/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Class to make a internal alignemnt of TPC chambers // // // Requierements - Warnings: // 1. Before using this componenent the magnetic filed has to be set properly // // 2. The systematic effects - unlinearities has to be understood // // If systematic and unlinearities are not under control // the alignment is just effective alignment. Not second order corrction // are calculated. // // The histograming of the edge effects and unlineratities integral part // of the component (currently only in debug stream) // // 3 general type of linear transformation investigated (see bellow) // // By default only 6 parameter alignment to be used - other just for QA purposes // Different linear tranformation investigated // 12 parameters - arbitrary linear transformation // a00 a01 a02 a03 p[0] p[1] p[2] p[9] // a10 a11 a12 a13 ==> p[3] p[4] p[5] p[10] // a20 a21 a22 a23 p[6] p[7] p[8] p[11] // // 9 parameters - scaling fixed to 1 // a00 a01 a02 a03 1 p[0] p[1] p[6] // a10 a11 a12 a13 ==> p[2] 1 p[3] p[7] // a20 a21 a22 a23 p[4] p[5] 1 p[8] // // 6 parameters - x-y rotation x-z, y-z tiliting // a00 a01 a02 a03 1 -p[0] 0 p[3] // a10 a11 a12 a13 ==> p[0] 1 0 p[4] // a20 a21 a22 a23 p[1] p[2] 1 p[5] // // // Debug stream supported // 0. Align - The main output of the Alignment component // - Used for visualization of the misalignment between sectors // - Results of the missalignment fit and the mean and sigmas of histograms // stored there // 1. Tracklet - StreamLevel >1 // - Dump all information about tracklet match from sector1 to sector 2 // - Default histogram residulas created in parallel // - Check this streamer in case of suspicious content of these histograms // 2. Track - StreamLevel>5 // - For debugging of the edge effects // - All information - extrapolation inside of one sectors // - Created in order to distinguish between unlinearities inside of o // sector and missalignment // // /* gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros"); gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros/AliXRDPROOFtoolkit.cxx+") AliXRDPROOFtoolkit tool; TChain * chain = tool.MakeChain("align.txt","Track",0,10200); chain->Lookup(); TCut cutA("abs(tp1.fP[1]-tp2.fP[1])<0.3&&abs(tp1.fP[0]-tp2.fP[0])<0.15&&abs(tp1.fP[3]-tp2.fP[3])<0.01&&abs(tp1.fP[2]-tp2.fP[2])<0.01"); TCut cutS("s1%36==s2%36"); .x ~/UliStyle.C .x $ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibsREC.C gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/lib/libXrdClient.so"); gSystem->Load("libProof"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libSTAT"); gSystem->Load("libTPCcalib"); // // compare reference TFile fcalib("CalibObjects.root"); TObjArray * array = (TObjArray*)fcalib.Get("TPCCalib"); AliTPCcalibAlign * align = ( AliTPCcalibAlign *)array->FindObject("alignTPC"); // // align->EvalFitters(); align->MakeTree("alignTree.root"); TFile falignTree("alignTree.root"); TTree * treeAlign = (TTree*)falignTree.Get("Align"); */ //// //// #include "TLinearFitter.h" #include "AliTPCcalibAlign.h" #include "AliTPCROC.h" #include "AliTPCPointCorrection.h" #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDfriend.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliTPCTracklet.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "AliTPCclusterMI.h" #include "AliTPCseed.h" #include "AliTracker.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "AliExternalComparison.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include #include using namespace std; AliTPCcalibAlign* AliTPCcalibAlign::fgInstance = 0; ClassImp(AliTPCcalibAlign) AliTPCcalibAlign* AliTPCcalibAlign::Instance() { // // Singleton implementation // Returns an instance of this class, it is created if neccessary // if (fgInstance == 0){ fgInstance = new AliTPCcalibAlign(); } return fgInstance; } AliTPCcalibAlign::AliTPCcalibAlign() : AliTPCcalibBase(), fDphiHistArray(72*72), fDthetaHistArray(72*72), fDyHistArray(72*72), fDzHistArray(72*72), // fDyPhiHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms y -kYPhi fDzThetaHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms z-z -kZTheta fDphiZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms phi -kPhiz fDthetaZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms theta -kThetaz fDyZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms y -kYz fDzZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms z -kZz fFitterArray12(72*72), fFitterArray9(72*72), fFitterArray6(72*72), fMatrixArray12(72*72), fMatrixArray9(72*72), fMatrixArray6(72*72), fCombinedMatrixArray6(72), fCompTracklet(0), // tracklet comparison fNoField(kFALSE), fXIO(0), fXmiddle(0), fXquadrant(0), fArraySectorIntParam(36), // array of sector alignment parameters fArraySectorIntCovar(36), // array of sector alignment covariances // // Kalman filter for global alignment // fSectorParamA(0), // Kalman parameter for A side fSectorCovarA(0), // Kalman covariance for A side fSectorParamC(0), // Kalman parameter for A side fSectorCovarC(0) // Kalman covariance for A side { // // Constructor // for (Int_t i=0;i<72*72;++i) { fPoints[i]=0; } AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); fXquadrant = roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,53); fXmiddle = ( roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,0)+roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,roc->GetNRows(36)-1))*0.5; fXIO = ( roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,roc->GetNRows(0)-1)+roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,0))*0.5; } AliTPCcalibAlign::AliTPCcalibAlign(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title) :AliTPCcalibBase(), fDphiHistArray(72*72), fDthetaHistArray(72*72), fDyHistArray(72*72), fDzHistArray(72*72), fDyPhiHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms y -kYPhi fDzThetaHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms z-z -kZTheta fDphiZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms phi -kPhiz fDthetaZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms theta -kThetaz fDyZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms y -kYz fDzZHistArray(72*72), // array of residual histograms z -kZz // fFitterArray12(72*72), fFitterArray9(72*72), fFitterArray6(72*72), fMatrixArray12(72*72), fMatrixArray9(72*72), fMatrixArray6(72*72), fCombinedMatrixArray6(72), fCompTracklet(0), // tracklet comparison fNoField(kFALSE), fXIO(0), fXmiddle(0), fXquadrant(0), fArraySectorIntParam(36), // array of sector alignment parameters fArraySectorIntCovar(36), // array of sector alignment covariances // // Kalman filter for global alignment // fSectorParamA(0), // Kalman parameter for A side fSectorCovarA(0), // Kalman covariance for A side fSectorParamC(0), // Kalman parameter for A side fSectorCovarC(0) // Kalman covariance for A side { // // Constructor // SetName(name); SetTitle(title); for (Int_t i=0;i<72*72;++i) { fPoints[i]=0; } AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); fXquadrant = roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,53); fXmiddle = ( roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,0)+roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,roc->GetNRows(36)-1))*0.5; fXIO = ( roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,roc->GetNRows(0)-1)+roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,0))*0.5; } AliTPCcalibAlign::AliTPCcalibAlign(const AliTPCcalibAlign &align) :AliTPCcalibBase(align), fDphiHistArray(align.fDphiHistArray), fDthetaHistArray(align.fDthetaHistArray), fDyHistArray(align.fDyHistArray), fDzHistArray(align.fDzHistArray), fDyPhiHistArray(align.fDyPhiHistArray), // array of residual histograms y -kYPhi fDzThetaHistArray(align.fDzThetaHistArray), // array of residual histograms z-z -kZTheta fDphiZHistArray(align.fDphiZHistArray), // array of residual histograms phi -kPhiz fDthetaZHistArray(align.fDthetaZHistArray), // array of residual histograms theta -kThetaz fDyZHistArray(align.fDyZHistArray), // array of residual histograms y -kYz fDzZHistArray(align.fDzZHistArray), // array of residual histograms z -kZz // fFitterArray12(align.fFitterArray12), fFitterArray9(align.fFitterArray9), fFitterArray6(align.fFitterArray6), fMatrixArray12(align.fMatrixArray12), fMatrixArray9(align.fMatrixArray9), fMatrixArray6(align.fMatrixArray6), fCombinedMatrixArray6(align.fCombinedMatrixArray6), fCompTracklet(align.fCompTracklet), // tracklet comparison