/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliTPCPreprocessor.h" #include "AliShuttleInterface.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliDCSValue.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTPCSensorTempArray.h" #include "AliTPCROC.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include "AliTPCCalPad.h" #include "AliTPCCalibPedestal.h" #include "AliTPCCalibPulser.h" #include "AliTPCCalibCE.h" #include "AliTPCCalibRaw.h" #include "AliTPCdataQA.h" #include "ARVersion.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TParameter.h" #include const Int_t kValCutTemp = 100; // discard temperatures > 100 degrees const Int_t kDiffCutTemp = 5; // discard temperature differences > 5 degrees const Double_t kHighVoltageDifference = 1e-4; // don't record High Voltage points // differing by less than 1e-4 from // previous point. const TString kPedestalRunType = "PEDESTAL"; // pedestal run identifier const TString kPulserRunType = "PULSER"; // pulser run identifier const TString kPhysicsRunType = "PHYSICS"; // physics run identifier const TString kCosmicRunType = "COSMIC"; // cosmic run identifier const TString kLaserRunType = "LASER"; // laser run identifier const TString kDaqRunType = "DAQ"; // DAQ run identifier const TString kAmandaTemp = "TPC_PT_%d_TEMPERATURE"; // Amanda string for temperature entries const TString kAmandaDDL = "DDL%d"; // Amanda string for list of active DDLs const Int_t kNumDDL = 216; // number of TPC DDLs const Int_t kFirstDDL = 768; // identifier of first DDL //const Double_t kFitFraction = 0.7; // Fraction of DCS sensor fits required const Double_t kFitFraction = -1.0; // Don't require minimum number of fits in commissioning run const Int_t kNumPressureSensors = 3; // number of pressure sensors const char* kPressureSensorNames[kNumPressureSensors] = { "CavernAtmosPressure", "CavernAtmosPressure2", "SurfaceAtmosPressure" }; const Int_t kMinCESectors = 32; // minimum number of sectors (per side) // to accept CE calibration // // This class is the SHUTTLE preprocessor for the TPC detector. // ClassImp(AliTPCPreprocessor) //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPreprocessor::AliTPCPreprocessor(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle) : AliPreprocessor("TPC",shuttle), fConfEnv(0), fTemp(0), fHighVoltage(0), fHighVoltageStat(0), fGoofie(0), fPressure(0), fConfigOK(kTRUE), fROC(0) { // constructor fROC = AliTPCROC::Instance(); // define run types to be processed AddRunType(kPedestalRunType); AddRunType(kPulserRunType); AddRunType(kPhysicsRunType); AddRunType(kCosmicRunType); AddRunType(kLaserRunType); AddRunType(kDaqRunType); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPreprocessor::AliTPCPreprocessor(const AliTPCPreprocessor& ) : AliPreprocessor("TPC",0), fConfEnv(0), fTemp(0), fHighVoltage(0), fHighVoltageStat(0), fGoofie(0), fPressure(0), fConfigOK(kTRUE), fROC(0) { Fatal("AliTPCPreprocessor", "copy constructor not implemented"); // // // fTemp = new AliTPCSensorTempArray(*(org.fTemp)); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPreprocessor::~AliTPCPreprocessor() { // destructor delete fTemp; delete fHighVoltage; delete fHighVoltageStat; delete fGoofie; delete fPressure; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPreprocessor& AliTPCPreprocessor::operator = (const AliTPCPreprocessor& ) { Fatal("operator =", "assignment operator not implemented"); return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPreprocessor::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime, UInt_t endTime) { AliPreprocessor::Initialize(run, startTime, endTime); AliInfo(Form("\n\tRun %d \n\tStartTime %s \n\tEndTime %s", run, TTimeStamp((time_t)startTime,0).AsString(), TTimeStamp((time_t)endTime,0).AsString())); // Preprocessor configuration AliCDBEntry* entry = GetFromOCDB("Config", "Preprocessor"); if (entry) fConfEnv = (TEnv*) entry->GetObject(); if ( fConfEnv==0 ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: Preprocessor Config OCDB entry missing.\n"); fConfigOK = kFALSE; return; } // Temperature sensors TTree *confTree = 0; TString tempConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Temperature","ON"); tempConf.ToUpper(); if (tempConf != "OFF" ) { entry = GetFromOCDB("Config", "Temperature"); if (entry) confTree = (TTree*) entry->GetObject(); if ( confTree==0 ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: Temperature Config OCDB entry missing.