/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // _________________________________________________________________ // // Begin_Html //

AliTPCFCVoltError3D class

// The class calculates the space point distortions due to residual voltage errors // on the Field Cage (FC) boundaries (rods and strips) of the TPC in 3D. It uses // the Poisson relaxation technique in three dimension as implemented in the parent class. //

// Although the calculation is performed in 3D, the calculation time was significantly // reduced by using certain symmetry conditions within the calculation. //

// The input parameters can be set via the functions (e.g.) SetRodVoltShift(rod,dV) where // rod is the number of the rod on which the voltage offset dV is set. The corresponding // shift in z direction would be $dz=dV/40$ with an opposite sign for the C side. The // rods are numbered in anti-clock-wise direction starting at $\phi=0$. Rods in the IFC // are from 0 to 17, rods on the OFC go from 18 to 35.
// This convention is following the offline numbering scheme of the ROCs. //

// Different misalignment scenarios can be modeled: //

// End_Html // // Begin_Macro(source) // { // gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",500,450); // AliTPCFCVoltError3D fc; // fc.SetOmegaTauT1T2(0,1,1); // fc.SetRotatedClipVoltA(0,40); // fc.SetRodVoltShiftA(3,40); // fc.SetCopperRodShiftA(7+18,40); // fc.SetRodVoltShiftA(15+18,40); // fc.CreateHistoDRPhiinXY(10)->Draw("cont4z"); // return c2; // } // End_Macro // // Begin_Html //

// Date: 08/08/2010
// Authors: Jim Thomas, Stefan Rossegger // End_Html // _________________________________________________________________ #include "AliMagF.h" #include "TGeoGlobalMagField.h" #include "AliTPCcalibDB.h" #include "AliTPCParam.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TMatrixF.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "AliTPCROC.h" #include "AliTPCFCVoltError3D.h" ClassImp(AliTPCFCVoltError3D) AliTPCFCVoltError3D::AliTPCFCVoltError3D() : AliTPCCorrection("FieldCageVoltErrors","FieldCage (Rods) Voltage Errors"), fC0(0.),fC1(0.), fInitLookUp(kFALSE) { // // default constructor // // flags for filled 'basic lookup tables' for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ fInitLookUpBasic[i]= kFALSE; } // Boundary settings for (Int_t i=0; i<36; i++){ fRodVoltShiftA[i] = 0; fRodVoltShiftC[i] = 0; } for (Int_t i=0; i<2; i++){ fRotatedClipVoltA[i] = 0; fRotatedClipVoltC[i] = 0; } // for (Int_t i=0; i<36; i++){ fCopperRodShiftA[i] = 0; fCopperRodShiftC[i] = 0; } // Array which will contain the solution according to the setted boundary conditions // it represents a sum up of the 4 basic look up tables (created individually) // see InitFCVoltError3D() function for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kNPhi ; k++ ) { fLookUpErOverEz[k] = new TMatrixF(kNR,kNZ); fLookUpEphiOverEz[k] = new TMatrixF(kNR,kNZ); fLookUpDeltaEz[k] = new TMatrixF(kNR,kNZ); } for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { fLookUpBasic1ErOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic1EphiOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic1DeltaEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic2ErOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic2EphiOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic2DeltaEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic3ErOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic3EphiOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic3DeltaEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic4ErOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic4EphiOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic4DeltaEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic5ErOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic5EphiOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic5DeltaEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic6ErOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic6EphiOverEz[k] = 0; fLookUpBasic6DeltaEz[k] = 0; } } AliTPCFCVoltError3D::~AliTPCFCVoltError3D() { // // destructor // for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kNPhi ; k++ ) { delete fLookUpErOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpEphiOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpDeltaEz[k]; } for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { delete fLookUpBasic1ErOverEz[k]; // does nothing if pointer is zero! delete fLookUpBasic1EphiOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic1DeltaEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic2ErOverEz[k]; // does nothing if pointer is zero! delete fLookUpBasic2EphiOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic2DeltaEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic3ErOverEz[k]; // does nothing if pointer is zero! delete fLookUpBasic3EphiOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic3DeltaEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic4ErOverEz[k]; // does nothing if pointer is zero! delete fLookUpBasic4EphiOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic4DeltaEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic5ErOverEz[k]; // does nothing if pointer is zero! delete fLookUpBasic5EphiOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic5DeltaEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic6ErOverEz[k]; // does nothing if pointer is zero! delete fLookUpBasic6EphiOverEz[k]; delete fLookUpBasic6DeltaEz[k]; } } void AliTPCFCVoltError3D::Init() { // // Initialization funtion // AliMagF* magF= (AliMagF*)TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField(); if (!magF) AliError("Magneticd field - not initialized"); Double_t bzField = magF->SolenoidField()/10.; //field in T AliTPCParam *param= AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); if (!param) AliError("Parameters - not initialized"); Double_t vdrift = param->GetDriftV()/1000000.; // [cm/us] // From dataBase: to be updated: per second (ideally) Double_t ezField = 400; // [V/cm] // to be updated: never (hopefully) Double_t wt = -10.0 * (bzField*10) * vdrift / ezField ; // Correction Terms for effective omegaTau; obtained by a laser calibration run SetOmegaTauT1T2(wt,fT1,fT2); if (!fInitLookUp) InitFCVoltError3D(); } void AliTPCFCVoltError3D::Update(const TTimeStamp &/*timeStamp*/) { // // Update function // AliMagF* magF= (AliMagF*)TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField(); if (!magF) AliError("Magneticd field - not initialized"); Double_t bzField = magF->SolenoidField()/10.; //field in T AliTPCParam *param= AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); if (!param) AliError("Parameters - not initialized"); Double_t vdrift = param->GetDriftV()/1000000.; // [cm/us] // From dataBase: to be updated: per second (ideally) Double_t ezField = 400; // [V/cm] // to be updated: never (hopefully) Double_t wt = -10.0 * (bzField*10) * vdrift / ezField ; // Correction Terms for effective omegaTau; obtained by a laser calibration run SetOmegaTauT1T2(wt,fT1,fT2); } void AliTPCFCVoltError3D::GetCorrection(const Float_t x[],const Short_t roc,Float_t dx[]) { // // Calculates the correction due e.g. residual voltage errors on the TPC boundaries // const Double_t kEpsilon=Double_t(FLT_MIN); if (!fInitLookUp) { AliInfo("Lookup table was not initialized! Perform the inizialisation now ..."); InitFCVoltError3D(); } static Bool_t forceInit=kTRUE; //temporary needed for back compatibility with old OCDB entries if (forceInit &&fLookUpErOverEz[0]){ if (fLookUpErOverEz[0]->Sum() -fgkZOffSet ) z = -fgkZOffSet; // Protect against discontinuity at CE if ( (sign==1 && z<0) || (sign==-1 && z>0) ) // just a consistency check AliError("ROC number does not correspond to z coordinate! Calculation of distortions is most likely wrong!"); // Get the Er and Ephi field integrals plus the integral over DeltaEz intEr = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phi, kNR, kNZ, kNPhi, fgkRList, fgkZList, fgkPhiList, fLookUpErOverEz ); intEphi = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phi, kNR, kNZ, kNPhi, fgkRList, fgkZList, fgkPhiList, fLookUpEphiOverEz ); intDeltaEz = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phi, kNR, kNZ, kNPhi, fgkRList, fgkZList, fgkPhiList, fLookUpDeltaEz ); // printf("%lf %lf %lf\n",intEr,intEphi,intDeltaEz); // Calculate distorted position if ( r > 0.0 ) { phi = phi + ( fC0*intEphi - fC1*intEr ) / r; r = r + ( fC0*intEr + fC1*intEphi ); } // Calculate correction in cartesian coordinates dx[0] = r * TMath::Cos(phi) - x[0]; dx[1] = r * TMath::Sin(phi) - x[1]; dx[2] = intDeltaEz; // z distortion - (internally scaled with driftvelocity dependency // on the Ez field plus the actual ROC misalignment (if set TRUE) } void AliTPCFCVoltError3D::InitFCVoltError3D() { // // Initialization of the Lookup table which contains the solutions of the // Dirichlet boundary problem // Calculation of the single 3D-Poisson solver is done just if needed // (see basic lookup tables in header file) // const Int_t order = 1 ; // Linear interpolation = 1, Quadratic = 2 const Float_t gridSizeR = (fgkOFCRadius-fgkIFCRadius) / (kRows-1) ; const Float_t gridSizeZ = fgkTPCZ0 / (kColumns-1) ; const Float_t gridSizePhi = TMath::TwoPi() / ( 18.0 * kPhiSlicesPerSector); // temporary arrays to create the boundary conditions TMatrixD *arrayofArrayV[kPhiSlices], *arrayofCharge[kPhiSlices] ; for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { arrayofArrayV[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns) ; arrayofCharge[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns) ; } Double_t innerList[kPhiSlices], outerList[kPhiSlices] ; // list of point as used in the poisson relation and the interpolation (during sum up) Double_t rlist[kRows], zedlist[kColumns] , philist[kPhiSlices]; for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { philist[k] = gridSizePhi * k; for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < kRows ; i++ ) { rlist[i] = fgkIFCRadius + i*gridSizeR ; for ( Int_t j = 0 ; j < kColumns ; j++ ) { // Fill Vmatrix with Boundary Conditions zedlist[j] = j * gridSizeZ ; } } } // ========================================================================== // Solve Poisson's equation in 3D cylindrical coordinates by relaxation technique // Allow for different size grid spacing in R and Z directions const Int_t symmetry[6] = {1,1,-1,-1,1,1}; // shifted rod (2x), rotated clip (2x), only rod shift on OFC (1x) // check which lookup tables are needed --------------------------------- Bool_t needTable[6] ={kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE}; // Shifted rods & strips for ( Int_t rod = 0 ; rod < 18 ; rod++ ) { if (fRodVoltShiftA[rod]!=0) needTable[0]=kTRUE; if (fRodVoltShiftC[rod]!=0) needTable[0]=kTRUE; } for ( Int_t rod = 18 ; rod < 36 ; rod++ ) { if (fRodVoltShiftA[rod]!=0) needTable[1]=kTRUE; if (fRodVoltShiftC[rod]!=0) needTable[1]=kTRUE; } // Rotated clips if (fRotatedClipVoltA[0]!=0 || fRotatedClipVoltC[0]!=0) needTable[2]=kTRUE; if (fRotatedClipVoltA[1]!=0 || fRotatedClipVoltC[1]!=0) needTable[3]=kTRUE; // shifted Copper rods for ( Int_t rod = 0 ; rod < 18 ; rod++ ) { if (fCopperRodShiftA[rod]!=0) needTable[4]=kTRUE; if (fCopperRodShiftC[rod]!=0) needTable[4]=kTRUE; } // shifted Copper rods for ( Int_t rod = 18; rod < 36 ; rod++ ) { if (fCopperRodShiftA[rod]!=0) needTable[5]=kTRUE; if (fCopperRodShiftC[rod]!=0) needTable[5]=kTRUE; } // reserve the arrays for the basic lookup tables ---------------------- if (needTable[0] && !fInitLookUpBasic[0]) { for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { // Possibly make an extra table to be used for 0 == 360 fLookUpBasic1ErOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic1EphiOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic1DeltaEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); // will be deleted in destructor } } if (needTable[1] && !fInitLookUpBasic[1]) { for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { // Possibly make an extra table to be used for 0 == 360 fLookUpBasic2ErOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic2EphiOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic2DeltaEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); // will be deleted in destructor } } if (needTable[2] && !fInitLookUpBasic[2]) { for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { // Possibly make an extra table to be used for 0 == 360 fLookUpBasic3ErOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic3EphiOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic3DeltaEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); // will be deleted in destructor } } if (needTable[3] && !fInitLookUpBasic[3]) { for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { // Possibly make an extra table to be used for 0 == 360 fLookUpBasic4ErOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic4EphiOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic4DeltaEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); // will