/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the TPC clusterer // // 1. The Input data for reconstruction - Options // 1.a Simulated data - TTree - invoked Digits2Clusters() // 1.b Raw data - Digits2Clusters(AliRawReader* rawReader); // 1.c HLT clusters - Digits2Clusters and Digits2Clusters(AliRawReader* rawReader) // invoke ReadHLTClusters() // // fUseHLTClusters - switches between different inputs // 1 -> only TPC raw/sim data // 2 -> if present TPC raw/sim data, otherwise HLT clusters // 3 -> only HLT clusters // 4 -> if present HLT clusters, otherwise TPC raw/sim data // // 2. The Output data // 2.a TTree with clusters - if SetOutput(TTree * tree) invoked // 2.b TObjArray - Faster option for HLT // 2.c TClonesArray - Faster option for HLT (smaller memory consumption), activate with fBClonesArray flag // // 3. Reconstruction setup // see AliTPCRecoParam for list of parameters // The reconstruction parameterization taken from the // AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam() // Possible to setup it in reconstruction macro AliTPCReconstructor::SetRecoParam(...) // // // // Origin: Marian Ivanov //------------------------------------------------------- #include "Riostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TSystem.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "AliDigits.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMathBase.h" #include "AliRawEventHeaderBase.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliSimDigits.h" #include "AliTPCCalPad.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include "AliTPCClustersRow.h" #include "AliTPCParam.h" #include "AliTPCRawStreamV3.h" #include "AliTPCRecoParam.h" #include "AliTPCReconstructor.h" #include "AliTPCcalibDB.h" #include "AliTPCclusterInfo.h" #include "AliTPCclusterMI.h" #include "AliTPCTransform.h" #include "AliTPCclusterer.h" using std::cerr; using std::endl; ClassImp(AliTPCclusterer) AliTPCclusterer::AliTPCclusterer(const AliTPCParam* par, const AliTPCRecoParam * recoParam): fBins(0), fSigBins(0), fNSigBins(0), fLoop(0), fMaxBin(0), fMaxTime(1006), // 1000>940 so use 1000, add 3 virtual time bins before and 3 after fMaxPad(0), fSector(-1), fRow(-1), fSign(0), fRx(0), fPadWidth(0), fPadLength(0), fZWidth(0), fPedSubtraction(kFALSE), fEventHeader(0), fTimeStamp(0), fEventType(0), fInput(0), fOutput(0), fOutputArray(0), fOutputClonesArray(0), fRowCl(0), fRowDig(0), fParam(0), fNcluster(0), fNclusters(0), fDebugStreamer(0), fRecoParam(0), fBDumpSignal(kFALSE), fBClonesArray(kFALSE), fUseHLTClusters(4), fAllBins(NULL), fAllSigBins(NULL), fAllNSigBins(NULL), fHLTClusterAccess(NULL) { // // COSNTRUCTOR // param - tpc parameters for given file // recoparam - reconstruction parameters // fInput =0; fParam = par; if (recoParam) { fRecoParam = recoParam; }else{ //set default parameters if not specified fRecoParam = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam(); if (!fRecoParam) fRecoParam = AliTPCRecoParam::GetLowFluxParam(); } if(AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0) { fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TPCsignal.root"); } // Int_t nPoints = fRecoParam->GetLastBin()-fRecoParam->GetFirstBin(); fRowCl= new AliTPCClustersRow("AliTPCclusterMI"); // Non-persistent arrays // //alocate memory for sector - maximal case // AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); Int_t nRowsMax = roc->GetNRows(roc->GetNSector()-1); Int_t nPadsMax = roc->GetNPads(roc->GetNSector()-1,nRowsMax-1); fAllBins = new Float_t*[nRowsMax]; fAllSigBins = new Int_t*[nRowsMax]; fAllNSigBins = new Int_t[nRowsMax]; for (Int_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRowsMax; iRow++) { // Int_t maxBin = fMaxTime*(nPadsMax+6); // add 3 virtual pads before and 3 after fAllBins[iRow] = new Float_t[maxBin]; memset(fAllBins[iRow],0,sizeof(Float_t)*maxBin); fAllSigBins[iRow] = new