/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This class contains the functions for version 4 of the Time Of Flight // // detector. // // // // VERSION WITH 5 MODULES AND TILTED STRIPS // // // // FULL COVERAGE VERSION +OPTION for PHOS holes // // // // Author: // // Fabrizio Pierella // // University of Bologna - Italy // // // // // //Begin_Html // /* // // */ // //End_Html // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TBRIK.h" #include "TGeometry.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TNode.h" #include "TVirtualMC.h" #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliTOFGeometry.h" #include "AliTOFGeometryV4.h" #include "AliTOFv4T0.h" extern TDirectory *gDirectory; extern TVirtualMC *gMC; extern AliRun *gAlice; ClassImp(AliTOFv4T0) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFv4T0::AliTOFv4T0(): fIdFTOA(-1), fIdFTOB(-1), fIdFTOC(-1), fIdFLTA(-1), fIdFLTB(-1), fIdFLTC(-1), fTOFHoles(kFALSE) { // // Default constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFv4T0::AliTOFv4T0(const char *name, const char *title): AliTOF(name,title,"tzero"), fIdFTOA(-1), fIdFTOB(-1), fIdFTOC(-1), fIdFLTA(-1), fIdFLTB(-1), fIdFLTC(-1), fTOFHoles(kFALSE) { // // Standard constructor // // // Check that FRAME is there otherwise we have no place where to // put TOF AliModule* frame = (AliModule*)gAlice->GetModule("FRAME"); if(!frame) { AliFatal("TOF needs FRAME to be present"); } else{ if (fTOFGeometry) delete fTOFGeometry; fTOFGeometry = new AliTOFGeometryV4(); if(frame->IsVersion()==1) { AliInfo(Form("Frame version %d", frame->IsVersion())); AliInfo("Full Coverage for TOF"); fTOFHoles=false;} else { AliInfo(Form("Frame version %d", frame->IsVersion())); AliInfo("TOF with Holes for PHOS"); fTOFHoles=true;} } fTOFGeometry->SetHoles(fTOFHoles); // Save the geometry TDirectory* saveDir = gDirectory; AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader()->CdGAFile(); fTOFGeometry->Write("TOFgeometry"); saveDir->cd(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::CreateGeometry() { // // Create geometry for Time Of Flight version 0 // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html // // Creates common geometry // AliTOF::CreateGeometry(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::TOFpc(Float_t xtof, Float_t ytof, Float_t zlenC, Float_t zlenB, Float_t zlenA, Float_t ztof0) { // // Definition of the Time Of Fligh Resistive Plate Chambers // xFLT, yFLT, zFLT - sizes of TOF modules (large) Float_t ycoor; Float_t par[3]; Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray()-499; Int_t idrotm[100]; Int_t nrot = 0; Float_t radius = fTOFGeometry->Rmin()+2.;//cm par[0] = xtof * 0.5; par[1] = ytof * 0.5; par[2] = zlenC * 0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FTOC", "BOX ", idtmed[506], par, 3); par[2] = zlenB * 0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FTOB", "BOX ", idtmed[506], par, 3); par[2] = zlenA * 0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FTOA", "BOX ", idtmed[506], par, 3); // Positioning of modules Float_t zcor1 = ztof0 - zlenC*0.5; Float_t zcor2 = ztof0 - zlenC - zlenB*0.5; Float_t zcor3 = 0.; AliMatrix(idrotm[0], 90., 0., 0., 0., 90,-90.); AliMatrix(idrotm[1], 90.,180., 0., 0., 90, 90.); gMC->Gspos("FTOC", 1, "BTO1", 0, zcor1, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOC", 2, "BTO1", 0, -zcor1, 0, idrotm[1], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOC", 1, "BTO2", 0, zcor1, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOC", 2, "BTO2", 0, -zcor1, 0, idrotm[1], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOC", 1, "BTO3", 0, zcor1, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOC", 2, "BTO3", 0, -zcor1, 0, idrotm[1], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOB", 1, "BTO1", 0, zcor2, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOB", 2, "BTO1", 0, -zcor2, 0, idrotm[1], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOB", 1, "BTO2", 0, zcor2, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOB", 2, "BTO2", 0, -zcor2, 0, idrotm[1], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOB", 1, "BTO3", 0, zcor2, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOB", 2, "BTO3", 0, -zcor2, 0, idrotm[1], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOA", 0, "BTO1", 0, zcor3, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); if(!fTOFHoles)gMC->Gspos("FTOA", 0, "BTO2", 0, zcor3, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FTOA", 0, "BTO3", 0, zcor3, 0, idrotm[0], "ONLY"); Float_t db = 0.5; // cm Float_t