Int_t AliTOFanalyzeHits(Int_t numberOfEvents=0, Bool_t drawing=kFALSE) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Analyzes TOF hits and fills QA-histograms // and writes the histograms in the TOF_hitsQA.root file // // Use case: // start aliroot // root [0] .L AliTOFanalyzeHits.C // root [1] AliTOFanalyzeHits() // // By default, it analyzes hits for all the events in the header file // and does not draw the histograms filled // // If you want analyze hits only the 1th event // you can use the following line: // // root[0] .L AliTOFanalyzeHits.C // root[1] AliTOFanalyzeHits(1) // // Updated to the new I/O: C. Zampolli // // Report problems to // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t rc = 0; // Define the histograms // x,y,z, rho, tof, padx, padz, sector, plate, strip, (x vs y) // hit-map in a plane TH2F *h2hitMap = new TH2F("h2hitMap","Hit Map (projection on the plane)",2500,-12500.,12500.,800,-400.,400.); // time of flight distribution for primaries and secondaries TH1F *htofp = new TH1F("htofp","Time of Flight (primaries)",800,0.,80.); TH1F *htofs = new TH1F("htofs","Time of Flight (secondaries)",800,0.,80.); // momentum when striking the TOF for primaries and secondaries TH1F *htofmomp = new TH1F("htofmomp","Momentum at TOF (primaries)",100,0.,10.); TH1F *htofmoms = new TH1F("htofmoms","Momentum at TOF (secondaries)",100,0.,10.); // TOF hit volumes TH1F *hsector = new TH1F("hsector","Sector",18,0.,18.); TH1F *hplate = new TH1F("hplate","Plate ", 5,0., 5.); TH1F *hstrip = new TH1F("hstrip","Strip ",20,0.,20.); TH1F *hpadz = new TH1F("hpadz","Pad along z ",2,0.,2.); TH1F *hpadx = new TH1F("hpadx","Pad along x",48,0.,48.); // track length when striking the TOF (used by AliTOFT0) TH1F *htrackLenp= new TH1F("htrackLenp","Track Length on TOF for Primaries",800,0.,800.); // Histograms added to control the right TOF element numbering: // it should be increasing with the azimuthal and polar angles TH2F *hmoduleVStheta = new TH2F("hmoduleVStheta", "hmoduleVStheta", 180,0.,180.,5,0,5); TH2F *hsectorVSphi = new TH2F("hsectorVSphi", "hsectorVSphi", 360,0.,360.,18,0,18); TH2F *hstripVStheta = new TH2F("hstripVStheta", "hstripVStheta", 180,0.,180.,20,0,20); //TH2F *hpadzVStheta = new TH2F("hpadzVStheta", "hpadzVStheta", 180,0.,180.,2,0,2); TH2F *hpadxVSphi = new TH2F("hpadxVSphi", "hpadxVSphi", 360,0.,360.,48,0,48); TH2F *hpadz2stripVStheta = new TH2F("hpadz2stripVStheta", "hpadz2stripVStheta", 180,0.,180.,40,0,40); //TH2F *hdzVSpadz2strip = new TH2F("hdzVSpadz2strip", "hdzVSpadz2strip",40,0,40,70,-3.5,3.5); // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } if (gAlice) { delete AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice; gAlice = 0x0; } AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root",AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(),"read"); if (!rl) { cerr<<"Can't load RunLoader from file! \n"; rc = 1; return rc; } rl->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = rl->GetAliRun(); if (!gAlice) { cerr << " AliRun object not found on file \n"; rc = 2; return rc; } rl->LoadHeader(); // Get the pointer to the TOF detector AliLoader *tofl = rl->GetLoader("TOFLoader"); AliTOF *tof = (AliTOF *) gAlice->GetDetector("TOF"); if (tof == 0x0 || tofl == 0x0) { cerr << " Can not find TOF or TOFLoader \n"; rc = 3; return rc; } Int_t countHits = 0; if (numberOfEvents==0) numberOfEvents=(Int_t)(rl->GetNumberOfEvents()); for (Int_t ievent=0; ieventGetEvent(ievent); // Get the pointer Hit tree tofl->LoadHits(); TTree *hitTree = tofl->TreeH(); tof->SetTreeAddress(); if (!hitTree) { cout << " No TreeH found" << endl; rc = 4; return rc; } rl->LoadKinematics(); //AliStack* stack = rl->Stack(); // it is not necessary to use the stack! // Get the number of entries in the hit tree // (Number of primary particles creating a hit somewhere) Int_t nTrack = (Int_t) hitTree->GetEntries(); cout << " Found " << nTrack << " primary particles with hits \n"; Int_t nPrimaryOnTof = 0; Int_t nSecondaryOnTof = 0; Int_t nelectron = 0; Int_t npion = 0; Int_t nkaon = 0; Int_t nproton = 0; Int_t nmuon = 0; // Loop through all entries in the tree for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTrack; iTrack++) { tof->ResetHits(); hitTree->GetEvent(iTrack); // Loop through the TOF hits AliTOFhitT0 *hit = (AliTOFhitT0 *) tof->FirstHit(-1); while (hit) { countHits++; Float_t x = hit->X(); Float_t y = hit->Y(); Float_t z = hit->Z(); Float_t