be deleted in destructor } } if (needTable[4] && !fInitLookUpBasic[4]) { for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { // Possibly make an extra table to be used for 0 == 360 fLookUpBasic5ErOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic5EphiOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic5DeltaEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); // will be deleted in destructor } } if (needTable[5] && !fInitLookUpBasic[5]) { for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { // Possibly make an extra table to be used for 0 == 360 fLookUpBasic6ErOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic6EphiOverEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); fLookUpBasic6DeltaEz[k] = new TMatrixD(kRows,kColumns); // will be deleted in destructor } } // Set bondaries and solve Poisson's equation -------------------------- for (Int_t look=0; look<6; look++) { Float_t inner18[18] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } ; Float_t outer18[18] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } ; if (needTable[look] && !fInitLookUpBasic[look]) { // Specify which rod is the reference; other distortions calculated by summing over multiple rotations of refrence // Note: the interpolation later on depends on it!! Do not change if not really needed! if (look==0) { AliInfo(Form("IFC - ROD&Strip shift : Filling table (~ %d sec)",3*(int)(kPhiSlices/5))); inner18[0] = 1; } else if (look==1) { AliInfo(Form("OFC - ROD&Strip shift : Filling table (~ %d sec)",3*(int)(kPhiSlices/5))); outer18[0] = 1; } else if (look==2) { AliInfo(Form("IFC - Clip rot. : Filling table (~ %d sec)",3*(int)(kPhiSlices/5))); inner18[0] = 1; } else if (look==3) { AliInfo(Form("OFC - Clip rot. : Filling table (~ %d sec)",3*(int)(kPhiSlices/5))); outer18[0] = 1; } else if (look==4) { AliInfo(Form("IFC - CopperRod shift : Filling table (~ %d sec)",3*(int)(kPhiSlices/5))); inner18[0] = 1; } else if (look==5) { AliInfo(Form("OFC - CopperRod shift : Filling table (~ %d sec)",3*(int)(kPhiSlices/5))); outer18[0] = 1; } // Build potentials on boundary stripes for a rotated clip (SYMMETRY==-1) or a shifted rod (SYMMETRY==1) if (look<4) { // in these cases, the strips follow the actual rod shift (linear interpolation between the rods) for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { Int_t slices = kPhiSlicesPerSector ; Int_t ipoint = k/slices ; innerList[k] = (((ipoint+1)*slices-k)*inner18[ipoint]-(k-ipoint*slices)*inner18[ipoint+1])/slices ; outerList[k] = (((ipoint+1)*slices-k)*outer18[ipoint]-(k-ipoint*slices)*outer18[ipoint+1])/slices ; if ( (k%slices) == 0 && symmetry[look] == -1 ) { innerList[k] = 0.0 ; outerList[k] = 0.0 ; } // above, force Zero if Anti-Sym } } else if (look==4){ // in this case, we assume that the strips stay at the correct position, but the rods move // the distortion is then much more localized around the rod (indicated by real data) for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) innerList[k] = outerList[k] = 0; innerList[0] = inner18[0]; // point at rod innerList[0] = inner18[0]/4*3; // point close to rod (educated guess) } else if (look==5){ // in this case, we assume that the strips stay at the correct position, but the copper plated OFC-rods move // the distortion is then much more localized around the rod (indicated by real data) for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) innerList[k] = outerList[k] = 0; outerList[0] = outer18[0]; // point at rod outerList[1] = outer18[0]/4; // point close to rod (educated-`guessed` scaling) } // Fill arrays with initial conditions. V on the boundary and Charge in the volume. for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { TMatrixD &arrayV = *arrayofArrayV[k] ; TMatrixD &charge = *arrayofCharge[k] ; for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < kRows ; i++ ) { for ( Int_t j = 0 ; j < kColumns ; j++ ) { // Fill Vmatrix with Boundary Conditions arrayV(i,j) = 0.0 ; charge(i,j) = 0.0 ; if ( i == 0 ) arrayV(i,j) = innerList[k] ; if ( i == kRows-1 ) arrayV(i,j) = outerList[k] ; } } // no charge in the volume for ( Int_t i = 1 ; i < kRows-1 ; i++ ) { for ( Int_t j = 1 ; j < kColumns-1 ; j++ ) { charge(i,j) = 0.0 ; } } } // Solve Poisson's