Int_t[maxBin]; fAllNSigBins[iRow]=0; } } //______________________________________________________________ AliTPCclusterer::~AliTPCclusterer(){ // // // if (fDebugStreamer) delete fDebugStreamer; if (fOutputArray){ //fOutputArray->Delete(); delete fOutputArray; } if (fOutputClonesArray){ fOutputClonesArray->Delete(); delete fOutputClonesArray; } if (fRowCl) { fRowCl->GetArray()->Delete(); delete fRowCl; } AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); Int_t nRowsMax = roc->GetNRows(roc->GetNSector()-1); for (Int_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRowsMax; iRow++) { delete [] fAllBins[iRow]; delete [] fAllSigBins[iRow]; } delete [] fAllBins; delete [] fAllSigBins; delete [] fAllNSigBins; if (fHLTClusterAccess) delete fHLTClusterAccess; } void AliTPCclusterer::SetInput(TTree * tree) { // // set input tree with digits // fInput = tree; if (!fInput->GetBranch("Segment")){ cerr<<"AliTPC::Digits2Clusters(): no porper input tree !\n"; fInput=0; return; } } void AliTPCclusterer::SetOutput(TTree * tree) { // // Set the output tree // If not set the ObjArray used - Option for HLT // if (!tree) return; fOutput= tree; AliTPCClustersRow clrow("AliTPCclusterMI"); AliTPCClustersRow *pclrow=&clrow; fOutput->Branch("Segment","AliTPCClustersRow",&pclrow,32000,200); } void AliTPCclusterer::FillRow(){ // // fill the output container - // 2 Options possible // Tree // TObjArray // if (fOutput) fOutput->Fill(); if (!fOutput && !fBClonesArray){ // if (!fOutputArray) fOutputArray = new TObjArray(fParam->GetNRowsTotal()); if (fRowCl && fRowCl->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast()>0) fOutputArray->AddAt(fRowCl->Clone(), fRowCl->GetID()); } } Float_t AliTPCclusterer::GetSigmaY2(Int_t iz){ // sigma y2 = in digits - we don't know the angle Float_t z = iz*fParam->GetZWidth()+fParam->GetNTBinsL1()*fParam->GetZWidth(); Float_t sd2 = (z*fParam->GetDiffL()*fParam->GetDiffL())/ (fPadWidth*fPadWidth); Float_t sres = 0.25; Float_t res = sd2+sres; return res; } Float_t AliTPCclusterer::GetSigmaZ2(Int_t iz){ //sigma z2 = in digits - angle estimated supposing vertex constraint Float_t z = iz*fZWidth+fParam->GetNTBinsL1()*fParam->GetZWidth(); Float_t sd2 = (z*fParam->GetDiffL()*fParam->GetDiffL())/(fZWidth*fZWidth); Float_t angular = fPadLength*(fParam->GetZLength(fSector)-z)/(fRx*fZWidth); angular*=angular; angular/=12.; Float_t sres = fParam->GetZSigma()/fZWidth; sres *=sres; Float_t res = angular +sd2+sres; return res; } void AliTPCclusterer::MakeCluster(Int_t k,Int_t max,Float_t *bins, UInt_t /*m*/, AliTPCclusterMI &c) { // // Make cluster: characterized by position ( mean- COG) , shape (RMS) a charge, QMax and Q tot // Additional correction: // a) To correct for charge below threshold, in the +1 neghborhood to the max charge charge // is extrapolated using gaussian approximation assuming given cluster width.. // Additional empirical factor is used to account for the charge fluctuation (kVirtualChargeFactor). // Actual value of the kVirtualChargeFactor should obtained minimimizing residuals between the cluster // and track interpolation. // b.) For space points with extended shape (in comparison with expected using parameterization) clusters are // unfoded // // NOTE. Actual/Empirical values for correction are hardwired in the code. // // Input paramters for function: // k - Make cluster at position k // bins - 2 D array of signals mapped to 1 dimensional array - // max - the number of time bins er one dimension // c - reference to cluster to be filled // Double_t kVirtualChargeFactor=0.5; Int_t i0=k/max; //central pad Int_t j0=k%max; //central time bin // set pointers to data //Int_t dummy[5] ={0,0,0,0,0}; Float_t * matrix[5]; //5x5 matrix with digits - indexing i = 0 ..4 j = -2..2 for (Int_t di=-2;di<=2;di++){ matrix[di+2] = &bins[k+di*max]; } //build matrix with virtual charge Float_t sigmay2= GetSigmaY2(j0); Float_t