xFLT, xFST, yFLT, zFLTA, zFLTB, zFLTC; xFLT = fTOFGeometry->StripLength(); yFLT = ytof; zFLTA = zlenA; zFLTB = zlenB; zFLTC = zlenC; xFST = xFLT - dynamic_cast(fTOFGeometry)->DeadBndX()*2.; // cm // Sizes of MRPC pads Float_t yPad = 0.505; //cm // Large not sensitive volumes with Insensitive Freon par[0] = xFLT*0.5; par[1] = yFLT*0.5; AliDebug(1, "************************* TOF geometry **************************"); par[2] = (zFLTA *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FLTA", "BOX ", idtmed[512], par, 3); // Insensitive Freon gMC->Gspos ("FLTA", 0, "FTOA", 0., 0., 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTB * 0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FLTB", "BOX ", idtmed[512], par, 3); // Insensitive Freon gMC->Gspos ("FLTB", 0, "FTOB", 0., 0., 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTC * 0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FLTC", "BOX ", idtmed[512], par, 3); // Insensitive Freon gMC->Gspos ("FLTC", 0, "FTOC", 0., 0., 0., 0, "ONLY"); ///// Layers of Aluminum before and after detector ///// ///// Aluminum Box for Modules (1.8 mm thickness) ///// ///// lateral walls not simulated for the time being // const Float_t khAlWall = 0.18; // fp to be checked const Float_t khAlWall = 0.11; par[0] = xFLT*0.5; par[1] = khAlWall/2.; // cm ycoor = -yFLT/2 + par[1]; par[2] = (zFLTA *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FALA", "BOX ", idtmed[508], par, 3); // Alluminium gMC->Gspos ("FALA", 1, "FLTA", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos ("FALA", 2, "FLTA", 0.,-ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTB *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FALB", "BOX ", idtmed[508], par, 3); // Alluminium gMC->Gspos ("FALB", 1, "FLTB", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos ("FALB", 2, "FLTB", 0.,-ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTC *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FALC", "BOX ", idtmed[508], par, 3); // Alluminium gMC->Gspos ("FALC", 1, "FLTC", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); gMC->Gspos ("FALC", 2, "FLTC", 0.,-ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); ///////////////// Detector itself ////////////////////// const Float_t kdeadBound = dynamic_cast(fTOFGeometry)->DeadBndZ(); //cm non-sensitive between the pad edge //and the boundary of the strip const Int_t knx = fTOFGeometry->NpadX(); // number of pads along x const Int_t knz = fTOFGeometry->NpadZ(); // number of pads along z Float_t zSenStrip = fTOFGeometry->ZPad() * fTOFGeometry->NpadZ(); // cm Float_t stripWidth = zSenStrip + 2*kdeadBound; par[0] = xFLT*0.5; par[1] = yPad*0.5; par[2] = stripWidth*0.5; // new description for strip volume -double stack strip- // -- all constants are expressed in cm // heigth of different layers const Float_t khhony = 0.8 ; // heigth of HONY Layer const Float_t khpcby = 0.08 ; // heigth of PCB Layer const Float_t khmyly = 0.035 ; // heigth of MYLAR Layer const Float_t khgraphy = 0.02 ; // heigth of GRAPHITE Layer const Float_t khglasseiy = 0.135; // 0.6 Ext. Glass + 1.1 i.e. (Int. Glass/2) (mm) const Float_t khsensmy = 0.11 ; // heigth of Sensitive Freon Mixture const Float_t kwsensmz = 2*3.5 ; // cm const Float_t klsensmx = 48*2.5; // cm const Float_t kwpadz = 3.5; // cm z dimension of the FPAD volume const Float_t klpadx = 2.5; // cm x dimension of the FPAD volume // heigth of the FSTR Volume (the strip volume) const Float_t khstripy = 2*khhony+3*khpcby+4*(khmyly+khgraphy+khglasseiy)+2*khsensmy; // width of the FSTR Volume (the strip volume) const Float_t kwstripz = 10.; // length of the FSTR Volume (the strip volume) const Float_t klstripx = 122.; Float_t parfp[3]={klstripx*0.5,khstripy*0.5,kwstripz*0.5}; // Coordinates of the strip center in the strip reference frame; // used for positioninG internal strip volumes Float_t posfp[3]={0.,0.,0.