/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Time Projection Chamber // // This class contains the basic functions for the Time Projection Chamber // // detector. Functions specific to one particular geometry are // // contained in the derived classes // // // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliArrayBranch.h" #include "AliDigits.h" #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliPoints.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliSimDigits.h" #include "AliTPC.h" #include "AliTPC.h" #include "AliTPCDigitsArray.h" #include "AliTPCLoader.h" #include "AliTPCPRF2D.h" #include "AliTPCParamSR.h" #include "AliTPCRF1D.h" //#include "AliTPCTrackHits.h" #include "AliTPCTrackHitsV2.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliTPCDigitizer.h" #include "AliTPCBuffer.h" #include "AliTPCDDLRawData.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliTPC) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPC::AliTPC() { // // Default constructor // fIshunt = 0; fHits = 0; fDigits = 0; fNsectors = 0; fDigitsArray = 0; fDefaults = 0; fTrackHits = 0; // fTrackHitsOld = 0; #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(4,0,1) fHitType = 4; // ROOT containers #else fHitType = 2; //default CONTAINERS - based on ROOT structure #endif fTPCParam = 0; fNoiseTable = 0; fActiveSectors =0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPC::AliTPC(const char *name, const char *title) : AliDetector(name,title) { // // Standard constructor // // // Initialise arrays of hits and digits fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTPChit", 176); gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits); fDigitsArray = 0; fDefaults = 0; // fTrackHits = new AliTPCTrackHitsV2; fTrackHits->SetHitPrecision(0.002); fTrackHits->SetStepPrecision(0.003); fTrackHits->SetMaxDistance(100); //fTrackHitsOld = new AliTPCTrackHits; //MI - 13.09.2000 //fTrackHitsOld->SetHitPrecision(0.002); //fTrackHitsOld->SetStepPrecision(0.003); //fTrackHitsOld->SetMaxDistance(100); fNoiseTable =0; #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(4,0,1) fHitType = 4; // ROOT containers #else fHitType = 2; #endif fActiveSectors = 0; // // Initialise counters fNsectors = 0; // fIshunt = 0; // // Initialise color attributes SetMarkerColor(kYellow); // // Set TPC parameters // if (!strcmp(title,"Default")) { fTPCParam = new AliTPCParamSR; } else { AliWarning("In Config.C you must set non-default parameters."); fTPCParam=0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPC::AliTPC(const AliTPC& t):AliDetector(t){ // // dummy copy constructor // } AliTPC::~AliTPC() { // // TPC destructor // fIshunt = 0; delete fHits; delete fDigits; delete fTPCParam; delete fTrackHits; //MI 15.09.2000 // delete fTrackHitsOld; //MI 10.12.2001 if (fNoiseTable) delete [] fNoiseTable; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) { // // Add a hit to the list // if (fHitType&1){ TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits; new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliTPChit(fIshunt,track,vol,hits); } if (fHitType>1) AddHit2(track,vol,hits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::BuildGeometry() { // // Build TPC ROOT TNode geometry for the event display // TNode *nNode, *nTop; TTUBS *tubs; Int_t i; const int kColorTPC=19; char name[5], title[25]; const Double_t kDegrad=TMath::Pi()/180; const Double_t kRaddeg=180./TMath::Pi(); Float_t innerOpenAngle = fTPCParam->GetInnerAngle(); Float_t outerOpenAngle = fTPCParam->GetOuterAngle(); Float_t innerAngleShift = fTPCParam->GetInnerAngleShift(); Float_t outerAngleShift = fTPCParam->GetOuterAngleShift(); Int_t nLo = fTPCParam->GetNInnerSector()/2; Int_t nHi = fTPCParam->GetNOuterSector()/2; const Double_t kloAng = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(innerOpenAngle*kRaddeg); const Double_t khiAng = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(outerOpenAngle*kRaddeg); const Double_t kloAngSh = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(innerAngleShift*kRaddeg); const Double_t khiAngSh = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(outerAngleShift*kRaddeg); const Double_t kloCorr = 1/TMath::Cos(0.5*kloAng*kDegrad); const Double_t khiCorr = 1/TMath::Cos(0.5*khiAng*kDegrad); Double_t rl,ru; // // Get ALICE top node // nTop=gAlice->GetGeometry()->GetNode("alice"); // inner sectors rl = fTPCParam->GetInnerRadiusLow(); ru = fTPCParam->GetInnerRadiusUp(); for(i=0;iSetNumberOfDivisions(1); nTop->cd(); nNode = new TNode(name,title,name,0,0,0,""); nNode->SetLineColor(kColorTPC); fNodes->Add(nNode); } // Outer sectors rl = fTPCParam->GetOuterRadiusLow(); ru = fTPCParam->GetOuterRadiusUp(); for(i=0;iSetNumberOfDivisions(1); nTop->cd(); nNode = new TNode(name,title,name,0,0,0,""); nNode->SetLineColor(kColorTPC); fNodes->Add(nNode); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPC::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t , Int_t ) const { // // Calculate distance from TPC to mouse on the display // Dummy procedure // return 9999; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::CreateMaterials() { //----------------------------------------------- // Create Materials for for TPC simulations //----------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t iSXFLD=gAlice->Field()->Integ(); Float_t sXMGMX=gAlice->Field()->Max(); Float_t amat[5]; // atomic numbers Float_t zmat[5]; // z Float_t wmat[5]; // proportions Float_t density; Float_t apure[2]; //***************** Gases ************************* //------------------------------------------------- // pure gases //------------------------------------------------- // Neon amat[0]= 20.18; zmat[0]= 10.; density = 0.0009; apure[0]=amat[0]; AliMaterial(20,"Ne",amat[0],zmat[0],density,999.,999.); // Argon amat[0]= 39.948; zmat[0]= 18.; density = 0.001782; apure[1]=amat[0]; AliMaterial(21,"Ar",amat[0],zmat[0],density,999.,999.); //-------------------------------------------------------------- // gases - compounds //-------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t amol[3]; // CO2 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=15.9994; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=8.