sigmaz2= GetSigmaZ2(j0); Float_t vmatrix[5][5]; vmatrix[2][2] = matrix[2][0]; c.SetType(0); c.SetMax((UShort_t)(vmatrix[2][2])); // write maximal amplitude for (Int_t di =-1;di <=1;di++) for (Int_t dj =-1;dj <=1;dj++){ Float_t amp = matrix[di+2][dj]; if ( (amp<2) && (fLoop<2)){ // if under threshold - calculate virtual charge Float_t ratio = TMath::Exp(-1.2*TMath::Abs(di)/sigmay2)*TMath::Exp(-1.2*TMath::Abs(dj)/sigmaz2); amp = ((matrix[2][0]-2)*(matrix[2][0]-2)/(matrix[-di+2][-dj]+2))*ratio; if (amp>2) amp = 2; vmatrix[2+di][2+dj]= kVirtualChargeFactor*amp; vmatrix[2+2*di][2+2*dj]=0; if ( (di*dj)!=0){ //DIAGONAL ELEMENTS vmatrix[2+2*di][2+dj] =0; vmatrix[2+di][2+2*dj] =0; } continue; } if (amp<4){ //if small amplitude - below 2 x threshold - don't consider other one vmatrix[2+di][2+dj]=amp; vmatrix[2+2*di][2+2*dj]=0; // don't take to the account next bin if ( (di*dj)!=0){ //DIAGONAL ELEMENTS vmatrix[2+2*di][2+dj] =0; vmatrix[2+di][2+2*dj] =0; } continue; } //if bigger then take everything vmatrix[2+di][2+dj]=amp; vmatrix[2+2*di][2+2*dj]= matrix[2*di+2][2*dj] ; if ( (di*dj)!=0){ //DIAGONAL ELEMENTS vmatrix[2+2*di][2+dj] = matrix[2*di+2][dj]; vmatrix[2+di][2+2*dj] = matrix[2+di][dj*2]; } } Float_t sumw=0; Float_t sumiw=0; Float_t sumi2w=0; Float_t sumjw=0; Float_t sumj2w=0; // for (Int_t i=-2;i<=2;i++) for (Int_t j=-2;j<=2;j++){ Float_t amp = vmatrix[i+2][j+2]; sumw += amp; sumiw += i*amp; sumi2w += i*i*amp; sumjw += j*amp; sumj2w += j*j*amp; } // Float_t meani = sumiw/sumw; Float_t mi2 = sumi2w/sumw-meani*meani; Float_t meanj = sumjw/sumw; Float_t mj2 = sumj2w/sumw-meanj*meanj; // Float_t ry = mi2/sigmay2; Float_t rz = mj2/sigmaz2; // if ( ( (ry<0.6) || (rz<0.6) ) && fLoop==2) return; if ( ((ry <1.2) && (rz<1.2)) || (!fRecoParam->GetDoUnfold())) { // //if cluster looks like expected or Unfolding not switched on //standard COG is used //+1.2 deviation from expected sigma accepted // c.fMax = FitMax(vmatrix,meani,meanj,TMath::Sqrt(sigmay2),TMath::Sqrt(sigmaz2)); meani +=i0; meanj +=j0; //set cluster parameters c.SetQ(sumw); c.SetPad(meani-2.5); c.SetTimeBin(meanj-3); c.SetSigmaY2(mi2); c.SetSigmaZ2(mj2); c.SetType(0); AddCluster(c,(Float_t*)vmatrix,k); return; } // //unfolding when neccessary // Float_t * matrix2[7]; //7x7 matrix with digits - indexing i = 0 ..6 j = -3..3 Float_t dummy[7]={0,0,0,0,0,0}; for (Int_t di=-3;di<=3;di++){ matrix2[di+3] = &bins[k+di*max]; if ((k+di*max)<3) matrix2[di+3] = &dummy[3]; if ((k+di*max)>fMaxBin-3) matrix2[di+3] = &dummy[3]; } Float_t vmatrix2[5][5]; Float_t sumu; Float_t overlap; UnfoldCluster(matrix2,vmatrix2,meani,meanj,sumu,overlap); // // c.fMax = FitMax(vmatrix2,meani,meanj,TMath::Sqrt(sigmay2),TMath::Sqrt(sigmaz2)); meani +=i0; meanj +=j0; //set cluster parameters c.SetQ(sumu); c.SetPad(meani-2.5); c.SetTimeBin(meanj-3); c.SetSigmaY2(mi2); c.SetSigmaZ2(mj2); c.SetType(Char_t(overlap)+1); AddCluster(c,(Float_t*)vmatrix,k); //unfolding 2 meani-=i0; meanj-=j0; } void AliTPCclusterer::UnfoldCluster(Float_t * matrix2[7], Float_t recmatrix[5][5], Float_t & meani, Float_t & meanj, Float_t & sumu, Float_t & overlap ) { // //unfold cluster from input matrix //data corresponding to cluster writen in recmatrix //output meani and meanj //take separatelly y and z Float_t sum3i[7] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; Float_t sum3j[7] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; for (Int_t k =0;k<7;k++) for (Int_t l = -1; l<=1;l++){ sum3i[k]+=matrix2[k][l]; sum3j[k]+=matrix2[l+3][k-3]; } Float_t mratio[3][3]={{1,1,1},{1,1,1},{1,1,1}}; // //unfold y Float_t sum3wi = 0; //charge minus overlap Float_t sum3wio = 0; //full charge Float_t sum3iw = 0; //sum for mean value for (Int_t dk=-1;dk<=1;dk++){ sum3wio+=sum3i[dk+3]; if (dk==0){ sum3wi+=sum3i[dk+3]; } else{ Float_t ratio =1; if ( ( ((sum3i[dk+3]+3)/(sum3i[3]-3))+1 < (sum3i[2*dk+3]-3)/(sum3i[dk+3]+3))|| (sum3i[dk+3]<=sum3i[2*dk+3] && sum3i[dk+3]>2 )){ Float_t xm2 = sum3i[-dk+3]; Float_t xm1 = sum3i[+3]; Float_t x1 = sum3i[2*dk+3]; Float_t x2 = sum3i[3*dk+3]; Float_t w11 = TMath::Max((Float_t)(4.