}; // FSTR volume definition-filling this volume with non sensitive Gas Mixture gMC->Gsvolu("FSTR","BOX",idtmed[512],parfp,3); //-- HONY Layer definition // parfp[0] = -1; parfp[1] = khhony*0.5; // parfp[2] = -1; gMC->Gsvolu("FHON","BOX",idtmed[503],parfp,3); // positioning 2 HONY Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1]=-khstripy*0.5+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FHON",1,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FHON",2,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); //-- PCB Layer definition parfp[1] = khpcby*0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FPCB","BOX",idtmed[504],parfp,3); // positioning 2 PCB Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1]=-khstripy*0.5+khhony+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FPCB",1,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FPCB",2,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); // positioning the central PCB layer gMC->Gspos("FPCB",3,"FSTR",0.,0.,0.,0,"ONLY"); //-- MYLAR Layer definition parfp[1] = khmyly*0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FMYL","BOX",idtmed[511],parfp,3); // positioning 2 MYLAR Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1] = -khstripy*0.5+khhony+khpcby+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FMYL",1,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FMYL",2,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); // adding further 2 MYLAR Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1] = khpcby*0.5+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FMYL",3,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FMYL",4,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); //-- Graphite Layer definition parfp[1] = khgraphy*0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FGRP","BOX",idtmed[502],parfp,3); // positioning 2 Graphite Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1] = -khstripy*0.5+khhony+khpcby+khmyly+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FGRP",1,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FGRP",2,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); // adding further 2 Graphite Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1] = khpcby*0.5+khmyly+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FGRP",3,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FGRP",4,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); //-- Glass (EXT. +Semi INT.) Layer definition parfp[1] = khglasseiy*0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FGLA","BOX",idtmed[514],parfp,3); // positioning 2 Glass Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1] = -khstripy*0.5+khhony+khpcby+khmyly+khgraphy+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FGLA",1,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FGLA",2,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); // adding further 2 Glass Layers on FSTR volume posfp[1] = khpcby*0.5+khmyly+khgraphy+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FGLA",3,"FSTR",0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FGLA",4,"FSTR",0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); //-- Sensitive Mixture Layer definition parfp[0] = klsensmx*0.5; parfp[1] = khsensmy*0.5; parfp[2] = kwsensmz*0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FSEN","BOX",idtmed[513],parfp,3); gMC->Gsvolu("FNSE","BOX",idtmed[512],parfp,3); // positioning 2 gas Layers on FSTR volume // the upper is insensitive freon // while the remaining is sensitive posfp[1] = khpcby*0.5+khmyly+khgraphy+khglasseiy+parfp[1]; gMC->Gspos("FNSE",0,"FSTR", 0., posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FSEN",0,"FSTR", 0.,-posfp[1],0.,0,"ONLY"); // dividing FSEN along z in knz=2 and along x in knx=48 gMC->Gsdvn("FSEZ","FSEN",knz,3); gMC->Gsdvn("FSEX","FSEZ",knx,1); // FPAD volume definition parfp[0] = klpadx*0.5; parfp[1] = khsensmy*0.5; parfp[2] = kwpadz*0.5; gMC->Gsvolu("FPAD","BOX",idtmed[513],parfp,3); // positioning the FPAD volumes on previous divisions gMC->Gspos("FPAD",0,"FSEX",0.,0.,0.,0,"ONLY"); ///////////////////Positioning A module////////////////////////// for(Int_t istrip =0; istrip < fTOFGeometry->NStripA(); istrip++){ Float_t ang = fTOFGeometry->GetAngles(2,istrip); AliMatrix (idrotm[0],90.,0.,90.-ang,90.,-ang, 90.); ang /= kRaddeg; Float_t zpos = tan(ang)*radius; Float_t ypos= fTOFGeometry->GetHeights(2,istrip); gMC->Gspos("FSTR",fTOFGeometry->NStripA()-istrip,"FLTA",0.,ypos, zpos,idrotm[0], "ONLY"); AliDebug(1, Form("y = %f, z = %f, , z coord = %f, Rot ang = %f, St. %2i",ypos,zpos,tan(ang)*radius ,ang*kRaddeg,istrip)); } ///////////////////Positioning B module////////////////////////// for(Int_t istrip =0; istrip < fTOFGeometry->NStripB(); istrip++){ Float_t ang = fTOFGeometry->GetAngles(3,istrip); AliMatrix (idrotm[0],90.,0.,90.-ang,90.,-ang, 90.); ang /= kRaddeg; Float_t zpos = tan(ang)*radius+(zFLTA*0.5+zFLTB*0.5+db); Float_t ypos= fTOFGeometry->GetHeights(3,istrip); gMC->Gspos("FSTR",istrip+1,"FLTB",0.,ypos, zpos,idrotm[nrot], "ONLY"); AliDebug(1, Form("y = %f, z = %f, , z coord = %f, Rot ang = %f, St. %2i",ypos,zpos,tan(ang)*radius,ang*kRaddeg,istrip)); } ///////////////////Positioning C module////////////////////////// for(Int_t istrip =0; istrip < fTOFGeometry->NStripC(); istrip++){ Float_t ang = fTOFGeometry->GetAngles(4,istrip); AliMatrix (idrotm[0],90.,0.,90.