/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manager and of geomety classes for set: TPC // // // // !sectors are numbered from 0 // // !pad rows are numbered from 0 // // // 27.7. - AliTPCPaaramSr object for TPC // TPC with straight pad rows // Origin: Marian Ivanov, Uni. of Bratislava, ivanov@fmph.uniba.sk // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#include #include #include "AliTPCPRF2D.h" #include "AliTPCParamSR.h" #include "AliTPCRF1D.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "AliTPCROC.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" ClassImp(AliTPCParamSR) static const Int_t kMaxRows=600; static const Float_t kEdgeSectorSpace = 2.5; static const Float_t kFacSigmaPadRow=3.; static const Float_t kFacSigmaPad=3.; static const Float_t kFacSigmaTime=3.; AliTPCParamSR::AliTPCParamSR() :AliTPCParam(), fInnerPRF(0), fOuter1PRF(0), fOuter2PRF(0), fTimeRF(0), fFacSigmaPadRow(0), fFacSigmaPad(0), fFacSigmaTime(0) { // //constructor set the default parameters // fFacSigmaPadRow = Float_t(kFacSigmaPadRow); fFacSigmaPad = Float_t(kFacSigmaPad); fFacSigmaTime = Float_t(kFacSigmaTime); SetDefault(); Update(); } AliTPCParamSR::AliTPCParamSR(const AliTPCParamSR ¶m) :AliTPCParam(), fInnerPRF(0), fOuter1PRF(0), fOuter2PRF(0), fTimeRF(0), fFacSigmaPadRow(0), fFacSigmaPad(0), fFacSigmaTime(0) { // // copy constructor - dummy // fFacSigmaPadRow = param.fFacSigmaPadRow; } AliTPCParamSR & AliTPCParamSR::operator =(const AliTPCParamSR & param) { // // assignment operator - dummy // fZLength=param.fZLength; return (*this); } AliTPCParamSR::~AliTPCParamSR() { // //destructor destroy some dynmicaly alocated variables if (fInnerPRF != 0) delete fInnerPRF; if (fOuter1PRF != 0) delete fOuter1PRF; if (fOuter2PRF != 0) delete fOuter2PRF; if (fTimeRF != 0) delete fTimeRF; } void AliTPCParamSR::SetDefault() { //set default TPC param fbStatus = kFALSE; AliTPCParam::SetDefault(); } Int_t AliTPCParamSR::CalcResponse(Float_t* xyz, Int_t * index, Int_t row) { // //calculate bin response as function of the input position -x //return number of valid response bin // //we suppose that coordinate is expressed in float digits // it's mean coordinate system 8 //xyz[0] - float padrow xyz[1] is float pad (center pad is number 0) and xyz[2] is float time bin //xyz[3] - electron time in float time bin format if ( (fInnerPRF==0)||(fOuter1PRF==0)||(fOuter2PRF==0) ||(fTimeRF==0) ){ Error("AliTPCParamSR", "response function was not adjusted"); return -1; } Float_t sfpadrow; // sigma of response function Float_t sfpad; // sigma of Float_t sftime= fFacSigmaTime*fTimeRF->GetSigma()/fZWidth; //3 sigma of time response if (index[1]GetSigmaY()/fInnerPadPitchLength; sfpad =fFacSigmaPad*fInnerPRF->GetSigmaX()/fInnerPadPitchWidth; } else{ if(rowGetSigmaY()/fOuter1PadPitchLength; sfpad =fFacSigmaPad*fOuter1PRF->GetSigmaX()/fOuterPadPitchWidth;} else{ sfpadrow =fFacSigmaPadRow*fOuter2PRF->GetSigmaY()/fOuter2PadPitchLength; sfpad =fFacSigmaPad*fOuter2PRF->GetSigmaX()/fOuterPadPitchWidth; } } Int_t fpadrow = TMath::Max(TMath::Nint(index[2]+xyz[0]-sfpadrow),0); //"first" padrow Int_t fpad = TMath::Nint(xyz[1]-sfpad); //first pad Int_t ftime = TMath::Max(TMath::Nint(xyz[2]+xyz[3]+GetZOffset()/GetZWidth()-sftime),0); // first time Int_t lpadrow = TMath::Min(TMath::Nint(index[2]+xyz[0]+sfpadrow),fpadrow+19); //"last" padrow lpadrow = TMath::Min(GetNRow(index[1])-1,lpadrow); Int_t lpad = TMath::Min(TMath::Nint(xyz[1]+sfpad),fpad+19); //last pad Int_t ltime = TMath::Min(TMath::Nint(xyz[2]+xyz[3]+GetZOffset()/GetZWidth()+sftime),ftime+19); // last time ltime = TMath::Min(ltime,GetMaxTBin()-1); // Int_t npads = GetNPads(index[1],row); if (fpad<-npads/2) fpad = -npads/2; if (lpad>npads/2) lpad= npads/2; if (ftime<0) ftime=0; // if (row>=0) { //if we are interesting about given pad row if (fpadrow<=row) fpadrow =row; else return 0; if (lpadrow>=row) lpadrow = row; else return 0; } Float_t padres[20][20]; //I don't expect bigger number of bins Float_t timeres[20]; Int_t cindex3=0; Int_t cindex=0; Float_t cweight = 0; if (fpadrow>=0) { //calculate padresponse function Int_t padrow, pad; for (padrow = fpadrow;padrow<=lpadrow;padrow++) for (pad = fpad;pad<=lpad;pad++){ Float_t dy = (xyz[0]+Float_t(index[2]-padrow)); Float_t dx = (xyz[1]+Float_t(pad)); if (index[1]GetPRF(dx*fInnerPadPitchWidth,dy*fInnerPadPitchLength); else{ if(rowGetPRF(dx*fOuterPadPitchWidth,dy*fOuter1PadPitchLength);} else{ padres[padrow-fpadrow][pad-fpad]=fOuter2PRF->GetPRF(dx*fOuterPadPitchWidth,dy*fOuter2PadPitchLength);}}} //calculate time response function Int_t time; for (time = ftime;time<=ltime;time++) timeres[time-ftime]= fTimeRF->GetRF((-xyz[2]-xyz[3]+Float_t(time))*fZWidth); //write over threshold values to stack for (padrow = fpadrow;padrow<=lpadrow;padrow++) for (pad = fpad;pad<=lpad;pad++) for (time = ftime;time<=ltime;time++){ cweight = timeres[time-ftime]*padres[padrow-fpadrow][pad-fpad]; if (cweight>fResponseThreshold) { fResponseBin[cindex3]=padrow; fResponseBin[cindex3+1]=pad; fResponseBin[cindex3+2]=time; cindex3+=3; fResponseWeight[cindex]=cweight; cindex++; } } } fCurrentMax=cindex; return fCurrentMax; } void AliTPCParamSR::TransformTo8(Float_t *xyz, Int_t *index) const { // // transformate point to digit coordinate // if (index[0]==0) Transform0to1(xyz,index); if (index[0]==1) Transform1to2(xyz,index); if (index[0]==2) Transform2to3(xyz,index); if (index[0]==3) Transform3to4(xyz,index); if (index[0]==4) Transform4to8(xyz,index); } void AliTPCParamSR::TransformTo2(Float_t *xyz, Int_t *index) const { // //transformate point to rotated coordinate // //we suppose that if (index[0]==0) Transform0to1(xyz,index); if (index[0]==1) Transform1to2(xyz,index); if (index[0]==4) Transform4to3(xyz,index); if (index[0]==8) { //if we are in digit coordinate system transform to global Transform8to4(xyz,index); Transform4to3(xyz,index); } } void AliTPCParamSR::CRXYZtoXYZ(Float_t *xyz, const Int_t §or, const Int_t & padrow, Int_t option) const { //transform relative coordinates to absolute Bool_t rel = ( (option&2)!