*xm1-xm2),(Float_t)0.000001); Float_t w12 = TMath::Max((Float_t)(4 *x1 -x2),(Float_t)0.); ratio = w11/(w11+w12); for (Int_t dl=-1;dl<=1;dl++) mratio[dk+1][dl+1] *= ratio; } Float_t amp = sum3i[dk+3]*ratio; sum3wi+=amp; sum3iw+= dk*amp; } } meani = sum3iw/sum3wi; Float_t overlapi = (sum3wio-sum3wi)/sum3wio; //unfold z Float_t sum3wj = 0; //charge minus overlap Float_t sum3wjo = 0; //full charge Float_t sum3jw = 0; //sum for mean value for (Int_t dk=-1;dk<=1;dk++){ sum3wjo+=sum3j[dk+3]; if (dk==0){ sum3wj+=sum3j[dk+3]; } else{ Float_t ratio =1; if ( ( ((sum3j[dk+3]+3)/(sum3j[3]-3))+1 < (sum3j[2*dk+3]-3)/(sum3j[dk+3]+3)) || (sum3j[dk+3]<=sum3j[2*dk+3] && sum3j[dk+3]>2)){ Float_t xm2 = sum3j[-dk+3]; Float_t xm1 = sum3j[+3]; Float_t x1 = sum3j[2*dk+3]; Float_t x2 = sum3j[3*dk+3]; Float_t w11 = TMath::Max((Float_t)(4.*xm1-xm2),(Float_t)0.000001); Float_t w12 = TMath::Max((Float_t)(4 *x1 -x2),(Float_t)0.); ratio = w11/(w11+w12); for (Int_t dl=-1;dl<=1;dl++) mratio[dl+1][dk+1] *= ratio; } Float_t amp = sum3j[dk+3]*ratio; sum3wj+=amp; sum3jw+= dk*amp; } } meanj = sum3jw/sum3wj; Float_t overlapj = (sum3wjo-sum3wj)/sum3wjo; overlap = Int_t(100*TMath::Max(overlapi,overlapj)+3); sumu = (sum3wj+sum3wi)/2.; if (overlap ==3) { //if not overlap detected remove everything for (Int_t di =-2; di<=2;di++) for (Int_t dj =-2; dj<=2;dj++){ recmatrix[di+2][dj+2] = matrix2[3+di][dj]; } } else{ for (Int_t di =-1; di<=1;di++) for (Int_t dj =-1; dj<=1;dj++){ Float_t ratio =1; if (mratio[di+1][dj+1]==1){ recmatrix[di+2][dj+2] = matrix2[3+di][dj]; if (TMath::Abs(di)+TMath::Abs(dj)>1){ recmatrix[2*di+2][dj+2] = matrix2[3+2*di][dj]; recmatrix[di+2][2*dj+2] = matrix2[3+di][2*dj]; } recmatrix[2*di+2][2*dj+2] = matrix2[3+2*di][2*dj]; } else { //if we have overlap in direction recmatrix[di+2][dj+2] = mratio[di+1][dj+1]* matrix2[3+di][dj]; if (TMath::Abs(di)+TMath::Abs(dj)>1){ ratio = TMath::Min((Float_t)(recmatrix[di+2][dj+2]/(matrix2[3+0*di][1*dj]+1)),(Float_t)1.); recmatrix[2*di+2][dj+2] = ratio*recmatrix[di+2][dj+2]; // ratio = TMath::Min((Float_t)(recmatrix[di+2][dj+2]/(matrix2[3+1*di][0*dj]+1)),(Float_t)1.); recmatrix[di+2][2*dj+2] = ratio*recmatrix[di+2][dj+2]; } else{ ratio = recmatrix[di+2][dj+2]/matrix2[3][0]; recmatrix[2*di+2][2*dj+2] = ratio*recmatrix[di+2][dj+2]; } } } } } Float_t AliTPCclusterer::FitMax(Float_t vmatrix[5][5], Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t sigmay, Float_t sigmaz) { // // estimate max Float_t sumteor= 0; Float_t sumamp = 0; for (Int_t di = -1;di<=1;di++) for (Int_t dj = -1;dj<=1;dj++){ if (vmatrix[2+di][2+dj]>2){ Float_t teor = TMath::Gaus(di,y,sigmay*1.2)*TMath::Gaus(dj,z,sigmaz*1.2); sumteor += teor*vmatrix[2+di][2+dj]; sumamp += vmatrix[2+di][2+dj]*vmatrix[2+di][2+dj]; } } Float_t max = sumamp/sumteor; return max; } void AliTPCclusterer::AddCluster(AliTPCclusterMI &c, Float_t * /*matrix*/, Int_t /*pos*/){ // // // Transform cluster to the rotated global coordinata // Assign labels to the cluster // add the cluster to the array // for more details - See AliTPCTranform::Transform(x,i,0,1) Float_t meani = c.GetPad(); Float_t meanj = c.GetTimeBin(); Int_t ki = TMath::Nint(meani); if (ki<0) ki=0; if (ki>=fMaxPad) ki = fMaxPad-1; Int_t kj = TMath::Nint(meanj); if (kj<0) kj=0; if (kj>=fMaxTime-3) kj=fMaxTime-4; // ki and kj shifted as integers coordinata if (fRowDig) { c.SetLabel(fRowDig->GetTrackIDFast(kj,ki,0)-2,0); c.SetLabel(fRowDig->GetTrackIDFast(kj,ki,1)-2,1); c.SetLabel(fRowDig->GetTrackIDFast(kj,ki,2)-2,2); } c.SetRow(fRow); c.SetDetector(fSector); Float_t s2 = c.GetSigmaY2(); Float_t w=fParam->GetPadPitchWidth(fSector); c.SetSigmaY2(s2*w*w); s2 = c.GetSigmaZ2(); c.SetSigmaZ2(s2*fZWidth*fZWidth); // // // AliTPCTransform *transform = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform() ; if (!transform) { AliFatal("Tranformations not in calibDB"); return; } transform->SetCurrentRecoParam((AliTPCRecoParam*)fRecoParam); Double_t x[3]={static_cast(c.GetRow()),static_cast(c.GetPad()),static_cast(c.GetTimeBin())}; Int_t i[1]={fSector}; transform->Transform(x,i,0,1); c.SetX(x[0]); c.SetY(x[1]); c.SetZ(x[2]); // // if (ki<=1 || ki>=fMaxPad-1 || kj==1 || kj==fMaxTime-2) { c.SetType(-(c.GetType()+3)); //edge clusters } if (fLoop==2) c.SetType(100); // select output TClonesArray * arr = 0; AliTPCclusterMI * cl = 0; if(fBClonesArray==kFALSE) { arr = fRowCl->GetArray(); cl = new ((*arr)[fNcluster]) AliTPCclusterMI(c); } else { cl = new ((*fOutputClonesArray)[fNclusters+fNcluster]) AliTPCclusterMI(c); } // if (fRecoParam->DumpSignal() &&matrix ) { // Int_t nbins=0; // Float_t *graph =0; // if (fRecoParam->GetCalcPedestal() && cl->GetMax()>fRecoParam->GetDumpAmplitudeMin() &&fBDumpSignal){ // nbins = fMaxTime; // graph = &(fBins[fMaxTime*(pos/fMaxTime)]); // } // AliTPCclusterInfo * info = new AliTPCclusterInfo(matrix,nbins,graph); // cl->SetInfo(info); // } if (!fRecoParam->DumpSignal()) { cl->SetInfo(0); } const Int_t kClusterStream=128; // stream level should be per action - to be added to the AliTPCReconstructor if ( (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()&kClusterStream)==kClusterStream) { Float_t xyz[3]; cl->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); (*fDebugStreamer)<<"Clusters"<< "Cl.="<5) { AliInfo("Parameter Dumps"); fParam->Dump(); fRecoParam->Dump(); } fRowDig = NULL; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Use HLT clusters //----------------------------------------------------------------- if (fUseHLTClusters == 3 || fUseHLTClusters == 4) { AliInfo("Using HLT clusters for TPC off-line reconstruction"); fZWidth = fParam->GetZWidth(); Int_t iResult = ReadHLTClusters(); // HLT clusters present if (iResult >= 0 && fNclusters > 0) return; // HLT clusters not present if (iResult < 0 || fNclusters == 0) { if (fUseHLTClusters == 3) { AliError("No HLT clusters present, but requested."); return; } else { AliInfo("Now trying to read from TPC RAW"); } } // Some other problem during cluster reading else { AliWarning("Some problem while unpacking of HLT clusters."); return; } } // if (fUseHLTClusters == 3 || fUseHLTClusters == 4) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Run TPC off-line clusterer //----------------------------------------------------------------- AliTPCCalPad * gainTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetPadGainFactor(); AliTPCCalPad * noiseTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetPadNoise(); AliSimDigits digarr, *dummy=&digarr; fRowDig = dummy; fInput->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&dummy); Stat_t nentries = fInput->GetEntries(); fMaxTime=fRecoParam->GetLastBin()+6; // add 3 virtual time bins before and 3 after Int_t nclusters = 0; for (Int_t n=0; nGetEvent(n); if (!fParam->AdjustSectorRow(digarr.GetID(),fSector,fRow)) { cerr<<"AliTPC warning: invalid segment ID ! "<GetCalROC(fSector); // pad gains per given sector AliTPCCalROC * noiseROC = noiseTPC->GetCalROC(fSector); // noise per given sector // fRowCl->SetID(digarr.GetID()); if (fOutput) fOutput->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&fRowCl); fRx=fParam->GetPadRowRadii(fSector,row); const Int_t kNIS=fParam->GetNInnerSector(), kNOS=fParam->GetNOuterSector(); fZWidth = fParam->GetZWidth(); if (fSector < kNIS) { fMaxPad = fParam->GetNPadsLow(row); fSign = (fSector < kNIS/2) ? 1 : -1; fPadLength = fParam->GetPadPitchLength(fSector,row); fPadWidth = fParam->GetPadPitchWidth(); } else { fMaxPad = fParam->GetNPadsUp(row); fSign = ((fSector-kNIS) < kNOS/2) ? 