/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the TPC seed class // This class is used by the AliTPCtrackerMI class // Origin: Marian Ivanov, CERN, Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "AliTPCseed.h" #include "AliTPCReconstructor.h" #include "AliTPCClusterParam.h" #include "AliTPCCalPad.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include "AliTPCcalibDB.h" #include "AliTPCParam.h" #include "AliMathBase.h" #include "AliTPCTransform.h" #include "AliSplineFit.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" ClassImp(AliTPCseed) AliTPCseed::AliTPCseed(): AliTPCtrack(), fEsd(0x0), fClusterOwner(kFALSE), fRow(0), fSector(-1), fRelativeSector(-1), fCurrentSigmaY2(1e10), fCurrentSigmaZ2(1e10), fCMeanSigmaY2p30(-1.), //! current mean sigma Y2 - mean30% fCMeanSigmaZ2p30(-1.), //! current mean sigma Z2 - mean30% fCMeanSigmaY2p30R(-1.), //! current mean sigma Y2 - mean2% fCMeanSigmaZ2p30R(-1.), //! current mean sigma Z2 - mean2% // fErrorY2(1e10), fErrorZ2(1e10), fCurrentCluster(0x0), fCurrentClusterIndex1(-1), fInDead(kFALSE), fIsSeeding(kFALSE), fNoCluster(0), fSort(0), fBSigned(kFALSE), fSeedType(0), fSeed1(-1), fSeed2(-1), fMAngular(0), fCircular(0), fClusterMap(159), fSharedMap(159) { // for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) SetClusterIndex2(i,-3); for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) fClusterPointer[i]=0; for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) fKinkIndexes[i]=0; for (Int_t i=0;i=-1){ SetClusterIndex2(i,index); } else{ SetClusterIndex2(i,-3); } } for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) { fDEDX[i] = 0.; fSDEDX[i] = 1e10; fNCDEDX[i] = 0; } for (Int_t i=0;i<12;i++) fOverlapLabels[i] = -1; //for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) fClusterMap[i]=kFALSE; //for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) fSharedMap[i]=kFALSE; fClusterMap.ResetAllBits(kFALSE); fSharedMap.ResetAllBits(kFALSE); } AliTPCseed::AliTPCseed(Double_t xr, Double_t alpha, const Double_t xx[5], const Double_t cc[15], Int_t index): AliTPCtrack(xr, alpha, xx, cc, index), fEsd(0x0), fClusterOwner(kFALSE), fRow(0), fSector(-1), fRelativeSector(-1), fCurrentSigmaY2(-1), fCurrentSigmaZ2(-1), fCMeanSigmaY2p30(-1.), //! current mean sigma Y2 - mean30% fCMeanSigmaZ2p30(-1.), //! current mean sigma Z2 - mean30% fCMeanSigmaY2p30R(-1.), //! current mean sigma Y2 - mean2% fCMeanSigmaZ2p30R(-1.), //! current mean sigma Z2 - mean2% fErrorY2(1e10), fErrorZ2(1e10), fCurrentCluster(0x0), fCurrentClusterIndex1(-1), fInDead(kFALSE), fIsSeeding(kFALSE), fNoCluster(0), fSort(0), fBSigned(kFALSE), fSeedType(0), fSeed1(-1), fSeed2(-1), fMAngular(0), fCircular(0), fClusterMap(159), fSharedMap(159) { // // Constructor // fFirstPoint =0; for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) SetClusterIndex2(i,-3); for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) fClusterPointer[i]=0; for (Int_t i=0;i<5;i++) fTPCr[i]=0.2; for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) { fDEDX[i] = 0.; fSDEDX[i] = 1e10; fNCDEDX[i] = 0; } for (Int_t i=0;i<12;i++) fOverlapLabels[i] = -1; } AliTPCseed::~AliTPCseed(){ // // destructor fNoCluster =0; if (fClusterOwner){ for (Int_t icluster=0; icluster<160; icluster++){ delete fClusterPointer[icluster]; } } } //_________________________________________________ AliTPCseed & AliTPCseed::operator=(const AliTPCseed ¶m) { // // assignment operator // if(this!=¶m){ AliTPCtrack::operator=(param); fEsd =param.fEsd; for(Int_t i = 0;i<160;++i)fClusterPointer[i] = param.fClusterPointer[i]; // this is not allocated by AliTPCSeed fClusterOwner = param.fClusterOwner; // leave out fPoint, they are also not copied in the copy ctor... // but deleted in the dtor... strange... fRow = param.fRow; fSector = param.fSector; fRelativeSector = param.fRelativeSector; fCurrentSigmaY2 = param.fCurrentSigmaY2; fCurrentSigmaZ2 = param.fCurrentSigmaZ2; fErrorY2 = param.fErrorY2; fErrorZ2 = param.fErrorZ2; fCurrentCluster = param.fCurrentCluster; // this is not allocated by AliTPCSeed fCurrentClusterIndex1 = param.fCurrentClusterIndex1; fInDead = param.fInDead; fIsSeeding = param.fIsSeeding; fNoCluster = param.fNoCluster; fSort = param.fSort; fBSigned = param.fBSigned; for(Int_t i = 0;i<4;++i){ fDEDX[i] = param.fDEDX[i]; fSDEDX[i] = param.fSDEDX[i]; fNCDEDX[i] = param.fNCDEDX[i]; } for(Int_t