/// \file AliTPCCompareTracks.C #ifndef __CINT__ #include "alles.h" #include "AliComplexCluster.h" //#include "AliTPCclusterM.h" #include "AliTPCclusterMI.h" #endif Int_t AliTPCCompareTracks(Int_t eventn, Bool_t all = kFALSE) { cerr<<"Comparing tracks...\n"; //CONNECT FILES TFile *file=TFile::Open("galice.root"); if (!file->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open galice.root !\n"; return 1;} // TFile *ftracks=TFile::Open("AliTPCtracks.root","update"); if (!ftracks->IsOpen()){cerr<<"Can't open AliTPCtracks.root !\n"; return 3;} // AliTPCParam *param=(AliTPCParam *)file->Get("75x40_100x60_150x60"); if (!param) {cerr<<"TPC parameters have not been found !\n"; return 2;} // TFile *fout=TFile::Open("AliTPCTracksDif.root","new"); if (!fout->IsOpen()) fout=TFile::Open("AliTPCClustersDif.root","recreate"); // //connect exact clusters file->cd(); AliTPCClustersArray *ce=new AliTPCClustersArray; ce->Setup(param); ce->SetClusterType("AliComplexCluster"); char cname[100]; sprintf(cname,"TreeCExact_%d",eventn); ce->ConnectTree(cname); // //connect reconstructed tracks ftracks->cd(); sprintf(cname,"Seeds"); TTree * treetracks = (TTree*)ftracks->Get(cname); TBranch * branchtracks = treetracks->GetBranch("seeds"); // //load seeds to the memory Int_t trackmap[500000][4]; // map of tracks corresponding to given track number memset(trackmap,0,sizeof(Int_t)*4*500000); Int_t ntracks = treetracks->GetEntries(); TObjArray * trackarr= new TObjArray(ntracks); Int_t nproces = TMath::Min(ntracks,4000); // for (Int_t itrack =0; itrackfPoints = new TClonesArray("AliTPCTrackPoint",200); branchtracks->SetAddress(&seed); branchtracks->GetEntry(itrack); //if (seed->fRemoval>0 && (itrack%4) ) continue; trackarr->AddLast(seed); //crete array with exact position information seed->fEPoints = new TClonesArray("AliTPCTrackPointRef",1); seed->fEPoints->ExpandCreateFast(200); Int_t label = TMath::Abs(seed->GetLabel()); Int_t i; if (label>500000) { //too big track label }else{ for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if ( trackmap[label][i]==0) break; } if(i<4) trackmap[label][i]=itrack; } } //add information about exact positions Int_t nrows=Int_t(ce->GetTree()->GetEntries()); for (Int_t n=0; nLoadEntry(n); Int_t sec,row; param->AdjustSectorRow(se->GetID(),sec,row); // AliTPCClustersRow* clrowe = ce->GetRow(sec,row); // Int_t ncl=clrowe->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); const Int_t kNIS=param->GetNInnerSector(), kNOS=param->GetNOuterSector(); Int_t npads, sign; if (sec < kNIS) { npads = param->GetNPadsLow(row); sign = (sec < kNIS/2) ? 1 : -1; } else { npads = param->GetNPadsUp(row); sign = ((sec-kNIS) < kNOS/2) ? 1 : -1; } Int_t trrow = row; if (sec>=param->GetNInnerSector()) trrow += param->GetNRowLow(); while (ncl--) { AliComplexCluster *cl=(AliComplexCluster*)(clrowe->GetArray()->At(ncl)); Double_t x=param->GetPadRowRadii(sec,row); Double_t y=cl->fY; y = ( y + 0.5 - 0.5*npads) *param->GetPadPitchWidth(sec); Double_t z=cl->fX*param->GetZWidth(); z = sign*(param->GetZLength() - z); Float_t cs, sn, tmp; param->AdjustCosSin(sec,cs,sn); for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){ if (cl->fTracks[0]<500000) if (trackmap[cl->fTracks[0]][i]) { AliTPCseed * seed = (AliTPCseed*)trackarr->At(trackmap[cl->fTracks[0]][i]); TClonesArray * clarr = seed->fPoints; if (!clarr){ //printf("Seed %d without info",trackmap[cl->fTracks[0]][i]); continue; } AliTPCTrackPoint * trcluster = (AliTPCTrackPoint*)(seed->fPoints->At(trrow)); AliTPCTrackPointRef * ecluster = (AliTPCTrackPointRef*)(seed->fEPoints->At(trrow)); // ecluster->GetCPoint() = trcluster->GetCPoint(); ecluster->GetTPoint() = trcluster->GetTPoint(); // AliTPCExactPoint & epoint = ecluster->GetExactPoint(); /* trcluster->fEZ = z; trcluster->fEY = y; trcluster->fAngleY = cl->fSigmaY2*param->GetPadPitchLength(sec); trcluster->fAngleZ = cl->fSigmaX2*param->GetPadPitchLength(sec); trcluster->fEAmp = cl->fQ; trcluster->fEPrim = cl->fMax; */ epoint.fEZ = z; epoint.fEY = y; epoint.fEAngleY = cl->fSigmaY2*param->GetPadPitchLength(sec); epoint.fEAngleZ = cl->fSigmaX2*param->GetPadPitchLength(sec); epoint.fEAmp = cl->fQ; epoint.fEPrim = cl->fMax; } } } // cr->ClearRow(sec,row); ce->ClearRow(sec,row); } // make new tree - with tracks - exact position fout->cd(); TTree * treenew = new TTree("Seedref","Seedref"); AliTPCseed * ioseed = (AliTPCseed*)trackarr->At(0); TBranch * br = treenew->Branch("seeds","AliTPCseed",&ioseed,32000,99); for (Int_t itrack =0; itrackAt(itrack); br->SetAddress(&ioseed); treenew->Fill(); } treenew->Write(); printf("1\n"); delete ce; printf("2\n"); //delete cr; // carray->GetTree()->Write(); printf("3\n"); // delete carray; printf("4\n"); // cf->Close(); printf("5\n"); fout->Close(); printf("6\n"); ftracks->Close(); printf("7\n"); return 0; }