fNoField(align.fNoField), fXIO(align.fXIO), fXmiddle(align.fXmiddle), fXquadrant(align.fXquadrant), fArraySectorIntParam(align.fArraySectorIntParam), // array of sector alignment parameters fArraySectorIntCovar(align.fArraySectorIntCovar), // array of sector alignment covariances fSectorParamA(0), // Kalman parameter for A side fSectorCovarA(0), // Kalman covariance for A side fSectorParamC(0), // Kalman parameter for A side fSectorCovarC(0) // Kalman covariance for A side { // // copy constructor - copy also the content // TH1 * his = 0; TObjArray * arr0=0; const TObjArray *arr1=0; for (Int_t index =0; index<72*72; index++){ for (Int_t iarray=0;iarray<10; iarray++){ if (iarray==kY){ arr0 = &fDyHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDyHistArray; } if (iarray==kZ){ arr0 = &fDzHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDzHistArray; } if (iarray==kPhi){ arr0 = &fDphiHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDphiHistArray; } if (iarray==kTheta){ arr0 = &fDthetaHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDthetaHistArray; } if (iarray==kYz){ arr0 = &fDyZHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDyZHistArray; } if (iarray==kZz){ arr0 = &fDzZHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDzZHistArray; } if (iarray==kPhiZ){ arr0 = &fDphiZHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDphiZHistArray; } if (iarray==kThetaZ){ arr0 = &fDthetaZHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDthetaZHistArray; } if (iarray==kYPhi){ arr0 = &fDyPhiHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDyPhiHistArray; } if (iarray==kZTheta){ arr0 = &fDzThetaHistArray; arr1 = &align.fDzThetaHistArray; } if (arr1->At(index)) { his = (TH1*)arr1->At(index)->Clone(); his->SetDirectory(0); arr0->AddAt(his,index); } } } // // // if (align.fSectorParamA){ fSectorParamA = (TMatrixD*)align.fSectorParamA->Clone(); fSectorParamA = (TMatrixD*)align.fSectorCovarA->Clone(); fSectorParamC = (TMatrixD*)align.fSectorParamA->Clone(); fSectorParamC = (TMatrixD*)align.fSectorCovarA->Clone(); } } AliTPCcalibAlign::~AliTPCcalibAlign() { // // destructor // fDphiHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms phi -kPhi fDthetaHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms theta -kTheta fDyHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms y -kY fDzHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms z -kZ // fDyPhiHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms y -kYPhi fDzThetaHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms z-z -kZTheta // fDphiZHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms phi -kPhiz fDthetaZHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms theta -kThetaz fDyZHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms y -kYz fDzZHistArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of residual histograms z -kZz fDphiHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms phi -kPhi fDthetaHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms theta -kTheta fDyHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms y -kY fDzHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms z -kZ // fDyPhiHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms y -kYPhi fDzThetaHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms z-z -kZTheta // fDphiZHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms phi -kPhiz fDthetaZHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms theta -kThetaz fDyZHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms y -kYz fDzZHistArray.Delete(); // array of residual histograms z -kZz fFitterArray12.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of fitters fFitterArray9.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of fitters fFitterArray6.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of fitters // fMatrixArray12.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of transnformtation matrix fMatrixArray9.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of transnformtation matrix fMatrixArray6.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of transnformtation matrix // fFitterArray12.Delete(); // array of fitters fFitterArray9.Delete(); // array of fitters fFitterArray6.Delete(); // array of fitters // fMatrixArray12.Delete(); // array of transnformtation matrix fMatrixArray9.Delete(); // array of transnformtation matrix fMatrixArray6.Delete(); // array of transnformtation matrix if (fCompTracklet) delete fCompTracklet; fArraySectorIntParam.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of sector alignment parameters fArraySectorIntCovar.SetOwner(kTRUE); // array of sector alignment covariances fArraySectorIntParam.Delete(); // array of sector alignment parameters fArraySectorIntCovar.Delete(); // array of sector alignment covariances } void AliTPCcalibAlign::Process(AliESDEvent *event) { // // Process pairs of cosmic tracks // const Int_t kMaxTracks =50; const Int_t kminCl = 40; AliESDfriend *ESDfriend=static_cast(event->FindListObject("AliESDfriend")); if (!ESDfriend) return; Int_t ntracks=event->GetNumberOfTracks(); Float_t dca0[2]; Float_t dca1[2]; // // // // if (ntracks>kMaxTracks) return; // //select pairs - for alignment for (Int_t i0=0;i0GetTrack(i0); // if (track0->GetTPCNcls()GetImpactParameters(dca0[0],dca0[1]); // if (TMath::Abs(dca0[0])>30) continue; // for (Int_t i1=0;i1GetTrack(i1); // if (track1->GetTPCNcls()GetImpactParameters(dca1[0],dca1[1]); // fast cuts on dca and theta // if (TMath::Abs(dca1[0]+dca0[0])>15) continue; // if (TMath::Abs(dca1[1]-dca0[1])>15) continue; // if (TMath::Abs(track0->GetParameter()[3]+track1->GetParameter()[3])>0.1) continue; // AliESDfriendTrack *friendTrack = 0; TObject *calibObject=0; AliTPCseed *seed0 = 0,*seed1=0; // friendTrack = (AliESDfriendTrack *)ESDfriend->GetTrack(i0);; for (Int_t l=0;(calibObject=friendTrack->GetCalibObject(l));++l) { if ((seed0=dynamic_cast(calibObject))) break; } friendTrack = (AliESDfriendTrack *)ESDfriend->GetTrack(i1);; for (Int_t l=0;(calibObject=friendTrack->GetCalibObject(l));++l) { if ((seed1=dynamic_cast(calibObject))) break; } if (!seed0) continue; if (!seed1) continue; Int_t nclsectors0[72], nclsectors1[72]; for (Int_t isec=0;isec<72;isec++){ nclsectors0[isec]=0; nclsectors1[isec]=0; } for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++){ AliTPCclusterMI *c0=seed0->GetClusterPointer(i); AliTPCclusterMI *c1=seed1->GetClusterPointer(i); if (c0) nclsectors0[c0->GetDetector()]+=1; if (c1) nclsectors1[c1->GetDetector()]+=1; } for (Int_t isec0=0; isec0<72;isec0++){ if (nclsectors0[isec0]1.0) isOK=kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(dp1)>0.02) isOK=kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(dp3)>0.02) isOK=kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(pp0)>6) isOK=kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(pp1)>6) isOK=kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(pp3)>6) isOK=kFALSE; // if (isOK){ FillHisto(parLine0,parLine1,s0,s1); ProcessAlign(parLine0,parLine1,s0,s1); UpdateKalman(s0,s1,par0, cov0, par1, cov1); } if (fStreamLevel>0){ TTreeSRedirector *cstream = GetDebugStreamer(); if (cstream){ (*cstream)<<"cosmic"<< "isOK="<(tracklets[i1]); AliTPCTracklet *t2=static_cast(tracklets[i2]); AliExternalTrackParam *common1=0,*common2=0; if (AliTPCTracklet::PropagateToMeanX(*t1,*t2,common1,common2)){ ProcessTracklets(*common1,*common2,seed, t1->GetSector(),t2->GetSector()); UpdateAlignSector(seed,t1->GetSector()); } delete common1; delete common2; } } void AliTPCcalibAlign::Analyze(){ // // Analyze function // EvalFitters(); } void AliTPCcalibAlign::Terminate(){ // // Terminate function // call base terminate + Eval of fitters // Info("AliTPCcalibAlign","Terminate"); EvalFitters(); AliTPCcalibBase::Terminate(); } void AliTPCcalibAlign::UpdatePointCorrection(AliTPCPointCorrection * correction){ // // Update point correction with alignment coefficients // for (Int_t isec=0;isec<36;isec++){ TMatrixD * matCorr = (TMatrixD*)(correction->fArraySectorIntParam.At(isec)); TMatrixD * matAlign = (TMatrixD*)(fArraySectorIntParam.At(isec)); TMatrixD * matAlignCovar = (TMatrixD*)(fArraySectorIntCovar.At(isec)); if (!matAlign) continue; if (!matCorr) { correction->fArraySectorIntParam.AddAt(matAlign->Clone(),isec); correction->fArraySectorIntCovar.AddAt(matAlignCovar->Clone(),isec); continue; } (*matCorr)+=(*matAlign); correction->fArraySectorIntCovar.AddAt(matAlignCovar->Clone(),isec); } // } void AliTPCcalibAlign::ProcessTracklets(const AliExternalTrackParam &tp1, const AliExternalTrackParam &tp2, const AliTPCseed * seed, Int_t s1,Int_t s2) { // // Process function to fill fitters // Double_t t1[10],t2[10]; Double_t &x1=t1[0], &y1=t1[1], &z1=t1[3], &dydx1=t1[2], &dzdx1=t1[4]; Double_t &x2=t2[0], &y2=t2[1], &z2=t2[3], &dydx2=t2[2], &dzdx2=t2[4]; x1 =tp1.GetX(); y1 =tp1.GetY(); z1 =tp1.GetZ(); Double_t snp1=tp1.GetSnp(); dydx1=snp1/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp1)*(1.