/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Class to analyse tracks for calibration // // to be used as a component in AliTPCSelectorTracks // // In the constructor you have to specify name and title // // to get the Object out of a file. // // The parameter 'clusterParam', a AliTPCClusterParam object // // (needed for TPC cluster error and shape parameterization) // // Normally you get this object out of the file 'TPCClusterParam.root' // // In the parameter 'cuts' the cuts are specified, that decide // // weather a track will be accepted for calibration or not. // // // // // The data flow: // /* Raw Data -> Local Reconstruction -> Tracking -> Calibration -> RefData (component itself) Offline/HLT Offline/HLT OCDB entries (AliTPCClusterParam) */ // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ROOT includes // #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include // //#include #include #include "TLinearFitter.h" //#include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "TF1.h" #include #include #include "TPostScript.h" #include "TCint.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // // AliROOT includes // #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliTracker.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDfriend.h" #include "AliESDfriendTrack.h" #include "AliTPCseed.h" #include "AliTPCclusterMI.h" #include "AliTPCROC.h" #include "AliTPCParamSR.h" #include "AliTrackPointArray.h" #include "AliTPCcalibTracks.h" #include "AliTPCClusterParam.h" #include "AliTPCcalibTracksCuts.h" #include "AliTPCCalPadRegion.h" #include "AliTPCCalPad.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include "TText.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TSystem.h" // Thread-stuff //#include "TThread.h" //#include "TMutex.h" //#include "TLockFile.h" ClassImp(AliTPCcalibTracks) AliTPCcalibTracks::AliTPCcalibTracks(): TNamed(), fClusterParam(0), fDebugStream(0), fROC(0), fArrayAmpRow(0), fArrayAmp(0), fArrayQDY(0), fArrayQDZ(0), fArrayQRMSY(0), fArrayQRMSZ(0), fArrayChargeVsDriftlength(0), fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength(0), fDeltaY(0), fDeltaZ(0), fResolY(0), fResolZ(0), fRMSY(0), fRMSZ(0), fCuts(0), fHclus(0), fRejectedTracksHisto(0), fHclusterPerPadrow(0), fHclusterPerPadrowRaw(0), fClusterCutHisto(0), fCalPadClusterPerPad(0), fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw(0), fDebugLevel(0), fFitterLinY1(0), //! fFitterLinZ1(0), //! fFitterLinY2(0), //! fFitterLinZ2(0), //! fFitterParY(0), //! fFitterParZ(0) //! { // // AliTPCcalibTracks default constructor // if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "AliTPCcalibTracks' default constructor called" << endl; } AliTPCcalibTracks::AliTPCcalibTracks(AliTPCcalibTracks* ct): TNamed(), fClusterParam(0), fDebugStream(0), fROC(0), fArrayAmpRow(0), fArrayAmp(0), fArrayQDY(0), fArrayQDZ(0), fArrayQRMSY(0), fArrayQRMSZ(0), fArrayChargeVsDriftlength(0), fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength(0), fDeltaY(0), fDeltaZ(0), fResolY(0), fResolZ(0), fRMSY(0), fRMSZ(0), fCuts(0), fHclus(0), fRejectedTracksHisto(0), fHclusterPerPadrow(0), fHclusterPerPadrowRaw(0), fClusterCutHisto(0), fCalPadClusterPerPad(0), fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw(0), fDebugLevel(0), fFitterLinY1(0), //! fFitterLinZ1(0), //! fFitterLinY2(0), //! fFitterLinZ2(0), //! fFitterParY(0), //! fFitterParZ(0) //! { // // AliTPCcalibTracks copy constructor // if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << " ***** this is AliTPCcalibTracks' copy constructor ***** " << endl; Bool_t dirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); Int_t length = -1; // backward compatibility: if the data member doesn't yet exist, it will not be merged (ct->fArrayAmpRow) ? length = ct->fArrayAmpRow->GetEntriesFast() : length = -1; fArrayAmpRow = new TObjArray(length); fArrayAmp = new TObjArray(length); for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { fArrayAmpRow->AddAt( (TProfile*)ct->fArrayAmpRow->At(i)->Clone(), i); fArrayAmp->AddAt( ((TProfile*)ct->fArrayAmp->At(i)->Clone()), i); } (ct->fArrayQDY) ? length = ct->fArrayQDY->GetEntriesFast() : length = -1; fArrayQDY= new TObjArray(length); fArrayQDZ= new TObjArray(length); fArrayQRMSY= new TObjArray(length); fArrayQRMSZ= new TObjArray(length); for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { fArrayQDY->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fArrayQDY->At(i)->Clone()), i); fArrayQDZ->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fArrayQDZ->At(i)->Clone()), i); fArrayQRMSY->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fArrayQRMSY->At(i)->Clone()), i); fArrayQRMSZ->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fArrayQRMSZ->At(i)->Clone()), i); } (ct->fResolY) ? length = ct->fResolY->GetEntriesFast() : length = -1; fResolY = new TObjArray(length); fResolZ = new TObjArray(length); fRMSY = new TObjArray(length); fRMSZ = new TObjArray(length); for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { fResolY->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fResolY->At(i)->Clone()), i); fResolZ->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fResolZ->At(i)->Clone()), i); fRMSY->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fRMSY->At(i)->Clone()), i); fRMSZ->AddAt( ((TH1F*)ct->fRMSZ->At(i)->Clone()), i); } (ct->fArrayChargeVsDriftlength) ? length = ct->fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->GetEntriesFast() : length = -1; (ct->fArrayChargeVsDriftlength) ? fArrayChargeVsDriftlength = new TObjArray(length) : fArrayChargeVsDriftlength = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->AddAt( ((TProfile*)ct->fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(i)->Clone()), i); } fDeltaY = (TH1F*)ct->fDeltaY->Clone(); fDeltaZ = (TH1F*)ct->fDeltaZ->Clone(); fHclus = (TH1I*)ct->fHclus->Clone(); fClusterCutHisto = (TH2I*)ct->fClusterCutHisto->Clone(); fRejectedTracksHisto = (TH1I*)ct->fRejectedTracksHisto->Clone(); fHclusterPerPadrow = (TH1I*)ct->fHclusterPerPadrow->Clone(); fHclusterPerPadrowRaw = (TH1I*)ct->fHclusterPerPadrowRaw->Clone(); fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength = (AliTPCCalPadRegion*)ct->fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->Clone(); fCalPadClusterPerPad = (AliTPCCalPad*)ct->fCalPadClusterPerPad->Clone(); fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw = (AliTPCCalPad*)ct->fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw->Clone(); fCuts = new AliTPCcalibTracksCuts(ct->fCuts->GetMinClusters(), ct->fCuts->GetMinRatio(), ct->fCuts->GetMax1pt(), ct->fCuts->GetEdgeYXCutNoise(), ct->fCuts->GetEdgeThetaCutNoise()); fDebugLevel = ct->GetLogLevel(); SetNameTitle(ct->GetName(), ct->GetTitle()); TH1::AddDirectory(dirStatus); // set status back to original status // cout << "+++++ end of copy constructor +++++" << endl; // TO BE REMOVED } AliTPCcalibTracks::AliTPCcalibTracks(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title, AliTPCClusterParam *clusterParam, AliTPCcalibTracksCuts* cuts, Int_t logLevel) : TNamed(name, title), fClusterParam(0), fDebugStream(0), fROC(0), fArrayAmpRow(0), fArrayAmp(0), fArrayQDY(0), fArrayQDZ(0), fArrayQRMSY(0), fArrayQRMSZ(0), fArrayChargeVsDriftlength(0), fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength(0), fDeltaY(0), fDeltaZ(0), fResolY(0), fResolZ(0), fRMSY(0), fRMSZ(0), fCuts(0), fHclus(0), fRejectedTracksHisto(0), fHclusterPerPadrow(0), fHclusterPerPadrowRaw(0), fClusterCutHisto(0), fCalPadClusterPerPad(0), fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw(0), fDebugLevel(0), fFitterLinY1(0), //! fFitterLinZ1(0), //! fFitterLinY2(0), //! fFitterLinZ2(0), //! fFitterParY(0), //! fFitterParZ(0) //! { // // AliTPCcalibTracks constructor // specify 'name' and 'title' of your object // specify 'clusterParam', (needed for TPC cluster error and shape parameterization) // In the parameter 'cuts' the cuts are specified, that decide // weather a track will be accepted for calibration or not. // log level - debug output: -1: silence, 0: default, 1: things like constructor called, 5: write fDebugStream, 6: waste your screen // // All histograms are instatiated in this constructor. // if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << " ***** this is AliTPCcalibTracks' main constructor ***** " << endl; G__SetCatchException(0); fClusterParam = clusterParam; if (fClusterParam){ fClusterParam->SetInstance(fClusterParam); } else { Error("AliTPCcalibTracks","No cluster parametrization found! A valid clusterParam object is needed in the constructor. (To be found in 'TPCClusterParam.root'.)"); } fCuts = cuts; fDebugLevel = logLevel; if (fDebugLevel > 4) fDebugStream = new TTreeSRedirector("TPCSelectorDebug.root"); // needs investigation !!!!! TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); char chname[1000]; TProfile * prof1=0; TH1F * his1 =0; fHclus = new TH1I("hclus","Number of clusters per track",160, 0, 160); // valgrind 3 fRejectedTracksHisto = new TH1I("RejectedTracksHisto", "Rejected tracks, sorted by failed cut", 10, 1, 10); fHclusterPerPadrow = new TH1I("fHclusterPerPadrow", " clusters per padRow, used for the resolution tree", 160, 0, 160); fHclusterPerPadrowRaw = new TH1I("fHclusterPerPadrowRaw", " clusters per padRow, before cutting clusters", 160, 0, 160); fCalPadClusterPerPad = new AliTPCCalPad("fCalPadClusterPerPad", "clusters per pad"); fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw = new AliTPCCalPad("fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw", "clusters per pad, before cutting clusters"); fClusterCutHisto = new TH2I("fClusterCutHisto", "Cutted cluster over padRow; Cut Criterium; PadRow", 5,1,5, 160,0,159); // Amplitude - sector - row histograms fArrayAmpRow = new TObjArray(72); fArrayAmp = new TObjArray(72); fArrayChargeVsDriftlength = new TObjArray(72); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 36; i++){ sprintf(chname,"Amp_row_Sector%d",i); prof1 = new TProfile(chname,chname,63,0,64); // valgrind 3 193,536 bytes in 354 blocks are still reachable prof1->SetXTitle("Pad row"); prof1->SetYTitle("Mean Max amplitude"); fArrayAmpRow->AddAt(prof1,i); sprintf(chname,"Amp_row_Sector%d",i+36); prof1 = new TProfile(chname,chname,96,0,97); // valgrind 3 3,912 bytes in 6 blocks are possibly lost prof1->SetXTitle("Pad row"); prof1->SetYTitle("Mean Max amplitude"); fArrayAmpRow->AddAt(prof1,i+36); // amplitude sprintf(chname,"Amp_Sector%d",i); his1 = new TH1F(chname,chname,250,0,500); // valgrind his1->SetXTitle("Max Amplitude (ADC)"); fArrayAmp->AddAt(his1,i); sprintf(chname,"Amp_Sector%d",i+36); his1 = new TH1F(chname,chname,200,0,600); // valgrind 3 13,408,208 bytes in 229 blocks are still reachable his1->SetXTitle("Max Amplitude (ADC)"); fArrayAmp->AddAt(his1,i+36); // driftlength sprintf(chname, "driftlengt vs. charge, ROC %i", i); prof1 = new TProfile(chname, chname, 500, 0, 250); prof1->SetYTitle("Charge"); prof1->SetXTitle("Driftlength"); fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->AddAt(prof1,i); sprintf(chname, "driftlengt vs. charge, ROC %i", i+36); prof1 = new TProfile(chname, chname, 500, 0, 250); prof1->SetYTitle("Charge"); prof1->SetXTitle("Driftlength"); fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->AddAt(prof1,i+36); } TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); fDeltaY = new TH1F("DeltaY","DeltaY",100,-1,1); fDeltaZ = new TH1F("DeltaZ","DeltaZ",100,-1,1); fResolY = new TObjArray(3); fResolZ = new TObjArray(3); fRMSY = new TObjArray(3); fRMSZ = new TObjArray(3); TH3F * his3D; // his3D = new TH3F("Resol Y0","Resol Y0", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1., 50, -1,1); fResolY->AddAt(his3D,0); his3D = new TH3F("Resol Y1","Resol Y1", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1., 50, -1,1); fResolY->AddAt(his3D,1); his3D = new TH3F("Resol Y2","Resol Y2", 5,20,250, 4, 0,0.8, 50, -1,1); fResolY->AddAt(his3D,2); // his3D = new TH3F("Resol Z0","Resol Z0", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1, 50, -1,1); fResolZ->AddAt(his3D,0); his3D = new TH3F("Resol Z1","Resol Z1", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1, 50, -1,1); fResolZ->AddAt(his3D,1); his3D = new TH3F("Resol Z2","Resol Z2", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1, 50, -1,1); fResolZ->AddAt(his3D,2); // his3D = new TH3F("RMS Y0","RMS Y0", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1., 50, 0,0.8); fRMSY->AddAt(his3D,0); his3D = new TH3F("RMS