/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the TPC tracker // // Origin: Marian Ivanov Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch // // AliTPC parallel tracker //------------------------------------------------------- /* $Id$ */ #include "Riostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include "AliComplexCluster.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDkink.h" #include "AliHelix.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliTPCClustersRow.h" #include "AliTPCParam.h" #include "AliTPCReconstructor.h" #include "AliTPCclusterMI.h" #include "AliTPCpolyTrack.h" #include "AliTPCreco.h" #include "AliTPCseed.h" #include "AliTPCtrackerMI.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "AliTPCReconstructor.h" #include "AliESDkink.h" #include "AliPID.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "AliAlignObj.h" #include "AliTrackPointArray.h" // ClassImp(AliTPCtrackerMI) class AliTPCFastMath { public: AliTPCFastMath(); static Double_t FastAsin(Double_t x); private: static Double_t fgFastAsin[20000]; //lookup table for fast asin computation }; Double_t AliTPCFastMath::fgFastAsin[20000]; AliTPCFastMath gAliTPCFastMath; // needed to fill the LUT AliTPCFastMath::AliTPCFastMath(){ // // initialized lookup table; for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++){ fgFastAsin[2*i] = TMath::ASin(i/10000.); fgFastAsin[2*i+1] = (TMath::ASin((i+1)/10000.)-fgFastAsin[2*i]); } } Double_t AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(Double_t x){ // // return asin using lookup table if (x>0){ Int_t index = int(x*10000); return fgFastAsin[2*index]+(x*10000.-index)*fgFastAsin[2*index+1]; } x*=-1; Int_t index = int(x*10000); return -(fgFastAsin[2*index]+(x*10000.-index)*fgFastAsin[2*index+1]); } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::UpdateTrack(AliTPCseed * track, Int_t accept){ // //update track information using current cluster - track->fCurrentCluster AliTPCclusterMI* c =track->fCurrentCluster; if (accept>0) track->fCurrentClusterIndex1 |=0x8000; //sign not accepted clusters UInt_t i = track->fCurrentClusterIndex1; Int_t sec=(i&0xff000000)>>24; //Int_t row = (i&0x00ff0000)>>16; track->fRow=(i&0x00ff0000)>>16; track->fSector = sec; // Int_t index = i&0xFFFF; if (sec>=fParam->GetNInnerSector()) track->fRow += fParam->GetNRowLow(); track->SetClusterIndex2(track->fRow, i); //track->fFirstPoint = row; //if ( track->fLastPointfLastPoint =row; // if (track->fRow<0 || track->fRow>160) { // printf("problem\n"); //} if (track->fFirstPoint>track->fRow) track->fFirstPoint = track->fRow; if (track->fLastPointfRow) track->fLastPoint = track->fRow; track->fClusterPointer[track->fRow] = c; // Double_t angle2 = track->GetSnp()*track->GetSnp(); // //SET NEW Track Point // if (angle2<1) //PH sometimes angle2 is very big. To be investigated... { angle2 = TMath::Sqrt(angle2/(1-angle2)); AliTPCTrackerPoint &point =*(track->GetTrackPoint(track->fRow)); // point.SetSigmaY(c->GetSigmaY2()/track->fCurrentSigmaY2); point.SetSigmaZ(c->GetSigmaZ2()/track->fCurrentSigmaZ2); point.SetErrY(sqrt(track->fErrorY2)); point.SetErrZ(sqrt(track->fErrorZ2)); // point.SetX(track->GetX()); point.SetY(track->GetY()); point.SetZ(track->GetZ()); point.SetAngleY(angle2); point.SetAngleZ(track->GetTgl()); if (point.fIsShared){ track->fErrorY2 *= 4; track->fErrorZ2 *= 4; } } Double_t chi2 = track->GetPredictedChi2(track->fCurrentCluster); // track->fErrorY2 *= 1.3; track->fErrorY2 += 0.01; track->fErrorZ2 *= 1.3; track->fErrorZ2 += 0.005; //} if (accept>0) return 0; if (track->GetNumberOfClusters()%20==0){ // if (track->fHelixIn){ // TClonesArray & larr = *(track->fHelixIn); // Int_t ihelix = larr.GetEntriesFast(); // new(larr[ihelix]) AliHelix(*track) ; //} } track->fNoCluster =0; return track->Update(c,chi2,i); } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::AcceptCluster(AliTPCseed * seed, AliTPCclusterMI * cluster, Float_t factor, Float_t cory, Float_t corz) { // // decide according desired precision to accept given // cluster for tracking Double_t sy2=ErrY2(seed,cluster)*cory; Double_t sz2=ErrZ2(seed,cluster)*corz; //sy2=ErrY2(seed,cluster)*cory; //sz2=ErrZ2(seed,cluster)*cory; Double_t sdistancey2 = sy2+seed->GetSigmaY2(); Double_t sdistancez2 = sz2+seed->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t rdistancey2 = (seed->fCurrentCluster->GetY()-seed->GetY())* (seed->fCurrentCluster->GetY()-seed->GetY())/sdistancey2; Double_t rdistancez2 = (seed->fCurrentCluster->GetZ()-seed->GetZ())* (seed->fCurrentCluster->GetZ()-seed->GetZ())/sdistancez2; Double_t rdistance2 = rdistancey2+rdistancez2; //Int_t accept =0; if (rdistance2>16) return 3; if ((rdistancey2>9.*factor || rdistancez2>9.*factor) && cluster->GetType()==0) return 2; //suspisiouce - will be changed if ((rdistancey2>6.25*factor || rdistancez2>6.25*factor) && cluster->GetType()>0) // strict cut on overlaped cluster return 2; //suspisiouce - will be changed if ( (rdistancey2>1.*factor || rdistancez2>6.25*factor ) && cluster->GetType()<0){ seed->fNFoundable--; return 2; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCtrackerMI(const AliTPCParam *par): AliTracker(), fkNIS(par->GetNInnerSector()/2), fkNOS(par->GetNOuterSector()/2) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // The main TPC tracker constructor //--------------------------------------------------------------------- fInnerSec=new AliTPCSector[fkNIS]; fOuterSec=new AliTPCSector[fkNOS]; Int_t i; for (i=0; iGetNRowLow(); Int_t nrowup = par->GetNRowUp(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetPadRowRadiiLow(i); fPadLength[i]= par->GetPadPitchLength(0,i); fYMax[i] = fXRow[i]*TMath::Tan(0.5*par->GetInnerAngle()); } for (Int_t i=0;iGetPadRowRadiiUp(i); fPadLength[i+nrowlow] = par->GetPadPitchLength(60,i); fYMax[i+nrowlow] = fXRow[i+nrowlow]*TMath::Tan(0.5*par->GetOuterAngle()); } fSeeds=0; // fInput = 0; fOutput = 0; fSeedTree = 0; fTreeDebug =0; fNewIO =0; fDebug =0; fEvent =0; fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TPCdebug.root"); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCtrackerMI(const AliTPCtrackerMI &t): AliTracker(t), fkNIS(t.fkNIS), fkNOS(t.fkNOS) { //------------------------------------ // dummy copy constructor //------------------------------------------------------------------ } AliTPCtrackerMI & AliTPCtrackerMI::operator=(const AliTPCtrackerMI& /*r*/){ //------------------------------ // dummy //-------------------------------------------------------------- return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtrackerMI::~AliTPCtrackerMI() { //------------------------------------------------------------------ // TPC tracker destructor //------------------------------------------------------------------ delete[] fInnerSec; delete[] fOuterSec; if (fSeeds) { fSeeds->Delete(); delete fSeeds; } if (fDebugStreamer) delete fDebugStreamer; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::SetIO() { // fNewIO = kTRUE; fInput = AliRunLoader::GetTreeR("TPC", kFALSE,AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()); fOutput = AliRunLoader::GetTreeT("TPC", kTRUE,AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()); if (fOutput){ AliTPCtrack *iotrack= new AliTPCtrack; fOutput->Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&iotrack,32000,100); delete iotrack; } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::SetIO(TTree * input, TTree * output, AliESD * event) { // set input fNewIO = kFALSE; fInput = 0; fOutput = 0; fSeedTree = 0; fTreeDebug =0; fInput = input; if (input==0){ return; } //set output fOutput = output; if (output){ AliTPCtrack *iotrack= new AliTPCtrack; // iotrack->fHelixIn = new TClonesArray("AliHelix"); //iotrack->fHelixOut = new TClonesArray("AliHelix"); fOutput->Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&iotrack,32000,100); delete iotrack; } if (output && (fDebug&2)){ //write the full seed information if specified in debug mode // fSeedTree = new TTree("Seeds","Seeds"); AliTPCseed * vseed = new AliTPCseed; // TClonesArray * arrtr = new TClonesArray("AliTPCTrackPoint",160); arrtr->ExpandCreateFast(160); TClonesArray * arre = new TClonesArray("AliTPCExactPoint",160); // vseed->fPoints = arrtr; vseed->fEPoints = arre; // vseed->fClusterPoints = arrcl; fSeedTree->Branch("seeds","AliTPCseed",&vseed,32000,99); delete arrtr; delete arre; fTreeDebug = new TTree("trackDebug","trackDebug"); TClonesArray * arrd = new TClonesArray("AliTPCTrackPoint2",0); fTreeDebug->Branch("debug",&arrd,32000,99); } //set ESD event fEvent = event; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::FillESD(TObjArray* arr) { // // //fill esds using updated tracks if (fEvent){ // write tracks to the event // store index of the track Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); //FindKinks(arr,fEvent); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; pt->UpdatePoints(); // pt->PropagateTo(fParam->GetInnerRadiusLow()); if (pt->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0){ //don't propagate daughter tracks pt->PropagateTo(fParam->GetInnerRadiusLow()); } if (( pt->GetPoints()[2]- pt->GetPoints()[0])>5 && pt->GetPoints()[3]>0.8){ AliESDtrack iotrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); // iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>70)&& (Float_t(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())/Float_t(pt->fNFoundable))>0.55) { AliESDtrack iotrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); // iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } // // short tracks - maybe decays if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>30) && (Float_t(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())/Float_t(pt->fNFoundable))>0.70) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,60,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if ( (found>20) && (pt->fNShared/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())<0.2)){ AliESDtrack iotrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); //iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } } if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>20) && (Float_t(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())/Float_t(pt->fNFoundable))>0.8) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,60,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (found<20) continue; if (pt->fNShared/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())>0.2) continue; // AliESDtrack iotrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); //iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } // short tracks - secondaties // if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>30) ) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(128,158,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if ( (found>20) && (pt->fNShared/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())<0.2) &&float(found)/float(foundable)>0.8){ AliESDtrack iotrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); //iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } } if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>15)) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(138,158,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (found<15) continue; if (pt->fNShared/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())>0.2) continue; if (float(found)/float(foundable)<0.8) continue; // AliESDtrack iotrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); // iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } } } printf("Number of filled ESDs-\t%d\n",fEvent->GetNumberOfTracks()); } void AliTPCtrackerMI::WriteTracks(TTree * tree) { // // write tracks from seed array to selected tree // fOutput = tree; if (fOutput){ AliTPCtrack *iotrack= new AliTPCtrack; fOutput->Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&iotrack,32000,100); } WriteTracks(); } void AliTPCtrackerMI::WriteTracks() { // // write tracks to the given output tree - // output specified with SetIO routine if (!fSeeds) return; if (!fOutput){ SetIO(); } if (fOutput){ AliTPCtrack *iotrack= 0; Int_t nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); //for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); // if (iotrack) break; //} //TBranch * br = fOutput->Branch("tracks","AliTPCtrack",&iotrack,32000,100); TBranch * br = fOutput->GetBranch("tracks"); br->SetAddress(&iotrack); // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; AliTPCtrack * track = new AliTPCtrack(*pt); iotrack = track; pt->fLab2 =i; // br->SetAddress(&iotrack); fOutput->Fill(); delete track; iotrack =0; } //fOutput->GetDirectory()->cd(); //fOutput->Write(); } // delete iotrack; // if (fSeedTree){ //write the full seed information if specified in debug mode AliTPCseed * vseed = new AliTPCseed; // TClonesArray * arrtr = new TClonesArray("AliTPCTrackPoint",160); arrtr->ExpandCreateFast(160); //TClonesArray * arrcl = new TClonesArray("AliTPCclusterMI",160); //arrcl->ExpandCreateFast(160); TClonesArray * arre = new TClonesArray("AliTPCExactPoint",160); // vseed->fPoints = arrtr; vseed->fEPoints = arre; // vseed->fClusterPoints = arrcl; //TBranch * brseed = seedtree->Branch("seeds","AliTPCseed",&vseed,32000,99); TBranch * brseed = fSeedTree->GetBranch("seeds"); Int_t nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; pt->fPoints = arrtr; // pt->fClusterPoints = arrcl; pt->fEPoints = arre; pt->RebuildSeed(); vseed = pt; brseed->SetAddress(&vseed); fSeedTree->Fill(); pt->fPoints = 0; pt->fEPoints = 0; // pt->fClusterPoints = 0; } fSeedTree->Write(); if (fTreeDebug) fTreeDebug->Write(); } } Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::ErrY2(AliTPCseed* seed, AliTPCclusterMI * cl){ // // //seed->SetErrorY2(0.1); //return 0.1; //calculate look-up table at the beginning static Bool_t ginit = kFALSE; static Float_t gnoise1,gnoise2,gnoise3; static Float_t ggg1[10000]; static Float_t ggg2[10000]; static Float_t ggg3[10000]; static Float_t glandau1[10000]; static Float_t glandau2[10000]; static Float_t glandau3[10000]; // static Float_t gcor01[500]; static Float_t gcor02[500]; static Float_t gcorp[500]; // // if (ginit==kFALSE){ for (Int_t i=1;i<500;i++){ Float_t rsigma = float(i)/100.; gcor02[i] = TMath::Max(0.78 +TMath::Exp(7.4*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); gcor01[i] = TMath::Max(0.72 +TMath::Exp(3.36*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); gcorp[i] = TMath::Max(TMath::Power((rsigma+0.5),1.5),1.2); } // for (Int_t i=3;i<10000;i++){ // // // inner sector Float_t amp = float(i); Float_t padlength =0.75; gnoise1 = 0.0004/padlength; Float_t nel = 0.268*amp; Float_t nprim = 0.155*amp; ggg1[i] = fParam->GetDiffT()*fParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.001*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; glandau1[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5* (2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (glandau1[i]>1) glandau1[i]=1; glandau1[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // outer short padlength =1.; gnoise2 = 0.0004/padlength; nel = 0.3*amp; nprim = 0.133*amp; ggg2[i] = fParam->GetDiffT()*fParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; glandau2[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (glandau2[i]>1) glandau2[i]=1; glandau2[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // outer long padlength =1.5; gnoise3 = 0.0004/padlength; nel = 0.3*amp; nprim = 0.133*amp; ggg3[i] = fParam->GetDiffT()*fParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; glandau3[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (glandau3[i]>1) glandau3[i]=1; glandau3[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // } ginit = kTRUE; } // // // Int_t amp = int(TMath::Abs(cl->GetQ())); if (amp>9999) { seed->SetErrorY2(1.); return 1.; } Float_t snoise2; Float_t z = TMath::Abs(fParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())); Int_t ctype = cl->GetType(); Float_t padlength= GetPadPitchLength(seed->fRow); Double_t angle2 = seed->GetSnp()*seed->GetSnp(); angle2 = angle2/(1-angle2); // //cluster "quality" Int_t rsigmay = int(100.*cl->GetSigmaY2()/(seed->fCurrentSigmaY2)); Float_t res; // if (fSectors==fInnerSec){ snoise2 = gnoise1; res = ggg1[amp]*z+glandau1[amp]*angle2; if (ctype==0) res *= gcor01[rsigmay]; if ((ctype>0)){ res+=0.002; res*= gcorp[rsigmay]; } } else { if (padlength<1.1){ snoise2 = gnoise2; res = ggg2[amp]*z+glandau2[amp]*angle2; if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmay]; if ((ctype>0)){ res+=0.002; res*= gcorp[rsigmay]; } } else{ snoise2 = gnoise3; res = ggg3[amp]*z+glandau3[amp]*angle2; if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmay]; if ((ctype>0)){ res+=0.002; res*= gcorp[rsigmay]; } } } if (ctype<0){ res+=0.005; res*=2.4; // overestimate error 2 times } res+= snoise2; if (res<2*snoise2) res = 2*snoise2; seed->SetErrorY2(res); return res; } Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::ErrZ2(AliTPCseed* seed, AliTPCclusterMI * cl){ // // //seed->SetErrorY2(0.1); //return 0.1; //calculate look-up table at the beginning static Bool_t ginit = kFALSE; static Float_t gnoise1,gnoise2,gnoise3; static Float_t ggg1[10000]; static Float_t ggg2[10000]; static Float_t ggg3[10000]; static Float_t glandau1[10000]; static Float_t glandau2[10000]; static Float_t glandau3[10000]; // static Float_t gcor01[1000]; static Float_t gcor02[1000]; static Float_t gcorp[1000]; // // if (ginit==kFALSE){ for (Int_t i=1;i<1000;i++){ Float_t rsigma = float(i)/100.; gcor02[i] = TMath::Max(0.81 +TMath::Exp(6.8*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); gcor01[i] = TMath::Max(0.72 +TMath::Exp(2.04*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); gcorp[i] = TMath::Max(TMath::Power((rsigma+0.5),1.5),1.2); } // for (Int_t i=3;i<10000;i++){ // // // inner sector Float_t amp = float(i); Float_t padlength =0.75; gnoise1 = 0.0004/padlength; Float_t nel = 0.268*amp; Float_t nprim = 0.155*amp; ggg1[i] = fParam->GetDiffT()*fParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.001*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; glandau1[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5* (2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (glandau1[i]>1) glandau1[i]=1; glandau1[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // outer short padlength =1.; gnoise2 = 0.0004/padlength; nel = 0.3*amp; nprim = 0.133*amp; ggg2[i] = fParam->GetDiffT()*fParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; glandau2[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (glandau2[i]>1) glandau2[i]=1; glandau2[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // outer long padlength =1.5; gnoise3 = 0.0004/padlength; nel = 0.3*amp; nprim = 0.133*amp; ggg3[i] = fParam->GetDiffT()*fParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; glandau3[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (glandau3[i]>1) glandau3[i]=1; glandau3[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // } ginit = kTRUE; } // // // Int_t amp = int(TMath::Abs(cl->GetQ())); if (amp>9999) { seed->SetErrorY2(1.); return 1.; } Float_t snoise2; Float_t z = TMath::Abs(fParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())); Int_t ctype = cl->GetType(); Float_t padlength= GetPadPitchLength(seed->fRow); // Double_t angle2 = seed->GetSnp()*seed->GetSnp(); // if (angle2<0.6) angle2 = 0.6; angle2 = seed->GetTgl()*seed->GetTgl()*(1+angle2/(1-angle2)); // //cluster "quality" Int_t rsigmaz = int(100.