/* Class AliTPCtransformation: Should represent general non linear transformation. Currently tune for TPConly. To be used: 1. Simulation-Digitization 2. Reconstruction - AliTPCTransform 3. Calibration/Alignment (KalmanFilter, Milipedde) 4. Set of transformation to be stored/retrieved as OCDB entry Base functionality: 1. Double_t GetDeltaXYZ(Int_t coord, Int_t volID, Double_t param, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) Get correction - return the delta of coordinate coord dx or dy or dz for given volID for point at point (x,y,z) All coordinates are global 2. The transformation should work only for given volIDs and detector IDs Currently Bitmask is used for filtering Transformation - naming convention: // XXX(local)YYYZZZ TPClocaldLxdGX XXX - detector if detector specific local - if local transforamtion YYY - type of transformation ZZZ - return type of transformation */ #include #include "TRandom.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TBits.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TLinearFitter.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "AliTrackPointArray.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTPCTransformation.h" ClassImp(AliTPCTransformation) AliTPCTransformation::GenFuncG AliTPCTransformation::fgFormulas[10000]; TObjArray* AliTPCTransformation::fgFormulasName = new TObjArray(10000); void AliTPCTransformation::RegisterFormula(const char * name, GenFuncG formula){ // // Add Formula to the list of formulas // Int_t last= fgFormulasName->GetEntries(); fgFormulasName->AddLast(new TObjString(name)); fgFormulas[last]=formula; } Int_t AliTPCTransformation::BuildBasicFormulas(){ // // //build list of basic TPC formulas - corrections // RegisterFormula("TPCscalingRPol",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRPol)); RegisterFormula("TPCscalingRIFC",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRIFC)); RegisterFormula("TPCscalingROFC",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingROFC)); // RegisterFormula("TPCscalingZDr",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDrift)); RegisterFormula("TPCscalingZDrGy",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftGy)); RegisterFormula("TPCscalingZDriftT0",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftT0)); RegisterFormula("TPCscalingPhiLocal",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingPhiLocal)); RegisterFormula("TPClocalRPhiEdge",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocalRPhiEdge)); // // TPC Local X and Y misalignment + rotation // RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLxdGX",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLxdGX)); RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLxdGY",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLxdGY)); RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLydGX",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLydGX)); RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLydGY",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLydGY)); RegisterFormula("TPClocaldRzdGX",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGX)); RegisterFormula("TPClocaldRzdGY",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGY)); // // Z offset // RegisterFormula("TPCDeltaZ",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCDeltaZ)); RegisterFormula("TPCDeltaZMediumLong",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCDeltaZMediumLong)); RegisterFormula("TPCTiltingZ",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCTiltingZ)); return 0; } AliTPCTransformation::GenFuncG AliTPCTransformation::FindFormula(const char * name){ // // find formula - if registered // if (fgFormulasName->FindObject(name)==0) return 0; Int_t entries = fgFormulasName->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i)->GetName(), name)==0){ return fgFormulas[i]; } } return 0; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::Eval(const char * name, const Double_t*x,const Double_t*par){ // // Only for test purposes - very slow // GenFuncG fun = FindFormula(name); if (!fun) return 0; return fun(x,par); } AliTPCTransformation::AliTPCTransformation(): TNamed(), fNameX(0), // x formula name fNameY(0), // y formula name fNameZ(0), // z formula name // fBitMask(0), // bitmaps - transformation only for specified volID fCoordSystem(0), // coord system of output deltas fParam(0), // free parameter of transformation fSigma(0), // uncertainty of the parameter fSigmaMax(0), //maximal sigma (Not allowed to increase in propagate time by bigger factor) fSigma2Time(0), // change of the error in time - (For kalman filter) fFixedParam(0), // fixed parameters of tranformation fIsActive(kTRUE), // swith - On/Off // fInit(kFALSE), // initialization flag - set to kTRUE if corresponding formulas found fFormulaX(0), // x formula - pointer to the function fFormulaY(0), // y formula - pointer to the function fFormulaZ(0) // z formula - pointer to the function // { // // default constructor // } AliTPCTransformation::AliTPCTransformation(const char *name, TBits *mask, const char *fx, const char *fy, const char *fz, Int_t coordSystem): TNamed(name,name), fNameX(0), // x formula name fNameY(0), // y formula name fNameZ(0), // z formula name fBitMask(mask), // bitmaps - transformation only for specified volID fCoordSystem(coordSystem), // coordinate system of output deltas fParam(0), // free parameter of transformation fSigma(0), fSigmaMax(0), //maximal sigma (Not allowed to increase in propagate time by bigger factor) fSigma2Time(0), // change of sigma in time fFixedParam(0), // fixed parameters of tranformation