Y1","RMS Y1", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1., 50, 0,0.8); fRMSY->AddAt(his3D,1); his3D = new TH3F("RMS Y2","RMS Y2", 5,20,250, 4, 0,0.8, 50, 0,0.8); fRMSY->AddAt(his3D,2); // his3D = new TH3F("RMS Z0","RMS Z0", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1, 50, 0,0.8); fRMSZ->AddAt(his3D,0); his3D = new TH3F("RMS Z1","RMS Z1", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1, 50, 0,0.8); fRMSZ->AddAt(his3D,1); his3D = new TH3F("RMS Z2","RMS Z2", 5,20,250, 4, 0,1, 50, 0,0.8); fRMSZ->AddAt(his3D,2); // TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); fArrayQDY = new TObjArray(300); fArrayQDZ = new TObjArray(300); fArrayQRMSY = new TObjArray(300); fArrayQRMSZ = new TObjArray(300); for (Int_t iq = 0; iq <= 10; iq++){ for (Int_t ipad = 0; ipad < 3; ipad++){ Int_t bin = GetBin(iq, ipad); Float_t qmean = GetQ(bin); char name[200]; sprintf(name,"ResolY Pad%d Qmiddle%f",ipad, qmean); his3D = new TH3F(name, name, 20,10,250, 20, 0,1.5, 50, -1,1); fArrayQDY->AddAt(his3D, bin); sprintf(name,"ResolZ Pad%d Qmiddle%f",ipad, qmean); his3D = new TH3F(name, name, 20,10,250, 20, 0,1.5, 50, -1,1); fArrayQDZ->AddAt(his3D, bin); sprintf(name,"RMSY Pad%d Qmiddle%f",ipad, qmean); his3D = new TH3F(name, name, 20,10,250, 20, 0,1.5, 50, 0,1); fArrayQRMSY->AddAt(his3D, bin); sprintf(name,"RMSZ Pad%d Qmiddle%f",ipad, qmean); his3D = new TH3F(name, name, 20,10,250, 20, 0,1.5, 50, 0,1); fArrayQRMSZ->AddAt(his3D, bin); } } fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength = new AliTPCCalPadRegion("fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength", "TProfiles with charge vs driftlength for each pad region"); TProfile *tempProf; for (UInt_t padSize = 0; padSize < 3; padSize++) { for (UInt_t isector = 0; isector < 36; isector++) { if (padSize == 0) sprintf(chname, "driftlengt vs. charge, sector %i, short pads", isector); if (padSize == 1) sprintf(chname, "driftlengt vs. charge, sector %i, medium pads", isector); if (padSize == 2) sprintf(chname, "driftlengt vs. charge, sector %i, long pads", isector); tempProf = new TProfile(chname, chname, 500, 0, 250); tempProf->SetYTitle("Charge"); tempProf->SetXTitle("Driftlength"); fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->SetObject(tempProf, isector, padSize); } } fFitterLinY1 = new TLinearFitter (2,"pol1"); fFitterLinZ1 = new TLinearFitter (2,"pol1"); fFitterLinY2 = new TLinearFitter (2,"pol1"); fFitterLinZ2 = new TLinearFitter (2,"pol1"); fFitterParY = new TLinearFitter (3,"pol2"); fFitterParZ = new TLinearFitter (3,"pol2"); if (fDebugLevel > 1) cout << "AliTPCcalibTracks object sucessfully constructed: " << GetName() << endl; cout << "end of main constructor" << endl; // TO BE REMOVED } AliTPCcalibTracks::~AliTPCcalibTracks() { // // AliTPCcalibTracks destructor // if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "AliTPCcalibTracks' destuctor called." << endl; Int_t length = 0; if (fArrayAmpRow) length = fArrayAmpRow->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++){ delete fArrayAmpRow->At(i); delete fArrayAmp->At(i); } delete fArrayAmpRow; delete fArrayAmp; delete fDeltaY; delete fDeltaZ; if (fResolY) length = fResolY->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++){ delete fResolY->At(i); delete fResolZ->At(i); delete fRMSY->At(i); delete fRMSZ->At(i); } delete fResolY; delete fResolZ; delete fRMSY; delete fRMSZ; if (fArrayQDY) length = fArrayQDY->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++){ delete fArrayQDY->At(i); delete fArrayQDZ->At(i); delete fArrayQRMSY->At(i); delete fArrayQRMSZ->At(i); } if (fArrayChargeVsDriftlength) length = fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < length; i++){ delete fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(i); } delete fFitterLinY1; delete fFitterLinZ1; delete fFitterLinY2; delete fFitterLinZ2; delete fFitterParY; delete fFitterParZ; delete fArrayQDY; delete fArrayQDZ; delete fArrayQRMSY; delete fArrayQRMSZ; delete fArrayChargeVsDriftlength; delete fHclus; delete fRejectedTracksHisto; delete fClusterCutHisto; delete fHclusterPerPadrow; delete fHclusterPerPadrowRaw; if (fCalPadClusterPerPad) delete fCalPadClusterPerPad; if (fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw) delete fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw; fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->Delete(); delete fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength; if (fDebugLevel > 4) delete fDebugStream; } void AliTPCcalibTracks::AddInfo(TChain * chain, char* fileName){ // // Add the neccessary information for processing to the chain // (cluster parametrization) // TFile clusterParamFile(fileName); AliTPCClusterParam *clusterParam = (AliTPCClusterParam *) clusterParamFile.Get("Param"); chain->GetUserInfo()->AddLast((TObject*)clusterParam); cout << "Clusterparametrization added to the chain." << endl; } void AliTPCcalibTracks::Process(AliTPCseed *track, AliESDtrack *esd){ // // To be called in the selector // first AcceptTrack is evaluated, then calls all the following analyse functions: // FillResolutionHistoLocal(track) // AlignUpDown(track, esd) // if (fDebugLevel > 5) Info("Process","Starting to process the track..."); Int_t accpetStatus = AcceptTrack(track); if (accpetStatus == 0) { FillResolutionHistoLocal(track); // AlignUpDown(track, esd); } else fRejectedTracksHisto->Fill(accpetStatus); } Int_t AliTPCcalibTracks::GetBin(Float_t q, Int_t pad){ // // calculate bins for given q and pad type // used in TObjArray // Int_t res = TMath::Max( TMath::Nint((TMath::Sqrt(q) - 3.)), 0 ); res *= 3; res += pad; return res; } Int_t AliTPCcalibTracks::GetBin(Int_t iq, Int_t pad){ // // calculate bins for given iq and pad type // used in TObjArray // return iq * 3 + pad;; } Float_t AliTPCcalibTracks::GetQ(Int_t bin){ // // returns to bin belonging charge // (bin / 3 + 3)^2 // Int_t bin0 = bin / 3; bin0 += 3; return bin0 * bin0; } Float_t AliTPCcalibTracks::GetPad(Int_t bin){ // // returns to bin belonging pad // bin % 3 // return bin % 3; } Int_t AliTPCcalibTracks::AcceptTrack(AliTPCseed * track){ // // Function, that decides wheather a given track is accepted for // the analysis or not. // The cuts are specified in the AliTPCcalibTracksCuts object 'fCuts' // Returns 0 if a track is accepted or an integer different from 0 // to indicate the failed cut // const Int_t kMinClusters = fCuts->GetMinClusters(); const Float_t kMinRatio = fCuts->GetMinRatio(); const Float_t kMax1pt = fCuts->GetMax1pt(); const Float_t kEdgeYXCutNoise = fCuts->GetEdgeYXCutNoise(); const Float_t kEdgeThetaCutNoise = fCuts->GetEdgeThetaCutNoise(); // // edge induced noise tracks - NEXT RELEASE will be removed during tracking if ( TMath::Abs(track->GetY() / track->GetX()) > kEdgeYXCutNoise ) if ( TMath::Abs(track->GetTgl()) < kEdgeThetaCutNoise ) return 1; if (track->GetNumberOfClusters() < kMinClusters) return 2; Float_t ratio = track->GetNumberOfClusters() / (track->GetNFoundable() + 1.); if (ratio < kMinRatio) return 3; // Float_t mpt = track->Get1Pt(); // Get1Pt() doesn't exist any more Float_t mpt = track->GetSigned1Pt(); if (TMath::Abs(mpt) > kMax1pt) return 4; //if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())>240.) return kFALSE; //if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())<10.) return kFALSE; //if (TMath::Abs(track->GetTgl())>0.03) return kFALSE; if (fDebugLevel > 5) Info("AcceptTrack","Track has been accepted."); return 0; } void AliTPCcalibTracks::FillResolutionHistoLocal(AliTPCseed * track){ // // fill resolution histograms - localy - tracklet in the neighborhood // write debug information to 'TPCSelectorDebug.root' // // _ the main function, called during track analysis _ // // loop over all padrows along the track // fit tracklets (length: 13 clusters) calculate mean chi^2 for this track-fit in Y and Z direction // // loop again over all padrows along the track // fit tracklet (clusters in given padrow +- kDelta padrows) // with polynom of 2nd order and two polynoms of 1st order // take both polynoms of 1st order, calculate difference of their parameters // add covariance matrixes and calculate chi2 of this difference // if this chi2 is bigger than a given threshold, assume that the current cluster is // a kink an goto next padrow // if not: // fill fArrayAmpRow, array with amplitudes vs. row for given sector // fill fArrayAmp, array with amplitude histograms for give sector // fill fRMSY, fRMSZ, fArrayQRMSY and fArrayQRMSZ, fDeltaY, fDeltaZ, fResolY, fResolZ, fArrayQDY, fArrayQDY // // write debug information to 'TPCSelectorDebug.root' // only for every kDeltaWriteDebugStream'th padrow to reduce data volume // and to avoid redundant data // if (fDebugLevel > 5) Info("FillResolutionHistoLocal"," ***** Start of FillResolutionHistoLocal *****"); const Int_t kDelta = 10; // delta rows to fit const Float_t kMinRatio = 0.75; // minimal ratio const Float_t kCutChi2 = 6.; // cut chi2 - left right - kink removal const Float_t kErrorFraction = 0.5; // use only clusters with small interpolation error - for error param const Int_t kFirstLargePad = 127; // medium pads -> long pads const Float_t kLargePadSize = 1.5; // factor between medium and long pads' area const Int_t kDeltaWriteDebugStream = 5; // only for every kDeltaWriteDebugStream'th padrow debug information is calulated and written to debugstream // TLinearFitter fFitterLinY1 = fFitterLinY1; // TLinearFitter fFitterLinZ1 = ffFitterLinZ1; // TLinearFitter fFitterLinY2 = ffFitterLinY2; // TLinearFitter fFitterLinZ2 = ffFitterLinZ2; // TLinearFitter fFitterParY = ffFitterParY; // TLinearFitter fFitterParZ = ffFitterParZ; TVectorD paramY0(2); TVectorD paramZ0(2); TVectorD paramY1(2); TVectorD paramZ1(2); TVectorD paramY2(3); TVectorD paramZ2(3); TMatrixD matrixY0(2,2); TMatrixD matrixZ0(2,2); TMatrixD matrixY1(2,2); TMatrixD matrixZ1(2,2); // estimate mean error Int_t nTrackletsAll = 0; // number of tracklets for given track Float_t csigmaY = 0; // mean sigma for tracklet refit in Y direction Float_t csigmaZ = 0; // mean sigma for tracklet refit in Z direction Int_t nClusters = 0; // working variable, number of clusters per tracklet Int_t sectorG = -1; // working variable, sector of tracklet, has to stay constant for one tracklet fHclus->Fill(track->GetNumberOfClusters()); // for statistics overview // --------------------------------------------------------------------- for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < 159; irow++){ // loop over all rows along the track // fit tracklets (length: 13 rows) with pol2 in Y and Z direction // calculate mean chi^2 for this track-fit in Y and Z direction AliTPCclusterMI * cluster0 = track->GetClusterPointer(irow); if (!cluster0) continue; // no cluster found Int_t sector = cluster0->GetDetector(); fHclusterPerPadrowRaw->Fill(irow); Int_t ipad = TMath::Nint(cluster0->GetPad()); Float_t value = fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw->GetCalROC(sector)->GetValue((sector<36)?irow:irow-64, TMath::Nint(cluster0->GetPad())); fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw->GetCalROC(sector)->SetValue((sector<36)?irow:irow-64, ipad, value + 1 ); if (sector != sectorG){ // track leaves sector before it crossed enough rows to fit / initialization nClusters = 0; fFitterParY->ClearPoints(); fFitterParZ->ClearPoints(); sectorG = sector; } else { nClusters++; Double_t x = cluster0->GetX(); fFitterParY->AddPoint(&x, cluster0->GetY(), 1); fFitterParZ->AddPoint(&x, cluster0->GetZ(), 1); // if ( nClusters >= kDelta + 3 ){ // if more than 13 (kDelta+3) clusters were added to the fitters // fit the tracklet, increase trackletCounter fFitterParY->Eval(); fFitterParZ->Eval(); nTrackletsAll++; csigmaY += fFitterParY->GetChisquare() / (nClusters - 3.); csigmaZ += fFitterParZ->GetChisquare() / (nClusters - 3.); nClusters = -1; fFitterParY->ClearPoints(); fFitterParZ->ClearPoints(); } } } // for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < 159; irow++) // mean chi^2 for all tracklet fits in Y and in Z direction: csigmaY = TMath::Sqrt(csigmaY / nTrackletsAll); csigmaZ = TMath::Sqrt(csigmaZ / nTrackletsAll); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < 159; irow++){ // loop again over all rows along the track // do analysis // Int_t nclFound = 0; // number of clusters in the neighborhood Int_t ncl0 = 0; // number of clusters in rows < rowOfCenterCluster Int_t ncl1 = 0; // number of clusters in rows > rowOfCenterCluster AliTPCclusterMI * cluster0 = track->GetClusterPointer(irow); if (!cluster0) continue; Int_t sector = cluster0->GetDetector(); Float_t xref = cluster0->GetX(); // Make Fit fFitterParY->ClearPoints(); fFitterParZ->ClearPoints(); fFitterLinY1->ClearPoints(); fFitterLinZ1->ClearPoints(); fFitterLinY2->ClearPoints(); fFitterLinZ2->ClearPoints(); // fit tracklet (clusters in given padrow +- kDelta padrows) // with polynom of 2nd order and two polynoms of 1st order // take both polynoms of 1st order, calculate difference of their parameters // add covariance matrixes and calculate chi2 of this difference // if this chi2 is bigger than a given threshold, assume that the current cluster is // a kink an goto next padrow for (Int_t idelta = -kDelta; idelta <= kDelta; idelta++){ // loop over irow +- kDelta rows (neighboured rows) // // if (idelta == 0) continue; // don't use center cluster if (idelta + irow < 0 || idelta + irow > 159) continue; // don't go out of ROC AliTPCclusterMI * currentCluster = track->GetClusterPointer(irow + idelta); if (!currentCluster) continue; if (currentCluster->GetType() < 0) continue; if (currentCluster->GetDetector() != sector) continue; Double_t x = currentCluster->GetX() - xref; // x = differece: current cluster - cluster @ irow nclFound++; if (idelta < 0){ ncl0++; fFitterLinY1->AddPoint(&x, currentCluster->GetY(), csigmaY); fFitterLinZ1->AddPoint(&x, currentCluster->GetZ(), csigmaZ); } if (idelta > 0){ ncl1++; fFitterLinY2->AddPoint(&x, currentCluster->GetY(), csigmaY); fFitterLinZ2->AddPoint(&x, currentCluster->GetZ(), csigmaZ); } fFitterParY->AddPoint(&x, currentCluster->GetY(), csigmaY); fFitterParZ->AddPoint(&x, currentCluster->GetZ(), csigmaZ); } // loop over neighbourhood for fitter filling if (nclFound < kDelta * kMinRatio) fRejectedTracksHisto->Fill(10); if (nclFound < kDelta * kMinRatio) fClusterCutHisto->Fill(1, irow); if (nclFound < kDelta * kMinRatio) continue; // if not enough clusters (7.5) found in neighbourhood goto next padrow fFitterParY->Eval(); fFitterParZ->Eval(); Double_t chi2 = (fFitterParY->GetChisquare() + fFitterParZ->GetChisquare()) / (2. * nclFound - 6.); if (chi2 > kCutChi2) fRejectedTracksHisto->Fill(9); if (chi2 > kCutChi2) fClusterCutHisto->Fill(2, irow); if (chi2 > kCutChi2) continue; // if chi^2 is too big goto next padrow // REMOVE KINK // only when there are enough clusters (4) in each direction if (ncl0 > 4){ fFitterLinY1->Eval(); fFitterLinZ1->Eval(); } if (ncl1 > 4){ fFitterLinY2->Eval(); fFitterLinZ2->Eval(); } if (ncl0 > 4 && ncl1 > 4){ fFitterLinY1->GetCovarianceMatrix(matrixY0); fFitterLinY2->GetCovarianceMatrix(matrixY1); fFitterLinZ1->GetCovarianceMatrix(matrixZ0); fFitterLinZ2->GetCovarianceMatrix(matrixZ1); fFitterLinY2->GetParameters(paramY1); fFitterLinZ2->GetParameters(paramZ1); fFitterLinY1->GetParameters(paramY0); fFitterLinZ1->GetParameters(paramZ0); paramY0 -= paramY1; paramZ0 -= paramZ1; matrixY0 += matrixY1; matrixZ0 += matrixZ1; Double_t chi2 = 0; TMatrixD difY(2, 1, paramY0.GetMatrixArray()); TMatrixD difYT(1, 2, paramY0.GetMatrixArray()); matrixY0.Invert(); TMatrixD mulY(matrixY0, TMatrixD::kMult, difY); TMatrixD chi2Y(difYT, TMatrixD::kMult, mulY); chi2 += chi2Y(0, 0); TMatrixD difZ(2, 1, paramZ0.GetMatrixArray()); TMatrixD difZT(1, 2, paramZ0.GetMatrixArray()); matrixZ0.Invert(); TMatrixD mulZ(matrixZ0, TMatrixD::kMult, difZ); TMatrixD chi2Z(difZT, TMatrixD::kMult, mulZ); chi2 += chi2Z(0, 0); // REMOVE KINK if (chi2 * 0.25 > kCutChi2) fRejectedTracksHisto->Fill(8); if (chi2 * 0.25 > kCutChi2) fClusterCutHisto->Fill(3, irow); if (chi2 * 0.25 > kCutChi2) continue; // if chi2 is too big goto next padrow // fit tracklet with polynom of 2nd order and two polynoms of 1st order // take both polynoms of 1st order, calculate difference of their parameters // add covariance matrixes and calculate chi2 of this difference // if this chi2 is bigger than a given threshold, assume that the current cluster is // a kink an goto next padrow } // current padrow has no kink // get fit parameters from pol2 fit: Double_t paramY[4], paramZ[4]; paramY[0] = fFitterParY->GetParameter(0); paramY[1] = fFitterParY->GetParameter(1); paramY[2] = fFitterParY->GetParameter(2); paramZ[0] = fFitterParZ->GetParameter(0); paramZ[1] = fFitterParZ->GetParameter(1); paramZ[2] = fFitterParZ->GetParameter(2); Double_t tracky = paramY[0]; Double_t trackz = paramZ[0]; Float_t deltay = tracky - cluster0->GetY(); Float_t deltaz = trackz - cluster0->GetZ(); Float_t angley = paramY[1] - paramY[0] / xref; Float_t anglez = paramZ[1]; Float_t max = cluster0->GetMax(); UInt_t isegment = cluster0->GetDetector() % 36; Int_t padSize = 0; // short pads if (cluster0->GetDetector() >= 36) { padSize = 1; // medium pads if (cluster0->GetRow() > 63) padSize = 2; // long pads } // ========================================= // wirte collected information to histograms // ========================================= TProfile *profAmpRow = (TProfile*)fArrayAmpRow->At(sector); if ( irow >= kFirstLargePad) max /= kLargePadSize; profAmpRow->Fill( (Double_t)cluster0->GetRow(), max ); TH1F *hisAmp = (TH1F*)fArrayAmp->At(sector); hisAmp->Fill(max); // remove the following two lines one day: TProfile *profDriftLength = (TProfile*)fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(sector); profDriftLength->Fill( 250.-(Double_t)TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), max ); TProfile *profDriftLengthTmp = (TProfile*)(fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(isegment, padSize)); profDriftLengthTmp->Fill( 250.-(Double_t)TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), max ); fHclusterPerPadrow->Fill(irow); // fill histogram showing clusters per padrow Int_t ipad = TMath::Nint(cluster0->GetPad()); Float_t value = fCalPadClusterPerPad->GetCalROC(sector)->GetValue((sector<36)?irow:irow-64, TMath::Nint(cluster0->GetPad())); fCalPadClusterPerPad->GetCalROC(sector)->SetValue((sector<36)?irow:irow-64, ipad, value + 1 ); TH3F * his3 = 0; his3 = (TH3F*)fRMSY->At(padSize); if (his3) his3->Fill(250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), TMath::Abs(angley), TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaY2()) ); his3 = (TH3F*)fRMSZ->At(padSize); if (his3) his3->Fill( 250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaZ2()) ); his3 = (TH3F*)fArrayQRMSY->At(GetBin(cluster0->GetMax(), padSize)); if (his3) his3->Fill( 250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), TMath::Abs(angley), TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaY2()) ); his3 = (TH3F*)fArrayQRMSZ->At(GetBin(cluster0->GetMax(), padSize)); if (his3) his3->Fill( 250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaZ2()) ); // Fill resolution histograms Bool_t useForResol = kTRUE; if (fFitterParY->GetParError(0) > kErrorFraction * csigmaY) useForResol = kFALSE; if (useForResol){ fDeltaY->Fill(deltay); fDeltaZ->Fill(deltaz); his3 = (TH3F*)fResolY->At(padSize); if (his3) his3->Fill( 250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), TMath::Abs(angley), deltay ); his3 = (TH3F*)fResolZ->At(padSize); if (his3) his3->Fill( 250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()), TMath::Abs(anglez), deltaz ); his3 = (TH3F*)fArrayQDY->At(GetBin(cluster0->GetMax(), padSize)); if (his3) his3->Fill( 250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()),TMath::Abs(angley), deltay ); his3 = (TH3F*)fArrayQDZ->At(GetBin(cluster0->GetMax(), padSize)); if (his3) his3->Fill( 250 - TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ()),TMath::Abs(anglez), deltaz ); } //============================================================================================= if (useForResol && nclFound > 2 * kMinRatio * kDelta && irow % kDeltaWriteDebugStream == 0 && fDebugLevel > 4){ if (fDebugLevel > 5) Info("FillResolutionHistoLocal","Filling 'TPCSelectorDebug.root', irow = %i", irow); FillResolutionHistoLocalDebugPart(track, cluster0, irow, angley, anglez, nclFound, kDelta); } // if (useForResol && nclFound > 2 * kMinRatio * kDelta) } // loop over all padrows along the track: for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < 159; irow++) } // FillResolutionHistoLocal(...) void AliTPCcalibTracks::FillResolutionHistoLocalDebugPart(AliTPCseed *track, AliTPCclusterMI *cluster0, Int_t irow, Float_t angley, Float_t anglez, Int_t nclFound, Int_t kDelta) { // // - debug part of FillResolutionHistoLocal - // called only for every kDeltaWriteDebugStream'th padrow, to avoid to much redundant data // called only for fDebugLevel > 4 // fill resolution trees // Int_t sector = cluster0->GetDetector(); Float_t xref = cluster0->GetX(); Int_t padSize = 0; // short pads if (cluster0->GetDetector() >= 36) { padSize = 1; // medium pads if (cluster0->GetRow() > 63) padSize = 2; // long pads } static TLinearFitter fitY0(3, "pol2"); static TLinearFitter fitZ0(3, "pol2"); static TLinearFitter fitY2(5, "hyp4"); static TLinearFitter fitZ2(5, "hyp4"); static TLinearFitter fitY2Q(5, "hyp4"); static TLinearFitter fitZ2Q(5, "hyp4"); static TLinearFitter fitY2S(5, "hyp4"); static TLinearFitter fitZ2S(5, "hyp4"); fitY0.ClearPoints(); fitZ0.ClearPoints(); fitY2.ClearPoints(); fitZ2.ClearPoints(); fitY2Q.ClearPoints(); fitZ2Q.ClearPoints(); fitY2S.ClearPoints(); fitZ2S.ClearPoints(); for (Int_t idelta = -kDelta; idelta <= kDelta; idelta++){ // loop over irow +- kDelta rows (neighboured rows) // // if (idelta == 0) continue; if (idelta + irow < 0 || idelta + irow > 159) continue; // don't go out of ROC AliTPCclusterMI * cluster = track->GetClusterPointer(irow + idelta); if (!cluster) continue; if (cluster->GetType() < 0) continue; if (cluster->GetDetector() != sector) continue; Double_t x = cluster->GetX() - xref; Double_t sigmaY0 = fClusterParam->GetError0Par( 0, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(angley) ); Double_t sigmaZ0 = fClusterParam->GetError0Par( 1, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez) ); // Double_t sigmaYQ = fClusterParam->GetErrorQPar( 0, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(angley), TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax()) ); Double_t sigmaZQ = fClusterParam->GetErrorQPar( 1, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax()) ); Double_t sigmaYS = fClusterParam->GetErrorQParScaled( 0, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(angley), TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax()) ); Double_t sigmaZS = fClusterParam->GetErrorQParScaled( 1, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax()) ); Float_t rmsYFactor = fClusterParam->GetShapeFactor( 0, padSize,(250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax()), TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaY2()), 0 ); Float_t rmsZFactor = fClusterParam->GetShapeFactor(0, padSize,(250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax()), TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaZ2()),0 ); sigmaYS = TMath::Sqrt(sigmaYS * sigmaYS + rmsYFactor * rmsYFactor / 12.); sigmaZS = TMath::Sqrt(sigmaZS * sigmaZS + rmsZFactor * rmsZFactor / 12. + rmsYFactor * rmsYFactor / 24.); // if (kDelta != 0){ fitY0.AddPoint(&x, cluster->GetY(), sigmaY0); fitZ0.AddPoint(&x, cluster->GetZ(), sigmaZ0); } Double_t xxx[4]; xxx[0] = ( (idelta+irow) % 2 == 0 ) ? 1 : 0; xxx[1] = x; xxx[2] = ( (idelta+irow) % 2 == 0 ) ? x : 0; xxx[3] = x * x; fitY2.AddPoint(xxx, cluster->GetY(), sigmaY0); fitY2Q.AddPoint(xxx, cluster->GetY(), sigmaYQ); fitY2S.AddPoint(xxx, cluster->GetY(), sigmaYS); fitZ2.AddPoint(xxx, cluster->GetZ(), sigmaZ0); fitZ2Q.AddPoint(xxx, cluster->GetZ(), sigmaZQ); fitZ2S.AddPoint(xxx, cluster->GetZ(), sigmaZS); // } // neigbouhood-loop // fitY0.Eval(); fitZ0.Eval(); fitY2.Eval(); fitZ2.Eval(); fitY2Q.Eval(); fitZ2Q.Eval(); fitY2S.Eval(); fitZ2S.Eval(); Float_t chi2Y0 = fitY0.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-3.); Float_t chi2Z0 = fitZ0.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-3.); Float_t chi2Y2 = fitY2.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-5.); Float_t chi2Z2 = fitZ2.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-5.); Float_t chi2Y2Q = fitY2Q.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-5.); Float_t chi2Z2Q = fitZ2Q.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-5.); Float_t chi2Y2S = fitY2S.