#ifndef ALITPCCLUSTERERMI_H #define ALITPCCLUSTERERMI_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------- // TPC clusterer // // Origin: Marian Ivanov //------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #define kMAXCLUSTER 2500 class TFile; class AliTPCParam; class AliTPCRecoParam; class AliTPCclusterMI; class AliTPCClustersRow; class AliRawReader; class AliSimDigits; class TTree; class TTreeSRedirector; class AliRawEventHeaderBase; class AliTPCCalROC; class AliTPCclustererMI : public TObject{ public: AliTPCclustererMI(const AliTPCParam* par, const AliTPCRecoParam * recoParam = 0); AliTPCclustererMI(const AliTPCclustererMI ¶m); // copy constructor AliTPCclustererMI &operator = (const AliTPCclustererMI & param); //assignment virtual ~AliTPCclustererMI(); virtual void Digits2Clusters(); virtual void Digits2Clusters(AliRawReader* rawReader); virtual void SetInput(TTree * tree); // set input tree with digits virtual void SetOutput(TTree * tree); // set output tree with virtual void FillRow(); // fill the output container - Tree or TObjArray TObjArray * GetOutputArray(){return fOutputArray;} private: Bool_t IsMaximum(Float_t k, Int_t max, const Float_t *bins) const; void MakeCluster2(Int_t k,Int_t max,Float_t *bins,UInt_t m, AliTPCclusterMI &c); void MakeCluster(Int_t k,Int_t max,Float_t *bins,UInt_t m, AliTPCclusterMI &c); Float_t GetSigmaY2(Int_t iz); Float_t GetSigmaZ2(Int_t iz); Float_t FitMax(Float_t vmatrix[5][5], Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t sigmay, Float_t sigmaz); void AddCluster(AliTPCclusterMI &c, Float_t *matrix, Int_t pos); // add the cluster to the array void UnfoldCluster(Float_t * matrix[7], Float_t recmatrix[5][5], Float_t & meani, Float_t & meanj, Float_t & sum, Float_t &overlap ); void FindClusters(AliTPCCalROC * noiseROC); Bool_t AcceptCluster(AliTPCclusterMI*c); Double_t ProcesSignal(Float_t * signal, Int_t nchannels, Int_t id[3], Double_t &rms, Double_t &pedestalCalib); Float_t * fBins; //!digits array Int_t * fSigBins; //!digits array containg only timebins above threshold Int_t fNSigBins;//!size of fSigBins Int_t fLoop; //loop - cf in 2 loops Int_t fMaxBin; //current ( for current sector) maximal bin Int_t fMaxTime; //current ( for current sector) maximal time Int_t fMaxPad; //current ( for current sector) maximal pad Int_t fSector; //!current sector Int_t fRow; //!current row Float_t fSign; //!current sign Float_t fRx; // current radius Float_t fPadWidth; // the width of the pad Float_t fPadLength; // the width of the pad Float_t fZWidth; //the z bin width Bool_t fPedSubtraction; // perform pedestal subtraction or not AliRawEventHeaderBase *fEventHeader; //! event header information UInt_t fTimeStamp; // Time Stamp UInt_t fEventType; // Event Type TTree * fInput; //!input tree with digits - object not owner TTree * fOutput; //!output tree with digits - object not owner TObjArray *fOutputArray; //! output TObjArray with pointers arrays of cluster AliTPCClustersRow * fRowCl; //! current cluster row AliSimDigits * fRowDig; //! current digits row const AliTPCParam * fParam; //! tpc parameters Int_t fNcluster; // number of clusters - for given row TTreeSRedirector *fDebugStreamer; //!debug streamer const AliTPCRecoParam * fRecoParam; //! reconstruction parameters Bool_t fBDumpSignal; // dump signal flag ClassDef(AliTPCclustererMI,2) // Time Projection Chamber digits }; inline Bool_t AliTPCclustererMI::IsMaximum(Float_t q,Int_t max,const Float_t *bins) const { //is this a local maximum ? if (bins[-max] >= q) return kFALSE; if (bins[-1 ] >= q) return kFALSE; if (bins[+max] > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[+1 ] > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[-max-1] >= q) return kFALSE; if (bins[+max-1] >= q) return kFALSE; if (bins[+max+1] > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[-max+1] >= q) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- #endif