i = 0;i0&&nfoundable0) nfound++; } if (nfoundableIsUsed(10)) { shared++; continue; } if (!plus2) continue; //take also neighborhoud // if ( (i>0) && fClusterPointer[i-1]){ if (fClusterPointer[i-1]->IsUsed(10)) { shared++; continue; } } if ( fClusterPointer[i+1]){ if (fClusterPointer[i+1]->IsUsed(10)) { shared++; continue; } } } //if (shared>found){ //Error("AliTPCseed::GetClusterStatistic","problem\n"); //} } void AliTPCseed::Reset(Bool_t all) { // // SetNumberOfClusters(0); fNFoundable = 0; SetChi2(0); ResetCovariance(10.); /* if (fTrackPoints){ for (Int_t i=0;i<8;i++){ delete [] fTrackPoints[i]; } delete fTrackPoints; fTrackPoints =0; } */ if (all){ for (Int_t i=0;i<200;i++) SetClusterIndex2(i,-3); for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) fClusterPointer[i]=0; } } void AliTPCseed::Modify(Double_t factor) { //------------------------------------------------------------------ //This function makes a track forget its history :) //------------------------------------------------------------------ if (factor<=0) { ResetCovariance(10.); return; } ResetCovariance(factor); SetNumberOfClusters(0); fNFoundable =0; SetChi2(0); fRemoval = 0; fCurrentSigmaY2 = 0.000005; fCurrentSigmaZ2 = 0.000005; fNoCluster = 0; //fFirstPoint = 160; //fLastPoint = 0; } Int_t AliTPCseed::GetProlongation(Double_t xk, Double_t &y, Double_t & z) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function find proloncation of a track to a reference plane x=xk. // doesn't change internal state of the track //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t x1=GetX(), x2=x1+(xk-x1), dx=x2-x1; if (TMath::Abs(GetSnp()+GetC()*dx) >= AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTrack()) { return 0; } // Double_t y1=fP0, z1=fP1; Double_t c1=GetSnp(), r1=sqrt((1.-c1)*(1.+c1)); Double_t c2=c1 + GetC()*dx, r2=sqrt((1.-c2)*(1.+c2)); y = GetY(); z = GetZ(); //y += dx*(c1+c2)/(r1+r2); //z += dx*(c1+c2)/(c1*r2 + c2*r1)*fP3; Double_t dy = dx*(c1+c2)/(r1+r2); Double_t dz = 0; // Double_t delta = GetC()*dx*(c1+c2)/(c1*r2 + c2*r1); /* if (TMath::Abs(delta)>0.0001){ dz = fP3*TMath::ASin(delta)/fP4; }else{ dz = dx*fP3*(c1+c2)/(c1*r2 + c2*r1); } */ // dz = fP3*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(delta)/fP4; dz = GetTgl()*TMath::ASin(delta)/GetC(); // y+=dy; z+=dz; return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCseed::GetPredictedChi2(const AliCluster *c) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function calculates a predicted chi2 increment. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t p[2]={c->GetY(), c->GetZ()}; Double_t cov[3]={fErrorY2, 0., fErrorZ2}; Float_t dx = ((AliTPCclusterMI*)c)->GetX()-GetX(); if (TMath::Abs(dx)>0){ Float_t ty = TMath::Tan(TMath::ASin(GetSnp())); Float_t dy = dx*ty; Float_t dz = dx*TMath::Sqrt(1.+ty*ty)*GetTgl(); p[0] = c->GetY()-dy; p[1] = c->GetZ()-dz; } return AliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(p,cov); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCseed::Compare(const TObject *o) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function compares tracks according to the sector - for given sector according z //----------------------------------------------------------------- AliTPCseed *t=(AliTPCseed*)o; if (fSort == 0){ if (t->fRelativeSector>fRelativeSector) return -1; if (t->fRelativeSectorGetZ(); Double_t z1 = GetZ(); if (z2>z1) return 1; if (z2GetSigma1Pt2())/(t->OneOverPt()+0.0066); if (t->fBConstrain) f2=1.2; Float_t f1 =1; f1 = 1-20*TMath::Sqrt(GetSigma1Pt2())/(OneOverPt()+0.0066); if (fBConstrain) f1=1.2; if (t->GetNumberOfClusters()*f2 GetX()-GetX(); if (TMath::Abs(dx)>0){ Float_t ty = TMath::Tan(TMath::ASin(GetSnp())); Float_t dy = dx*ty; Float_t dz = dx*TMath::Sqrt(1.