // return=9 : failed to store Reference Data for Pulser // return=10: failed to retrieve Pulser data // return=11: failed to store Pulser map in OCDB // return=12: failed to store Reference Data for Noise // return=13: failed to retrieve Noise data // return=14: failed to store Noise map in OCDB // return=15: failed to retrieve FEE data from FXS // return=16: failed to retrieve FEE data from OCDB // return=17: failed to store FEE data in OCDB // return=18: failed to store FEE reference data in OCDB // return=20: failed in retrieving status variable ClassImp(AliTOFPreprocessor) const Int_t AliTOFPreprocessor::fgkBinRangeAve = 13; // number of bins where to calculate the mean const Double_t AliTOFPreprocessor::fgkIntegralThr = 100; // min number of entries to perform computation of delay per channel const Double_t AliTOFPreprocessor::fgkThrPar = 0.013; // parameter used to trigger the calculation of the delay //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFPreprocessor::AliTOFPreprocessor(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle) : AliPreprocessor("TOF", shuttle), fData(0), fHVLVmaps(0), fCal(0), fNChannels(0), fStoreRefData(kTRUE), fFDRFlag(kFALSE), fStatus(0), fMatchingWindow(0), fLatencyWindow(0), fIsStatusMapChanged(0) { // constructor AddRunType("PHYSICS"); AddRunType("PULSER"); AddRunType("NOISE"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFPreprocessor::~AliTOFPreprocessor() { // destructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFPreprocessor::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime, UInt_t endTime) { // Creates AliTOFDataDCS object AliPreprocessor::Initialize(run, startTime, endTime); AliInfo(Form("\n\tRun %d \n\tStartTime %s \n\tEndTime %s \n\tStartTime DCS Query %s \n\tEndTime DCS Query %s", run, TTimeStamp(startTime).AsString(), TTimeStamp(endTime).AsString(), ((TTimeStamp)GetStartTimeDCSQuery()).AsString(), ((TTimeStamp)GetEndTimeDCSQuery()).AsString())); fData = new AliTOFDataDCS(fRun, fStartTime, fEndTime, GetStartTimeDCSQuery(), GetEndTimeDCSQuery()); fHVLVmaps = new AliTOFLvHvDataPoints(fRun, fStartTime, fEndTime, GetStartTimeDCSQuery(), GetEndTimeDCSQuery()); fNChannels = AliTOFGeometry::NSectors()*(2*(AliTOFGeometry::NStripC()+AliTOFGeometry::NStripB())+AliTOFGeometry::NStripA())*AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()*AliTOFGeometry::NpadX(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessDCS(){ // check whether DCS should be processed or not... TString runType = GetRunType(); Log(Form("RunType %s",runType.Data())); if (runType != "PHYSICS"){ return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessDCSDataPoints(TMap *dcsAliasMap) { // Fills data into a AliTOFDataDCS object Log("Processing DCS DP"); TH1::AddDirectory(0); Bool_t resultDCSMap=kFALSE; Bool_t resultDCSStore=kFALSE; // processing DCS fData->SetFDRFlag(fFDRFlag); if (!dcsAliasMap){ Log("No DCS map found: TOF exiting from Shuttle"); if (fData){ delete fData; fData = 0; } return 1;// return error Code for DCS input data not found } else { // The processing of the DCS input data is forwarded to AliTOFDataDCS resultDCSMap=fData->ProcessData(*dcsAliasMap); if(!resultDCSMap){ Log("Some problems occurred while processing DCS data, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); if (fData){ delete fData; fData = 0; } return 2;// return error Code for processed DCS data not stored } else{ AliCDBMetaData metaDataDCS; metaDataDCS.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaDataDCS.SetResponsible("Chiara Zampolli"); metaDataDCS.SetComment("This preprocessor fills an AliTOFDataDCS object."); AliInfo("Storing DCS Data"); resultDCSStore = StoreReferenceData("Calib","DCSData",fData, &metaDataDCS); if (!resultDCSStore){ Log("Some problems occurred while storing DCS data results in Reference Data, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); if (fData){ delete fData; fData = 0; } return 3;// return error Code for processed DCS data not stored // in reference data } } } if (fData){ delete fData; fData = 0; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessHVandLVdps(TMap *dcsAliasMap) { // //Fills data into a AliTOFLvHvDataPoints object // Merges fStatus object with LV and HV status at SOR // Updates fStatus object with LV and HV status // at EOR in case of correct end of run // at last but two value in case of end-of-run caused by TOF detector. // Log("Processing HV and LV DCS DPs"); TH1::AddDirectory(0); Bool_t resultDCSMap=kFALSE; // processing DCS fHVLVmaps->SetFDRFlag(fFDRFlag); if (!dcsAliasMap){ Log("No DCS map found: TOF exiting from Shuttle"); if (fHVLVmaps){ delete fHVLVmaps; fHVLVmaps = 0; } return 1;// return error Code for DCS input data not found } else { // The processing of the DCS input data is forwarded to AliTOFDataDCS if (0) { // AdC resultDCSMap = fHVLVmaps->ProcessData(*dcsAliasMap); if (!resultDCSMap) { Log("Some problems occurred while processing DCS data, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); if (fHVLVmaps) { delete fHVLVmaps; fHVLVmaps = 0; } return 2;// return error Code for processed DCS data not stored } else { // check with plots. Start... /* TH1F *hROsor = new TH1F("hROsor","RO status map at SOR",91*96*18,-0.5,91*96*18-0.5); for (Int_t ii=1; ii<=91*96*18; ii++) hROsor->SetBinContent(ii,-1); for (Int_t ii=0; ii<91*96*18; ii++) { if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ii)==AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad) hROsor->SetBinContent(ii+1,0); else if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ii)==AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWOk) hROsor->SetBinContent(ii+1,1); } TH1F *hROandHVandLVsor = new TH1F("hROandHVandLVsor","RO.and.HV.andLV status map at SOR",91*96*18,-0.5,91*96*18-0.5); for (Int_t ii=1; ii<=91*96*18; ii++) hROandHVandLVsor->SetBinContent(ii,-1); TH1F *hROandHVandLVeor = new TH1F("hROandHVandLVeor","RO.and.HV.andLV status map at EOR",91*96*18,-0.5,91*96*18-0.5); for (Int_t ii=1; ii<=91*96*18; ii++) hROandHVandLVeor->SetBinContent(ii,-1); */ AliTOFDCSmaps * lvANDhvMap = (AliTOFDCSmaps*)fHVLVmaps->GetHVandLVmapAtSOR(); // Get LV.and.HV status map at SOR for (Int_t index=0; indexGetCellValue(index)==0 && fStatus->GetHWStatus(index) != AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad ) || ( lvANDhvMap->GetCellValue(index)==1 && fStatus->GetHWStatus(index) != AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWOk ) ) { fStatus->SetHWStatus(index, AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad); fIsStatusMapChanged=kTRUE; } } // check with plots. Start... /* for (Int_t ii=0; ii<91*96*18; ii++) { if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ii)==AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad) hROandHVandLVsor->SetBinContent(ii+1,0); else if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ii)==AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWOk) hROandHVandLVsor->SetBinContent(ii+1,1); } */ lvANDhvMap = (AliTOFDCSmaps*)fHVLVmaps->GetHVandLVmapAtEOR(); // Get LV.and.HV status map at EOR for (Int_t index=0; indexGetCellValue(index)==0 && fStatus->GetHWStatus(index)!=AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad ) || ( lvANDhvMap->GetCellValue(index)==1 && fStatus->GetHWStatus(index) != AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWOk ) ) { fStatus->SetHWStatus(index, AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad); fIsStatusMapChanged=kTRUE; } } // check with plots. Start... /* for (Int_t ii=0; ii<91*96*18; ii++) { if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ii)==AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad) hROandHVandLVeor->SetBinContent(ii+1,0); else if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ii)==AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWOk) hROandHVandLVeor->SetBinContent(ii+1,1); } TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("canvas","",10,10,1000,1000); canvas->SetFillColor(0); canvas->Divide(2,2); canvas->cd(1); hROsor->SetLineWidth(2); hROsor->Draw(); canvas->cd(2); hROandHVandLVsor->SetLineWidth(2); hROandHVandLVsor->Draw(); canvas->cd(3); hROandHVandLVeor->SetLineWidth(2); hROandHVandLVeor->Draw(); canvas->cd(); */ } } // AdC } /* check whether we don't need to update OCDB. * in this case we can return without errors. */ if (!fIsStatusMapChanged) { AliInfo("TOF FEE config has not changed. Do not overwrite stored file."); return 0; // return ok } TString runType = GetRunType(); if (runType != "PHYSICS") { AliInfo(Form("Run Type = %s, waiting to store status map",GetRunType())); return 0; // return ok } // update the OCDB with the current FEE.and.HV.and.LV // since even a little difference has been detected. AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Roberto Preghenella"); //metaData.SetComment("This preprocessor fills an AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray object from FEE.and.HV.and.LV data."); // AdC //AliInfo("Storing Status data from current run. Collected RO.and.HV.and.LV infos @ EOR"); // AdC metaData.SetComment("This preprocessor fills an AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray object from FEE.and.LV data."); AliInfo("Storing Status data from current run. Collected RO.and.LV infos @ SOR"); // store FEE data if (!Store("Calib", "Status", fStatus, &metaData, 0, kTRUE)) { // failed Log("problems while storing RO.and.HV.and.LV Status data object"); if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } if (fHVLVmaps) { delete fHVLVmaps; fHVLVmaps = 0; } return 17; // return error code for problems while storing FEE data } // everything fine. return if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } if (fHVLVmaps) { delete fHVLVmaps; fHVLVmaps = 0; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessOnlineDelays() { // Processing data from DAQ for online calibration Bool_t updateOCDB = kFALSE; Log("Processing DAQ delays"); // reading configuration map TString compDelays = "kFALSE"; Int_t deltaStartingRun = fRun; Int_t startingRun = fRun-deltaStartingRun; Int_t binRangeAve = fgkBinRangeAve; Double_t integralThr = fgkIntegralThr; Double_t thrPar = fgkThrPar; AliCDBEntry *cdbEntry = GetFromOCDB("Calib","Config"); if (!cdbEntry) { Log(Form("No Configuration entry found in CDB, using default values: ComputingDelays = %s, StartingRun = %i",compDelays.Data(), startingRun)); } else { TMap *configMap = (TMap*)cdbEntry->GetObject(); if (!configMap){ Log(Form("No map found in Config entry in CDB, using default values: ComputingDelays = %s, StartingRun = %i",compDelays.Data(), startingRun)); } else{ TObjString *strDelays = (TObjString*)configMap->GetValue("ComputingDelays"); if (strDelays) { compDelays = (TString) strDelays->GetString(); } else { Log(Form("No ComputingDelays value found in Map from Config entry in CDB, using default value: ComputingDelays = %s",compDelays.Data())); } TObjString *strRun = (TObjString*)configMap->GetValue("StartingRun"); if (strRun) { TString tmpstr = strRun->GetString(); startingRun = tmpstr.Atoi(); deltaStartingRun = fRun - startingRun; } else { Log(Form("No StartingRun value found in Map from Config entry in CDB, using default value: StartingRun = %i",startingRun)); } TObjString *strBinRangeAve = (TObjString*)configMap->GetValue("BinRangeAve"); if (strBinRangeAve) { TString tmpstr = strBinRangeAve->GetString(); binRangeAve = tmpstr.Atoi(); } else { Log(Form("No BinRangeAve value found in Map from Config entry in CDB, using default value: BinRangeAve = %i",binRangeAve)); } TObjString *strIntegralThr = (TObjString*)configMap->GetValue("IntegralThr"); if (strIntegralThr) { TString tmpstr = strIntegralThr->GetString(); integralThr = tmpstr.Atof(); } else { Log(Form("No IntegralThr value found in Map from Config entry in CDB, using default value: IntegralThr = %i",integralThr)); } TObjString *strThrPar = (TObjString*)configMap->GetValue("ThrPar"); if (strThrPar) { TString tmpstr = strThrPar->GetString(); thrPar = tmpstr.Atof(); } else { Log(Form("No ThrPar value found in Map from Config entry in CDB, using default value: ThrPar = %i",thrPar)); } } } if (compDelays == "kTRUE") fFDRFlag = kFALSE; else fFDRFlag = kTRUE; delete cdbEntry; cdbEntry = 0x0; Log(Form("ComputingDelays = %s, StartingRun = %i",compDelays.Data(),startingRun)); /* init array with current calibration, if any */ fCal = new AliTOFChannelOnlineArray(fNChannels); AliTOFChannelOnlineArray *curCal = NULL; AliCDBEntry *cdbEntry2 = GetFromOCDB("Calib","ParOnlineDelay"); if (!cdbEntry2 || !cdbEntry2->GetObject()) { /* no CDB entry found. set update flag */ Log(" ************ WARNING ************"); Log("No CDB ParOnlineDelay entry found, creating a new one!"); Log(" *********************************"); updateOCDB = kTRUE; } else { Log("Found previous ParOnlineDelay entry. Using it to init calibration"); curCal = (AliTOFChannelOnlineArray *)cdbEntry2->GetObject(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNChannels; i++) fCal->SetDelay(i, curCal->GetDelay(i)); } TH1::AddDirectory(0); Bool_t resultDAQRef=kFALSE; Bool_t resultTOFPP=kFALSE; TH2S *h2 = 0x0; // processing DAQ TFile * daqFile=0x0; if(fStoreRefData){ //retrieving data at Run level TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "RUNLevel"); if (list !