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-5.); Float_t chi2Z2S = fitZ2S.GetChisquare() / (nclFound-5.); // static TVectorD parY0(3); static TMatrixD matY0(3, 3); static TVectorD parZ0(3); static TMatrixD matZ0(3, 3); fitY0.GetParameters(parY0); fitY0.GetCovarianceMatrix(matY0); fitZ0.GetParameters(parZ0); fitZ0.GetCovarianceMatrix(matZ0); // static TVectorD parY2(5); static TMatrixD matY2(5,5); static TVectorD parZ2(5); static TMatrixD matZ2(5,5); fitY2.GetParameters(parY2); fitY2.GetCovarianceMatrix(matY2); fitZ2.GetParameters(parZ2); fitZ2.GetCovarianceMatrix(matZ2); // static TVectorD parY2Q(5); static TMatrixD matY2Q(5,5); static TVectorD parZ2Q(5); static TMatrixD matZ2Q(5,5); fitY2Q.GetParameters(parY2Q); fitY2Q.GetCovarianceMatrix(matY2Q); fitZ2Q.GetParameters(parZ2Q); fitZ2Q.GetCovarianceMatrix(matZ2Q); static TVectorD parY2S(5); static TMatrixD matY2S(5,5); static TVectorD parZ2S(5); static TMatrixD matZ2S(5,5); fitY2S.GetParameters(parY2S); fitY2S.GetCovarianceMatrix(matY2S); fitZ2S.GetParameters(parZ2S); fitZ2S.GetCovarianceMatrix(matZ2S); Float_t sigmaY0 = TMath::Sqrt(matY0(0,0)); Float_t sigmaZ0 = TMath::Sqrt(matZ0(0,0)); Float_t sigmaDY0 = TMath::Sqrt(matY0(1,1)); Float_t sigmaDZ0 = TMath::Sqrt(matZ0(1,1)); Float_t sigmaY2 = TMath::Sqrt(matY2(1,1)); Float_t sigmaZ2 = TMath::Sqrt(matZ2(1,1)); Float_t sigmaDY2 = TMath::Sqrt(matY2(3,3)); Float_t sigmaDZ2 = TMath::Sqrt(matZ2(3,3)); Float_t sigmaY2Q = TMath::Sqrt(matY2Q(1,1)); Float_t sigmaZ2Q = TMath::Sqrt(matZ2Q(1,1)); Float_t sigmaDY2Q = TMath::Sqrt(matY2Q(3,3)); Float_t sigmaDZ2Q = TMath::Sqrt(matZ2Q(3,3)); Float_t sigmaY2S = TMath::Sqrt(matY2S(1,1)); Float_t sigmaZ2S = TMath::Sqrt(matZ2S(1,1)); Float_t sigmaDY2S = TMath::Sqrt(matY2S(3,3)); Float_t sigmaDZ2S = TMath::Sqrt(matZ2S(3,3)); // Error parameters Float_t csigmaY0 = fClusterParam->GetError0Par(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())),TMath::Abs(angley)); Float_t csigmaZ0 = fClusterParam->GetError0Par(1,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())),TMath::Abs(anglez)); // Float_t csigmaYQ = fClusterParam->GetErrorQPar(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(angley), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); Float_t csigmaZQ = fClusterParam->GetErrorQPar(1,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez),TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); Float_t csigmaYS = fClusterParam->GetErrorQParScaled(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(angley), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); Float_t csigmaZS = fClusterParam->GetErrorQParScaled(1,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez),TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Class to analyse tracks for calibration // // to be used as a component in AliTPCSelectorTracks // // In the constructor you have to specify name and title // // to get the Object out of a file. // // The parameter 'clusterParam', a AliTPCClusterParam object // // (needed for TPC cluster error and shape parameterization) // // Normally you get this object out of the file 'TPCClusterParam.root' // // In the parameter 'cuts' the cuts are specified, that decide // // weather a track will be accepted for calibration or not. // // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RMS parameters Float_t meanRMSY = 0; Float_t meanRMSZ = 0; Int_t nclRMS = 0; for (Int_t idelta = -2; idelta <= 2; idelta++){ // loop over neighbourhood if (idelta+irow < 0 || idelta+irow > 159) continue; // if (idelta+irow>159) continue; AliTPCclusterMI * cluster = track->GetClusterPointer(irow+idelta); if (!cluster) continue; meanRMSY += TMath::Sqrt(cluster->GetSigmaY2()); meanRMSZ += TMath::Sqrt(cluster->GetSigmaZ2()); nclRMS++; } meanRMSY /= nclRMS; meanRMSZ /= nclRMS; Float_t rmsY = TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaY2()); Float_t rmsZ = TMath::Sqrt(cluster0->GetSigmaZ2()); Float_t rmsYT = fClusterParam->GetRMSQ(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(angley), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); Float_t rmsZT = fClusterParam->GetRMSQ(1,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); Float_t rmsYT0 = fClusterParam->GetRMS0(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(angley)); Float_t rmsZT0 = fClusterParam->GetRMS0(1,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez)); Float_t rmsYSigma = fClusterParam->GetRMSSigma(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); Float_t rmsZSigma = fClusterParam->GetRMSSigma(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax())); Float_t rmsYFactor = fClusterParam->GetShapeFactor(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax()), rmsY,meanRMSY); Float_t rmsZFactor = fClusterParam->GetShapeFactor(0,padSize,(250.0-TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(anglez), TMath::Abs(cluster0->GetMax()), rmsZ,meanRMSZ); // cluster debug (*fDebugStream)<<"ResolCl"<< // valgrind 3 40,000 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly "Sector="<Clone(); // valgrind 3 40,139 bytes in 11 blocks are still reachable result->SetTitle(Form("%s fit residuals",result->GetTitle())); result->SetName(Form("%s fit residuals",result->GetName())); TAxis *xaxis = hfit->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxis = hfit->GetYaxis(); Double_t x[2]; for (Int_t biny = 0; biny <= yaxis->GetNbins(); biny++) { x[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny); for (Int_t binx = 0; binx <= xaxis->GetNbins(); binx++) { x[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx); Int_t bin = hfit->GetBin(binx, biny); Double_t val = hfit->GetBinContent(bin); // result->SetBinContent( bin, (val - func->Eval(x[0], x[1])) / func->Eval(x[0], x[1]) ); result->SetBinContent( bin, (val / func->Eval(x[0], x[1])) - 1 ); } } return result; } void AliTPCcalibTracks::SetStyle() const { // // set style, can be called by all draw functions // gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetFillColor(10); gStyle->SetPadColor(10); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(10); gStyle->SetStatColor(10); gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); gStyle->SetNumberContours(60); } void AliTPCcalibTracks::Draw(Option_t* opt){ // // draw-function of AliTPCcalibTracks // will draws some exemplaric pictures // if (fDebugLevel > 6) Info("Draw", "Drawing an exemplaric picture."); SetStyle(); Double_t min = 0; Double_t max = 0; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->Divide(0, 3); TVirtualPad *upperThird = c1->GetPad(1); TVirtualPad *middleThird = c1->GetPad(2); TVirtualPad *lowerThird = c1->GetPad(3); upperThird->Divide(2,0); TVirtualPad *upleft = upperThird->GetPad(1); TVirtualPad *upright = upperThird->GetPad(2); middleThird->Divide(2,0); TVirtualPad *middleLeft = middleThird->GetPad(1); TVirtualPad *middleRight = middleThird->GetPad(2); lowerThird->Divide(2,0); TVirtualPad *downLeft = lowerThird->GetPad(1); TVirtualPad *downRight = lowerThird->GetPad(2); upleft->cd(0); min = fDeltaY->GetBinCenter(fDeltaY->GetMaximumBin())-20; max = fDeltaY->GetBinCenter(fDeltaY->GetMaximumBin())+20; fDeltaY->SetAxisRange(min, max); fDeltaY->Fit("gaus","q","",min, max); // valgrind 3 7 block possibly lost 2,400 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable c1->Update(); upright->cd(0); max = fDeltaZ->GetBinCenter(fDeltaZ->GetMaximumBin())+20; min = fDeltaZ->GetBinCenter(fDeltaZ->GetMaximumBin())-20; fDeltaZ->SetAxisRange(min, max); fDeltaZ->Fit("gaus","q","",min, max); c1->Update(); middleLeft->cd(); fHclus->Draw(opt); middleRight->cd(); fRejectedTracksHisto->Draw(opt); TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(0.6,0.6, 0.8,0.8, "NDC"); TText *t1 = pt->AddText("1: kEdgeThetaCutNoise"); TText *t2 = pt->AddText("2: kMinClusters"); TText *t3 = pt->AddText("3: kMinRatio"); TText *t4 = pt->AddText("4: kMax1pt"); t1 = t1; t2 = t2; t3 = t3; t4 = t4; // avoid compiler warnings pt->SetToolTipText("Legend for failed cuts"); pt->Draw(); downLeft->cd(); fHclusterPerPadrowRaw->Draw(opt); downRight->cd(); fHclusterPerPadrow->Draw(opt); } void AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeReport(Int_t stat, char* pathName){ // // all functions are called, that produce pictures // the histograms are written to the directory 'pathName' // 'stat' is a threshhold: only histograms with more than 'stat' entries are wirtten to file // 'stat' is also the number of minEntries for MakeResPlotsQTree // if (fDebugLevel > 0) Info("MakeReport","Writing plots and trees to '%s'.", pathName); MakeAmpPlots(stat, pathName); MakeDeltaPlots(pathName); FitResolutionNew(pathName); FitRMSNew(pathName); MakeChargeVsDriftLengthPlots(pathName); // MakeResPlotsQ(1, 1); MakeResPlotsQTree(stat, pathName); } void AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeAmpPlots(Int_t stat, char* pathName){ // // creates several plots: // fArrayAmp.ps, fArrayAmpRow.ps and DeltaYZ.ps // fArrayAmp.ps: one histogram per sector, the histogram shows the charge per cluster // fArrayAmpRow.ps: one histogram per sector, mean max. amplitude vs. pad row with landau fit // DeltaYZ.ps: DeltaY and DeltaZ histogram with gaus fit // Empty histograms (sectors without data) are not written to file // the ps-files are written to the directory 'pathName', that is created if it does not exist // 'stat': only histograms with more than 'stat' entries are written to file. // SetStyle(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); // valgrind 3 ??? 634 bytes in 28 blocks are still reachable TPostScript *ps; // histograms with accumulated amplitude for all IROCs and OROCs TH1F *allAmpHisIROC = ((TH1F*)(fArrayAmp->At(0))->Clone()); allAmpHisIROC->SetName("Amp all IROCs"); allAmpHisIROC->SetTitle("Amp all IROCs"); TH1F *allAmpHisOROC = ((TH1F*)(fArrayAmp->At(36))->Clone()); allAmpHisOROC->SetName("Amp all OROCs"); allAmpHisOROC->SetTitle("Amp all OROCs"); ps = new TPostScript("fArrayAmp.ps", 112); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "creating fArrayAmp.ps..." << endl; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayAmp->GetEntriesFast(); i++){ if ( ((TH1F*)fArrayAmp->At(i))->GetEntries() < stat ) continue; ps->NewPage(); ((TH1F*)fArrayAmp->At(i))->Draw(); c1->Update(); // valgrind 3 if (i > 0 && i < 36) { allAmpHisIROC->Add(((TH1F*)fArrayAmp->At(i))); allAmpHisOROC->Add(((TH1F*)fArrayAmp->At(i+36))); } } ps->NewPage(); allAmpHisIROC->Draw(); c1->Update(); // valgrind ps->NewPage(); allAmpHisOROC->Draw(); c1->Update(); ps->Close(); delete ps; TH1F *his = 0; Double_t min = 0; Double_t max = 0; ps = new TPostScript("fArrayAmpRow.ps", 112); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "creating fArrayAmpRow.ps..." << endl; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayAmpRow->GetEntriesFast(); i++){ his = (TH1F*)fArrayAmpRow->At(i); if (his->GetEntries() < stat) continue; ps->NewPage(); min = TMath::Max( his->GetBinCenter(his->GetMaximumBin() )-100., 0.); max = his->GetBinCenter(5*his->GetMaximumBin()) + 100; his->SetAxisRange(min, max); his->Fit("pol3", "q", "", min, max); // his->Draw("error"); // don't use this line when you don't want to have empty pages in the ps-file c1->Update(); } ps->Close(); delete ps; delete c1; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); } void AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeDeltaPlots(char* pathName){ // // creates several plots: // DeltaYZ.ps: DeltaY and DeltaZ histogram with gaus fit // the ps-files are written to the directory 'pathName', that is created if it does not exist // SetStyle(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); // valgrind 3 ??? 634 bytes in 28 blocks are still reachable TPostScript *ps; Double_t min = 0; Double_t max = 0; ps = new TPostScript("DeltaYZ.ps", 112); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "creating DeltaYZ.ps..." << endl; min = fDeltaY->GetBinCenter(fDeltaY->GetMaximumBin())-20; max = fDeltaY->GetBinCenter(fDeltaY->GetMaximumBin())+20; fDeltaY->SetAxisRange(min, max); ps->NewPage(); fDeltaY->Fit("gaus","q","",min, max); // valgrind 3 7 block possibly lost 2,400 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable c1->Update(); ps->NewPage(); max = fDeltaZ->GetBinCenter(fDeltaZ->GetMaximumBin())+20; min = fDeltaZ->GetBinCenter(fDeltaZ->GetMaximumBin())-20; fDeltaZ->SetAxisRange(min, max); fDeltaZ->Fit("gaus","q","",min, max); c1->Update(); ps->Close(); delete ps; delete c1; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); } void AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeChargeVsDriftLengthPlotsOld(char* pathName){ // // creates charge vs. driftlength plots, one TProfile for each ROC // is not correct like this, should be one TProfile for each sector and padsize // SetStyle(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); // valgrind 3 ??? 