-ang,90.,-ang, 90.); ang /= kRaddeg; Float_t zpos = tan(ang)*radius+(zFLTC*0.5+zFLTB+zFLTA*0.5+db*2); Float_t ypos= fTOFGeometry->GetHeights(4,istrip); gMC->Gspos("FSTR",istrip+1,"FLTC",0.,ypos, zpos,idrotm[nrot], "ONLY"); AliDebug(1, Form("y = %f, z = %f, z coord = %f, Rot ang = %f, St. %2i",ypos,zpos,tan(ang)*radius,ang*kRaddeg,istrip)); } ////////// Layers after strips ///////////////// // Al Layer thickness (2.3mm) factor 0.7 Float_t overSpace = dynamic_cast(fTOFGeometry)->OverSpc();//cm par[0] = xFLT*0.5; par[1] = 0.115*0.7; // factor 0.7 par[2] = (zFLTA *0.5); ycoor = -yFLT/2 + overSpace + par[1]; gMC->Gsvolu("FPEA", "BOX ", idtmed[508], par, 3); // Al gMC->Gspos ("FPEA", 0, "FLTA", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTB *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FPEB", "BOX ", idtmed[508], par, 3); // Al gMC->Gspos ("FPEB", 0, "FLTB", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTC *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FPEC", "BOX ", idtmed[508], par, 3); // Al gMC->Gspos ("FPEC", 0, "FLTC", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); // plexiglass thickness: 1.5 mm ; factor 0.3 ycoor += par[1]; par[0] = xFLT*0.5; par[1] = 0.075*0.3; // factor 0.3 par[2] = (zFLTA *0.5); ycoor += par[1]; gMC->Gsvolu("FECA", "BOX ", idtmed[505], par, 3); // Plexigl. gMC->Gspos ("FECA", 0, "FLTA", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTB *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FECB", "BOX ", idtmed[505], par, 3); // Plexigl. gMC->Gspos ("FECB", 0, "FLTB", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTC *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FECC", "BOX ", idtmed[505], par, 3); // Plexigl. gMC->Gspos ("FECC", 0, "FLTC", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); // frame of Air ycoor += par[1]; par[0] = xFLT*0.5; par[1] = (yFLT/2-ycoor-khAlWall)*0.5; // Aluminum layer considered (0.18 cm) par[2] = (zFLTA *0.5); ycoor += par[1]; gMC->Gsvolu("FAIA", "BOX ", idtmed[500], par, 3); // Air gMC->Gspos ("FAIA", 0, "FLTA", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTB *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FAIB", "BOX ", idtmed[500], par, 3); // Air gMC->Gspos ("FAIB", 0, "FLTB", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); par[2] = (zFLTC *0.5); gMC->Gsvolu("FAIC", "BOX ", idtmed[500], par, 3); // Air gMC->Gspos ("FAIC", 0, "FLTC", 0., ycoor, 0., 0, "ONLY"); // start with cards and cooling tubes // finally, cards, cooling tubes and layer for thermal dispersion // 3 volumes // card volume definition // see GEOM200 in GEANT manual AliMatrix(idrotm[98], 90., 0., 90., 90., 0., 0.); // 0 deg Float_t cardpar[3]; cardpar[0]= 61.; cardpar[1]= 5.; cardpar[2]= 0.1; gMC->Gsvolu("FCAR", "BOX ", idtmed[504], cardpar, 3); // PCB Card //alu plate volume definition cardpar[1]= 3.5; cardpar[2]= 0.05; gMC->Gsvolu("FALP", "BOX ", idtmed[508], cardpar, 3); // Alu Plate // central module positioning (FAIA) Float_t cardpos[3], aplpos2, stepforcardA=6.625; cardpos[0]= 0.; cardpos[1]= -0.5; cardpos[2]= -53.; Float_t aplpos1 = -2.; Int_t icard; for (icard=0; icard < fTOFGeometry->NStripA(); ++icard) { cardpos[2]= cardpos[2]+stepforcardA; aplpos2 = cardpos[2]+0.15; gMC->Gspos("FCAR",icard,"FAIA",cardpos[0],cardpos[1],cardpos[2],idrotm[98],"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FALP",icard,"FAIA",cardpos[0],aplpos1,aplpos2,idrotm[98],"ONLY"); } // intermediate module positioning (FAIB) Float_t stepforcardB= 7.05; cardpos[2]= -70.5; for (icard=0; icard < fTOFGeometry->NStripB(); ++icard) { cardpos[2]= cardpos[2]+stepforcardB; aplpos2 = cardpos[2]+0.15; gMC->Gspos("FCAR",icard,"FAIB",cardpos[0],cardpos[1],cardpos[2],idrotm[98],"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FALP",icard,"FAIB",cardpos[0],aplpos1,aplpos2,idrotm[98],"ONLY"); } // outer module positioning (FAIC) Float_t stepforcardC= 8.45238; cardpos[2]= -88.75; for (icard=0; icard < fTOFGeometry->NStripC(); ++icard) { cardpos[2]= cardpos[2]+stepforcardC; aplpos2 = cardpos[2]+0.15; gMC->Gspos("FCAR",icard,"FAIC",cardpos[0],cardpos[1],cardpos[2],idrotm[98],"ONLY"); gMC->Gspos("FALP",icard,"FAIC",cardpos[0],aplpos1,aplpos2,idrotm[98],"ONLY"); } // tube volume definition Float_t tubepar[3]; tubepar[0]= 0.; tubepar[1]= 0.4; tubepar[2]= 61.; gMC->Gsvolu("FTUB", "TUBE", idtmed[516], tubepar, 3); // cooling tubes (steel) tubepar[0]= 0.; tubepar[1]= 0.35; tubepar[2]= 61.; gMC->Gsvolu("FITU", "TUBE", idtmed[515], tubepar, 3); // cooling water // positioning water tube into the steel one gMC->Gspos("FITU",1,"FTUB",0.,0.,0.,0,"ONLY"); // rotation matrix AliMatrix(idrotm[99], 180., 90., 90., 90., 90., 0.); // central module positioning (FAIA) Float_t tubepos[3], tdis=0.6; tubepos[0]= 0.; tubepos[1]= cardpos[1]; tubepos[2]= -53.