/* TOF DA for online calibration from pulser data Contact: Chiara.Zampolli@bo.infn.it Link: www.bo.infn.it/~zampolli Run Type: CALIBRATION, PULSER - to be properly defined DA Type: LDC Number of events needed: 10000 Input Files: TOF.raw, where is the run number Output Files: TOFoutPulserLDC_.root, where is the id of the LDC which is read (2 characters field, e.g. TOFoutPulserLDC_03.root),to be exported to the DAQ FXS Trigger types used: PHYSICS_EVENT, for the time being */ // DATE #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "daqDA.h" #include #include //AliRoot #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //ROOT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" /* Main routine Arguments: list of DATE raw data files */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* magic line from Rene */ gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); AliTOFGeometry * geom = new AliTOFGeometry(); static const Int_t size = AliTOFGeometry::NPadXSector()*AliTOFGeometry::NSectors(); TH1F::AddDirectory(0); TH1I * htofPulser = new TH1I("hTOFpulser","histo with signals on TOF during pulser", size,-0.5,size-0.5); for (Int_t ibin =1;ibin<=size;ibin++){ htofPulser->SetBinContent(ibin,-1); } UInt_t ldcId=0; int status; /* log start of process */ printf("TOF DA started\n"); /* check that we got some arguments = list of files */ if (argc<2) { printf("Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } /* open result file */ FILE *fp=NULL; fp=fopen("./result.txt","a"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Failed to open file\n"); return -1; } /* init some counters */ int nevents_physics=0; int nevents_total=0; /* read the data files */ int n; for (n=1;neventType; if (eventT==PHYSICS_EVENT) { //printf ("event %i \n", nevents_physics); Int_t nPDBEntriesToT = 0; Int_t nDBEntriesToT = 0; AliTOFHitData *HitData; Int_t dummy = -1; Int_t Volume[5]; AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); AliTOFRawStream *rawStreamTOF = new AliTOFRawStream(rawReader); AliTOFDecoder * decoderTOF = new AliTOFDecoder(); AliTOFHitDataBuffer *DataBuffer[72]; AliTOFHitDataBuffer *PackedDataBuffer[72]; for (Int_t i=0;iReadHeader()){ ldcId = rawReader->GetLDCId(); //printf ("ldcId = %i \n",ldcId); //memory leak prevention (actually data should be always 0x0 here) if (data != 0x0)delete [] data; //get equipment infos currentEquipment = rawReader->GetEquipmentId(); currentDDL = rawReader->GetDDLID(); Int_t nchDDL = 0; if (currentDDL%2==0) { nchDDL = 2160; } else { nchDDL = 2208; } Int_t * array = new Int_t[nchDDL]; decoderTOF->GetArrayDDL(array, currentDDL); for (Int_t i=0;iGetBinContent(array[i]+1)<0) htofPulser->SetBinContent(array[i]+1,0); } //printf(" Equipment = %i, and DDL = %i \n", currentEquipment,currentDDL); const Int_t kDataSize = rawReader->GetDataSize(); const Int_t kDataWords = kDataSize / 4; data = new UChar_t[kDataSize]; decoderTOF->SetDataBuffer(DataBuffer[currentDDL]); decoderTOF->SetPackedDataBuffer(PackedDataBuffer[currentDDL]); //start decoding if (!rawReader->ReadNext(data, kDataSize)){ rawReader->AddMajorErrorLog(AliTOFRawStream::kDDLdataReading); printf("Error while reading DDL data. Go to next equipment \n"); delete [] data; data = 0x0; continue; } if (decoderTOF->Decode((UInt_t *)data, kDataWords) == kTRUE) { rawReader->AddMajorErrorLog(AliTOFRawStream::kDDLDecoder,Form("DDL # = %d",currentDDL)); printf("Error while decoding DDL # %d: decoder returned with errors \n", currentDDL); } Int_t nDBEntries = DataBuffer[currentDDL]->GetEntries(); Int_t nPDBEntries = PackedDataBuffer[currentDDL]->GetEntries(); nPDBEntriesToT+=nPDBEntries; nDBEntriesToT+=nDBEntries; /* reset buffer */ DataBuffer[currentDDL]->Reset(); /* read data buffer hits */ for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < nPDBEntries; iHit++){ HitData = PackedDataBuffer[currentDDL]->GetHit(iHit); /* add volume information */ HitData->SetDDLID(currentDDL); rawStreamTOF->EquipmentId2VolumeId(HitData, Volume); if (Volume[0]==-1 || Volume[1]==-1 || Volume[2]==-1 || Volume[3]==-1 || Volume[4]==-1) continue; else { dummy = Volume[3]; Volume[3] = Volume[4]; Volume[4] = dummy; Int_t index = geom->GetIndex(Volume); //printf ("index = %i \n",index); htofPulser->Fill(index); //channel index start from 0, bin index from 1 //debugging printings //printf("sector %i, plate %i, strip %i, padz %i, padx %i \n",Volume[0],Volume[1],Volume[2],Volume[3],Volume[4]); } } /* reset buffer */ PackedDataBuffer[currentDDL]->Reset(); delete [] data; data = 0x0; delete [] array; } //printf(" Packed Hit Buffer Entries = %i \n",nPDBEntriesToT); //printf(" Hit Buffer Entries = %i \n",nDBEntriesToT); delete decoderTOF; decoderTOF=0x0; for (Int_t i=0;i<72;i++){ delete DataBuffer[i]; delete PackedDataBuffer[i]; } delete rawStreamTOF; rawStreamTOF = 0x0; delete rawReader; rawReader = 0x0; nevents_physics++; } nevents_total++; /* free resources */ free(event); } } delete geom; geom = 0x0; //write the Run level file char filename[100]; sprintf(filename,"TOFoutPulserLDC_%02i.root",ldcId); TFile * fileRun = new TFile (filename,"RECREATE"); htofPulser->Write(); fileRun->Close(); /* write report */ fprintf(fp,"Run #%s, received %d physics events out of %d\n",getenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER"),nevents_physics,nevents_total); /* close result file */ fclose(fp); /* store the result file on FES */ status=daqDA_FES_storeFile(filename,filename); if (status) { status = -2; } return status; }