634 bytes in 28 blocks are still reachable TPostScript *ps; ps = new TPostScript("chargeVsDriftlengthOld.ps", 112); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "creating chargeVsDriftlength.ps..." << endl; TProfile *chargeVsDriftlengthAllIROCs = ((TProfile*)fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(0)->Clone()); TProfile *chargeVsDriftlengthAllOROCs = ((TProfile*)fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(36)->Clone()); chargeVsDriftlengthAllIROCs->SetName("allAmpHisIROC"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllIROCs->SetTitle("charge vs. driftlength, all IROCs"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllOROCs->SetName("allAmpHisOROC"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllOROCs->SetTitle("charge vs. driftlength, all OROCs"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { ((TProfile*)fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(i))->Draw(); c1->Update(); if (i > 0 && i < 36) { chargeVsDriftlengthAllIROCs->Add(((TProfile*)fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(i))); chargeVsDriftlengthAllOROCs->Add(((TProfile*)fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(i+36))); } ps->NewPage(); } chargeVsDriftlengthAllIROCs->Draw(); c1->Update(); // valgrind ps->NewPage(); chargeVsDriftlengthAllOROCs->Draw(); c1->Update(); ps->Close(); delete ps; delete c1; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); } void AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeChargeVsDriftLengthPlots(char* pathName){ // // creates charge vs. driftlength plots, one TProfile for each ROC // under development.... // SetStyle(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 700,(Int_t)(TMath::Sqrt(2)*700)); // valgrind 3 ??? 634 bytes in 28 blocks are still reachable // TCanvas c1("c1", "c1", 500,(sqrt(2)*500)) c1->Divide(0,3); TPostScript *ps; ps = new TPostScript("chargeVsDriftlength.ps", 111); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "creating chargeVsDriftlengthNew.ps..." << endl; TProfile *chargeVsDriftlengthAllShortPads = ((TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(0,0)->Clone()); TProfile *chargeVsDriftlengthAllMediumPads = ((TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(0,1)->Clone()); TProfile *chargeVsDriftlengthAllLongPads = ((TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(0,2)->Clone()); chargeVsDriftlengthAllShortPads->SetName("allAmpHisShortPads"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllShortPads->SetTitle("charge vs. driftlength, all sectors, short pads"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllMediumPads->SetName("allAmpHisMediumPads"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllMediumPads->SetTitle("charge vs. driftlength, all sectors, medium pads"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllLongPads->SetName("allAmpHisLongPads"); chargeVsDriftlengthAllLongPads->SetTitle("charge vs. driftlength, all sectors, long pads"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 36; i++) { c1->cd(1)->SetGridx(); c1->cd(1)->SetGridy(); ((TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(i,0))->Draw(); c1->cd(2)->SetGridx(); c1->cd(2)->SetGridy(); ((TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(i,1))->Draw(); c1->cd(3)->SetGridx(); c1->cd(3)->SetGridy(); ((TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(i,2))->Draw(); c1->Update(); chargeVsDriftlengthAllShortPads->Add( (TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(0,0)); chargeVsDriftlengthAllMediumPads->Add((TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(0,1)); chargeVsDriftlengthAllLongPads->Add( (TProfile*)fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(0,2)); ps->NewPage(); } c1->cd(1)->SetGridx(); c1->cd(1)->SetGridy(); chargeVsDriftlengthAllShortPads->Draw(); c1->cd(2)->SetGridx(); c1->cd(2)->SetGridy(); chargeVsDriftlengthAllMediumPads->Draw(); c1->cd(3)->SetGridx(); c1->cd(3)->SetGridy(); chargeVsDriftlengthAllLongPads->Draw(); c1->Update(); // valgrind // ps->NewPage(); ps->Close(); delete ps; delete c1; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); } void AliTPCcalibTracks::FitResolutionNew(char* pathName){ // // calculates different resulution fits in Y and Z direction // the histograms are written to 'ResolutionYZ.ps' // writes calculated resolution to 'resol.txt' // all files are stored in the directory pathName // SetStyle(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TCanvas c; c.Divide(2,1); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "creating ResolutionYZ.ps..." << endl; TPostScript *ps = new TPostScript("ResolutionYZ.ps", 112); TF2 *fres = new TF2("fres","TMath::Sqrt([0]*[0]+[1]*[1]*x+[2]*[2]*y*y)",0,250,0,1); fres->SetParameter(0,0.02); fres->SetParameter(1,0.0054); fres->SetParameter(2,0.13); TH1::AddDirectory(kTRUE); // TH3F::FitSlicesZ() writes histograms into the current directory // create histogramw for Y-resolution TH3F * hisResY0 = (TH3F*)fResolY->At(0); hisResY0->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResY02 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("Resol Y0_2"); TH3F * hisResY1 = (TH3F*)fResolY->At(1); hisResY1->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResY12 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("Resol Y1_2"); TH3F * hisResY2 = (TH3F*)fResolY->At(2); hisResY2->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResY22 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("Resol Y2_2"); // ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResY02->Fit(fres, "q"); // valgrind 132,072 bytes in 6 blocks are indirectly lost hisResY02->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResY02,fres)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("ResolutionYPad0.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResY12->Fit(fres, "q"); hisResY12->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResY12,fres)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("ResolutionYPad1.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResY22->Fit(fres, "q"); hisResY22->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResY22,fres)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("ResolutionYPad2.eps"); // create histogramw for Z-resolution TH3F * hisResZ0 = (TH3F*)fResolZ->At(0); hisResZ0->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResZ02 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("Resol Z0_2"); TH3F * hisResZ1 = (TH3F*)fResolZ->At(1); hisResZ1->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResZ12 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("Resol Z1_2"); TH3F * hisResZ2 = (TH3F*)fResolZ->At(2); hisResZ2->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResZ22 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("Resol Z2_2"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResZ02->Fit(fres, "q"); hisResZ02->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResZ02,fres)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("ResolutionZPad0.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResZ12->Fit(fres, "q"); hisResZ12->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResZ12,fres)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("ResolutionZPad1.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResZ22->Fit(fres, "q"); hisResZ22->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResZ22,fres)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("ResolutionZPad2.eps"); ps->Close(); delete ps; // write calculated resoltuions to 'resol.txt' ofstream fresol("resol.txt"); fresol<<"Pad 0.75 cm"<<"\n"; hisResY02->Fit(fres, "q"); // valgrind fresol<<"Y\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; hisResZ02->Fit(fres, "q"); fresol<<"Z\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; // fresol<<"Pad 1.00 cm"<<1<<"\n"; hisResY12->Fit(fres, "q"); // valgrind fresol<<"Y\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; hisResZ12->Fit(fres, "q"); fresol<<"Z\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; // fresol<<"Pad 1.50 cm"<<0<<"\n"; hisResY22->Fit(fres, "q"); fresol<<"Y\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; hisResZ22->Fit(fres, "q"); fresol<<"Z\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); delete fres; } void AliTPCcalibTracks::FitRMSNew(char* pathName){ // // calculates different resulution-rms fits in Y and Z direction // the histograms are written to 'RMS_YZ.ps' // writes calculated resolution rms to 'rms.txt' // all files are stored in the directory pathName // SetStyle(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TCanvas c; // valgrind 3 42,120 bytes in 405 blocks are still reachable 23,816 bytes in 229 blocks are still reachable c.Divide(2,1); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "creating RMS_YZ.ps..." << endl; TPostScript *ps = new TPostScript("RMS_YZ.ps", 112); TF2 *frms = new TF2("fres","TMath::Sqrt([0]*[0]+[1]*[1]*x+[2]*[2]*y*y)",0,250,0,1); frms->SetParameter(0,0.02); frms->SetParameter(1,0.0054); frms->SetParameter(2,0.13); TH1::AddDirectory(kTRUE); // TH3F::FitSlicesZ() writes histograms into the current directory // create histogramw for Y-RMS TH3F * hisResY0 = (TH3F*)fRMSY->At(0); hisResY0->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResY02 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("RMS Y0_1"); TH3F * hisResY1 = (TH3F*)fRMSY->At(1); hisResY1->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResY12 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("RMS Y1_1"); TH3F * hisResY2 = (TH3F*)fRMSY->At(2); hisResY2->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResY22 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("RMS Y2_1"); // ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResY02->Fit(frms, "qn0"); hisResY02->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResY02,frms)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("RMSYPad0.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResY12->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind several blocks possibly lost hisResY12->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResY12,frms)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("RMSYPad1.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResY22->Fit(frms, "qn0"); hisResY22->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResY22,frms)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("RMSYPad2.eps"); // create histogramw for Z-RMS TH3F * hisResZ0 = (TH3F*)fRMSZ->At(0); hisResZ0->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResZ02 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("RMS Z0_1"); TH3F * hisResZ1 = (TH3F*)fRMSZ->At(1); hisResZ1->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResZ12 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("RMS Z1_1"); TH3F * hisResZ2 = (TH3F*)fRMSZ->At(2); hisResZ2->FitSlicesZ(); TH2D * hisResZ22 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("RMS Z2_1"); // ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResZ02->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind hisResZ02->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResZ02,frms)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("RMSZPad0.