+tdis; // tub1pos = 5.; Int_t itub; for (itub=0; itub < fTOFGeometry->NStripA(); ++itub) { tubepos[2]= tubepos[2]+stepforcardA; gMC->Gspos("FTUB",itub,"FAIA",tubepos[0],tubepos[1],tubepos[2],idrotm[99], "ONLY"); } // intermediate module positioning (FAIB) tubepos[2]= -70.5+tdis; for (itub=0; itub < fTOFGeometry->NStripB(); ++itub) { tubepos[2]= tubepos[2]+stepforcardB; gMC->Gspos("FTUB",itub,"FAIB",tubepos[0],tubepos[1],tubepos[2],idrotm[99], "ONLY"); } // outer module positioning (FAIC) tubepos[2]= -88.75+tdis; for (itub=0; itub < fTOFGeometry->NStripC(); ++itub) { tubepos[2]= tubepos[2]+stepforcardC; gMC->Gspos("FTUB",itub,"FAIC",tubepos[0],tubepos[1],tubepos[2],idrotm[99], "ONLY"); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::DrawModule() const { // // Draw a shaded view of the Time Of Flight version 4 // // Set everything unseen gMC->Gsatt("*", "seen", -1); // // Set ALIC mother transparent gMC->Gsatt("ALIC","SEEN",0); // // Set the volumes visible gMC->Gsatt("ALIC","SEEN",0); gMC->Gsatt("FTOA","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FTOB","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FTOC","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FLTA","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FLTB","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FLTC","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FPLA","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FPLB","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FPLC","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FSTR","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FPEA","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FPEB","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FPEC","SEEN",1); gMC->Gsatt("FLZ1","SEEN",0); gMC->Gsatt("FLZ2","SEEN",0); gMC->Gsatt("FLZ3","SEEN",0); gMC->Gsatt("FLX1","SEEN",0); gMC->Gsatt("FLX2","SEEN",0); gMC->Gsatt("FLX3","SEEN",0); gMC->Gsatt("FPAD","SEEN",0); gMC->Gdopt("hide", "on"); gMC->Gdopt("shad", "on"); gMC->Gsatt("*", "fill", 7); gMC->SetClipBox("."); gMC->SetClipBox("*", 0, 1000, -1000, 1000, -1000, 1000); gMC->DefaultRange(); gMC->Gdraw("alic", 40, 30, 0, 12, 9.5, .02, .02); gMC->Gdhead(1111, "Time Of Flight"); gMC->Gdman(18, 4, "MAN"); gMC->Gdopt("hide","off"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::DrawDetectorModules() const { // // Draw a shaded view of the TOF detector version 4 // //Set ALIC mother transparent gMC->Gsatt("ALIC","SEEN",0); // //Set volumes visible // //=====> Level 1 // Level 1 for TOF volumes gMC->Gsatt("B077","seen",0); //==========> Level 2 // Level 2 gMC->Gsatt("B076","seen",-1); // all B076 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B071","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("B074","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("B075","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("B080","seen",0); // B080 does not has sub-level // Level 2 of B071 gMC->Gsatt("B063","seen",-1); // all B063 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B065","seen",-1); // all B065 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B067","seen",-1); // all B067 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B069","seen",-1); // all B069 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B056","seen",0); // B056 does not has sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("B059","seen",-1); // all B059 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B072","seen",-1); // all B072 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("BTR1","seen",0); // BTR1 do not have sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("BTO1","seen",0); // Level 2 of B074 gMC->Gsatt("BTR2","seen",0); // BTR2 does not has sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("BTO2","seen",0); // Level 2 of B075 gMC->Gsatt("BTR3","seen",0); // BTR3 do not have sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("BTO3","seen",0); // ==================> Level 3 // Level 3 of B071 / Level 2 of BTO1 gMC->Gsatt("FTOC","seen",-2); gMC->Gsatt("FTOB","seen",-2); gMC->Gsatt("FTOA","seen",-2); // Level 3 of B074 / Level 2 of BTO2 // -> cfr previous settings // Level 