+snp1)); Double_t tgl1=tp1.GetTgl(); // dz/dx = 1/(cos(theta)*cos(phi)) dzdx1=tgl1/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp1)*(1.+snp1)); x2 =tp2.GetX(); y2 =tp2.GetY(); z2 =tp2.GetZ(); Double_t snp2=tp2.GetSnp(); dydx2=snp2/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp2)*(1.+snp2)); Double_t tgl2=tp2.GetTgl(); dzdx2=tgl2/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp2)*(1.+snp2)); // // Kalman parameters // t1[0]-=fXIO; t2[0]-=fXIO; // errors t1[5]=0; t2[5]=0; t1[6]=TMath::Sqrt(tp1.GetSigmaY2()); t1[7]=TMath::Sqrt(tp1.GetSigmaSnp2()); t1[8]=TMath::Sqrt(tp1.GetSigmaZ2()); t1[9]=TMath::Sqrt(tp1.GetSigmaTgl2()); t2[6]=TMath::Sqrt(tp2.GetSigmaY2()); t2[7]=TMath::Sqrt(tp2.GetSigmaSnp2()); t2[8]=TMath::Sqrt(tp2.GetSigmaZ2()); t2[9]=TMath::Sqrt(tp2.GetSigmaTgl2()); // // linear parameters // Double_t parLine1[10]; Double_t parLine2[10]; TMatrixD par1(4,1),cov1(4,4),par2(4,1),cov2(4,4); Int_t nl1 = RefitLinear(seed,s1, parLine1, s1,par1,cov1,tp1.GetX(), kFALSE); Int_t nl2 = RefitLinear(seed,s2, parLine2, s1,par2,cov2,tp1.GetX(), kFALSE); parLine1[0]=tp1.GetX()-fXIO; // parameters in IROC-OROC boundary parLine2[0]=tp1.GetX()-fXIO; // parameters in IROC-OROC boundary // // // Int_t accept = AcceptTracklet(tp1,tp2); Int_t acceptLinear = AcceptTracklet(parLine1,parLine2); if (fStreamLevel>1 && seed){ TTreeSRedirector *cstream = GetDebugStreamer(); if (cstream){ static TVectorD vec1(5); static TVectorD vec2(5); static TVectorD vecL1(9); static TVectorD vecL2(9); vec1.SetElements(t1); vec2.SetElements(t2); vecL1.SetElements(parLine1); vecL2.SetElements(parLine2); AliExternalTrackParam *p1 = &((AliExternalTrackParam&)tp1); AliExternalTrackParam *p2 = &((AliExternalTrackParam&)tp2); (*cstream)<<"Tracklet"<< "accept="<10 && nl2>10 &&(acceptLinear==0)){ if (seed) ProcessDiff(tp1,tp2, seed,s1,s2); if (TMath::Abs(parLine1[2])<0.8 &&TMath::Abs(parLine1[2])<0.8 ){ //angular cut FillHisto(parLine1,parLine2,s1,s2); ProcessAlign(parLine1,parLine2,s1,s2); UpdateKalman(s1,s2,par1, cov1, par2, cov2); } } } if (accept>0) return; // // fill resolution histograms - previous cut included if (TMath::Abs(fMagF)>0.005){ // // use Kalman if mag field // if (seed) ProcessDiff(tp1,tp2, seed,s1,s2); FillHisto(t1,t2,s1,s2); ProcessAlign(t1,t2,s1,s2); } } void AliTPCcalibAlign::ProcessAlign(Double_t * t1, Double_t * t2, Int_t s1,Int_t s2){ // // Do intersector alignment // Process12(t1,t2,GetOrMakeFitter12(s1,s2)); Process9(t1,t2,GetOrMakeFitter9(s1,s2)); Process6(t1,t2,GetOrMakeFitter6(s1,s2)); ++fPoints[GetIndex(s1,s2)]; } void AliTPCcalibAlign::ProcessTree(TTree * chainTracklet, AliExternalComparison *comp){ // // Process the debug streamer tree // Possible to modify selection criteria // Used with entry list // TTreeSRedirector * cstream = new TTreeSRedirector("aligndump.root"); AliTPCcalibAlign *align = this; // TVectorD * vec1 = 0; TVectorD * vec2 = 0; AliExternalTrackParam * tp1 = 0; AliExternalTrackParam * tp2 = 0; Int_t s1 = 0; Int_t s2 = 0; Int_t npoints =0; { Int_t entries=chainTracklet->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; i< entries; i++){ chainTracklet->GetBranch("tp1.")->SetAddress(&tp1); chainTracklet->GetBranch("tp2.")->SetAddress(&tp2); chainTracklet->GetBranch("v1.")->SetAddress(&vec1); chainTracklet->GetBranch("v2.")->SetAddress(&vec2); chainTracklet->GetBranch("s1")->SetAddress(&s1); chainTracklet->GetBranch("s2")->SetAddress(&s2); chainTracklet->GetEntry(i); if (!vec1) continue; if (!vec2) continue; if (!tp1) continue; if (!tp2) continue; if (!vec1->GetMatrixArray()) continue; if (!vec2->GetMatrixArray()) continue; // make a local copy AliExternalTrackParam par1(*tp1); AliExternalTrackParam par2(*tp2); TVectorD svec1(*vec1); TVectorD svec2(*vec2); // if (s1==s2) continue; if (i%100==0) printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t\n",i, npoints,s1,s2); AliExternalTrackParam cpar1(par1); AliExternalTrackParam cpar2(par2); Constrain1Pt(cpar1,par2,fNoField); Constrain1Pt(cpar2,par1,fNoField); Bool_t acceptComp = kFALSE; if (comp) acceptComp=comp->AcceptPair(&par1,&par2); if (comp) acceptComp&=comp->AcceptPair(&cpar1,&cpar2); // Int_t reject = align->AcceptTracklet(par1,par2); Int_t rejectC =align->AcceptTracklet(cpar1,cpar2); if (1||fStreamLevel>0){ (*cstream)<<"Tracklet"<< "s1="<Process(&cpar1,&cpar2); // if (reject>0 || rejectC>0) continue; npoints++; align->ProcessTracklets(cpar1,cpar2,0,s1,s2); align->ProcessTracklets(cpar2,cpar1,0,s2,s1); } } delete cstream; } Int_t AliTPCcalibAlign::AcceptTracklet(const AliExternalTrackParam &p1, const AliExternalTrackParam &p2){ // // Accept pair of tracklets? // /* // resolution cuts TCut cutS0("sqrt(tp2.fC[0]+tp1.fC[0])<0.2"); TCut cutS1("sqrt(tp2.fC[2]+tp1.fC[2])<0.2"); TCut cutS2("sqrt(tp2.fC[5]+tp1.fC[5])<0.01"); TCut cutS3("sqrt(tp2.fC[9]+tp1.fC[9])<0.01"); TCut cutS4("sqrt(tp2.fC[14]+tp1.fC[14])<0.25"); TCut cutS=cutS0+cutS1+cutS2+cutS3+cutS4; // // parameters matching cuts TCut cutP0("abs(tp1.fP[0]-tp2.fP[0])<0.6"); TCut cutP1("abs(tp1.fP[1]-tp2.fP[1])<0.6"); TCut cutP2("abs(tp1.fP[2]-tp2.fP[2])<0.03"); TCut cutP3("abs(tp1.fP[3]-tp2.fP[3])<0.03"); TCut cutP4("abs(tp1.fP[4]-tp2.fP[4])<0.5"); TCut cutPP4("abs(tp1.fP[4]-tp2.fP[4])/sqrt(tp2.fC[14]+tp1.fC[14])<3"); TCut cutP=cutP0+cutP1+cutP2+cutP3+cutP4+cutPP4; */ // // resolution cuts Int_t reject=0; const Double_t *cp1 = p1.GetCovariance(); const Double_t *cp2 = p2.GetCovariance(); if (TMath::Sqrt(cp1[0]+cp2[0])>0.2) reject|=1;; if (TMath::Sqrt(cp1[2]+cp2[2])>0.2) reject|=2; if (TMath::Sqrt(cp1[5]+cp2[5])>0.01) reject|=4; if (TMath::Sqrt(cp1[9]+cp2[9])>0.01) reject|=8; if (TMath::Sqrt(cp1[14]+cp2[14])>0.2) reject|=16; //parameters difference const Double_t *tp1 = p1.GetParameter(); const Double_t *tp2 = p2.GetParameter(); if (TMath::Abs(tp1[0]-tp2[0])>0.6) reject|=32; if (TMath::Abs(tp1[1]-tp2[1])>0.6) reject|=64; if (TMath::Abs(tp1[2]-tp2[2])>0.03) reject|=128; if (TMath::Abs(tp1[3]-tp2[3])>0.03) reject|=526; if (TMath::Abs(tp1[4]-tp2[4])>0.4) reject|=1024; if (TMath::Abs(tp1[4]-tp2[4])/TMath::Sqrt(cp1[14]+cp2[14])>4) reject|=2048; // if (TMath::Abs(tp2[1])>235) reject|=2*4096; if (fNoField){ } return reject; } Int_t AliTPCcalibAlign::AcceptTracklet(const Double_t *t1, const Double_t *t2){ // // accept tracklet - // dist cut + 6 sigma cut // Double_t dy = t2[1]-t1[1]; Double_t dphi = t2[2]-t1[2]; Double_t dz = t2[3]-t1[3]; Double_t dtheta = t2[4]-t1[4]; // Double_t sy = TMath::Sqrt(t1[6]*t1[6]+t2[6]*t2[6]+0.05*0.05); Double_t sdydx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[7]*t1[7]+t2[7]*t2[7]+0.001*0.001); Double_t sz = TMath::Sqrt(t1[8]*t1[8]+t2[8]*t2[8]+0.05*0.05); Double_t sdzdx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[9]*t1[9]+t2[9]*t2[9]+0.001*0.001); // Int_t reject=0; if (TMath::Abs(dy)>1.) reject|=2; if (TMath::Abs(dphi)>0.1) reject|=4; if (TMath::Abs(dz)>1.) reject|=8; if (TMath::Abs(dtheta)>0.1) reject|=16; // if (TMath::Abs(dy/sy)>6) reject|=32; if (TMath::Abs(dphi/sdydx)>6) reject|=64; if (TMath::Abs(dz/sz)>6) reject|=128; if (TMath::Abs(dtheta/sdzdx)>6) reject|=256; return reject; } void AliTPCcalibAlign::ProcessDiff(const AliExternalTrackParam &t1, const AliExternalTrackParam &t2, const AliTPCseed *seed, Int_t s1,Int_t s2) { // // Process local residuals function // TVectorD vecX(160); TVectorD vecY(160); TVectorD vecZ(160); TVectorD vecClY(160); TVectorD vecClZ(160); TClonesArray arrCl("AliTPCclusterMI",160); arrCl.ExpandCreateFast(160); Int_t count1=0, count2=0; for (Int_t i=0;i<160;++i) { AliTPCclusterMI *c=seed->GetClusterPointer(i); vecX[i]=0; vecY[i]=0; vecZ[i]=0; if (!c) continue; AliTPCclusterMI & cl = (AliTPCclusterMI&) (*arrCl[i]); if (c->GetDetector()!=s1 && c->GetDetector()!