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResZ12->Fit(frms, "qn0"); hisResZ12->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResZ12,frms)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("RMSZPad1.eps"); ps->NewPage(); c.cd(1); hisResZ22->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind 1 block possibly lost hisResZ22->Draw("surf1"); c.cd(2); MakeDiff(hisResZ22,frms)->Draw("surf1"); c.Update(); // c.SaveAs("RMSZPad2.eps"); // write calculated resoltuion rms to 'rms.txt' ofstream filerms("rms.txt"); filerms<<"Pad 0.75 cm"<<"\n"; hisResY02->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind 23 blocks indirectly lost filerms<<"Y\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; hisResZ02->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind 23 blocks indirectly lost filerms<<"Z\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; // filerms<<"Pad 1.00 cm"<<1<<"\n"; hisResY12->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind 3,256 bytes in 22 blocks are indirectly lost filerms<<"Y\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; hisResZ12->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind 66,036 bytes in 3 blocks are still reachable filerms<<"Z\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; // filerms<<"Pad 1.50 cm"<<0<<"\n"; hisResY22->Fit(frms, "qn0"); // valgrind 40,139 bytes in 11 blocks are still reachable 330,180 bytes in 15 blocks are possibly lost filerms<<"Y\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; hisResZ22->Fit(frms, "qn0"); filerms<<"Z\t"<GetParameter(0)<<"\t"<GetParameter(1)<<"\t"<GetParameter(2)<<"\n"; TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); ps->Close(); delete ps; delete frms; } void AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeResPlotsQTree(Int_t minEntries, char* pathName){ // // Make tree with resolution parameters // the result is written to 'resol.root' in directory 'pathname' // file information are available in fileInfo // available variables in the tree 'Resol': // Entries: number of entries for this resolution point // nbins: number of bins that were accumulated // Dim: direction, Dim==0: y-direction, Dim==1: z-direction // Pad: padSize; short, medium and long // Length: pad length, 0.75, 1, 1.5 // QMean: mean charge of current charge bin and its neighbours, Qmean<0: integrated spectra // Zc: center of middle bin in drift direction // Zm: mean dirftlength for accumulated Delta-Histograms // Zs: width of driftlength bin // AngleC: center of middle bin in Angle-Direction // AngleM: mean angle for accumulated Delta-Histograms // AngleS: width of Angle-bin // Resol: sigma for gaus fit through Delta-Histograms // Sigma: error of sigma for gaus fit through Delta Histograms // MeanR: mean of the Delta-Histogram // SigmaR: rms of the Delta-Histogram // RMSm: mean of the gaus fit through RMS-Histogram // RMS: sigma of the gaus fit through RMS-Histogram // RMSe0: error of mean of gaus fit in RMS-Histogram // RMSe1: error of sigma of gaus fit in RMS-Histogram // if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << " ***** this is MakeResPlotsQTree *****" << endl; if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << " relax, the calculation will take a while..." << endl; gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TString kFileName = "resol.root"; TTreeSRedirector fTreeResol(kFileName.Data()); TH3F *resArray[2][3][11]; TH3F *rmsArray[2][3][11]; // load histograms from fArrayQDY and fArrayQDZ // into resArray and rmsArray // that is all we need here for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < 2; idim++){ for (Int_t ipad = 0; ipad < 3; ipad++){ for (Int_t iq = 0; iq <= 10; iq++){ rmsArray[idim][ipad][iq]=0; resArray[idim][ipad][iq]=0; Int_t bin = GetBin(iq,ipad); TH3F *hresl = 0; if (idim == 0) hresl = (TH3F*)fArrayQDY->At(bin); if (idim == 1) hresl = (TH3F*)fArrayQDZ->At(bin); if (!hresl) continue; resArray[idim][ipad][iq] = (TH3F*) hresl->Clone(); resArray[idim][ipad][iq]->SetDirectory(0); TH3F * hreslRMS = 0; if (idim == 0) hreslRMS = (TH3F*)fArrayQRMSY->At(bin); if (idim == 1) hreslRMS = (TH3F*)fArrayQRMSZ->At(bin); if (!hreslRMS) continue; rmsArray[idim][ipad][iq] = (TH3F*) hreslRMS->Clone(); rmsArray[idim][ipad][iq]->SetDirectory(0); } } } if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "Histograms loaded, starting to proces..." << endl; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- char name[200]; Double_t qMean; Double_t zMean, angleMean, zCenter, angleCenter; Double_t zSigma, angleSigma; TH1D *projectionRes = new TH1D("projectionRes", "projectionRes", 50, -1, 1); TH1D *projectionRms = new TH1D("projectionRms", "projectionRms", 50, -1, 1); TF1 *fitFunction = new TF1("fitFunction", "gaus"); Float_t entriesQ = 0; Int_t loopCounter = 1; for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < 2; idim++){ // Loop y-z corrdinate for (Int_t ipad = 0; ipad < 3; ipad++){ // loop pad type for (Int_t iq = -1; iq < 10; iq++){ // LOOP Q if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "Loop-counter, this is loop " << loopCounter << " of 66, (" << (Int_t)((loopCounter)/66.*100) << "% done), " << "idim = " << idim << ", ipad = " << ipad << ", iq = " << iq << " \r" << std::flush; loopCounter++; TH3F *hres = 0; TH3F *hrms = 0; qMean = 0; entriesQ = 0; // calculate qMean if (iq == -1){ // integrated spectra for (Int_t iql = 0; iql < 10; iql++){ Int_t bin = GetBin(iql,ipad); TH3F *hresl = resArray[idim][ipad][iql]; TH3F *hrmsl = rmsArray[idim][ipad][iql]; if (!hresl) continue; if (!hrmsl) continue; entriesQ += hresl->GetEntries(); qMean += hresl->GetEntries() * GetQ(bin); if (!hres) { hres = (TH3F*)hresl->Clone(); hrms = (TH3F*)hrmsl->Clone(); } else{ hres->Add(hresl); hrms->Add(hrmsl); } } qMean /= entriesQ; qMean *= -1.; // integral mean charge } else { // loop over neighboured Q-bins // accumulate entries from neighboured Q-bins for (Int_t iql = iq - 1; iql <= iq + 1; iql++){ if (iql < 0) continue; Int_t bin = GetBin(iql,ipad); TH3F * hresl = resArray[idim][ipad][iql]; TH3F * hrmsl = rmsArray[idim][ipad][iql]; if (!hresl) continue; if (!hrmsl) continue; entriesQ += hresl->GetEntries(); qMean += hresl->GetEntries() * GetQ(bin); if (!hres) { hres = (TH3F*) hresl->Clone(); hrms = (TH3F*) hrmsl->Clone(); } else{ hres->Add(hresl); hrms->Add(hrmsl); } } qMean/=entriesQ; } TAxis *xAxisDriftLength = hres->GetXaxis(); // driftlength / z - axis TAxis *yAxisAngle = hres->GetYaxis(); // angle axis TAxis *zAxisDelta = hres->GetZaxis(); // delta axis TAxis *zAxisRms = hrms->GetZaxis(); // rms axis // loop over all angle bins for (Int_t ibinyAngle = 1; ibinyAngle <= yAxisAngle->GetNbins(); ibinyAngle++) { angleCenter = yAxisAngle->GetBinCenter(ibinyAngle); // loop over all driftlength bins for (Int_t ibinxDL = 1; ibinxDL <= xAxisDriftLength->GetNbins(); ibinxDL++) { zCenter = xAxisDriftLength->GetBinCenter(ibinxDL); zSigma = xAxisDriftLength->GetBinWidth(ibinxDL); angleSigma = yAxisAngle->GetBinWidth(ibinyAngle); zMean = zCenter; // changens, when more statistic is accumulated angleMean = angleCenter; // changens, when more statistic is accumulated // create 2 1D-Histograms, projectionRes and projectionRms // these histograms are delta histograms for given direction, padSize, chargeBin, // angleBin and driftLengthBin // later on they will be fitted with a gausian, its sigma is the resoltuion... sprintf(name,"%s, zCenter: %f, angleCenter: %f", hres->GetName(), zCenter, angleCenter); // TH1D * projectionRes = new TH1D(name, name, zAxisDelta->GetNbins(), zAxisDelta->GetXmin(), zAxisDelta->GetXmax()); projectionRes->SetNameTitle(name, name); sprintf(name,"%s, zCenter: %f, angleCenter: %f", hrms->GetName(),zCenter,angleCenter); // TH1D * projectionRms = new TH1D(name, name, zAxisDelta->GetNbins(), zAxisRms->GetXmin(), zAxisRms->GetXmax()); projectionRms->SetNameTitle(name, name); projectionRes->Reset(); projectionRes->SetBins(zAxisDelta->GetNbins(), zAxisDelta->GetXmin(), zAxisDelta->GetXmax()); projectionRms->Reset(); projectionRms->SetBins(zAxisRms->GetNbins(), zAxisRms->GetXmin(), zAxisRms->GetXmax()); projectionRes->SetDirectory(0); projectionRms->SetDirectory(0); Double_t entries = 0; Int_t nbins = 0; // counts, how many bins were accumulated zMean = 0; angleMean = 0; entries = 0; // fill projectionRes and projectionRms for given dim, ipad and iq, // as well as for given angleBin and driftlengthBin // if this gives not enough statistic, include neighbourhood // (angle and driftlength) successifely for (Int_t dbin = 0; dbin <= 8; dbin++){ // delta-bins around centered angleBin and driftlengthBin for (Int_t dbiny2 = -1; dbiny2 <= 1; dbiny2++) { // delta-bins in angle direction for (Int_t dbinx2 = -3; dbinx2 <= 3; dbinx2++){ // delta-bins in driftlength direction if (TMath::Abs(dbinx2) + TMath::Abs(dbiny2) != dbin) continue; // add each bin only one time ! Int_t binx2 = ibinxDL + dbinx2; // position variable in x (driftlength) direction Int_t biny2 = ibinyAngle + dbiny2; // position variable in y (angle) direction if (binx2 < 1 || biny2 < 1) continue; // don't go out of the histogram! if (binx2 >= xAxisDriftLength->GetNbins()) continue; // don't go out of the histogram! if (biny2 >= yAxisAngle->GetNbins()) continue; // don't go out of the histogram! nbins++; // count the number of accumulated bins // Fill resolution histo for (Int_t ibin3 = 1; ibin3 < zAxisDelta->GetNbins(); ibin3++) { // Int_t content = (Int_t)hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3); // unused variable projectionRes->Fill(zAxisDelta->GetBinCenter(ibin3), hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3)); entries += hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3); zMean += hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3) * xAxisDriftLength->GetBinCenter(binx2); angleMean += hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3) * yAxisAngle->GetBinCenter(biny2); } // ibin3 loop // fill RMS histo for (Int_t ibin3 = 1; ibin3 < zAxisRms->GetNbins(); ibin3++) { projectionRms->Fill(zAxisRms->GetBinCenter(ibin3), hrms->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3)); } } //dbinx2 loop if (entries > minEntries) break; // enough statistic accumulated } // dbiny2 loop if (entries > minEntries) break; // enough statistic accumulated } // dbin loop if ( entries< minEntries) continue; // when it was absolutly impossible to get enough statistic, don't write this point into the resolution tree zMean /= entries; angleMean /= entries; if (entries > minEntries) { // when enough statistic is accumulated // fit Delta histograms with a gausian // of the gausian is the resolution (resol), its fit error is sigma // store also mean and RMS of the histogram Float_t xmin = projectionRes->GetMean() - 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() - 0.2; Float_t xmax = projectionRes->GetMean() + 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() + 0.2; // projectionRes->Fit("gaus", "q0", "", xmin, xmax); // Float_t resol = projectionRes->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2); // Float_t sigma = projectionRes->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2); fitFunction->SetMaximum(xmax); fitFunction->SetMinimum(xmin); projectionRes->Fit("fitFunction", "qN0", "", xmin, xmax); Float_t resol = fitFunction->GetParameter(2); Float_t sigma = fitFunction->GetParError(2); Float_t meanR = projectionRes->GetMean(); Float_t sigmaR = projectionRes->GetRMS(); // fit also RMS histograms with a gausian // store mean and sigma of the gausian in rmsMean and rmsSigma // store also the fit errors in errorRMS and errorSigma xmin = projectionRms->GetMean() - 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() - 0.2; xmax = projectionRms->GetMean() + 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() + 0.2; // projectionRms->Fit("gaus","q0","",xmin,xmax); // Float_t rmsMean = projectionRms->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1); // Float_t rmsSigma = projectionRms->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2); // Float_t errorRMS = projectionRms->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(1); // Float_t errorSigma = projectionRms->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2); projectionRms->Fit("fitFunction", "qN0", "", xmin, xmax); Float_t rmsMean = fitFunction->GetParameter(1); Float_t rmsSigma = fitFunction->GetParameter(2); Float_t errorRMS = fitFunction->GetParError(1); Float_t errorSigma = fitFunction->GetParError(2); Float_t length = 0.75; if (ipad == 1) length = 1; if (ipad == 2) length = 1.5; fTreeResol<<"Resol"<< "Entries="< 5) { projectionRes->SetDirectory(fTreeResol.GetFile()); projectionRes->Write(projectionRes->GetName()); projectionRes->SetDirectory(0); projectionRms->SetDirectory(fTreeResol.GetFile()); projectionRms->Write(projectionRms->GetName()); projectionRes->SetDirectory(0); } } // if (projectionRes->GetSum() > minEntries) } // for (Int_t ibinxDL = 1; ibinxDL <= xAxisDriftLength->GetNbins(); ibinxDL++) } // for (Int_t ibinyAngle = 1; ibinyAngle <= yAxisAngle->GetNbins(); ibinyAngle++) } // iq-loop } // ipad-loop } // idim-loop delete projectionRes; delete projectionRms; // TFile resolFile(fTreeResol.GetFile()); TObjString fileInfo(Form("Resolution tree, minEntries = %i", minEntries)); fileInfo.Write("fileInfo"); // resolFile.Close(); // fTreeResol.GetFile()->Close(); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << endl; if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "MakeResPlotsQTree done, results are in '"<< kFileName.Data() <<"'." << endl; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); } /* Int_t