+ty*ty)*GetTgl(); cl.SetY(c->GetY()-dy); cl.SetZ(c->GetZ()-dz); } if (!AliTPCtrack::Update(&cl,chisq,index)) return kFALSE; if (fCMeanSigmaY2p30<0){ fCMeanSigmaY2p30= c->GetSigmaY2(); //! current mean sigma Y2 - mean30% fCMeanSigmaZ2p30= c->GetSigmaZ2(); //! current mean sigma Z2 - mean30% fCMeanSigmaY2p30R = 1; //! current mean sigma Y2 - mean5% fCMeanSigmaZ2p30R = 1; //! current mean sigma Z2 - mean5% } // fCMeanSigmaY2p30= 0.70*fCMeanSigmaY2p30 +0.30*c->GetSigmaY2(); fCMeanSigmaZ2p30= 0.70*fCMeanSigmaZ2p30 +0.30*c->GetSigmaZ2(); if (fCurrentSigmaY2>0){ fCMeanSigmaY2p30R = 0.7*fCMeanSigmaY2p30R +0.3*c->GetSigmaY2()/fCurrentSigmaY2; fCMeanSigmaZ2p30R = 0.7*fCMeanSigmaZ2p30R +0.3*c->GetSigmaZ2()/fCurrentSigmaZ2; } SetClusterIndex(n,idx); // restore the current cluster index return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTPCseed::CookdEdx(Double_t low, Double_t up,Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Bool_t /* onlyused */) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This funtion calculates dE/dX within the "low" and "up" cuts. //----------------------------------------------------------------- AliTPCParam *param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); Int_t row0 = param->GetNRowLow(); Int_t row1 = row0+param->GetNRowUp1(); Int_t row2 = row1+param->GetNRowUp2(); // // // fDEDX[0] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,i1 ,i2, kTRUE,kFALSE,2,0); fDEDX[1] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,0 ,row0,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,0); fDEDX[2] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,row0,row1,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,0); fDEDX[3] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,row1,row2,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,0); // fSDEDX[0] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,i1 ,i2, kTRUE,kFALSE,2,1); fSDEDX[1] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,0 ,row0,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,1); fSDEDX[2] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,row0,row1,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,1); fSDEDX[3] = CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,row1,row2,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,1); // fNCDEDX[0] = TMath::Nint(CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,i1 ,i2, kTRUE,kFALSE,2,2)); fNCDEDX[1] = TMath::Nint(CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,0 ,row0,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,2)); fNCDEDX[2] = TMath::Nint(CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,row0,row1,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,2)); fNCDEDX[3] = TMath::Nint(CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0 ,row1,row2,kTRUE,kFALSE,2,2)); SetdEdx(fDEDX[0]); return fDEDX[0]; // return CookdEdxNorm(low,up,0,i1,i2,1,0,2); // Float_t amp[200]; // Float_t angular[200]; // Float_t weight[200]; // Int_t index[200]; // //Int_t nc = 0; // Float_t meanlog = 100.; // Float_t mean[4] = {0,0,0,0}; // Float_t sigma[4] = {1000,1000,1000,1000}; // Int_t nc[4] = {0,0,0,0}; // Float_t norm[4] = {1000,1000,1000,1000}; // // // // // fNShared =0; // Float_t gainGG = 1; // if (AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters()){ // gainGG= AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters()->GetGasGain()/20000.; //relative gas gain // } // for (Int_t of =0; of<4; of++){ // for (Int_t i=of+i1;iIsUsed(10))) continue; // if (cl->IsUsed(11)) { // fNShared++; // continue; // } // Int_t type = cl->GetType(); // //if (point->fIsShared){ // // fNShared++; // // continue; // //} // //if (pointm) // // if (pointm->fIsShared) continue; // //if (pointp) // // if (pointp->fIsShared) continue; // if (type<0) continue; // //if (type>10) continue; // //if (point->GetErrY()==0) continue; // //if (point->GetErrZ()==0) continue; // //Float_t ddy = (point->GetY()-cl->GetY())/point->GetErrY(); // //Float_t ddz = (point->GetZ()-cl->GetZ())/point->GetErrZ(); // //if ((ddy*ddy+ddz*ddz)>10) continue; // // if (point->GetCPoint().GetMax()<5) continue; // if (cl->GetMax()<5) continue; // Float_t angley = point->GetAngleY(); // Float_t anglez = point->GetAngleZ(); // Float_t rsigmay2 = point->GetSigmaY(); // Float_t rsigmaz2 = point->GetSigmaZ(); // /* // Float_t ns = 1.; // if (pointm){ // rsigmay += pointm->GetTPoint().GetSigmaY(); // rsigmaz += pointm->GetTPoint().GetSigmaZ(); // ns+=1.; // } // if (pointp){ // rsigmay += pointp->GetTPoint().GetSigmaY(); // rsigmaz += pointp->GetTPoint().GetSigmaZ(); // ns+=1.; // } // rsigmay/=ns; // rsigmaz/=ns; // */ // Float_t rsigma = TMath::Sqrt(rsigmay2*rsigmaz2); // Float_t ampc = 0; // normalization to the number of electrons // if (i>64){ // // ampc = 1.*point->GetCPoint().GetMax(); // ampc = 1.*cl->GetMax(); // //ampc = 1.