=s2) continue; vecClY[i] = c->GetY(); vecClZ[i] = c->GetZ(); cl=*c; const AliExternalTrackParam *par = (c->GetDetector()==s1)? &t1:&t2; if (c->GetDetector()==s1) ++count1; if (c->GetDetector()==s2) ++count2; Double_t gxyz[3],xyz[3]; t1.GetXYZ(gxyz); Float_t bz = AliTracker::GetBz(gxyz); par->GetYAt(c->GetX(), bz, xyz[1]); par->GetZAt(c->GetX(), bz, xyz[2]); vecX[i] = c->GetX(); vecY[i]= xyz[1]; vecZ[i]= xyz[2]; } // // if (fStreamLevel>5 && count1>10 && count2>10){ // // huge output - cluster residuals to be investigated // TTreeSRedirector *cstream = GetDebugStreamer(); AliExternalTrackParam *p1 = &((AliExternalTrackParam&)t1); AliExternalTrackParam *p2 = &((AliExternalTrackParam&)t2); /* Track->Draw("Cl[].fY-vtY.fElements:vtY.fElements-vtX.fElements*tan(pi/18.)>>his(100,-10,0)","Cl.fY!=0&&abs(Cl.fY-vtY.fElements)<1","prof"); */ if (cstream){ (*cstream)<<"Track"<< "run="< p[3] p[4] p[5] p[10] // a20 a21 a22 a23 p[6] p[7] p[8] p[11] const Double_t &x1=t1[0], &y1=t1[1], &z1=t1[3], &dydx1=t1[2], &dzdx1=t1[4]; const Double_t /*&x2=t2[0],*/ &y2=t2[1], &z2=t2[3], &dydx2=t2[2], &dzdx2=t2[4]; // Double_t sy = TMath::Sqrt(t1[6]*t1[6]+t2[6]*t2[6]); Double_t sdydx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[7]*t1[7]+t2[7]*t2[7]); Double_t sz = TMath::Sqrt(t1[8]*t1[8]+t2[8]*t2[8]); Double_t sdzdx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[9]*t1[9]+t2[9]*t2[9]); Double_t p[12]; Double_t value; // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // y2 = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 // y2' = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 + (a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03)*dydx2 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[3+0] = x1; // a10 p[3+1] = y1; // a11 p[3+2] = z1; // a12 p[9+1] = 1.; // a13 p[0+1] = y1*dydx2; // a01 p[0+2] = z1*dydx2; // a02 p[9+0] = dydx2; // a03 value = y2; fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sy); // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // z2 = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 // z2' = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 + (a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03)*dzdx2; for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[6+0] = x1; // a20 p[6+1] = y1; // a21 p[6+2] = z1; // a22 p[9+2] = 1.; // a23 p[0+1] = y1*dzdx2; // a01 p[0+2] = z1*dzdx2; // a02 p[9+0] = dzdx2; // a03 value = z2; fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sz); // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/( a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1) - (a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1)*dydx2 = 0 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[3+0] = 1.; // a10 p[3+1] = dydx1; // a11 p[3+2] = dzdx1; // a12 p[0+0] = -dydx2; // a00 p[0+1] = -dydx1*dydx2; // a01 p[0+2] = -dzdx1*dydx2; // a02 value = 0.; fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sdydx); // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/( a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1) - (a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1)*dzdx2 = 0 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[6+0] = 1; // a20 p[6+1] = dydx1; // a21 p[6+2] = dzdx1; // a22 p[0+0] = -dzdx2; // a00 p[0+1] = -dydx1*dzdx2; // a01 p[0+2] = -dzdx1*dzdx2; // a02 value = 0.; fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sdzdx); } void AliTPCcalibAlign::Process9(Double_t *t1, Double_t *t2, TLinearFitter *fitter) { // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // y2 = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 // z2 = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // // a00 a01 a02 a03 1 p[0] p[1] p[6] // a10 a11 a12 a13 ==> p[2] 1 p[3] p[7] // a20 a21 a21 a23 p[4] p[5] 1 p[8] Double_t &x1=t1[0], &y1=t1[1], &z1=t1[3], &dydx1=t1[2], &dzdx1=t1[4]; Double_t /*&x2=t2[0],*/ &y2=t2[1], &z2=t2[3], &dydx2=t2[2], &dzdx2=t2[4]; // Double_t sy = TMath::Sqrt(t1[6]*t1[6]+t2[6]*t2[6]); Double_t sdydx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[7]*t1[7]+t2[7]*t2[7]); Double_t sz = TMath::Sqrt(t1[8]*t1[8]+t2[8]*t2[8]); Double_t sdzdx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[9]*t1[9]+t2[9]*t2[9]); // Double_t p[12]; Double_t value; // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // y2 = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 // y2' = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 + (a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03)*dydx2 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[2] += x1; // a10 //p[] +=1; // a11 p[3] += z1; // a12 p[7] += 1; // a13 p[0] += y1*dydx2; // a01 p[1] += z1*dydx2; // a02 p[6] += dydx2; // a03 value = y2-y1; //-a11 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sy); // // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // z2 = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 // z2' = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 + (a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03)*dzdx2; for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[4] += x1; // a20 p[5] += y1; // a21 //p[] += z1; // a22 p[8] += 1.; // a23 p[0] += y1*dzdx2; // a01 p[1] += z1*dzdx2; // a02 p[6] += dzdx2; // a03 value = z2-z1; //-a22 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sz); // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/( a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1) - (a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1)*dydx2 = 0 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[2] += 1.; // a10 //p[] += dydx1; // a11 p[3] += dzdx1; // a12 //p[] += -dydx2; // a00 p[0] += -dydx1*dydx2; // a01 p[1] += -dzdx1*dydx2; // a02 value = -dydx1+dydx2; // -a11 + a00 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sdydx); // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/( a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1) - (a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1)*dzdx2 = 0 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[4] += 1; // a20 p[5] += dydx1; // a21 //p[] += dzdx1; // a22 //p[] += -dzdx2; // a00 p[0] += -dydx1*dzdx2; // a01 p[1] += -dzdx1*dzdx2; // a02 value = -dzdx1+dzdx2; // -a22 + a00 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sdzdx); } void AliTPCcalibAlign::Process6(Double_t *t1, Double_t *t2, TLinearFitter *fitter) { // x2 = 1 *x1 +-a01*y1 + 0 +a03 // y2 = a01*x1 + 1 *y1 + 0 +a13 // z2 = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + 1 *z1 +a23 // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // // a00 a01 a02 a03 1 -p[0] 0 p[3] // a10 a11 a12 a13 ==> p[0] 1 0 p[4] // a20 a21 a21 a23 p[1] p[2] 1 p[5] Double_t &x1=t1[0], &y1=t1[1], &z1=t1[3], &dydx1=t1[2], &dzdx1=t1[4]; Double_t /*&x2=t2[0],*/ &y2=t2[1], &z2=t2[3], &dydx2=t2[2], &dzdx2=t2[4]; // Double_t sy = TMath::Sqrt(t1[6]*t1[6]+t2[6]*t2[6]); Double_t sdydx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[7]*t1[7]+t2[7]*t2[7]); Double_t sz = TMath::Sqrt(t1[8]*t1[8]+t2[8]*t2[8]); Double_t sdzdx = TMath::Sqrt(t1[9]*t1[9]+t2[9]*t2[9]); Double_t p[12]; Double_t value; // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // y2 = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 // y2' = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 + (a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03)*dydx2 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[0] += x1; // a10 //p[] +=1; // a11 //p[] += z1; // a12 p[4] += 1; // a13 p[0] += -y1*dydx2; // a01 //p[] += z1*dydx2; // a02 p[3] += dydx2; // a03 value = y2-y1; //-a11 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sy); // // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // z2 = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 // z2' = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 + (a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03)*dzdx2; for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[1] += x1; // a20 p[2] += y1; // a21 //p[] += z1; // a22 p[5] += 1.; // a23 p[0] += -y1*dzdx2; // a01 //p[] += z1*dzdx2; // a02 p[3] += dzdx2; // a03 value = z2-z1; //-a22 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sz); // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/( a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1) - (a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1)*dydx2 = 0 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[0] += 1.; // a10 //p[] += dydx1; // a11 //p[] += dzdx1; // a12 //p[] += -dydx2; // a00 //p[0] += dydx1*dydx2; // a01 FIXME- 0912 MI //p[] += -dzdx1*dydx2; // a02 value = -dydx1+dydx2; // -a11 + a00 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sdydx); // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/( a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1) - (a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1)*dzdx2 = 0 for (Int_t i=0; i<12;i++) p[i]=0.; p[1] += 1; // a20 // p[2] += dydx1; // a21 FIXME- 0912 MI //p[] += dzdx1; // a22 //p[] += -dzdx2; // a00 //p[0] += dydx1*dzdx2; // a01 FIXME- 0912 MI //p[] += -dzdx1*dzdx2; // a02 value = -dzdx1+dzdx2; // -a22 + a00 fitter->AddPoint(p,value,sdzdx); } void AliTPCcalibAlign::EvalFitters(Int_t minPoints) { // // Analyze function // // Perform the fitting using linear fitters // TLinearFitter *f; TFile fff("alignDebug.root","recreate"); for (Int_t s1=0;s1<72;++s1) for (Int_t s2=0;s2<72;++s2){ if ((f=GetFitter12(s1,s2))&&fPoints[GetIndex(s1,s2)]>minPoints) { // cerr<Eval()!