AliTPCcalibTracks::fgLoopCounter = 0; void AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeResPlotsQTreeThread(Int_t minEntries, char* pathName){ // // // if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << " ***** this is MakeResPlotsQTreeThread *****" << endl; if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << " relax, the calculation will take a while..." << endl; if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << " it will be done using 6 TThreads." << endl; gSystem->MakeDirectory(pathName); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pathName); TString kFileName = "resol.root"; // TTreeSRedirector *fTreeResol = new TTreeSRedirector(kFileName.Data()); TTreeSRedirector fTreeResol(kFileName.Data()); TH3F *resArray[2][3][11]; TH3F *rmsArray[2][3][11]; // load histograms from fArrayQDY and fArrayQDZ // into resArray and rmsArray // that is all we need here for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < 2; idim++){ for (Int_t ipad = 0; ipad < 3; ipad++){ for (Int_t iq = 0; iq <= 10; iq++){ rmsArray[idim][ipad][iq]=0; resArray[idim][ipad][iq]=0; Int_t bin = GetBin(iq,ipad); TH3F *hresl = 0; if (idim == 0) hresl = (TH3F*)fArrayQDY->At(bin); if (idim == 1) hresl = (TH3F*)fArrayQDZ->At(bin); if (!hresl) continue; resArray[idim][ipad][iq] = (TH3F*) hresl->Clone(); resArray[idim][ipad][iq]->SetDirectory(0); TH3F * hreslRMS = 0; if (idim == 0) hreslRMS = (TH3F*)fArrayQRMSY->At(bin); if (idim == 1) hreslRMS = (TH3F*)fArrayQRMSZ->At(bin); if (!hreslRMS) continue; rmsArray[idim][ipad][iq] = (TH3F*) hreslRMS->Clone(); rmsArray[idim][ipad][iq]->SetDirectory(0); } } } if (fDebugLevel > 4) cout << "Histograms loaded, starting to proces..." << endl; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t threadCounter = 0; TObjArray *listOfThreads = new TObjArray(); fgLoopCounter = 0; for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < 2; idim++){ // Loop y-z corrdinate for (Int_t ipad = 0; ipad < 3; ipad++){ // loop pad type // make list of variables for threads // make threads // list them // execute them TthreadParameterStruct *structOfParameters = new TthreadParameterStruct(); structOfParameters->logLevel = fDebugLevel; structOfParameters->minEntries = minEntries; structOfParameters->dim = idim; structOfParameters->pad = ipad; structOfParameters->resArray = &resArray; structOfParameters->rmsArray = &rmsArray; structOfParameters->fileName = &kFileName; structOfParameters->fTreeResol = &fTreeResol; TThread *thread = new TThread(Form("thread%i", threadCounter), (void(*) (void *))&MakeResPlotsQTreeThreadFunction, (void*)structOfParameters); listOfThreads->AddAt(thread, threadCounter); thread->Run(); // gSystem->Sleep(500); // so that the threads do not run synchron // typedef TH3F test; // test *testArray; // TH3F* (*testArray)[2][3][11]; // testArray = &resArray; int i[2][3][4]; int (*ptr)[2][3][4]; ptr = &i; int (*ptr2)[2][3][4] = ptr; int j = (*ptr2)[1][1][1]; j = j; threadCounter++; } // ipad-loop } // idim-loop // wait untill all threads are finished Bool_t allFinished = kFALSE; Int_t numberOfRunningThreads = 0; char c[4] = {'-', '\\', '|', '/'}; Int_t iTime = 0; while (!allFinished) { allFinished = kTRUE; numberOfRunningThreads = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < listOfThreads->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { if (listOfThreads->At(i) != 0x0 && ((TThread*)listOfThreads->At(i))->GetState() == TThread::kRunningState) { allFinished = kFALSE; numberOfRunningThreads++; } } cout << "Loop-counter, loop " << fgLoopCounter << " of 66 has just started, (" << (Int_t)((fgLoopCounter)/66.*100) << "% done), " << "number of running TThreads: " << numberOfRunningThreads << " \t" << c[iTime%4] << " \r" << std::flush; iTime++; gSystem->Sleep(500); } cout << endl; // old version: // Real time 0:01:31, CP time 44.690 // version without sleep: // Real time 0:02:18, CP time 106.280 // version with sleep, listOfThreads-Bug corrected: // Real time 0:01:35, CP time 0.800 TObjString fileInfo(Form("Resolution tree, minEntries = %i", minEntries)); fileInfo.Write("fileInfo"); if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << endl; if (fDebugLevel > -1) cout << "MakeResPlotsQTree done, results are in '"<< kFileName.Data() <<"'." << endl; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(".."); } TMutex* AliTPCcalibTracks::fgWriteMutex = new TMutex(); TMutex* AliTPCcalibTracks::fgFitResMutex = new TMutex(); TMutex* AliTPCcalibTracks::fgFitRmsMutex = new TMutex(); void* AliTPCcalibTracks::MakeResPlotsQTreeThreadFunction(void* arg){ // // // TthreadParameterStruct *structOfParameters = (TthreadParameterStruct*)arg; Int_t fDebugLevel = structOfParameters->logLevel; Int_t minEntries = structOfParameters->minEntries; Int_t idim = structOfParameters->dim; Int_t ipad = structOfParameters->pad; TThread::Lock(); TH3F* (*resArray)[2][3][11] = structOfParameters->resArray; TH3F* (*rmsArray)[2][3][11] = structOfParameters->rmsArray; TThread::UnLock(); TString *kFileName = structOfParameters->fileName; TTreeSRedirector *fTreeResol = structOfParameters->fTreeResol; if (fDebugLevel > 4) TThread::Printf("Thread started, dim = %i, pad = %i...", idim, ipad); TThread::Lock(); char name[200]; sprintf(name, "dim%ipad%i", idim, ipad); TH1D *projectionRes = new TH1D(Form("projectionRes%s", name), "projectionRes", 50, -1, 1); TH1D *projectionRms = new TH1D(Form("projectionRms%s", name), "projectionRms", 50, -1, 1); char fitFuncName[200]; sprintf(name, "fitFunctionDim%iPad%i", idim, ipad); TF1 *fitFunction = new TF1(fitFuncName, "gaus"); TThread::UnLock(); Double_t zMean, angleMean, zCenter, angleCenter; Double_t zSigma, angleSigma; for (Int_t iq = -1; iq < 10; iq++){ // LOOP Q fgLoopCounter++; TH3F *hres = 0; TH3F *hrms = 0; Double_t qMean = 0; Float_t entriesQ = 0; if (fDebugLevel > 4) TThread::Printf(" start of iq-loop, dim = %i, pad = %i, iq = %i...", idim, ipad, iq); // calculate qMean if (iq == -1){ // integrated spectra for (Int_t iql = 0; iql < 10; iql++){ Int_t bin = GetBin(iql,ipad); TH3F *hresl = (*resArray)[idim][ipad][iql]; TH3F *hrmsl = (*rmsArray)[idim][ipad][iql]; if (!hresl) continue; if (!hrmsl) continue; entriesQ += hresl->GetEntries(); qMean += hresl->GetEntries() * GetQ(bin); if (!hres) { TThread::Lock(); hres = (TH3F*)hresl->Clone(); hrms = (TH3F*)hrmsl->Clone(); TThread::UnLock(); } else{ hres->Add(hresl); hrms->Add(hrmsl); } } qMean /= entriesQ; qMean *= -1.; // integral mean charge } else { // loop over neighboured Q-bins // accumulate entries from neighboured Q-bins for (Int_t iql = iq - 1; iql <= iq + 1; iql++){ if (iql < 0) continue; Int_t bin = GetBin(iql,ipad); TH3F * hresl = (*resArray)[idim][ipad][iql]; TH3F * hrmsl = (*rmsArray)[idim][ipad][iql]; if (!hresl) continue; if (!hrmsl) continue; entriesQ += hresl->GetEntries(); qMean += hresl->GetEntries() * GetQ(bin); if (!hres) { TThread::Lock(); hres = (TH3F*) hresl->Clone(); hrms = (TH3F*) hrmsl->Clone(); TThread::UnLock(); } else{ hres->Add(hresl); hrms->Add(hrmsl); } } qMean/=entriesQ; } TAxis *xAxisDriftLength = hres->GetXaxis(); // driftlength / z - axis TAxis *yAxisAngle = hres->GetYaxis(); // angle axis TAxis *zAxisDelta = hres->GetZaxis(); // delta axis TAxis *zAxisRms = hrms->GetZaxis(); // rms axis // loop over all angle bins for (Int_t ibinyAngle = 1; ibinyAngle <= yAxisAngle->GetNbins(); ibinyAngle++) { angleCenter = yAxisAngle->GetBinCenter(ibinyAngle); // loop over all driftlength bins for (Int_t ibinxDL = 1; ibinxDL <= xAxisDriftLength->GetNbins(); ibinxDL++) { zCenter = xAxisDriftLength->GetBinCenter(ibinxDL); zSigma = xAxisDriftLength->GetBinWidth(ibinxDL); angleSigma = yAxisAngle->GetBinWidth(ibinyAngle); zMean = zCenter; // changens, when more statistic is accumulated angleMean = angleCenter; // changens, when more statistic is accumulated // create 2 1D-Histograms, projectionRes and projectionRms // these histograms are delta histograms for given direction, padSize, chargeBin, // angleBin and driftLengthBin // later on they will be fitted with a gausian, its sigma is the resoltuion... sprintf(name,"%s, zCenter: %f, angleCenter: %f", hres->GetName(), zCenter, angleCenter); projectionRes->SetNameTitle(name, name); sprintf(name,"%s, zCenter: %f, angleCenter: %f", hrms->GetName(),zCenter,angleCenter); projectionRms->SetNameTitle(name, name); projectionRes->Reset(); projectionRes->SetBins(zAxisDelta->GetNbins(), zAxisDelta->GetXmin(), zAxisDelta->GetXmax()); projectionRms->Reset(); projectionRms->SetBins(zAxisRms->GetNbins(), zAxisRms->GetXmin(), zAxisRms->GetXmax()); projectionRes->SetDirectory(0); projectionRms->SetDirectory(0); Double_t entries = 0; Int_t nbins = 0; // counts, how many bins were accumulated zMean = 0; angleMean = 0; entries = 0; // fill projectionRes and projectionRms for given dim, ipad and iq, // as well as for given angleBin and driftlengthBin // if this gives not enough statistic, include neighbourhood // (angle and driftlength) successifely for (Int_t dbin = 0; dbin <= 8; dbin++){ // delta-bins around centered angleBin and driftlengthBin for (Int_t dbiny2 = -1; dbiny2 <= 1; dbiny2++) { // delta-bins in angle direction for (Int_t dbinx2 = -3; dbinx2 <= 3; dbinx2++){ // delta-bins in driftlength direction if (TMath::Abs(dbinx2) + TMath::Abs(dbiny2) != dbin) continue; // add each bin only one time ! Int_t binx2 = ibinxDL + dbinx2; // position variable in x (driftlength) direction Int_t biny2 = ibinyAngle + dbiny2; // position variable in y (angle) direction if (binx2 < 1 || biny2 < 1) continue; // don't go out of the histogram! if (binx2 >= xAxisDriftLength->GetNbins()) continue; // don't go out of the histogram! if (biny2 >= yAxisAngle->GetNbins()) continue; // don't go out of the histogram! nbins++; // count the number of accumulated bins // Fill resolution histo for (Int_t ibin3 = 1; ibin3 < zAxisDelta->GetNbins(); ibin3++) { // Int_t content = (Int_t)hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3); // unused variable projectionRes->Fill(zAxisDelta->GetBinCenter(ibin3), hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3)); entries += hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3); zMean += hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3) * xAxisDriftLength->GetBinCenter(binx2); angleMean += hres->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3) * yAxisAngle->GetBinCenter(biny2); } // ibin3 loop // fill RMS histo for (Int_t ibin3 = 1; ibin3 < zAxisRms->GetNbins(); ibin3++) { projectionRms->Fill(zAxisRms->GetBinCenter(ibin3), hrms->GetBinContent(binx2, biny2, ibin3)); } } //dbinx2 loop if (entries > minEntries) break; // enough statistic accumulated } // dbiny2 loop if (entries > minEntries) break; // enough statistic accumulated } // dbin loop if ( entries< minEntries) continue; // when it was absolutly impossible to get enough statistic, don't write this point into the resolution tree zMean /= entries; angleMean /= entries; if (entries > minEntries) { // when enough statistic is accumulated // fit Delta histograms with a gausian // of the gausian is the resolution (resol), its fit error is sigma // store also mean and RMS of the histogram Float_t xmin = projectionRes->GetMean() - 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() - 0.2; Float_t xmax = projectionRes->GetMean() + 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() + 0.2; fitFunction->SetMaximum(xmax); fitFunction->SetMinimum(xmin); TThread::Lock(); // fgFitResMutex->Lock(); projectionRes->Fit(fitFuncName, "qN0", "", xmin, xmax); // fgFitResMutex->UnLock(); TThread::UnLock(); Float_t resol = fitFunction->GetParameter(2); Float_t sigma = fitFunction->GetParError(2); Float_t meanR = projectionRes->GetMean(); Float_t sigmaR = projectionRes->GetRMS(); // fit also RMS histograms with a gausian // store mean and sigma of the gausian in rmsMean and rmsSigma // store also the fit errors in errorRMS and errorSigma xmin = projectionRms->GetMean() - 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() - 0.2; xmax = projectionRms->GetMean() + 2. * projectionRes->GetRMS() + 0.2; fitFunction->SetMaximum(xmax); fitFunction->SetMinimum(xmin); TThread::Lock(); projectionRms->Fit(fitFuncName, "qN0", "", xmin, xmax); TThread::UnLock(); Float_t rmsMean = fitFunction->GetParameter(1); Float_t rmsSigma = fitFunction->GetParameter(2); Float_t errorRMS = fitFunction->GetParError(1); Float_t errorSigma = fitFunction->GetParError(2); Float_t length = 0.75; if (ipad == 1) length = 1; if (ipad == 2) length = 1.5; fgWriteMutex->Lock(); (*fTreeResol)<<"Resol"<< "Entries="< 5) { projectionRes->SetDirectory(fTreeResol->GetFile()); projectionRes->Write(projectionRes->GetName()); projectionRes->SetDirectory(0); projectionRms->SetDirectory(fTreeResol->GetFile()); projectionRms->Write(projectionRms->GetName()); projectionRes->SetDirectory(0); } fgWriteMutex->UnLock(); } // if (projectionRes->GetSum() > minEntries) } // for (Int_t ibinxDL = 1; ibinxDL <= xAxisDriftLength->GetNbins(); ibinxDL++) } // for (Int_t ibinyAngle = 1; ibinyAngle <= yAxisAngle->GetNbins(); ibinyAngle++) } // iq-loop delete projectionRes; delete projectionRms; if (fDebugLevel > 4) TThread::Printf("Ende, dim = %i, pad = %i", idim, ipad); return 0; } */ Long64_t AliTPCcalibTracks::Merge(TCollection *collectionList) { // // function to merge several AliTPCcalibTracks objects after PROOF calculation // The object's histograms are merged via their merge functions // Be carefull: histograms are linked to a file, switch this off by TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) !!! // if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << " ***** this is AliTPCcalibTracks::Merge(TCollection *collectionList) *****"<< endl; if (!collectionList) return 0; if (collectionList->IsEmpty()) return -1; if (fDebugLevel > 1) cout << "the collectionList contains " << collectionList->GetEntries() << " entries." << endl; // REMOVE THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 if (fDebugLevel > 5) cout << " the list in the merge-function looks as follows: " << endl; collectionList->Print(); // create a list for each data member TList* deltaYList = new TList; TList* deltaZList = new TList; TList* arrayAmpRowList = new TList; TList* rejectedTracksList = new TList; TList* hclusList = new TList; TList* clusterCutHistoList = new TList; TList* arrayAmpList = new TList; TList* arrayQDYList = new TList; TList* arrayQDZList = new TList; TList* arrayQRMSYList = new TList; TList* arrayQRMSZList = new TList; TList* arrayChargeVsDriftlengthList = new TList; TList* calPadRegionChargeVsDriftlengthList = new TList; TList* hclusterPerPadrowList = new TList; TList* hclusterPerPadrowRawList = new TList; TList* resolYList = new TList; TList* resolZList = new TList; TList* rMSYList = new TList; TList* rMSZList = new TList; // TList* nRowsList = new TList; // TList* nSectList = new TList; // TList* fileNoList = new TList; TIterator *listIterator = collectionList->MakeIterator(); AliTPCcalibTracks *calibTracks = 0; if (fDebugLevel > 1) cout << "start to iterate, filling lists" << endl; Int_t counter = 0; while ( (calibTracks = (AliTPCcalibTracks*)listIterator->Next()) ){ // loop over all entries in the collectionList and get dataMembers into lists if (!calibTracks) continue; deltaYList->Add( calibTracks->GetfDeltaY() ); deltaZList->Add( calibTracks->GetfDeltaZ() ); arrayAmpRowList->Add(calibTracks->GetfArrayAmpRow()); arrayAmpList->Add(calibTracks->GetfArrayAmp()); arrayQDYList->Add(calibTracks->GetfArrayQDY()); arrayQDZList->Add(calibTracks->GetfArrayQDZ()); arrayQRMSYList->Add(calibTracks->GetfArrayQRMSY()); arrayQRMSZList->Add(calibTracks->GetfArrayQRMSZ()); resolYList->Add(calibTracks->GetfResolY()); resolZList->Add(calibTracks->GetfResolZ()); rMSYList->Add(calibTracks->GetfRMSY()); rMSZList->Add(calibTracks->GetfRMSZ()); arrayChargeVsDriftlengthList->Add(calibTracks->GetfArrayChargeVsDriftlength()); calPadRegionChargeVsDriftlengthList->Add(calibTracks->GetCalPadRegionchargeVsDriftlength()); hclusList->Add(calibTracks->GetfHclus()); rejectedTracksList->Add(calibTracks->GetfRejectedTracksHisto()); clusterCutHistoList->Add(calibTracks->GetfClusterCutHisto()); hclusterPerPadrowList->Add(calibTracks->GetfHclusterPerPadrow()); hclusterPerPadrowRawList->Add(calibTracks->GetfHclusterPerPadrowRaw()); fCalPadClusterPerPad->Add(calibTracks->GetfCalPadClusterPerPad()); fCalPadClusterPerPadRaw->Add(calibTracks->GetfCalPadClusterPerPadRaw()); counter++; if (fDebugLevel > 5) cout << "filling lists, object " << counter << " added." << endl; } // merge data members if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "histogram's merge-functins are called... " << endl; fDeltaY->Merge(deltaYList); fDeltaZ->Merge(deltaZList); fHclus->Merge(hclusList); fClusterCutHisto->Merge(clusterCutHistoList); fRejectedTracksHisto->Merge(rejectedTracksList); fHclusterPerPadrow->Merge(hclusterPerPadrowList); fHclusterPerPadrowRaw->Merge(hclusterPerPadrowRawList); TObjArray* objarray = 0; TH1* hist = 0; TList* histList = 0; TIterator *objListIterator = 0; if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fArrayAmpRows..." << endl; // merge fArrayAmpRows for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayAmpRow->GetEntriesFast(); i++ ) { // loop over data member, i<72 objListIterator = arrayAmpRowList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayAmpRowList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TProfile if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TProfile*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TProfile*)(fArrayAmpRow->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fArrayAmps..." << endl; // merge fArrayAmps for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayAmp->GetEntriesFast(); i++ ) { // loop over data member, i<72 TIterator *objListIterator = arrayAmpList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayAmpList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH1F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH1F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH1F*)(fArrayAmp->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fArrayQDY..." << endl; // merge fArrayQDY for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayQDY->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 300 objListIterator = arrayQDYList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDYList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fArrayQDY->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fArrayQDZ..." << endl; // merge fArrayQDZ for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayQDZ->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 300 objListIterator = arrayQDZList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fArrayQDZ->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fArrayQRMSY..." << endl; // merge fArrayQRMSY for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayQRMSY->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 300 objListIterator = arrayQRMSYList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fArrayQRMSY->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fArrayQRMSZ..." << endl; // merge fArrayQRMSZ for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayQRMSZ->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 300 objListIterator = arrayQRMSZList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fArrayQRMSZ->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fArrayChargeVsDriftlength..." << endl; // merge fArrayChargeVsDriftlength for (Int_t i = 0; i < fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 300 objListIterator = arrayChargeVsDriftlengthList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TProfile if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TProfile*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TProfile*)(fArrayChargeVsDriftlength->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength..." << endl; // merge fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength AliTPCCalPadRegion *cpr = 0x0; /* TIterator *regionIterator = fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->MakeIterator(); while (hist = (TProfile*)regionIterator->Next()) { // loop over all calPadRegion's in destination calibTracks object objListIterator = calPadRegionChargeVsDriftlengthList->MakeIterator(); while (( cpr = (AliTPCCalPadRegion*)objListIterator->Next() )) { hist->Merge(...); } */ for (UInt_t isec = 0; isec < 36; isec++) { for (UInt_t padSize = 0; padSize < 3; padSize++){ objListIterator = calPadRegionChargeVsDriftlengthList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( cpr = (AliTPCCalPadRegion*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over calPadRegionChargeVsDriftlengthList, get AliTPCCalPadRegion, get object if (!cpr) continue; hist = (TProfile*)cpr->GetObject(isec, padSize); histList->Add(hist); } ((TProfile*)(fcalPadRegionChargeVsDriftlength->GetObject(isec, padSize)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } } if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "starting to merge the rest: fResolY, fResolZ , fRMSY, fRMSZ..." << endl; // merge fResolY for (Int_t i = 0; i < fResolY->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 3 objListIterator = resolYList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fResolY->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } // merge fResolZ for (Int_t i = 0; i < fResolZ->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 3 objListIterator = resolZList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fResolZ->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } // merge fRMSY for (Int_t i = 0; i < fRMSY->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 3 objListIterator = rMSYList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fRMSY->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } // merge fRMSZ for (Int_t i = 0; i < fRMSZ->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { // loop over data member, i < 3 objListIterator = rMSZList->MakeIterator(); histList = new TList; while (( objarray = (TObjArray*)objListIterator->Next() )) { // loop over arrayQDZList, get TObjArray, get object at position i, cast it into TH3F if (!objarray) continue; hist = (TH3F*)(objarray->At(i)); histList->Add(hist); } ((TH3F*)(fRMSZ->At(i)))->Merge(histList); delete histList; delete objListIterator; } delete deltaYList; delete deltaZList; delete arrayAmpRowList; delete arrayAmpList; delete arrayQDYList; delete arrayQDZList; delete arrayQRMSYList; delete arrayQRMSZList; delete resolYList; delete resolZList; delete rMSYList; delete rMSZList; // delete nRowsList; // delete nSectList; // delete fileNoList; delete listIterator; if (fDebugLevel > 0) cout << "merging done!" << endl; return 1; } AliTPCcalibTracks* AliTPCcalibTracks::TestMerge(AliTPCcalibTracks *ct, AliTPCClusterParam *clusterParam, Int_t nCalTracks){ // // function to test AliTPCcalibTrack::Merge: // in the file 'f' is a AliTPCcalibTrack object with name "calibTracks" // this object is appended 'nCalTracks' times to a TList // A new AliTPCcalibTrack object is created which merges the list // this object is returned // /* // .L AliTPCcalibTracks.cxx+g .L libTPCcalib.so TFile f("Output.root"); AliTPCcalibTracks* calTracks = (AliTPCcalibTracks*)f.Get("calibTracks"); //f.Close(); TFile clusterParamFile("/u/lbozyk/calibration/workdir/calibTracks/TPCClusterParam.root"); AliTPCClusterParam *clusterParam = (AliTPCClusterParam *) clusterParamFile.Get("Param"); clusterParamFile.Close(); AliTPCcalibTracks::TestMerge(calTracks, clusterParam); */ TList *list = new TList(); if (ct == 0 || clusterParam == 0) return 0; cout << "making list with " << nCalTracks << " AliTPCcalibTrack objects" << endl; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nCalTracks; i++) { if (i%10==0) cout << "Adding element " << i << " of " << nCalTracks << endl; list->Add(new AliTPCcalibTracks(ct)); } // only for check at the end AliTPCcalibTracks* cal1 = new AliTPCcalibTracks(ct); Double_t cal1Entries = ((TH1F*)cal1->GetfArrayAmpRow()->At(5))->GetEntries(); // Double_t cal1Entries = 5; //((TH1F*)ct->GetfArrayAmpRow()->At(5))->GetEntries(); cout << "The list contains " << list->GetEntries() << " entries. " << endl; AliTPCcalibTracksCuts *cuts = new AliTPCcalibTracksCuts(20, 0.4, 0.5, 0.13, 0.018); AliTPCcalibTracks* cal = new AliTPCcalibTracks("calTracksMerged", "calTracksMerged", clusterParam, cuts, 5); cal->Merge(list); cout << "cal->GetfArrayAmpRow()->At(5)->Print():" << endl; cal->GetfArrayAmpRow()->At(5)->Print(); Double_t calEntries = ((TH1F*)cal->GetfArrayAmpRow()->At(5))->GetEntries(); cout << "cal1->GetfArrayAmpRow()->At(5))->GetEntries() = " << cal1Entries << endl; cout << " cal->GetfArrayAmpRow()->At(5))->GetEntries() = " << calEntries << endl; printf("That means there were %f / %f = %f AliTPCcalibTracks-Objects merged. \n", calEntries, cal1Entries, ((Double_t)calEntries/cal1Entries)); return cal; }