fIsActive(kTRUE), // swith - On/Off // fInit(kFALSE), // initialization flag - set to kTRUE if corresponding formulas found fFormulaX(0), // x formula - pointer to the function fFormulaY(0), // y formula - pointer to the function fFormulaZ(0) // z formula - pointer to the function { // // non default constructor // if (fx) fNameX= new TString(fx); if (fy) fNameY= new TString(fy); if (fz) fNameZ= new TString(fz); Init(); } AliTPCTransformation::AliTPCTransformation(const AliTPCTransformation&trafo): TNamed(trafo), fNameX(0), // x formula name fNameY(0), // y formula name fNameZ(0), // z formula name // fBitMask(0), // bitmaps - transformation only for specified volID fCoordSystem(0), // coord system of output deltas fParam(trafo.fParam), // free parameter of transformation fSigma(trafo.fSigma), // uncertainty of the parameter fSigmaMax(trafo.fSigma), //maximal sigma (Not allowed to increase in propagate time by bigger factor) fSigma2Time(trafo.fSigma2Time), // change of the error in time - (For kalman filter) fFixedParam(0), // fixed parameters of tranformation fIsActive(trafo.fIsActive), // swith - On/Off // fInit(kFALSE), // initialization flag - set to kTRUE if corresponding formulas found fFormulaX(0), // x formula - pointer to the function fFormulaY(0), // y formula - pointer to the function fFormulaZ(0) // z formula - pointer to the function { if (trafo.fNameX) fNameX = new TString(*(trafo.fNameX)); if (trafo.fNameY) fNameY = new TString(*(trafo.fNameY)); if (trafo.fNameZ) fNameZ = new TString(*(trafo.fNameZ)); if (trafo.fBitMask) fBitMask = new TBits(*(trafo.fBitMask)); } AliTPCTransformation::~AliTPCTransformation(){ // // destructor // delete fNameX; delete fNameY; delete fNameZ; delete fBitMask; delete fFixedParam; } void AliTPCTransformation::SetParams(Double_t param, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma2Time, TVectorD* fixedParams){ // // Set parameters of transformation // fParam = param; fSigma = sigma; fSigmaMax = sigma; fSigma2Time = sigma2Time; if (fFixedParam) delete fFixedParam; fFixedParam = new TVectorD(*fixedParams); Init(); } Bool_t AliTPCTransformation::Init(){ // // associate formulas with pointer to the function // Bool_t isOK=kTRUE; if (fNameX) { fFormulaX=FindFormula(fNameX->Data()); if (fFormulaX==0) isOK=kFALSE; } if (fNameY) { fFormulaY=FindFormula(fNameY->Data()); if (fFormulaY==0) isOK=kFALSE; } if (fNameZ) { fFormulaZ=FindFormula(fNameZ->Data()); if (!fFormulaZ) isOK=kFALSE; } return isOK; } TBits * AliTPCTransformation::BitsSide(Bool_t aside){ // TBits * bits = new TBits(72); for (Int_t i=0; i<72;i++){ if (i%36<18 && aside) (*bits)[i]=kTRUE; if (i%36<18 && (!aside)) (*bits)[i]=kFALSE; if (i%36>=18 && aside) (*bits)[i]=kFALSE; if (i%36>=18 && (!aside)) (*bits)[i]=kTRUE; } return bits; } TBits * AliTPCTransformation::BitsAll(){ // // // TBits * bits = new TBits(72); for (Int_t i=0; i<72;i++){ (*bits)[i]=kTRUE; } return bits; } // Double_t AliTPCTransformation::GetDeltaXYZ(Int_t coord, Int_t volID, Double_t param, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z){ // // // // // // coord - type of coordinate // // - 0 -X // // 1 -Y // // 2 -Z // // 3 -R // // 4 -RPhi // if (!fIsActive) return 0; // if (fBitMask && (!(*fBitMask)[volID])) return 0; // Double_t xyz[5]={x,y,z, param,volID}; // if (fCoordSystem==0){ // // cartezian system // if (coord==0 && fFormulaX) return fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); // if (coord==1 && fFormulaY) return fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); // if (coord==2 && fFormulaZ) return fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); // } // if (fCoordSystem==1){ // // cylindrical system // if (coord==2) { // if (fFormulaZ==0) return 0; // return fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); // } // Double_t rrphiz[3]={0,0,0}; // if (fFormulaX) rrphiz[0] = fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); // if (fFormulaY) rrphiz[1] = fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); // Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(y,x); // Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); // Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); // if (coord==0) return ca*rrphiz[0]-sa*rrphiz[1]; // if (coord==1) return sa*rrphiz[0]+ca*rrphiz[1]; // } // return 0; // } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::GetDeltaXYZ(Int_t coord, Int_t volID, Double_t param, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z){ // // // coord - type of coordinate // - 0 -X // 1 -Y // 2 -Z // 3 -R // 4 -RPhi // 5 -Z if (!fIsActive) return 0; if (fBitMask && (!(*fBitMask)[volID])) return 0; Double_t xyz[5]={x,y,z, param,volID}; Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(y,x); Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); if (fCoordSystem==0){ // cartezian system Double_t dxdydz[3]={0,0,0}; if(fFormulaX) dxdydz[0]=fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); if(fFormulaY) dxdydz[1]=fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); if(fFormulaZ) dxdydz[2]=fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); if (coord==0) return dxdydz[0]; if (coord==1) return dxdydz[1]; if (coord==2) return dxdydz[2]; if (coord==3) return dxdydz[0]*ca+dxdydz[1]*sa; if (coord==4) return -dxdydz[0]*sa+dxdydz[1]*ca; if (coord==5) return dxdydz[2]; } if (fCoordSystem==1){ // cylindrical system if (coord==2||coord==5) { if (fFormulaZ==0) return 0; return fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); } Double_t rrphiz[3]={0,0,0}; if (fFormulaX) rrphiz[0] = fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); if (fFormulaY) rrphiz[1] = fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray()); Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(y,x); Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); if (coord==0) return ca*rrphiz[0]-sa*rrphiz[1]; if (coord==1) return sa*rrphiz[0]+ca*rrphiz[1]; if (coord==3) return rrphiz[0]; if (coord==4) return rrphiz[1]; } return 0; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRPol(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // Scaling and shift of TPC radius // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point // xyz[3] - scale parameter // param[0] - radial scaling power // param[1] - drift scaling power // radius from -1(at rInner) to 1 (rOuter) // driftM from -1(at 0 drift) to 1 (250 cm drift) Double_t rInner=78.8; Double_t rOuter=258.0; Double_t deltaR = rOuter-rInner; Double_t radius = (TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1])-rInner)*2./deltaR; Double_t driftM = (0.5 - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.))*2.0; Double_t delta = TMath::Power(radius,param[0])*TMath::Power(driftM,param[1]); return delta*xyz[3]; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDrift(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // // Scaling and shift of TPC radius // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point // xyz[3] - scale parameter Double_t driftP = TMath::Power(1. - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.), param[0]); Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t deltaZ = (sector%36<18) ? -driftP : driftP; return deltaZ*xyz[3]; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftT0(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * /*param*/){ // // // Z shift because time 0 offset // opposite on A and C side // // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point // xyz[3] - scale parameter Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t sign = (sector%36<18) ? -1 : 1; return sign*xyz[3]; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftGy(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // // Scaling and shift of TPC radius // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point // xyz[3] - scale parameter Double_t driftP = TMath::Power(1. - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.), param[0]); Double_t gy = xyz[1]/250.; Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t deltaZ = (sector%36<18) ? -driftP : driftP; return deltaZ*xyz[3]*gy; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingPhiLocal(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // // Scaling if the local y -phi // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point // xyz[3] - scale parameter // value = 1 for ful drift length and parameter 1 Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(xyz[1],xyz[0]); Double_t sector = TMath::Nint(9*alpha/TMath::Pi()-0.5); Double_t localAlpha = (alpha-(sector+0.5)*TMath::Pi()/9.); Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1])/250.; // Double_t deltaAlpha = radius*TMath::Power(2.*9.*localAlpha/TMath::Pi(),param[0]); return deltaAlpha*xyz[3]; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocalRPhiEdge(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // // Scaling if the local y -phi // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point // xyz[3] - scale parameter // param[0] - dedge offset - should be around gap size/2. // param[1] - dedge factor - should be around gap size/2. Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(xyz[1],xyz[0]); Double_t sector = TMath::Nint(9*alpha/TMath::Pi()-0.5); Double_t localAlpha = (alpha-(sector+0.5)*TMath::Pi()/9.); Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]); Double_t deltaAlpha = TMath::Pi()/18.-TMath::Abs(localAlpha); Double_t distEdge = (deltaAlpha*radius); Double_t factor = 1./(1.+(distEdge-param[0])/param[1]); return factor*xyz[3]*((localAlpha>0)? -1.:1.); } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRIFC(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // inner field cage r distorion - proportinal to 1 over distance to the IFC // param[0] - drift polynom order // distortion at first pad row - is normalized to Double_t rInner=78.8; Double_t rFirst=85.2; Double_t deltaR = rFirst-rInner; Double_t ndistR = (TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1])-rInner)/deltaR; Double_t driftM = (0.5 - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.))*2.; Double_t value = TMath::Power(driftM,param[0])/ndistR; return xyz[3]*value; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingROFC(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // outer field cage r distorion - proportinal to 1 over distance to the OFC // param[0] - drift polynom order // driftM - from -1 to 1 // Double_t rLast=245.8; Double_t rOuter=258.0; Double_t deltaR = rOuter-rLast; Double_t ndistR = (rOuter-TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]))/deltaR; Double_t driftM = (0.5 - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.))