=0) { cerr<<"Evaluation failed for "<Write(Form("f12_%d_%d",s1,s2)); }else{ f->Write(Form("f12_%d_%d",s1,s2)); } } if ((f=GetFitter9(s1,s2))&&fPoints[GetIndex(s1,s2)]>minPoints) { // cerr<Eval()!=0) { cerr<<"Evaluation failed for "<Write(Form("f9_%d_%d",s1,s2)); } } if ((f=GetFitter6(s1,s2))&&fPoints[GetIndex(s1,s2)]>minPoints) { // cerr<Eval()!=0) { cerr<<"Evaluation failed for "<Write(Form("f6_%d_%d",s1,s2)); } } } TMatrixD mat(4,4); for (Int_t s1=0;s1<72;++s1) for (Int_t s2=0;s2<72;++s2){ if (GetTransformation12(s1,s2,mat)){ fMatrixArray12.AddAt(mat.Clone(), GetIndex(s1,s2)); } if (GetTransformation9(s1,s2,mat)){ fMatrixArray9.AddAt(mat.Clone(), GetIndex(s1,s2)); } if (GetTransformation6(s1,s2,mat)){ fMatrixArray6.AddAt(mat.Clone(), GetIndex(s1,s2)); } } //this->Write("align"); } TLinearFitter* AliTPCcalibAlign::GetOrMakeFitter12(Int_t s1,Int_t s2) { // // get or make fitter - general linear transformation // static Int_t counter12=0; static TF1 f12("f12","x[0]++x[1]++x[2]++x[3]++x[4]++x[5]++x[6]++x[7]++x[8]++x[9]++x[10]++x[11]"); TLinearFitter * fitter = GetFitter12(s1,s2); if (fitter) return fitter; // fitter =new TLinearFitter(12,"x[0]++x[1]++x[2]++x[3]++x[4]++x[5]++x[6]++x[7]++x[8]++x[9]++x[10]++x[11]"); fitter =new TLinearFitter(&f12,""); fitter->StoreData(kFALSE); fFitterArray12.AddAt(fitter,GetIndex(s1,s2)); counter12++; if (GetDebugLevel()>0) cerr<<"Creating fitter12 "<StoreData(kFALSE); fFitterArray9.AddAt(fitter,GetIndex(s1,s2)); counter9++; if (GetDebugLevel()>0) cerr<<"Creating fitter12 "<StoreData(kTRUE); fFitterArray6.AddAt(fitter,GetIndex(s1,s2)); counter6++; if (GetDebugLevel()>0) cerr<<"Creating fitter6 "<GetParameters(p); a.ResizeTo(4,4); a[0][0]=p[0]; a[0][1]=p[1]; a[0][2]=p[2]; a[0][3]=p[9]; a[1][0]=p[3]; a[1][1]=p[4]; a[1][2]=p[5]; a[1][3]=p[10]; a[2][0]=p[6]; a[2][1]=p[7]; a[2][2]=p[8]; a[2][3]=p[11]; a[3][0]=0.; a[3][1]=0.; a[3][2]=0.; a[3][3]=1.; return true; } } Bool_t AliTPCcalibAlign::GetTransformation9(Int_t s1,Int_t s2,TMatrixD &a) { // // GetTransformation matrix - 9 paramaters - general linear transformation // No scaling // if (!GetFitter9(s1,s2)) return false; else { TVectorD p(9); GetFitter9(s1,s2)->GetParameters(p); a.ResizeTo(4,4); a[0][0]=1; a[0][1]=p[0]; a[0][2]=p[1]; a[0][3]=p[6]; a[1][0]=p[2]; a[1][1]=1; a[1][2]=p[3]; a[1][3]=p[7]; a[2][0]=p[4]; a[2][1]=p[5]; a[2][2]=1; a[2][3]=p[8]; a[3][0]=0.; a[3][1]=0.; a[3][2]=0.; a[3][3]=1.; return true; } } Bool_t AliTPCcalibAlign::GetTransformation6(Int_t s1,Int_t s2,TMatrixD &a) { // // GetTransformation matrix - 6 paramaters // 3 translation // 1 rotation -x-y // 2 tilting x-z y-z if (!GetFitter6(s1,s2)) return false; else { TVectorD p(6); GetFitter6(s1,s2)->GetParameters(p); a.ResizeTo(4,4); a[0][0]=1; a[0][1]=-p[0];a[0][2]=0; a[0][3]=p[3]; a[1][0]=p[0]; a[1][1]=1; a[1][2]=0; a[1][3]=p[4]; a[2][0]=p[1]; a[2][1]=p[2]; a[2][2]=1; a[2][3]=p[5]; a[3][0]=0.; a[3][1]=0.; a[3][2]=0.; a[3][3]=1.; return true; } } void AliTPCcalibAlign::FillHisto(const Double_t *t1, const Double_t *t2, Int_t s1,Int_t s2) { // // Fill residual histograms // Innner-Outer // Left right - x-y // A-C side if (1) { Double_t dy = t2[1]-t1[1]; Double_t dphi = t2[2]-t1[2]; Double_t dz = t2[3]-t1[3]; Double_t dtheta = t2[4]-t1[4]; Double_t zmean = (t2[3]+t1[3])*0.5; // GetHisto(kPhi,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(dphi); GetHisto(kTheta,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(dtheta); GetHisto(kY,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(dy); GetHisto(kZ,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(dz); // GetHisto(kPhiZ,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(zmean,dphi); GetHisto(kThetaZ,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(zmean,dtheta); GetHisto(kYz,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(zmean,dy); GetHisto(kZz,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(zmean,dz); // GetHisto(kYPhi,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(t2[2],dy); GetHisto(kZTheta,s1,s2,kTRUE)->Fill(t2[4],dz); } } TH1 * AliTPCcalibAlign::GetHisto(HistoType type, Int_t s1, Int_t s2, Bool_t force) { // // return specified residual histogram - it is only QA // if force specified the histogram and given histogram is not existing // new histogram is created // if (GetIndex(s1,s2)>=72*72) return 0; TObjArray *histoArray=0; switch (type) { case kY: histoArray = &fDyHistArray; break; case kZ: histoArray = &fDzHistArray; break; case kPhi: histoArray = &fDphiHistArray; break; case kTheta: histoArray = &fDthetaHistArray; break; case kYPhi: histoArray = &fDyPhiHistArray; break; case kZTheta: histoArray = &fDzThetaHistArray; break; case kYz: histoArray = &fDyZHistArray; break; case kZz: histoArray = &fDzZHistArray; break; case kPhiZ: histoArray = &fDphiZHistArray; break; case kThetaZ: histoArray = &fDthetaZHistArray; break; } TH1 * histo= (TH1*)histoArray->At(GetIndex(s1,s2)); if (histo) return histo; if (force==kFALSE) return 0; // stringstream name; stringstream title; switch (type) { case kY: name<<"hist_y_"<SetDirectory(0); histoArray->AddAt(histo,GetIndex(s1,s2)); return histo; } TGraphErrors * AliTPCcalibAlign::MakeGraph(Int_t sec0, Int_t sec1, Int_t dsec, Int_t i0, Int_t i1, FitType type) { // // // TMatrixD mat; //TObjArray *fitArray=0; Double_t xsec[1000]; Double_t ysec[1000]; Int_t npoints=0; for (Int_t isec = sec0; isec<=sec1; isec++){ Int_t isec2 = (isec+dsec)%72; switch (type) { case k6: GetTransformation6(isec,isec2,mat);break; case k9: GetTransformation9(isec,isec2,mat);break; case k12: GetTransformation12(isec,isec2,mat);break; } xsec[npoints]=isec; ysec[npoints]=mat(i0,i1); ++npoints; } TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(npoints,xsec,ysec,0,0); Char_t name[1000]; sprintf(name,"Mat[%d,%d] Type=%d",i0,i1,type); gr->SetName(name); return gr; } void AliTPCcalibAlign::MakeTree(const char *fname, Int_t minPoints){ // // make tree with alignment cosntant - // For QA visualization // /* TFile fcalib("CalibObjects.root"); TObjArray * array = (TObjArray*)fcalib.Get("TPCCalib"); AliTPCcalibAlign * align = ( AliTPCcalibAlign *)array->FindObject("alignTPC"); align->EvalFitters(); align->MakeTree("alignTree.root"); TFile falignTree("alignTree.root"); TTree * treeAlign = (TTree*)falignTree.Get("Align"); */ TTreeSRedirector cstream(fname); for (Int_t s1=0;s1<72;++s1) for (Int_t s2=0;s2<72;++s2){ TMatrixD m6; TMatrixD m6FX; TMatrixD m9; TMatrixD m12; TVectorD param6Diff; // align parameters diff TVectorD param6s1(6); // align parameters sector1 TVectorD param6s2(6); // align parameters sector2 // // TMatrixD * kpar = fSectorParamA; TMatrixD * kcov = fSectorCovarA; if (s1%36>=18){ kpar = fSectorParamC; kcov = fSectorCovarC; } for (Int_t ipar=0;ipar<6;ipar++){ Int_t isec1 = s1%18; Int_t isec2 = s2%18; if (s1>35) isec1+=18; if (s2>35) isec2+=18; param6s1(ipar)=(*kpar)(6*isec1+ipar,0); param6s2(ipar)=(*kpar)(6*isec2+ipar,0); } Double_t dy=0, dz=0, dphi=0,dtheta=0; Double_t sy=0, sz=0, sphi=0,stheta=0; Double_t ny=0, nz=0, nphi=0,ntheta=0; Double_t chi2v12=0, chi2v9=0, chi2v6=0; Int_t npoints=0; TLinearFitter * fitter = 0; if (fPoints[GetIndex(s1,s2)]>minPoints){ // // // fitter = GetFitter12(s1,s2); npoints = fitter->GetNpoints(); chi2v12 = TMath::Sqrt(fitter->GetChisquare()/npoints); // fitter = GetFitter9(s1,s2); npoints = fitter->GetNpoints(); chi2v9 = TMath::Sqrt(fitter->GetChisquare()/npoints); // fitter = GetFitter6(s1,s2); npoints = fitter->GetNpoints(); chi2v6 = TMath::Sqrt(fitter->GetChisquare()/npoints); fitter->GetParameters(param6Diff); // GetTransformation6(s1,s2,m6); GetTransformation9(s1,s2,m9); GetTransformation12(s1,s2,m12); // fitter = GetFitter6(s1,s2); //fitter->FixParameter(3,0); //fitter->Eval(); GetTransformation6(s1,s2,m6FX); // TH1 * his=0; his = GetHisto(kY,s1,s2); if (his) { dy = his->GetMean(); sy = his->GetRMS(); ny = his->GetEntries();} his = GetHisto(kZ,s1,s2); if (his) { dz = his->GetMean(); sz = his->GetRMS(); nz = his->GetEntries();} his = GetHisto(kPhi,s1,s2); if (his) { dphi = his->GetMean(); sphi = his->GetRMS(); nphi = his->GetEntries();} his = GetHisto(kTheta,s1,s2); if (his) { dtheta = his->GetMean(); stheta = his->GetRMS(); ntheta = his->GetEntries();} // } // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // y2 = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 // z2 = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // // a00 a01 a02 a03 p[0] p[1] p[2] p[9] // a10 a11 a12 a13 ==> p[3] p[4] p[5] p[10] // a20 a21 a22 a23 p[6] p[7] p[8] p[11] // // // dy:-(fXIO*m6.fElements[4]+m6.fElements[7]) // // dphi:-(m6.fElements[4]) // // dz:fXIO*m6.fElements[8]+m6.fElements[11] // // dtheta:m6.fElements[8] // cstream<<"Align"<< "s1="<0) Info("AliTPCcalibAlign","Merge"); if (!list) return 0; if (list->IsEmpty()) return 1; TIterator* iter = list->MakeIterator(); TObject* obj = 0; iter->Reset(); Int_t count=0; // TString str1(GetName()); while((obj = iter->Next()) != 0) { AliTPCcalibAlign* entry = dynamic_cast(obj); if (entry == 0) continue; if (str1.CompareTo(entry->GetName())!