Int_t FindKrClustersRaw(const char *fileName="data.root"){ // // remove Altro warnings // AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTPCRawStream",-5); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliRawReaderDate",-5); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTPCAltroMapping",-5); AliLog::SetModuleDebugLevel("RAW",-5); // // Get calibration // // char *ocdbpath = gSystem->Getenv("OCDB_PATH"); char *ocdbpath ="local:///afs/"; if (ocdbpath==0){ ocdbpath="alien://folder=/alice/data/2007/LHC07w/OCDB/"; } printf("OCDB PATH = %s\n",ocdbpath); AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(ocdbpath); man->SetRun(0); AliTPCCalPad * noiseTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetPadNoise(); AliTPCAltroMapping** mapping =AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetMapping(); // // //define tree TFile *hfile=new TFile("adc.root","RECREATE","ADC file"); // Create a ROOT Tree TTree *mytree = new TTree("Kr","Krypton cluster tree"); AliRawReader *reader = new AliRawReaderRoot(fileName); //AliRawReader *reader = new AliRawReaderDate(fileName); reader->Reset(); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); AliAltroRawStreamFast* stream = new AliAltroRawStreamFast(reader); stream->SelectRawData("TPC"); //one general output AliTPCclustererKr *clusters = new AliTPCclustererKr(); clusters->SetOutput(mytree); clusters->SetRecoParam(0); AliTPCParamSR *param=new AliTPCParamSR(); //only for geometry parameters loading - temporarly // AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); // AliTPCParam *param=(AliTPCParamSR *)gDirectory->Get("75x40_100x60_150x60"); //if (!param) {cerr<<"TPC parameters have not been found !\n"; return 4;} clusters->SetParam(param); //set cluster finder parameters (from data) clusters->SetZeroSup(param->GetZeroSup());//zero suppression parameter clusters->SetFirstBin(60);//first bin clusters->SetLastBin(950);//last bin clusters->SetMaxNoiseAbs(2);//maximal noise clusters->SetMaxNoiseSigma(3);//maximal amount of sigma of noise //set cluster finder parameters (from MC) clusters->SetMinAdc(3);//signal threshold (everything below is treated as 0) clusters->SetMinTimeBins(2);//number of neighbouring timebins clusters->SetMaxPadRangeCm(2.5);//distance of the cluster center to the center of a pad (in cm) clusters->SetMaxRowRangeCm(3.5);//distance of the cluster center to the center of a padrow (in cm) clusters->SetMaxTimeRange(7);//distance of the cluster center to the max time bin on a pad (in tackts) //ie. fabs(centerT - time)<7 clusters->SetValueToSize(3.5);//cut reduce peak at 0 Int_t evtnr=0; while (reader->NextEvent()) { //output for each event // AliTPCclustererKr *clusters = new AliTPCclustererKr(); // clusters->SetOutput(mytree); // clusters->SetRecoParam(0); // clusters->SetParam(param); // if(evtnr++>5) break; cout<<"Evt = "<FinderIO(reader); evtnr++; } mytree->Print();//print rootuple summary // Save all objects in this file hfile->Write(); // Close the file hfile->Close(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); delete stream; return 0; }