=0x0 && list->GetEntries()!=0) { AliInfo("The following sources produced files with the id RUNLevel"); list->Print(); for (Int_t jj=0;jjGetEntries();jj++){ TObjString * str = dynamic_cast (list->At(jj)); AliInfo(Form("found source %s", str->String().Data())); // file to be stored run per run TString fileNameRun = GetFile(kDAQ, "RUNLevel", str->GetName()); if (fileNameRun.Length()>0){ AliInfo(Form("Got the file %s, now we can store the Reference Data for the current Run.", fileNameRun.Data())); daqFile = new TFile(fileNameRun.Data(),"READ"); h2 = (TH2S*) daqFile->Get("htof"); AliCDBMetaData metaDataHisto; metaDataHisto.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaDataHisto.SetResponsible("Chiara Zampolli"); metaDataHisto.SetComment("This preprocessor stores the array of histos object as Reference Data."); AliInfo("Storing Reference Data"); resultDAQRef = StoreReferenceData("Calib","DAQData",h2, &metaDataHisto); if (!resultDAQRef){ Log("some problems occurred::No Reference Data stored, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); delete h2; delete list; delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 5;//return error code for failure in storing Ref Data } daqFile->Close(); delete daqFile; } else{ Log("The input data file from DAQ (run-level) was not found, TOF exiting from Shuttle "); delete list; delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 4;//return error code for failure in retrieving Ref Data } } delete list; } else{ Log("The input data file list from DAQ (run-level) was not found, TOF exiting from Shuttle "); delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 4;//return error code for failure in retrieving Ref Data } } //Total files, with cumulative histos TList* listTot = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "DELAYS"); if (listTot !=0x0 && listTot->GetEntries()!=0) { AliInfo("The following sources produced files with the id DELAYS"); listTot->Print(); for (Int_t jj=0;jjGetEntries();jj++){ TObjString * str = dynamic_cast (listTot->At(jj)); AliInfo(Form("found source %s", str->String().Data())); // file with summed histos, to extract calib params TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, "DELAYS", str->GetName()); if (fileName.Length()>0){ AliInfo(Form("Got the file %s, now we can extract some values.", fileName.Data())); daqFile = new TFile(fileName.Data(),"READ"); if (h2) delete h2; h2 = (TH2S*) daqFile->Get("htoftot"); if (!h2){ Log("some problems occurred:: No histo retrieved, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); delete listTot; delete daqFile; delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 7; //return error code for histograms not existing/junky } else { static const Int_t kSize=h2->GetNbinsX(); static const Int_t kNBins=h2->GetNbinsY(); static const Double_t kXBinmin=h2->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1); if (kSize != fNChannels){ Log(" number of bins along x different from number of pads, found only a subset of the histograms, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); delete listTot; delete h2; delete daqFile; delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 7; //return error code for histograms not existing/junky } Int_t nNotStatistics = 0; // number of channel with not enough statistics /* FDR flag set. do not compute delays, use nominal cable delays */ if (fFDRFlag) { Log(" Not computing delays according to flag set in Config entry in OCDB!"); FillWithCosmicCalibration(fCal); /* check whether the new calibration is different from the previous one */ if (curCal) { /* well, check also whether we have a previous calibration */ for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNChannels; i++) { if (fCal->GetDelay(i) != curCal->GetDelay(i)) { updateOCDB = kTRUE; break; } } } else /* otherwise update OCDB */ updateOCDB = kTRUE; } else { // computing delays if not in FDR runs updateOCDB = kTRUE; /* always update OCDB when computing delays */ for (Int_t ich=0;ichGetHWStatus(ich) == AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad){ AliDebug(2,Form(" Channel %i found bad according to FEEmap, (HW status = %i), skipping from delay computing",ich, (Int_t)fStatus->GetHWStatus(ich))); continue; } AliDebug(2,Form(" Channel %i found ok according to FEEmap, starting delay computing",ich)); TH1S *h1 = new TH1S("h1","h1",kNBins,kXBinmin-0.5,kNBins*1.+kXBinmin-0.5); for (Int_t ibin=0;ibinSetBinContent(ibin+1,h2->GetBinContent(ich+1,ibin+1)); } if(h1->Integral()Integral()*thrPar; Int_t nbinsX = h1->GetNbinsX(); Int_t startBin=1; for (Int_t j=1; j<=nbinsX; j++){ if (( h1->GetBinContent(j) + h1->GetBinContent(j+1)+ h1->GetBinContent(j+2)+ h1->GetBinContent(j+3))>minContent){ found=kTRUE; startBin=j; break; } } if(!found) AliInfo(Form("WARNING!!! no start of fit found for histo # %i",ich)); // Now calculate the mean over the interval. Double_t mean = 0; Double_t sumw2 = 0; Double_t nent = 0; for(Int_t k=0;kGetBinCenter(startBin+k)*h1->GetBinContent(startBin+k); nent=nent+h1->GetBinContent(startBin+k); sumw2=sumw2+(h1->GetBinCenter(startBin+k))*(h1->GetBinCenter(startBin+k))*(h1->GetBinContent(startBin+k)); } mean= mean/nent; // sumw2=sumw2/nent; // Double_t rmsmean= 0; rmsmean = TMath::Sqrt((sumw2-mean*mean)/nent); if (ichSetDelay(ich,delay); // delay in ns AliDebug(2,Form("Setting delay %f (ns) for channel %i",delay,ich)); } delete h1; h1=0x0; } } if (nNotStatistics!