*point->GetCPoint().GetQ(); // // AliTPCClusterPoint & p = point->GetCPoint(); // // Float_t dy = TMath::Abs(Int_t( TMath::Abs(p.GetY()/0.6)) - TMath::Abs(p.GetY()/0.6)+0.5); // // Float_t iz = (250.0-TMath::Abs(p.GetZ())+0.11)/0.566; // //Float_t dz = // // TMath::Abs( Int_t(iz) - iz + 0.5); // //ampc *= 1.15*(1-0.3*dy); // //ampc *= 1.15*(1-0.3*dz); // // Float_t zfactor = (AliTPCReconstructor::GetCtgRange()-0.0004*TMath::Abs(point->GetCPoint().GetZ())); // //ampc *=zfactor; // } // else{ // //ampc = 1.0*point->GetCPoint().GetMax(); // ampc = 1.0*cl->GetMax(); // //ampc = 1.0*point->GetCPoint().GetQ(); // //AliTPCClusterPoint & p = point->GetCPoint(); // // Float_t dy = TMath::Abs(Int_t( TMath::Abs(p.GetY()/0.4)) - TMath::Abs(p.GetY()/0.4)+0.5); // //Float_t iz = (250.0-TMath::Abs(p.GetZ())+0.11)/0.566; // //Float_t dz = // // TMath::Abs( Int_t(iz) - iz + 0.5); // //ampc *= 1.15*(1-0.3*dy); // //ampc *= 1.15*(1-0.3*dz); // // Float_t zfactor = (1.02-0.000*TMath::Abs(point->GetCPoint().GetZ())); // //ampc *=zfactor; // } // ampc *= 2.0; // put mean value to channel 50 // //ampc *= 0.58; // put mean value to channel 50 // Float_t w = 1.; // // if (type>0) w = 1./(type/2.-0.5); // // Float_t z = TMath::Abs(cl->GetZ()); // if (i<64) { // ampc /= 0.6; // //ampc /= (1+0.0008*z); // } else // if (i>128){ // ampc /=1.5; // //ampc /= (1+0.0008*z); // }else{ // //ampc /= (1+0.0008*z); // } // if (type<0) { //amp at the border - lower weight // // w*= 2.; // continue; // } // if (rsigma>1.5) ampc/=1.3; // if big backround // amp[nc[of]] = ampc; // amp[nc[of]] /=gainGG; // angular[nc[of]] = TMath::Sqrt(1.+angley*angley+anglez*anglez); // weight[nc[of]] = w; // nc[of]++; // } // TMath::Sort(nc[of],amp,index,kFALSE); // Float_t sumamp=0; // Float_t sumamp2=0; // Float_t sumw=0; // //meanlog = amp[index[Int_t(nc[of]*0.33)]]; // meanlog = 50; // for (Int_t i=int(nc[of]*low+0.5);i0.1) // sigma[of] = TMath::Sqrt(sigma[of]); // else // sigma[of] = 1000; // mean[of] = (TMath::Exp(mean[of]/meanlog)-1)*meanlog; // //mean *=(1-0.02*(sigma/(mean*0.17)-1.)); // //mean *=(1-0.1*(norm-1.)); // } // } // Float_t dedx =0; // fSdEdx =0; // fMAngular =0; // // mean[0]*= (1-0.05*(sigma[0]/(0.01+mean[1]*0.18)-1)); // // mean[1]*= (1-0.05*(sigma[1]/(0.01+mean[0]*0.18)-1)); // // dedx = (mean[0]* TMath::Sqrt((1.+nc[0]))+ mean[1]* TMath::Sqrt((1.+nc[1])) )/ // // ( TMath::Sqrt((1.+nc[0]))+TMath::Sqrt((1.+nc[1]))); // Int_t norm2 = 0; // Int_t norm3 = 0; // for (Int_t i =0;i<4;i++){ // if (nc[i]>2&&nc[i]<1000){ // dedx += mean[i] *nc[i]; // fSdEdx += sigma[i]*(nc[i]-2); // fMAngular += norm[i] *nc[i]; // norm2 += nc[i]; // norm3 += nc[i]-2; // } // fDEDX[i] = mean[i]; // fSDEDX[i] = sigma[i]; // fNCDEDX[i]= nc[i]; // } // if (norm3>0){ // dedx /=norm2; // fSdEdx /=norm3; // fMAngular/=norm2; // } // else{ // SetdEdx(0); // return 0; // } // // Float_t dedx1 =dedx; // /* // dedx =0; // for (Int_t i =0;i<4;i++){ // if (nc[i]>2&&nc[i]<1000){ // mean[i] = mean[i]*(1-0.12*(sigma[i]/(fSdEdx)-1.)); // dedx += mean[i] *nc[i]; // } // fDEDX[i] = mean[i]; // } // dedx /= norm2; // */ // SetdEdx(dedx); // return dedx; } void AliTPCseed::CookPID() { // // cook PID information according dEdx // Double_t fRange = 10.; Double_t fRes = 0.1; Double_t fMIP = 47.; // Int_t ns=AliPID::kSPECIES; Double_t sumr =0; for (Int_t j=0; j0.001){ if (TMath::Abs(dedx-bethe) > fRange*sigma) { fTPCr[j]=TMath::Exp(-0.5*fRange*fRange)/sigma; sumr+=fTPCr[j]; continue; } fTPCr[j]=TMath::Exp(-0.5*(dedx-bethe)*(dedx-bethe)/(sigma*sigma))/sigma; sumr+=fTPCr[j]; } else{ fTPCr[j]=1.; sumr+=fTPCr[j]; } } for (Int_t j=0; jAliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTrack()) return 0.; //patch 01 jan 06 Double_t c1=GetSnp(), r1=TMath::Sqrt((1.-c1)*(1.+c1)); Double_t c2=c1+GetC()*(xk-GetX()); if (TMath::Abs(c2)>AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTrack()) return 0; Double_t r2=TMath::Sqrt((1.-c2)*(1.