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=2.; density=0.001977; amol[0] = amat[0]*wmat[0]+amat[1]*wmat[1]; AliMixture(10,"CO2",amat,zmat,density,-2,wmat); // CF4 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=18.998; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=9.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=4.; density=0.003034; amol[1] = amat[0]*wmat[0]+amat[1]*wmat[1]; AliMixture(11,"CF4",amat,zmat,density,-2,wmat); // CH4 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=1.; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=1.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=4.; density=0.000717; amol[2] = amat[0]*wmat[0]+amat[1]*wmat[1]; AliMixture(12,"CH4",amat,zmat,density,-2,wmat); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // gases - mixtures, ID >= 20 pure gases, <= 10 ID < 20 -compounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- char namate[21]=""; density = 0.; Float_t am=0; Int_t nc; Float_t rho,absl,x0,buf[1]; Int_t nbuf; Float_t a,z; for(nc = 0;ncGfmate((*fIdmate)[fMixtComp[nc]],namate,a,z,rho,x0,absl,buf,nbuf); amat[nc] = a; zmat[nc] = z; Int_t nnc = (fMixtComp[nc]>=20) ? fMixtComp[nc]%20 : fMixtComp[nc]%10; am += fMixtProp[nc]*((fMixtComp[nc]>=20) ? apure[nnc] : amol[nnc]); density += fMixtProp[nc]*rho; // density of the mixture } // mixture proportions by weight! for(nc = 0;nc=20) ? fMixtComp[nc]%20 : fMixtComp[nc]%10; wmat[nc] = fMixtProp[nc]*((fMixtComp[nc]>=20) ? apure[nnc] : amol[nnc])/am; } // Drift gases 1 - nonsensitive, 2 - sensitive AliMixture(31,"Drift gas 1",amat,zmat,density,fNoComp,wmat); AliMixture(32,"Drift gas 2",amat,zmat,density,fNoComp,wmat); // Air amat[0] = 14.61; zmat[0] = 7.3; density = 0.001205; AliMaterial(24,"Air",amat[0],zmat[0],density,999.,999.); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // solid materials //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Kevlar C14H22O2N2 amat[0] = 12.011; amat[1] = 1.; amat[2] = 15.999; amat[3] = 14.006; zmat[0] = 6.; zmat[1] = 1.; zmat[2] = 8.; zmat[3] = 7.; wmat[0] = 14.; wmat[1] = 22.; wmat[2] = 2.; wmat[3] = 2.; density = 1.45; AliMixture(34,"Kevlar",amat,zmat,density,-4,wmat); // NOMEX amat[0] = 12.011; amat[1] = 1.; amat[2] = 15.999; amat[3] = 14.006; zmat[0] = 6.; zmat[1] = 1.; zmat[2] = 8.; zmat[3] = 7.; wmat[0] = 14.; wmat[1] = 22.; wmat[2] = 2.; wmat[3] = 2.; density = 0.03; AliMixture(35,"NOMEX",amat,zmat,density,-4,wmat); // Makrolon C16H18O3 amat[0] = 12.011; amat[1] = 1.; amat[2] = 15.999; zmat[0] = 6.; zmat[1] = 1.; zmat[2] = 8.; wmat[0] = 16.; wmat[1] = 18.; wmat[2] = 3.; density = 1.2; AliMixture(36,"Makrolon",amat,zmat,density,-3,wmat); // Mylar C5H4O2 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=1.; amat[2]=15.9994; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=1.; zmat[2]=8.; wmat[0]=5.; wmat[1]=4.; wmat[2]=2.; density = 1.39; AliMixture(37, "Mylar",amat,zmat,density,-3,wmat); // SiO2 - used later for the glass fiber amat[0]=28.086; amat[1]=15.9994; zmat[0]=14.; zmat[1]=8.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=2.; AliMixture(38,"SiO2",amat,zmat,2.2,-2,wmat); //SiO2 - quartz (rho=2.2) // Al amat[0] = 26.98; zmat[0] = 13.; density = 2.7; AliMaterial(40,"Al",amat[0],zmat[0],density,999.,999.); // Si amat[0] = 28.086; zmat[0] = 14.; density = 2.33; AliMaterial(41,"Si",amat[0],zmat[0],density,999.,999.); // Cu amat[0] = 63.546; zmat[0] = 29.; density = 8.96; AliMaterial(42,"Cu",amat[0],zmat[0],density,999.,999.); // Tedlar C2H3F amat[0] = 12.011; amat[1] = 1.; amat[2] = 18.998; zmat[0] = 6.; zmat[1] = 1.; zmat[2] = 9.; wmat[0] = 2.; wmat[1] = 3.; wmat[2] = 1.; density = 1.71; AliMixture(43, "Tedlar",amat,zmat,density,-3,wmat); // Plexiglas C5H8O2 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=1.; amat[2]=15.9994; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=1.; zmat[2]=8.; wmat[0]=5.; wmat[1]=8.; wmat[2]=2.; density=1.18; AliMixture(44,"Plexiglas",amat,zmat,density,-3,wmat); // Epoxy - C14 H20 O3 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=1.; amat[2]=15.9994; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=1.; zmat[2]=8.; wmat[0]=14.; wmat[1]=20.; wmat[2]=3.; density=1.25; AliMixture(45,"Epoxy",amat,zmat,density,-3,wmat); // Carbon amat[0]=12.011; zmat[0]=6.; density= 2.265; AliMaterial(46,"C",amat[0],zmat[0],density,999.,999.); // get epoxy gMC->Gfmate((*fIdmate)[45],namate,amat[1],zmat[1],rho,x0,absl,buf,nbuf); // Carbon fiber wmat[0]=0.644; // by weight! wmat[1]=0.356; density=0.5*(1.25+2.265); AliMixture(47,"Cfiber",amat,zmat,density,2,wmat); // get SiO2 gMC->Gfmate((*fIdmate)[38],namate,amat[0],zmat[0],rho,x0,absl,buf,nbuf); wmat[0]=0.725; // by weight! wmat[1]=0.275; density=1.7; AliMixture(39,"G10",amat,zmat,density,2,wmat); //---------------------------------------------------------- // tracking media for gases //---------------------------------------------------------- AliMedium(0, "Air", 24, 0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .01, .1); AliMedium(1, "Drift gas 1", 31, 0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999.,.1,.001, .001); AliMedium(2, "Drift gas 2", 32, 1, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999.,.1,.001, .001); AliMedium(3,"CO2",10,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999.,.1, .001, .001); //----------------------------------------------------------- // tracking media for solids //----------------------------------------------------------- AliMedium(4,"Al",40,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .0005, .001); AliMedium(5,"Kevlar",34,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .0005, .001); AliMedium(6,"Nomex",35,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .001, .001); AliMedium(7,"Makrolon",36,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .001, .001); AliMedium(8,"Mylar",37,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .0005, .001); AliMedium(9,"Tedlar",43,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .0005, .001); AliMedium(10,"Cu",42,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .001, .001); AliMedium(11,"Si",41,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .001, .001); AliMedium(12,"G10",39,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .001, .001); AliMedium(13,"Plexiglas",44,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .001, .001); AliMedium(14,"Epoxy",45,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .0005, .001); AliMedium(15,"Cfiber",47,0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10., 