\n"); fConfigOK = kFALSE; return; } fTemp = new AliTPCSensorTempArray(startTime, endTime, confTree, kAmandaTemp); fTemp->SetValCut(kValCutTemp); fTemp->SetDiffCut(kDiffCutTemp); } // High voltage measurements TString hvConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("HighVoltage","ON"); hvConf.ToUpper(); if (hvConf != "OFF" ) { confTree=0; entry=0; entry = GetFromOCDB("Config", "HighVoltage"); if (entry) confTree = (TTree*) entry->GetObject(); if ( confTree==0 ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: High Voltage Config OCDB entry missing.\n"); fConfigOK = kFALSE; return; } time_t timeStart = (time_t)(((TString)GetRunParameter("DAQ_time_start")).Atoi()); time_t timeEnd = (time_t)(((TString)GetRunParameter("DAQ_time_end")).Atoi()); fHighVoltage = new AliDCSSensorArray (UInt_t(timeStart), UInt_t(timeEnd), confTree); } // High voltage status values TString hvStatConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("HighVoltageStat","ON"); hvStatConf.ToUpper(); if (hvStatConf != "OFF" ) { confTree=0; entry=0; entry = GetFromOCDB("Config", "HighVoltageStat"); if (entry) confTree = (TTree*) entry->GetObject(); if ( confTree==0 ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: High Voltage Status Config OCDB entry missing.\n"); fConfigOK = kFALSE; return; } fHighVoltageStat = new AliDCSSensorArray(startTime, endTime, confTree); } // Goofie values TString goofieConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Goofie","ON"); goofieConf.ToUpper(); if (goofieConf != "OFF" ) { confTree=0; entry=0; entry = GetFromOCDB("Config", "Goofie"); if (entry) confTree = (TTree*) entry->GetObject(); if ( confTree==0 ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: Goofie Config OCDB entry missing.\n"); fConfigOK = kFALSE; return; } fGoofie = new AliDCSSensorArray(startTime, endTime, confTree); } // Pressure values TString runType = GetRunType(); if( runType == kPhysicsRunType || runType == kLaserRunType ) { TString pressureConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Pressure","ON"); pressureConf.ToUpper(); if (pressureConf != "OFF" ) { TClonesArray * array = new TClonesArray("AliDCSSensor",kNumPressureSensors); for(Int_t j = 0; j < kNumPressureSensors; j++) { AliDCSSensor * sens = new ((*array)[j])AliDCSSensor; sens->SetStringID(kPressureSensorNames[j]); } fPressure = new AliDCSSensorArray(startTime, endTime, array); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::Process(TMap* dcsAliasMap) { // Fills data into TPC calibrations objects // Amanda servers provide information directly through dcsAliasMap if (!fConfigOK) return 9; UInt_t result = 0; TObjArray *resultArray = new TObjArray(); TString errorHandling = fConfEnv->GetValue("ErrorHandling","ON"); errorHandling.ToUpper(); TObject * status; UInt_t dcsResult=0; if (!dcsAliasMap) dcsResult=1; if (dcsAliasMap->GetEntries() == 0 ) dcsResult=1; status = new TParameter("dcsResult",dcsResult); resultArray->Add(status); TString runType = GetRunType(); if ( dcsResult == 0 ) { // Temperature sensors are processed by AliTPCCalTemp TString tempConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Temperature","ON"); tempConf.ToUpper(); if (tempConf != "OFF" ) { UInt_t tempResult = MapTemperature(dcsAliasMap); if ( tempConf != "TRY") result+=tempResult; status = new TParameter("tempResult",tempResult); resultArray->Add(status); } // High Voltage recordings TString hvConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("HighVoltage","ON"); hvConf.ToUpper(); if (hvConf != "OFF" ) { UInt_t hvResult = MapHighVoltage(dcsAliasMap); if (hvConf != "TRY") result+=hvResult; status = new TParameter("hvResult",hvResult); resultArray->Add(status); } // Goofie values TString goofieConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Goofie","ON"); goofieConf.ToUpper(); if (goofieConf != "OFF" ) { UInt_t goofieResult = MapGoofie(dcsAliasMap); if (goofieConf != "TRY") result+=goofieResult; status = new TParameter("goofieResult",goofieResult); resultArray->Add(status); } // Pressure values if( runType == kPhysicsRunType || runType == kLaserRunType ) { TString pressureConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Pressure","ON"); pressureConf.ToUpper(); if (pressureConf != "OFF" ) { UInt_t pressureResult = MapPressure(dcsAliasMap); status = new TParameter("pressureResult",pressureResult); resultArray->Add(status); } } } // Other calibration information will be retrieved through FXS files // examples: // TList* fileSourcesDAQ = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ, "pedestals"); // const char* fileNamePed = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ, "pedestals", "LDC1"); // // TList* fileSourcesHLT = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kHLT, "calib"); // const char* fileNameHLT = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kHLT, "calib", "LDC1"); // pedestal entries if(runType == kPedestalRunType) { Int_t numSources = 1; Int_t pedestalSource[2] = {AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ,AliShuttleInterface::kHLT} ; TString source = fConfEnv->GetValue("Pedestal","DAQ"); source.ToUpper(); if (source != "OFF" ) { if ( source == "HLT") pedestalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; if (!GetHLTStatus()) pedestalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; if (source == "HLTDAQ" ) { numSources=2; pedestalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; pedestalSource[1] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; } if (source == "DAQHLT" ) numSources=2; UInt_t pedestalResult=0; for (Int_t i=0; i("pedestalResult",pedestalResult); resultArray->Add(status); } } // pulser trigger processing if(runType == kPulserRunType) { Int_t numSources = 1; Int_t pulserSource[2] = {AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ,AliShuttleInterface::kHLT} ; TString source = fConfEnv->GetValue("Pulser","DAQ"); source.ToUpper(); if ( source != "OFF") { if ( source == "HLT") pulserSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; if (!GetHLTStatus()) pulserSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; if (source == "HLTDAQ" ) { numSources=2; pulserSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; pulserSource[1] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; } if (source == "DAQHLT" ) numSources=2; if (source == "TRY" ) numSources=2; UInt_t pulserResult=0; for (Int_t i=0; i("pulserResult",pulserResult); resultArray->Add(status); } } // raw calibration processing if(runType == kPhysicsRunType) { Int_t numSources = 1; Int_t rawSource[2] = {AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ,AliShuttleInterface::kHLT} ; TString source = fConfEnv->GetValue("Raw","DAQ"); source.ToUpper(); if ( source != "OFF") { if ( source == "HLT") rawSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; if (!GetHLTStatus()) rawSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; if (source == "HLTDAQ" ) { numSources=2; rawSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; rawSource[1] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; } if (source == "DAQHLT" ) numSources=2; if (source == "TRY" ) numSources=2; UInt_t rawResult=0; for (Int_t i=0; i("rawResult",rawResult); resultArray->Add(status); } } // Altro configuration TString altroConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("AltroConf","ON"); altroConf.ToUpper(); if (altroConf != "OFF" ) { UInt_t altroResult = ExtractAltro(AliShuttleInterface::kDCS,dcsAliasMap); if (altroConf != "TRY" ) result+=altroResult; status = new TParameter("altroResult",altroResult); resultArray->Add(status); } // Central Electrode processing if( runType == kPhysicsRunType || runType == kLaserRunType ) { Int_t numSources = 1; Int_t ceSource[2] = {AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ,AliShuttleInterface::kHLT} ; TString source = fConfEnv->GetValue("CE","DAQ"); source.ToUpper(); if ( source != "OFF" ) { if ( source == "HLT") ceSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; if (!GetHLTStatus()) ceSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; if (source == "HLTDAQ" ) { numSources=2; ceSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; ceSource[1] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; } if (source == "DAQHLT" ) numSources=2; if (source == "TRY" ) numSources=2; UInt_t ceResult=0; for (Int_t i=0; i("ceResult",ceResult); resultArray->Add(status); numSources = 1; Int_t qaSource[2] = {AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ,AliShuttleInterface::kHLT} ; source = fConfEnv->GetValue("QA","DAQ"); source.ToUpper(); if ( source != "OFF" ) { if ( source == "HLT") qaSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; if (!GetHLTStatus()) qaSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; if (source == "HLTDAQ" ) { numSources=2; qaSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT; qaSource[1] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ; } if (source == "DAQHLT" ) numSources=2; if (source == "TRY" ) numSources=2; UInt_t qaResult=0; for (Int_t i=0; i("qaResult",qaResult); resultArray->Add(status); } } } // Store component status to OCDB AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC status."); Store("Calib", "PreprocStatus", resultArray, &metaData, 0, kFALSE); resultArray->Delete(); delete resultArray; if (errorHandling == "OFF" ) return 0; return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::MapTemperature(TMap* dcsAliasMap) { // extract DCS temperature maps. Perform fits to save space UInt_t result=0; TMap *map = fTemp->ExtractDCS(dcsAliasMap); if (map) { fTemp->MakeSplineFit(map); Double_t fitFraction = 1.0*fTemp->NumFits()/fTemp->NumSensors(); if (fitFraction > kFitFraction ) { AliInfo(Form("Temperature values extracted, fits performed.