+c2)); return GetY() + (xk-GetX())*(c1+c2)/(r1+r2); } void AliTPCseed::SetClusterMapBit(int ibit, Bool_t state) { fClusterMap[ibit] = state; } Bool_t AliTPCseed::GetClusterMapBit(int ibit) { return fClusterMap[ibit]; } void AliTPCseed::SetSharedMapBit(int ibit, Bool_t state) { fSharedMap[ibit] = state; } Bool_t AliTPCseed::GetSharedMapBit(int ibit) { return fSharedMap[ibit]; } Float_t AliTPCseed::CookdEdxNorm(Double_t low, Double_t up, Int_t type, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Bool_t shapeNorm,Int_t posNorm, Int_t padNorm, Int_t returnVal){ // // calculates dedx using the cluster // low - up specify trunc mean range - default form 0-0.7 // type - 1 - max charge or 0- total charge in cluster // //2- max no corr 3- total+ correction // i1-i2 - the pad-row range used for calculation // shapeNorm - kTRUE -taken from OCDB // // posNorm - usage of pos normalization // padNorm - pad type normalization // returnVal - 0 return mean // - 1 return RMS // - 2 return number of clusters // // normalization parametrization taken from AliTPCClusterParam // AliTPCClusterParam * parcl = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); AliTPCParam * param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); if (!parcl) return 0; if (!param) return 0; Int_t row0 = param->GetNRowLow(); Int_t row1 = row0+param->GetNRowUp1(); Float_t amp[160]; Int_t indexes[160]; Int_t ncl=0; // // Float_t gainGG = 1; // gas gain factor -always enabled Float_t gainPad = 1; // gain map - used always Float_t corrShape = 1; // correction due angular effect, diffusion and electron attachment Float_t corrPos = 1; // local position correction - if posNorm enabled Float_t corrPadType = 1; // pad type correction - if padNorm enabled Float_t corrNorm = 1; // normalization factor - set Q to channel 50 // // // if (AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters()){ gainGG= AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters()->GetGasGain()/20000; //relative gas gain } const Float_t ktany = TMath::Tan(TMath::DegToRad()*10); const Float_t kedgey =3.; // // for (Int_t irow=i1; irowGetY())>cluster->GetX()*ktany-kedgey) continue; // edge cluster Float_t charge= (type%2)? cluster->GetMax():cluster->GetQ(); Int_t ipad= 0; if (irow>=row0) ipad=1; if (irow>=row1) ipad=2; // // // AliTPCCalPad * gainMap = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetDedxGainFactor(); if (gainMap) { // // Get gainPad - pad by pad calibration // Float_t factor = 1; AliTPCCalROC * roc = gainMap->GetCalROC(cluster->GetDetector()); if (irow < row0) { // IROC factor = roc->GetValue(irow, TMath::Nint(cluster->GetPad())); } else { // OROC factor = roc->GetValue(irow - row0, TMath::Nint(cluster->GetPad())); } if (factor>0.5) gainPad=factor; } // //do position and angular normalization // if (shapeNorm){ if (type<=1){ // AliTPCTrackerPoint * point = GetTrackPoint(irow); Float_t ty = TMath::Abs(point->GetAngleY()); Float_t tz = TMath::Abs(point->GetAngleZ()*TMath::Sqrt(1+ty*ty)); Float_t dr = (250.-TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ()))/250.; corrShape = parcl->Qnorm(ipad,type,dr,ty,tz); } } if (posNorm>0){ // // Do position normalization - relative distance to // center of pad- time bin // Work in progress // corrPos = parcl->QnormPos(ipad,type, cluster->GetPad(), // cluster->GetTimeBin(), cluster->GetZ(), // cluster->GetSigmaY2(),cluster->GetSigmaZ2(), // cluster->GetMax(),cluster->GetQ()); // scaled response function Float_t yres0 = parcl->GetRMS0(0,ipad,0,0)/param->GetPadPitchWidth(cluster->GetDetector()); Float_t zres0 = parcl->GetRMS0(1,ipad,0,0)/param->GetZWidth(); // AliTPCTrackerPoint * point = GetTrackPoint(irow); Float_t ty = TMath::Abs(point->GetAngleY()); Float_t tz = TMath::Abs(point->GetAngleZ()*TMath::Sqrt(1+ty*ty)); if (type==1) corrPos = parcl->QmaxCorrection(cluster->GetDetector(), cluster->GetRow(),cluster->GetPad(), cluster->GetTimeBin(),ty,tz,yres0,zres0,0.4); if (type==0) corrPos = parcl->QtotCorrection(cluster->GetDetector(), cluster->GetRow(),cluster->GetPad(), cluster->GetTimeBin(),ty,tz,yres0,zres0,cluster->GetQ(),2.5,0.4); if (posNorm==3){ Float_t dr = (250.-TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ()))/250.; Double_t signtgl = (cluster->GetZ()*point->GetAngleZ()>0)? 