*cl->GetSigmaZ2()/(seed->fCurrentSigmaZ2)); Float_t res; // if (fSectors==fInnerSec){ snoise2 = gnoise1; res = ggg1[amp]*z+glandau1[amp]*angle2; if (ctype==0) res *= gcor01[rsigmaz]; if ((ctype>0)){ res+=0.002; res*= gcorp[rsigmaz]; } } else { if (padlength<1.1){ snoise2 = gnoise2; res = ggg2[amp]*z+glandau2[amp]*angle2; if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmaz]; if ((ctype>0)){ res+=0.002; res*= gcorp[rsigmaz]; } } else{ snoise2 = gnoise3; res = ggg3[amp]*z+glandau3[amp]*angle2; if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmaz]; if ((ctype>0)){ res+=0.002; res*= gcorp[rsigmaz]; } } } if (ctype<0){ res+=0.002; res*=1.3; } if ((ctype<0) &&<70){ res+=0.002; res*=1.3; } res += snoise2; if (res<2*snoise2) res = 2*snoise2; if (res>3) res =3; seed->SetErrorZ2(res); return res; } /* Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::ErrZ2(AliTPCseed* seed, AliTPCclusterMI * cl){ // // //seed->SetErrorZ2(0.1); //return 0.1; Float_t snoise2; Float_t z = TMath::Abs(fParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())); // Float_t rsigmaz = cl->GetSigmaZ2()/(seed->fCurrentSigmaZ2); Int_t ctype = cl->GetType(); Float_t amp = TMath::Abs(cl->GetQ()); Float_t nel; Float_t nprim; // Float_t landau=2 ; //landau fluctuation part Float_t gg=2; // gg fluctuation part Float_t padlength= GetPadPitchLength(seed->GetX()); if (fSectors==fInnerSec){ snoise2 = 0.0004/padlength; nel = 0.268*amp; nprim = 0.155*amp; gg = (2+0.001*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; landau = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (landau>1) landau=1; } else { snoise2 = 0.0004/padlength; nel = 0.3*amp; nprim = 0.133*amp; gg = (2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; landau = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; if (landau>1) landau=1; } Float_t sdiff = gg*fParam->GetDiffT()*fParam->GetDiffT()*z; // Float_t angle2 = seed->GetSnp()*seed->GetSnp(); angle2 = TMath::Sqrt((1-angle2)); if (angle2<0.6) angle2 = 0.6; //angle2 = 1; Float_t angle = seed->GetTgl()/angle2; Float_t angular = landau*angle*angle*padlength*padlength/12.; Float_t res = sdiff + angular; if ((ctype==0) && (fSectors ==fOuterSec)) res *= 0.81 +TMath::Exp(6.8*(rsigmaz-1.2)); if ((ctype==0) && (fSectors ==fInnerSec)) res *= 0.72 +TMath::Exp(2.04*(rsigmaz-1.2)); if ((ctype>0)){ res+=0.005; res*= TMath::Power(rsigmaz+0.5,1.5); //0.31+0.147*ctype; } if (ctype<0){ res+=0.002; res*=1.3; } if ((ctype<0) &&<70){ res+=0.002; res*=1.3; } res += snoise2; if (res<2*snoise2) res = 2*snoise2; seed->SetErrorZ2(res); return res; } */ void AliTPCtrackerMI::RotateToLocal(AliTPCseed *seed) { //rotate to track "local coordinata Float_t x = seed->GetX(); Float_t y = seed->GetY(); Float_t ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*fSectors->GetAlpha()); if (y > ymax) { seed->fRelativeSector= (seed->fRelativeSector+1) % fN; if (!seed->Rotate(fSectors->GetAlpha())) return; } else if (y <-ymax) { seed->fRelativeSector= (seed->fRelativeSector-1+fN) % fN; if (!seed->Rotate(-fSectors->GetAlpha())) return; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::F1old(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); if ( xr*xr+yr*yr<=0.00000000000001) return 100; return -xr*yr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::F1(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- x3 -=x1; x2 -=x1; y3 -=y1; y2 -=y1; // Double_t det = x3*y2-x2*y3; if (det==0) { return 100; } // Double_t u = 0.5* (x2*(x2-x3)+y2*(y2-y3))/det; Double_t x0 = x3*0.5-y3*u; Double_t y0 = y3*0.5+x3*u; Double_t c2 = 1/TMath::Sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0); if (det<0) c2*=-1; return c2; } Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::F2(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- x3 -=x1; x2 -=x1; y3 -=y1; y2 -=y1; // Double_t det = x3*y2-x2*y3; if (det==0) { return 100; } // Double_t u = 0.5* (x2*(x2-x3)+y2*(y2-y3))/det; Double_t x0 = x3*0.5-y3*u; Double_t y0 = y3*0.5+x3*u; Double_t c2 = 1/TMath::Sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0); if (det<0) c2*=-1; x0+=x1; x0*=c2; return x0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::F2old(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature times center of curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); return -a/(d*y1-b)*xr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::F3(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t z1,Double_t z2) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the tangent of the track dip angle //----------------------------------------------------------------- return (z1 - z2)/sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); } Double_t AliTPCtrackerMI::F3n(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t z1,Double_t z2, Double_t c) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the tangent of the track dip angle //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Double_t angle1; //angle1 = (z1-z2)*c/(TMath::ASin(c*x1-ni)-TMath::ASin(c*x2-ni)); // Double_t d = TMath::Sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); if (TMath::Abs(d*c*0.5)>1) return 0; // Double_t angle2 = TMath::ASin(d*c*0.5); // Double_t angle2 = AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(d*c*0.5); Double_t angle2 = (d*c*0.5>0.1)? TMath::ASin(d*c*0.5): AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(d*c*0.5); angle2 = (z1-z2)*c/(angle2*2.); return angle2; } Bool_t AliTPCtrackerMI::GetProlongation(Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t x[5], Double_t &y, Double_t &z) {//----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function find proloncation of a track to a reference plane x=x2. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t dx=x2-x1; if (TMath::Abs(x[4]*x1 - x[2]) >= 0.999) { return kFALSE; } Double_t c1=x[4]*x1 - x[2], r1=sqrt(1.- c1*c1); Double_t c2=x[4]*x2 - x[2], r2=sqrt(1.- c2*c2); y = x[0]; z = x[1]; Double_t dy = dx*(c1+c2)/(r1+r2); Double_t dz = 0; // Double_t delta = x[4]*dx*(c1+c2)/(c1*r2 + c2*r1); if (TMath::Abs(delta)>0.01){ dz = x[3]*TMath::ASin(delta)/x[4]; }else{ dz = x[3]*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(delta)/x[4]; } //dz = x[3]*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(delta)/x[4]; y+=dy; z+=dz; return kTRUE; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::LoadClusters (TTree *tree) { // // fInput = tree; return LoadClusters(); } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::LoadClusters() { // // load clusters to the memory AliTPCClustersRow *clrow= new AliTPCClustersRow; clrow->SetClass("AliTPCclusterMI"); clrow->SetArray(0); clrow->GetArray()->ExpandCreateFast(10000); // // TTree * tree = fClustersArray.GetTree(); TTree * tree = fInput; TBranch * br = tree->GetBranch("Segment"); br->SetAddress(&clrow); // Int_t j=Int_t(tree->GetEntries()); for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); // Int_t sec,row; fParam->AdjustSectorRow(clrow->GetID(),sec,row); for (Int_t icl=0; iclGetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); icl++){ Transform((AliCluster*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(icl))); } // AliTPCRow * tpcrow=0; Int_t left=0; if (secfN1 = clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); tpcrow->fClusters1 = new AliTPCclusterMI[tpcrow->fN1]; for (Int_t i=0;ifN1;i++) tpcrow->fClusters1[i] = *(AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(i)); } if (left ==1){ tpcrow->fN2 = clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); tpcrow->fClusters2 = new AliTPCclusterMI[tpcrow->fN2]; for (Int_t i=0;ifN2;i++) tpcrow->fClusters2[i] = *(AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(i)); } } // delete clrow; LoadOuterSectors(); LoadInnerSectors(); return 0; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::UnloadClusters() { // // unload clusters from the memory // Int_t nrows = fOuterSec->GetNRows(); for (Int_t sec = 0;secfClusters1) delete []tpcrow->fClusters1; // if (tpcrow->fClusters2) delete []tpcrow->fClusters2; //} tpcrow->ResetClusters(); } // nrows = fInnerSec->GetNRows(); for (Int_t sec = 0;secfClusters1) delete []tpcrow->fClusters1; //if (tpcrow->fClusters2) delete []tpcrow->fClusters2; //} tpcrow->ResetClusters(); } return ; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::Transform(AliCluster * cluster){ // // // //if (!fParam->IsGeoRead()) fParam->ReadGeoMatrices(); TGeoHMatrix *mat = fParam->GetClusterMatrix(cluster->GetDetector()); Double_t pos[3]= {cluster->GetX(),cluster->GetY(),cluster->GetZ()}; Double_t posC[3]; mat->LocalToMaster(pos,posC); cluster->SetX(posC[0]); cluster->SetY(posC[1]); cluster->SetZ(posC[2]); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::LoadOuterSectors() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills outer TPC sectors with clusters. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t nrows = fOuterSec->GetNRows(); UInt_t index=0; for (Int_t sec = 0;secfN1; while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= &(tpcrow->fClusters1[ncl]); index=(((sec2<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } //right ncl = tpcrow->fN2; while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= &(tpcrow->fClusters2[ncl]); index=((((sec2+fkNOS)<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } // // write indexes for fast acces // for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++) tpcrow->fFastCluster[i]=-1; for (Int_t i=0;iGetN();i++){ Int_t zi = Int_t((*tpcrow)[i]->GetZ()+255.); tpcrow->fFastCluster[zi]=i; // write index } Int_t last = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++){ if (tpcrow->fFastCluster[i]<0) tpcrow->fFastCluster[i] = last; else last = tpcrow->fFastCluster[i]; } } fN=fkNOS; fSectors=fOuterSec; return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::LoadInnerSectors() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills inner TPC sectors with clusters. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t nrows = fInnerSec->GetNRows(); UInt_t index=0; for (Int_t sec = 0;secfN1; while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= &(tpcrow->fClusters1[ncl]); index=(((sec<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } //right ncl = tpcrow->fN2; while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= &(tpcrow->fClusters2[ncl]); index=((((sec+fkNIS)<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } // // write indexes for fast acces // for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++) tpcrow->fFastCluster[i]=-1; for (Int_t i=0;iGetN();i++){ Int_t zi = Int_t((*tpcrow)[i]->GetZ()+255.); tpcrow->fFastCluster[zi]=i; // write index } Int_t last = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++){ if (tpcrow->fFastCluster[i]<0) tpcrow->fFastCluster[i] = last; else last = tpcrow->fFastCluster[i]; } } fN=fkNIS; fSectors=fInnerSec; return 0; } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCclusterMI *AliTPCtrackerMI::GetClusterMI(Int_t index) const { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return pointer to a given cluster //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t sec=(index&0xff000000)>>24; Int_t row=(index&0x00ff0000)>>16; Int_t ncl=(index&0x00007fff)>>00; const AliTPCRow * tpcrow=0; AliTPCclusterMI * clrow =0; if (sec<0 || sec>=fkNIS*4) { AliWarning(Form("Wrong sector %d",sec)); return 0x0; } if (secfN1<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->fClusters1; } else { if (tpcrow->fN2<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->fClusters2; } } else { tpcrow = &(fOuterSec[(sec-fkNIS*2)%fkNOS][row]); if (tpcrow==0) return 0; if (sec-2*fkNISfN1<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->fClusters1; } else { if (tpcrow->fN2<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->fClusters2; } } return &(clrow[ncl]); } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::FollowToNext(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t nr) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation to next pad row //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Double_t x= GetXrow(nr), ymax=GetMaxY(nr); AliTPCclusterMI *cl=0; Int_t tpcindex= t.GetClusterIndex2(nr); // // update current shape info every 5 pad-row // if ( (nr%5==0) || t.GetNumberOfClusters()<2 || (t.fCurrentSigmaY2<0.0001) ){ GetShape(&t,nr); //} // if (fIteration>0 && tpcindex>=-1){ //if we have already clusters // if (tpcindex==-1) return 0; //track in dead zone if (tpcindex>0){ // cl = t.fClusterPointer[nr]; if ( (cl==0) ) cl = GetClusterMI(tpcindex); t.fCurrentClusterIndex1 = tpcindex; } if (cl){ Int_t relativesector = ((tpcindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; // if previously accepted cluster in different sector Float_t angle = relativesector*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); // if (angle<-TMath::Pi()) angle += 2*TMath::Pi(); if (angle>=TMath::Pi()) angle -= 2*TMath::Pi(); if (TMath::Abs(angle-t.GetAlpha())>0.001){ Double_t rotation = angle-t.GetAlpha(); t.fRelativeSector= relativesector; if (!t.Rotate(rotation)) return 0; } if (!t.PropagateTo(x)) return 0; // t.fCurrentCluster = cl; t.fRow = nr; Int_t accept = AcceptCluster(&t,t.fCurrentCluster,1.); if ((tpcindex&0x8000)==0) accept =0; if (accept<3) { //if founded cluster is acceptible if (cl->IsUsed(11)) { // id cluster is shared inrease uncertainty t.fErrorY2 += 0.03; t.fErrorZ2 += 0.03; t.fErrorY2 *= 3; t.fErrorZ2 *= 3; } t.fNFoundable++; UpdateTrack(&t,accept); return 1; } } } if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()) return 0; // cut on angle if (fIteration>1){ // not look for new cluster during refitting t.fNFoundable++; return 0; } // UInt_t index=0; // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>0.95 || TMath::Abs(x*t.GetC()-t.GetEta())>0.95) return 0;// patch 28 fev 06 Double_t y=t.GetYat(x); if (TMath::Abs(y)>ymax){ if (y > ymax) { t.fRelativeSector= (t.fRelativeSector+1) % fN; if (!t.Rotate(fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { t.fRelativeSector= (t.fRelativeSector-1+fN) % fN; if (!t.Rotate(-fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } //return 1; } // if (!t.PropagateTo(x)) { if (fIteration==0) t.fRemoval = 10; return 0; } y=t.GetY(); Double_t z=t.GetZ(); // const AliTPCRow &krow=GetRow(t.fRelativeSector,nr); if ( (t.GetSigmaY2()<0) || t.GetSigmaZ2()<0) return 0; Double_t roady =1.; Double_t roadz = 1.; // if (TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(y)-ymax)GetZLength() && (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())IsUsed(10)) return 0; Int_t accept = AcceptCluster(&t,t.fCurrentCluster,1.); if (fIteration==2&&cl->IsUsed(11)) { t.fErrorY2 += 0.03; t.fErrorZ2 += 0.03; t.fErrorY2 *= 3; t.fErrorZ2 *= 3; } /* if (t.fCurrentCluster->IsUsed(10)){ // // t.fNShared++; if (t.fNShared>0.7*t.GetNumberOfClusters()) { t.fRemoval =10; return 0; } } */ if (accept<3) UpdateTrack(&t,accept); } else { if ( fIteration==0 && t.fNFoundable*0.5 > t.GetNumberOfClusters()) t.fRemoval=10; } return 1; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::FollowToNextFast(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t nr) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation to next pad row //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Double_t x= GetXrow(nr), ymax=GetMaxY(nr); Double_t y,z; if (!t.GetProlongation(x,y,z)) { t.fRemoval = 10; return 0; } // // if (TMath::Abs(y)>ymax){ if (y > ymax) { t.fRelativeSector= (t.fRelativeSector+1) % fN; if (!t.Rotate(fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { t.fRelativeSector= (t.fRelativeSector-1+fN) % fN; if (!t.Rotate(-fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } if (!t.PropagateTo(x)) { return 0; } t.GetProlongation(x,y,z); } // // update current shape info every 3 pad-row if ( (nr%6==0) || t.GetNumberOfClusters()<2 || (t.fCurrentSigmaY2<0.0001) ){ // t.fCurrentSigmaY = GetSigmaY(&t); //t.fCurrentSigmaZ = GetSigmaZ(&t); GetShape(&t,nr); } // AliTPCclusterMI *cl=0; UInt_t index=0; //Int_t nr2 = nr; const AliTPCRow &krow=GetRow(t.fRelativeSector,nr); if ( (t.GetSigmaY2()<0) || t.GetSigmaZ2()<0) return 0; Double_t roady =1.; Double_t roadz = 1.; // Int_t row = nr; if (TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(y)-ymax)(AliTPCReconstructor::GetCtgRange()*x+10)) t.SetClusterIndex2(row,-1); } //calculate if ((cl==0)&&(krow)) { // cl = krow.FindNearest2(y+10,z,roady,roadz,index); cl = krow.FindNearest2(y,z,roady,roadz,index); if (cl) t.fCurrentClusterIndex1 = krow.GetIndex(index); } if (cl) { t.fCurrentCluster = cl; // Int_t accept = AcceptCluster(&t,t.fCurrentCluster,1.); //if (accept<3){ t.SetClusterIndex2(row,index); t.fClusterPointer[row] = cl; //} } return 1; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCtrackerMI::GetTrackPoint(Int_t index, AliTrackPoint &p ) const { // Get track space point by index // return false in case the cluster doesn't exist AliTPCclusterMI *cl = GetClusterMI(index); if (!cl) return kFALSE; Int_t sector = (index&0xff000000)>>24; // Int_t row = (index&0x00ff0000)>>16; Float_t xyz[3]; // xyz[0] = fParam->GetPadRowRadii(sector,row); xyz[0] = cl->GetX(); xyz[1] = cl->GetY(); xyz[2] = cl->GetZ(); Float_t sin,cos; fParam->AdjustCosSin(sector,cos,sin); Float_t x = cos*xyz[0]-sin*xyz[1]; Float_t y = cos*xyz[1]+sin*xyz[0]; Float_t cov[6]; Float_t sigmaY2 = 0.027*cl->GetSigmaY2(); if (sector < fParam->GetNInnerSector()) sigmaY2 *= 2.07; Float_t sigmaZ2 = 0.066*cl->GetSigmaZ2(); if (sector < fParam->GetNInnerSector()) sigmaZ2 *= 1.77; cov[0] = sin*sin*sigmaY2; cov[1] = -sin*cos*sigmaY2; cov[2] = 0.; cov[3] = cos*cos*sigmaY2; cov[4] = 0.; cov[5] = sigmaZ2; p.SetXYZ(x,y,xyz[2],cov); AliAlignObj::ELayerID iLayer; Int_t idet; if (sector < fParam->GetNInnerSector()) { iLayer = AliAlignObj::kTPC1; idet = sector; } else { iLayer = AliAlignObj::kTPC2; idet = sector - fParam->GetNInnerSector(); } UShort_t volid = AliAlignObj::LayerToVolUID(iLayer,idet); p.SetVolumeID(volid); return kTRUE; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::UpdateClusters(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t nr) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation to next pad row //----------------------------------------------------------------- t.fCurrentCluster = 0; t.fCurrentClusterIndex1 = 0; Double_t xt=t.GetX(); Int_t row = GetRowNumber(xt)-1; Double_t ymax= GetMaxY(nr); if (row < nr) return 1; // don't prolongate if not information until now - // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>0.9 && t.GetNumberOfClusters()>40. && fIteration!