=0); Int_t index[3]={sector,padrow,0}; if (rel==kTRUE) Transform4to3(xyz,index);//if the position is relative to pad row Transform2to1(xyz,index); } void AliTPCParamSR::XYZtoCRXYZ(Float_t *xyz, Int_t §or, Int_t & padrow, Int_t option) const { //transform global position to the position relative to the sector padrow //if option=0 X calculate absolute calculate sector //if option=1 X absolute use input sector //if option=2 X relative to pad row calculate sector //if option=3 X relative use input sector //!!!!!!!!! WE start to calculate rows from row = 0 Int_t index[2]; Bool_t rel = ( (option&2)!=0); //option 0 and 2 means that we don't have information about sector if ((option&1)==0) Transform0to1(xyz,index); //we calculate sector number else index[0]=sector; Transform1to2(xyz,index); Transform2to3(xyz,index); //if we store relative position calculate position relative to pad row if (rel==kTRUE) Transform3to4(xyz,index); sector = index[0]; padrow = index[1]; } Float_t AliTPCParamSR::GetPrimaryLoss(Float_t */*x*/, Int_t *index, Float_t *angle) { // // Float_t padlength=GetPadPitchLength(index[1]); Float_t a1=TMath::Sin(angle[0]); a1*=a1; Float_t a2=TMath::Sin(angle[1]); a2*=a2; Float_t length =padlength*TMath::Sqrt(1+a1+a2); return length*fNPrimLoss; } Float_t AliTPCParamSR::GetTotalLoss(Float_t */*x*/, Int_t *index, Float_t *angle) { // // Float_t padlength=GetPadPitchLength(index[1]); Float_t a1=TMath::Sin(angle[0]); a1*=a1; Float_t a2=TMath::Sin(angle[1]); a2*=a2; Float_t length =padlength*TMath::Sqrt(1+a1+a2); return length*fNTotalLoss; } void AliTPCParamSR::GetClusterSize(Float_t *x, Int_t *index, Float_t */*angle*/, Int_t /*mode*/, Float_t *sigma) { // //return cluster sigma2 (x,y) for particle at position x // in this case x coordinata is in drift direction //and y in pad row direction //we suppose that input coordinate system is digit system Float_t xx; Float_t lx[3] = {x[0],x[1],x[2]}; Int_t li[3] = {index[0],index[1],index[2]}; TransformTo2(lx,li); // Float_t sigmadiff; sigma[0]=0; sigma[1]=0; xx = lx[2]; //calculate drift length in cm if (xx>0) { sigma[0]+= xx*GetDiffL()*GetDiffL(); sigma[1]+= xx*GetDiffT()*GetDiffT(); } //sigma[0]=sigma[1]=0; if (GetTimeRF()!=0) sigma[0]+=GetTimeRF()->GetSigma()*GetTimeRF()->GetSigma(); if ( (index[1]GetSigmaX()*GetInnerPRF()->GetSigmaX(); if ( (index[1]>=fNInnerSector) &&(index[2]GetSigmaX()*GetOuter1PRF()->GetSigmaX(); if( (index[1]>=fNInnerSector) &&(index[2]>=fNRowUp1) && (GetOuter2PRF()!