phiAngle=TMath::Pi() + TMath::ATan2(-y,-x); Float_t rhoRadius=TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y); Float_t thetaAngle=TMath::Pi() + TMath::ATan2(-rhoRadius,-z); Float_t dummy=rhoRadius*phiAngle; h2hitMap->Fill(dummy,z); phiAngle*=180./TMath::Pi(); thetaAngle*=180./TMath::Pi(); Float_t flightTime = hit->GetTof(); // [s] flightTime *= 1.e+09; // convert in [ns] Float_t angle = hit->GetIncA(); Float_t tofmom = hit->GetMom(); // [GeV/c] Float_t trackLen = hit->GetLen(); // [cm] // TOF hit volumes Int_t sector = hit->GetSector(); // range [1-18] Int_t plate = hit->GetPlate(); // range [1- 5] Int_t strip = hit->GetStrip(); // range [1-20] Int_t padz = hit->GetPadz(); // range [1- 2] Int_t padx = hit->GetPadx(); // range [1-48] // it is QA, then I perform QA! Bool_t isHitBad = (sector<0 || sector>17 || plate<0 || plate>4 || padz<0 || padz>1 || padx<0 || padx>47 || ((strip<0 || strip>14) && plate == 2) || ((strip<0 || strip>18) && (plate == 1 || plate == 3)) || ((strip<0 || strip>19) && (plate == 0 || plate == 4))); if (isHitBad) { cout << " strange hit found \n"; cout << "sector = " << sector << " plate = " << plate << " strip = " << strip << " padx = " << padx << " padz = " << padz << endl; rc = 5; return rc; } hmoduleVStheta->Fill(thetaAngle,plate); hstripVStheta->Fill(thetaAngle,strip); hsectorVSphi->Fill(phiAngle,sector); //hpadzVStheta->Fill(thetaAngle,padx); hpadxVSphi->Fill(phiAngle,padx); Float_t dummy2 = 2*strip + padz; hpadz2stripVStheta->Fill(thetaAngle,dummy2); /* Float_t dummy3; if (hit->GetDz()<=0) dummy3 = hit->GetDz()-1.75; else dummy3 = hit->GetDz()+1.75; hdzVSpadz2strip->Fill(dummy2,dummy3); */ // filling hit volume histos hsector->Fill(sector); hplate->Fill(plate); hstrip->Fill(strip); hpadx->Fill(padx); hpadz->Fill(padz); /* Int_t track = hit->Track(); TParticle *part = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(track); // getting MC info for the current track if (part->GetFirstMother()<0){ Int_t icod = TMath::Abs(part->GetPdgCode()); switch (icod) { case 211: npion++; break ; case 321: nkaon++; break ; case 2212: nproton++; break ; case 11: nelectron++; break ; case 13: nmuon++; break ; } htofp->Fill(flightTime); htofmomp->Fill(tofmom); htrackLenp->Fill(trackLen); } else { htofs->Fill(flightTime); htofmoms->Fill(tofmom); } */ // go to next hit hit = (AliTOFhitT0 *) tof->NextHit(); } } tofl->UnloadHits(); rl->UnloadKinematics(); cout << " Found " << countHits << " hits in total \n"; cout << npion << " primary pions reached the TOF detector \n"; cout << nkaon << " primary kaons reached the TOF detector \n"; cout << nproton << " primary protons reached the TOF detector \n"; cout << nelectron << " primary electrons reached the TOF detector \n"; cout << nmuon << " primary muons reached the TOF detector \n"; } cout << "hpadx->GetEntries() = " << hpadx->GetEntries() << endl; rl->UnloadHeader(); rl->UnloadgAlice(); if (drawing) { TCanvas *cHits = new TCanvas("cHits","AliTOFanalyzeHits hit volumes",50,50,900,900); cHits->Divide(3,2); cHits->cd(1); hsector->Draw(); cHits->cd(2); hplate->Draw(); cHits->cd(3); hstrip->Draw(); cHits->cd(4); hpadz->Draw(); cHits->cd(5); hpadx->Draw(); TCanvas *chitmap = new TCanvas("chitmap","AliTOFanalyzeHits Hit Map",50,50,600,600); chitmap->cd(); h2hitMap->Draw(); TCanvas *ctrackLen = new TCanvas("ctrackLen","AliTOFanalyzeHits Track Length for primaries on TOF",50,50,400,400); ctrackLen->cd(); htrackLenp->Draw(); TCanvas *ctofmom = new TCanvas("ctofmom","AliTOFanalyzeHits flight times",50,50,700,700); ctofmom->Divide(2,2); ctofmom->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); htofp->Draw(); ctofmom->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); htofs->Draw(); ctofmom->cd(3); gPad->SetLogy(); htofmomp->Draw(); ctofmom->cd(4); gPad->SetLogy(); htofmoms->Draw(); } // save histos into file TOF_hitsQA.root TFile *fout = new TFile("TOF_hitsQA.root","RECREATE"); h2hitMap->Write(); htofp->Write(); htofs->Write(); htofmomp->Write(); htofmoms->Write(); hsector->Write(); hplate->Write(); hstrip->Write(); hpadz->Write(); hpadx->Write(); htrackLenp->Write(); hmoduleVStheta->Write(); hsectorVSphi->Write(); hstripVStheta->Write(); //hpadzVStheta->Write(); hpadxVSphi->Write(); hpadz2stripVStheta->Write(); //hdzVSpadz2strip->Write(); fout->Close(); cout << " Finished AliTOFanalizeHits \n"; if (gAlice) { delete AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice; gAlice = 0x0; } return rc; }