999., .1, .001, .001); } void AliTPC::GenerNoise(Int_t tablesize) { // //Generate table with noise // if (fTPCParam==0) { // error message fNoiseDepth=0; return; } if (fNoiseTable) delete[] fNoiseTable; fNoiseTable = new Float_t[tablesize]; fNoiseDepth = tablesize; fCurrentNoise =0; //!index of the noise in the noise table Float_t norm = fTPCParam->GetNoise()*fTPCParam->GetNoiseNormFac(); for (Int_t i=0;iGaus(0,norm); } Float_t AliTPC::GetNoise() { // get noise from table // if ((fCurrentNoise%10)==0) // fCurrentNoise= gRandom->Rndm()*fNoiseDepth; if (fCurrentNoise>=fNoiseDepth) fCurrentNoise=0; return fNoiseTable[fCurrentNoise++]; //gRandom->Gaus(0, fTPCParam->GetNoise()*fTPCParam->GetNoiseNormFac()); } Bool_t AliTPC::IsSectorActive(Int_t sec) const { // // check if the sector is active if (!fActiveSectors) return kTRUE; else return fActiveSectors[sec]; } void AliTPC::SetActiveSectors(Int_t * sectors, Int_t n) { // activate interesting sectors SetTreeAddress();//just for security if (fActiveSectors) delete [] fActiveSectors; fActiveSectors = new Bool_t[fTPCParam->GetNSector()]; for (Int_t i=0;iGetNSector();i++) fActiveSectors[i]=kFALSE; for (Int_t i=0;i=0) && sectors[i]GetNSector()) fActiveSectors[sectors[i]]=kTRUE; } void AliTPC::SetActiveSectors(Int_t flag) { // // activate sectors which were hitted by tracks //loop over tracks SetTreeAddress();//just for security if (fHitType==0) return; // if Clones hit - not short volume ID information if (fActiveSectors) delete [] fActiveSectors; fActiveSectors = new Bool_t[fTPCParam->GetNSector()]; if (flag) { for (Int_t i=0;iGetNSector();i++) fActiveSectors[i]=kTRUE; return; } for (Int_t i=0;iGetNSector();i++) fActiveSectors[i]=kFALSE; TBranch * branch=0; if (TreeH() == 0x0) { AliFatal("Can not find TreeH in folder"); return; } if (fHitType>1) branch = TreeH()->GetBranch("TPC2"); else branch = TreeH()->GetBranch("TPC"); Stat_t ntracks = TreeH()->GetEntries(); // loop over all hits AliDebug(1,Form("Got %d tracks",ntracks)); for(Int_t track=0;trackGetBranch("fVolumes"); TBranch * br2 = TreeH()->GetBranch("fNVolumes"); br1->GetEvent(track); br2->GetEvent(track); Int_t *volumes = fTrackHits->GetVolumes(); for (Int_t j=0;jGetNVolumes(); j++) fActiveSectors[volumes[j]]=kTRUE; } // // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&2) { // TBranch * br = TreeH()->GetBranch("fTrackHitsInfo"); // br->GetEvent(track); // AliObjectArray * ar = fTrackHitsOld->fTrackHitsInfo; // for (UInt_t j=0;jGetSize();j++){ // fActiveSectors[((AliTrackHitsInfo*)ar->At(j))->fVolumeID] =kTRUE; // } // } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Digits2Raw() { // convert digits of the current event to raw data static const Int_t kThreshold = 0; static const Bool_t kCompress = kTRUE; fLoader->LoadDigits(); TTree* digits = fLoader->TreeD(); if (!digits) { AliError("No digits tree"); return; } AliSimDigits digarr; AliSimDigits* digrow = &digarr; digits->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&digrow); const char* fileName = "AliTPCDDL.dat"; AliTPCBuffer* buffer = new AliTPCBuffer(fileName); //Verbose level // 0: Silent // 1: cout messages // 2: txt files with digits //BE CAREFUL, verbose level 2 MUST be used only for debugging and //it is highly suggested to use this mode only for debugging digits files //reasonably small, because otherwise the size of the txt files can reach //quickly several MB wasting time and disk space. buffer->SetVerbose(0); Int_t nEntries = Int_t(digits->GetEntries()); Int_t previousSector = -1; Int_t subSector = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { digits->GetEntry(i); Int_t sector, row; fTPCParam->AdjustSectorRow(digarr.GetID(), sector, row); if(previousSector != sector) { subSector = 0; previousSector = sector; } if (sector < 36) { //inner sector [0;35] if (row != 30) { //the whole row is written into the output file buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 0, 0, 0, sector, subSector, row); } else { //only the pads in the range [37;48] are written into the output file buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 37, 48, 1, sector, subSector, row); subSector = 1; //only the pads outside the range [37;48] are written into the output file buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 37, 48, 2, sector, subSector, row); }//end else } else { //outer sector [36;71] if (row == 54) subSector = 2; if ((row != 27) && (row != 76)) { buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 0, 0, 0, sector, subSector, row); } else if (row == 27) { //only the pads outside the range [43;46] are written into the output file buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 43, 46, 2, sector, subSector, row); subSector = 1; //only the pads in the range [43;46] are written into the output file buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 43, 46, 1, sector, subSector, row); } else if (row == 76) { //only the pads outside the range [33;88] are written into the output file buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 33, 88, 2, sector, subSector, row); subSector = 3; //only the pads in the range [33;88] are written into the output file buffer->WriteRowBinary(kThreshold, digrow, 33, 88, 1, sector, subSector, row); } }//end else }//end for delete buffer; fLoader->UnloadDigits(); AliTPCDDLRawData rawWriter; rawWriter.SetVerbose(0); rawWriter.RawData(fileName); gSystem->Unlink(fileName); if (kCompress) { AliInfo("Compressing raw data"); rawWriter.RawDataCompDecompress(kTRUE); gSystem->Unlink("Statistics"); } } //______________________________________________________________________ AliDigitizer* AliTPC::CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const { return new AliTPCDigitizer(manager); } //__ void AliTPC::SDigits2Digits2(Int_t /*eventnumber*/) { //create digits from summable digits GenerNoise(500000); //create teble with noise //conect tree with sSDigits TTree *t = fLoader->TreeS(); if (t == 0x0) { fLoader->LoadSDigits("READ"); t = fLoader->TreeS(); if (t == 0x0) { AliError("Can not get input TreeS"); return; } } if (fLoader->TreeD() == 0x0) fLoader->MakeTree("D"); AliSimDigits digarr, *dummy=&digarr; TBranch* sdb = t->GetBranch("Segment"); if (sdb == 0x0) { AliError("Can not find branch with segments in