1 : -1; fPadLength = fParam->GetPadPitchLength(fSector,row); fPadWidth = fParam->GetPadPitchWidth(); } fMaxBin=fMaxTime*(fMaxPad+6); // add 3 virtual pads before and 3 after fBins =new Float_t[fMaxBin]; fSigBins =new Int_t[fMaxBin]; fNSigBins = 0; memset(fBins,0,sizeof(Float_t)*fMaxBin); if (digarr.First()) //MI change do { Float_t dig=digarr.CurrentDigit(); if (dig<=fParam->GetZeroSup()) continue; Int_t j=digarr.CurrentRow()+3, i=digarr.CurrentColumn()+3; Float_t gain = gainROC->GetValue(row,digarr.CurrentColumn()); Int_t bin = i*fMaxTime+j; if (gain>0){ fBins[bin]=dig/gain; }else{ fBins[bin]=0; } fSigBins[fNSigBins++]=bin; } while (digarr.Next()); digarr.ExpandTrackBuffer(); FindClusters(noiseROC); FillRow(); fRowCl->GetArray()->Clear("C"); nclusters+=fNcluster; delete[] fBins; delete[] fSigBins; } Info("Digits2Clusters", "Number of found clusters : %d", nclusters); if (fUseHLTClusters == 2 && nclusters == 0) { AliInfo("No clusters from TPC Raw data, now trying to read HLT clusters."); fZWidth = fParam->GetZWidth(); ReadHLTClusters(); } } void AliTPCclusterer::ProcessSectorData(){ // // Process the data for the current sector // AliTPCCalPad * pedestalTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetPedestals(); AliTPCCalPad * noiseTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetPadNoise(); AliTPCCalROC * pedestalROC = pedestalTPC->GetCalROC(fSector); // pedestal per given sector AliTPCCalROC * noiseROC = noiseTPC->GetCalROC(fSector); // noise per given sector //check the presence of the calibration if (!noiseROC ||!pedestalROC ) { AliError(Form("Missing calibration per sector\t%d\n",fSector)); return; } Int_t nRows=fParam->GetNRow(fSector); Bool_t calcPedestal = fRecoParam->GetCalcPedestal(); Int_t zeroSup = fParam->GetZeroSup(); // if (calcPedestal) { if (kFALSE ) { for (Int_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++) { Int_t maxPad = fParam->GetNPads(fSector, iRow); for (Int_t iPad = 3; iPad < maxPad + 3; iPad++) { // // Temporary fix for data production - !!!! MARIAN // The noise calibration should take mean and RMS - currently the Gaussian fit used // In case of double peak - the pad should be rejected // // Line mean - if more than given digits over threshold - make a noise calculation // and pedestal substration if (!calcPedestal && fAllBins[iRow][iPad*fMaxTime+0]<50) continue; // if (fAllBins[iRow][iPad*fMaxTime+0] <1 ) continue; // no data Float_t *p = &fAllBins[iRow][iPad*fMaxTime+3]; //Float_t pedestal = TMath::Median(fMaxTime, p); Int_t id[3] = {fSector, iRow, iPad-3}; // calib values Double_t rmsCalib= noiseROC->GetValue(iRow,iPad-3); Double_t pedestalCalib = pedestalROC->GetValue(iRow,iPad-3); Double_t rmsEvent = rmsCalib; Double_t pedestalEvent = pedestalCalib; ProcesSignal(p, fMaxTime, id, rmsEvent, pedestalEvent); if (rmsEventGetFirstBin()) fAllBins[iRow][bin] = 0; if (iTimeBin > fRecoParam->GetLastBin()) fAllBins[iRow][bin] = 0; if (fAllBins[iRow][iPad*fMaxTime+iTimeBin] < zeroSup) fAllBins[iRow][bin] = 0; if (fAllBins[iRow][bin] < 3.0*rmsEvent) // 3 sigma cut on RMS fAllBins[iRow][bin] = 0; if (fAllBins[iRow][bin]) fAllSigBins[iRow][fAllNSigBins[iRow]++] = bin; } } } } if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) { for (Int_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++) { Int_t maxPad = fParam->GetNPads(fSector,iRow); for (Int_t iPad = 3; iPad < maxPad + 3; iPad++) { for (Int_t iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < fMaxTime; iTimeBin++) { Int_t bin = iPad*fMaxTime+iTimeBin; Float_t signal = fAllBins[iRow][bin]; if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>3 && signal>3) { Double_t x[]={static_cast(iRow),static_cast(iPad-3),static_cast(iTimeBin-3)}; Int_t i[]={fSector}; AliTPCTransform trafo; trafo.Transform(x,i,0,1); Double_t gx[3]={x[0],x[1],x[2]}; trafo.RotatedGlobal2Global(fSector,gx); // fAllSigBins[iRow][fAllNSigBins[iRow]++] Int_t rowsigBins = fAllNSigBins[iRow]; Int_t first=fAllSigBins[iRow][0]; Int_t last= 0; // if (rowsigBins>0) fAllSigBins[iRow][fAllNSigBins[iRow]-1]; if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"Digits"<< "sec="<SetID(fParam->GetIndex(fSector, fRow)); if (fOutput) fOutput->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&fRowCl); fRx = fParam->GetPadRowRadii(fSector, fRow); fPadLength = fParam->GetPadPitchLength(fSector, fRow); fPadWidth = fParam->GetPadPitchWidth(); fMaxPad = fParam->GetNPads(fSector,fRow); fMaxBin = fMaxTime*(fMaxPad+6); // add 3 virtual pads before and 3 after fBins = fAllBins[fRow]; fSigBins = fAllSigBins[fRow]; fNSigBins = fAllNSigBins[fRow]; FindClusters(noiseROC); FillRow(); if(fBClonesArray == kFALSE) fRowCl->GetArray()->Clear("C"); fNclusters += fNcluster; } // End of loop to find clusters } void AliTPCclusterer::Digits2Clusters(AliRawReader* rawReader) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This is a cluster finder for the TPC raw data. // The method assumes NO ordering of the altro channels. // The pedestal subtraction can be switched on and off // using an option of the TPC reconstructor //----------------------------------------------------------------- fRecoParam = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam(); if (!fRecoParam){ AliFatal("Can not get the reconstruction parameters"); } if(AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) { AliInfo("Parameter Dumps"); fParam->Dump(); fRecoParam->Dump(); } fRowDig = NULL; fEventHeader = (AliRawEventHeaderBase*)rawReader->GetEventHeader(); if (fEventHeader){ fTimeStamp = fEventHeader->Get("Timestamp"); fEventType = fEventHeader->Get("Type"); AliTPCTransform *transform = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform() ; transform->SetCurrentTimeStamp(fTimeStamp); transform->SetCurrentRun(rawReader->GetRunNumber()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Use HLT clusters //----------------------------------------------------------------- if (fUseHLTClusters == 3 || fUseHLTClusters == 4) { AliInfo("Using HLT clusters for TPC off-line reconstruction"); fZWidth = fParam->GetZWidth(); Int_t iResult = ReadHLTClusters(); // HLT clusters present if (iResult >= 0 && fNclusters > 0) return; // HLT clusters not present if (iResult < 0 || fNclusters == 0) { if (fUseHLTClusters == 3) { AliError("No HLT clusters present, but requested."); return; } else { AliInfo("Now trying to read TPC RAW"); } } // Some other problem during cluster reading else { AliWarning("Some problem while unpacking of HLT clusters."); return; } } // if (fUseHLTClusters == 3 || fUseHLTClusters == 4) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Run TPC off-line clusterer //----------------------------------------------------------------- AliTPCCalPad * gainTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetPadGainFactor(); AliTPCAltroMapping** mapping =AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetMapping(); // AliTPCRawStreamV3 input(rawReader,(AliAltroMapping**)mapping); // creaate one TClonesArray for all clusters if(fBClonesArray && !fOutputClonesArray) fOutputClonesArray = new TClonesArray("AliTPCclusterMI",1000); // reset counter fNclusters = 0; fMaxTime = fRecoParam->GetLastBin() + 6; // add 3 virtual time bins before and 3 after // const Int_t kNIS = fParam->GetNInnerSector(); // const Int_t kNOS = fParam->GetNOuterSector(); // const Int_t kNS = kNIS + kNOS; fZWidth = fParam->GetZWidth(); Int_t zeroSup = fParam->GetZeroSup(); // // Clean-up // AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); Int_t nRowsMax = roc->GetNRows(roc->GetNSector()-1); Int_t nPadsMax = roc->GetNPads(roc->GetNSector()-1,nRowsMax-1); for (Int_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRowsMax; iRow++) { // Int_t maxBin = fMaxTime*(nPadsMax+6); // add 3 virtual pads before and 3 after memset(fAllBins[iRow],0,sizeof(Float_t)*maxBin); fAllNSigBins[iRow]=0; } rawReader->Reset(); Int_t digCounter=0; // // Loop over DDLs // const Int_t kNIS = fParam->GetNInnerSector(); const Int_t kNOS = fParam->GetNOuterSector(); const Int_t kNS = kNIS + kNOS; for(fSector = 0; fSector < kNS; fSector++) { Int_t nRows = 0; Int_t nDDLs = 0, indexDDL = 0; if (fSector < kNIS) { nRows = fParam->GetNRowLow(); fSign = (fSector < kNIS/2) ? 