=0) Log(Form("Too little statistics for %d channels!",nNotStatistics)); } delete h2; daqFile->Close(); delete daqFile; } else{ Log("The Cumulative data file from DAQ does not exist, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); delete listTot; delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 6;//return error code for problems in retrieving DAQ data } } delete listTot; } else{ Log("Problem: no list for Cumulative data file from DAQ was found, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 6; //return error code for problems in retrieving DAQ data } /* check whether we don't need to update OCDB. * in this case we can return without errors and * the current FEE is stored in the fStatus object. */ if (!updateOCDB) { AliInfo("update OCDB flag not set. Do not overwrite stored file."); return 0; /* return ok */ } daqFile=0; AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Chiara Zampolli"); metaData.SetComment("This preprocessor fills an AliTOFChannelOnlineArray object for online calibration - delays."); AliInfo("Storing Calibration Data"); resultTOFPP = Store("Calib","ParOnlineDelay",fCal, &metaData,deltaStartingRun,kTRUE); if(!resultTOFPP){ Log("Some problems occurred while storing online object resulting from DAQ data processing"); delete fCal; fCal=0x0; return 8;//return error code for problems in storing DAQ data } if (fCal){ delete fCal; fCal = 0; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessT0Fill() { // Processing data from DAQ for T0-fill measurement Log("Processing T0-fill"); #if 0 /* instance and setup CDB manager */ AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); /* load geometry */ if (!gGeoManager) AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(); #endif /* get params from OCDB */ AliCDBEntry *cdbe = NULL; /* get T0-fill calibration params */ cdbe = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "T0FillOnlineCalib"); if (!cdbe) { Log("cannot get \"T0FillOnlineCalib\" entry from OCDB"); return 21; } AliTOFT0FillOnlineCalib *t0FillOnlineCalibObject = (AliTOFT0FillOnlineCalib *)cdbe->GetObject(); if (!t0FillOnlineCalibObject) { Log("cannot get \"T0FillOnlineCalib\" object from CDB entry"); return 21; } Float_t t0FillCalibOffset = t0FillOnlineCalibObject->GetOffset(); Float_t t0FillCalibCoefficient = t0FillOnlineCalibObject->GetCoefficient(); Log(Form("got \"T0FillOnlineCalib\" object: offset=%f coeff=%f", t0FillCalibOffset, t0FillCalibCoefficient)); /* get online status from OCDB */ cdbe = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "Status"); if (!cdbe) { Log("cannot get \"Status\" entry from OCDB"); return 21; } AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray *statusArray = (AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray *)cdbe->GetObject(); if (!statusArray) { Log("cannot get \"Status\" object from CDB entry"); return 21; } Log("got \"Status\" object"); /* get offline calibration from OCDB */ cdbe = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "ParOffline"); if (!cdbe) { Log("cannot get \"ParOffline\" entry from OCDB"); return 21; } TObjArray *offlineArray = (TObjArray *)cdbe->GetObject(); AliTOFChannelOffline *channelOffline; if (!offlineArray) { Log("cannot get \"ParOffline\" object from CDB entry"); return 21; } Log("got \"ParOffline\" object"); /* get deltaBC offset from OCDB */ cdbe = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "DeltaBCOffset"); if (!cdbe) { Log("cannot get \"DeltaBCOffset\" entry from OCDB"); return 21; } AliTOFDeltaBCOffset *deltaBCOffsetObject = (AliTOFDeltaBCOffset *)cdbe->GetObject(); if (!deltaBCOffsetObject) { Log("cannot get \"DeltaBCOffset\" object from CDB entry"); return 21; } Int_t deltaBCOffset = deltaBCOffsetObject->GetDeltaBCOffset(); Log(Form("got \"DeltaBCOffset\" object: deltaBCOffset=%d (BC bins)", deltaBCOffset)); /* get CTP latency from OCDB */ cdbe = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "CTPLatency"); if (!cdbe) { Log("cannot get \"CTPLatency\" entry from OCDB"); return 21; } AliTOFCTPLatency *ctpLatencyObject = (AliTOFCTPLatency *)cdbe->GetObject(); if (!ctpLatencyObject) { Log("cannot get \"CTPLatency\" object from CDB entry"); return 21; } Float_t ctpLatency = ctpLatencyObject->GetCTPLatency(); Log(Form("got \"CTPLatency\" object: ctpLatency=%f (ps)", ctpLatency)); /* get file sources from FXS */ TList *fileList = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "HITS"); if (!fileList || fileList->GetEntries() == 0) { Log("cannot get DAQ source file list or empty list"); return 21; } Log(Form("got DAQ source file list: %d files", fileList->GetEntries())); fileList->Print(); /* create tree chain using file sources */ TChain chain("hitTree"); for (Int_t ifile = 0; ifile < fileList->GetEntries(); ifile++) { TObjString *str = (TObjString *)fileList->At(ifile); TString filename = GetFile(kDAQ, "HITS", str->GetName()); chain.Add(filename); Log(Form("file added to input chain: source=%s, filename=%s", str->String().Data(), filename.Data())); } Int_t nhits = chain.GetEntries(); Log(Form("input chain ready: %d hits", nhits)); /* setup input chain */ AliTOFHitField *hit = new AliTOFHitField(); chain.SetBranchAddress("hit", &hit); /* create calib histo and geometry */ AliTOFcalibHisto calibHisto; calibHisto.LoadCalibHisto(); AliTOFGeometry tofGeo; /* constants */ Float_t c = TMath::C() * 1.e2 / 1.e12; /* cm/ps */ Float_t c_1 = 1. / c; /* variables */ Int_t index, timebin, totbin, deltaBC, l0l1latency, det[5]; Float_t timeps, totns, corrps, length, timeexp, timezero, pos[3], latencyWindow; /* histos */ TH1F *hT0Fill = new TH1F("hT0Fill", "T0 fill;t - t_{exp}^{(c)} (ps);", 2000, -24400., 24400.); /* loop over hits */ for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) { /* get entry */ chain.GetEntry(ihit); /* get hit info */ index = hit->GetIndex(); timebin = hit->GetTimeBin(); totbin = hit->GetTOTBin(); deltaBC = hit->GetDeltaBC(); l0l1latency = hit->GetL0L1Latency(); latencyWindow = statusArray->GetLatencyWindow(index) * 1.e3; /* convert time in ps and tot in ns */ timeps = timebin * AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth(); totns = totbin * AliTOFGeometry::ToTBinWidth() * 1.e-3; /* get calibration correction in ps */ channelOffline = (AliTOFChannelOffline *)offlineArray->At(index); if (totns < AliTOFGeometry::SlewTOTMin()) totns = AliTOFGeometry::SlewTOTMin(); if (totns > AliTOFGeometry::SlewTOTMax()) totns = AliTOFGeometry::SlewTOTMax(); corrps = 0.; for (Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < 6; ipar++) corrps += channelOffline->GetSlewPar(ipar) * TMath::Power(totns, ipar); corrps *= 1.e3; /* perform time correction */ timeps = timeps + (deltaBC - deltaBCOffset) * AliTOFGeometry::BunchCrossingBinWidth() + l0l1latency * AliTOFGeometry::BunchCrossingBinWidth() + ctpLatency - latencyWindow - corrps; /* compute length and expected time */ tofGeo.GetVolumeIndices(index, det); tofGeo.GetPosPar(det, pos); length = 0.; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) length += pos[i] * pos[i]; length = TMath::Sqrt(length); timeexp = length * c_1; /* compute time zero */ timezero = timeps - timeexp; /* fill histos */ hT0Fill->Fill(timezero); } /* rebin until maximum bin has required minimum entries */ Int_t maxBin = hT0Fill->GetMaximumBin(); Float_t maxBinContent = hT0Fill->GetBinContent(maxBin); Float_t binWidth = hT0Fill->GetBinWidth(maxBin); while (maxBinContent < 400 && binWidth < 90.) { hT0Fill->Rebin(2); maxBin = hT0Fill->GetMaximumBin(); maxBinContent = hT0Fill->GetBinContent(maxBin); binWidth = hT0Fill->GetBinWidth(maxBin); } Float_t maxBinCenter = hT0Fill->GetBinCenter(maxBin); /* rough landau fit of the edge */ TF1 *landau = (TF1 *)gROOT->GetFunction("landau"); landau->SetParameter(1, maxBinCenter); Float_t fitMin = maxBinCenter - 1000.; /* fit from 10 ns before max */ Float_t fitMax = maxBinCenter + binWidth; /* fit until a bin width above max */ hT0Fill->Fit("landau", "q0", "", fitMin, fitMax); /* get rough landau mean and sigma to set a better fit range */ Float_t mean = landau->GetParameter(1); Float_t sigma = landau->GetParameter(2); /* better landau fit of the edge */ fitMin = maxBinCenter - 3. * sigma; fitMax = mean; hT0Fill->Fit("landau", "q0", "", fitMin, fitMax); /* print params */ mean = landau->GetParameter(1); sigma = landau->GetParameter(2); Float_t meane = landau->GetParError(1); Float_t sigmae = landau->GetParError(2); Log(Form("edge fit: mean = %f +- %f ps", mean, meane)); Log(Form("edge fit: sigma = %f +- %f ps", sigma, sigmae)); Float_t edge = mean - 3. * sigma; Float_t edgee = TMath::Sqrt(meane * meane + 3. * sigmae * 3. * sigmae); Log(Form("edge fit: edge = %f +- %f ps", edge, edgee)); /* apply calibration to get T0-fill from egde */ Float_t t0Fill = edge * t0FillCalibCoefficient + t0FillCalibOffset; Log(Form("estimated T0-fill: %f ps", t0Fill)); /* create T0-fill object */ AliTOFT0Fill *t0FillObject = new AliTOFT0Fill(); t0FillObject->SetT0Fill(t0Fill); /* store reference data */ if(fStoreRefData){ AliCDBMetaData metaDataHisto; metaDataHisto.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaDataHisto.SetResponsible("Roberto Preghenella"); metaDataHisto.SetComment("online T0-fill histogram"); if (!StoreReferenceData("Calib","T0Fill", hT0Fill, &metaDataHisto)) { Log("error while storing reference data"); delete hT0Fill; delete hit; delete t0FillObject; return 21; } Log("reference data successfully stored"); } AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Roberto Preghenella"); metaData.SetComment("online T0-fill measurement"); if (!Store("Calib", "T0Fill", t0FillObject, &metaData, 0, kFALSE)) { Log("error while storing T0-fill object"); delete hT0Fill; delete hit; delete t0FillObject; return 21; } Log("T0-fill object successfully stored"); delete hT0Fill; delete hit; delete t0FillObject; return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessPulserData() { // Processing Pulser Run data for TOF channel status Log("Processing Pulser"); if (fStatus==0x0){ AliError("No valid fStatus found, some errors must have occurred!!"); return 20; } TH1::AddDirectory(0); Bool_t resultPulserRef=kFALSE; Bool_t resultPulser=kFALSE; static const Int_t kSize = AliTOFGeometry::NPadXSector()*AliTOFGeometry::NSectors(); TH1S * htofPulser = new TH1S("hTOFpulser","histo with signals on TOF during pulser", kSize,-0.5,kSize-0.5); for (Int_t ibin =1;ibin<=kSize;ibin++){ htofPulser->SetBinContent(ibin,-1); } // processing pulser TFile * daqFile=0x0; TH1S *h1=0x0; //retrieving Pulser data TList* listPulser = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "PULSER"); if (listPulser !=0x0 && listPulser->GetEntries()!=0) { AliInfo("The following sources produced files with the id PULSER"); listPulser->Print(); Int_t nPulser = 0; for (Int_t jj=0;jjGetEntries();jj++){ Int_t nPulserSource = 0; TObjString * str = dynamic_cast (listPulser->At(jj)); AliInfo(Form("found source %s", str->String().Data())); // file to be stored run per run TString fileNamePulser = GetFile(kDAQ, "PULSER", str->GetName()); if (fileNamePulser.Length()>0){ // storing refernce data AliInfo(Form("Got the file %s, now we can process pulser data.", fileNamePulser.Data())); daqFile = new TFile(fileNamePulser.Data(),"READ"); h1 = (TH1S*) daqFile->Get("hTOFpulser"); for (Int_t ibin=0;ibinGetBinContent(ibin+1))!=-1){ if ((htofPulser->GetBinContent(ibin+1))==-1){ htofPulser->SetBinContent(ibin+1,h1->GetBinContent(ibin+1)); } else { Log(Form("Something strange occurred during Pulser run, channel %i already read by another LDC, please check!",ibin)); } } } // elaborating infos Double_t mean =0; Int_t nread=0; Int_t nreadNotEmpty=0; for (Int_t ientry=1;ientry<=h1->GetNbinsX();ientry++){ AliDebug(3,Form(" channel %i pulser status before pulser = %i, with global status = %i",ientry,(Int_t)fStatus->GetPulserStatus(ientry),(Int_t)fStatus->GetStatus(ientry))); /* check whether channel has been read out during current run. * if the status is bad it means it has not been read out. * in this case skip channel in order to not affect the mean */ if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ientry-1) == AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad) continue; nPulser++; nPulserSource++; if (h1->GetBinContent(ientry)==-1) continue; else { if (h1->GetBinContent(ientry)>0) { nreadNotEmpty++; AliDebug(2,Form(" channel %i is ok with entry = %f; so far %i channels added ",ientry-1,h1->GetBinContent(ientry),nreadNotEmpty)); } mean+=h1->GetBinContent(ientry); nread++; } } if (nread!