\n")); } else { Log ("Too few temperature maps fitted. \n"); result = 9; } } else { Log("No temperature map extracted. \n"); result=9; } delete map; // Now store the final CDB file if ( result == 0 ) { AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "Temperature", fTemp, &metaData, 0, kFALSE); if ( !storeOK ) result=1; } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::MapPressure(TMap* dcsAliasMap) { // extract DCS pressure maps. Perform fits to save space UInt_t result=0; TMap *map = fPressure->ExtractDCS(dcsAliasMap); if (map) { fPressure->MakeSplineFit(map); Double_t fitFraction = 1.0*fPressure->NumFits()/fPressure->NumSensors(); if (fitFraction > kFitFraction ) { AliInfo(Form("Pressure values extracted, fits performed.\n")); } else { Log ("Too few pressure maps fitted. \n"); result = 9; } } else { Log("No pressure map extracted. \n"); result=9; } delete map; return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::MapHighVoltage(TMap* dcsAliasMap) { // extract DCS HV maps. Perform fits to save space UInt_t result=0; TMap *map = fHighVoltage->ExtractDCS(dcsAliasMap); if (map) { fHighVoltage->ClearFit(); fHighVoltage->RemoveGraphDuplicates(kHighVoltageDifference); // don't keep new point if too similar to previous one fHighVoltage->SetGraph(map); } else { Log("No high voltage recordings extracted. \n"); result=9; } delete map; TString hvStatConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("HighVoltageStat","ON"); hvStatConf.ToUpper(); if (hvStatConf != "OFF" ) { TMap *map2 = fHighVoltageStat->ExtractDCS(dcsAliasMap); if (map2) { fHighVoltageStat->ClearFit(); fHighVoltageStat->SetGraph(map2); } else { Log("No high voltage status recordings extracted. \n"); result=9; } delete map2; // add status maps to high voltage sensor array fHighVoltage->AddSensors(fHighVoltageStat); } // Now store the final CDB file if ( result == 0 ) { AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "HighVoltage", fHighVoltage, &metaData, 0, kFALSE); if ( !storeOK ) result=1; } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::MapGoofie(TMap* dcsAliasMap) { // extract DCS Goofie maps. Do not perform fits (low update rate) UInt_t result=0; TMap *map = fGoofie->ExtractDCS(dcsAliasMap); if (map) { fGoofie->ClearFit(); fGoofie->SetGraph(map); } else { Log("No Goofie recordings extracted. \n"); result=9; } delete map; // Now store the final CDB file if ( result == 0 ) { AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "Goofie", fGoofie, &metaData, 0, kFALSE); if ( !storeOK ) result=1; } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::ExtractPedestals(Int_t sourceFXS) { // // Read pedestal file from file exchage server // Keep original entry from OCDB in case no new pedestals are available // AliTPCCalPad *calPadPed=0; AliCDBEntry* entry = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "Pedestals"); if (entry) calPadPed = (AliTPCCalPad*)entry->GetObject(); if ( calPadPed==NULL ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: No previous TPC pedestal entry available.\n"); calPadPed = new AliTPCCalPad("PedestalsMean","PedestalsMean"); } AliTPCCalPad *calPadRMS=0; entry = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "PadNoise"); if (entry) calPadRMS = (AliTPCCalPad*)entry->GetObject(); if ( calPadRMS==NULL ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: No previous TPC noise entry available.