equation in 3D cylindrical coordinates by relaxation technique // Allow for different size grid spacing in R and Z directions if (look==0) { PoissonRelaxation3D( arrayofArrayV, arrayofCharge, fLookUpBasic1ErOverEz, fLookUpBasic1EphiOverEz, fLookUpBasic1DeltaEz, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, gridSizePhi, kIterations, symmetry[0]) ; AliInfo("IFC - ROD&Strip shift : done "); } else if (look==1) { PoissonRelaxation3D( arrayofArrayV, arrayofCharge, fLookUpBasic2ErOverEz, fLookUpBasic2EphiOverEz, fLookUpBasic2DeltaEz, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, gridSizePhi, kIterations, symmetry[1]) ; AliInfo("OFC - ROD&Strip shift : done "); } else if (look==2) { PoissonRelaxation3D( arrayofArrayV, arrayofCharge, fLookUpBasic3ErOverEz, fLookUpBasic3EphiOverEz, fLookUpBasic3DeltaEz, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, gridSizePhi, kIterations, symmetry[2]) ; AliInfo("IFC - Clip rot. : done "); } else if (look==3) { PoissonRelaxation3D( arrayofArrayV, arrayofCharge, fLookUpBasic4ErOverEz, fLookUpBasic4EphiOverEz, fLookUpBasic4DeltaEz, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, gridSizePhi, kIterations, symmetry[3]) ; AliInfo("OFC - Clip rot. : done "); } else if (look==4) { PoissonRelaxation3D( arrayofArrayV, arrayofCharge, fLookUpBasic5ErOverEz, fLookUpBasic5EphiOverEz, fLookUpBasic5DeltaEz, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, gridSizePhi, kIterations, symmetry[4]) ; AliInfo("IFC - CopperRod shift : done "); } else if (look==5) { PoissonRelaxation3D( arrayofArrayV, arrayofCharge, fLookUpBasic6ErOverEz, fLookUpBasic6EphiOverEz, fLookUpBasic6DeltaEz, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, gridSizePhi, kIterations, symmetry[5]) ; AliInfo("OFC - CopperRod shift : done "); } fInitLookUpBasic[look] = kTRUE; } } // ============================================================================= // Create the final lookup table with corresponding ROD shifts or clip rotations Float_t erIntegralSum = 0.0 ; Float_t ephiIntegralSum = 0.0 ; Float_t ezIntegralSum = 0.0 ; Double_t phiPrime = 0. ; Double_t erIntegral = 0. ; Double_t ephiIntegral = 0. ; Double_t ezIntegral = 0. ; AliInfo("Calculation of combined Look-up Table"); // Interpolate and sum the Basic lookup tables onto the standard grid Double_t r, phi, z ; for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kNPhi ; k++ ) { phi = fgkPhiList[k] ; TMatrixF &erOverEz = *fLookUpErOverEz[k] ; TMatrixF &ephiOverEz = *fLookUpEphiOverEz[k]; TMatrixF &deltaEz = *fLookUpDeltaEz[k] ; for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < kNZ ; i++ ) { z = TMath::Abs(fgkZList[i]) ; // Symmetric solution in Z that depends only on ABS(Z) for ( Int_t j = 0 ; j < kNR ; j++ ) { r = fgkRList[j] ; // Interpolate basicLookup tables; once for each rod, then sum the results erIntegralSum = 0.0 ; ephiIntegralSum = 0.0 ; ezIntegralSum = 0.0 ; // SHIFTED RODS ========================================================= // IFC ROD SHIFTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for ( Int_t rod = 0 ; rod < 18 ; rod++ ) { erIntegral = ephiIntegral = ezIntegral = 0.0 ; if ( fRodVoltShiftA[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] > 0) continue ; if ( fRodVoltShiftC[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] < 0) continue ; // Rotate to a position where we have maps and prepare to sum phiPrime = phi - rod*kPhiSlicesPerSector*gridSizePhi ; if ( phiPrime < 0 ) phiPrime += TMath::TwoPi() ; // Stay in range from 0 to TwoPi if ( (phiPrime >= 0) && (phiPrime <= kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi) ) { erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic1ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic1EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic1DeltaEz ); } else if ( (phiPrime <= TMath::TwoPi()) && (phiPrime >= (TMath::TwoPi()-kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi)) ){ phiPrime = TMath::TwoPi() - phiPrime ; erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic1ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic1EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic1DeltaEz ); // Flip symmetry of phi integral for symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[0] == 1 ) ephiIntegral *= -1 ; // Flip symmetry of r integral if