TreeS."); return; } sdb->SetAddress(&dummy); Stat_t nentries = t->GetEntries(); // set zero suppression fTPCParam->SetZeroSup(2); // get zero suppression Int_t zerosup = fTPCParam->GetZeroSup(); //make tree with digits AliTPCDigitsArray *arr = new AliTPCDigitsArray; arr->SetClass("AliSimDigits"); arr->Setup(fTPCParam); arr->MakeTree(fLoader->TreeD()); AliTPCParam * par = fTPCParam; //Loop over segments of the TPC for (Int_t n=0; nGetEvent(n); Int_t sec, row; if (!par->AdjustSectorRow(digarr.GetID(),sec,row)) { AliWarning(Form("Invalid segment ID ! %d",digarr.GetID())); continue; } if (!IsSectorActive(sec)) continue; AliSimDigits * digrow =(AliSimDigits*) arr->CreateRow(sec,row); Int_t nrows = digrow->GetNRows(); Int_t ncols = digrow->GetNCols(); digrow->ExpandBuffer(); digarr.ExpandBuffer(); digrow->ExpandTrackBuffer(); digarr.ExpandTrackBuffer(); Short_t * pamp0 = digarr.GetDigits(); Int_t * ptracks0 = digarr.GetTracks(); Short_t * pamp1 = digrow->GetDigits(); Int_t * ptracks1 = digrow->GetTracks(); Int_t nelems =nrows*ncols; Int_t saturation = fTPCParam->GetADCSat(); //use internal structure of the AliDigits - for speed reason //if you cahnge implementation //of the Alidigits - it must be rewriten - for (Int_t i= 0; izerosup){ if (q>saturation) q=saturation; *pamp1=(Short_t)q; ptracks1[0]=ptracks0[0]; ptracks1[nelems]=ptracks0[nelems]; ptracks1[2*nelems]=ptracks0[2*nelems]; } pamp0++; pamp1++; ptracks0++; ptracks1++; } arr->StoreRow(sec,row); arr->ClearRow(sec,row); } //write results fLoader->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); delete arr; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetDefaults(){ // // setting the defaults // // Set response functions // AliRunLoader* rl = (AliRunLoader*)fLoader->GetEventFolder()->FindObject(AliRunLoader::GetRunLoaderName()); rl->CdGAFile(); AliTPCParamSR *param=(AliTPCParamSR*)gDirectory->Get("75x40_100x60"); if(param){ AliInfo("You are using 2 pad-length geom hits with 3 pad-lenght geom digits..."); delete param; param = new AliTPCParamSR(); } else { param=(AliTPCParamSR*)gDirectory->Get("75x40_100x60_150x60"); } if(!param){ AliFatal("No TPC parameters found"); } AliTPCPRF2D * prfinner = new AliTPCPRF2D; AliTPCPRF2D * prfouter1 = new AliTPCPRF2D; AliTPCPRF2D * prfouter2 = new AliTPCPRF2D; AliTPCRF1D * rf = new AliTPCRF1D(kTRUE); rf->SetGauss(param->GetZSigma(),param->GetZWidth(),1.); rf->SetOffset(3*param->GetZSigma()); rf->Update(); TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TFile *f=TFile::Open("$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/AliTPCprf2d.root"); if (!f->IsOpen()) AliFatal("Can't open $ALICE_ROOT/TPC/AliTPCprf2d.root !"); TString s; prfinner->Read("prf_07504_Gati_056068_d02"); //PH Set different names s=prfinner->GetGRF()->GetName(); s+="in"; prfinner->GetGRF()->SetName(s.Data()); prfouter1->Read("prf_10006_Gati_047051_d03"); s=prfouter1->GetGRF()->GetName(); s+="out1"; prfouter1->GetGRF()->SetName(s.Data()); prfouter2->Read("prf_15006_Gati_047051_d03"); s=prfouter2->GetGRF()->GetName(); s+="out2"; prfouter2->GetGRF()->SetName(s.Data()); f->Close(); savedir->cd(); param->SetInnerPRF(prfinner); param->SetOuter1PRF(prfouter1); param->SetOuter2PRF(prfouter2); param->SetTimeRF(rf); // set fTPCParam SetParam(param); fDefaults = 1; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2Digits() { // // creates digits from hits // fLoader->LoadHits("read"); fLoader->LoadDigits("recreate"); AliRunLoader* runLoader = fLoader->GetRunLoader(); for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) { runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent); SetActiveSectors(); Hits2Digits(iEvent); } fLoader->UnloadHits(); fLoader->UnloadDigits(); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2Digits(Int_t eventnumber) { //---------------------------------------------------- // Loop over all sectors for a single event //---------------------------------------------------- AliRunLoader* rl = (AliRunLoader*)fLoader->GetEventFolder()->FindObject(AliRunLoader::GetRunLoaderName()); rl->GetEvent(eventnumber); if (fLoader->TreeH() == 0x0) { if(fLoader->LoadHits()) { AliError("Can not load hits."); } } SetTreeAddress(); if (fLoader->TreeD() == 0x0 ) { fLoader->MakeTree("D"); if (fLoader->TreeD() == 0x0 ) { AliError("Can not get TreeD"); return; } } if(fDefaults == 0) SetDefaults(); // check if the parameters are set GenerNoise(500000); //create teble with noise //setup TPCDigitsArray if(GetDigitsArray()) delete GetDigitsArray(); AliTPCDigitsArray *arr = new AliTPCDigitsArray; arr->SetClass("AliSimDigits"); arr->Setup(fTPCParam); arr->MakeTree(fLoader->TreeD()); SetDigitsArray(arr); fDigitsSwitch=0; // standard digits for(Int_t isec=0;isecGetNSector();isec++) if (IsSectorActive(isec)) { AliDebug(1,Form("Hits2Digits","Sector %d is active.",isec)); Hits2DigitsSector(isec); } else { AliDebug(1,Form("Hits2Digits","Sector %d is NOT active.",isec)); } fLoader->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); //this line prevents the crash in the similar one //on the beginning of this method //destructor attempts to reset the tree, which is deleted by the loader //need to be redesign if(GetDigitsArray()) delete GetDigitsArray(); SetDigitsArray(0x0); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2SDigits2(Int_t eventnumber) { //----------------------------------------------------------- // summable digits - 16 bit "ADC", no noise, no saturation //----------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------- // Loop over all sectors for a single event //---------------------------------------------------- AliRunLoader* rl = fLoader->GetRunLoader(); rl->GetEvent(eventnumber); if (fLoader->TreeH() == 0x0) { if(fLoader->LoadHits()) { AliError("Can not load hits."); return; } } SetTreeAddress(); if (fLoader->TreeS() == 0x0 ) { fLoader->MakeTree("S"); } if(fDefaults == 0) SetDefaults(); GenerNoise(500000); //create table with noise //setup TPCDigitsArray if(GetDigitsArray()) delete GetDigitsArray(); AliTPCDigitsArray *arr = new AliTPCDigitsArray; arr->SetClass("AliSimDigits"); arr->Setup(fTPCParam); arr->MakeTree(fLoader->TreeS()); SetDigitsArray(arr); fDigitsSwitch=1; // summable digits // set zero suppression to "0" fTPCParam->SetZeroSup(0); for(Int_t isec=0;isecGetNSector();isec++) if (IsSectorActive(isec)) { Hits2DigitsSector(isec); } fLoader->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE"); //this line prevents the crash in the similar one //on the beginning of this method //destructor attempts to reset the tree, which is deleted by the loader //need to be redesign if(GetDigitsArray()) delete GetDigitsArray(); SetDigitsArray(0x0); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2SDigits() { //----------------------------------------------------------- // summable digits - 16 bit "ADC", no noise, no saturation //----------------------------------------------------------- fLoader->LoadHits("read"); fLoader->LoadSDigits("recreate"); AliRunLoader* runLoader = fLoader->GetRunLoader(); for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) { runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent); SetTreeAddress(); SetActiveSectors(); Hits2SDigits2(iEvent); } fLoader->UnloadHits(); fLoader->UnloadSDigits(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2DigitsSector(Int_t isec) { //------------------------------------------------------------------- // TPC conversion from hits to digits. //------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------- // Get the access to the track hits //------------------------------------------------------- // check if the parameters are set - important if one calls this method // directly, not from the Hits2Digits if(fDefaults == 0) SetDefaults(); TTree *tH = TreeH(); // pointer to the hits tree if (tH == 0x0) { AliFatal("Can not find TreeH in folder"); return; } Stat_t ntracks = tH->GetEntries(); if( ntracks > 0){ //------------------------------------------- // Only if there are any tracks... //------------------------------------------- TObjArray **row; Int_t nrows =fTPCParam->GetNRow(isec); row= new TObjArray* [nrows+2]; // 2 extra rows for cross talk MakeSector(isec,nrows,tH,ntracks,row); //-------------------------------------------------------- // Digitize this sector, row by row // row[i] is the pointer to the TObjArray of TVectors, // each one containing electrons accepted on this // row, assigned into tracks //-------------------------------------------------------- Int_t i; if (fDigitsArray->GetTree()==0) { AliFatal("Tree not set in fDigitsArray"); } for (i=0;iCreateRow(isec,i); DigitizeRow(i,isec,row); fDigitsArray->StoreRow(isec,i); Int_t ndig = dig->GetDigitSize(); AliDebug(10, Form("*** Sector, row, compressed digits %d %d %d ***\n", isec,i,ndig)); fDigitsArray->ClearRow(isec,i); } // end of the sector digitization for(i=0;iDelete(); delete row[i]; } delete [] row; // delete the array of pointers to TObjArray-s } // ntracks >0 } // end of Hits2DigitsSector //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::DigitizeRow(Int_t irow,Int_t isec,TObjArray **rows) { //----------------------------------------------------------- // Single row digitization, coupling from the neighbouring // rows taken into account //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl // Modified: Marian Ivanov GSI Darmstadt, m.ivanov@gsi.de //----------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t zerosup = fTPCParam->GetZeroSup(); fCurrentIndex[1]= isec; Int_t nofPads = fTPCParam->GetNPads(isec,irow); Int_t nofTbins = fTPCParam->GetMaxTBin(); Int_t indexRange[4]; // // Integrated signal for this row // and a single track signal // TMatrix *m1 = new TMatrix(0,nofPads,0,nofTbins); // integrated TMatrix *m2 = new TMatrix(0,nofPads,0,nofTbins); // single // TMatrix &total = *m1; // Array of pointers to the label-signal list Int_t nofDigits = nofPads*nofTbins; // number of digits for this row Float_t **pList = new Float_t* [nofDigits]; Int_t lp; Int_t i1; for(lp=0;lpGetEntries(); for (i1=0;i1Zero(); // clear single track signal matrix Float_t trackLabel = GetSignal(rows[row],i1,m2,m1,indexRange); GetList(trackLabel,nofPads,m2,indexRange,pList); } else GetSignal(rows[row],i1,0,m1,indexRange); } } Int_t tracks[3]; AliDigits *dig = fDigitsArray->GetRow(isec,irow); Int_t gi=-1; Float_t fzerosup = zerosup+0.5; for(Int_t it=0;it fTPCParam->GetADCSat()) q = fTPCParam->GetADCSat(); // saturation } else { if(q <= 0.) continue; // do not fill zeros if(q>2000.) q=2000.; q *= 16.; q = TMath::Nint(q); } // // "real" signal or electronic noise (list = -1)? // for(Int_t j1=0;j1<3;j1++){ tracks[j1] = (pList[gi]) ?(Int_t)(*(pList[gi]+j1)) : -2; } //Begin_Html /* using of AliDigits object */ //End_Html dig->SetDigitFast((Short_t)q,it,ip); if (fDigitsArray->IsSimulated()) { ((AliSimDigits*)dig)->SetTrackIDFast(tracks[0],it,ip,0); ((AliSimDigits*)dig)->SetTrackIDFast(tracks[1],it,ip,1); ((AliSimDigits*)dig)->SetTrackIDFast(tracks[2],it,ip,2); } } // end of loop over time buckets } // end of lop over pads // // This row has been digitized, delete nonused stuff // for(lp=0;lpAt(ntr); // pointer to a track TVector &v = *tv; Float_t label = v(0); Int_t centralPad = (fTPCParam->GetNPads(fCurrentIndex[1],fCurrentIndex[3]-1)-1)/2; Int_t nElectrons = (tv->GetNrows()-1)/5; indexRange[0]=9999; // min pad indexRange[1]=-1; // max pad indexRange[2]=9999; //min time indexRange[3]=-1; // max time TMatrix &signal = *m1; TMatrix &total = *m2; // // Loop over all electrons // for(Int_t nel=0; nelGetTotalNormFac(); Float_t xyz[4]={v(idx+1),v(idx+2),v(idx+3),v(idx+5)}; Int_t n = ((AliTPCParamSR*)fTPCParam)->CalcResponseFast(xyz,fCurrentIndex,fCurrentIndex[3]); Int_t *index = fTPCParam->GetResBin(0); Float_t *weight = & (fTPCParam->GetResWeight(0)); if (n>0) for (Int_t i =0; i=0){ Int_t time=index[2]; Float_t qweight = *(weight)*eltoadcfac; if (m1!