1:-1; Double_t p2 = TMath::Abs(TMath::Sin(TMath::ATan(ty))); Float_t corrHis = parcl->QnormHis(ipad,type,dr,p2,TMath::Abs(point->GetAngleZ())*signtgl); if (corrHis>0) corrPos*=corrHis; } } if (padNorm==1){ //taken from OCDB if (type==0 && parcl->fQpadTnorm) corrPadType = (*parcl->fQpadTnorm)[ipad]; if (type==1 && parcl->fQpadTnorm) corrPadType = (*parcl->fQpadMnorm)[ipad]; } if (padNorm==2){ corrPadType =param->GetPadPitchLength(cluster->GetDetector(),cluster->GetRow()); //use hardwired - temp fix if (type==0) corrNorm=3.; if (type==1) corrNorm=1.; } // amp[ncl]=charge; amp[ncl]/=gainGG; amp[ncl]/=gainPad; amp[ncl]/=corrShape; amp[ncl]/=corrPadType; amp[ncl]/=corrPos; amp[ncl]/=corrNorm; // ncl++; } if (type>3) return ncl; TMath::Sort(ncl,amp, indexes, kFALSE); if (ncl<10) return 0; Float_t suma=0; Float_t suma2=0; Float_t sumn=0; Int_t icl0=TMath::Nint(ncl*low); Int_t icl1=TMath::Nint(ncl*up); for (Int_t icl=icl0; iclGetTransform(); if (trans) { runNumber = trans->GetCurrentRunNumber(); //AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->SetRun(runNumber); TObjArray * timeGainSplines = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTimeGainSplinesRun(runNumber); if (timeGainSplines) { UInt_t time = trans->GetCurrentTimeStamp(); AliSplineFit * fitMIP = (AliSplineFit *) timeGainSplines->At(0); AliSplineFit * fitFPcosmic = (AliSplineFit *) timeGainSplines->At(1); if (fitMIP) { corrTimeGain = fitMIP->Eval(time); } else { if (fitFPcosmic) corrTimeGain = fitFPcosmic->Eval(time); // This value describes the ratio FP-to-MIP, hardwired for the moment } } } mean /= corrTimeGain; rms /= corrTimeGain; // if (returnVal==1) return rms; if (returnVal==2) return ncl; return mean; } Float_t AliTPCseed::CookdEdxAnalytical(Double_t low, Double_t up, Int_t type, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Int_t returnVal){ // // calculates dedx using the cluster // low - up specify trunc mean range - default form 0-0.7 // type - 1 - max charge or 0- total charge in cluster // //2- max no corr 3- total+ correction // i1-i2 - the pad-row range used for calculation // // posNorm - usage of pos normalization // returnVal - 0 return mean // - 1 return RMS // - 2 return number of clusters // // normalization parametrization taken from AliTPCClusterParam // AliTPCClusterParam * parcl = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); AliTPCParam * param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); if (!parcl) return 0; if (!param) return 0; Int_t row0 = param->GetNRowLow(); Int_t row1 = row0+param->GetNRowUp1(); Float_t amp[160]; Int_t indexes[160]; Int_t ncl=0; // // Float_t gainGG = 1; // gas gain factor -always enabled Float_t gainPad = 1; // gain map - used always Float_t corrPos = 1; // local position correction - if posNorm enabled Float_t corrNorm = 1; // normalization factor - set Q to channel 50 // // // if (AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters()){ gainGG= AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters()->GetGasGain()/20000; //relative gas gain } const Float_t ktany = TMath::Tan(TMath::DegToRad()*10); const Float_t kedgey =3.; // // for (Int_t irow=i1; irowGetY())>cluster->GetX()*ktany-kedgey) continue; // edge cluster Float_t charge= (type%2)? cluster->GetMax():cluster->GetQ(); Int_t ipad= 0; if (irow>=row0) ipad=1; if (irow>=row1) ipad=2; // // // AliTPCCalPad * gainMap = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetDedxGainFactor(); if (gainMap) { // // Get gainPad - pad by pad calibration // Float_t factor = 1; AliTPCCalROC * roc = gainMap->GetCalROC(cluster->GetDetector()); if (irow < row0) { // IROC factor = roc->GetValue(irow, TMath::Nint(cluster->GetPad())); } else { // OROC factor = roc->GetValue(irow - row0, TMath::Nint(cluster->GetPad())); } if (factor>0.5) gainPad=factor; } // // Do position normalization - relative distance to // center of pad- time bin AliTPCTrackerPoint * point = GetTrackPoint(irow); Float_t ty = TMath::Abs(point->GetAngleY()); Float_t tz = TMath::Abs(point->GetAngleZ()*TMath::Sqrt(1+ty*ty)); Float_t yres0 = parcl->GetRMS0(0,ipad,0,0)/param->GetPadPitchWidth(cluster->GetDetector()); Float_t zres0 = parcl->GetRMS0(1,ipad,0,0)/param->GetZWidth(); yres0 *=parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type,0); zres0 *=parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type,1); Float_t effLength=parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type,4)*0.5; Float_t effDiff =(parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type,2)+parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type,3))*0.5; // if (type==1) { corrPos = parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type,5)* parcl->QmaxCorrection(cluster->GetDetector(), cluster->GetRow(),cluster->GetPad(), cluster->GetTimeBin(),ty,tz,yres0,zres0,effLength,effDiff); Float_t drm = 