\n"); calPadRMS = new AliTPCCalPad("PedestalsRMS","PedestalsRMS"); } UInt_t result=0; Int_t nSectors = fROC->GetNSectors(); TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,"pedestals"); if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) { // loop through all files from LDCs Bool_t changed=false; UInt_t index = 0; while (list->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "pedestals", fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!f) { Log ("Error opening pedestal file."); result =2; break; } AliTPCCalibPedestal *calPed; f->GetObject("tpcCalibPedestal",calPed); if ( !calPed ) { Log ("No pedestal calibration object in file."); result = 2; break; } // replace entries for the sectors available in the present file changed=true; for (Int_t sector=0; sectorGetCalRocPedestal(sector, kFALSE); if ( rocPed ) calPadPed->SetCalROC(rocPed,sector); AliTPCCalROC *rocRMS=calPed->GetCalRocRMS(sector, kFALSE); if ( rocRMS ) calPadRMS->SetCalROC(rocRMS,sector); } delete calPed; f->Close(); } ++index; } // while(list) // // Store updated pedestal entry to OCDB // if (changed) { AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "Pedestals", calPadPed, &metaData, 0, kTRUE); if ( !storeOK ) ++result; storeOK = Store("Calib", "PadNoise", calPadRMS, &metaData, 0, kTRUE); if ( !storeOK ) ++result; } } else { Log ("Error: no entries in pedestal file list!"); result = 1; } delete calPadPed; delete calPadRMS; return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::ExtractPulser(Int_t sourceFXS) { // // Read pulser calibration file from file exchage server // Keep original entry from OCDB in case no new pulser calibration is available // TObjArray *pulserObjects=0; AliTPCCalPad *pulserTmean=0; AliTPCCalPad *pulserTrms=0; AliTPCCalPad *pulserQmean=0; AliCDBEntry* entry = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "Pulser"); if (entry) pulserObjects = (TObjArray*)entry->GetObject(); if ( pulserObjects==NULL ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: No previous TPC pulser entry available.\n"); pulserObjects = new TObjArray; } pulserTmean = (AliTPCCalPad*)pulserObjects->FindObject("PulserTmean"); if ( !pulserTmean ) { pulserTmean = new AliTPCCalPad("PulserTmean","PulserTmean"); pulserObjects->Add(pulserTmean); } pulserTrms = (AliTPCCalPad*)pulserObjects->FindObject("PulserTrms"); if ( !pulserTrms ) { pulserTrms = new AliTPCCalPad("PulserTrms","PulserTrms"); pulserObjects->Add(pulserTrms); } pulserQmean = (AliTPCCalPad*)pulserObjects->FindObject("PulserQmean"); if ( !pulserQmean ) { pulserQmean = new AliTPCCalPad("PulserQmean","PulserQmean"); pulserObjects->Add(pulserQmean); } UInt_t result=0; Int_t nSectors = fROC->GetNSectors(); TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,"pulser"); if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) { // loop through all files from LDCs Bool_t changed=false; UInt_t index = 0; while (list->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "pulser", fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!f) { Log ("Error opening pulser file."); result =2; break; } AliTPCCalibPulser *calPulser; f->GetObject("tpcCalibPulser",calPulser); if ( !calPulser ) { Log ("No pulser calibration object in file."); result = 2; break; } // replace entries for the sectors available in the present file changed=true; for (Int_t sector=0; sectorGetCalRocT0(sector); if ( rocTmean ) pulserTmean->SetCalROC(rocTmean,sector); AliTPCCalROC *rocTrms=calPulser->GetCalRocRMS(sector); if ( rocTrms ) pulserTrms->SetCalROC(rocTrms,sector); AliTPCCalROC *rocQmean=calPulser->GetCalRocQ(sector); if ( rocQmean ) pulserQmean->SetCalROC(rocQmean,sector); } delete calPulser; f->Close(); } ++index; } // while(list) // // Store updated pedestal entry to OCDB // if (changed) { AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "Pulser", pulserObjects, &metaData, 0, kTRUE); if ( !storeOK ) ++result; } } else { Log ("Error: no entries in pulser file list!"); result = 1; } pulserObjects->Delete(); delete pulserObjects; return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::ExtractRaw(Int_t sourceFXS) { // // Read Raw calibration file from file exchage server // UInt_t result=0; TObjArray* rawArray = new TObjArray; TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,"tpcCalibRaw"); if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) { // loop through all files UInt_t index = 0; while (list->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "tpcCalibRaw", fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!f) { Log ("Error opening raw file."); result =2; break; } AliTPCCalibRaw *calRaw; f->GetObject("tpcCalibRaw",calRaw); if ( !calRaw ) { Log ("No raw calibration object in file."); result = 2; break; } rawArray->Add(calRaw); f->Close(); } ++index; } // while(list) // // Store updated pedestal entry to OCDB // AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "Raw", rawArray, &metaData, 0, kTRUE); if ( !storeOK ) ++result; } else { Log ("Error: no entries