/* This macro creates a gain map for the TPC based on the results of the Krypton calibration. The main steps are the following: 1. Define outlier-pads where the krypton calibration was not succesful 2. A parabolic fit for the whole chamber is performed 3. replace outliers with fitted values 4. normalize separately IROCs and OROCs For more details see below. example usage: ============== TFile f("calibKr.root") AliTPCCalPad * kryptonRaw = new AliTPCCalPad(*fitMean) AliTPCCalPad * kryptonMean = new AliTPCCalPad(*spectrMean) AliTPCCalPad * kryptonChi2 = new AliTPCCalPad(*fitNormChi2) AliTPCCalPad * kryptonRMS = new AliTPCCalPad(*fitRMS) .L CreateGainMap.C AliTPCCalPad * final = CreateGainMap(kryptonRaw, kryptonRMS) TFile *h = new TFile("GainMap.root", "RECREATE") final.Write() */ AliTPCCalPad * CreateGainMap(AliTPCCalPad *krypFitMean, AliTPCCalPad *krypFitRMS, AliTPCCalPad *noiseMap = 0, AliTPCCalPad *krypSpectrMean = 0, AliTPCCalPad *krypChi2 = 0, AliTPCCalPad *pulser = 0, AliTPCCalPad *electrode = 0) { // Draw input map TCanvas *test3 = new TCanvas("ASIDE3", "Aoriginal"); krypFitMean->MakeHisto2D()->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *test4 = new TCanvas("CSIDE4", "Coriginal"); krypFitMean->MakeHisto2D(1)->Draw("colz"); TH1F * hDEBUG = new TH1F("bla", "fitRMS/fitMean",100,0,0.3); const Double_t kryptonMean = 0.05012; const Double_t kryptonSigma = 0.00386; TObjArray arrayRocFinal(72); // // Loop over all sectors // for(Int_t isector=0; isector < 72; isector++){ AliTPCCalROC *rocKrypFitMean = krypFitMean->GetCalROC(isector); AliTPCCalROC *rocKrypFitRMS = krypFitRMS->GetCalROC(isector); AliTPCCalROC *rocOutlier = new AliTPCCalROC(*rocKrypFitMean); // 1. define map of outliers: the 41keV peak is fitted and krypFitMean represents the peak position and krypFitRMS its sigma. // In order to control the fit qualtiy krypFitRMS/krypFitMean is computed and plotted; it is roughly gaussian distributed // with the mean resolution kryptonMean = 0.05012 and sigma kryptonSigma = 0.00386. If the deviation is larger than 4sigma // the fit to the 41keV peak is considered as failed. Int_t nPointsFit = 0; for(Int_t iChannel=0; iChannel < rocOutlier->GetNchannels(); iChannel++){ Double_t fitMean = rocKrypFitMean->GetValue(iChannel); Double_t fitRMS = rocKrypFitRMS->GetValue(iChannel); if (fitRMS < 0.001 || fitMean < 0.001) continue; hDEBUG->Fill(fitRMS/fitMean); if (TMath::Abs(fitRMS/fitMean - kryptonMean) < 4*kryptonSigma || fitRMS < 0.001 || fitMean < 0.001) { rocOutlier->SetValue(iChannel,0); nPointsFit++; } } //TCanvas *DEBUG = new TCanvas(); //rocOutlier->MakeHisto2D()->Draw("colz"); Double_t rocMedian = rocKrypFitMean->GetMedian(rocOutlier); // 2. make a parabolic fit for the whole chamber with excluded outliers TVectorD params; TMatrixD cov; Float_t chi2; rocKrypFitMean->GlobalFit(rocOutlier,0,params,cov,chi2); AliTPCCalROC *rocParabolicFit=AliTPCCalROC::CreateGlobalFitCalROC(params,isector); if (nPointsFit != 0) cout << "sector: "<< isector << " chi2: " << chi2/nPointsFit <<" median: "<< rocMedian <<" n: " << nPointsFit << endl; if (nPointsFit == 0) { AliTPCCalROC *rocFinal = new AliTPCCalROC(*rocParabolicFit); // What to do with sectors being switched off?? arrayRocFinal.AddAt(rocFinal,isector); continue; } // // VERY IMPORTANT **** VERY IMPORTANT **** VERY IMPORTANT **** VERY IMPORTANT **** VERY IMPORTANT **** VERY IMPORTANT // // if the fit is considered as failed, the mean value is taken for the whole chamber (TO AVOID THIS, RELEASE THIS CUT) // if cosmic data can be used for gain calibration, this cut should be strong (e.g. 5) !!!!!!!!!! if (chi2/nPointsFit > 5) { AliTPCCalROC *rocFinal = new AliTPCCalROC(*rocParabolicFit); if (rocMedian == 0 && isector == 51) rocMedian = 1075; // manual patch to be removed for sector 51! for(Int_t iChannel=0; iChannel < rocFinal->GetNchannels(); iChannel++) rocFinal->SetValue(iChannel,rocMedian); arrayRocFinal.AddAt(rocFinal,isector); continue; } // 3. replace outliers with fitted values AliTPCCalROC *rocFinal = new AliTPCCalROC(*rocParabolicFit); for(Int_t iChannel=0; iChannel < rocFinal->GetNchannels(); iChannel++){ Double_t fitMean = rocKrypFitMean->GetValue(iChannel); Double_t fitRMS = rocKrypFitRMS->GetValue(iChannel); if (fitRMS < 0.001 || fitMean < 0.001 || TMath::Abs(rocParabolicFit->GetValue(iChannel)/fitMean - 1) > 0.35) { rocFinal->SetValue(iChannel,rocParabolicFit->GetValue(iChannel)); continue; } if (TMath::Abs(fitRMS/fitMean - kryptonMean) < 4*kryptonSigma) { rocFinal->SetValue(iChannel,rocKrypFitMean->GetValue(iChannel)); } } // 4. Postprocessing: Set dead channels and very noisy channels (time dependent) to 0 const Double_t noiseMin = 0.01; const Double_t noiseMax = 2; if (noiseMap) { AliTPCCalROC *rocNoise = noiseMap->GetCalROC(isector); for(Int_t iChannel=0; iChannel < rocFinal->GetNchannels(); iChannel++){ Double_t noise = rocNoise->GetValue(iChannel); if (noise < noiseMin || noise > noiseMax) rocFinal->SetValue(iChannel, 0); } } // Fill an array of ROCs arrayRocFinal.AddAt(rocFinal,isector); } AliTPCCalPad *final = new AliTPCCalPad(&arrayRocFinal); // 4. normalize separately IROCs and OROCs to the mean of their medians Double_t meanMedianIROC; Double_t meanMedianOROC; Int_t n = 0; for(Int_t isector=0; isector < 36; isector++){ // IROCs AliTPCCalROC *rocFinal = final->GetCalROC(isector); if (rocFinal->GetMedian() != 0) { meanMedianIROC += rocFinal->GetMedian(); n++; } } meanMedianIROC = meanMedianIROC/n; n = 0; for(Int_t isector=36; isector < 72; isector++){ // OROCs AliTPCCalROC *rocFinal = final->GetCalROC(isector); if (rocFinal->GetMedian() != 0) { meanMedianOROC += rocFinal->GetMedian(); n++; } } meanMedianOROC = meanMedianOROC/n; for(Int_t isector=0; isector < 72; isector++){ // OROCs AliTPCCalROC *rocFinal = final->GetCalROC(isector); if (isector<36) rocFinal->Multiply(1./meanMedianIROC); if (isector>35) rocFinal->Multiply(1./meanMedianOROC); } // Draw results TCanvas *test = new TCanvas("ASIDE", "A"); final->MakeHisto2D()->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *test2 = new TCanvas("CSIDE", "C"); final->MakeHisto2D(1)->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *cDEBUG = new TCanvas(); hDEBUG->Draw(); //return results final->SetName("GainMap"); return final; }