Int_t AliTOFanalyzeDigits(Int_t ndump=15, Int_t iEvNum=0) { // // Analyzes the TOF digits and fills QA-histograms // report problems to // iEvNum=0 means all events in the file // Author: F. Pierella (Bologna University) // Updated to the new I/O by: A. De Caro, C. Zampolli Int_t rc = 0; // adc and tdc TH1F *htdc = new TH1F("htdc","TDC [bin]",500,0.,15000.); TH1F *hadc = new TH1F("hadc","ADC [bin]",100,0., 3000.); // TOF digit volumes TH1F *hsector = new TH1F("hsector","Sector",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hplate = new TH1F("hplate","Plate ", 6,0., 6.); TH1F *hstrip = new TH1F("hstrip","Strip ",25,0.,25.); TH1F *hpadz = new TH1F("hpadz","Pad along z ",3,0.,3.); TH1F *hpadx = new TH1F("hpadx","Pad along x",50,0.,50.); // ADC-TDC correlation TH2F *h2tdcVSadc = new TH2F("h2tdcVSadc","TDC [bin] VS ADC [bin]",100,0.,3000.,500,0.,15000.); // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } if (gAlice) { delete gAlice->GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice; gAlice = 0x0; } AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root",AliConfig::fgkDefaultEventFolderName,"read"); if (!rl) { cerr<<"Can't load RunLoader from file"<<"!\n"; rc = 1; return rc; } rl->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = rl->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { cerr << " AliRun object not found on file\n "; rc = 2; return rc; } AliLoader* tofl = rl->GetLoader("TOFLoader"); AliTOF* tof = (AliTOF*) rl->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("TOF"); if (tof==0x0 || tofl==0x0) { cerr << " No TOF detector found" << endl; rc = 3; return rc; } cout << "First " << ndump << " Digits found in TOF TreeD branch have:" << endl; if (iEvNum == 0) { rl->LoadHeader(); TTree *TE = rl->TreeE(); iEvNum = (Int_t)TE->GetEntries(); } AliTOFdigit *tofdigit; for (Int_t ievent = 0; ievent < iEvNum; ievent++) { printf ("Processing event %d \n", ievent); rl->GetEvent(ievent); // Get the pointer Digit tree tofl->LoadDigits(); TTree *TD=tofl->TreeD(); tof->SetTreeAddress(); if(!TD) { cout << " No TreeD found" << endl; rc = 3; return rc; } TClonesArray * TOFdigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit",1000); TOFdigits = tof->Digits(); TOFdigits = TD->GetBranch("TOF")->SetAddress(&TOFdigits); Int_t nEntries = TD->GetEntries(); for (Int_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries; iEntry ++) { tof->ResetDigits(); TD->GetEvent(iEntry); Int_t ndig = TOFdigits->GetEntriesFast(); cout << " found " << ndig << " TOF digits for event " << ievent << endl; for (Int_t k=0; kUncheckedAt(k); Float_t tdc = tofdigit->GetTdc(); Float_t adc = tofdigit->GetAdc(); htdc->Fill(tdc); hadc->Fill(adc); // TOF digit volumes Int_t sector = tofdigit->GetSector(); // range [1-18] Int_t plate = tofdigit->GetPlate(); // range [1- 5] Int_t strip = tofdigit->GetStrip(); // range [1-20] Int_t padz = tofdigit->GetPadz(); // range [1- 2] Int_t padx = tofdigit->GetPadx(); // range [1-48] // it is QA, then I perform QA! Bool_t isDigitBad = (sector<1 || sector>18 || plate<1 || plate >5 || padz<1 || padz>2 || padx<1 || padx>48); if (isDigitBad) { cout << " strange digit found" << endl; rc = 4; return rc; } if(kFill(sector); hplate->Fill(plate); hstrip->Fill(strip); hpadx->Fill(padx); hpadz->Fill(padz); h2tdcVSadc->Fill(adc,tdc); } } tofl->UnloadDigits(); rl->UnloadHeader(); rl->UnloadgAlice(); } // end loop on events TFile *fout = new TFile("TOF_digitsQA.root","RECREATE"); htdc->Write(); hadc->Write(); h2tdcVSadc->Write(); hsector->Write(); hplate->Write(); hstrip->Write(); hpadz->Write(); hpadx->Write(); fout->Close(); delete htdc; delete hadc; delete h2tdcVSadc; delete hsector; delete hplate; delete hstrip; delete hpadz; delete hpadx; if (gAlice) { delete gAlice->GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice; gAlice = 0x0; } return rc; }