/* TOF DA for online calibration Contact: Chiara.Zampolli@bo.infn.it Link: www.bo.infn.it/~zampolli Run Type: PHYSICS DA Type: MON Number of events needed: depending on the run, being run-level Input Files: TOFdaTotal.root, to be updated if existing Output Files: TOFdaRun.root, TOFdaTotal.root, both to be exported to the DAQ FXS Trigger types used: PHYSICS_EVENT */ #define FILE_TOTAL "TOFdaTotal.root" #define FILE_RUN "TOFdaRun.root" // DATE #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "daqDA.h" #include #include //AliRoot #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //ROOT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TSAXParser.h" /* Main routine Arguments: 1- monitoring data source */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* magic line from Rene */ gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); AliTOFGeometry * geom = new AliTOFGeometry(); static const Int_t size = AliTOFGeometry::NPadXSector()*AliTOFGeometry::NSectors(); static const Int_t nbins = 500; static const Int_t binmin = -20; const Float_t c = 2.99792458E10; //speed of light [cm/s] TH1F::AddDirectory(0); TH2S * htofPartial = new TH2S("htof","histo with delays", size,-0.5,size*1.-0.5, nbins,binmin-0.5,nbins*1.+binmin-0.5); int status; /* log start of process */ printf("TOF DA started\n"); /* check that we got some arguments = list of files */ if (argc!=2) { printf("Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } /* retrieve config file */ int getConfigFile = daqDA_DB_getFile("TOFPhysicsConfig.xml","TOFPhysicsConfig.xml"); if (getConfigFile != 0){ printf("Failed to retrieve config file from DB! returning...\n"); return -1; } AliTOFDaConfigHandler* tofHandler = new AliTOFDaConfigHandler(); TSAXParser *parser = new TSAXParser(); parser->ConnectToHandler("AliTOFDaConfigHandler", tofHandler); if (parser->ParseFile("./TOFPhysicsConfig.xml") != 0) { printf("Failed parsing config file! retunring... \n"); return -1; } Int_t debugFlag = tofHandler->GetDebugFlag(); printf("The debug flag is %i\n",debugFlag); Int_t t0Flag = tofHandler->GetT0Flag(); printf("The T0 flag is %i\n\n",t0Flag); if (t0Flag) { printf("The T0 time will be subtracted from the measured TOF time. So, in TDC bins: \n"); printf("tof = tofRaw - (rawReaderT0->GetData(51,0)+rawReaderT0->GetData(52,0))/2) \n\n"); } else { printf("The T0 time will not be used.\n"); printf("tof = tofRaw \n\n"); } /* init some counters */ int nevents_physics=0; int nevents_total=0; Int_t iev=0; Int_t nPDBEntriesToT = 0; Int_t nDBEntriesToT = 0; AliTOFHitData *HitData; Int_t dummy = -1; Int_t Volume[5]; for (Int_t i=0;i<5;i++) Volume[i]=-1; AliTOFRawStream *rawStreamTOF = new AliTOFRawStream(); AliTOFHitDataBuffer DataBuffer; AliTOFHitDataBuffer PackedDataBuffer; Int_t nDBEntries = 0; Int_t nPDBEntries = 0; struct eventHeaderStruct *event; eventTypeType eventT; /* define data source : this is argument 1 */ status=monitorSetDataSource( argv[1] ); if (status!=0) { printf("monitorSetDataSource() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } /* declare monitoring program */ status=monitorDeclareMp( __FILE__ ); if (status!=0) { printf("monitorDeclareMp() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } /* define wait event timeout - 1s max */ monitorSetNowait(); monitorSetNoWaitNetworkTimeout(1000); /* main loop (infinite) */ for(;;) { /* check shutdown condition */ if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) break; /* get next event (blocking call until timeout) */ status=monitorGetEventDynamic((void **)&event); if (status==MON_ERR_EOF) { printf ("End of File detected\n"); break; /* end of monitoring file has been reached */ } if (status!=0) { printf("monitorGetEventDynamic() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); break; } /* retry if got no event */ if (event==NULL) continue; iev++; /* use event - here, just write event id to result file */ nevents_total++; eventT=event->eventType; switch (event->eventType) { /* START OF RUN */ case START_OF_RUN: break; /* END START OF RUN */ /* END OF RUN */ case END_OF_RUN: break; /* END END OF RUN */ case PHYSICS_EVENT: nevents_physics++; AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); //rawReader->RequireHeader(kFALSE); //T0 event Int_t meantime = 0; AliT0RawReader *rawReaderT0 = new AliT0RawReader(rawReader,kTRUE); if (!rawReaderT0->Next()) { printf("T0: no raw data found!