=0) { mean/=nread; AliDebug(2,Form(" nread = %i , nreadNotEmpty = %i, mean = %f",nread,nreadNotEmpty,mean)); for (Int_t ich =0;ichGetBinContent(ich+1)==-1) continue; AliDebug(3,Form(" channel %i pulser status before pulser = %i",ich,(Int_t)fStatus->GetPulserStatus(ich))); /* check whether channel has been read out during current run. * if the status is bad it means it has not been read out. * in this case skip channel in order to leave its status * unchanged */ if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(ich) == AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad) continue; if (h1->GetBinContent(ich+1)<0.05*mean){ fStatus->SetPulserStatus(ich,AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFPulserBad); // bad status for pulser AliDebug(2,Form( " channel %i pulser status after pulser = %i (bad, content = %f), with global status = %i",ich,(Int_t)fStatus->GetPulserStatus(ich),h1->GetBinContent(ich+1),(Int_t)fStatus->GetStatus(ich))); } else { fStatus->SetPulserStatus(ich,AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFPulserOk); // good status for pulser AliDebug(2,Form( " channel %i pulser status after pulser = %i (good), with global status = %i",ich,(Int_t)fStatus->GetPulserStatus(ich),(Int_t)fStatus->GetStatus(ich))); } } } else { Log("No channels read!! No action taken, keeping old status"); } daqFile->Close(); delete daqFile; delete h1; } else{ Log("The input data file from DAQ (pulser) was not found, TOF exiting from Shuttle "); delete listPulser; delete htofPulser; htofPulser = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } return 10;//return error code for failure in retrieving Ref Data } AliDebug(2,Form(" Number of channels processed during pulser run from source %i = %i",jj, nPulserSource)); } AliDebug(2,Form(" Number of channels processed during pulser run = %i",nPulser)); delete listPulser; } else{ Log("The input data file list from DAQ (pulser) was not found, TOF exiting from Shuttle "); delete htofPulser; htofPulser = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } return 10;//return error code for failure in retrieving Ref Data } //storing in OCDB AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Chiara Zampolli"); metaData.SetComment("This preprocessor fills an AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray object after a Pulser run."); AliInfo("Storing Calibration Data from Pulser Run"); resultPulser = Store("Calib","Status",fStatus, &metaData,0,kTRUE); if(!resultPulser){ Log("Some problems occurred while storing online object resulting from Pulser data processing"); delete htofPulser; htofPulser = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } return 11;//return error code for problems in storing Pulser data } if(fStoreRefData){ AliCDBMetaData metaDataHisto; metaDataHisto.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaDataHisto.SetResponsible("Chiara Zampolli"); char comment[200]; sprintf(comment,"This preprocessor stores the Ref data from a pulser run."); metaDataHisto.SetComment(comment); AliInfo("Storing Reference Data"); resultPulserRef = StoreReferenceData("Calib","PulserData",htofPulser, &metaDataHisto); if (!resultPulserRef){ Log("some problems occurred::No Reference Data for pulser stored, TOF exiting from Shuttle"); delete htofPulser; htofPulser = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } return 9;//return error code for failure in storing Ref Data } } daqFile=0; delete htofPulser; htofPulser = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessNoiseData() { // Processing Noise Run data for TOF channel status Log("Processing Noise"); if (fStatus==0x0){ AliError("No valid fStatus found, some errors must have occurred!!"); return 20; } Float_t noiseThr = 1; // setting default threshold for noise to 1 Hz // reading config map AliCDBEntry *cdbEntry = GetFromOCDB("Calib","ConfigNoise"); if (!cdbEntry) { Log(Form("No Configuration entry found in CDB, using default values: NoiseThr = %d",noiseThr)); } else { TMap *configMap = (TMap*)cdbEntry->GetObject(); if (!configMap){ Log(Form("No map found in Config entry in CDB, using default values: NoiseThr = %d", noiseThr)); } else{ TObjString *strNoiseThr = (TObjString*)configMap->GetValue("NoiseThr"); if (strNoiseThr) { TString tmpstr = strNoiseThr->GetString(); noiseThr = tmpstr.Atoi(); } else { Log(Form("No NoiseThr value found in Map from ConfigNoise entry in CDB, using default value: NoiseThr = %i",noiseThr)); } } } delete cdbEntry; cdbEntry = 0x0; TH1::AddDirectory(0); Bool_t resultNoiseRef=kFALSE; Bool_t resultNoise=kFALSE; static const Int_t kSize = AliTOFGeometry::NPadXSector()*AliTOFGeometry::NSectors(); TH1F * htofNoise = new TH1F("hTOFnoise","histo with signals on TOF during noise", kSize,-0.5,kSize-0.5); for (Int_t ibin =1;ibin<=kSize;ibin++){ htofNoise->SetBinContent(ibin,-1); } // processing noise TFile * daqFile=0x0; TH1F * h1=0x0; // useful counters Int_t nNoise = 0; Int_t nNoisyChannels = 0; Int_t nNotNoisyChannels = 0; Int_t nChannelsFromDA = 0; Int_t nMatchingWindowNullNonZero = 0; Int_t nMatchingWindowNullEqualZero = 0; // retrieving Noise data TList* listNoise = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "NOISE"); if (listNoise !=0x0 && listNoise->GetEntries()!=0) { AliInfo("The following sources produced files with the id NOISE"); listNoise->Print(); for (Int_t jj=0;jjGetEntries();jj++){ Int_t nNoiseSource = 0; TObjString * str = dynamic_cast (listNoise->At(jj)); AliInfo(Form("found source %s", str->String().Data())); // file to be stored run per run TString fileNameNoise = GetFile(kDAQ, "NOISE", str->GetName()); if (fileNameNoise.Length()>0){ // storing reference data AliInfo(Form("Got the file %s, now we can process noise data.", fileNameNoise.Data())); daqFile = new TFile(fileNameNoise.Data(),"READ"); h1 = (TH1F*) daqFile->Get("hTOFnoise"); for (Int_t ibin=0;ibinGetBinContent(ibin+1))!=-1){ nNoiseSource++; // checking the matching window for current channel if (fMatchingWindow[ibin] == 0){ Log(Form("Matching window for channel %i null, but the channel was read by the LDC! skipping channel, BUT Please check!",ibin)); if ((h1->GetBinContent(ibin+1))!=0) nMatchingWindowNullNonZero++; if ((h1->GetBinContent(ibin+1))==0) nMatchingWindowNullEqualZero++; continue; } if ((htofNoise->GetBinContent(ibin+1))==-1){ htofNoise->SetBinContent(ibin+1,h1->GetBinContent(ibin+1)/(fMatchingWindow[ibin]*1.E-9)); if ((h1->GetBinContent(ibin+1))!