=0) continue; Add(entry); count++; } return count; } void AliTPCcalibAlign::Add(AliTPCcalibAlign * align){ // // Add entry - used for merging of compoents // for (Int_t i=0; i<72;i++){ for (Int_t j=0; j<72;j++){ if (align->fPoints[GetIndex(i,j)]<1) continue; fPoints[GetIndex(i,j)]+=align->fPoints[GetIndex(i,j)]; // // // for (Int_t itype=0; itype<10; itype++){ TH1 * his0=0, *his1=0; his0 = GetHisto((HistoType)itype,i,j); his1 = align->GetHisto((HistoType)itype,i,j); if (his1){ if (his0) his0->Add(his1); else { his0 = GetHisto((HistoType)itype,i,j,kTRUE); his0->Add(his1); } } } } } TLinearFitter *f0=0; TLinearFitter *f1=0; for (Int_t i=0; i<72;i++){ for (Int_t j=0; j<72;j++){ if (align->fPoints[GetIndex(i,j)]<1) continue; // // // fitter12 f0 = GetFitter12(i,j); f1 = align->GetFitter12(i,j); if (f1){ if (f0) f0->Add(f1); else { fFitterArray12.AddAt(f1->Clone(),GetIndex(i,j)); } } // // fitter9 f0 = GetFitter9(i,j); f1 = align->GetFitter9(i,j); if (f1){ if (f0) f0->Add(f1); else { fFitterArray9.AddAt(f1->Clone(),GetIndex(i,j)); } } f0 = GetFitter6(i,j); f1 = align->GetFitter6(i,j); if (f1){ if (f0) f0->Add(f1); else { fFitterArray6.AddAt(f1->Clone(),GetIndex(i,j)); } } } } // // Add Kalman filter // for (Int_t i=0;i<36;i++){ TMatrixD *par0 = (TMatrixD*)fArraySectorIntParam.At(i); if (!par0){ MakeSectorKalman(); par0 = (TMatrixD*)fArraySectorIntParam.At(i); } TMatrixD *par1 = (TMatrixD*)align->fArraySectorIntParam.At(i); if (!par1) continue; // TMatrixD *cov0 = (TMatrixD*)fArraySectorIntCovar.At(i); TMatrixD *cov1 = (TMatrixD*)align->fArraySectorIntCovar.At(i); UpdateSectorKalman(*par0,*cov0,*par1,*cov1); } if (!fSectorParamA){ MakeKalman(); } if (align->fSectorParamA){ UpdateKalman(*fSectorParamA,*fSectorCovarA,*align->fSectorParamA,*align->fSectorCovarA); UpdateKalman(*fSectorParamC,*fSectorCovarC,*align->fSectorParamC,*align->fSectorCovarC); } } Double_t AliTPCcalibAlign::Correct(Int_t type, Int_t value, Int_t s1, Int_t s2, Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t z1, Double_t dydx1,Double_t dzdx1){ // // GetTransformed value // // // x2 = a00*x1 + a01*y1 + a02*z1 + a03 // y2 = a10*x1 + a11*y1 + a12*z1 + a13 // z2 = a20*x1 + a21*y1 + a22*z1 + a23 // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) const TMatrixD * mat = GetTransformation(s1,s2,type); if (!mat) { if (value==0) return x1; if (value==1) return y1; if (value==2) return z1; if (value==3) return dydx1; if (value==4) return dzdx1; // if (value==5) return dydx1; if (value==6) return dzdx1; return 0; } Double_t valT=0; if (value==0){ valT = (*mat)(0,0)*x1+(*mat)(0,1)*y1+(*mat)(0,2)*z1+(*mat)(0,3); } if (value==1){ valT = (*mat)(1,0)*x1+(*mat)(1,1)*y1+(*mat)(1,2)*z1+(*mat)(1,3); } if (value==2){ valT = (*mat)(2,0)*x1+(*mat)(2,1)*y1+(*mat)(2,2)*z1+(*mat)(2,3); } if (value==3){ // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) valT = (*mat)(1,0) +(*mat)(1,1)*dydx1 +(*mat)(1,2)*dzdx1; valT/= ((*mat)(0,0) +(*mat)(0,1)*dydx1 +(*mat)(0,2)*dzdx1); } if (value==4){ // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) valT = (*mat)(2,0) +(*mat)(2,1)*dydx1 +(*mat)(2,2)*dzdx1; valT/= ((*mat)(0,0) +(*mat)(0,1)*dydx1 +(*mat)(0,2)*dzdx1); } // if (value==5){ // onlys shift in angle // dydx2 = (a10 + a11*dydx1 + a12*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) valT = (*mat)(1,0) +(*mat)(1,1)*dydx1; } if (value==6){ // only shift in angle // dzdx2 = (a20 + a21*dydx1 + a22*dzdx1)/(a00 + a01*dydx1 + a02*dzdx1) valT = (*mat)(2,0) +(*mat)(2,1)*dydx1; } // return valT; } void AliTPCcalibAlign::Constrain1Pt(AliExternalTrackParam &track1, const AliExternalTrackParam &track2, Bool_t noField){ // // Update track parameters t1 // TMatrixD vecXk(5,1); // X vector TMatrixD covXk(5,5); // X covariance TMatrixD matHk(1,5); // vector to mesurement TMatrixD measR(1,1); // measurement error //TMatrixD matQk(5,5); // prediction noise vector TMatrixD vecZk(1,1); // measurement // TMatrixD vecYk(1,1); // Innovation or measurement residual TMatrixD matHkT(5,1); TMatrixD matSk(1,1); // Innovation (or residual) covariance TMatrixD matKk(5,1); // Optimal Kalman gain TMatrixD mat1(5,5); // update covariance matrix TMatrixD covXk2(5,5); // TMatrixD covOut(5,5); // Double_t *param1=(Double_t*) track1.GetParameter(); Double_t *covar1=(Double_t*) track1.GetCovariance(); // // copy data to the matrix for (Int_t ipar=0; ipar<5; ipar++){ vecXk(ipar,0) = param1[ipar]; for (Int_t jpar=0; jpar<5; jpar++){ covXk(ipar,jpar) = covar1[track1.GetIndex(ipar, jpar)]; } } // // // vecZk(0,0) = track2.GetParameter()[4]; // 1/pt measurement from track 2 measR(0,0) = track2.GetCovariance()[14]; // 1/pt measurement error if (noField) { measR(0,0)*=0.000000001; vecZk(0,0)=0.; } // matHk(0,0)=0; matHk(0,1)= 0; matHk(0,2)= 0; matHk(0,3)= 0; matHk(0,4)= 1; // vector to measurement // // // vecYk = vecZk-matHk*vecXk; // Innovation or measurement residual matHkT=matHk.T(); matHk.T(); matSk = (matHk*(covXk*matHkT))+measR; // Innovation (or residual) covariance matSk.Invert(); matKk = (covXk*matHkT)*matSk; // Optimal Kalman gain vecXk += matKk*vecYk; // updated vector mat1(0,0)=1; mat1(1,1)=1; mat1(2,2)=1; mat1(3,3)=1; mat1(4,4)=1; covXk2 = (mat1-(matKk*matHk)); covOut = covXk2*covXk; // // // // copy from matrix to parameters if (0) { covOut.Print(); vecXk.Print(); covXk.Print(); track1.Print(); track2.Print(); } for (Int_t ipar=0; ipar<5; ipar++){ param1[ipar]= vecXk(ipar,0) ; for (Int_t jpar=0; jpar<5; jpar++){ covar1[track1.GetIndex(ipar, jpar)]=covOut(ipar,jpar); } } } void AliTPCcalibAlign::GlobalAlign6(Int_t minPoints, Float_t sysError, Int_t niter){ // // Global Align -combine the partial alignment of pair of sectors // minPoints - minimal number of points - don't use sector alignment wit smaller number // sysError - error added to the alignemnt error // AliTPCcalibAlign * align = this; TMatrixD * arrayAlign[72]; TMatrixD * arrayAlignDiff[72]; // for (Int_t i=0;i<72; i++) { TMatrixD * mat = new TMatrixD(4,4); mat->UnitMatrix(); arrayAlign[i]=mat; arrayAlignDiff[i]=(TMatrixD*)(mat->Clone()); } TTreeSRedirector *cstream = new TTreeSRedirector("galign6.root"); for (Int_t iter=0; iterGetTransformation(is0,is1,0); if (mat){ npoints = align->GetFitter6(is0,is1)->GetNpoints(); if (npoints>minPoints){ align->GetFitter6(is0,is1)->GetCovarianceMatrix(covar); align->GetFitter6(is0,is1)->GetErrors(errors); } } else{ invers=kTRUE; mat = align->GetTransformation(is1,is0,0); if (mat) { npoints = align->GetFitter6(is1,is0)->GetNpoints(); if (npoints>minPoints){ align->GetFitter6(is1,is0)->GetCovarianceMatrix(covar); align->GetFitter6(is1,is0)->GetErrors(errors); } } } if (!mat) continue; if (npointsis0/36) weight*=2./3.; //IROC-OROC if (is1/360){ matDiff*=1/sumw; matDiff(0,0)=0; matDiff(1,1)=0; matDiff(1,1)=0; matDiff(1,1)=0; (*arrayAlignDiff[is0]) = matDiff; } } for (Int_t is0=0;is0<72; is0++) { if (is0<36) (*arrayAlign[is0]) += 0.4*(*arrayAlignDiff[is0]); if (is0>=36) (*arrayAlign[is0]) += 0.2*(*arrayAlignDiff[is0]); // (*cstream)<<"GAlign"<< "iter="<GetClusterPointer(irow); if (!c) continue; // if (c->GetDetector()%36!=(isec%36)) continue; if (!both && c->GetDetector()!