3 of B075 / Level 2 of BTO3 // -> cfr previous settings gMC->Gdopt("hide","on"); gMC->Gdopt("shad","on"); gMC->Gsatt("*", "fill", 5); gMC->SetClipBox("."); gMC->SetClipBox("*", 0, 1000, 0, 1000, 0, 1000); gMC->DefaultRange(); gMC->Gdraw("alic", 45, 40, 0, 10, 10, .015, .015); gMC->Gdhead(1111,"TOF detector V1"); gMC->Gdman(18, 4, "MAN"); gMC->Gdopt("hide","off"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::DrawDetectorStrips() const { // // Draw a shaded view of the TOF strips for version 4 // //Set ALIC mother transparent gMC->Gsatt("ALIC","SEEN",0); // //Set volumes visible //=====> Level 1 // Level 1 for TOF volumes gMC->Gsatt("B077","seen",0); //==========> Level 2 // Level 2 gMC->Gsatt("B076","seen",-1); // all B076 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B071","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("B074","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("B075","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("B080","seen",0); // B080 does not has sub-level // Level 2 of B071 gMC->Gsatt("B063","seen",-1); // all B063 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B065","seen",-1); // all B065 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B067","seen",-1); // all B067 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B069","seen",-1); // all B069 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B056","seen",0); // B056 does not has sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("B059","seen",-1); // all B059 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("B072","seen",-1); // all B072 sub-levels skipped - gMC->Gsatt("BTR1","seen",0); // BTR1 do not have sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("BTO1","seen",0); // ==================> Level 3 // Level 3 of B071 / Level 2 of BTO1 gMC->Gsatt("FTOC","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("FTOB","seen",0); gMC->Gsatt("FTOA","seen",0); // Level 3 of B074 / Level 2 of BTO2 // -> cfr previous settings // Level 3 of B075 / Level 2 of BTO3 // -> cfr previous settings // ==========================> Level 4 // Level 4 of B071 / Level 3 of BTO1 / Level 2 of FTOC gMC->Gsatt("FLTC","seen",0); // Level 4 of B071 / Level 3 of BTO1 / Level 2 of FTOB gMC->Gsatt("FLTB","seen",0); // Level 4 of B071 / Level 3 of BTO1 / Level 2 of FTOA gMC->Gsatt("FLTA","seen",0); // Level 4 of B074 / Level 3 of BTO2 / Level 2 of FTOC // -> cfr previous settings // Level 4 of B074 / Level 3 of BTO2 / Level 2 of FTOB // -> cfr previous settings // Level 4 of B075 / Level 3 of BTO3 / Level 2 of FTOC // -> cfr previous settings //======================================> Level 5 // Level 5 of B071 / Level 4 of BTO1 / Level 3 of FTOC / Level 2 of FLTC gMC->Gsatt("FALC","seen",0); // no children for FALC gMC->Gsatt("FSTR","seen",-2); gMC->Gsatt("FPEC","seen",0); // no children for FPEC gMC->Gsatt("FECC","seen",0); // no children for FECC gMC->Gsatt("FWAC","seen",0); // no children for FWAC gMC->Gsatt("FAIC","seen",0); // no children for FAIC // Level 5 of B071 / Level 4 of BTO1 / Level 3 of FTOB / Level 2 of FLTB gMC->Gsatt("FALB","seen",0); // no children for FALB //--> gMC->Gsatt("FSTR","seen",-2); // -> cfr previous settings gMC->Gsatt("FPEB","seen",0); // no children for FPEB gMC->Gsatt("FECB","seen",0); // no children for FECB gMC->Gsatt("FWAB","seen",0); // no children for FWAB gMC->Gsatt("FAIB","seen",0); // no children for FAIB // Level 5 of B071 / Level 4 of BTO1 / Level 3 of FTOA / Level 2 of FLTA gMC->Gsatt("FALA","seen",0); // no children for FALB //--> gMC->Gsatt("FSTR","seen",-2); // -> cfr previous settings gMC->Gsatt("FPEA","seen",0); // no children for FPEA gMC->Gsatt("FECA","seen",0); // no children for FECA gMC->Gsatt("FWAA","seen",0); // no children for FWAA gMC->Gsatt("FAIA","seen",0); // no children for FAIA // Level 2 of B074 gMC->Gsatt("BTR2","seen",0); // BTR2 does not has sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("BTO2","seen",0); // Level 2 of B075 gMC->Gsatt("BTR3","seen",0); // BTR3 do not have sub-levels - gMC->Gsatt("BTO3","seen",0); // for others Level 5, cfr. previous settings gMC->Gdopt("hide","on"); gMC->Gdopt("shad","on"); gMC->Gsatt("*", "fill", 5); gMC->SetClipBox("."); gMC->SetClipBox("*", 0, 1000, 0, 1000, 0, 1000); gMC->DefaultRange(); gMC->Gdraw("alic", 45, 40, 0, 10, 10, .015, .015); gMC->Gdhead(1111,"TOF Strips V1"); gMC->Gdman(18, 4, "MAN"); gMC->Gdopt("hide","off"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::CreateMaterials() { // // Define materials for the Time Of Flight // //AliTOF::CreateMaterials(); // // Defines TOF materials for all versions // Revision: F. Pierella 18-VI-2002 // AliMagF *magneticField = (AliMagF*)gAlice->Field(); Int_t isxfld = magneticField->Integ(); Float_t sxmgmx = magneticField->Max(); //--- Quartz (SiO2) to simulate float glass // density tuned to have correct float glass // radiation length Float_t aq[2] = { 28.0855,15.9994 }; Float_t zq[2] = { 14.,8. }; Float_t wq[2] = { 1.,2. }; Float_t dq = 2.55; // std value: 2.2 Int_t nq = -2; // --- Freon C2F4H2 (TOF-TDR pagg.) // Geant Manual CONS110-1, pag. 43 (Geant, Detector Description and Simulation Tool) Float_t afre[3] = {12.011,18.998,1.007}; Float_t zfre[3] = { 6., 9., 1.