in raw file list!"); result = 1; } rawArray->Delete(); delete rawArray; return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::ExtractCE(Int_t sourceFXS) { // // Read Central Electrode file from file exchage server // // AliTPCCalPad *ceTmean=0; AliTPCCalPad *ceTrms=0; AliTPCCalPad *ceQmean=0; TObjArray *rocTtime=0; TObjArray *rocQtime=0; TObjArray *ceObjects= new TObjArray; Int_t nSectors = fROC->GetNSectors(); ceTmean = new AliTPCCalPad("CETmean","CETmean"); ceObjects->Add(ceTmean); ceTrms = new AliTPCCalPad("CETrms","CETrms"); ceObjects->Add(ceTrms); ceQmean = new AliTPCCalPad("CEQmean","CEQmean"); ceObjects->Add(ceQmean); rocTtime = new TObjArray(nSectors+2); // also make room for A and C side average rocTtime->SetName("rocTtime"); ceObjects->Add(rocTtime); rocQtime = new TObjArray(nSectors); rocQtime->SetName("rocQtime"); ceObjects->Add(rocQtime); //=== new part TObjArray *arrFitGraphs=new TObjArray; arrFitGraphs->SetName("ceFitsDrift"); ceObjects->Add(arrFitGraphs); // Temperature maps if (fTemp) { AliTPCSensorTempArray *tempMap = new AliTPCSensorTempArray(*fTemp); tempMap->SetNameTitle("TempMap","TempMap"); ceObjects->Add(tempMap); } // Pressure maps if (fPressure) { AliDCSSensor *sensor=0, *sensorCopy=0; for (Int_t isensor=0; isensorGetSensor(kPressureSensorNames[isensor]); if (sensor) { sensorCopy = new AliDCSSensor(*sensor); sensorCopy->SetNameTitle(kPressureSensorNames[isensor],kPressureSensorNames[isensor]); ceObjects->Add(sensorCopy); } } } UInt_t result=0; TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,"CE"); if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) { // loop through all files from LDCs UInt_t index = 0; while (list->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "CE", fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!f) { Log ("Error opening central electrode file."); result =2; break; } AliTPCCalibCE *calCE; f->GetObject("tpcCalibCE",calCE); if (!calCE) { Log ("No valid calibCE object."); result=2; break; } // replace entries for the sectors available in the present file for (Int_t sector=0; sectorGetCalRocT0(sector); if ( rocTmean ) ceTmean->SetCalROC(rocTmean,sector); AliTPCCalROC *rocTrms=calCE->GetCalRocRMS(sector); if ( rocTrms ) ceTrms->SetCalROC(rocTrms,sector); AliTPCCalROC *rocQmean=calCE->GetCalRocQ(sector); if ( rocQmean ) ceQmean->SetCalROC(rocQmean,sector); TGraph *grT=calCE->MakeGraphTimeCE(sector,0,2); // T time graph if ( grT ) rocTtime->AddAt(grT,sector); TGraph *grQ=calCE->MakeGraphTimeCE(sector,0,3); // Q time graph if ( grQ ) rocQtime->AddAt(grQ,sector); } TGraph *grT=calCE->MakeGraphTimeCE(-1,0,2); // A side average if ( grT ) { rocTtime->AddAt(grT,nSectors); } else { result=10; } grT=calCE->MakeGraphTimeCE(-2,0,2); // C side average if ( grT ) { rocTtime->AddAt(grT,nSectors+1); } else { result=10; } delete calCE; f->Close(); } ++index; } // while(list) // // Check number of calibrated sectors per side // Int_t aside=0, cside=0; for (Int_t ind=0; indAt(ind); if (grT) aside++; grT=(TGraph*)rocTtime->At(ind+nSectors/2); if (grT) aside++; grT=(TGraph*)rocTtime->At(ind+nSectors/4); if (grT) cside++; grT=(TGraph*)rocTtime->At(ind+3*nSectors/4); if (grT) cside++; } if ( (asideGetEntries()>0) { // loop through all files from LDCs UInt_t index2 = 0; while (list->At(index2)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index2); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "CEnew", fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!f) { Log ("Error opening new central electrode file."); // result =2; break; } AliTPCCalibCE *calCE; f->GetObject("tpcCalibCE",calCE); if (!calCE) { Log ("No valid new calibCE object."); // result=2; break; } TIter nextObj(calCE->GetArrFitGraphs()); TObject *obj=0x0; while ( (obj=nextObj()) ){ arrFitGraphs->Add(obj->Clone()); } delete calCE; f->Close(); } ++index2; } } // // Store updated pedestal entry to OCDB // AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); if ( result == 0 ) { Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "CE", ceObjects, &metaData, 0, kTRUE); if ( !storeOK ) ++result; } else { Log ("Warning: Average time graphs not available - no OCDB entry written"); } } else { Log ("Error: no CE entries available from FXS!"); result = 1; } ceObjects->Delete(); delete ceObjects; return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::ExtractQA(Int_t sourceFXS) { // // Read Quality Assurance file from file exchage server // UInt_t