=0) signal(pad,time)+=qweight; total(pad,time)+=qweight; if (indexRange[0]>pad) indexRange[0]=pad; if (indexRange[1]time) indexRange[2]=time; if (indexRange[3]highest){ *(pList[globalIndex]+5) = middle; *(pList[globalIndex]+4) = highest; *(pList[globalIndex]+3) = signal(ip,it); *(pList[globalIndex]+2) = *(pList[globalIndex]+1); *(pList[globalIndex]+1) = *pList[globalIndex]; *pList[globalIndex] = label; } else if (signal(ip,it)>middle){ *(pList[globalIndex]+5) = middle; *(pList[globalIndex]+4) = signal(ip,it); *(pList[globalIndex]+2) = *(pList[globalIndex]+1); *(pList[globalIndex]+1) = label; } else{ *(pList[globalIndex]+5) = signal(ip,it); *(pList[globalIndex]+2) = label; } } } // end of loop over pads } // end of loop over time bins }//end of GetList //___________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::MakeSector(Int_t isec,Int_t nrows,TTree *TH, Stat_t ntracks,TObjArray **row) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Prepares the sector digitization, creates the vectors of // tracks for each row of this sector. The track vector // contains the track label and the position of electrons. //----------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t gasgain = fTPCParam->GetGasGain(); Int_t i; Float_t xyz[5]; AliTPChit *tpcHit; // pointer to a sigle TPC hit //MI change TBranch * branch=0; if (fHitType>1) branch = TH->GetBranch("TPC2"); else branch = TH->GetBranch("TPC"); //---------------------------------------------- // Create TObjArray-s, one for each row, // each TObjArray will store the TVectors // of electrons, one TVectors per each track. //---------------------------------------------- Int_t *nofElectrons = new Int_t [nrows+2]; // electron counter for each row TVector **tracks = new TVector* [nrows+2]; //pointers to the track vectors for(i=0; iGetEntry(track); // get next track //M.I. changes tpcHit = (AliTPChit*)FirstHit(-1); //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop over hits //-------------------------------------------------------------- while(tpcHit){ Int_t sector=tpcHit->fSector; // sector number if(sector != isec){ tpcHit = (AliTPChit*) NextHit(); continue; } currentTrack = tpcHit->Track(); // track number if(currentTrack != previousTrack){ // store already filled fTrack for(i=0;i0){ TVector &v = *tracks[i]; v(0) = previousTrack; tracks[i]->ResizeTo(5*nofElectrons[i]+1); // shrink if necessary row[i]->Add(tracks[i]); } else { delete tracks[i]; // delete empty TVector tracks[i]=0; } } nofElectrons[i]=0; tracks[i] = new TVector(601); // TVectors for the next fTrack } // end of loop over rows previousTrack=currentTrack; // update track label } Int_t qI = (Int_t) (tpcHit->fQ); // energy loss (number of electrons) //--------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the electron attachment probability //--------------------------------------------------- Float_t time = 1.e6*(fTPCParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(tpcHit->Z())) /fTPCParam->GetDriftV(); // in microseconds! Float_t attProb = fTPCParam->GetAttCoef()* fTPCParam->GetOxyCont()*time; // fraction! //----------------------------------------------- // Loop over electrons //----------------------------------------------- Int_t index[3]; index[1]=isec; for(Int_t nel=0;nelRndm(0)) < attProb) continue; // electron lost! xyz[0]=tpcHit->X(); xyz[1]=tpcHit->Y(); xyz[2]=tpcHit->Z(); // // protection for the nonphysical avalanche size (10**6 maximum) // Double_t rn=TMath::Max(gRandom->Rndm(0),1.93e-22); xyz[3]= (Float_t) (-gasgain*TMath::Log(rn)); index[0]=1; TransportElectron(xyz,index); Int_t rowNumber; fTPCParam->GetPadRow(xyz,index); // Electron track time (for pileup simulation) xyz[4] = tpcHit->Time()/fTPCParam->GetTSample(); // row 0 - cross talk from the innermost row // row fNRow+1 cross talk from the outermost row rowNumber = index[2]+1; //transform position to local digit coordinates //relative to nearest pad row if ((rowNumber<0)||rowNumber>fTPCParam->GetNRow(isec)+1) continue; Float_t x1,y1; if (isec GetNInnerSector()) { x1 = xyz[1]*fTPCParam->GetInnerPadPitchWidth(); y1 = fTPCParam->GetYInner(rowNumber); } else{ x1=xyz[1]*fTPCParam->GetOuterPadPitchWidth(); y1 = fTPCParam->GetYOuter(rowNumber); } // gain inefficiency at the wires edges - linear x1=TMath::Abs(x1); y1-=1.; if(x1>y1) xyz[3]*=TMath::Max(1.e-6,(y1-x1+1.)); nofElectrons[rowNumber]++; //---------------------------------- // Expand vector if necessary //---------------------------------- if(nofElectrons[rowNumber]>120){ Int_t range = tracks[rowNumber]->GetNrows(); if((nofElectrons[rowNumber])>(range-1)/5){ tracks[rowNumber]->ResizeTo(range+500); // Add 100 electrons } } TVector &v = *tracks[rowNumber]; Int_t idx = 5*nofElectrons[rowNumber]-4; Real_t * position = &(((TVector&)v)(idx)); //make code faster memcpy(position,xyz,5*sizeof(Float_t)); } // end of loop over electrons tpcHit = (AliTPChit*)NextHit(); } // end of loop over hits } // end of loop over tracks // // store remaining track (the last one) if not empty // for(i=0;i0){ TVector &v = *tracks[i]; v(0) = previousTrack; tracks[i]->ResizeTo(5*nofElectrons[i]+1); // shrink if necessary row[i]->Add(tracks[i]); } else{ delete tracks[i]; tracks[i]=0; } } delete [] tracks; delete [] nofElectrons; } // end of MakeSector //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Init() { // // Initialise TPC detector after definition of geometry // AliDebug(1,"*********************************************"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::MakeBranch(Option_t* option) { // // Create Tree branches for the TPC. // AliDebug(1,""); Int_t buffersize = 4000; char branchname[10]; sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName()); const char *h = strstr(option,"H"); if ( h && (fHitType<=1) && (fHits == 0x0)) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTPChit", 176);//skowron 20.06.03 AliDetector::MakeBranch(option); const char *d = strstr(option,"D"); if (fDigits && fLoader->TreeD() && d) { MakeBranchInTree(gAlice->TreeD(), branchname, &fDigits, buffersize, 0); } if (fHitType>1) MakeBranch2(option,0); // MI change 14.09.2000 } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::ResetDigits() { // // Reset number of digits and the digits array for this detector // fNdigits = 0; if (fDigits) fDigits->Clear(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecAL(Int_t sec) { //--------------------------------------------------- // Activate/deactivate selection for lower sectors //--------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecAL = sec; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecAU(Int_t sec) { //---------------------------------------------------- // Activate/deactivate selection for upper sectors //--------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecAU = sec; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecLows(Int_t s1,Int_t s2,Int_t s3,Int_t s4,Int_t s5, Int_t s6) { //---------------------------------------- // Select active lower sectors //---------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecLows[0] = s1; fSecLows[1] = s2; fSecLows[2] = s3; fSecLows[3] = s4; fSecLows[4] = s5; fSecLows[5] = s6; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecUps(Int_t s1,Int_t s2,Int_t s3,Int_t s4,Int_t s5, Int_t s6, Int_t s7, Int_t s8 ,Int_t s9 ,Int_t s10, Int_t s11 , Int_t s12) { //-------------------------------- // Select active upper sectors //-------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecUps[0] = s1; fSecUps[1] = s2; fSecUps[2] = s3; fSecUps[3] = s4; fSecUps[4] = s5; fSecUps[5] = s6; fSecUps[6] = s7; fSecUps[7] = s8; fSecUps[8] = s9; fSecUps[9] = s10; fSecUps[10] = s11; fSecUps[11] = s12; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSens(Int_t sens) { //------------------------------------------------------------- // Activates/deactivates the sensitive strips at the center of // the pad row -- this is for the space-point resolution calculations //------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSens = sens; } void AliTPC::SetSide(Float_t side=0.) { // choice of the TPC side fSide = side; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetGasMixt(Int_t nc,Int_t c1,Int_t c2,Int_t c3,Float_t p1, Float_t p2,Float_t p3) { // gax mixture definition fNoComp = nc; fMixtComp[0]=c1; fMixtComp[1]=c2; fMixtComp[2]=c3; fMixtProp[0]=p1; fMixtProp[1]=p2; fMixtProp[2]=p3; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::TransportElectron(Float_t *xyz, Int_t *index) { // // electron transport taking into account: // 1. diffusion, // 2.ExB at the wires // 3. nonisochronity // // xyz and index must be already transformed to system 1 // fTPCParam->Transform1to2(xyz,index); //add diffusion Float_t driftl=xyz[2]; if(driftl<0.01) driftl=0.01; driftl=TMath::Sqrt(driftl); Float_t sigT = driftl*(fTPCParam->GetDiffT()); Float_t sigL = driftl*(fTPCParam->GetDiffL()); xyz[0]=gRandom->Gaus(xyz[0],sigT); xyz[1]=gRandom->Gaus(xyz[1],sigT); xyz[2]=gRandom->Gaus(xyz[2],sigL); // ExB if (fTPCParam->GetMWPCReadout()==kTRUE){ Float_t dx = fTPCParam->Transform2to2NearestWire(xyz,index); xyz[1]+=dx*(fTPCParam->GetOmegaTau()); } //add nonisochronity (not implemented yet) } ClassImp(AliTPChit) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPChit::AliTPChit(Int_t shunt, Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits): AliHit(shunt,track) { // // Creates a TPC hit object // fSector = vol[0]; fPadRow = vol[1]; fX = hits[0]; fY = hits[1]; fZ = hits[2]; fQ = hits[3]; fTime = hits[4]; } //________________________________________________________________________ // Additional code because of the AliTPCTrackHitsV2 void AliTPC::MakeBranch2(Option_t *option,const char */*file*/) { // // Create a new branch in the current Root Tree // The branch of fHits is automatically split // MI change 14.09.2000 AliDebug(1,""); if (fHitType<2) return; char branchname[10]; sprintf(branchname,"%s2",GetName()); // // Get the pointer to the header const char *cH = strstr(option,"H"); // if (fTrackHits && TreeH() && cH && fHitType&4) { AliDebug(1,"Making branch for Type 4 Hits"); TreeH()->Branch(branchname,"AliTPCTrackHitsV2",&fTrackHits,fBufferSize,99); } // if (fTrackHitsOld && TreeH() && cH && fHitType&2) { // AliDebug(1,"Making branch for Type 2 Hits"); // AliObjectBranch * branch = new AliObjectBranch(branchname,"AliTPCTrackHits",&fTrackHitsOld, // TreeH(),fBufferSize,99); // TreeH()->GetListOfBranches()->Add(branch); // } } void AliTPC::SetTreeAddress() { //Sets tree address for hits if (fHitType<=1) { if (fHits == 0x0 ) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTPChit", 176);//skowron 20.06.03 AliDetector::SetTreeAddress(); } if (fHitType>1) SetTreeAddress2(); } void AliTPC::SetTreeAddress2() { // // Set branch address for the TrackHits Tree // AliDebug(1,""); TBranch *branch; char branchname[20]; sprintf(branchname,"%s2",GetName()); // // Branch address for hit tree TTree *treeH = TreeH(); if ((treeH)&&(fHitType&4)) { branch = treeH->GetBranch(branchname); if (branch) { branch->SetAddress(&fTrackHits); AliDebug(1,"fHitType&4 Setting"); } else AliDebug(1,"fHitType&4 Failed (can not find branch)"); } // if ((treeH)&&(fHitType&2)) { // branch = treeH->GetBranch(branchname); // if (branch) { // branch->SetAddress(&fTrackHitsOld); // AliDebug(1,"fHitType&2 Setting"); // } // else // AliDebug(1,"fHitType&2 Failed (can not find branch)"); // } //set address to TREETR TTree *treeTR = TreeTR(); if (treeTR && fTrackReferences) { branch = treeTR->GetBranch(GetName()); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fTrackReferences); } } void AliTPC::FinishPrimary() { if (fTrackHits &&fHitType&4) fTrackHits->FlushHitStack(); // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&2) fTrackHitsOld->FlushHitStack(); } void AliTPC::AddHit2(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) { // // add hit to the list Int_t rtrack; if (fIshunt) { int primary = gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetPrimary(track); gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(primary)->SetBit(kKeepBit); rtrack=primary; } else { rtrack=track; gAlice->GetMCApp()->FlagTrack(track); } if (fTrackHits && fHitType&4) fTrackHits->AddHitKartez(vol[0],rtrack, hits[0], hits[1],hits[2],(Int_t)hits[3],hits[4]); // if (fTrackHitsOld &&fHitType&2 ) // fTrackHitsOld->AddHitKartez(vol[0],rtrack, hits[0], // hits[1],hits[2],(Int_t)hits[3]); } void AliTPC::ResetHits() { if (fHitType&1) AliDetector::ResetHits(); if (fHitType>1) ResetHits2(); } void AliTPC::ResetHits2() { // //reset hits if (fTrackHits && fHitType&4) fTrackHits->Clear(); // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&2) fTrackHitsOld->Clear(); } AliHit* AliTPC::FirstHit(Int_t track) { if (fHitType>1) return FirstHit2(track); return AliDetector::FirstHit(track); } AliHit* AliTPC::NextHit() { // // gets next hit // if (fHitType>1) return NextHit2(); return AliDetector::NextHit(); } AliHit* AliTPC::FirstHit2(Int_t track) { // // Initialise the hit iterator // Return the address of the first hit for track // If track>=0 the track is read from disk // while if track<0 the first hit of the current // track is returned // if(track>=0) { gAlice->ResetHits(); TreeH()->GetEvent(track); } // if (fTrackHits && fHitType&4) { fTrackHits->First(); return fTrackHits->GetHit(); } // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&2) { // fTrackHitsOld->First(); // return fTrackHitsOld->GetHit(); // } else