\n"); } else { /* Int_t allData[105][5]; for (Int_t i=0; i<105; i++) { allData[i][0]=rawReaderT0->GetData(i,0); } meantime = allData[49][0]; */ //meantime = rawReaderT0->GetData(49,0); //OLD meantime = (Int_t)((rawReaderT0->GetData(51,0)+rawReaderT0->GetData(52,0))/2.); //Alla if (debugFlag > 0) { printf("\nT0 for the current event:\n"); // debugging purpose printf("time zero = %i (TDC bin)\n", meantime); // debugging purpose printf("time zero = %f (ns)\n\n", (Float_t)(meantime)*24.4*1E-3); // debugging purpose } } delete rawReaderT0; rawReaderT0 = 0x0; rawReader->Reset(); //TOF event dummy = -1; for (Int_t ii=0; ii<5; ii++) Volume[ii]=-1; rawStreamTOF->SetRawReader(rawReader); //rawReader->ReadHeader(); rawStreamTOF->ResetBuffers(); rawStreamTOF->DecodeDDL(0, AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("TOF") - 1,0); nPDBEntriesToT = 0; nDBEntriesToT = 0; for (Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("TOF"); iDDL++) { /* read decoded data */ DataBuffer = rawStreamTOF->GetDataBuffer(iDDL); PackedDataBuffer = rawStreamTOF->GetPackedDataBuffer(iDDL); /* get buffer entries */ nDBEntries = DataBuffer.GetEntries(); nPDBEntries = PackedDataBuffer.GetEntries(); nPDBEntriesToT+=nPDBEntries; nDBEntriesToT+=nDBEntries; //for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < nDBEntries; iHit++) { // HitData = DataBuffer->GetHit(iHit); /* store volume information */ // rawStreamTOF->EquipmentId2VolumeId(HitData, Volume); //} /* reset buffer */ DataBuffer.Reset(); /* read data buffer hits */ for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < nPDBEntries; iHit++) { HitData = PackedDataBuffer.GetHit(iHit); /* add volume information */ HitData->SetDDLID(iDDL); rawStreamTOF->EquipmentId2VolumeId(HitData, Volume); if (Volume[0]==-1 || Volume[1]==-1 || Volume[2]==-1 || Volume[3]==-1 || Volume[4]==-1) continue; else { dummy = Volume[3]; Volume[3] = Volume[4]; Volume[4] = dummy; Int_t tofRaw = (Int_t)((Double_t)HitData->GetTime()*1E3/AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()); Int_t tof; if (!t0Flag) tof = tofRaw; else tof = tofRaw - meantime; Int_t index = geom->GetIndex(Volume); Float_t pos[3]; geom->GetPosPar(Volume,pos); Float_t texp = TMath::Sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]+pos[2]*pos[2])/c*1E9; //expected time in ns Float_t texpBin = texp*1E3/AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth(); //expected time in number of TDC bin Int_t deltabin = tof-TMath::Nint(texpBin); //to be used with real data; rounding expected time to Int_t htofPartial->Fill(index,deltabin); //channel index start from 0, bin index from 1 //debugging printings if (debugFlag > 1) { printf("tofRaw = %i, tof = %i \n",tofRaw,tof); } if (debugFlag > 2) { printf("sector %2d, plate %1d, strip %2d, padz %1d, padx %2d \n",Volume[0],Volume[1],Volume[2],Volume[3],Volume[4]); // too verbose printf("pos x = %f, pos y = %f, pos z = %f \n",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); // too verbose printf("expected time = %f (ns)\n",texp); // too verbose printf("expected time bin = %f (TDC bin)\n",texpBin); // too verbose printf("measured time bin = %i (TDC bin) with %f (ns) and ACQ bit = %i \n",tof, HitData->GetTime(), HitData->GetACQ()); // too verbose printf("index = %6d, deltabin = %d , filling index = %6d, and bin = %d\n",index, deltabin, index, deltabin); // too verbose } } /* reset buffer */ PackedDataBuffer.Reset(); } } //if (debugFlag) { // printf(" Packed Hit Buffer Entries = %i \n",nPDBEntriesToT); // too verbose // printf(" Hit Buffer Entries = %i \n",nDBEntriesToT); // too verbose //} delete rawReader; rawReader = 0x0; } /* free resources */ free(event); /* exit when last event received, no need to wait for TERM signal */ if (eventT==END_OF_RUN) { printf("EOR event detected\n"); break; } } delete rawStreamTOF; rawStreamTOF = 0x0; delete geom; geom = 0x0; //write the Run level file TFile * fileRun = new TFile (FILE_RUN,"RECREATE"); htofPartial->Write(); fileRun->Close(); //write the Total file TH2S *htoftot = 0x0; TFile * filetot = 0x0; Bool_t isThere=kFALSE; const char *dirname = "./"; TString filename = FILE_TOTAL; if((gSystem->FindFile(dirname,filename))!=NULL){ isThere=kTRUE; printf("%s found \n",FILE_TOTAL); } if (isThere) { TFile * filetot1 = new TFile (FILE_TOTAL,"READ"); //look for the file if (!filetot1->IsZombie()){ printf("updating file %s \n",FILE_TOTAL); TIter next(filetot1->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; //look for the histogram while ((key=(TKey*)next())){ const char * namekey = key->GetName(); if (strcmp(namekey,"htoftot")==0) { printf(" histo found \n"); htoftot = (TH2S*) filetot1->Get("htoftot"); htoftot->AddDirectory(0); htoftot->Add(htofPartial); break; } } } filetot1->Close(); delete filetot1; filetot1=0x0; } else { printf(" no %s file found \n",FILE_TOTAL); htoftot = new TH2S(*htofPartial); htoftot->SetName("htoftot"); htoftot->AddDirectory(0); } filetot = new TFile (FILE_TOTAL,"RECREATE"); filetot->cd(); htoftot->Write(); filetot->Close(); delete fileRun; delete filetot; delete htofPartial; delete htoftot; fileRun = 0x0; filetot = 0x0; htofPartial = 0x0; htoftot = 0x0; /* write report */ printf("Run #%s, received %d physics events out of %d\n", getenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER"),nevents_physics,nevents_total); status = 0; /* export file to FXS */ if (daqDA_FES_storeFile(FILE_RUN, "RUNLevel")) status=-2; if (daqDA_FES_storeFile(FILE_TOTAL, "DELAYS")) status=-2; return status; }