#ifndef ALITPCLASERTRACKS_H #define ALITPCLASERTRACKS_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Container class for laser track positions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TString; //class TPolyLine3D; class TObjArray; class TGraph; class TVector3; #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class AliTPCLaserTracks //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AliTPCLaserTracks : public TObject { public: AliTPCLaserTracks(); AliTPCLaserTracks(Int_t npoints); virtual ~AliTPCLaserTracks(); Int_t GetId() {return fId; } Int_t GetSide() {return fSide; } Int_t GetRod() {return fRod; } Int_t GetBundle(){return fBundle; } Int_t GetBeam() {return fBeam; } Double_t GetX() {return fX; } Double_t GetY() {return fY; } Double_t GetZ() {return fZ; } Double_t GetPhi() {return fPhi; } Double_t GetTheta(){return fTheta;} TPolyLine3D *GetLine(); Int_t SetPoint(Int_t point, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z); void SetId (Int_t id) {fId = id; } void SetSide (Int_t side) {fSide = side; } void SetRod (Int_t rod) {fRod = rod; } void SetBundle(Int_t bundle){fBundle = bundle;} void SetBeam (Int_t beam) {fBeam = beam; } void SetX (Double_t x) {fX = x; } void SetY (Double_t y) {fY = y; } void SetZ (Double_t z) {fZ = z; } void SetPhi (Double_t phi) {fPhi = phi; } void SetTheta(Double_t theta){fTheta = theta;} // void SetLine(TPolyLine3D *l) {fLine = l; } void WriteTreeDesignData(); Int_t FindMirror(Char_t *file, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t phi); TObjArray* GetLines(Char_t* file, Char_t *cuts=""); protected: Int_t fId; //Laser beam id (0-335) Int_t fSide; //TPC side; 0:Shaft Side (A) -- 1:Muon Side (C) Int_t fRod; //Laser Rod (0-5) Int_t fBundle; //Mirror bundle in the Rod (0-3) Int_t fBeam; //Laser Beam in the bundle (0-6) Double_t fX; //X-position of the mirror in the bundle Double_t fY; //Y-position of the mirror in the bundle Double_t fZ; //Z-position of the mirror in the bundle Double_t fTime; //time-position of the mirror in the bundle Double_t fPhi; //Phi direction of the laser beam Double_t fTheta; //Theta direction of the laser beam // TPolyLine3D *fLine; //Line of the track in the TPC Int_t fMaxSize; //! Number of points in array Int_t fNpoints; //Number of points Double_t *fXarr; //[fNpoints] array of a line (x,y,z) Double_t *fYarr; //[fNpoints] array of a line (x,y,z) Double_t *fZarr; //[fNpoints] array of a line (x,y,z) void InitPoints(); Double_t FindBeamLength(TVector3 vS, TVector3 vP); ClassDef(AliTPCLaserTracks,1) }; #endif