#ifndef AliTPCSensorPressure_H #define AliTPCSensorPressure_H /* Copyright(c) 2006-07, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Container class for temperature sensor positions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TMath.h" #include "AliSplineFit.h" #include "AliDCSSensor.h" #include "TTree.h" class TObject; class TClonesArray; class TObjArray; class TGraph; class TVector3; class TFile; class TString; class TTimeStamp; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class AliTPCSensorPressure //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AliTPCSensorPressure : public AliDCSSensor { public: AliTPCSensorPressure(); AliTPCSensorPressure(const AliTPCSensorPressure& source); virtual ~AliTPCSensorPressure(){} AliTPCSensorPressure& operator=(const AliTPCSensorPressure& source); Int_t GetType() const {return fType; } Int_t GetSide() const {return fSide; } Int_t GetSector() const {return fSector; } Int_t GetNum() const {return fNum; } void SetType (Int_t type) {fType = type; } void SetSide (Int_t side) {fSide = side; } void SetSector (Int_t sector) {fSector = sector;} void SetNum (Int_t num) {fNum = num; } static TClonesArray * ReadList(const char *fname); protected: Int_t fType; // Position of sensors on fieldcage // (0=ROC,1=OFC,2=IFC,3=TPC,4=ELM,5=TS,6=COOL) Int_t fSide; // TPC side; 0:Shaft Side (A) -- 1:Muon Side (C) Int_t fSector; // Number of sector (0-17) Int_t fNum; // Position depands from type of sensor. // fType=0(0-4) from inside to outside // fType=1(0-5) fom A side to C side // fType=2(0-5) fom A side to C side // fType=3(0) one per sector // fType=4() // fType=5() // fType=6(0-1) 0:input -- 1:output ClassDef(AliTPCSensorPressure,1); }; #endif