anti-symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[0] == -1 ) erIntegral *= -1 ; } if ( fgkZList[i] > 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftA[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftA[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftA[rod]*ezIntegral; } else if ( fgkZList[i] < 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftC[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftC[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum -= fRodVoltShiftC[rod]*ezIntegral; } } // OFC ROD SHIFTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for ( Int_t rod = 18 ; rod < 36 ; rod++ ) { erIntegral = ephiIntegral = ezIntegral = 0.0 ; if ( fRodVoltShiftA[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] > 0) continue ; if ( fRodVoltShiftC[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] < 0) continue ; // Rotate to a position where we have maps and prepare to sum phiPrime = phi - (rod-18)*kPhiSlicesPerSector*gridSizePhi ; if ( phiPrime < 0 ) phiPrime += TMath::TwoPi() ; // Stay in range from 0 to TwoPi if ( (phiPrime >= 0) && (phiPrime <= kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi) ) { erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic2ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic2EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic2DeltaEz ); } else if ( (phiPrime <= TMath::TwoPi()) && (phiPrime >= (TMath::TwoPi()-kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi)) ){ phiPrime = TMath::TwoPi() - phiPrime ; erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic2ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic2EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic2DeltaEz ); // Flip symmetry of phi integral for symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[1] == 1 ) ephiIntegral *= -1 ; // Flip symmetry of r integral if anti-symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[1] == -1 ) erIntegral *= -1 ; } if ( fgkZList[i] > 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftA[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftA[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftA[rod]*ezIntegral; } else if ( fgkZList[i] < 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftC[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRodVoltShiftC[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum -= fRodVoltShiftC[rod]*ezIntegral; } } // rod loop - shited ROD // Rotated clips ========================================================= Int_t rodIFC = 11; // resistor rod positions, IFC Int_t rodOFC = 3; // resistor rod positions, OFC // just one rod on IFC and OFC // IFC ROTATED CLIP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for ( Int_t rod = rodIFC ; rod < rodIFC+1 ; rod++ ) { // loop over 1 to keep the "ignore"-functionality erIntegral = ephiIntegral = ezIntegral = 0.0 ; if ( fRotatedClipVoltA[0] == 0 && fgkZList[i] > 0) continue ; if ( fRotatedClipVoltC[0] == 0 && fgkZList[i] < 0) continue ; // Rotate to a position where we have maps and prepare to sum phiPrime = phi - rod*kPhiSlicesPerSector*gridSizePhi ; if ( phiPrime < 0 ) phiPrime += TMath::TwoPi() ; // Stay in range from 0 to TwoPi if ( (phiPrime >= 0) && (phiPrime <= kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi) ) { erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic3ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic3EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic3DeltaEz ); } else if ( (phiPrime <= TMath::TwoPi()) && (phiPrime >= (TMath::TwoPi()-kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi)) ){ phiPrime = TMath::TwoPi() - phiPrime ; erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic3ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic3EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic3DeltaEz ); // Flip symmetry of phi integral for symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[2] == 1 ) ephiIntegral *= -1 ; // Flip symmetry of r integral if anti-symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[2] == -1 ) erIntegral *= -1 ; } if ( fgkZList[i] > 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltA[0]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltA[0]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltA[0]*ezIntegral; } else if ( fgkZList[i] < 