=0)) sigma[1]+=GetOuter2PRF()->GetSigmaX()*GetOuter2PRF()->GetSigmaX(); sigma[0]/= GetZWidth()*GetZWidth(); sigma[1]/=GetPadPitchWidth(index[0])*GetPadPitchWidth(index[0]); } void AliTPCParamSR::GetSpaceResolution(Float_t */*x*/, Int_t */*index*/, Float_t */*angle*/, Float_t /*amplitude*/, Int_t /*mode*/, Float_t */*sigma*/) { // // // } Float_t AliTPCParamSR::GetAmp(Float_t */*x*/, Int_t */*index*/, Float_t */*angle*/) { // // // return 0; } Float_t * AliTPCParamSR::GetAnglesAccMomentum(Float_t *x, Int_t * index, Float_t* momentum, Float_t *angle) { // //calculate angle of track to padrow at given position // for given magnetic field and momentum of the particle // TransformTo2(x,index); AliDetectorParam::GetAnglesAccMomentum(x,index,momentum,angle); Float_t addangle = TMath::ASin(x[1]/GetPadRowRadii(index[1],index[2])); angle[1] +=addangle; return angle; } Bool_t AliTPCParamSR::Update() { Int_t i; if (AliTPCParam::Update()==kFALSE) return kFALSE; fbStatus = kFALSE; Float_t firstrow = fInnerRadiusLow + 1.575; for( i= 0;iGetNPads(0,i) ; // ROC implement } // cross talk rows fYInner[0]=(fPadRowLow[0]-fInnerPadPitchLength)*tan(fInnerAngle/2.)-fInnerWireMount; fYInner[fNRowLow+1]=(fPadRowLow[fNRowLow-1]+fInnerPadPitchLength)*tan(fInnerAngle/2.)-fInnerWireMount; firstrow = fOuterRadiusLow + 1.6; for(i=0;iGetNPads(36,i) ; // ROC implement if(i==fNRowUp1-1) { fLastWireUp1=fPadRowUp[i] +0.625; firstrow = fPadRowUp[i] + 0.5*(fOuter1PadPitchLength+fOuter2PadPitchLength); } } else { Float_t x = firstrow + fOuter2PadPitchLength*(Float_t)(i-64); fPadRowUp[i]=x; //Float_t y =(x-0.5*fOuter2PadPitchLength)*tan(fOuterAngle/2.)-fOuterWireMount- // fOuterPadPitchWidth/2.; //fNPadsUp[i] = 1+2*(Int_t)(y/fOuterPadPitchWidth) ; fNPadsUp[i] = AliTPCROC::Instance()->GetNPads(36,i) ; // ROC implement } fYOuter[i+1] = fPadRowUp[i]*tan(fOuterAngle/2.)-fOuterWireMount; } // cross talk rows fYOuter[0]=(fPadRowUp[0]-fOuter1PadPitchLength)*tan(fOuterAngle/2.)-fOuterWireMount; fYOuter[fNRowUp+1]=(fPadRowUp[fNRowUp-1]+fOuter2PadPitchLength)*tan(fOuterAngle/2.)-fOuterWireMount; fNtRows = fNInnerSector*fNRowLow+fNOuterSector*fNRowUp; fbStatus = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } Float_t AliTPCParamSR::GetYInner(Int_t irow) const { return fYInner[irow]; } Float_t AliTPCParamSR::GetYOuter(Int_t irow) const { return fYOuter[irow]; } void AliTPCParamSR::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class AliTPC. if (R__b.IsReading()) { Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { } // TObject::Streamer(R__b); AliTPCParam::Streamer(R__b); // if (R__v < 2) return; Update(); if (gGeoManager) ReadGeoMatrices(); } else { R__b.WriteVersion(AliTPCParamSR::IsA()); //TObject::Streamer(R__b); AliTPCParam::Streamer(R__b); } } Int_t AliTPCParamSR::CalcResponseFast(Float_t* xyz, Int_t * index, Int_t row, Float_t phase) { // //calculate bin response as function of the input position -x //return number of valid response bin // //we suppose that coordinate is expressed in float digits // it's mean coordinate system 8 //xyz[0] - electron position w.r.t. pad center, normalized to pad length, //xyz[1] is float pad (center pad