=2) { // t.fRemoval =10; // return 0; // not prolongate strongly inclined tracks // } // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>0.95) { // t.fRemoval =10; // return 0; // not prolongate strongly inclined tracks // }// patch 28 fev 06 Double_t x= GetXrow(nr); Double_t y,z; //t.PropagateTo(x+0.02); //t.PropagateTo(x+0.01); if (!t.PropagateTo(x)){ return 0; } // y=t.GetY(); z=t.GetZ(); if (TMath::Abs(y)>ymax){ if (y > ymax) { t.fRelativeSector= (t.fRelativeSector+1) % fN; if (!t.Rotate(fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { t.fRelativeSector= (t.fRelativeSector-1+fN) % fN; if (!t.Rotate(-fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } // if (!t.PropagateTo(x)){ // return 0; //} return 1; //y = t.GetY(); } // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()) return 0; AliTPCRow &krow=GetRow(t.fRelativeSector,nr); if (TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(y)-ymax)0) && (index&0x8000)==0){ cl = t.fClusterPointer[nr]; if ( (cl==0) && (index>0)) cl = GetClusterMI(index); t.fCurrentClusterIndex1 = index; if (cl) { t.fCurrentCluster = cl; return 1; } } } // if (index<0) return 0; UInt_t uindex = TMath::Abs(index); if (krow) { //cl = krow.FindNearest2(y+10,z,roady,roadz,uindex); cl = krow.FindNearest2(y,z,roady,roadz,uindex); } if (cl) t.fCurrentClusterIndex1 = krow.GetIndex(uindex); t.fCurrentCluster = cl; return 1; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::FollowToNextCluster(AliTPCseed & t, Int_t nr) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation to next pad row //----------------------------------------------------------------- //update error according neighborhoud if (t.fCurrentCluster) { t.fRow = nr; Int_t accept = AcceptCluster(&t,t.fCurrentCluster,1.); if (t.fCurrentCluster->IsUsed(10)){ // // // t.fErrorZ2*=2; // t.fErrorY2*=2; t.fNShared++; if (t.fNShared>0.7*t.GetNumberOfClusters()) { t.fRemoval =10; return 0; } } if (fIteration>0) accept = 0; if (accept<3) UpdateTrack(&t,accept); } else { if (fIteration==0){ if ( ( (t.GetSigmaY2()+t.GetSigmaZ2())>0.16)&& t.GetNumberOfClusters()>18) t.fRemoval=10; if ( t.GetChi2()/t.GetNumberOfClusters()>6 &&t.GetNumberOfClusters()>18) t.fRemoval=10; if (( (t.fNFoundable*0.5 > t.GetNumberOfClusters()) || t.fNoCluster>15)) t.fRemoval=10; } } return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::FollowProlongation(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t rf, Int_t step) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t xt=t.GetX(); // Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha() - fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); // t.fRelativeSector = Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN; Int_t first = GetRowNumber(xt)-1; for (Int_t nr= first; nr>=rf; nr-=step) { // update kink info if (t.GetKinkIndexes()[0]>0){ for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){ Int_t index = t.GetKinkIndexes()[i]; if (index==0) break; if (index<0) continue; // AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index-1); if (!kink){ printf("PROBLEM\n"); } else{ Int_t kinkrow = kink->GetTPCRow0()+2+Int_t(0.5/(0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (kinkrow==nr){ AliExternalTrackParam paramd(t); kink->SetDaughter(paramd); kink->SetStatus(2,5); kink->Update(); } } } } if (nr==80) t.UpdateReference(); if (nrGetNRows()) fSectors = fInnerSec; else fSectors = fOuterSec; if (FollowToNext(t,nr)==0) if (!t.IsActive()) return 0; } return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::FollowProlongationFast(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t rf, Int_t step) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t xt=t.GetX(); // Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha() - fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); t.fRelativeSector = Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN; for (Int_t nr=GetRowNumber(xt)-1; nr>=rf; nr-=step) { if (FollowToNextFast(t,nr)==0) if (!t.IsActive()) return 0; } return 1; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::FollowBackProlongation(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t rf) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation. //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Double_t xt=t.GetX(); Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha() - fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); t.fRelativeSector = Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN; Int_t first = t.fFirstPoint; if (first0.95)) break;//patch 28 fev 06 if (t.GetKinkIndexes()[0]<0){ for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){ Int_t index = t.GetKinkIndexes()[i]; if (index==0) break; if (index>0) continue; index = TMath::Abs(index); AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index-1); if (!kink){ printf("PROBLEM\n"); } else{ Int_t kinkrow = kink->GetTPCRow0()-2-Int_t(0.5/(0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (kinkrow==nr){ AliExternalTrackParam paramm(t); kink->SetMother(paramm); kink->SetStatus(2,1); kink->Update(); } } } } // if (nrGetNRows()) fSectors = fInnerSec; else fSectors = fOuterSec; FollowToNext(t,nr); } return 1; } Float_t AliTPCtrackerMI::OverlapFactor(AliTPCseed * s1, AliTPCseed * s2, Int_t &sum1, Int_t & sum2) { // // sum1=0; sum2=0; Int_t sum=0; // Float_t dz2 =(s1->GetZ() - s2->GetZ()); dz2*=dz2; Float_t dy2 =TMath::Abs((s1->GetY() - s2->GetY())); dy2*=dy2; Float_t distance = TMath::Sqrt(dz2+dy2); if (distance>4.) return 0; // if there are far away - not overlap - to reduce combinatorics // Int_t offset =0; Int_t firstpoint = TMath::Min(s1->fFirstPoint,s2->fFirstPoint); Int_t lastpoint = TMath::Max(s1->fLastPoint,s2->fLastPoint); if (lastpoint>160) lastpoint =160; if (firstpoint<0) firstpoint = 0; if (firstpoint>lastpoint) { firstpoint =lastpoint; // lastpoint =160; } for (Int_t i=firstpoint-1;iGetClusterIndex2(i)>0) sum1++; if (s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) sum2++; if (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)==s2->GetClusterIndex2(i) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { sum++; } } if (sum<5) return 0; Float_t summin = TMath::Min(sum1+1,sum2+1); Float_t ratio = (sum+1)/Float_t(summin); return ratio; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::SignShared(AliTPCseed * s1, AliTPCseed * s2) { // // if (TMath::Abs(s1->GetC()-s2->GetC())>0.004) return; if (TMath::Abs(s1->GetTgl()-s2->GetTgl())>0.6) return; Float_t dz2 =(s1->GetZ() - s2->GetZ()); dz2*=dz2; Float_t dy2 =(s1->GetY() - s2->GetY()); dy2*=dy2; Float_t distance = dz2+dy2; if (distance>325.) return ; // if there are far away - not overlap - to reduce combinatorics // Int_t sumshared=0; // Int_t firstpoint = TMath::Max(s1->fFirstPoint,s2->fFirstPoint); Int_t lastpoint = TMath::Min(s1->fLastPoint,s2->fLastPoint); // if (firstpoint>=lastpoint-5) return;; for (Int_t i=firstpoint;iGetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF)==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { if ( (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i))==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { sumshared++; } } if (sumshared>4){ // sign clusters // for (Int_t i=firstpoint;iGetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF)==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { if ( (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i))==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { AliTPCTrackerPoint *p1 = s1->GetTrackPoint(i); AliTPCTrackerPoint *p2 = s2->GetTrackPoint(i);; if (s1->IsActive()&&s2->IsActive()){ p1->fIsShared = kTRUE; p2->fIsShared = kTRUE; } } } } // if (sumshared>10){ for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++){ if (s1->fOverlapLabels[3*i]==0){ s1->fOverlapLabels[3*i] = s2->GetLabel(); s1->fOverlapLabels[3*i+1] = sumshared; s1->fOverlapLabels[3*i+2] = s2->GetUniqueID(); break; } } for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++){ if (s2->fOverlapLabels[3*i]==0){ s2->fOverlapLabels[3*i] = s1->GetLabel(); s2->fOverlapLabels[3*i+1] = sumshared; s2->fOverlapLabels[3*i+2] = s1->GetUniqueID(); break; } } } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::SignShared(TObjArray * arr) { // //sort trackss according sectors // for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliTPCseed *pt=(AliTPCseed*)arr->UncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; //if (pt) RotateToLocal(pt); pt->fSort = 0; } arr->UnSort(); arr->Sort(); // sorting according z arr->Expand(arr->GetEntries()); // // Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; for (Int_t j=0;j<=12;j++){ pt->fOverlapLabels[j] =0; } } for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; if (pt->fRemoval>10) continue; for (Int_t j=i+1; jUncheckedAt(j); // if (pt2){ if (pt2->fRemoval<=10) { if ( TMath::Abs(pt->fRelativeSector-pt2->fRelativeSector)>0) break; SignShared(pt,pt2); } } } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::RemoveDouble(TObjArray * arr, Float_t factor1, Float_t factor2, Int_t removalindex) { // //sort trackss according sectors // if (fDebug&1) { Info("RemoveDouble","Number of tracks before double removal- %d\n",arr->GetEntries()); } // for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliTPCseed *pt=(AliTPCseed*)arr->UncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; pt->fSort = 0; } arr->UnSort(); arr->Sort(); // sorting according z arr->Expand(arr->GetEntries()); // //reset overlap labels // Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; pt->SetUniqueID(i); for (Int_t j=0;j<=12;j++){ pt->fOverlapLabels[j] =0; } } // //sign shared tracks for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; if (pt->fRemoval>10) continue; Float_t deltac = pt->GetC()*0.1; for (Int_t j=i+1; jUncheckedAt(j); // if (pt2){ if (pt2->fRemoval<=10) { if ( TMath::Abs(pt->fRelativeSector-pt2->fRelativeSector)>0) break; if (TMath::Abs(pt->GetC() -pt2->GetC())>deltac) continue; if (TMath::Abs(pt->GetTgl()-pt2->GetTgl())>0.05) continue; // SignShared(pt,pt2); } } } // // remove highly shared tracks for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; if (pt->fRemoval>10) continue; // Int_t sumshared =0; for (Int_t j=0;j<4;j++){ sumshared = pt->fOverlapLabels[j*3+1]; } Float_t factor = factor1; if (pt->fRemoval>0) factor = factor2; if (sumshared/pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>factor){ for (Int_t j=0;j<4;j++){ if (pt->fOverlapLabels[3*j]==0) continue; if (pt->fOverlapLabels[3*j+1]<5) continue; if (pt->fRemoval==removalindex) continue; AliTPCseed * pt2 = (AliTPCseed*)arr->UncheckedAt(pt->fOverlapLabels[3*j+2]); if (!pt2) continue; if (pt2->GetSigma2C()GetSigma2C()){ // pt->fRemoval = removalindex; delete arr->RemoveAt(i); break; } } } } arr->Compress(); if (fDebug&1) { Info("RemoveDouble","Number of tracks after double removal- %d\n",arr->GetEntries()); } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::SortTracks(TObjArray * arr, Int_t mode) const { // //sort tracks in array according mode criteria Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } pt->fSort = mode; } arr->UnSort(); arr->Sort(); } void AliTPCtrackerMI::RemoveUsed(TObjArray * arr, Float_t factor1, Float_t factor2, Int_t removalindex) { //Loop over all tracks and remove "overlaps" // // Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t good =0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { delete arr->RemoveAt(i); } else{ pt->fSort =1; pt->fBSigned = kFALSE; } } arr->Compress(); nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); arr->UnSort(); arr->Sort(); // //unsign used UnsignClusters(); // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } Int_t found,foundable,shared; if (pt->IsActive()) pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,160,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); else pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,160,found, foundable,shared,kTRUE); // Double_t factor = factor2; if (pt->fBConstrain) factor = factor1; if ((Float_t(shared)/Float_t(found))>factor){ pt->Desactivate(removalindex); continue; } good++; for (Int_t i=0; i<160; i++) { Int_t index=pt->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (index<0 || index&0x8000 ) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->fClusterPointer[i]; if (!c) continue; // if (!c->IsUsed(10)) c->Use(10); //if (pt->IsActive()) c->Use(10); //else // c->Use(5); } } fNtracks = good; if (fDebug>0){ Info("RemoveUsed","\n*****\nNumber of good tracks after shared removal\t%d\n",fNtracks); } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::RemoveUsed2(TObjArray * arr, Float_t factor1, Float_t factor2, Int_t minimal) { //Loop over all tracks and remove "overlaps" // // UnsignClusters(); // Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); Float_t * quality = new Float_t[nseed]; Int_t * indexes = new Int_t[nseed]; Int_t good =0; // // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt){ quality[i]=-1; continue; } pt->UpdatePoints(); //select first last max dens points Float_t * points = pt->GetPoints(); if (points[3]<0.8) quality[i] =-1; // quality[i] = (points[2]-points[0])+pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); } TMath::Sort(nseed,quality,indexes); // // for (Int_t itrack=0; itrackUncheckedAt(trackindex); if (quality[trackindex]<0){ if (pt) { delete arr->RemoveAt(trackindex); } else{ arr->RemoveAt(trackindex); } continue; } // Int_t first = Int_t(pt->GetPoints()[0]); Int_t last = Int_t(pt->GetPoints()[2]); Double_t factor = (pt->fBConstrain) ? factor1: factor2; // Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(first,last, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); Float_t sharedfactor = Float_t(shared+1)/Float_t(found+1); Bool_t itsgold =kFALSE; if (pt->fEsd){ Int_t dummy[12]; if (pt->fEsd->GetITSclusters(dummy)>4) itsgold= kTRUE; } if (!itsgold){ // if (Float_t(shared+1)/Float_t(found+1)>factor){ if (pt->GetKinkIndexes()[0]!=0) continue; //don't remove tracks - part of the kinks delete arr->RemoveAt(trackindex); continue; } if (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<50&&(found-0.5*shared)GetKinkIndexes()[0]!=0) continue; //don't remove tracks - part of the kinks delete arr->RemoveAt(trackindex); continue; } } good++; if (sharedfactor>0.4) continue; if (pt->GetKinkIndexes()[0]>0) continue; for (Int_t i=first; iGetClusterIndex2(i); // if (index<0 || index&0x8000 ) continue; if (index<0 || index&0x8000 ) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->fClusterPointer[i]; if (!c) continue; c->Use(10); } } fNtracks = good; if (fDebug>0){ Info("RemoveUsed","\n*****\nNumber of good tracks after shared removal\t%d\n",fNtracks); } delete []quality; delete []indexes; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::UnsignClusters() { // // loop over all clusters and unsign them // for (Int_t sec=0;secGetNRows();row++){ AliTPCclusterMI *cl = fInnerSec[sec][row].fClusters1; for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fInnerSec[sec][row].fN1;icl++) // if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) cl[icl].Use(-1); cl = fInnerSec[sec][row].fClusters2; for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fInnerSec[sec][row].fN2;icl++) //if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) cl[icl].Use(-1); } } for (Int_t sec=0;secGetNRows();row++){ AliTPCclusterMI *cl = fOuterSec[sec][row].fClusters1; for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fOuterSec[sec][row].fN1;icl++) //if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) cl[icl].Use(-1); cl = fOuterSec[sec][row].fClusters2; for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fOuterSec[sec][row].fN2;icl++) //if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) cl[icl].Use(-1); } } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::SignClusters(TObjArray * arr, Float_t fnumber, Float_t fdensity) { // //sign clusters to be "used" // // snumber and sdensity sign number of sigmas - bellow mean value to be accepted // loop over "primaries" Float_t sumdens=0; Float_t sumdens2=0; Float_t sumn =0; Float_t sumn2 =0; Float_t sumchi =0; Float_t sumchi2 =0; Float_t sum =0; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } if (!(pt->IsActive())) continue; Float_t dens = pt->GetNumberOfClusters()/Float_t(pt->fNFoundable); if ( (dens>0.7) && (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>70)){ sumdens += dens; sumdens2+= dens*dens; sumn += pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); sumn2 += pt->GetNumberOfClusters()*pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); Float_t chi2 = pt->GetChi2()/pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (chi2>5) chi2=5; sumchi +=chi2; sumchi2 +=chi2*chi2; sum++; } } Float_t mdensity = 0.9; Float_t meann = 130; Float_t meanchi = 1; Float_t sdensity = 0.1; Float_t smeann = 10; Float_t smeanchi =0.4; if (sum>20){ mdensity = sumdens/sum; meann = sumn/sum; meanchi = sumchi/sum; // sdensity = sumdens2/sum-mdensity*mdensity; sdensity = TMath::Sqrt(sdensity); // smeann = sumn2/sum-meann*meann; smeann = TMath::Sqrt(smeann); // smeanchi = sumchi2/sum - meanchi*meanchi; smeanchi = TMath::Sqrt(smeanchi); } //REMOVE SHORT DELTAS or tracks going out of sensitive volume of TPC // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } if (pt->fBSigned) continue; if (pt->fBConstrain) continue; //if (!(pt->IsActive())) continue; /* Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,160,found, foundable,shared); if (shared/float(found)>0.3) { if (shared/float(found)>0.9 ){ //delete arr->RemoveAt(i); } continue; } */ Bool_t isok =kFALSE; if ( (pt->fNShared/pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<0.5) &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>60) isok = kTRUE; if ((TMath::Abs(1/pt->GetC())<100.) && (pt->fNShared/pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<0.7)) isok =kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(pt->GetZ()/pt->GetX())>1.1) isok =kTRUE; if ( (TMath::Abs(pt->GetSnp()>0.7) && pt->GetD(0,0)>60.)) isok =kTRUE; if (isok) for (Int_t i=0; i<160; i++) { Int_t index=pt->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (index<0) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->fClusterPointer[i]; if (!c) continue; //if (!(c->IsUsed(10))) c->Use(); c->Use(10); } } // Double_t maxchi = meanchi+2.*smeanchi; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } //if (!(pt->IsActive())) continue; if (pt->fBSigned) continue; Double_t chi = pt->GetChi2()/pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (chi>maxchi) continue; Float_t bfactor=1; Float_t dens = pt->GetNumberOfClusters()/Float_t(pt->fNFoundable); //sign only tracks with enoug big density at the beginning if ((pt->GetDensityFirst(40)<0.75) && pt->GetNumberOfClusters()fBConstrain) mindens = TMath::Max(mdensity-sdensity*fdensity*bfactor,0.65); if ( (pt->fRemoval==10) && (pt->GetSnp()>0.8)&&(dens>mindens)) minn=0; if ((dens>mindens && pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>minn) && chiGetNumberOfClusters(); pt->fBSigned = kTRUE; for (Int_t i=0; i<160; i++) { Int_t index=pt->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (index<0) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->fClusterPointer[i]; if (!c) continue; // if (!(c->IsUsed(10))) c->Use(); c->Use(10); } } } // gLastCheck = nseed; // arr->Compress(); if (fDebug>0){ timer.Print(); } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::StopNotActive(TObjArray * arr, Int_t row0, Float_t th0, Float_t th1, Float_t th2) const { // stop not active tracks // take th1 as threshold for number of founded to number of foundable on last 10 active rows // take th2 as threshold for number of founded to number of foundable on last 20 active rows Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } if (!