=isec) continue; if (c->GetRow()GetX()-sa*c->GetY(); Double_t lyR = +sa*c->GetX()+ca*c->GetY(); Double_t lzR = c->GetZ(); Double_t dx = lxR -xRef; // distance to reference X Double_t x[2]={dx, dx*dx}; Double_t yfitR = pyf[0]+pyf[1]*dx; // fit value Y in ref frame Double_t zfitR = pzf[0]+pzf[1]*dx; // fit value Z in ref frame // Double_t yfit = -sa*lxR + ca*yfitR; // fit value Y in local frame // if (iter==0 &&c->GetType()<0) continue; if (iter>0){ if (TMath::Abs(lyR-yfitR)>kMaxDist*erry) continue; if (TMath::Abs(lzR-zfitR)>kMaxDist*errz) continue; Double_t dedge = c->GetX()*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.)-TMath::Abs(yfit); if (isec<36 && dedge35 && dedgeRPhiCOGCorrection(isec,c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(), c->GetY(),yfit, c->GetZ(), pyf[1], c->GetMax(),2.5); Double_t corrclY = corr->RPhiCOGCorrection(isec,c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(), c->GetY(),c->GetY(), c->GetZ(), pyf[1], c->GetMax(),2.5); if (TMath::Abs((corrtrY+corrclY)*0.5)>kMaxCorrY) continue; if (TMath::Abs(corrtrY)>kMaxCorrY) continue; } fyf.AddPoint(x,lyR,erry); fzf.AddPoint(x,lzR,errz); } nf = fyf.GetNpoints(); if (nfGetClusterPointer(irow); if (!c) continue; if ((c->GetDetector()%36)!=isec) continue; if (c->GetRow()GetX()-fXmiddle; Double_t x[2]={dx, dx*dx}; if (iter==0 &&c->GetType()<0) continue; if (iter==1){ Double_t yfit = pyf[0]+pyf[1]*dx; Double_t dedge = c->GetX()*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.)-TMath::Abs(yfit); if (TMath::Abs(c->GetY()-yfit)>kMaxDist) continue; if (dedgeRPhiCOGCorrection(c->GetDetector(),c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(), c->GetY(),yfit, c->GetZ(), pyf[1], c->GetMax(),2.5); if (TMath::Abs(corrtrY)>kMaxCorrY) continue; } fyf.AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1); fzf.AddPoint(x,c->GetZ(),0.1); } nf = fyf.GetNpoints(); if (nfGetClusterPointer(irow); if (!c) continue; if ((c->GetDetector()%36)!=isec) continue; if (c->GetRow()GetX()-fXmiddle; Double_t x[2]={dx, dx*dx}; Double_t yfit = pyf[0]+pyf[1]*dx; Double_t dedge = c->GetX()*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.)-TMath::Abs(yfit); if (TMath::Abs(c->GetY()-yfit)>kMaxDist) continue; if (dedgeRPhiCOGCorrection(c->GetDetector(),c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(), c->GetY(),yfit, c->GetZ(), pyf[1], c->GetMax(),2.5); if (TMath::Abs(corrtrY)>kMaxCorrY) continue; if (c->GetDetector()>35){ if (c->GetX()AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1); if (yfit<-kPRFWidth) fittersZ[1]->AddPoint(x,c->GetZ(),0.1); if (yfit>kPRFWidth) fittersY[2]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1); if (yfit>kPRFWidth) fittersZ[2]->AddPoint(x,c->GetZ(),0.1); } if (c->GetX()>fXquadrant){ if (yfit<-kPRFWidth) fittersY[3]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1); if (yfit<-kPRFWidth) fittersZ[3]->AddPoint(x,c->GetZ(),0.1); if (yfit>kPRFWidth) fittersY[4]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1); if (yfit>kPRFWidth) fittersZ[4]->AddPoint(x,c->GetZ(),0.1); } } if (c->GetDetector()<36){ fittersY[0]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1); fittersZ[0]->AddPoint(x,c->GetZ(),0.1); } } // // // for (Int_t i=0;i<5;i++) { npoints[i] = fittersY[i]->GetNpoints(); if (npoints[i]>=kMinClusterQ){ // Y fit fittersY[i]->Eval(); Double_t chi2FacY = TMath::Sqrt(fittersY[i]->GetChisquare()/(fittersY[i]->GetNpoints()-2)); chi2CY[i]=chi2FacY; fittersY[i]->GetParameters(paramsY[i]); fittersY[i]->GetErrors(errorsY[i]); fittersY[i]->GetCovarianceMatrix(covY[i]); // renormalize errors errorsY[i][0]*=chi2FacY; errorsY[i][1]*=chi2FacY; covY[i](0,0)*=chi2FacY*chi2FacY; covY[i](0,1)*=chi2FacY*chi2FacY; covY[i](1,0)*=chi2FacY*chi2FacY; covY[i](1,1)*=chi2FacY*chi2FacY; // Z fit fittersZ[i]->Eval(); Double_t chi2FacZ = TMath::Sqrt(fittersZ[i]->GetChisquare()/(fittersZ[i]->GetNpoints()-2)); chi2CZ[i]=chi2FacZ; fittersZ[i]->GetParameters(paramsZ[i]); fittersZ[i]->GetErrors(errorsZ[i]); fittersZ[i]->GetCovarianceMatrix(covZ[i]); // renormalize errors errorsZ[i][0]*=chi2FacZ; errorsZ[i][1]*=chi2FacZ; covZ[i](0,0)*=chi2FacZ*chi2FacZ; covZ[i](0,1)*=chi2FacZ*chi2FacZ; covZ[i](1,0)*=chi2FacZ*chi2FacZ; covZ[i](1,1)*=chi2FacZ*chi2FacZ; } } for (Int_t i=0;i<5;i++){ delete fittersY[i]; delete fittersZ[i]; } // // void UpdateSectorKalman // for (Int_t i0=0;i0<5;i0++){ for (Int_t i1=i0+1;i1<5;i1++){ if(npoints[i0]0){ TTreeSRedirector *cstream = GetDebugStreamer(); if (cstream){ for (Int_t i0=0;i0<5;i0++){ for (Int_t i1=i0;i1<5;i1++){ if (i0==i1) continue; if(npoints[i0]fXIO){ if (lx0) quadrant=2; } if (lx>fXquadrant) { if (ly<0) quadrant=3; if (ly>0) quadrant=4; } } Double_t a10 = (*param)(quadrant*6+0,0); Double_t a20 = (*param)(quadrant*6+1,0); Double_t a21 = (*param)(quadrant*6+2,0); Double_t dx = (*param)(quadrant*6+3,0); Double_t dy = (*param)(quadrant*6+4,0); Double_t dz = (*param)(quadrant*6+5,0); Double_t deltaX = lx-fXIO; if (coord==0) return dx; if (coord==1) return dy+deltaX*a10; if (coord==2) return dz+deltaX*a20+ly*a21; return 0; } Double_t AliTPCcalibAlign::SGetCorrectionSector(Int_t coord, Int_t sector, Double_t lx, Double_t ly, Double_t lz){ // // // if (!Instance()) return 0; return Instance()->GetCorrectionSector(coord,sector,lx,ly,lz); } void AliTPCcalibAlign::MakeKalman(){ // // Make a initial Kalman paramaters for sector Alignemnt // fSectorParamA = new TMatrixD(6*36+6,1); fSectorParamC = new TMatrixD(6*36+6,1); fSectorCovarA = new TMatrixD(6*36+6,6*36+6); fSectorCovarC = new TMatrixD(6*36+6,6*36+6); // // set starting parameters at 0 // for (Int_t isec=0;isec<37;isec++) for (Int_t ipar=0;ipar<6;ipar++){ (*fSectorParamA)(isec*6+ipar,0) =0; (*fSectorParamC)(isec*6+ipar,0) =0; } // // set starting covariance // for (Int_t isec=0;isec<36;isec++) for (Int_t ipar=0;ipar<6;ipar++){ if (ipar<3){ (*fSectorCovarA)(isec*6+ipar,isec*6+ipar) =0.002*0.002; // 2 mrad (*fSectorCovarC)(isec*6+ipar,isec*6+ipar) =0.002*0.002; } if (ipar>=3){ (*fSectorCovarA)(isec*6+ipar,isec*6+ipar) =0.02*0.02; // 0.2 mm (*fSectorCovarC)(isec*6+ipar,isec*6+ipar) =0.02*0.02; } } (*fSectorCovarA)(36*6+0,36*6+0) =0.04; // common shift y up-up (*fSectorCovarA)(36*6+1,36*6+1) =0.04; // common shift y down-down (*fSectorCovarA)(36*6+2,36*6+2) =0.04; // common shift y up-down (*fSectorCovarA)(36*6+3,36*6+3) =0.004; // common shift phi up-up (*fSectorCovarA)(36*6+4,36*6+4) =0.004; // common shift phi down-down (*fSectorCovarA)(36*6+5,36*6+5) =0.004; // common shift phi up-down // (*fSectorCovarC)(36*6+0,36*6+0) =0.04; // common shift y up-up (*fSectorCovarC)(36*6+1,36*6+1) =0.04; // common shift y down-down (*fSectorCovarC)(36*6+2,36*6+2) =0.04; // common shift y up-down (*fSectorCovarC)(36*6+3,36*6+3) =0.004; // common shift phi up-up (*fSectorCovarC)(36*6+4,36*6+4) =0.004; // common shift phi down-down (*fSectorCovarC)(36*6+5,36*6+5) =0.004; // common shift phi up-down } void AliTPCcalibAlign::UpdateKalman(Int_t sector0, Int_t sector1, TMatrixD &p0, TMatrixD &c0, TMatrixD &p1, TMatrixD &c1){ // // Update Kalman parameters // Note numbering from 0..36 0..17 IROC 18..35 OROC // // if (fSectorParamA==NULL) MakeKalman(); if (CheckCovariance(c0)>0) return; if (CheckCovariance(c1)>0) return; const Int_t nelem = 6*36+6; // // static TMatrixD matHk(4,nelem); // vector to mesurement static TMatrixD measR(4,4); // measurement error static TMatrixD vecZk(4,1); // measurement // static TMatrixD vecYk(4,1); // Innovation or measurement residual static TMatrixD matHkT(nelem,4); // helper matrix Hk transpose static TMatrixD matSk(4,4); // Innovation (or residual) covariance static TMatrixD matKk(nelem,4); // Optimal Kalman gain static TMatrixD mat1(nelem,nelem); // update covariance matrix static TMatrixD covXk2(nelem,nelem); // helper matrix // TMatrixD *vOrig = 0; TMatrixD *cOrig = 0; vOrig = (sector0%36>=18) ? fSectorParamA:fSectorParamC; cOrig = (sector0%36>=18) ? fSectorCovarA:fSectorCovarC; // Int_t sec0= sector0%18; Int_t sec1= sector1%18; if (sector0>35) sec0+=18; if (sector1>35) sec1+=18; // TMatrixD vecXk(*vOrig); // X vector TMatrixD covXk(*cOrig); // X covariance // //Unit matrix // for (Int_t i=0;i0) dir= 1.; if (dsec<0) dir=-1.; if (sector0>35&§or1>35){ matHk(0,36*6+0)=dir; matHk(1,36*6+3+0)=dir; } if (sector0<36&§or1<36){ matHk(0,36*6+1)=dir; matHk(1,36*6+3+1)=dir; } if (sector0<36&§or1>35){ matHk(0,36*6+2)=dir; matHk(1,36*6+3+2)=dir; } if (sector0>35&§or1<36){ matHk(0,36*6+2)=-dir; matHk(1,36*6+3+2)=-dir; } } // // vecZk =(p1)-(p0); // measurement measR =(c1)+(c0); // error of measurement vecYk = vecZk-matHk*vecXk; // Innovation or measurement residual // // matHkT=matHk.T(); matHk.T(); matSk = (matHk*(covXk*matHkT))+measR; // Innovation (or residual) covariance matSk.Invert(); matKk = (covXk*matHkT)*matSk; // Optimal Kalman gain vecXk += matKk*vecYk; // updated vector covXk2= (mat1-(matKk*matHk)); covXk = covXk2*covXk; if (CheckCovariance(covXk)>0) return; // // (*cOrig)=covXk; (*vOrig)=vecXk; } void AliTPCcalibAlign::UpdateKalman(TMatrixD &par0, TMatrixD &cov0, TMatrixD &par1, TMatrixD &cov1){ // // Update kalman vector para0 with vector par1 // Used for merging // Int_t nelem = 6*36+6; static TMatrixD matHk(nelem,nelem); // vector to mesurement static TMatrixD measR(nelem,nelem); // measurement error static TMatrixD vecZk(nelem,1); // measurement // static TMatrixD vecYk(nelem,1); // Innovation or measurement residual static TMatrixD matHkT(nelem,nelem); // helper matrix Hk transpose static TMatrixD matSk(nelem,nelem); // Innovation (or residual) covariance static TMatrixD matKk(nelem,nelem); // Optimal Kalman gain static TMatrixD mat1(nelem,nelem); // update covariance matrix static TMatrixD covXk2(nelem,nelem); // helper matrix // TMatrixD vecXk(par0); // X vector TMatrixD covXk(cov0); // X covariance // //Unit matrix // for (Int_t i=0;ikEpsilon){ printf("Error 1 - non symetric matrix %d\t%d\t%f",i0,i1,r1-r0); nerrors++; } if (TMath::Abs(r0)>=1){ printf("Error 2 - Wrong correlation %d\t%d\t%f\n",i0,i1,r0); nerrors++; } if (TMath::Abs(r1)>=1){ printf("Error 3 - Wrong correlation %d\t%d\t%f\n",i0,i1,r1); nerrors++; } } return nerrors; } void AliTPCcalibAlign::MakeReportDy(TFile *output){ // // Draw histogram of dY // Int_t kmicolors[10]={1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11}; Int_t kmimarkers[10]={21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30}; AliTPCcalibAlign *align = this; TVectorD vecOOP(36); TVectorD vecOOM(36); TVectorD vecOIP(36); TVectorD vecOIM(36); TVectorD vecOIS(36); TVectorD vecSec(36); TCanvas * cOROCdy = new TCanvas("OROC dy","OROC dy",900,600); cOROCdy->Divide(6,6); TCanvas * cIROCdy = new TCanvas("IROC dy","IROC dy",900,600); cIROCdy->Divide(6,6); TCanvas * cDy = new TCanvas("Dy","Dy",600,700); cDy->Divide(1,2); for (Int_t isec=0;isec<36;isec++){ Bool_t isDraw=kFALSE; vecSec(isec)=isec; cOROCdy->cd(isec+1); Int_t secPlus = (isec%18==17)? isec-17:isec+1; Int_t secMinus= (isec%18==0) ? isec+17:isec-1; printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n",isec,secPlus,secMinus); TH1 * hisOOP= align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kY,isec+36,secPlus+36); TH1 * hisOOM= align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kY,isec+36,secMinus+36); TH1 * hisOIS= align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kY,isec+36,isec); if (hisOIS) { hisOIS = (TH1F*)(hisOIS->Clone()); hisOIS->SetDirectory(0); hisOIS->Scale(1./(hisOIS->GetMaximum()+1)); hisOIS->SetLineColor(kmicolors[0]); hisOIS->Draw(); isDraw = kTRUE; vecOIS(isec)=10*hisOIS->GetMean(); } if (hisOOP) { hisOOP = (TH1F*)(hisOOP->Clone()); hisOOP->SetDirectory(0); hisOOP->Scale(1./(hisOOP->GetMaximum()+1)); hisOOP->SetLineColor(kmicolors[1]); if (isDraw) hisOOP->Draw("same"); if (!isDraw) {hisOOP->Draw(""); isDraw=kTRUE;} vecOOP(isec)=10*hisOOP->GetMean(); } if (hisOOM) { hisOOM = (TH1F*)(hisOOM->Clone()); hisOOM->SetDirectory(0); hisOOM->Scale(1/(hisOOM->GetMaximum()+1)); hisOOM->SetLineColor(kmicolors[3]); if (isDraw) hisOOM->Draw("same"); if (!isDraw) {hisOOM->Draw(""); isDraw=kTRUE;} vecOOM(isec)=10*hisOOM->GetMean(); } } // // for (Int_t isec=0;isec<36;isec++){ Bool_t isDraw=kFALSE; cIROCdy->cd(isec+1); Int_t secPlus = (isec%18==17)? isec-17:isec+1; Int_t secMinus= (isec%18==0) ? isec+17:isec-1; printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n",isec,secPlus,secMinus); TH1 * hisOIP= align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kY,isec+36,secPlus); TH1 * hisOIM= align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kY,isec+36,secMinus); TH1 * hisOIS= align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kY,isec+36,isec); if (hisOIS) { hisOIS = (TH1F*)(hisOIS->Clone()); hisOIS->SetDirectory(0); hisOIS->Scale(1./(hisOIS->GetMaximum()+1)); hisOIS->SetLineColor(kmicolors[0]); hisOIS->Draw(); isDraw = kTRUE; vecOIS(isec)=10*hisOIS->GetMean(); } if (hisOIP) { hisOIP = (TH1F*)(hisOIP->Clone()); hisOIP->SetDirectory(0); hisOIP->Scale(1./(hisOIP->GetMaximum()+1)); hisOIP->SetLineColor(kmicolors[1]); if (isDraw) hisOIP->Draw("same"); if (!isDraw) {hisOIP->Draw(""); isDraw=kTRUE;} hisOIP->Draw("same"); vecOIP(isec)=10*hisOIP->GetMean(); } if (hisOIM) { hisOIM = (TH1F*)(hisOIM->Clone()); hisOIM->SetDirectory(0); hisOIM->Scale(1/(hisOIM->GetMaximum()+1)); hisOIM->SetLineColor(kmicolors[3]); if (isDraw) hisOIM->Draw("same"); if (!isDraw) {hisOIM->Draw(""); isDraw=kTRUE;} vecOIM(isec)=10*hisOIM->GetMean(); } } TGraph* grOIM = new TGraph(36,vecSec.GetMatrixArray(),vecOIM.GetMatrixArray()); TGraph* grOIP = new TGraph(36,vecSec.GetMatrixArray(),vecOIP.GetMatrixArray()); TGraph* grOIS = new TGraph(36,vecSec.GetMatrixArray(),vecOIS.GetMatrixArray()); TGraph* grOOM = new TGraph(36,vecSec.GetMatrixArray(),vecOOM.GetMatrixArray()); TGraph* grOOP = new TGraph(36,vecSec.GetMatrixArray(),vecOOP.GetMatrixArray()); // grOIS->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]); grOIP->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[1]); grOIM->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[3]); grOOP->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[1]); grOOM->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[3]); grOIS->SetMarkerColor(kmicolors[0]); grOIP->SetMarkerColor(kmicolors[1]); grOIM->SetMarkerColor(kmicolors[3]); grOOP->SetMarkerColor(kmicolors[1]); grOOM->SetMarkerColor(kmicolors[3]); grOIS->SetLineColor(kmicolors[0]); grOIP->SetLineColor(kmicolors[1]); grOIM->SetLineColor(kmicolors[3]); grOOP->SetLineColor(kmicolors[1]); grOOM->SetLineColor(kmicolors[3]); grOIS->SetMaximum(1.5); grOIS->SetMinimum(-1.5); grOIS->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sector number"); grOIS->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta_{y} (mm)"); cDy->cd(1); grOIS->Draw("apl"); grOIM->Draw("pl"); grOIP->Draw("pl"); cDy->cd(2); grOIS->Draw("apl"); grOOM->Draw("pl"); grOOP->Draw("pl"); cOROCdy->SaveAs("picAlign/OROCOROCdy.eps"); cOROCdy->SaveAs("picAlign/OROCOROCdy.gif"); cOROCdy->SaveAs("picAlign/OROCOROCdy.root"); // cIROCdy->SaveAs("picAlign/OROCIROCdy.eps"); cIROCdy->SaveAs("picAlign/OROCIROCdy.gif"); cIROCdy->SaveAs("picAlign/OROCIROCdy.root"); // cDy->SaveAs("picAlign/Sectordy.eps"); cDy->SaveAs("picAlign/Sectordy.gif"); cDy->SaveAs("picAlign/Sectordy.root"); if (output){ output->cd(); cOROCdy->Write("OROCOROCDy"); cIROCdy->Write("OROCIROCDy"); cDy->Write("SectorDy"); } } void AliTPCcalibAlign::MakeReportDyPhi(TFile */*output*/){ // // // Int_t kmicolors[10]={1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11}; Int_t kmimarkers[10]={21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30}; AliTPCcalibAlign *align = this; TCanvas * cOROCdyPhi = new TCanvas("OROC dyphi","OROC dyphi",900,600); cOROCdyPhi->Divide(6,6); for (Int_t isec=0;isec<36;isec++){ cOROCdyPhi->cd(isec+1); Int_t secPlus = (isec%18==17)? isec-17:isec+1; Int_t secMinus= (isec%18==0) ? isec+17:isec-1; //printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n",isec,secPlus,secMinus); TH2F *htemp=0; TProfile * profdyphiOOP=0,*profdyphiOOM=0,*profdyphiOOS=0; htemp = (TH2F*) (align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kYPhi,isec+36,secPlus+36)); if (htemp) profdyphiOOP= htemp->ProfileX(); htemp = (TH2F*)(align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kYPhi,isec+36,secMinus+36)); if (htemp) profdyphiOOM= htemp->ProfileX(); htemp = (TH2F*)(align->GetHisto(AliTPCcalibAlign::kYPhi,isec+36,isec)); if (htemp) profdyphiOOS= htemp->ProfileX(); if (profdyphiOOS){ profdyphiOOS->SetLineColor(kmicolors[0]); profdyphiOOS->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]); profdyphiOOS->SetMarkerSize(0.2); profdyphiOOS->SetMaximum(0.5); profdyphiOOS->SetMinimum(-0.5); profdyphiOOS->SetXTitle("tan(#phi)"); profdyphiOOS->SetYTitle("#DeltaY (cm)"); } if (profdyphiOOP){ profdyphiOOP->SetLineColor(kmicolors[1]); profdyphiOOP->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[1]); profdyphiOOP->SetMarkerSize(0.2); } if (profdyphiOOM){ profdyphiOOM->SetLineColor(kmicolors[3]); profdyphiOOM->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[3]); profdyphiOOM->SetMarkerSize(0.2); } if (profdyphiOOS){ profdyphiOOS->Draw(); }else{ if (profdyphiOOM) profdyphiOOM->Draw(""); if (profdyphiOOP) profdyphiOOP->Draw(""); } if (profdyphiOOM) profdyphiOOM->Draw("same"); if (profdyphiOOP) profdyphiOOP->Draw("same"); } }