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltC[0]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltC[0]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum -= fRotatedClipVoltC[0]*ezIntegral; } } // OFC: ROTATED CLIP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for ( Int_t rod = rodOFC ; rod < rodOFC+1 ; rod++ ) { // loop over 1 to keep the "ignore"-functionality erIntegral = ephiIntegral = ezIntegral = 0.0 ; if ( fRotatedClipVoltA[1] == 0 && fgkZList[i] > 0) continue ; if ( fRotatedClipVoltC[1] == 0 && fgkZList[i] < 0) continue ; // Rotate to a position where we have maps and prepare to sum phiPrime = phi - rod*kPhiSlicesPerSector*gridSizePhi ; if ( phiPrime < 0 ) phiPrime += TMath::TwoPi() ; // Stay in range from 0 to TwoPi if ( (phiPrime >= 0) && (phiPrime <= kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi) ) { erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic4ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic4EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic4DeltaEz ); } else if ( (phiPrime <= TMath::TwoPi()) && (phiPrime >= (TMath::TwoPi()-kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi)) ){ phiPrime = TMath::TwoPi() - phiPrime ; erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic4ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic4EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic4DeltaEz ); // Flip symmetry of phi integral for symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[3] == 1 ) ephiIntegral *= -1 ; // Flip symmetry of r integral if anti-symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[3] == -1 ) erIntegral *= -1 ; } if ( fgkZList[i] > 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltA[1]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltA[1]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltA[1]*ezIntegral; } else if ( fgkZList[i] < 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltC[1]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fRotatedClipVoltC[1]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum -= fRotatedClipVoltC[1]*ezIntegral; } } // IFC Cooper rod shift +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for ( Int_t rod = 0 ; rod < 18 ; rod++ ) { erIntegral = ephiIntegral = ezIntegral = 0.0 ; if ( fCopperRodShiftA[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] > 0) continue ; if ( fCopperRodShiftC[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] < 0) continue ; // Rotate to a position where we have maps and prepare to sum phiPrime = phi - rod*kPhiSlicesPerSector*gridSizePhi ; if ( phiPrime < 0 ) phiPrime += TMath::TwoPi() ; // Stay in range from 0 to TwoPi if ( (phiPrime >= 0) && (phiPrime <= kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi) ) { erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic5ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic5EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic5DeltaEz ); } else if ( (phiPrime <= TMath::TwoPi()) && (phiPrime >= (TMath::TwoPi()-kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi)) ){ phiPrime = TMath::TwoPi() - phiPrime ; erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic5ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic5EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic5DeltaEz ); // Flip symmetry of phi integral for symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[4] == 1 ) ephiIntegral *= -1 ; // Flip symmetry of r integral if anti-symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[4] == -1 ) erIntegral *= -1 ; } if ( fgkZList[i] > 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftA[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftA[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftA[rod]*ezIntegral; } else if ( fgkZList[i] < 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftC[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftC[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum -= fCopperRodShiftC[rod]*ezIntegral; } } // OFC Cooper rod shift +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for ( Int_t rod = 18 ; rod < 36 ; rod++ ) { erIntegral = ephiIntegral = ezIntegral = 0.0 ; if ( fCopperRodShiftA[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] > 0) continue ; if ( fCopperRodShiftC[rod] == 0 && fgkZList[i] < 0) continue ; // Rotate to a