(pt->IsActive())) continue; StopNotActive(pt,row0,th0, th1,th2); } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::StopNotActive(AliTPCseed * seed, Int_t row0, Float_t th0, Float_t th1, Float_t th2) const { // stop not active tracks // take th1 as threshold for number of founded to number of foundable on last 10 active rows // take th2 as threshold for number of founded to number of foundable on last 20 active rows Int_t sumgood1 = 0; Int_t sumgood2 = 0; Int_t foundable = 0; Int_t maxindex = seed->fLastPoint; //last foundable row if (seed->fNFoundable*th0 > seed->GetNumberOfClusters()) { seed->Desactivate(10) ; return; } for (Int_t i=row0; iGetClusterIndex2(i); if (index!=-1) foundable++; //if (!c) continue; if (foundable<=30) sumgood1++; if (foundable<=50) { sumgood2++; } else{ break; } } if (foundable>=30.){ if (sumgood1<(th1*30.)) seed->Desactivate(10); } if (foundable>=50) if (sumgood2<(th2*50.)) seed->Desactivate(10); } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::RefitInward(AliESD *event) { // // back propagation of ESD tracks // //return 0; fEvent = event; ReadSeeds(event,2); fIteration=2; //PrepareForProlongation(fSeeds,1); PropagateForward2(fSeeds); Int_t ntracks=0; Int_t nseed = fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (!seed) continue; if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)>0) UpdateKinkQualityD(seed); // update quality informations for kinks seed->PropagateTo(fParam->GetInnerRadiusLow()); seed->UpdatePoints(); AliESDtrack *esd=event->GetTrack(i); seed->CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); CookLabel(seed,0.1); //For comparison only // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0 && seed!=0&&esd!=0) { TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Crefit"<< "Esd.="<GetNumberOfClusters()>15){ esd->UpdateTrackParams(seed,AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit); esd->SetTPCPoints(seed->GetPoints()); esd->SetTPCPointsF(seed->fNFoundable); Int_t ndedx = seed->fNCDEDX[0]+seed->fNCDEDX[1]+seed->fNCDEDX[2]+seed->fNCDEDX[3]; Float_t sdedx = (seed->fSDEDX[0]+seed->fSDEDX[1]+seed->fSDEDX[2]+seed->fSDEDX[3])*0.25; Float_t dedx = seed->GetdEdx(); esd->SetTPCsignal(dedx, sdedx, ndedx); // // add seed to the esd track in Calib level // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0){ AliTPCseed * seedCopy = new AliTPCseed(*seed, kTRUE); esd->AddCalibObject(seedCopy); } ntracks++; } else{ //printf("problem\n"); } } //FindKinks(fSeeds,event); Info("RefitInward","Number of refitted tracks %d",ntracks); fEvent =0; //WriteTracks(); return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::PropagateBack(AliESD *event) { // // back propagation of ESD tracks // fEvent = event; fIteration = 1; ReadSeeds(event,1); PropagateBack(fSeeds); RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.4,0.4,20); // Int_t nseed = fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t ntracks=0; for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (!seed) continue; if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)<0) UpdateKinkQualityM(seed); // update quality informations for kinks seed->UpdatePoints(); AliESDtrack *esd=event->GetTrack(i); seed->CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); CookLabel(seed,0.1); //For comparison only if (seed->GetNumberOfClusters()>15){ esd->UpdateTrackParams(seed,AliESDtrack::kTPCout); esd->SetTPCPoints(seed->GetPoints()); esd->SetTPCPointsF(seed->fNFoundable); Int_t ndedx = seed->fNCDEDX[0]+seed->fNCDEDX[1]+seed->fNCDEDX[2]+seed->fNCDEDX[3]; Float_t sdedx = (seed->fSDEDX[0]+seed->fSDEDX[1]+seed->fSDEDX[2]+seed->fSDEDX[3])*0.25; Float_t dedx = seed->GetdEdx(); esd->SetTPCsignal(dedx, sdedx, ndedx); ntracks++; Int_t eventnumber = event->GetEventNumber();// patch 28 fev 06 (*fDebugStreamer)<<"Cback"<< "Tr0.="<GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (seed) delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); } delete fSeeds; fSeeds =0; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::ReadSeeds(AliESD *event, Int_t direction) { // //read seeds from the event Int_t nentr=event->GetNumberOfTracks(); if (fDebug>0){ Info("ReadSeeds", "Number of ESD tracks: %d\n", nentr); } if (fSeeds) DeleteSeeds(); if (!fSeeds){ fSeeds = new TObjArray(nentr); } UnsignClusters(); // Int_t ntrk=0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); ULong_t status=esd->GetStatus(); if (!(status&AliESDtrack::kTPCin)) continue; AliTPCtrack t(*esd); t.SetNumberOfClusters(0); // AliTPCseed *seed = new AliTPCseed(t,t.GetAlpha()); AliTPCseed *seed = new AliTPCseed(t/*,t.GetAlpha()*/); for (Int_t ikink=0;ikink<3;ikink++) { Int_t index = esd->GetKinkIndex(ikink); seed->GetKinkIndexes()[ikink] = index; if (index==0) continue; index = TMath::Abs(index); AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index-1); if (kink&&esd->GetKinkIndex(ikink)<0){ if ((status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,2); if ((status & AliESDtrack::kITSout) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,0); } if (kink&&esd->GetKinkIndex(ikink)>0){ if ((status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,6); if ((status & AliESDtrack::kITSout) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,4); } } if (((status&AliESDtrack::kITSout)==0)&&(direction==1)) seed->ResetCovariance(); if ( direction ==2 &&(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) == 0 ) seed->ResetCovariance(); if ( direction ==2 && ((status & AliESDtrack::kTPCout) == 0) ) { fSeeds->AddAt(0,i); delete seed; continue; } if ( direction ==2 &&(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) > 0 ) { Double_t par0[5],par1[5],alpha,x; esd->GetInnerExternalParameters(alpha,x,par0); esd->GetExternalParameters(x,par1); Double_t delta1 = TMath::Abs(par0[4]-par1[4])/(0.000000001+TMath::Abs(par0[4]+par1[4])); Double_t delta2 = TMath::Abs(par0[3]-par1[3]); Double_t trdchi2=0; if (esd->GetTRDncls()>0) trdchi2 = esd->GetTRDchi2()/esd->GetTRDncls(); //reset covariance if suspicious if ( (delta1>0.1) || (delta2>0.006) ||trdchi2>7.) seed->ResetCovariance(); } // // // rotate to the local coordinate system // fSectors=fInnerSec; fN=fkNIS; Double_t alpha=seed->GetAlpha() - fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); Int_t ns=Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha())%fN; alpha =ns*fSectors->GetAlpha() + fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha<-TMath::Pi()) alpha += 2*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha>=TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2*TMath::Pi(); alpha-=seed->GetAlpha(); if (!seed->Rotate(alpha)) { delete seed; continue; } seed->fEsd = esd; // sign clusters if (esd->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0){ for (Int_t irow=0;irow<160;irow++){ Int_t index = seed->GetClusterIndex2(irow); if (index>0){ // AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(index); seed->fClusterPointer[irow] = cl; if (cl){ if ((index & 0x8000)==0){ cl->Use(10); // accepted cluster }else{ cl->Use(6); // close cluster not accepted } }else{ Info("ReadSeeds","Not found cluster"); } } } } fSeeds->AddAt(seed,i); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrackerMI::MakeSeeds3(TObjArray * arr, Int_t sec, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t cuts[4], Float_t deltay, Int_t ddsec) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function creates track seeds. // SEEDING WITH VERTEX CONSTRAIN //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cuts[0] - fP4 cut // cuts[1] - tan(phi) cut // cuts[2] - zvertex cut // cuts[3] - fP3 cut Int_t nin0 = 0; Int_t nin1 = 0; Int_t nin2 = 0; Int_t nin = 0; Int_t nout1 = 0; Int_t nout2 = 0; Double_t x[5], c[15]; // Int_t di = i1-i2; // AliTPCseed * seed = new AliTPCseed; Double_t alpha=fSectors->GetAlpha(), shift=fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); Double_t cs=cos(alpha), sn=sin(alpha); // // Double_t x1 =fOuterSec->GetX(i1); //Double_t xx2=fOuterSec->GetX(i2); Double_t x1 =GetXrow(i1); Double_t xx2=GetXrow(i2); Double_t x3=GetX(), y3=GetY(), z3=GetZ(); Int_t imiddle = (i2+i1)/2; //middle pad row index Double_t xm = GetXrow(imiddle); // radius of middle pad-row const AliTPCRow& krm=GetRow(sec,imiddle); //middle pad -row // Int_t ns =sec; const AliTPCRow& kr1=GetRow(ns,i1); Double_t ymax = GetMaxY(i1)-kr1.fDeadZone-1.5; Double_t ymaxm = GetMaxY(imiddle)-kr1.fDeadZone-1.5; // // change cut on curvature if it can't reach this layer // maximal curvature set to reach it Double_t dvertexmax = TMath::Sqrt((x1-x3)*(x1-x3)+(ymax+5-y3)*(ymax+5-y3)); if (dvertexmax*0.5*cuts[0]>0.85){ cuts[0] = 0.85/(dvertexmax*0.5+1.); } Double_t r2min = 1/(cuts[0]*cuts[0]); //minimal square of radius given by cut // Int_t ddsec = 1; if (deltay>0) ddsec = 0; // loop over clusters for (Int_t is=0; is < kr1; is++) { // if (kr1[is]->IsUsed(10)) continue; Double_t y1=kr1[is]->GetY(), z1=kr1[is]->GetZ(); //if (TMath::Abs(y1)>ymax) continue; if (deltay>0 && TMath::Abs(ymax-TMath::Abs(y1))> deltay ) continue; // seed only at the edge // find possible directions Float_t anglez = (z1-z3)/(x1-x3); Float_t extraz = z1 - anglez*(x1-xx2); // extrapolated z // // //find rotation angles relative to line given by vertex and point 1 Double_t dvertex2 = (x1-x3)*(x1-x3)+(y1-y3)*(y1-y3); Double_t dvertex = TMath::Sqrt(dvertex2); Double_t angle13 = TMath::ATan((y1-y3)/(x1-x3)); Double_t cs13 = cos(-angle13), sn13 = sin(-angle13); // // loop over 2 sectors Int_t dsec1=-ddsec; Int_t dsec2= ddsec; if (y1<0) dsec2= 0; if (y1>0) dsec1= 0; Double_t dddz1=0; // direction of delta inclination in z axis Double_t dddz2=0; if ( (z1-z3)>0) dddz1 =1; else dddz2 =1; // for (Int_t dsec = dsec1; dsec<=dsec2;dsec++){ Int_t sec2 = sec + dsec; // // AliTPCRow& kr2 = fOuterSec[(sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS][i2]; //AliTPCRow& kr2m = fOuterSec[(sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS][imiddle]; AliTPCRow& kr2 = GetRow((sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i2); AliTPCRow& kr2m = GetRow((sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS,imiddle); Int_t index1 = TMath::Max(kr2.Find(extraz-0.6-dddz1*TMath::Abs(z1)*0.05)-1,0); Int_t index2 = TMath::Min(kr2.Find(extraz+0.6+dddz2*TMath::Abs(z1)*0.05)+1,kr2); // rotation angles to p1-p3 Double_t cs13r = cos(-angle13+dsec*alpha)/dvertex, sn13r = sin(-angle13+dsec*alpha)/dvertex; Double_t x2, y2, z2; // // Double_t dymax = maxangle*TMath::Abs(x1-xx2); // Double_t dxx0 = (xx2-x3)*cs13r; Double_t dyy0 = (xx2-x3)*sn13r; for (Int_t js=index1; js < index2; js++) { const AliTPCclusterMI *kcl = kr2[js]; if (kcl->IsUsed(10)) continue; // //calcutate parameters // Double_t yy0 = dyy0 +(kcl->GetY()-y3)*cs13r; // stright track if (TMath::Abs(yy0)<0.000001) continue; Double_t xx0 = dxx0 -(kcl->GetY()-y3)*sn13r; Double_t y0 = 0.5*(xx0*xx0+yy0*yy0-xx0)/yy0; Double_t r02 = (0.25+y0*y0)*dvertex2; //curvature (radius) cut if (r020) c0*=-1.; //Double_t dfi0 = 2.*TMath::ASin(dvertex*c0*0.5); //Double_t dfi1 = 2.*TMath::ASin(TMath::Sqrt(yy0*yy0+(1-xx0)*(1-xx0))*dvertex*c0*0.5); Double_t dfi0 = 2.*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(dvertex*c0*0.5); Double_t dfi1 = 2.*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(TMath::Sqrt(yy0*yy0+(1-xx0)*(1-xx0))*dvertex*c0*0.5); // // Double_t z0 = kcl->GetZ(); Double_t zzzz2 = z1-(z1-z3)*dfi1/dfi0; if (TMath::Abs(zzzz2-z0)>0.5) continue; nin1++; // Double_t dip = (z1-z0)*c0/dfi1; Double_t x0 = (0.5*cs13+y0*sn13)*dvertex*c0; // y2 = kcl->GetY(); if (dsec==0){ x2 = xx2; z2 = kcl->GetZ(); } else { // rotation z2 = kcl->GetZ(); x2= xx2*cs-y2*sn*dsec; y2=+xx2*sn*dsec+y2*cs; } x[0] = y1; x[1] = z1; x[2] = x0; x[3] = dip; x[4] = c0; // // // do we have cluster at the middle ? Double_t ym,zm; GetProlongation(x1,xm,x,ym,zm); UInt_t dummy; AliTPCclusterMI * cm=0; if (TMath::Abs(ym)-ymaxm<0){ cm = krm.FindNearest2(ym,zm,1.0,0.6,dummy); if ((!cm) || (cm->IsUsed(10))) { continue; } } else{ // rotate y1 to system 0 // get state vector in rotated system Double_t yr1 = (-0.5*sn13+y0*cs13)*dvertex*c0; Double_t xr2 = x0*cs+yr1*sn*dsec; Double_t xr[5]={kcl->GetY(),kcl->GetZ(), xr2, dip, c0}; // GetProlongation(xx2,xm,xr,ym,zm); if (TMath::Abs(ym)-ymaxm<0){ cm = kr2m.FindNearest2(ym,zm,1.0,0.6,dummy); if ((!cm) || (cm->IsUsed(10))) { continue; } } } Double_t dym = 0; Double_t dzm = 0; if (cm){ dym = ym - cm->GetY(); dzm = zm - cm->GetZ(); } nin2++; // // Double_t sy1=kr1[is]->GetSigmaY2()*2., sz1=kr1[is]->GetSigmaZ2()*2.; Double_t sy2=kcl->GetSigmaY2()*2., sz2=kcl->GetSigmaZ2()*2.; //Double_t sy3=400*3./12., sy=0.1, sz=0.1; Double_t sy3=25000*x[4]*x[4]+0.1, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; //Double_t sy3=25000*x[4]*x[4]*60+0.5, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; Double_t f40=(F1(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f30=(F3(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1+sz,z2)-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // if (!BuildSeed(kr1[is],kcl,0,x1,x2,x3,x,c)) continue; UInt_t index=kr1.GetIndex(is); AliTPCseed *track=new(seed) AliTPCseed(index, x, c, x1, ns*alpha+shift); track->fIsSeeding = kTRUE; track->fSeed1 = i1; track->fSeed2 = i2; track->fSeedType=3; //if (dsec==0) { FollowProlongation(*track, (i1+i2)/2,1); Int_t foundable,found,shared; track->GetClusterStatistic((i1+i2)/2,i1, found, foundable, shared, kTRUE); if ((found<0.55*foundable) || shared>0.5*found || (track->GetSigmaY2()+track->GetSigmaZ2())>0.5){ seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); continue; } //} nin++; FollowProlongation(*track, i2,1); //Int_t rc = 1; track->fBConstrain =1; // track->fLastPoint = i1+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); // first cluster in track position track->fLastPoint = i1; // first cluster in track position track->fFirstPoint = track->fLastPoint; if (track->GetNumberOfClusters()<(i1-i2)*0.5 || track->GetNumberOfClusters() < track->fNFoundable*0.6 || track->fNShared>0.4*track->GetNumberOfClusters() ) { seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); continue; } nout1++; // Z VERTEX CONDITION Double_t zv; zv = track->GetZ()+track->GetTgl()/track->GetC()* ( asin(-track->GetEta()) - asin(track->GetX()*track->GetC()-track->GetEta())); if (TMath::Abs(zv-z3)>cuts[2]) { FollowProlongation(*track, TMath::Max(i2-20,0)); zv = track->GetZ()+track->GetTgl()/track->GetC()* ( asin(-track->GetEta()) - asin(track->GetX()*track->GetC()-track->GetEta())); if (TMath::Abs(zv-z3)>cuts[2]){ FollowProlongation(*track, TMath::Max(i2-40,0)); zv = track->GetZ()+track->GetTgl()/track->GetC()* ( asin(-track->GetEta()) - asin(track->GetX()*track->GetC()-track->GetEta())); if (TMath::Abs(zv-z3)>cuts[2] &&(track->GetNumberOfClusters() > track->fNFoundable*0.7)){ // make seed without constrain AliTPCseed * track2 = MakeSeed(track,0.2,0.5,1.); FollowProlongation(*track2, i2,1); track2->fBConstrain = kFALSE; track2->fSeedType = 1; arr->AddLast(track2); seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); continue; } else{ seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); continue; } } } track->fSeedType =0; arr->AddLast(track); seed = new AliTPCseed; nout2++; // don't consider other combinations if (track->GetNumberOfClusters() > track->fNFoundable*0.8) break; } } } if (fDebug>3){ Info("MakeSeeds3","\nSeeding statistic:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",nin0,nin1,nin2,nin,nout1,nout2); } delete seed; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::MakeSeeds5(TObjArray * arr, Int_t sec, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t cuts[4], Float_t deltay) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function creates track seeds. //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cuts[0] - fP4 cut // cuts[1] - tan(phi) cut // cuts[2] - zvertex cut // cuts[3] - fP3 cut Int_t nin0 = 0; Int_t nin1 = 0; Int_t nin2 = 0; Int_t nin = 0; Int_t nout1 = 0; Int_t nout2 = 0; Int_t nout3 =0; Double_t x[5], c[15]; // // make temporary seed AliTPCseed * seed = new AliTPCseed; Double_t alpha=fOuterSec->GetAlpha(), shift=fOuterSec->GetAlphaShift(); // Double_t cs=cos(alpha), sn=sin(alpha); // // // first 3 padrows Double_t x1 = GetXrow(i1-1); const AliTPCRow& kr1=GetRow(sec,i1-1); Double_t y1max = GetMaxY(i1-1)-kr1.fDeadZone-1.5; // Double_t x1p = GetXrow(i1); const AliTPCRow& kr1p=GetRow(sec,i1); // Double_t x1m = GetXrow(i1-2); const AliTPCRow& kr1m=GetRow(sec,i1-2); // //last 3 padrow for seeding AliTPCRow& kr3 = GetRow((sec+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i1-7); Double_t x3 = GetXrow(i1-7); // Double_t y3max= GetMaxY(i1-7)-kr3.fDeadZone-1.5; // AliTPCRow& kr3p = GetRow((sec+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i1-6); Double_t x3p = GetXrow(i1-6); // AliTPCRow& kr3m = GetRow((sec+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i1-8); Double_t x3m = GetXrow(i1-8); // // // middle padrow Int_t im = i1-4; //middle pad row index Double_t xm = GetXrow(im); // radius of middle pad-row const AliTPCRow& krm=GetRow(sec,im); //middle pad -row // Double_t ymmax = GetMaxY(im)-kr1.fDeadZone-1.5; // // Double_t deltax = x1-x3; Double_t dymax = deltax*cuts[1]; Double_t dzmax = deltax*cuts[3]; // // loop over clusters for (Int_t is=0; is < kr1; is++) { // if (kr1[is]->IsUsed(10)) continue; Double_t y1=kr1[is]->GetY(), z1=kr1[is]->GetZ(); // if (deltay>0 && TMath::Abs(y1max-TMath::Abs(y1))> deltay ) continue; // seed only at the edge // Int_t index1 = TMath::Max(kr3.Find(z1-dzmax)-1,0); Int_t index2 = TMath::Min(kr3.Find(z1+dzmax)+1,kr3); // Double_t y3, z3; // // UInt_t index; for (Int_t js=index1; js < index2; js++) { const AliTPCclusterMI *kcl = kr3[js]; if (kcl->IsUsed(10)) continue; y3 = kcl->GetY(); // apply angular cuts if (TMath::Abs(y1-y3)>dymax) continue; x3 = x3; z3 = kcl->GetZ(); if (TMath::Abs(z1-z3)>dzmax) continue; // Double_t angley = (y1-y3)/(x1-x3); Double_t anglez = (z1-z3)/(x1-x3); // Double_t erry = TMath::Abs(angley)*(x1-x1m)*0.5+0.5; Double_t errz = TMath::Abs(anglez)*(x1-x1m)*0.5+0.5; // Double_t yyym = angley*(xm-x1)+y1; Double_t zzzm = anglez*(xm-x1)+z1; const AliTPCclusterMI *kcm = krm.FindNearest2(yyym,zzzm,erry,errz,index); if (!kcm) continue; if (kcm->IsUsed(10)) continue; erry = TMath::Abs(angley)*(x1-x1m)*0.4+0.5; errz = TMath::Abs(anglez)*(x1-x1m)*0.4+0.5; // // // Int_t used =0; Int_t found =0; // // look around first const AliTPCclusterMI *kc1m = kr1m.FindNearest2(angley*(x1m-x1)+y1, anglez*(x1m-x1)+z1, erry,errz,index); // if (kc1m){ found++; if (kc1m->IsUsed(10)) used++; } const AliTPCclusterMI *kc1p = kr1p.FindNearest2(angley*(x1p-x1)+y1, anglez*(x1p-x1)+z1, erry,errz,index); // if (kc1p){ found++; if (kc1p->IsUsed(10)) used++; } if (used>1) continue; if (found<1) continue; // // look around last const AliTPCclusterMI *kc3m = kr3m.FindNearest2(angley*(x3m-x3)+y3, anglez*(x3m-x3)+z3, erry,errz,index); // if (kc3m){ found++; if (kc3m->IsUsed(10)) used++; } else continue; const AliTPCclusterMI *kc3p = kr3p.FindNearest2(angley*(x3p-x3)+y3, anglez*(x3p-x3)+z3, erry,errz,index); // if (kc3p){ found++; if (kc3p->IsUsed(10)) used++; } else continue; if (used>1) continue; if (found<3) continue; // Double_t x2,y2,z2; x2 = xm; y2 = kcm->GetY(); z2 = kcm->GetZ(); // x[0]=y1; x[1]=z1; x[4]=F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); //if (TMath::Abs(x[4]) >= cuts[0]) continue; nin0++; // x[2]=F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); nin1++; // x[3]=F3n(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2,x[4]); //if (TMath::Abs(x[3]) > cuts[3]) continue; nin2++; // // Double_t sy1=0.1, sz1=0.1; Double_t sy2=0.1, sz2=0.1; Double_t sy3=0.1, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; Double_t f40=(F1(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f30=(F3(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1+sz,z2)-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // if (!BuildSeed(kr1[is],kcl,0,x1,x2,x3,x,c)) continue; UInt_t index=kr1.GetIndex(is); AliTPCseed *track=new(seed) AliTPCseed(index, x, c, x1, sec*alpha+shift); track->fIsSeeding = kTRUE; nin++; FollowProlongation(*track, i1-7,1); if (track->GetNumberOfClusters() < track->fNFoundable*0.75 || track->fNShared>0.6*track->GetNumberOfClusters() || ( track->GetSigmaY2()+ track->GetSigmaZ2())>0.6){ seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); continue; } nout1++; nout2++; //Int_t rc = 1; FollowProlongation(*track, i2,1); track->fBConstrain =0; track->fLastPoint = i1+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); // first cluster in track position track->fFirstPoint = track->fLastPoint; if (track->GetNumberOfClusters()<(i1-i2)*0.5 || track->GetNumberOfClusters()fNFoundable*0.7 || track->fNShared>2. || track->GetChi2()/track->GetNumberOfClusters()>6 || ( track->GetSigmaY2()+ track->GetSigmaZ2())>0.5 ) { seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); continue; } { FollowProlongation(*track, TMath::Max(i2-10,0),1); AliTPCseed * track2 = MakeSeed(track,0.2,0.5,0.9); FollowProlongation(*track2, i2,1); track2->fBConstrain = kFALSE; track2->fSeedType = 4; arr->AddLast(track2); seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); } //arr->AddLast(track); //seed = new AliTPCseed; nout3++; } } if (fDebug>3){ Info("MakeSeeds5","\nSeeding statiistic:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",nin0,nin1,nin2,nin,nout1,nout2,nout3); } delete seed; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrackerMI::MakeSeeds2(TObjArray * arr, Int_t sec, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t */*cuts[4]*/, Float_t deltay, Bool_t /*bconstrain*/) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function creates track seeds - without vertex constraint //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cuts[0] - fP4 cut - not applied // cuts[1] - tan(phi) cut // cuts[2] - zvertex cut - not applied // cuts[3] - fP3 cut Int_t nin0=0; Int_t nin1=0; Int_t nin2=0; Int_t nin3=0; // Int_t nin4=0; //Int_t nin5=0; Double_t alpha=fOuterSec->GetAlpha(), shift=fOuterSec->GetAlphaShift(); // Double_t cs=cos(alpha), sn=sin(alpha); Int_t row0 = (i1+i2)/2; Int_t drow = (i1-i2)/2; const AliTPCRow& kr0=fSectors[sec][row0]; AliTPCRow * kr=0; AliTPCpolyTrack polytrack; Int_t nclusters=fSectors[sec][row0]; AliTPCseed * seed = new AliTPCseed; Int_t sumused=0; Int_t cused=0; Int_t cnused=0; for (Int_t is=0; is < nclusters; is++) { //LOOP over clusters Int_t nfound =0; Int_t nfoundable =0; for (Int_t iter =1; iter<2; iter++){ //iterations const AliTPCRow& krm=fSectors[sec][row0-iter]; const AliTPCRow& krp=fSectors[sec][row0+iter]; const AliTPCclusterMI * cl= kr0[is]; if (cl->IsUsed(10)) { cused++; } else{ cnused++; } Double_t x = kr0.GetX(); // Initialization of the polytrack nfound =0; nfoundable =0; polytrack.Reset(); // Double_t y0= cl->GetY(); Double_t z0= cl->GetZ(); Float_t erry = 0; Float_t errz = 0; Double_t ymax = fSectors->GetMaxY(row0)-kr0.fDeadZone-1.5; if (deltay>0 && TMath::Abs(ymax-TMath::Abs(y0))> deltay ) continue; // seed only at the edge erry = (0.5)*cl->GetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetQ())*6; errz = (0.5)*cl->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetQ())*6; polytrack.AddPoint(x,y0,z0,erry, errz); sumused=0; if (cl->IsUsed(10)) sumused++; Float_t roady = (5*TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaY2()+0.2)+1.)*iter; Float_t roadz = (5*TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaZ2()+0.2)+1.)*iter; // x = krm.GetX(); AliTPCclusterMI * cl1 = krm.FindNearest(y0,z0,roady,roadz); if (cl1 && TMath::Abs(ymax-TMath::Abs(y0))) { erry = (0.5)*cl1->GetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl1->GetQ())*3; errz = (0.5)*cl1->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl1->GetQ())*3; if (cl1->IsUsed(10)) sumused++; polytrack.AddPoint(x,cl1->GetY(),cl1->GetZ(),erry,errz); } // x = krp.GetX(); AliTPCclusterMI * cl2 = krp.FindNearest(y0,z0,roady,roadz); if (cl2) { erry = (0.5)*cl2->GetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl2->GetQ())*3; errz = (0.5)*cl2->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl2->GetQ())*3; if (cl2->IsUsed(10)) sumused++; polytrack.AddPoint(x,cl2->GetY(),cl2->GetZ(),erry,errz); } // if (sumused>0) continue; nin0++; polytrack.UpdateParameters(); // follow polytrack roadz = 1.2; roady = 1.2; // Double_t yn,zn; nfoundable = polytrack.GetN(); nfound = nfoundable; // for (Int_t ddrow = iter+1; ddrowGetX(); Double_t ymax = fSectors->GetMaxY(row)-kr->fDeadZone-1.5; polytrack.GetFitPoint(xn,yn,zn); if (TMath::Abs(yn)>ymax) continue; nfoundable++; AliTPCclusterMI * cln = kr->FindNearest(yn,zn,roady,roadz); if (cln) { Float_t dist = TMath::Sqrt( (yn-cln->GetY())*(yn-cln->GetY())+(zn-cln->GetZ())*(zn-cln->GetZ())); if (distGetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cln->GetQ())*(1.+1./(ddrow)); errz = (dist+0.3)*cln->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cln->GetQ())*(1.+1./(ddrow)); if (cln->IsUsed(10)) { // printf("used\n"); sumused++; erry*=2; errz*=2; } */ erry=0.1; errz=0.1; polytrack.AddPoint(xn,cln->GetY(),cln->GetZ(),erry, errz); nfound++; } } } if ( (sumused>3) || (sumused>0.5*nfound) || (nfound<0.6*nfoundable)) break; polytrack.UpdateParameters(); } } if ( (sumused>3) || (sumused>0.5*nfound)) { //printf("sumused %d\n",sumused); continue; } nin1++; Double_t dy,dz; polytrack.GetFitDerivation(kr0.GetX(),dy,dz); AliTPCpolyTrack track2; polytrack.Refit(track2,0.5+TMath::Abs(dy)*0.3,0.4+TMath::Abs(dz)*0.3); if (track2.GetN()<0.5*nfoundable) continue; nin2++; if ((nfound>0.6*nfoundable) &&( nfoundable>0.4*(i1-i2))) { // // test seed with and without constrain for (Int_t constrain=0; constrain<=0;constrain++){ // add polytrack candidate Double_t x[5], c[15]; Double_t x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3; track2.GetBoundaries(x3,x1); x2 = (x1+x3)/2.; track2.GetFitPoint(x1,y1,z1); track2.GetFitPoint(x2,y2,z2); track2.GetFitPoint(x3,y3,z3); // //is track pointing to the vertex ? Double_t x0,y0,z0; x0=0; polytrack.GetFitPoint(x0,y0,z0); if (constrain) { x2 = x3; y2 = y3; z2 = z3; x3 = 0; y3 = 0; z3 = 0; } x[0]=y1; x[1]=z1; x[4]=F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); // if (TMath::Abs(x[4]) >= cuts[0]) continue; // x[2]=F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); //if (TMath::Abs(x[4]*x1-x[2]) >= cuts[1]) continue; //x[3]=F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2); x[3]=F3n(x1,y1,x3,y3,z1,z3,x[4]); //if (TMath::Abs(x[3]) > cuts[3]) continue; Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; Double_t sy1=0.02, sz1=0.02; Double_t sy2=0.02, sz2=0.02; Double_t sy3=0.02; if (constrain){ sy3=25000*x[4]*x[4]+0.1, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; } Double_t f40=(F1(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f30=(F3(x1,y1+sy,x3,y3,z1,z3)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x1,y1,x3,y3,z1+sz,z3)-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x1,y1,x3,y3+sy,z1,z3)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x1,y1,x3,y3,z1,z3+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; //Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(x1); Int_t row1 = GetRowNumber(x1); UInt_t index=0; //kr0.GetIndex(is); AliTPCseed *track=new (seed) AliTPCseed(index, x, c, x1, sec*alpha+shift); track->fIsSeeding = kTRUE; Int_t rc=FollowProlongation(*track, i2); if (constrain) track->fBConstrain =1; else track->fBConstrain =0; track->fLastPoint = row1+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); // first cluster in track position track->fFirstPoint = track->fLastPoint; if (rc==0 || track->GetNumberOfClusters()<(i1-i2)*0.5 || track->GetNumberOfClusters() < track->fNFoundable*0.6 || track->fNShared>0.4*track->GetNumberOfClusters()) { //delete track; seed->Reset(); seed->~AliTPCseed(); } else { arr->AddLast(track); seed = new AliTPCseed; } nin3++; } } // if accepted seed } if (fDebug>3){ Info("MakeSeeds2","\nSeeding statiistic:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",nin0,nin1,nin2,nin3); } delete seed; } AliTPCseed *AliTPCtrackerMI::MakeSeed(AliTPCseed *track, Float_t r0, Float_t r1, Float_t r2) { // // //reseed using track points Int_t p0 = int(r0*track->GetNumberOfClusters()); // point 0 Int_t p1 = int(r1*track->GetNumberOfClusters()); Int_t p2 = int(r2*track->GetNumberOfClusters()); // last point Int_t pp2=0; Double_t x0[3],x1[3],x2[3]; for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){ x0[i]=-1; x1[i]=-1; x2[i]=-1; } // find track position at given ratio of the length Int_t sec0=0, sec1=0, sec2=0; Int_t index=-1; Int_t clindex; for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++){ if (track->fClusterPointer[i]){ index++; AliTPCTrackerPoint *trpoint =track->GetTrackPoint(i); if ( (indexGetX()>1){ clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (clindex>0){ x0[0] = trpoint->GetX(); x0[1] = trpoint->GetY(); x0[2] = trpoint->GetZ(); sec0 = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; } } } if ( (indexGetX()>1)){ clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (clindex>0){ x1[0] = trpoint->GetX(); x1[1] = trpoint->GetY(); x1[2] = trpoint->GetZ(); sec1 = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; } } if ( (indexGetX()>1)){ clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (clindex>0){ x2[0] = trpoint->GetX(); x2[1] = trpoint->GetY(); x2[2] = trpoint->GetZ(); sec2 = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; pp2 = i; } } } } Double_t alpha, cs,sn, xx2,yy2; // alpha = (sec1-sec2)*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= x1[0]*cs-x1[1]*sn; yy2= x1[0]*sn+x1[1]*cs; x1[0] = xx2; x1[1] = yy2; // alpha = (sec0-sec2)*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= x0[0]*cs-x0[1]*sn; yy2= x0[0]*sn+x0[1]*cs; x0[0] = xx2; x0[1] = yy2; // // // Double_t x[5],c[15]; // x[0]=x2[1]; x[1]=x2[2]; x[4]=F1(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]); // if (x[4]>1) return 0; x[2]=F2(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]); x[3]=F3n(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1],x2[2],x0[2],x[4]); //if (TMath::Abs(x[3]) > 2.2) return 0; //if (TMath::Abs(x[2]) > 1.99) return 0; // Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; // Double_t sy1=0.02+track->GetSigmaY2(), sz1=0.02+track->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t sy2=0.01+track->GetSigmaY2(), sz2=0.01+track->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t sy3=0.01+track->GetSigmaY2(); // Double_t f40=(F1(x2[0],x2[1]+sy,x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1]+sy,x0[0],x0[1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x2[0],x2[1]+sy,x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1]+sy,x0[0],x0[1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]+sy)-x[2])/sy; // Double_t f30=(F3(x2[0],x2[1]+sy,x0[0],x0[1],x2[2],x0[2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1],x2[2]+sz,x0[2])-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1]+sy,x2[2],x0[2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1],x2[2],x0[2]+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(x2[0]); AliTPCseed *seed=new AliTPCseed(0, x, c, x2[0], sec2*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift()); // Double_t y0,z0,y1,z1, y2,z2; //seed->GetProlongation(x0[0],y0,z0); // seed->GetProlongation(x1[0],y1,z1); //seed->GetProlongation(x2[0],y2,z2); // seed =0; seed->fLastPoint = pp2; seed->fFirstPoint = pp2; return seed; } AliTPCseed *AliTPCtrackerMI::ReSeed(AliTPCseed *track, Float_t r0, Float_t r1, Float_t r2) { // // //reseed using founded clusters // // Find the number of clusters Int_t nclusters = 0; for (Int_t irow=0;irow<160;irow++){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0) nclusters++; } // Int_t ipos[3]; ipos[0] = TMath::Max(int(r0*nclusters),0); // point 0 cluster ipos[1] = TMath::Min(int(r1*nclusters),nclusters-1); // ipos[2] = TMath::Min(int(r2*nclusters),nclusters-1); // last point // // Double_t xyz[3][3]; Int_t row[3],sec[3]={0,0,0}; // // find track row position at given ratio of the length Int_t index=-1; for (Int_t irow=0;irow<160;irow++){ if (track->GetClusterIndex2(irow)<0) continue; index++; for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint<3;ipoint++){ if (index<=ipos[ipoint]) row[ipoint] = irow; } } // //Get cluster and sector position for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint<3;ipoint++){ Int_t clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(row[ipoint]); AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); if (cl==0) { //Error("Bug\n"); // AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); return 0; } sec[ipoint] = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; xyz[ipoint][0] = GetXrow(row[ipoint]); xyz[ipoint][1] = cl->GetY(); xyz[ipoint][2] = cl->GetZ(); } // // // Calculate seed state vector and covariance matrix Double_t alpha, cs,sn, xx2,yy2; // alpha = (sec[1]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[1][0]*cs-xyz[1][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[1][0]*sn+xyz[1][1]*cs; xyz[1][0] = xx2; xyz[1][1] = yy2; // alpha = (sec[0]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[0][0]*cs-xyz[0][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[0][0]*sn+xyz[0][1]*cs; xyz[0][0] = xx2; xyz[0][1] = yy2; // // // Double_t x[5],c[15]; // x[0]=xyz[2][1]; x[1]=xyz[2][2]; x[4]=F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[2]=F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[3]=F3n(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2],x[4]); // Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; // Double_t sy1=0.2, sz1=0.2; Double_t sy2=0.2, sz2=0.2; Double_t sy3=0.2; // Double_t f40=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[2])/sy; // Double_t f30=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2]+sz,xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy,xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2]+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(xyz[2][0]); AliTPCseed *seed=new AliTPCseed(0, x, c, xyz[2][0], sec[2]*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift()); seed->fLastPoint = row[2]; seed->fFirstPoint = row[2]; return seed; } AliTPCseed *AliTPCtrackerMI::ReSeed(AliTPCseed *track,Int_t r0, Bool_t forward) { // // //reseed using founded clusters // Double_t xyz[3][3]; Int_t row[3]={0,0,0}; Int_t sec[3]={0,0,0}; // // forward direction if (forward){ for (Int_t irow=r0;irow<160;irow++){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[0] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=160;irow>r0;irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[2] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=row[2]-15;irow>row[0];irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[1] = irow; break; } } // } if (!forward){ for (Int_t irow=0;irowGetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[0] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=r0;irow>0;irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[2] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=row[2]-15;irow>row[0];irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[1] = irow; break; } } } // if ((row[2]-row[0])<20) return 0; if (row[1]==0) return 0; // // //Get cluster and sector position for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint<3;ipoint++){ Int_t clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(row[ipoint]); AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); if (cl==0) { //Error("Bug\n"); // AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); return 0; } sec[ipoint] = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; xyz[ipoint][0] = GetXrow(row[ipoint]); AliTPCTrackerPoint * point = track->GetTrackPoint(row[ipoint]); if (point&&ipoint<2){ // xyz[ipoint][1] = point->GetY(); xyz[ipoint][2] = point->GetZ(); } else{ xyz[ipoint][1] = cl->GetY(); xyz[ipoint][2] = cl->GetZ(); } } // // // // // Calculate seed state vector and covariance matrix Double_t alpha, cs,sn, xx2,yy2; // alpha = (sec[1]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[1][0]*cs-xyz[1][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[1][0]*sn+xyz[1][1]*cs; xyz[1][0] = xx2; xyz[1][1] = yy2; // alpha = (sec[0]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[0][0]*cs-xyz[0][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[0][0]*sn+xyz[0][1]*cs; xyz[0][0] = xx2; xyz[0][1] = yy2; // // // Double_t x[5],c[15]; // x[0]=xyz[2][1]; x[1]=xyz[2][2]; x[4]=F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[2]=F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[3]=F3n(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2],x[4]); // Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; // Double_t sy1=0.2, sz1=0.2; Double_t sy2=0.2, sz2=0.2; Double_t sy3=0.2; // Double_t f40=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[2])/sy; // Double_t f30=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2]+sz,xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy,xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2]+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(xyz[2][0]); AliTPCseed *seed=new AliTPCseed(0, x, c, xyz[2][0], sec[2]*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift()); seed->fLastPoint = row[2]; seed->fFirstPoint = row[2]; for (Int_t i=row[0];ifIndex[i] = track->fIndex[i]; } return seed; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::FindKinks(TObjArray * array, AliESD *esd) { // // find kinks // // TObjArray *kinks= new TObjArray(10000); // TObjArray *v0s= new TObjArray(10000); Int_t nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); AliHelix *helixes = new AliHelix[nentries]; Int_t *sign = new Int_t[nentries]; Int_t *nclusters = new Int_t[nentries]; Float_t *alpha = new Float_t[nentries]; AliESDkink * kink = new AliESDkink(); Int_t * usage = new Int_t[nentries]; Float_t *zm = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *z0 = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *fim = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *shared = new Float_t[nentries]; Bool_t *circular = new Bool_t[nentries]; Float_t *dca = new Float_t[nentries]; //const AliESDVertex * primvertex = esd->GetVertex(); // // nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); // // // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track) continue; track->fCircular =0; shared[i] = kFALSE; track->UpdatePoints(); if (( track->GetPoints()[2]- track->GetPoints()[0])>5 && track->GetPoints()[3]>0.8){ } nclusters[i]=track->GetNumberOfClusters(); alpha[i] = track->GetAlpha(); new (&helixes[i]) AliHelix(*track); Double_t xyz[3]; helixes[i].Evaluate(0,xyz); sign[i] = (track->GetC()>0) ? -1:1; Double_t x,y,z; x=160; if (track->GetProlongation(x,y,z)){ zm[i] = z; fim[i] = alpha[i]+TMath::ATan2(y,x); } else{ zm[i] = track->GetZ(); fim[i] = alpha[i]; } z0[i]=1000; circular[i]= kFALSE; if (track->GetProlongation(0,y,z)) z0[i] = z; dca[i] = track->GetD(0,0); } // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t ncandidates =0; Int_t nall =0; Int_t ntracks=0; Double_t phase[2][2],radius[2]; // // Find circling track TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; // for (Int_t i0=0;i0At(i0); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->fN<40) continue; if (TMath::Abs(1./track0->fP4)>200) continue; for (Int_t i1=i0+1;i1At(i1); if (!track1) continue; if (track1->fN<40) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(track1->fP3+track0->fP3)>0.1) continue; if (track0->fBConstrain&&track1->fBConstrain) continue; if (TMath::Abs(1./track1->fP4)>200) continue; if (track1->fP4*track0->fP4>0) continue; if (track1->fP3*track0->fP3>0) continue; if (max(TMath::Abs(1./track0->fP4),TMath::Abs(1./track1->fP4))>190) continue; if (track0->fBConstrain&&TMath::Abs(track1->fP4)fP4)) continue; //returning - lower momenta if (track1->fBConstrain&&TMath::Abs(track0->fP4)fP4)) continue; //returning - lower momenta // Float_t mindcar = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(dca[i0]),TMath::Abs(dca[i1])); if (mindcar<5) continue; Float_t mindcaz = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(z0[i0]-GetZ()),TMath::Abs(z0[i1]-GetZ())); if (mindcaz<5) continue; if (mindcar+mindcaz<20) continue; // // Float_t xc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(7); Float_t r0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(8); Float_t xc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(7); Float_t r1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(8); Float_t rmean = (r0+r1)*0.5; Float_t delta =TMath::Sqrt((xc1-xc0)*(xc1-xc0)+(yc1-yc0)*(yc1-yc0)); //if (delta>30) continue; if (delta>rmean*0.25) continue; if (TMath::Abs(r0-r1)/rmean>0.3) continue; // Int_t npoints = helixes[i0].