}; Float_t wfre[3] = { 2., 4., 2.}; Float_t densfre = 0.00375; // http://www.fi.infn.it/sezione/prevprot/gas/freon.html Int_t nfre = -3; /* //-- Isobutane quencher C4H10 (5% in the sensitive mixture) Float_t aiso[2] = {12.011,1.007}; Float_t ziso[2] = { 6., 1.}; Float_t wiso[2] = { 4., 10.}; Float_t densiso = .......; // (g/cm3) density Int_t nfre = -2; // < 0 i.e. proportion by number of atoms of each kind //-- SF6 (5% in the sensitive mixture) Float_t asf[3] = {32.066,18.998}; Float_t zsf[3] = { 16., 9.}; Float_t wsf[3] = { 1., 6.}; Float_t denssf = .....; // (g/cm3) density Int_t nfre = -2; // < 0 i.e. proportion by number of atoms of each kind */ // --- CO2 Float_t ac[2] = {12.,16.}; Float_t zc[2] = { 6., 8.}; Float_t wc[2] = { 1., 2.}; Float_t dc = .001977; Int_t nc = -2; // For mylar (C5H4O2) Float_t amy[3] = { 12., 1., 16. }; Float_t zmy[3] = { 6., 1., 8. }; Float_t wmy[3] = { 5., 4., 2. }; Float_t dmy = 1.39; Int_t nmy = -3; // For polyethilene (CH2) - honeycomb - Float_t ape[2] = { 12., 1. }; Float_t zpe[2] = { 6., 1. }; Float_t wpe[2] = { 1., 2. }; Float_t dpe = 0.935*0.479; //To have 1%X0 for 1cm as for honeycomb Int_t npe = -2; // --- G10 Float_t ag10[4] = { 12.,1.,16.,28. }; Float_t zg10[4] = { 6.,1., 8.,14. }; Float_t wmatg10[4] = { .259,.288,.248,.205 }; Float_t densg10 = 1.7; Int_t nlmatg10 = -4; // plexiglass CH2=C(CH3)CO2CH3 Float_t aplex[3] = { 12.,1.,16.}; Float_t zplex[3] = { 6.,1., 8.}; Float_t wmatplex[3] = {5.,8.,2.}; Float_t densplex =1.16; Int_t nplex = -3; // ---- ALUMINA (AL203) Float_t aal[2] = { 27.,16.}; Float_t zal[2] = { 13., 8.}; Float_t wmatal[2] = { 2.,3. }; Float_t densal = 2.3; Int_t nlmatal = -2; // -- Water Float_t awa[2] = { 1., 16. }; Float_t zwa[2] = { 1., 8. }; Float_t wwa[2] = { 2., 1. }; Float_t dwa = 1.0; Int_t nwa = -2; // stainless steel Float_t asteel[4] = { 55.847,51.9961,58.6934,28.0855 }; Float_t zsteel[4] = { 26.,24.,28.,14. }; Float_t wsteel[4] = { .715,.18,.1,.005 }; //AliMaterial(0, "Vacuum$", 1e-16, 1e-16, 1e-16, 1e16, 1e16); // AIR Float_t aAir[4]={12.0107,14.0067,15.9994,39.948}; Float_t zAir[4]={6.,7.,8.,18.}; Float_t wAir[4]={0.000124,0.755267,0.231781,0.012827}; Float_t dAir = 1.20479E-3; AliMixture( 1, "Air$", aAir, zAir, dAir, 4, wAir); AliMaterial( 2, "Cu $", 63.54, 29.0, 8.96, 1.43, 14.8); AliMaterial( 3, "C $", 12.01, 6.0, 2.265,18.8, 74.4); AliMixture ( 4, "Polyethilene$", ape, zpe, dpe, npe, wpe); AliMixture ( 5, "G10$", ag10, zg10, densg10, nlmatg10, wmatg10); AliMixture ( 6, "PLE$", aplex, zplex, densplex, nplex, wmatplex); AliMixture ( 7, "CO2$", ac, zc, dc, nc, wc); AliMixture ( 8, "ALUMINA$", aal, zal, densal, nlmatal, wmatal); AliMaterial( 9, "Al $", 26.98, 13., 2.7, 8.9, 37.2); AliMaterial(10, "C-TRD$", 12.01, 6., 2.265*18.8/69.282*15./100, 18.8, 74.4); // for 15% AliMixture (11, "Mylar$", amy, zmy, dmy, nmy, wmy); AliMixture (12, "Freon$", afre, zfre, densfre, nfre, wfre); AliMixture (13, "Glass$", aq, zq, dq, nq, wq); AliMixture (14, "Water$", awa, zwa, dwa, nwa, wwa); AliMixture (15, "STAINLESS STEEL$", asteel, zsteel, 7.88, 4, wsteel); Float_t epsil, stmin, deemax, stemax; // Previous data // EPSIL = 0.1 ! Tracking precision, // STEMAX = 0.1 ! Maximum displacement for multiple scattering // DEEMAX = 0.1 ! Maximum fractional energy loss, DLS // STMIN = 0.1 // // New data epsil = .001; // Tracking precision, stemax = -1.; // Maximum displacement for multiple scattering deemax = -.3; // Maximum fractional energy loss, DLS stmin = -.8; AliMedium( 1, "Air$" , 1, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium( 2, "Cu $" , 2, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium( 3, "C $" , 3, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium( 4, "Pol$" , 4, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium( 5, "G10$" , 5, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium( 6, "PLE$" , 6, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium( 