0.5-TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ()/250.); corrPos*=(1+parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type+2,0)*drm); corrPos*=(1+parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type+2,1)*ty*ty); corrPos*=(1+parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type+2,2)*tz*tz); // } if (type==0) { corrPos = parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type,5)* parcl->QtotCorrection(cluster->GetDetector(), cluster->GetRow(),cluster->GetPad(), cluster->GetTimeBin(),ty,tz,yres0,zres0,cluster->GetQ(),2.5,effLength,effDiff); Float_t drm = 0.5-TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ()/250.); corrPos*=(1+parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type+2,0)*drm); corrPos*=(1+parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type+2,1)*ty*ty); corrPos*=(1+parcl->GetQnormCorr(ipad, type+2,2)*tz*tz); // } // amp[ncl]=charge; amp[ncl]/=gainGG; amp[ncl]/=gainPad; amp[ncl]/=corrPos; // ncl++; } if (type>3) return ncl; TMath::Sort(ncl,amp, indexes, kFALSE); if (ncl<10) return 0; Float_t suma=0; Float_t suma2=0; Float_t sumn=0; Int_t icl0=TMath::Nint(ncl*low); Int_t icl1=TMath::Nint(ncl*up); for (Int_t icl=icl0; iclGetTransform(); if (trans) { runNumber = trans->GetCurrentRunNumber(); //AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->SetRun(runNumber); TObjArray * timeGainSplines = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTimeGainSplinesRun(runNumber); if (timeGainSplines) { UInt_t time = trans->GetCurrentTimeStamp(); AliSplineFit * fitMIP = (AliSplineFit *) timeGainSplines->At(0); AliSplineFit * fitFPcosmic = (AliSplineFit *) timeGainSplines->At(1); if (fitMIP) { corrTimeGain = fitMIP->Eval(time); } else { if (fitFPcosmic) corrTimeGain = fitFPcosmic->Eval(time); // This value describes the ratio FP-to-MIP, hardwired for the moment } } } mean /= corrTimeGain; rms /= corrTimeGain; // if (returnVal==1) return rms; if (returnVal==2) return ncl; return mean; } Float_t AliTPCseed::CookShape(Int_t type){ // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This funtion calculates dE/dX within the "low" and "up" cuts. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t means=0; Float_t meanc=0; for (Int_t i =0; i<160;i++) { AliTPCTrackerPoint * point = GetTrackPoint(i); if (point==0) continue; AliTPCclusterMI * cl = fClusterPointer[i]; if (cl==0) continue; Float_t rsigmay = TMath::Sqrt(point->GetSigmaY()); Float_t rsigmaz = TMath::Sqrt(point->GetSigmaZ()); Float_t rsigma = (rsigmay+rsigmaz)*0.5; if (type==0) means+=rsigma; if (type==1) means+=rsigmay; if (type==2) means+=rsigmaz; meanc++; } Float_t mean = (meanc>0)? means/meanc:0; return mean; } Int_t AliTPCseed::RefitTrack(AliTPCseed *seed, AliExternalTrackParam * parin, AliExternalTrackParam * parout){ // // Refit the track // return value - number of used clusters // // const Int_t kMinNcl =10; AliTPCseed *track=new AliTPCseed(*seed); Int_t sector=-1; // reset covariance // Double_t covar[15]; for (Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) covar[i]=0; covar[0]=10.*10.; covar[2]=10.*10.; covar[5]=10.*10./(64.*64.); covar[9]=10.*10./(64.*64.); covar[14]=1*1; // Float_t xmin=1000, xmax=-10000; Int_t imin=158, imax=0; for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) { AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(i); if (!c) continue; if (sector<0) sector = c->GetDetector(); if (c->GetX()GetX(); if (c->GetX()>xmax) xmax=c->GetX(); if (iimax) imax=i; } if(imax-iminRotate(TMath::DegToRad()*(sector%18*20.+10.)-track->GetAlpha())) { delete track; return 0; } // // // fit from inner to outer row // AliExternalTrackParam paramIn; AliExternalTrackParam paramOut; Bool_t isOK=kTRUE; Int_t ncl=0; // // // for (Int_t i=imin; i<=imax; i++){ AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(i); if (!c) continue; // if (RejectCluster(c,track)) continue; sector = (c->GetDetector()%18); if (!track->Rotate(TMath::DegToRad()*(sector%18*20.+10.)-track->GetAlpha())) { //continue; } Double_t r[3]={c->GetX(),c->GetY(),c->GetZ()}; Double_t cov[3]={0.01,0.,0.01}; //TODO: correct error parametrisation if (!track->PropagateTo(r[0])) { isOK=kFALSE; } if ( !((static_cast(track)->Update(&r[1],cov)))) isOK=kFALSE; } if (!isOK) { delete track; return 0;} track->AddCovariance(covar); // // // for (Int_t i=imax; i>=imin; i--){ AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(i); if (!c) continue; //if (RejectCluster(c,track)) continue; sector = (c->GetDetector()%18); if (!track->Rotate(TMath::DegToRad()*(sector%18*20.