result=0; TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,"QA"); if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) { // only one QA objetc should be available! AliTPCdataQA *calQA; UInt_t nentries = list->GetEntries(); UInt_t index=0; if ( nentries > 1) Log ( "More than one QA entry. First one processed"); TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "QA", fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!f) { Log ("Error opening QA file."); result =2; } else { f->GetObject("tpcCalibQA",calQA); if ( calQA ) { // // Store updated pedestal entry to OCDB // AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "QA", calQA, &metaData, 0, kFALSE); if ( !storeOK ) ++result; delete calQA; } } } else { Log ("Error: no QA files on FXS!"); result = 2; } } else { Log ("Error: no QA entries in FXS list!"); result = 1; } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliTPCPreprocessor::ExtractAltro(Int_t sourceFXS, TMap* dcsMap) { // // Read Altro configuration file from file exchage server // Keep original entry from OCDB in case no new pulser calibration is available // TObjArray *altroObjects=0; AliTPCCalPad *acqStart=0; AliTPCCalPad *zsThr=0; AliTPCCalPad *acqStop=0; AliTPCCalPad *FPED=0; AliTPCCalPad *masked=0; AliTPCCalPad *k1=0, *k2=0, *k3=0; AliTPCCalPad *l1=0, *l2=0, *l3=0; TMap *mapRCUconfig=0; AliCDBEntry* entry = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "AltroConfig"); if (entry) altroObjects = (TObjArray*)entry->GetObject(); if ( altroObjects==NULL ) { Log("AliTPCPreprocsessor: No previous TPC altro calibration entry available.\n"); altroObjects = new TObjArray; } acqStart = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("AcqStart"); if ( !acqStart ) { acqStart = new AliTPCCalPad("AcqStart","AcqStart"); altroObjects->Add(acqStart); } zsThr = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("ZsThr"); if ( !zsThr ) { zsThr = new AliTPCCalPad("ZsThr","ZsThr"); altroObjects->Add(zsThr); } FPED = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("FPED"); if ( !FPED ) { FPED = new AliTPCCalPad("FPED","FPED"); altroObjects->Add(FPED); } acqStop = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("AcqStop"); if ( !acqStop ) { acqStop = new AliTPCCalPad("AcqStop","AcqStop"); altroObjects->Add(acqStop); } masked = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("Masked"); if ( !masked ) { masked = new AliTPCCalPad("Masked","Masked"); altroObjects->Add(masked); } k1 = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("K1"); if ( !k1 ) { k1 = new AliTPCCalPad("K1","K1"); altroObjects->Add(k1); } k2 = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("K2"); if ( !k2 ) { k2 = new AliTPCCalPad("K2","K2"); altroObjects->Add(k2); } k3 = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("K3"); if ( !k3 ) { k3 = new AliTPCCalPad("K3","K3"); altroObjects->Add(k3); } l1 = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("L1"); if ( !l1 ) { l1 = new AliTPCCalPad("L1","L1"); altroObjects->Add(l1); } l2 = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("L2"); if ( !l2 ) { l2 = new AliTPCCalPad("L2","L2"); altroObjects->Add(l2); } l3 = (AliTPCCalPad*)altroObjects->FindObject("L3"); if ( !l3 ) { l3 = new AliTPCCalPad("L3","L3"); altroObjects->Add(l3); } mapRCUconfig = (TMap*)altroObjects->FindObject("RCUconfig"); if (!mapRCUconfig) { mapRCUconfig = new TMap(); mapRCUconfig->SetName("RCUconfig"); altroObjects->Add(mapRCUconfig); } UInt_t result=0; TString idFXS[2]={"AltroConfigA","AltroConfigC"}; Int_t nSectors = fROC->GetNSectors(); Bool_t changed=false; if (altroObjects == 0 ) altroObjects = new TObjArray; // extract list of active DDLs Bool_t found; TString arrDDL(kNumDDL); arrDDL.Append('x',kNumDDL); for ( Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDLFindObject(stringID.Data()); found = false; if ( pair ) { TObjArray *valueSet=(TObjArray*)pair->Value(); if ( valueSet) { AliDCSValue *val = (AliDCSValue*)valueSet->At(0); if (val) { found = val->GetBool(); if (found){ arrDDL[iDDL] = '1'; } else { arrDDL[iDDL] = '0'; } } } } } TObjString *ddlArray = new TObjString; ddlArray->SetString(arrDDL); TMap *activeDDL = new TMap; activeDDL->SetName("DDLArray"); TObjString *key = new TObjString("DDLArray"); activeDDL->Add(key,ddlArray); altroObjects->Add(activeDDL); changed=true; // extract Altro configuration files for ( Int_t id=0; id<2; id++) { TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,idFXS[id].Data()); if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) { // loop through all files from LDCs UInt_t index = 0; while (list->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, idFXS[id].Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName); if (!f) { char message[40]; sprintf(message,"Error opening Altro configuration file, id = %d",id); Log (message); result =2; break; } TObjArray *altroFXS; f->GetObject("AltroConfig",altroFXS); if ( !altroFXS ) { Log ("No Altro configuration object in file."); result = 2; break; } // replace entries for the sectors available in the present file AliTPCCalPad *acqStartFXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("AcqStart"); AliTPCCalPad *zsThrFXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("ZsThr"); AliTPCCalPad *acqStopFXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("AcqStop"); AliTPCCalPad *FPEDFXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("FPED"); AliTPCCalPad *maskedFXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("Masked"); AliTPCCalPad *k1FXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("K1"); AliTPCCalPad *k2FXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("K2"); AliTPCCalPad *k3FXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("K3"); AliTPCCalPad *l1FXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("L1"); AliTPCCalPad *l2FXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("L2"); AliTPCCalPad *l3FXS=(AliTPCCalPad*)altroFXS->FindObject("L3"); TMap *mapRCUconfigFXS = (TMap*)altroFXS->FindObject("RCUconfig"); TIterator *mapFXSiter = mapRCUconfigFXS->MakeIterator(); changed=true; for (Int_t sector=0; sectorGetCalROC(sector); if ( rocAcqStart ) acqStart->SetCalROC(rocAcqStart,sector); } if (zsThrFXS ) { AliTPCCalROC *rocZsThr=zsThrFXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocZsThr ) zsThr->SetCalROC(rocZsThr,sector); } if (acqStopFXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocAcqStop=acqStopFXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocAcqStop ) acqStop->SetCalROC(rocAcqStop,sector); } if (FPEDFXS ) { AliTPCCalROC *rocFPED=FPEDFXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocFPED ) FPED->SetCalROC(rocFPED,sector); } if (maskedFXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocMasked=maskedFXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocMasked ) masked->SetCalROC(rocMasked,sector); } if (k1FXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocK1=k1FXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocK1 ) k1->SetCalROC(rocK1,sector); } if (k2FXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocK2=k2FXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocK2 ) k2->SetCalROC(rocK2,sector); } if (k3FXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocK3=k3FXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocK3 ) k3->SetCalROC(rocK3,sector); } if (l1FXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocL1=l1FXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocL1 ) l1->SetCalROC(rocL1,sector); } if (l2FXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocL2=l2FXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocL2 ) l2->SetCalROC(rocL2,sector); } if (l3FXS) { AliTPCCalROC *rocL3=l3FXS->GetCalROC(sector); if ( rocL3 ) l3->SetCalROC(rocL3,sector); } } if (mapRCUconfigFXS) { Int_t mapEntries = mapRCUconfigFXS->GetEntries(); TObjString* keyFXS; TVectorF* vecFXS; TVectorF* vec; // nSectors = 72 (total number of inner/outer sectors) for (Int_t i=0; iNext(); vecFXS=(TVectorF*)mapRCUconfigFXS->GetValue(keyFXS); vec=(TVectorF*)mapRCUconfig->GetValue(keyFXS); if (!vec) { vec = new TVectorF(3*nSectors); *vec = -1; mapRCUconfig->Add(keyFXS,vec); } if (vec->GetNoElements() != 3*nSectors ) { vec->ResizeTo(3*nSectors); } if (id==0) { // A side vec->SetSub(0,vecFXS->GetSub(0,nSectors/2-1)); vec->SetSub(nSectors,vecFXS->GetSub(nSectors,2*nSectors-1)); } else { // C side vec->SetSub(nSectors/2,vecFXS->GetSub(nSectors/2,nSectors-1)); vec->SetSub(2*nSectors,vecFXS->GetSub(2*nSectors,3*nSectors-1)); } } } delete altroFXS; f->Close(); } ++index; } // while(list) } else { Log ("Error: no entries in AltroConfig file list!"); result = 1; } } // for - id // // Store updated pedestal entry to OCDB // if (changed) { AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Haavard Helstrup"); metaData.SetAliRootVersion(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliTPC data base entries."); Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "AltroConfig", altroObjects, &metaData, 0, kFALSE); if ( !storeOK ) ++result; } altroObjects->Delete(); delete altroObjects; return result; }