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[i1], phase, radius,10); if (npoints==0) continue; helixes[i0].GetClosestPhases(helixes[i1], phase); // Double_t xyz0[3]; Double_t xyz1[3]; Double_t hangles[3]; helixes[i0].Evaluate(phase[0][0],xyz0); helixes[i1].Evaluate(phase[0][1],xyz1); helixes[i0].GetAngle(phase[0][0],helixes[i1],phase[0][1],hangles); Double_t deltah[2],deltabest; if (hangles[2]<2.8) continue; /* cstream<<"C"<fLab<fLab<< track0->fP3<fP3<< track0->fP4<fP4<< delta<0){ Int_t ibest=0; helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],deltah[0],2); if (npoints==2){ helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],deltah[1],2); if (deltah[1]6) continue; if (mindcar+mindcaz<40 && (hangles[2]<3.12||deltabest>3)) continue; Bool_t sign =kFALSE; if (hangles[2]>3.06) sign =kTRUE; // if (sign){ circular[i0] = kTRUE; circular[i1] = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(track0->fP4)fP4)){ track0->fCircular += 1; track1->fCircular += 2; } else{ track1->fCircular += 1; track0->fCircular += 2; } } if (sign&&AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1){ //debug stream cstream<<"Curling"<< "lab0="<fLab<< "lab1="<fLab<< "Tr0.="<At(i); ntracks++; // Double_t cradius0 = 40*40; Double_t cradius1 = 270*270; Double_t cdist1=8.; Double_t cdist2=8.; Double_t cdist3=0.55; for (Int_t j =i+1;j200) continue; if ( (nclusters[i]+nclusters[j])<80) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(zm[i]-zm[j])>60.) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(fim[i]-fim[j])>0.6 && TMath::Abs(fim[i]-fim[j])<5.7 ) continue; //AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(j); Double_t phase[2][2],radius[2]; Int_t npoints = helixes[i].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[j], phase, radius,20); if (npoints<1) continue; // cuts on radius if (npoints==1){ if (radius[0]cradius1) continue; } else{ if ( (radius[0]cradius1) && (radius[1]cradius1) ) continue; } // Double_t delta1=10000,delta2=10000; // cuts on the intersection radius helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta1); if (radius[0]<20&&delta1<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[0]<10&&delta1<3) continue; //intersection at vertex if (npoints==2){ helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],delta2); if (radius[1]<20&&delta2<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[1]<10&&delta2<3) continue; //intersection at vertex } // Double_t distance1 = TMath::Min(delta1,delta2); if (distance1>cdist1) continue; // cut on DCA linear approximation // npoints = helixes[i].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[j], phase, radius,20); helixes[i].ParabolicDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta1); if (radius[0]<20&&delta1<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[0]<10&&delta1<3) continue; //intersection at vertex // if (npoints==2){ helixes[i].ParabolicDCA(helixes[j],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],delta2); if (radius[1]<20&&delta2<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[1]<10&&delta2<3) continue; //intersection at vertex } distance1 = TMath::Min(delta1,delta2); Float_t rkink =0; if (delta1cdist2) continue; // // AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(j); // // Int_t row0 = GetRowNumber(rkink); if (row0<10) continue; if (row0>150) continue; // // Float_t dens00=-1,dens01=-1; Float_t dens10=-1,dens11=-1; // Int_t found,foundable,shared; track0->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0-5, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) dens00 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); track0->GetClusterStatistic(row0+5,155, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) dens01 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); // track1->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0-5, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>10) dens10 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); track1->GetClusterStatistic(row0+5,155, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>10) dens11 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); // if (dens00dens10 && dens01>dens11) continue; if (TMath::Max(dens00,dens10)<0.1) continue; if (TMath::Max(dens01,dens11)<0.3) continue; // if (TMath::Min(dens00,dens10)>0.6) continue; if (TMath::Min(dens01,dens11)>0.6) continue; // AliTPCseed * ktrack0, *ktrack1; if (dens00>dens10){ ktrack0 = track0; ktrack1 = track1; } else{ ktrack0 = track1; ktrack1 = track0; } if (TMath::Abs(ktrack0->GetC())>5) continue; // cut on the curvature for mother particle AliExternalTrackParam paramm(*ktrack0); AliExternalTrackParam paramd(*ktrack1); if (row0>60&&ktrack1->GetReference().GetX()>90.) new (¶md) AliExternalTrackParam(ktrack1->GetReference()); // // kink->SetMother(paramm); kink->SetDaughter(paramd); kink->Update(); Float_t x[3] = { kink->GetPosition()[0],kink->GetPosition()[1],kink->GetPosition()[2]}; Int_t index[4]; fParam->Transform0to1(x,index); fParam->Transform1to2(x,index); row0 = GetRowNumber(x[0]); if (kink->GetR()<100) continue; if (kink->GetR()>240) continue; if (kink->GetPosition()[2]/kink->GetR()>AliTPCReconstructor::GetCtgRange()) continue; //out of fiducial volume if (kink->GetDistance()>cdist3) continue; Float_t dird = kink->GetDaughterP()[0]*kink->GetPosition()[0]+kink->GetDaughterP()[1]*kink->GetPosition()[1]; // rough direction estimate if (dird<0) continue; Float_t dirm = kink->GetMotherP()[0]*kink->GetPosition()[0]+kink->GetMotherP()[1]*kink->GetPosition()[1]; // rough direction estimate if (dirm<0) continue; Float_t mpt = TMath::Sqrt(kink->GetMotherP()[0]*kink->GetMotherP()[0]+kink->GetMotherP()[1]*kink->GetMotherP()[1]); if (mpt<0.2) continue; if (mpt<1){ //for high momenta momentum not defined well in first iteration Double_t qt = TMath::Sin(kink->GetAngle(2))*ktrack1->P(); if (qt>0.35) continue; } kink->SetLabel(CookLabel(ktrack0,0.4,0,row0),0); kink->SetLabel(CookLabel(ktrack1,0.4,row0,160),1); if (dens00>dens10){ kink->SetTPCDensity(dens00,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens01,0,1); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens10,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens11,1,1); kink->SetIndex(i,0); kink->SetIndex(j,1); } else{ kink->SetTPCDensity(dens10,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens11,0,1); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens00,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens01,1,1); kink->SetIndex(j,0); kink->SetIndex(i,1); } if (mpt<1||kink->GetAngle(2)>0.1){ // angle and densities not defined yet if (kink->GetTPCDensityFactor()<0.8) continue; if ((2-kink->GetTPCDensityFactor())*kink->GetDistance() >0.25) continue; if (kink->GetAngle(2)*ktrack0->P()<0.003) continue; //too small angle if (kink->GetAngle(2)>0.2&&kink->GetTPCDensityFactor()<1.15) continue; if (kink->GetAngle(2)>0.2&&kink->GetTPCDensity(0,1)>0.05) continue; Float_t criticalangle = track0->fC22+track0->fC33; criticalangle+= track1->fC22+track1->fC33; criticalangle= 3*TMath::Sqrt(criticalangle); if (criticalangle>0.02) criticalangle=0.02; if (kink->GetAngle(2)GetAngle(2))); // overlap region defined Float_t shapesum =0; Float_t sum = 0; for ( Int_t row = row0-drow; row155) continue; if (ktrack0->fClusterPointer[row]){ AliTPCTrackerPoint *point =ktrack0->GetTrackPoint(row); shapesum+=point->GetSigmaY()+point->GetSigmaZ(); sum++; } if (ktrack1->fClusterPointer[row]){ AliTPCTrackerPoint *point =ktrack1->GetTrackPoint(row); shapesum+=point->GetSigmaY()+point->GetSigmaZ(); sum++; } } if (sum<4){ kink->SetShapeFactor(-1.); } else{ kink->SetShapeFactor(shapesum/sum); } // esd->AddKink(kink); kinks->AddLast(kink); kink = new AliESDkink; ncandidates++; } } // // sort the kinks according quality - and refit them towards vertex // Int_t nkinks = kinks->GetEntriesFast(); Float_t *quality = new Float_t[nkinks]; Int_t *indexes = new Int_t[nkinks]; AliTPCseed *mothers = new AliTPCseed[nkinks]; AliTPCseed *daughters = new AliTPCseed[nkinks]; // // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); // // refit kinks towards vertex // Int_t index0 = kink->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = kink->GetIndex(1); AliTPCseed * ktrack0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * ktrack1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); // Int_t sumn=ktrack0->fN+ktrack1->fN; // // Refit Kink under if too small angle // if (kink->GetAngle(2)<0.05){ kink->SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kink->GetR())); Int_t row0 = kink->GetTPCRow0(); Int_t drow = Int_t(2.+0.5/(0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); // // Int_t last = row0-drow; if (last<40) last=40; if (lastfFirstPoint+25) last = ktrack0->fFirstPoint+25; AliTPCseed* seed0 = ReSeed(ktrack0,last,kFALSE); // // Int_t first = row0+drow; if (first>130) first=130; if (first>ktrack1->fLastPoint-25) first = TMath::Max(ktrack1->fLastPoint-25,30); AliTPCseed* seed1 = ReSeed(ktrack1,first,kTRUE); // if (seed0 && seed1){ kink->SetStatus(1,8); if (RefitKink(*seed0,*seed1,*kink)) kink->SetStatus(1,9); row0 = GetRowNumber(kink->GetR()); sumn = seed0->fN+seed1->fN; new (&mothers[i]) AliTPCseed(*seed0); new (&daughters[i]) AliTPCseed(*seed1); } else{ delete kinks->RemoveAt(i); if (seed0) delete seed0; if (seed1) delete seed1; continue; } if (kink->GetDistance()>0.5 || kink->GetR()<110 || kink->GetR()>240) { delete kinks->RemoveAt(i); if (seed0) delete seed0; if (seed1) delete seed1; continue; } // delete seed0; delete seed1; } // if (kink) quality[i] = 160*((0.1+kink->GetDistance())*(2.-kink->GetTPCDensityFactor()))/(sumn+40.); //the longest -clossest will win } TMath::Sort(nkinks,quality,indexes,kFALSE); // //remove double find kinks // for (Int_t ikink0=1;ikink0At(indexes[ikink0]); if (!kink0) continue; // for (Int_t ikink1=0;ikink1At(indexes[ikink1]); if (!kink1) continue; // if not close kink continue if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[2]-kink0->GetPosition()[2])>10) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[1]-kink0->GetPosition()[1])>10) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[0]-kink0->GetPosition()[0])>10) continue; // AliTPCseed &mother0 = mothers[indexes[ikink0]]; AliTPCseed &daughter0 = daughters[indexes[ikink0]]; AliTPCseed &mother1 = mothers[indexes[ikink1]]; AliTPCseed &daughter1 = daughters[indexes[ikink1]]; Int_t row0 = (kink0->GetTPCRow0()+kink1->GetTPCRow0())/2; // Int_t same = 0; Int_t both = 0; Int_t samem = 0; Int_t bothm = 0; Int_t samed = 0; Int_t bothd = 0; // for (Int_t i=0;i0 && mother1.fIndex[i]>0){ both++; bothm++; if (mother0.fIndex[i]==mother1.fIndex[i]){ same++; samem++; } } } for (Int_t i=row0;i<158;i++){ if (daughter0.fIndex[i]>0 && daughter0.fIndex[i]>0){ both++; bothd++; if (mother0.fIndex[i]==mother1.fIndex[i]){ same++; samed++; } } } Float_t ratio = Float_t(same+1)/Float_t(both+1); Float_t ratiom = Float_t(samem+1)/Float_t(bothm+1); Float_t ratiod = Float_t(samed+1)/Float_t(bothd+1); if (ratio>0.3 && ratiom>0.5 &&ratiod>0.5) { Int_t sum0 = mother0.fN+daughter0.fN; Int_t sum1 = mother1.fN+daughter1.fN; if (sum1>sum0){ shared[kink0->GetIndex(0)]= kTRUE; shared[kink0->GetIndex(1)]= kTRUE; delete kinks->RemoveAt(indexes[ikink0]); } else{ shared[kink1->GetIndex(0)]= kTRUE; shared[kink1->GetIndex(1)]= kTRUE; delete kinks->RemoveAt(indexes[ikink1]); } } } } for (Int_t i=0;iAt(indexes[i]); if (!kink) continue; kink->SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kink->GetR())); Int_t index0 = kink->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = kink->GetIndex(1); if (circular[index0]||circular[index1]&&kink->GetDistance()>0.2) continue; kink->SetMultiple(usage[index0],0); kink->SetMultiple(usage[index1],1); if (kink->GetMultiple()[0]+kink->GetMultiple()[1]>2) continue; if (kink->GetMultiple()[0]+kink->GetMultiple()[1]>0 && quality[indexes[i]]>0.2) continue; if (kink->GetMultiple()[0]+kink->GetMultiple()[1]>0 && kink->GetDistance()>0.2) continue; if (circular[index0]||circular[index1]&&kink->GetDistance()>0.1) continue; AliTPCseed * ktrack0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * ktrack1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); if (!ktrack0 || !ktrack1) continue; Int_t index = esd->AddKink(kink); // // if ( ktrack0->fKinkIndexes[0]==0 && ktrack1->fKinkIndexes[0]==0) { //best kink if (mothers[indexes[i]].fN>20 && daughters[indexes[i]].fN>20 && (mothers[indexes[i]].fN+daughters[indexes[i]].fN)>100){ new (ktrack0) AliTPCseed(mothers[indexes[i]]); new (ktrack1) AliTPCseed(daughters[indexes[i]]); } } // ktrack0->fKinkIndexes[usage[index0]] = -(index+1); ktrack1->fKinkIndexes[usage[index1]] = (index+1); usage[index0]++; usage[index1]++; } // // Remove tracks corresponding to shared kink's // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->fKinkIndexes[0]!=0) continue; if (shared[i]) delete array->RemoveAt(i); } // // RemoveUsed2(array,0.5,0.4,30); UnsignClusters(); for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; track0->CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); track0->CookPID(); } // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->Pt()<1.4) continue; //remove double high momenta tracks - overlapped with kink candidates Int_t shared=0; Int_t all =0; for (Int_t icl=track0->fFirstPoint;iclfLastPoint; icl++){ if (track0->fClusterPointer[icl]!=0){ all++; if (track0->fClusterPointer[icl]->IsUsed(10)) shared++; } } if (Float_t(shared+1)/Float_t(nall+1)>0.5) { delete array->RemoveAt(i); } // if (track0->fKinkIndexes[0]!=0) continue; if (track0->GetNumberOfClusters()<80) continue; AliTPCseed *pmother = new AliTPCseed(); AliTPCseed *pdaughter = new AliTPCseed(); AliESDkink *pkink = new AliESDkink; AliTPCseed & mother = *pmother; AliTPCseed & daughter = *pdaughter; AliESDkink & kink = *pkink; if (CheckKinkPoint(track0,mother,daughter, kink)){ if (mother.fN<30||daughter.fN<20) { delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; continue; //too short tracks } if (mother.Pt()<1.4) { delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; continue; } Int_t row0= kink.GetTPCRow0(); if (kink.GetDistance()>0.5 || kink.GetR()<110. || kink.GetR()>240.) { delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; continue; } // Int_t index = esd->AddKink(&kink); mother.fKinkIndexes[0] = -(index+1); daughter.fKinkIndexes[0] = index+1; if (mother.fN>50) { delete array->RemoveAt(i); array->AddAt(new AliTPCseed(mother),i); } else{ array->AddLast(new AliTPCseed(mother)); } array->AddLast(new AliTPCseed(daughter)); for (Int_t icl=0;iclUse(20); } // for (Int_t icl=row0;icl<158;icl++) { if (daughter.fClusterPointer[icl]) daughter.fClusterPointer[icl]->Use(20); } // } delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; } delete [] daughters; delete [] mothers; // // delete [] dca; delete []circular; delete []shared; delete []quality; delete []indexes; // delete kink; delete[]fim; delete[] zm; delete[] z0; delete [] usage; delete[] alpha; delete[] nclusters; delete[] sign; delete[] helixes; kinks->Delete(); delete kinks; printf("Ncandidates=\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",esd->GetNumberOfKinks(),ncandidates,ntracks,nall); timer.Print(); } void AliTPCtrackerMI::FindV0s(TObjArray * array, AliESD *esd) { // // find V0s // // TObjArray *tpcv0s = new TObjArray(100000); Int_t nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); AliHelix *helixes = new AliHelix[nentries]; Int_t *sign = new Int_t[nentries]; Float_t *alpha = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *z0 = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *dca = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *sdcar = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *cdcar = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *pulldcar = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *pulldcaz = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *pulldca = new Float_t[nentries]; Bool_t *isPrim = new Bool_t[nentries]; const AliESDVertex * primvertex = esd->GetVertex(); Double_t zvertex = primvertex->GetZv(); // // nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track) continue; track->GetV0Indexes()[0] = 0; //rest v0 indexes track->GetV0Indexes()[1] = 0; //rest v0 indexes track->GetV0Indexes()[2] = 0; //rest v0 indexes // alpha[i] = track->GetAlpha(); new (&helixes[i]) AliHelix(*track); Double_t xyz[3]; helixes[i].Evaluate(0,xyz); sign[i] = (track->GetC()>0) ? -1:1; Double_t x,y,z; x=160; z0[i]=1000; if (track->GetProlongation(0,y,z)) z0[i] = z; dca[i] = track->GetD(0,0); // // dca error parrameterezation + pulls // sdcar[i] = TMath::Sqrt(0.150*0.150+(100*track->fP4)*(100*track->fP4)); if (TMath::Abs(track->fP3)>1) sdcar[i]*=2.5; cdcar[i] = TMath::Exp((TMath::Abs(track->fP4)-0.0106)*525.3); pulldcar[i] = (dca[i]-cdcar[i])/sdcar[i]; pulldcaz[i] = (z0[i]-zvertex)/sdcar[i]; pulldca[i] = TMath::Sqrt(pulldcar[i]*pulldcar[i]+pulldcaz[i]*pulldcaz[i]); if (track->fTPCr[1]+track->fTPCr[2]+track->fTPCr[3]>0.5) { if (pulldca[i]<3.) isPrim[i]=kTRUE; //pion, muon and Kaon 3 sigma cut } if (track->fTPCr[4]>0.5) { if (pulldca[i]<0.5) isPrim[i]=kTRUE; //proton 0.5 sigma cut } if (track->fTPCr[0]>0.4) { isPrim[i]=kFALSE; //electron no sigma cut } } // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t ncandidates =0; Int_t nall =0; Int_t ntracks=0; Double_t phase[2][2],radius[2]; // // Finf V0s loop // // // // TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; Float_t fprimvertex[3]={GetX(),GetY(),GetZ()}; AliESDV0MI vertex; Double_t cradius0 = 10*10; Double_t cradius1 = 200*200; Double_t cdist1=3.; Double_t cdist2=4.; Double_t cpointAngle = 0.95; // Double_t delta[2]={10000,10000}; for (Int_t i =0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0){ cstream<<"Tracks"<< "Tr0.