position where we have maps and prepare to sum phiPrime = phi - (rod-18)*kPhiSlicesPerSector*gridSizePhi ; if ( phiPrime < 0 ) phiPrime += TMath::TwoPi() ; // Stay in range from 0 to TwoPi if ( (phiPrime >= 0) && (phiPrime <= kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi) ) { erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic6ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic6EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic6DeltaEz ); } else if ( (phiPrime <= TMath::TwoPi()) && (phiPrime >= (TMath::TwoPi()-kPhiSlices*gridSizePhi)) ){ phiPrime = TMath::TwoPi() - phiPrime ; erIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic6ErOverEz ); ephiIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic6EphiOverEz); ezIntegral = Interpolate3DTable(order, r, z, phiPrime, kRows, kColumns, kPhiSlices, rlist, zedlist, philist, fLookUpBasic6DeltaEz ); // Flip symmetry of phi integral for symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[5] == 1 ) ephiIntegral *= -1 ; // Flip symmetry of r integral if anti-symmetric boundary conditions if ( symmetry[5] == -1 ) erIntegral *= -1 ; } if ( fgkZList[i] > 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftA[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftA[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftA[rod]*ezIntegral; } else if ( fgkZList[i] < 0 ) { erIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftC[rod]*erIntegral ; ephiIntegralSum += fCopperRodShiftC[rod]*ephiIntegral ; ezIntegralSum -= fCopperRodShiftC[rod]*ezIntegral; } } // put the sum into the final lookup table erOverEz(j,i) = erIntegralSum; ephiOverEz(j,i) = ephiIntegralSum; deltaEz(j,i) = ezIntegralSum; // if (j==1) printf("%lf %lf %lf: %lf %lf %lf\n",r, phi, z, erIntegralSum,ephiIntegralSum,ezIntegralSum); } // endo r loop } // end of z loop } // end of phi loop // clear the temporary arrays lists for ( Int_t k = 0 ; k < kPhiSlices ; k++ ) { delete arrayofArrayV[k]; delete arrayofCharge[k]; } AliInfo(" done"); fInitLookUp = kTRUE; } void AliTPCFCVoltError3D::Print(const Option_t* option) const { // // Print function to check the settings of the Rod shifts and the rotated clips // option=="a" prints the C0 and C1 coefficents for calibration purposes // TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); printf("%s\n",GetTitle()); printf(" - ROD shifts (residual voltage settings): 40V correspond to 1mm of shift\n"); Int_t count = 0; printf(" : A-side - (Rod & Strips) \n "); for (Int_t i=0; i<36;i++) { if (fRodVoltShiftA[i]!=0) { printf("Rod%2d:%3.1fV ",i,fRodVoltShiftA[i]); count++; } if (count==0&&i==35) printf("-> all at 0 V\n"); else if (i==35){ printf("\n"); count=0; } } printf(" : C-side - (Rod & Strips) \n "); for (Int_t i=0; i<36;i++) { if (fRodVoltShiftC[i]!=0) { printf("Rod%2d:%3.1fV ",i,fRodVoltShiftC[i]); count++; } if (count==0&&i==35) printf("-> all at 0 V\n"); else if (i==35){ printf("\n"); count=0; } } printf(" - Rotated clips (residual voltage settings): 40V correspond to 1mm of 'offset'\n"); if (fRotatedClipVoltA[0]!=0) { printf(" A side (IFC): HV Rod: %3.1f V \n",fRotatedClipVoltA[0]); count++; } if (fRotatedClipVoltA[1]!=0) { printf(" A side (OFC): HV Rod: %3.1f V \n",fRotatedClipVoltA[1]); count++; } if (fRotatedClipVoltC[0]!=0) { printf(" C side (IFC): HV Rod: %3.1f V \n",fRotatedClipVoltC[0]); count++; } if (fRotatedClipVoltC[1]!=0) { printf(" C side (OFC): HV Rod: %3.1f V \n",fRotatedClipVoltC[1]); count++; } if (count==0) printf(" -> no rotated clips \n"); count=0; printf(" - Copper ROD shifts (without strips):\n"); printf(" : A-side - (Copper Rod shift) \n "); for (Int_t i=0; i<36;i++) { if (fCopperRodShiftA[i]!=0) { printf("Rod%2d:%3.1fV ",i,fCopperRodShiftA[i]); count++; } if (count==0&&i==35) printf("-> all at 0 V\n"); else if (i==35){ printf("\n"); count=0; } } printf(" : C-side - (Copper Rod shift) \n "); for (Int_t i=0; i<36;i++) { if (fCopperRodShiftC[i]!=0) { printf("Rod%2d:%3.1fV ",i,fCopperRodShiftC[i]); count++; } if (count==0&&i==35) printf("-> all at 0 V\n"); else if (i==35){ printf("\n"); count=0; } } if (opt.Contains("a")) { // Print all details printf(" - T1: %1.4f, T2: %1.4f \n",fT1,fT2); printf(" - C1: %1.4f, C0: %1.4f \n",fC1,fC0); } if (!fInitLookUp) AliError("Lookup table was not initialized! You should do InitFCVoltError3D() ..."); }