+10.)-track->GetAlpha())) { //continue; } Double_t r[3]={c->GetX(),c->GetY(),c->GetZ()}; Double_t cov[3]={0.01,0.,0.01}; //TODO: correct error parametrisation if (!track->PropagateTo(r[0])) { isOK=kFALSE; } if ( !((static_cast(track)->Update(&r[1],cov)))) isOK=kFALSE; } //if (!isOK) { delete track; return 0;} paramIn = *track; track->AddCovariance(covar); // // for (Int_t i=imin; i<=imax; i++){ AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(i); if (!c) continue; sector = (c->GetDetector()%18); if (!track->Rotate(TMath::DegToRad()*(sector%18*20.+10.)-track->GetAlpha())) { //continue; } ncl++; //if (RejectCluster(c,track)) continue; Double_t r[3]={c->GetX(),c->GetY(),c->GetZ()}; Double_t cov[3]={0.01,0.,0.01}; //TODO: correct error parametrisation if (!track->PropagateTo(r[0])) { isOK=kFALSE; } if ( !((static_cast(track)->Update(&r[1],cov)))) isOK=kFALSE; } //if (!isOK) { delete track; return 0;} paramOut=*track; // // // if (parin) (*parin)=paramIn; if (parout) (*parout)=paramOut; return ncl; } Bool_t AliTPCseed::RefitTrack(AliTPCseed* /*seed*/, Bool_t /*out*/){ // // // return kFALSE; } void AliTPCseed::GetError(AliTPCclusterMI* cluster, AliExternalTrackParam * param, Double_t& erry, Double_t &errz) { // // Get cluster error at given position // AliTPCClusterParam *clusterParam = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); Double_t tany,tanz; Double_t snp1=param->GetSnp(); tany=snp1/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp1)*(1.+snp1)); // Double_t tgl1=param->GetTgl(); tanz=tgl1/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp1)*(1.+snp1)); // Int_t padSize = 0; // short pads if (cluster->GetDetector() >= 36) { padSize = 1; // medium pads if (cluster->GetRow() > 63) padSize = 2; // long pads } erry = clusterParam->GetError0Par( 0, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(tany) ); errz = clusterParam->GetError0Par( 1, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(tanz) ); } void AliTPCseed::GetShape(AliTPCclusterMI* cluster, AliExternalTrackParam * param, Double_t& rmsy, Double_t &rmsz) { // // Get cluster error at given position // AliTPCClusterParam *clusterParam = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); Double_t tany,tanz; Double_t snp1=param->GetSnp(); tany=snp1/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp1)*(1.+snp1)); // Double_t tgl1=param->GetTgl(); tanz=tgl1/TMath::Sqrt((1.-snp1)*(1.+snp1)); // Int_t padSize = 0; // short pads if (cluster->GetDetector() >= 36) { padSize = 1; // medium pads if (cluster->GetRow() > 63) padSize = 2; // long pads } rmsy = clusterParam->GetRMSQ( 0, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(tany), TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax()) ); rmsz = clusterParam->GetRMSQ( 1, padSize, (250.0 - TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ())), TMath::Abs(tanz) ,TMath::Abs(cluster->GetMax())); } Double_t AliTPCseed::GetQCorrGeom(Float_t ty, Float_t tz){ //Geoetrical //ty - tangent in local y direction //tz - tangent // Float_t norm=TMath::Sqrt(1+ty*ty+tz*tz); return norm; } Double_t AliTPCseed::GetQCorrShape(Int_t ipad, Int_t type,Float_t z, Float_t ty, Float_t tz, Float_t /*q*/, Float_t /*thr*/){ // // Q normalization // // return value = Q Normalization factor // Normalization - 1 - shape factor part for full drift // 1 - electron attachment for 0 drift // Input parameters: // // ipad - 0 short pad // 1 medium pad // 2 long pad // // type - 0 qmax // - 1 qtot // //z - z position (-250,250 cm) //ty - tangent in local y direction //tz - tangent // AliTPCClusterParam * paramCl = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); AliTPCParam * paramTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); if (!paramCl) return 1; // Double_t dr = 250.-TMath::Abs(z); Double_t sy = paramCl->GetRMS0( 0,ipad, dr, TMath::Abs(ty)); Double_t sy0= paramCl->GetRMS0(0,ipad, 250, 0); Double_t sz = paramCl->GetRMS0( 1,ipad, dr, TMath::Abs(tz)); Double_t sz0= paramCl->GetRMS0(1,ipad, 250, 0); Double_t sfactorMax = TMath::Sqrt(sy0*sz0/(sy*sz)); Double_t dt = 1000000*(dr/paramTPC->GetDriftV()); //time in microsecond Double_t attProb = TMath::Exp(-paramTPC->GetAttCoef()*paramTPC->GetOxyCont()*dt); // // if (type==0) return sfactorMax*attProb; return attProb; }