*2.; Double_t value = TMath::Power(driftM,param[0])/ndistR; return xyz[3]*value; } // // TPC sector local misalignment // // // Double_t AliTPCTransformation:: TPClocaldLxdGX(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter // [4] - volID // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha) // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha) // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite // return delta in global coordiante system // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); // Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4; Double_t factor = xyz[3]; if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]); if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]); if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1; return ca*factor; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLxdGY(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter // [4] - volID // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha) // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha) // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite // return delta in global coordiante system // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; //Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4; Double_t factor = xyz[3]; if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]); if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]); if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1; return sa*factor; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation:: TPClocaldLydGX(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter // [4] - volID // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha) // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha) // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite // return delta in global coordiante system // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; //Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4; Double_t factor = xyz[3]; if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]); if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]); if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1; return -sa*factor; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLydGY(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter // [4] - volID // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha) // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha) // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite // return delta in global coordiante system // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); //Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4; Double_t factor = xyz[3]; if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]); if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]); if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1; return ca*factor; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGX(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter - rotation angle in mrad // [4] - volID // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha) // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha) // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite // return delta in global coordiante system // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa; Double_t ly = -xyz[0]*sa + xyz[1]*ca; // const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4; lx-=xIROCOROC; Double_t rot = xyz[3]*0.001; // rotation in mrad if (param[0]>0) rot*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]); if (param[1]>0) rot*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]); if (param[2]>0.5 && lx>0) rot*=-1; // Double_t dlxR = - ly*rot; Double_t dlyR = lx*rot; Double_t dgxR = dlxR*ca - dlyR*sa; //Double_t dgyR = dlxR*sa + dlyR*ca; return dgxR; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGY(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter - rotation angle in mrad // [4] - volID // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha) // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha) // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite // return delta in global coordiante system // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa; Double_t ly = -xyz[0]*sa + xyz[1]*ca; // const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4; lx-=xIROCOROC; Double_t rot = xyz[3]*0.001; // rotation in mrad if (param[0]>0) rot*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]); if (param[1]>0) rot*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]); if (param[2]>0.5 && lx>0) rot*=-1; Double_t dlxR = - ly*rot; Double_t dlyR = lx*rot; //Double_t dgxR = dlxR*ca - dlyR*sa; Double_t dgyR = dlxR*sa + dlyR*ca; return dgyR; } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCDeltaZMediumLong(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * /*param*/){ // // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter // [4] - volID // return delta in global coordinate system // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t signZ = (sector%36<18) ? 1: -1; // drift direction if (sector<36) return 0; // const Double_t radiusLong = 198.1; // Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa; Double_t sign = (lx0) delta *= TMath::Cos(param[0]*alpha); if (param[1]>0) delta *= TMath::Sin(param[1]*alpha); if (param[2]>0.5 && lx >xIROCOROC) delta *=-1; return delta*xyz[3]; // IROC shift } Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCTiltingZ(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){ // xyz - [0..2] - position // [3] - scale parameter // [4] - volID // param[0] - n for cos // param[1] - n for sin // param[2] - IROC-ORC relative (if >0.5 ) // return delta in global coordinate system const Double_t rFirst=85.2; const Double_t rLast =245.8; const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4; // Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]); Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9; Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa; Double_t deltaR = 2.0*(lx-xIROCOROC)/(rLast-rFirst); if (param[0]>0) deltaR *= TMath::Cos(param[0]*alpha); if (param[1]>0) deltaR *= TMath::Sin(param[1]*alpha); if (param[2]>0.5 && lx >xIROCOROC) deltaR *=-1; return deltaR*xyz[3]; }