is number 0) and xyz[2] is float time bin //xyz[3] - electron time in float time bin format if ( (fInnerPRF==0)||(fOuter1PRF==0)||(fOuter2PRF==0) ||(fTimeRF==0) ){ Error("AliTPCParamSR", "response function was not adjusted"); return -1; } const Int_t kpadn = 500; const Float_t kfpadn = 500.; const Int_t ktimen = 500; const Float_t kftimen = 500.; const Int_t kpadrn = 500; const Float_t kfpadrn = 500.; static Float_t prfinner[2*kpadrn][5*kpadn]; //pad divided by 50 static Float_t prfouter1[2*kpadrn][5*kpadn]; //prfouter division static Float_t prfouter2[2*kpadrn][5*kpadn]; static Float_t kTanMax =0; static Float_t rftime[5*ktimen]; //time division static Int_t blabla=0; static Float_t zoffset=0; static Float_t zwidth=0; static Float_t zoffset2=0; static TH1F * hdiff=0; static TH1F * hdiff1=0; static TH1F * hdiff2=0; if (blabla==0) { //calculate Response function - only at the begginning kTanMax = TMath::ATan(10.*TMath::DegToRad()); hdiff =new TH1F("prf_diff","prf_diff",10000,-1,1); hdiff1 =new TH1F("no_repsonse1","no_response1",10000,-1,1); hdiff2 =new TH1F("no_response2","no_response2",10000,-1,1); blabla=1; zoffset = GetZOffset(); zwidth = fZWidth; zoffset2 = zoffset/zwidth; for (Int_t i=0;i<5*ktimen;i++){ rftime[i] = fTimeRF->GetRF(((i-2.5*kftimen)/kftimen)*zwidth+zoffset); } for (Int_t i=0;i<5*kpadn;i++){ for (Int_t j=0;j<2*kpadrn;j++){ prfinner[j][i] = fInnerPRF->GetPRF((i-2.5*kfpadn)/kfpadn *fInnerPadPitchWidth,(j-kfpadrn)/kfpadrn*fInnerPadPitchLength); prfouter1[j][i] = fOuter1PRF->GetPRF((i-2.5*kfpadn)/kfpadn *fOuterPadPitchWidth,(j-kfpadrn)/kfpadrn*fOuter1PadPitchLength); // prfouter2[j][i] = fOuter2PRF->GetPRF((i-2.5*kfpadn)/kfpadn *fOuterPadPitchWidth,(j-kfpadrn)/kfpadrn*fOuter2PadPitchLength); } } } // the above is calculated only once // calculate central padrow, pad, time Int_t npads = GetNPads(index[1],index[3]-1); Int_t cpadrow = index[2]; // electrons are here Int_t cpad = TMath::Nint(xyz[1]); Int_t ctime = TMath::Nint(xyz[2]+zoffset2+xyz[3]); //calulate deviation Float_t dpadrow = xyz[0]; Float_t dpad = xyz[1]-cpad; Float_t dtime = xyz[2]+zoffset2+xyz[3]-ctime+phase*0.25; Int_t cindex =0; Int_t cindex3 =0; Int_t maxt =GetMaxTBin(); Int_t fpadrow; Int_t lpadrow; if (row>=0) { //if we are interesting about given pad row fpadrow = row-cpadrow; lpadrow = row-cpadrow; }else{ fpadrow = (index[2]>1) ? -1 :0; lpadrow = (index[2] -npads/2+1) ? -2: -npads/2-cpad; Int_t lpad = (cpad < npads/2-2) ? 2: npads/2-1-cpad; Int_t ftime = (ctime>1) ? -2: -ctime; Int_t ltime = (ctime=2*kpadrn)) continue; // pad angular correction Float_t angle = kTanMax*2.*(cpad+0.5)/Float_t(npads); Float_t dpadangle =0; if (index[1]fResponseThreshold) { fResponseBin[cindex3++]=cpadrow+ipadrow; fResponseBin[cindex3++]=cpad+ipad; fResponseBin[cindex3++]=ctime+itime; fResponseWeight[cindex++]=cweight2; } atime-=ktimen; } apad-= kpadn; } apadrow-=kpadrn; } fCurrentMax=cindex; return fCurrentMax; }