= 0) AliDebug(2,Form("Channel = %i, Matching window = %i, Content = %f", ibin, fMatchingWindow[ibin], htofNoise->GetBinContent(ibin+1))); } else { Log(Form("Something strange occurred during Noise run, channel %i already read by another LDC, please check!",ibin)); } } } Log(Form(" Number of channels processed during noise run from source %i = %i",jj, nNoiseSource)); daqFile->Close(); delete daqFile; delete h1; daqFile = 0x0; h1 = 0x0; } else{ Log("The input data file from DAQ (noise) was not found, TOF exiting from Shuttle "); delete listNoise; listNoise = 0x0; delete htofNoise; htofNoise = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } if (fMatchingWindow){ delete [] fMatchingWindow; fMatchingWindow = 0; } return 13;//return error code for failure in retrieving Ref Data } } } else{ Log("The input data file list from DAQ (noise) was not found, TOF exiting from Shuttle "); delete htofNoise; htofNoise = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } if (fMatchingWindow){ delete [] fMatchingWindow; fMatchingWindow = 0; } return 13;//return error code for failure in retrieving Ref Data } // elaborating infos to set NOISE status for (Int_t ich =0;ichGetBinContent(ich+1)== -1) continue; nChannelsFromDA++; AliDebug(3,Form(" channel %i noise status before noise = %i, with global status = %i",ich,(Int_t)fStatus->GetNoiseStatus(ich),(Int_t)fStatus->GetStatus(ich))); //AliDebug(2,Form( " channel %i status before noise = %i",ich,(Int_t)fStatus->GetNoiseStatus(ich))); /* check whether channel has been read out during current run. * if the status is bad it means it has not been read out. * in this case skip channel in order to leave its status * unchanged */ if ((fStatus->GetHWStatus(ich)) == AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad) continue; nNoise++; if (htofNoise->GetBinContent(ich+1) >= noiseThr){ fStatus->SetNoiseStatus(ich,AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFNoiseBad); // bad status for noise AliDebug(3,Form( " channel %i noise status after noise = %i, with global status = %i",ich,(Int_t)fStatus->GetNoiseStatus(ich),(Int_t)fStatus->GetStatus(ich))); nNoisyChannels++; } else { fStatus->SetNoiseStatus(ich,AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFNoiseOk); // good status for noise AliDebug(3,Form(" channel %i noise status after noise = %i, with global status = %i",ich,(Int_t)fStatus->GetNoiseStatus(ich),(Int_t)fStatus->GetStatus(ich))); nNotNoisyChannels++; } } Log(Form(" Number of channels processed by DA during noise run, independetly from TOFFEE = %i",nChannelsFromDA)); Log(Form(" Number of channels processed during noise run (that were ON according to TOFFEE) = %i",nNoise)); Log(Form(" Number of noisy channels found during noise run = %i",nNoisyChannels)); Log(Form(" Number of not noisy channels found during noise run = %i",nNotNoisyChannels)); Log(Form(" Number of channels with matching window NULL (so skipped), but Non Zero content = %i",nMatchingWindowNullNonZero)); Log(Form(" Number of channels with matching window NULL (so skipped), and Zero content = %i",nMatchingWindowNullEqualZero)); delete listNoise; //daqFile=0; //storing in OCDB AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Chiara Zampolli"); metaData.SetComment("This preprocessor fills an AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray object after a Noise run."); AliInfo("Storing Calibration Data from Noise Run"); resultNoise = Store("Calib","Status",fStatus, &metaData,0,kTRUE); if(!resultNoise){ Log("Some problems occurred while storing online object resulting from Noise data processing"); delete htofNoise; htofNoise = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } if (fMatchingWindow){ delete [] fMatchingWindow; fMatchingWindow = 0; } return 14;//return error code for problems in storing Noise data } if(fStoreRefData){ AliCDBMetaData metaDataHisto; metaDataHisto.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaDataHisto.SetResponsible("Chiara Zampolli"); char comment[200]; sprintf(comment,"This preprocessor stores the Ref data from a noise run. "); metaDataHisto.SetComment(comment); AliInfo("Storing Reference Data"); resultNoiseRef = StoreReferenceData("Calib","NoiseData",htofNoise, &metaDataHisto); if (!resultNoiseRef){ Log("some problems occurred::No Reference Data for noise stored"); delete htofNoise; htofNoise = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } if (fMatchingWindow){ delete [] fMatchingWindow; fMatchingWindow = 0; } return 12;//return error code for failure in storing Ref Data } } delete htofNoise; htofNoise = 0x0; if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } if (fMatchingWindow){ delete [] fMatchingWindow; fMatchingWindow = 0; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::ProcessFEEData() { // Processing Pulser Run data for TOF channel status // dummy for the time being Log("Processing FEE"); //Bool_t updateOCDB = kFALSE; AliTOFFEEReader feeReader; TH1C hCurrentFEE("hCurrentFEE","histo with current FEE channel status", fNChannels, 0, fNChannels); /* load current TOF FEE(dump) from DCS FXS, * setup TOFFEEdump object */ const char * toffeeFileName = GetFile(kDCS,"TofFeeMap",""); AliInfo(Form("toffee file name = %s", toffeeFileName)); if (toffeeFileName == NULL) { return 15; } AliTOFFEEDump feedump; feedump.ReadFromFile(toffeeFileName); /* load current TOF FEE(light) config from DCS FXS, parse, * fill current FEE histogram and set FEE status */ const char * nameFile = GetFile(kDCS,"TofFeeLightMap",""); AliInfo(Form("toffeeLight file name = %s",nameFile)); if (nameFile == NULL) { return 15; } feeReader.LoadFEElightConfig(nameFile); Int_t parseFee = feeReader.ParseFEElightConfig(); AliDebug(2,Form("%i enabled channels found in FEElight configuration",parseFee)); /* load stored TOF FEE from OCDB and compare it with current FEE. * if stored FEE is different from current FEE set update flag. * if there is no stored FEE in OCDB set update flag */ fMatchingWindow = new Int_t[fNChannels]; fLatencyWindow = new Int_t[fNChannels]; AliCDBEntry *cdbEntry = GetFromOCDB("Calib","Status"); if (!cdbEntry) { /* no CDB entry found. set update flag */ Log(" ************ WARNING ************"); Log("No CDB Status entry found, creating a new one!"); Log(" *********************************"); fStatus = new AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray(fNChannels); //updateOCDB = kTRUE; fIsStatusMapChanged = kTRUE; } else { if (cdbEntry) cdbEntry->SetOwner(kFALSE); /* CDB entry OK. loop over channels */ fStatus = (AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray*) cdbEntry->GetObject(); delete cdbEntry; cdbEntry = 0x0; /* cehck whether status object has latency window data */ if (!fStatus->HasLatencyWindow()) { /* create new status object and update OCDB */ Log(" ************ WARNING ************"); Log("CDB Status entry found but has no latency window data, creating a new one!"); Log(" *********************************"); delete fStatus; fStatus = new AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray(fNChannels); //updateOCDB = kTRUE; fIsStatusMapChanged = kTRUE; } } for (Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < fNChannels; iChannel++){ //AliDebug(2,Form("********** channel %i",iChannel)); /* compare current FEE channel status with stored one * if different set update flag and break loop */ //AliDebug(2,Form( " channel %i status before FEE = %i",iChannel,(Int_t)fStatus->GetHWStatus(iChannel))); fMatchingWindow[iChannel] = feeReader.GetMatchingWindow(iChannel); fLatencyWindow[iChannel] = feeReader.GetLatencyWindow(iChannel); if (feeReader.IsChannelEnabled(iChannel)) { hCurrentFEE.SetBinContent(iChannel + 1, 1); if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(iChannel)!=AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWOk){ //updateOCDB = kTRUE; fIsStatusMapChanged = kTRUE; fStatus->SetHWStatus(iChannel,AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWOk); AliDebug(3,Form( " changed into enabled: channel %i status after FEE = %i",iChannel,(Int_t)fStatus->GetHWStatus(iChannel))); } if (fStatus->GetLatencyWindow(iChannel)!=fLatencyWindow[iChannel]){ //updateOCDB = kTRUE; fIsStatusMapChanged = kTRUE; fStatus->SetLatencyWindow(iChannel,fLatencyWindow[iChannel]); AliDebug(3,Form( " changed latency window: channel %i latency window after FEE = %i",iChannel,fStatus->GetLatencyWindow(iChannel))); } } else { if (fStatus->GetHWStatus(iChannel)!=AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad){ //updateOCDB = kTRUE; fIsStatusMapChanged = kTRUE; fStatus->SetHWStatus(iChannel,AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad); AliDebug(3,Form( " changed into disabled: channel %i status after FEE = %i",iChannel,(Int_t)fStatus->GetHWStatus(iChannel))); } } } /* check whether we don't have to store reference data. * in this case we return without errors. */ if (fStoreRefData) { /* store reference data */ AliCDBMetaData metaDataHisto; metaDataHisto.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaDataHisto.SetResponsible("Roberto Preghenella"); metaDataHisto.SetComment("This preprocessor stores the FEE Ref data of the current run."); AliInfo("Storing FEE reference data"); /* store FEE reference data */ if (!StoreReferenceData("Calib", "FEEData", &hCurrentFEE, &metaDataHisto)) { /* failed */ Log("problems while storing FEE reference data"); if (fStatus){ delete fStatus; fStatus = 0; } return 18; /* error return code for problems while storing FEE reference data */ } /* store TOF FEE dump reference data */ AliCDBMetaData metaDatadump; metaDatadump.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaDatadump.SetResponsible("Roberto Preghenella"); metaDatadump.SetComment("This preprocessor stores the TOF FEE dump Ref data of the current run."); AliInfo("Storing TOF FEE dump reference data"); /* store FEE reference data */ if (!StoreReferenceData("Calib", "FEEDump", &feedump, &metaDatadump)) { /* failed */ Log("problems while storing TOF FEE dump reference data"); return 18; /* error return code for problems while storing FEE reference data */ } } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTOFPreprocessor::Process(TMap *dcsAliasMap) { // // Main AliTOFPreprocessor method called by SHUTTLE // TString runType = GetRunType(); Log(Form("RunType %s",runType.Data())); // processing /* always process FEE data */ Int_t iresultFEE = ProcessFEEData(); if (iresultFEE != 0) return iresultFEE; if (runType == "PULSER") { Int_t iresultPulser = ProcessPulserData(); return iresultPulser; } if (runType == "NOISE") { // for the time being associating noise runs with pedestal runs; proper run type to be defined Int_t iresultNoise = ProcessNoiseData(); return iresultNoise; } if (runType == "PHYSICS") { // Int_t iresultDAQ = ProcessOnlineDelays(); Int_t iresultDAQ = ProcessT0Fill(); if (iresultDAQ != 0) { return iresultDAQ; } else { Int_t iresultDCS = ProcessDCSDataPoints(dcsAliasMap); Int_t iResultHVandLVdps = ProcessHVandLVdps(dcsAliasMap); return iresultDCS+iResultHVandLVdps; } } // storing return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFPreprocessor::FillWithCosmicCalibration(AliTOFChannelOnlineArray *cal) { /* * fill with cosmic calibration */ Log(" Using cosmic-ray calibration."); AliTOFcalibHisto calibHisto; calibHisto.SetFullCorrectionFlag(AliTOFcalibHisto::kTimeSlewingCorr, kFALSE); Log(Form(" loading calibration histograms from %s", calibHisto.GetCalibHistoFileName())); Log(Form(" loading calibration parameters from %s", calibHisto.GetCalibParFileName())); calibHisto.LoadCalibPar(); /* loop over channel index */ for (Int_t iIndex = 0; iIndex < fNChannels; iIndex++) { cal->SetDelay(iIndex, calibHisto.GetFullCorrection(iIndex)); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFPreprocessor::FillWithCableLengthMap(AliTOFChannelOnlineArray *cal) { /* * fill with cosmic calibration */ Log(" Using cable-length map."); AliTOFRawStream tofrs; Int_t det[5], dummy, index; Float_t cableTimeShift; /* temporarly disable warnings */ AliLog::EType_t logLevel = (AliLog::EType_t)AliLog::GetGlobalLogLevel(); AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(AliLog::kError); /* loop over EO indeces */ for (Int_t iddl = 0; iddl < 72; iddl++) for (Int_t islot = 3; islot <= 12; islot++) for (Int_t ichain = 0; ichain < 2; ichain++) for (Int_t itdc = 0; itdc < 15; itdc++) for (Int_t ichannel = 0; ichannel < 8; ichannel++) { /* get DO index */ tofrs.EquipmentId2VolumeId(iddl, islot, ichain, itdc, ichannel, det); /* swap det[3] and det[4] indeces (needed to obtain correct channel index) */ dummy = det[3]; det[3] = det[4]; det[4] = dummy; /* check DO index */ if (det[0] < 0 || det[0] > 17 || det[1] < 0 || det[1] > 4 || det[2] < 0 || det[2] > 18 || det[3] < 0 || det[3] > 1 || det[4] < 0 || det[4] > 47) continue; /* get channel index */ index = AliTOFGeometry::GetIndex(det); /* get cable time shift */ cableTimeShift = AliTOFCableLengthMap::GetCableTimeShift(iddl, islot, ichain, itdc); /* set delay */ if (indexSetDelay(index,cableTimeShift); // delay in ns AliDebug(2,Form("Setting delay %f (ns) for channel %i",cableTimeShift,index)); } } /* loop over EO indeces */ /* re-enable warnings */ AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(logLevel); }