7, "CO2$" , 7, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., -.01, -.1, .01, -.01); AliMedium( 8,"ALUMINA$", 8, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium( 9,"Al Frame$",9, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(10, "DME-S$", 6, 1, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(11, "C-TRD$", 10, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(12, "Myl$" , 11, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(13, "Fre$" , 12, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(14, "Fre-S$", 12, 1, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(15, "Glass$", 13, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(16, "Water$", 14, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); AliMedium(17, "STEEL$", 15, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::Init() { // // Initialise the detector after the geometry has been defined // AliDebug(1, "**************************************" " TOF " "**************************************"); AliDebug(1, " Version 4 of TOF initialing, " "symmetric TOF - Full Coverage version"); AliTOF::Init(); fIdFTOA = gMC->VolId("FTOA"); fIdFTOB = gMC->VolId("FTOB"); fIdFTOC = gMC->VolId("FTOC"); fIdFLTA = gMC->VolId("FLTA"); fIdFLTB = gMC->VolId("FLTB"); fIdFLTC = gMC->VolId("FLTC"); AliDebug(1, "**************************************" " TOF " "**************************************"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFv4T0::StepManager() { // // Procedure called at each step in the Time Of Flight // TLorentzVector mom, pos; Float_t xm[3],pm[3],xpad[3],ppad[3]; Float_t hits[14]; Int_t vol[5]; Int_t sector, plate, padx, padz, strip; Int_t copy, padzid, padxid, stripid, i; Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray()-499; Float_t incidenceAngle; if( gMC->IsTrackEntering() && gMC->TrackCharge() //&& gMC->GetMedium()==idtmed[513] && gMC->CurrentMedium()==idtmed[513] && gMC->CurrentVolID(copy)==fIdSens ) { AliMC *mcApplication = (AliMC*)gAlice->GetMCApp(); AddTrackReference(mcApplication->GetCurrentTrackNumber(), AliTrackReference::kTOF); //AddTrackReference(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber()); // getting information about hit volumes padzid=gMC->CurrentVolOffID(2,copy); padz=copy; padxid=gMC->CurrentVolOffID(1,copy); padx=copy; stripid=gMC->CurrentVolOffID(4,copy); strip=copy; gMC->TrackPosition(pos); gMC->TrackMomentum(mom); // Double_t NormPos=1./pos.Rho(); Double_t normMom=1./mom.Rho(); // getting the cohordinates in pad ref system xm[0] = (Float_t)pos.X(); xm[1] = (Float_t)pos.Y(); xm[2] = (Float_t)pos.Z(); pm[0] = (Float_t)mom.X()*normMom; pm[1] = (Float_t)mom.Y()*normMom; pm[2] = (Float_t)mom.Z()*normMom; gMC->Gmtod(xm,xpad,1); gMC->Gmtod(pm,ppad,2); if (TMath::Abs(ppad[1])>1) { AliWarning("Abs(ppad) > 1"); ppad[1]=TMath::Sign((Float_t)1,ppad[1]); } incidenceAngle = TMath::ACos(ppad[1])*kRaddeg; const char * pathA="FTOA"; const char * pathB="FTOB"; const char * pathC="FTOC"; const char * path71="B071"; const char * path75="B075"; const char * path74="B074"; const char* volpath; Int_t index=0; volpath=gMC->CurrentVolOffName(6); index=gMC->CurrentVolOffID(6,copy); index=copy; plate=-1; if(strcmp(pathC,volpath)==0 && index==1)plate=0; if(strcmp(pathB,volpath)==0 && index==1)plate=1; if(strcmp(pathA,volpath)==0 && index==0)plate=2; if(strcmp(pathB,volpath)==0 && index==2)plate=3; if(strcmp(pathC,volpath)==0 && index==2)plate=4; if (plate==0) strip=fTOFGeometry->NStripC()-strip; else if (plate==1) strip=fTOFGeometry->NStripB()-strip; else strip--; //Apply ALICE conventions for volume numbering increasing with theta, phi if (plate==3 || plate==4){ padx=fTOFGeometry->NpadX()-padx; padz=fTOFGeometry->NpadZ()-padz; xpad[0]=-xpad[0]; xpad[2]=-xpad[2]; } else { padx--; padz--; } volpath=gMC->CurrentVolOffName(8); index=gMC->CurrentVolOffID(8,copy); index=copy; sector=-1; if(strcmp(path71,volpath)==0 && index <6) sector=12+index; if(strcmp(path71,volpath)==0 && index >=6) sector=index-3; if(strcmp(path75,volpath)==0) sector=index-1; if(strcmp(path74,volpath)==0) sector=10+index; for(i=0;i<3;++i) { hits[i] = pos[i]; hits[i+3] = pm[i]; } hits[6] = mom.Rho(); hits[7] = pos[3]; hits[8] = xpad[0]; hits[9] = xpad[1]; hits[10]= xpad[2]; hits[11]= incidenceAngle; hits[12]= gMC->Edep(); hits[13]= gMC->TrackLength(); vol[0]= sector; vol[1]= plate; vol[2]= strip; vol[3]= padx; vol[4]= padz; AddT0Hit(mcApplication->GetCurrentTrackNumber(),vol, hits); //AddT0Hit(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(),vol, hits); } }