="<fP4<0) continue; if (track0->GetKinkIndex(0)>0||isPrim[i]) continue; //daughter kink // if (TMath::Abs(helixes[i].GetHelix(4))<0.000000001) continue; ntracks++; // debug output for (Int_t j =0;jAt(j); if (!track1) continue; if (track1->GetKinkIndex(0)>0 || isPrim[j]) continue; //daughter kink if (sign[j]*sign[i]>0) continue; if (TMath::Abs(helixes[j].GetHelix(4))<0.000001) continue; if (track0->fCircular+track1->fCircular>1) continue; //circling -returning track nall++; // // DCA to prim vertex cut // // delta[0]=10000; delta[1]=10000; Int_t npoints = helixes[i].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[j], phase, radius,cdist2); if (npoints<1) continue; Int_t iclosest=0; // cuts on radius if (npoints==1){ if (radius[0]cradius1) continue; helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta[0]); if (delta[0]>cdist1) continue; } else{ if (TMath::Max(radius[0],radius[1])cradius1) continue; helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta[0]); helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],delta[1]); if (delta[1]cdist1) continue; } helixes[i].ParabolicDCA(helixes[j],phase[iclosest][0],phase[iclosest][1],radius[iclosest],delta[iclosest]); if (radius[iclosest]cradius1 || delta[iclosest]>cdist1) continue; // Double_t pointAngle = helixes[i].GetPointAngle(helixes[j],phase[iclosest],fprimvertex); if (pointAnglefTPCr[0]>0.3&&track1->fTPCr[0]>0.3&&vertex.GetAnglep()[2]<0.15) isGamma=kTRUE; // gamma conversion candidate Double_t pointAngle2 = vertex.GetPointAngle(); //continue; if (vertex.GetPointAngle()2&&(!isGamma)) continue; // point angle cut Float_t sigmae = 0.15*0.15; if (vertex.GetRr()<80) sigmae += (sdcar[i]*sdcar[i]+sdcar[j]*sdcar[j])*(1.-vertex.GetRr()/80.)*(1.-vertex.GetRr()/80.); sigmae+= TMath::Sqrt(sigmae); if (vertex.GetDist2()/sigmae>3.&&(!isGamma)) continue; Float_t densb0=0,densb1=0,densa0=0,densa1=0; Int_t row0 = GetRowNumber(vertex.GetRr()); if (row0>15){ if (vertex.GetDist2()>0.2) continue; densb0 = track0->Density2(0,row0-5); densb1 = track1->Density2(0,row0-5); if (densb0>0.3|| densb1>0.3) continue; //clusters before vertex densa0 = track0->Density2(row0+5,row0+40); densa1 = track1->Density2(row0+5,row0+40); if ((densa0<0.4|| densa1<0.4)&&(!isGamma)) continue; //missing clusters after vertex } else{ densa0 = track0->Density2(0,40); //cluster density densa1 = track1->Density2(0,40); //cluster density if ((vertex.GetRr()<80&&densa0+densa1<1.)&&(!isGamma)) continue; } vertex.SetLab(0,track0->GetLabel()); vertex.SetLab(1,track1->GetLabel()); vertex.SetChi2After((densa0+densa1)*0.5); vertex.SetChi2Before((densb0+densb1)*0.5); vertex.SetIndex(0,i); vertex.SetIndex(1,j); vertex.SetStatus(1); // TPC v0 candidate vertex.SetRp(track0->fTPCr); vertex.SetRm(track1->fTPCr); tpcv0s->AddLast(new AliESDV0MI(vertex)); ncandidates++; { Int_t eventNr = esd->GetEventNumber(); Double_t radiusm= (delta[0]0) cstream<<"V0"<< "Event="<At(i); quality[i] = 1./(1.00001-v0->GetPointAngle()); //base point angle // quality[i] /= (0.5+v0->GetDist2()); // quality[i] *= v0->GetChi2After(); //density factor Double_t minpulldca = TMath::Min(2.+pulldca[v0->GetIndex(0)],(2.+pulldca[v0->GetIndex(1)]) ); //pull Int_t index0 = v0->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = v0->GetIndex(1); AliTPCseed * track0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); if (track0->fTPCr[0]>0.3&&track1->fTPCr[0]>0.3&&v0->GetAnglep()[2]<0.15) quality[i]+=1000000; // gamma conversion candidate if (track0->fTPCr[4]>0.9||track1->fTPCr[4]>0.9&&minpulldca>4) quality[i]*=10; // lambda candidate candidate } TMath::Sort(ncandidates,quality,indexes,kTRUE); // // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(indexes[i]); if (!v0) continue; Int_t index0 = v0->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = v0->GetIndex(1); AliTPCseed * track0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); if (!track0||!track1) { printf("Bug\n"); continue; } Bool_t accept =kTRUE; //default accept Int_t *v0indexes0 = track0->GetV0Indexes(); Int_t *v0indexes1 = track1->GetV0Indexes(); // Int_t order0 = (v0indexes0[0]!=0) ? 1:0; Int_t order1 = (v0indexes1[0]!=0) ? 1:0; if (v0indexes0[1]!=0) order0 =2; if (v0indexes1[1]!=0) order1 =2; // if (v0indexes0[2]!=0) {order0=3; accept=kFALSE;} if (v0indexes0[2]!=0) {order1=3; accept=kFALSE;} // AliESDV0MI * v02 = v0; if (accept){ v0->SetOrder(0,order0); v0->SetOrder(1,order1); v0->SetOrder(1,order0+order1); Int_t index = esd->AddV0MI(v0); v02 = esd->GetV0MI(index); v0indexes0[order0]=index; v0indexes1[order1]=index; naccepted++; } { Int_t eventNr = esd->GetEventNumber(); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0) cstream<<"V02"<< "Event="<240.) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())<100.) continue; // Float_t normdist = TMath::Abs(param0[irow].fX-kinks[irow].GetR())*(0.1+kink.GetDistance()); normdist/= (param0[irow].fN+param1[irow].fN+40.); if (normdist < mindist){ mindist = normdist; index = irow; } } // if (index==-1) return 0; // // param0[index].Reset(kTRUE); FollowProlongation(param0[index],0); // new (&mother) AliTPCseed(param0[index]); new (&daughter) AliTPCseed(param1[index]); // daughter in vertex // kink.SetMother(mother); kink.SetDaughter(daughter); kink.Update(); kink.SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kink.GetR())); kink.SetTPCncls(param0[index].fN,0); kink.SetTPCncls(param1[index].fN,1); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(&mother,0.4, 0,kink.GetTPCRow0()),0); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(&daughter,0.4, kink.GetTPCRow0(),160),1); mother.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(0)); daughter.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(1)); return 1; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::UpdateKinkQualityM(AliTPCseed * seed){ // // update Kink quality information for mother after back propagation // if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)>=0) return; for (Int_t ikink=0;ikink<3;ikink++){ Int_t index = seed->GetKinkIndex(ikink); if (index>=0) break; index = TMath::Abs(index)-1; AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index); //kink->fTPCdensity2[0][0]=-1; //kink->fTPCdensity2[0][1]=-1; kink->SetTPCDensity2(-1,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity2(1,0,1); // Int_t row0 = kink->GetTPCRow0() - 2 - Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row0<15) row0=15; // Int_t row1 = kink->GetTPCRow0() + 2 + Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row1>145) row1=145; // Int_t found,foundable,shared; seed->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity2(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),0,0); seed->GetClusterStatistic(row1,155, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity2(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),0,1); } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::UpdateKinkQualityD(AliTPCseed * seed){ // // update Kink quality information for daughter after refit // if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0) return; for (Int_t ikink=0;ikink<3;ikink++){ Int_t index = seed->GetKinkIndex(ikink); if (index<=0) break; index = TMath::Abs(index)-1; AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index); kink->SetTPCDensity2(-1,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity2(-1,1,1); // Int_t row0 = kink->GetTPCRow0() -2 - Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row0<15) row0=15; // Int_t row1 = kink->GetTPCRow0() +2 + Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row1>145) row1=145; // Int_t found,foundable,shared; seed->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity2(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),1,0); seed->GetClusterStatistic(row1,155, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity2(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),1,1); } } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::CheckKinkPoint(AliTPCseed*seed,AliTPCseed &mother, AliTPCseed &daughter, AliESDkink &kink) { // // check kink point for given track // if return value=0 kink point not found // otherwise seed0 correspond to mother particle // seed1 correspond to daughter particle // kink parameter of kink point Int_t middlerow = (seed->fFirstPoint+seed->fLastPoint)/2; Int_t first = seed->fFirstPoint; Int_t last = seed->fLastPoint; if (last-first<20) return 0; // shortest length - 2*30 = 60 pad-rows AliTPCseed *seed1 = ReSeed(seed,middlerow+20, kTRUE); //middle of chamber if (!seed1) return 0; FollowProlongation(*seed1,seed->fLastPoint-20); seed1->Reset(kTRUE); FollowProlongation(*seed1,158); seed1->Reset(kTRUE); last = seed1->fLastPoint; // AliTPCseed *seed0 = new AliTPCseed(*seed); seed0->Reset(kFALSE); seed0->Reset(); // AliTPCseed param0[20]; // parameters along the track AliTPCseed param1[20]; // parameters along the track AliESDkink kinks[20]; // corresponding kink parameters Int_t rows[20]; for (Int_t irow=0; irow<20;irow++){ rows[irow] = first +((last-first)*irow)/19; } // store parameters along the track // for (Int_t irow=0;irow<20;irow++){ FollowBackProlongation(*seed0, rows[irow]); FollowProlongation(*seed1,rows[19-irow]); new(¶m0[irow]) AliTPCseed(*seed0); new(¶m1[19-irow]) AliTPCseed(*seed1); } // // define kinks for (Int_t irow=0; irow<19;irow++){ kinks[irow].SetMother(param0[irow]); kinks[irow].SetDaughter(param1[irow]); kinks[irow].Update(); } // // choose kink with biggest change of angle Int_t index =-1; Double_t maxchange= 0; for (Int_t irow=1;irow<19;irow++){ if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())>240.) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())<110.) continue; Float_t quality = TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetAngle(2))/(3.+TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR()-param0[irow].fX)); if ( quality > maxchange){ maxchange = quality; index = irow; // } } delete seed0; delete seed1; if (index<0) return 0; // Int_t row0 = GetRowNumber(kinks[index].GetR()); //row 0 estimate seed0 = new AliTPCseed(param0[index]); seed1 = new AliTPCseed(param1[index]); seed0->Reset(kFALSE); seed1->Reset(kFALSE); seed0->ResetCovariance(); seed1->ResetCovariance(); FollowProlongation(*seed0,0); FollowBackProlongation(*seed1,158); new (&mother) AliTPCseed(*seed0); // backup mother at position 0 seed0->Reset(kFALSE); seed1->Reset(kFALSE); seed0->ResetCovariance(); seed1->ResetCovariance(); // first = TMath::Max(row0-20,0); last = TMath::Min(row0+20,158); // for (Int_t irow=0; irow<20;irow++){ rows[irow] = first +((last-first)*irow)/19; } // store parameters along the track // for (Int_t irow=0;irow<20;irow++){ FollowBackProlongation(*seed0, rows[irow]); FollowProlongation(*seed1,rows[19-irow]); new(¶m0[irow]) AliTPCseed(*seed0); new(¶m1[19-irow]) AliTPCseed(*seed1); } // // define kinks for (Int_t irow=0; irow<19;irow++){ kinks[irow].SetMother(param0[irow]); kinks[irow].SetDaughter(param1[irow]); // param0[irow].Dump(); //param1[irow].Dump(); kinks[irow].Update(); } // // choose kink with biggest change of angle index =-1; maxchange= 0; for (Int_t irow=0;irow<20;irow++){ if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())>250.) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())<90.) continue; Float_t quality = TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetAngle(2))/(3.+TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR()-param0[irow].fX)); if ( quality > maxchange){ maxchange = quality; index = irow; // } } // // if (index==-1 || param0[index].fN+param1[index].fN<100){ delete seed0; delete seed1; return 0; } // Float_t anglesigma = TMath::Sqrt(param0[index].fC22+param0[index].fC33+param1[index].fC22+param1[index].fC33); kink.SetMother(param0[index]); kink.SetDaughter(param1[index]); kink.Update(); row0 = GetRowNumber(kink.GetR()); kink.SetTPCRow0(row0); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(seed0,0.5,0,row0),0); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(seed1,0.5,row0,158),1); kink.SetIndex(-10,0); kink.SetIndex(int(param0[index].fN+param1[index].fN),1); kink.SetTPCncls(param0[index].fN,0); kink.SetTPCncls(param1[index].fN,1); // // // new (&mother) AliTPCseed(param0[index]); new (&daughter) AliTPCseed(param1[index]); daughter.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(1)); param0[index].Reset(kTRUE); FollowProlongation(param0[index],0); new (&mother) AliTPCseed(param0[index]); mother.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(0)); delete seed0; delete seed1; // return 1; } AliTPCseed* AliTPCtrackerMI::ReSeed(AliTPCseed *t) { // // reseed - refit - track // Int_t first = 0; // Int_t last = fSectors->GetNRows()-1; // if (fSectors == fOuterSec){ first = TMath::Max(first, t->fFirstPoint-fInnerSec->GetNRows()); //last = } else first = t->fFirstPoint; // AliTPCseed * seed = MakeSeed(t,0.1,0.5,0.9); FollowBackProlongation(*t,fSectors->GetNRows()-1); t->Reset(kFALSE); FollowProlongation(*t,first); return seed; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::ReadSeeds(const TFile *inp) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function reades track seeds. //----------------------------------------------------------------- TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TFile *in=(TFile*)inp; if (!in->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"AliTPCtrackerMI::ReadSeeds(): input file is not open !\n"; return 1; } in->cd(); TTree *seedTree=(TTree*)in->Get("Seeds"); if (!seedTree) { cerr<<"AliTPCtrackerMI::ReadSeeds(): "; cerr<<"can't get a tree with track seeds !\n"; return 2; } AliTPCtrack *seed=new AliTPCtrack; seedTree->SetBranchAddress("tracks",&seed); if (fSeeds==0) fSeeds=new TObjArray(15000); Int_t n=(Int_t)seedTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetEvent(i); fSeeds->AddLast(new AliTPCseed(*seed/*,seed->GetAlpha()*/)); } delete seed; delete seedTree; savedir->cd(); return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::Clusters2Tracks (AliESD *esd) { // if (fSeeds) DeleteSeeds(); fEvent = esd; Clusters2Tracks(); if (!fSeeds) return 1; FillESD(fSeeds); return 0; // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::Clusters2Tracks() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This is a track finder. //----------------------------------------------------------------- TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TStopwatch timer; fIteration = 0; fSeeds = Tracking(); if (fDebug>0){ Info("Clusters2Tracks","Time for tracking: \t");timer.Print();timer.Start(); } //activate again some tracks for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliTPCseed *pt=(AliTPCseed*)fSeeds->UncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<20) { delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); continue; } CookLabel(pt,0.1); if (pt->fRemoval==10) { if (pt->GetDensityFirst(20)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(30)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(40)>0.7) pt->Desactivate(10); // make track again active else{ pt->Desactivate(20); delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); } } } // RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.85,0.85,0); FindKinks(fSeeds,fEvent); RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.5,0.4,20); // // // // refit short tracks // // Int_t nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; // if (!pt) continue; // Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); // if (nc<15) { // delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); // continue; // } // if (pt->GetKinkIndexes()[0]!=0) continue; // ignore kink candidates // if (nc>100) continue; // hopefully, enough for ITS // AliTPCseed *seed2 = new AliTPCseed(*pt); // //seed2->Reset(kFALSE); // //pt->ResetCovariance(); // seed2->Modify(1); // FollowBackProlongation(*seed2,158); // //seed2->Reset(kFALSE); // seed2->Modify(10); // FollowProlongation(*seed2,0); // TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; // cstream<<"Crefit"<< // "Tr0.="<fN>pt->fN){ // delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); // fSeeds->AddAt(seed2,i); // }else{ // delete seed2; // } // } // RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.6,0.6,50); // FindV0s(fSeeds,fEvent); //RemoveDouble(fSeeds,0.2,0.6,11); // Int_t found = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<15) { delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); continue; } CookLabel(pt,0.1); //For comparison only //if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )&& nc>50 &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>0.4*pt->fNFoundable){ if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )){ found++; if (fDebug>0) cerr<fLab2 = i; } else delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); } //RemoveOverlap(fSeeds,0.99,7,kTRUE); SignShared(fSeeds); //RemoveUsed(fSeeds,0.9,0.9,6); // nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); found = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<15) { delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); continue; } t.SetUniqueID(i); t.CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); // CheckKinkPoint(&t,0.05); //if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )&& nc>50 &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>0.4*pt->fNFoundable){ if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )){ found++; if (fDebug>0){ cerr<fLab2 = i; } else delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); //AliTPCseed * seed1 = ReSeed(pt,0.05,0.5,1); //if (seed1){ // FollowProlongation(*seed1,0); // Int_t n = seed1->GetNumberOfClusters(); // printf("fP4\t%f\t%f\n",seed1->GetC(),pt->GetC()); // printf("fN\t%d\t%d\n", seed1->GetNumberOfClusters(),pt->GetNumberOfClusters()); // //} //AliTPCseed * seed2 = ReSeed(pt,0.95,0.5,0.05); } SortTracks(fSeeds, 1); /* fIteration = 1; PrepareForBackProlongation(fSeeds,5.); PropagateBack(fSeeds); printf("Time for back propagation: \t");timer.Print();timer.Start(); fIteration = 2; PrepareForProlongation(fSeeds,5.); PropagateForward2(fSeeds); printf("Time for FORWARD propagation: \t");timer.Print();timer.Start(); // RemoveUsed(fSeeds,0.7,0.7,6); //RemoveOverlap(fSeeds,0.9,7,kTRUE); nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); found = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<15) { delete fSeeds->RemoveAt(i); continue; } t.CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); // CookLabel(pt,0.1); //For comparison only //if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )&& nc>50 &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>0.4*pt->fNFoundable){ if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )){ cerr<RemoveAt(i); pt->fLab2 = i; } */ // fNTracks = found; if (fDebug>0){ Info("Clusters2Tracks","Time for overlap removal, track writing and dedx cooking: \t"); timer.Print();timer.Start(); } // // cerr<<"Number of found tracks : "<<"\t"<cd(); // UnloadClusters(); // return 0; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::Tracking(TObjArray * arr) { // // tracking of the seeds // fSectors = fOuterSec; ParallelTracking(arr,150,63); fSectors = fOuterSec; ParallelTracking(arr,63,0); } TObjArray * AliTPCtrackerMI::Tracking(Int_t seedtype, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t cuts[4], Float_t dy, Int_t dsec) { // // //tracking routine TObjArray * arr = new TObjArray; // fSectors = fOuterSec; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); for (Int_t sec=0;sec0){ Info("Tracking","\nSeeding - %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",seedtype,i1,i2,arr->GetEntriesFast()); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); } Tracking(arr); if (fDebug>0){ timer.Print(); } return arr; } TObjArray * AliTPCtrackerMI::Tracking() { // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t nup=fOuterSec->GetNRows()+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); TObjArray * seeds = new TObjArray; TObjArray * arr=0; Int_t gap =20; Float_t cuts[4]; cuts[0] = 0.002; cuts[1] = 1.5; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 3.; Float_t fnumber = 3.0; Float_t fdensity = 3.0; // //find primaries cuts[0]=0.0066; for (Int_t delta = 0; delta<18; delta+=6){ // cuts[0]=0.0070; cuts[1] = 1.5; arr = Tracking(3,nup-1-delta,nup-1-delta-gap,cuts,-1,1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // for (Int_t i=2;i<6;i+=2){ // seed high pt tracks cuts[0]=0.0022; cuts[1]=0.3; arr = Tracking(3,nup-i-delta,nup-i-delta-gap,cuts,-1,0); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); } } fnumber = 4; fdensity = 4.; // RemoveUsed(seeds,0.9,0.9,1); // UnsignClusters(); // SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); //find primaries cuts[0]=0.0077; for (Int_t delta = 20; delta<120; delta+=10){ // // seed high pt tracks cuts[0]=0.0060; cuts[1]=0.3; cuts[2]=6.; arr = Tracking(3,nup-delta,nup-delta-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); cuts[0]=0.003; cuts[1]=0.3; cuts[2]=6.; arr = Tracking(3,nup-delta-5,nup-delta-5-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); } cuts[0] = 0.01; cuts[1] = 2.0; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 2.0; fnumber = 2.; fdensity = 2.; if (fDebug>0){ Info("Tracking()","\n\nPrimary seeding\t%d\n\n",seeds->GetEntriesFast()); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); } // RemoveUsed(seeds,0.75,0.75,1); //UnsignClusters(); //SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // find secondaries cuts[0] = 0.3; cuts[1] = 1.5; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 1.5; arr = Tracking(4,nup-1,nup-1-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-2,nup-2-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-3,nup-3-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // for (Int_t delta = 3; delta<30; delta+=5){ // cuts[0] = 0.3; cuts[1] = 1.5; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 1.5; arr = Tracking(4,nup-1-delta,nup-1-delta-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-3-delta,nup-5-delta-gap,cuts,4); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // } fnumber = 1; fdensity = 1; // // change cuts fnumber = 2.; fdensity = 2.; cuts[0]=0.0080; // find secondaries for (Int_t delta = 30; delta<90; delta+=10){ // cuts[0] = 0.3; cuts[1] = 3.5; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 3.5; arr = Tracking(4,nup-1-delta,nup-1-delta-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-5-delta,nup-5-delta-gap,cuts,5 ); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); } if (fDebug>0){ Info("Tracking()","\n\nSecondary seeding\t%d\n\n",seeds->GetEntriesFast()); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); } return seeds; // } void AliTPCtrackerMI::SumTracks(TObjArray *arr1,TObjArray *arr2) const { // //sum tracks to common container //remove suspicious tracks Int_t nseed = arr2->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt){ // REMOVE VERY SHORT TRACKS if (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<20){ delete arr2->RemoveAt(i); continue; }// patch 28 fev06 // NORMAL ACTIVE TRACK if (pt->IsActive()){ arr1->AddLast(arr2->RemoveAt(i)); continue; } //remove not usable tracks if (pt->fRemoval!=10){ delete arr2->RemoveAt(i); continue; } // ENABLE ONLY ENOUGH GOOD STOPPED TRACKS if (pt->GetDensityFirst(20)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(30)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(40)>0.7) arr1->AddLast(arr2->RemoveAt(i)); else{ delete arr2->RemoveAt(i); } } } delete arr2; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::ParallelTracking(TObjArray * arr, Int_t rfirst, Int_t rlast) { // // try to track in parralel Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); //prepare seeds for tracking for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; if (!t.IsActive()) continue; // follow prolongation to the first layer if ( (fSectors ==fInnerSec) || (t.fFirstPoint-fParam->GetNRowLow()>rfirst+1) ) FollowProlongation(t, rfirst+1); } // for (Int_t nr=rfirst; nr>=rlast; nr--){ if (nrGetNRows()) fSectors = fInnerSec; else fSectors = fOuterSec; // make indexes with the cluster tracks for given // find nearest cluster for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; if (nr==80) pt->UpdateReference(); if (!pt->IsActive()) continue; // if ( (fSectors ==fOuterSec) && (pt->fFirstPoint-fParam->GetNRowLow())fRelativeSector>17) { continue; } UpdateClusters(t,nr); } // prolonagate to the nearest cluster - if founded for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; if (!pt->IsActive()) continue; // if ((fSectors ==fOuterSec) && (pt->fFirstPoint-fParam->GetNRowLow())fRelativeSector>17) { continue; } FollowToNextCluster(*pt,nr); } } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::PrepareForBackProlongation(TObjArray * arr,Float_t fac) const { // // // if we use TPC track itself we have to "update" covariance // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt) { pt->Modify(fac); // //rotate to current local system at first accepted point Int_t index = pt->GetClusterIndex2(pt->fFirstPoint); Int_t sec = (index&0xff000000)>>24; sec = sec%18; Float_t angle1 = fInnerSec->GetAlpha()*sec+fInnerSec->GetAlphaShift(); if (angle1>TMath::Pi()) angle1-=2.*TMath::Pi(); Float_t angle2 = pt->GetAlpha(); if (TMath::Abs(angle1-angle2)>0.001){ pt->Rotate(angle1-angle2); //angle2 = pt->GetAlpha(); //pt->fRelativeSector = pt->GetAlpha()/fInnerSec->GetAlpha(); //if (pt->GetAlpha()<0) // pt->fRelativeSector+=18; //sec = pt->fRelativeSector; } } } } void AliTPCtrackerMI::PrepareForProlongation(TObjArray * arr, Float_t fac) const { // // // if we use TPC track itself we have to "update" covariance // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt) { pt->Modify(fac); pt->fFirstPoint = pt->fLastPoint; } } } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::PropagateBack(TObjArray * arr) { // // make back propagation // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt&& pt->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0) { //AliTPCseed *pt2 = new AliTPCseed(*pt); fSectors = fInnerSec; //FollowBackProlongation(*pt,fInnerSec->GetNRows()-1); //fSectors = fOuterSec; FollowBackProlongation(*pt,fInnerSec->GetNRows()+fOuterSec->GetNRows()-1); //if (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<(pt->fEsd->GetTPCclusters(0)) ){ // Error("PropagateBack","Not prolonged track %d",pt->GetLabel()); // FollowBackProlongation(*pt2,fInnerSec->GetNRows()+fOuterSec->GetNRows()-1); //} } if (pt&& pt->GetKinkIndex(0)>0) { AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(pt->GetKinkIndex(0)-1); pt->fFirstPoint = kink->GetTPCRow0(); fSectors = fInnerSec; FollowBackProlongation(*pt,fInnerSec->GetNRows()+fOuterSec->GetNRows()-1); } } return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::PropagateForward2(TObjArray * arr) { // // make forward propagation // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); // for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt) { FollowProlongation(*pt,0); } } return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::PropagateForward() { // // propagate track forward //UnsignClusters(); Int_t nseed = fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt){ AliTPCseed &t = *pt; Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha() - fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); t.fRelativeSector = Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN; } } fSectors = fOuterSec; ParallelTracking(fSeeds,fOuterSec->GetNRows()+fInnerSec->GetNRows()-1,fInnerSec->GetNRows()); fSectors = fInnerSec; ParallelTracking(fSeeds,fInnerSec->GetNRows()-1,0); //WriteTracks(); return 1; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::PropagateBack(AliTPCseed * pt, Int_t row0, Int_t row1) { // // make back propagation, in between row0 and row1 // if (pt) { fSectors = fInnerSec; Int_t r1; // if (row1GetNRows()) r1 = row1; else r1 = fSectors->GetNRows()-1; if (row0GetNRows()&& r1>0 ) FollowBackProlongation(*pt,r1); if (row1<=fSectors->GetNRows()) return 0; // r1 = row1 - fSectors->GetNRows(); if (r1<=0) return 0; if (r1>=fOuterSec->GetNRows()) return 0; fSectors = fOuterSec; return FollowBackProlongation(*pt,r1); } return 0; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::GetShape(AliTPCseed * seed, Int_t row) { // // Float_t sd2 = TMath::Abs((fParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())))*fParam->GetDiffL()*fParam->GetDiffL(); // Float_t padlength = fParam->GetPadPitchLength(seed->fSector); Float_t padlength = GetPadPitchLength(row); // Float_t sresy = (seed->fSector < fParam->GetNSector()/2) ? 0.2 :0.3; Double_t angulary = seed->GetSnp(); angulary = angulary*angulary/(1-angulary*angulary); seed->fCurrentSigmaY2 = sd2+padlength*padlength*angulary/12.+sresy*sresy; // Float_t sresz = fParam->GetZSigma(); Float_t angularz = seed->GetTgl(); seed->fCurrentSigmaZ2 = sd2+padlength*padlength*angularz*angularz*(1+angulary)/12.+sresz*sresz; /* Float_t wy = GetSigmaY(seed); Float_t wz = GetSigmaZ(seed); wy*=wy; wz*=wz; if (TMath::Abs(wy/seed->fCurrentSigmaY2-1)>0.0001 || TMath::Abs(wz/seed->fCurrentSigmaZ2-1)>0.0001 ){ printf("problem\n"); } */ } Float_t AliTPCtrackerMI::GetSigmaY(AliTPCseed * seed) { // // Float_t sd2 = TMath::Abs((fParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())))*fParam->GetDiffL()*fParam->GetDiffL(); Float_t padlength = fParam->GetPadPitchLength(seed->fSector); Float_t sres = (seed->fSector < fParam->GetNSector()/2) ? 0.2 :0.3; Float_t angular = seed->GetSnp(); angular = angular*angular/(1-angular*angular); // angular*=angular; //angular = TMath::Sqrt(angular/(1-angular)); Float_t res = TMath::Sqrt(sd2+padlength*padlength*angular/12.+sres*sres); return res; } Float_t AliTPCtrackerMI::GetSigmaZ(AliTPCseed * seed) { // // Float_t sd2 = TMath::Abs((fParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())))*fParam->GetDiffL()*fParam->GetDiffL(); Float_t padlength = fParam->GetPadPitchLength(seed->fSector); Float_t sres = fParam->GetZSigma(); Float_t angular = seed->GetTgl(); Float_t res = TMath::Sqrt(sd2+padlength*padlength*angular*angular/12.+sres*sres); return res; } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrackerMI::CookLabel(AliKalmanTrack *tk, Float_t wrong) const { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //This function "cooks" a track label. If label<0, this track is fake. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- AliTPCseed * t = (AliTPCseed*)tk; Int_t noc=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (noc<10){ //printf("\nnot founded prolongation\n\n\n"); //t->Dump(); return ; } Int_t lb[160]; Int_t mx[160]; AliTPCclusterMI *clusters[160]; // for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) { clusters[i]=0; lb[i]=mx[i]=0; } Int_t i; Int_t current=0; for (i=0; i<160 && currentGetClusterIndex2(i); if (index<=0) continue; if (index&0x8000) continue; // //clusters[current]=GetClusterMI(index); if (t->fClusterPointer[i]){ clusters[current]=t->fClusterPointer[i]; current++; } } noc = current; Int_t lab=123456789; for (i=0; iGetLabel(0)); Int_t j; for (j=0; jmax) {max=mx[i]; lab=lb[i];} for (i=0; iGetLabel(1)) == lab || TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2)) == lab ) max++; } if ((1.- Float_t(max)/noc) > wrong) lab=-lab; else { Int_t tail=Int_t(0.10*noc); max=0; Int_t ind=0; for (i=1; i<=160&&indGetLabel(0)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(1)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2))) max++; ind++; } if (max < Int_t(0.5*tail)) lab=-lab; } t->SetLabel(lab); // delete[] lb; //delete[] mx; //delete[] clusters; } //__________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::CookLabel(AliTPCseed *t, Float_t wrong,Int_t first, Int_t last) const { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //This function "cooks" a track label. If label<0, this track is fake. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t noc=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (noc<10){ //printf("\nnot founded prolongation\n\n\n"); //t->Dump(); return -1; } Int_t lb[160]; Int_t mx[160]; AliTPCclusterMI *clusters[160]; // for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) { clusters[i]=0; lb[i]=mx[i]=0; } Int_t i; Int_t current=0; for (i=0; i<160 && currentlast) continue; Int_t index=t->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (index<=0) continue; if (index&0x8000) continue; // //clusters[current]=GetClusterMI(index); if (t->fClusterPointer[i]){ clusters[current]=t->fClusterPointer[i]; current++; } } noc = current; if (noc<5) return -1; Int_t lab=123456789; for (i=0; iGetLabel(0)); Int_t j; for (j=0; jmax) {max=mx[i]; lab=lb[i];} for (i=0; iGetLabel(1)) == lab || TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2)) == lab ) max++; } if ((1.- Float_t(max)/noc) > wrong) lab=-lab; else { Int_t tail=Int_t(0.10*noc); max=0; Int_t ind=0; for (i=1; i<=160&&indGetLabel(0)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(1)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2))) max++; ind++; } if (max < Int_t(0.5*tail)) lab=-lab; } // t->SetLabel(lab); return lab; // delete[] lb; //delete[] mx; //delete[] clusters; } Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCSector::GetRowNumber(Double_t x) const { //return pad row number for this x Double_t r; if (fN < 64){ r=fRow[fN-1].GetX(); if (x > r) return fN; r=fRow[0].GetX(); if (x < r) return -1; return Int_t((x-r)/fPadPitchLength + 0.5);} else{ r=fRow[fN-1].GetX(); if (x > r) return fN; r=fRow[0].GetX(); if (x < r) return -1; Double_t r1=fRow[64].GetX(); if(xGetInnerAngle(); fAlphaShift=par->GetInnerAngleShift(); fPadPitchWidth=par->GetInnerPadPitchWidth(); fPadPitchLength=par->GetInnerPadPitchLength(); fN=par->GetNRowLow(); fRow=new AliTPCRow[fN]; for (Int_t i=0; iGetPadRowRadiiLow(i)); fRow[i].fDeadZone =1.5; //1.5 cm of dead zone } } else { fAlpha=par->GetOuterAngle(); fAlphaShift=par->GetOuterAngleShift(); fPadPitchWidth = par->GetOuterPadPitchWidth(); fPadPitchLength = par->GetOuter1PadPitchLength(); f1PadPitchLength = par->GetOuter1PadPitchLength(); f2PadPitchLength = par->GetOuter2PadPitchLength(); fN=par->GetNRowUp(); fRow=new AliTPCRow[fN]; for (Int_t i=0; iGetPadRowRadiiUp(i)); fRow[i].fDeadZone =1.5; // 1.5 cm of dead zone } } } AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::AliTPCRow() { // // default constructor fN=0; fN1=0; fN2=0; fClusters1=0; fClusters2=0; } AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::~AliTPCRow(){ // } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::InsertCluster(const AliTPCclusterMI* c, UInt_t index) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert a cluster into this pad row in accordence with its y-coordinate //----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fN==kMaxClusterPerRow) { cerr<<"AliTPCRow::InsertCluster(): Too many clusters !\n"; return; } if (fN==0) {fIndex[0]=index; fClusters[fN++]=c; return;} Int_t i=Find(c->GetZ()); memmove(fClusters+i+1 ,fClusters+i,(fN-i)*sizeof(AliTPCclusterMI*)); memmove(fIndex +i+1 ,fIndex +i,(fN-i)*sizeof(UInt_t)); fIndex[i]=index; fClusters[i]=c; fN++; } void AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::ResetClusters() { // // reset clusters fN = 0; fN1 = 0; fN2 = 0; //delete[] fClusterArray; if (fClusters1) delete []fClusters1; if (fClusters2) delete []fClusters2; //fClusterArray=0; fClusters1 = 0; fClusters2 = 0; } //___________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::Find(Double_t z) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the index of the nearest cluster //----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fN==0) return 0; if (z <= fClusters[0]->GetZ()) return 0; if (z > fClusters[fN-1]->GetZ()) return fN; Int_t b=0, e=fN-1, m=(b+e)/2; for (; b fClusters[m]->GetZ()) b=m+1; else e=m; } return m; } //___________________________________________________________________ AliTPCclusterMI * AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::FindNearest(Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t roady, Double_t roadz) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the index of the nearest cluster in z y //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t maxdistance = roady*roady + roadz*roadz; AliTPCclusterMI *cl =0; for (Int_t i=Find(z-roadz); iGetZ() > z+roadz) break; if ( (c->GetY()-y) > roady ) continue; Float_t distance = (c->GetZ()-z)*(c->GetZ()-z)+(c->GetY()-y)*(c->GetY()-y); if (maxdistance>distance) { maxdistance = distance; cl=c; } } return cl; } AliTPCclusterMI * AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::FindNearest2(Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t roady, Double_t roadz,UInt_t & index) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the index of the nearest cluster in z y //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t maxdistance = roady*roady + roadz*roadz; AliTPCclusterMI *cl =0; //PH Check boundaries. 510 is the size of fFastCluster Int_t iz1 = Int_t(z-roadz+254.5); if (iz1<0 || iz1>=510) return cl; iz1 = TMath::Max(fFastCluster[iz1]-1,0); Int_t iz2 = Int_t(z+roadz+255.5); if (iz2<0 || iz2>=510) return cl; iz2 = TMath::Min(fFastCluster[iz2]+1,fN); //FindNearest3(y,z,roady,roadz,index); // for (Int_t i=Find(z-roadz); iGetZ() > z+roadz) break; if ( c->GetY()-y > roady ) continue; if ( y-c->GetY() > roady ) continue; Float_t distance = (c->GetZ()-z)*(c->GetZ()-z)+(c->GetY()-y)*(c->GetY()-y); if (maxdistance>distance) { maxdistance = distance; cl=c; index =i; //roady = TMath::Sqrt(maxdistance); } } return cl; } AliTPCclusterMI * AliTPCtrackerMI::AliTPCRow::FindNearest3(Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t roady, Double_t roadz,UInt_t & index) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the index of the nearest cluster in z y //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t maxdistance = roady*roady + roadz*roadz; // Int_t iz = Int_t(z+255.); AliTPCclusterMI *cl =0; for (Int_t i=Find(z-roadz); iGetZ() > z+roadz) break; if ( c->GetY()-y > roady ) continue; if ( y-c->GetY() > roady ) continue; Float_t distance = (c->GetZ()-z)*(c->GetZ()-z)+(c->GetY()-y)*(c->GetY()-y); if (maxdistance>distance) { maxdistance = distance; cl=c; index =i; //roady = TMath::Sqrt(maxdistance); } } return cl; } // AliTPCTrackerPoint * AliTPCseed::GetTrackPoint(Int_t i) // { // // // // // return &fTrackPoints[i]; // }