return 0; } AliHit* AliTPC::NextHit2() { // //Return the next hit for the current track // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&2) { // fTrackHitsOld->Next(); // return fTrackHitsOld->GetHit(); // } if (fTrackHits) { fTrackHits->Next(); return fTrackHits->GetHit(); } else return 0; } void AliTPC::LoadPoints(Int_t) { // Int_t a = 0; if(fHitType==1) AliDetector::LoadPoints(a); else LoadPoints2(a); } void AliTPC::RemapTrackHitIDs(Int_t *map) { // // remapping // if (!fTrackHits) return; // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&2){ // AliObjectArray * arr = fTrackHitsOld->fTrackHitsInfo; // for (UInt_t i=0;iGetSize();i++){ // AliTrackHitsInfo * info = (AliTrackHitsInfo *)(arr->At(i)); // info->fTrackID = map[info->fTrackID]; // } // } // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&4){ if (fTrackHits && fHitType&4){ TClonesArray * arr = fTrackHits->GetArray();; for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntriesFast();i++){ AliTrackHitsParamV2 * info = (AliTrackHitsParamV2 *)(arr->At(i)); info->fTrackID = map[info->fTrackID]; } } } Bool_t AliTPC::TrackInVolume(Int_t id,Int_t track) { //return bool information - is track in given volume //load only part of the track information //return true if current track is in volume // // return kTRUE; // if (fTrackHitsOld && fHitType&2) { // TBranch * br = TreeH()->GetBranch("fTrackHitsInfo"); // br->GetEvent(track); // AliObjectArray * ar = fTrackHitsOld->fTrackHitsInfo; // for (UInt_t j=0;jGetSize();j++){ // if ( ((AliTrackHitsInfo*)ar->At(j))->fVolumeID==id) return kTRUE; // } // } if (fTrackHits && fHitType&4) { TBranch * br1 = TreeH()->GetBranch("fVolumes"); TBranch * br2 = TreeH()->GetBranch("fNVolumes"); br2->GetEvent(track); br1->GetEvent(track); Int_t *volumes = fTrackHits->GetVolumes(); Int_t nvolumes = fTrackHits->GetNVolumes(); if (!volumes && nvolumes>0) { AliWarning(Form("Problematic track\t%d\t%d",track,nvolumes)); return kFALSE; } for (Int_t j=0;jGetBranch("fSector"); br->GetEvent(track); for (Int_t j=0;jGetEntriesFast();j++){ if ( ((AliTPChit*)fHits->At(j))->fSector==id) return kTRUE; } } return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::LoadPoints2(Int_t) { // // Store x, y, z of all hits in memory // // if (fTrackHits == 0 && fTrackHitsOld==0) return; if (fTrackHits == 0 ) return; // Int_t nhits =0; if (fHitType&4) nhits = fTrackHits->GetEntriesFast(); // if (fHitType&2) nhits = fTrackHitsOld->GetEntriesFast(); if (nhits == 0) return; Int_t tracks = gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetNtrack(); if (fPoints == 0) fPoints = new TObjArray(tracks); AliHit *ahit; // Int_t *ntrk=new Int_t[tracks]; Int_t *limi=new Int_t[tracks]; Float_t **coor=new Float_t*[tracks]; for(Int_t i=0;iGetTrack(); if(ntrk[trk]==limi[trk]) { // // Initialise a new track fp=new Float_t[3*(limi[trk]+chunk)]; if(coor[trk]) { memcpy(fp,coor[trk],sizeof(Float_t)*3*limi[trk]); delete [] coor[trk]; } limi[trk]+=chunk; coor[trk] = fp; } else { fp = coor[trk]; } fp[3*ntrk[trk] ] = ahit->X(); fp[3*ntrk[trk]+1] = ahit->Y(); fp[3*ntrk[trk]+2] = ahit->Z(); ntrk[trk]++; ahit = NextHit2(); } // for(trk=0; trkSetMarkerColor(GetMarkerColor()); points->SetMarkerSize(GetMarkerSize()); points->SetDetector(this); points->SetParticle(trk); points->SetPolyMarker(ntrk[trk],coor[trk],GetMarkerStyle()); fPoints->AddAt(points,trk); delete [] coor[trk]; coor[trk]=0; } } delete [] coor; delete [] ntrk; delete [] limi; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::LoadPoints3(Int_t) { // // Store x, y, z of all hits in memory // - only intersection point with pad row if (fTrackHits == 0) return; // Int_t nhits = fTrackHits->GetEntriesFast(); if (nhits == 0) return; Int_t tracks = gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetNtrack(); if (fPoints == 0) fPoints = new TObjArray(2*tracks); fPoints->Expand(2*tracks); AliHit *ahit; // Int_t *ntrk=new Int_t[tracks]; Int_t *limi=new Int_t[tracks]; Float_t **coor=new Float_t*[tracks]; for(Int_t i=0;iGetTrack(); Float_t x[3]={ahit->X(),ahit->Y(),ahit->Z()}; Int_t index[3]={1,((AliTPChit*)ahit)->fSector,0}; Int_t currentrow = fTPCParam->GetPadRow(x,index) ; if (currentrow!=lastrow){ lastrow = currentrow; //later calculate intersection point if(ntrk[trk]==limi[trk]) { // // Initialise a new track fp=new Float_t[3*(limi[trk]+chunk)]; if(coor[trk]) { memcpy(fp,coor[trk],sizeof(Float_t)*3*limi[trk]); delete [] coor[trk]; } limi[trk]+=chunk; coor[trk] = fp; } else { fp = coor[trk]; } fp[3*ntrk[trk] ] = ahit->X(); fp[3*ntrk[trk]+1] = ahit->Y(); fp[3*ntrk[trk]+2] = ahit->Z(); ntrk[trk]++; } ahit = NextHit2(); } // for(trk=0; trkSetMarkerColor(GetMarkerColor()+1); points->SetMarkerStyle(5); points->SetMarkerSize(0.2); points->SetDetector(this); points->SetParticle(trk); points->SetPolyMarker(ntrk[trk],coor[trk],30); fPoints->AddAt(points,tracks+trk); delete [] coor[trk]; coor[trk]=0; } } delete [] coor; delete [] ntrk; delete [] limi; } AliLoader* AliTPC::MakeLoader(const char* topfoldername) { //Makes TPC loader fLoader = new AliTPCLoader(GetName(),topfoldername); return fLoader; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliTPCParam* AliTPC::LoadTPCParam(TFile *file) { // // load TPC paarmeters from a given file or create new if the object // is not found there // 12/05/2003 This method should be moved to the AliTPCLoader // and one has to decide where to store the TPC parameters // M.Kowalski char paramName[50]; sprintf(paramName,"75x40_100x60_150x60"); AliTPCParam *paramTPC=(AliTPCParam*)file->Get(paramName); if (paramTPC) { AliDebugClass(1,Form("TPC parameters %s found.",paramName)); } else { AliWarningClass("TPC parameters not found. Create new (they may be incorrect)"); paramTPC = new AliTPCParamSR; } return paramTPC; // the older version of parameters can be accessed with this code. // In some cases, we have old parameters saved in the file but // digits were created with new parameters, it can be distinguish // by the name of TPC TreeD. The code here is just for the case // we would need to compare with old data, uncomment it if needed. // // char paramName[50]; // sprintf(paramName,"75x40_100x60"); // AliTPCParam *paramTPC=(AliTPCParam*)in->Get(paramName); // if (paramTPC) { // cout<<"TPC parameters "<Get(paramName); // if (paramTPC) { // cout<<"TPC parameters "<