1 : -1; nDDLs = 2; indexDDL = fSector * 2; } else { nRows = fParam->GetNRowUp(); fSign = ((fSector-kNIS) < kNOS/2) ? 1 : -1; nDDLs = 4; indexDDL = (fSector-kNIS) * 4 + kNIS * 2; } // load the raw data for corresponding DDLs rawReader->Reset(); rawReader->Select("TPC",indexDDL,indexDDL+nDDLs-1); while (input.NextDDL()){ if (input.GetSector() != fSector) AliFatal(Form("Sector index mismatch ! Expected (%d), but got (%d) !",fSector,input.GetSector())); //Int_t nRows = fParam->GetNRow(fSector); AliTPCCalROC * gainROC = gainTPC->GetCalROC(fSector); // pad gains per given sector // Begin loop over altro data Bool_t calcPedestal = fRecoParam->GetCalcPedestal(); Float_t gain =1; //loop over pads while ( input.NextChannel() ) { Int_t iRow = input.GetRow(); if (iRow < 0){ continue; } if (iRow >= nRows){ AliError(Form("Pad-row index (%d) outside the range (%d -> %d) !", iRow, 0, nRows -1)); continue; } //pad Int_t iPad = input.GetPad(); if (iPad < 0 || iPad >= nPadsMax) { AliError(Form("Pad index (%d) outside the range (%d -> %d) !", iPad, 0, nPadsMax-1)); continue; } gain = gainROC->GetValue(iRow,iPad); iPad+=3; //loop over bunches while ( input.NextBunch() ){ Int_t startTbin = (Int_t)input.GetStartTimeBin(); Int_t bunchlength = (Int_t)input.GetBunchLength(); const UShort_t *sig = input.GetSignals(); for (Int_t iTime = 0; iTimeGetFirstBin() || iTimeBin >= fRecoParam->GetLastBin()){ continue; AliFatal(Form("Timebin index (%d) outside the range (%d -> %d) !", iTimeBin, 0, iTimeBin -1)); } iTimeBin+=3; //signal Float_t signal=(Float_t)sig[iTime]; if (!calcPedestal && signal <= zeroSup) continue; if (!calcPedestal) { Int_t bin = iPad*fMaxTime+iTimeBin; if (gain>0){ fAllBins[iRow][bin] = signal/gain; }else{ fAllBins[iRow][bin] =0; } fAllSigBins[iRow][fAllNSigBins[iRow]++] = bin; }else{ fAllBins[iRow][iPad*fMaxTime+iTimeBin] = signal; } fAllBins[iRow][iPad*fMaxTime+0]+=1.; // pad with signal // Temporary digCounter++; }// end loop signals in bunch }// end loop bunches } // end loop pads // // // // // Now loop over rows and perform pedestal subtraction if (digCounter==0) continue; } // End of loop over sectors //process last sector if ( digCounter>0 ){ ProcessSectorData(); for (Int_t iRow = 0; iRow < fParam->GetNRow(fSector); iRow++) { Int_t maxPad = fParam->GetNPads(fSector,iRow); Int_t maxBin = fMaxTime*(maxPad+6); // add 3 virtual pads before and 3 after memset(fAllBins[iRow],0,sizeof(Float_t)*maxBin); fAllNSigBins[iRow] = 0; } digCounter=0; } } if (rawReader->GetEventId() && fOutput ){ Info("Digits2Clusters", "File %s Event\t%u\tNumber of found clusters : %d\n", fOutput->GetName(),*(rawReader->GetEventId()), fNclusters); } if(rawReader->GetEventId()) { Info("Digits2Clusters", "Event\t%u\tNumber of found clusters : %d\n",*(rawReader->GetEventId()), fNclusters); } if(fBClonesArray) { //Info("Digits2Clusters", "Number of found clusters : %d\n",fOutputClonesArray->GetEntriesFast()); } if (fUseHLTClusters == 2 && fNclusters == 0) { AliInfo("No clusters from TPC Raw data, now trying to read HLT clusters."); fZWidth = fParam->GetZWidth(); ReadHLTClusters(); } } void AliTPCclusterer::FindClusters(AliTPCCalROC * noiseROC) { // // add virtual charge at the edge // Double_t kMaxDumpSize = 500000; if (!fOutput) { fBDumpSignal =kFALSE; }else{ if (fRecoParam->GetCalcPedestal() && fOutput->GetZipBytes()< kMaxDumpSize) fBDumpSignal =kTRUE; //dump signal flag } fNcluster=0; fLoop=1; Int_t crtime = Int_t((fParam->GetZLength(fSector)-fRecoParam->GetCtgRange()*fRx)/fZWidth-fParam->GetNTBinsL1()-5); Float_t minMaxCutAbs = fRecoParam->GetMinMaxCutAbs(); Float_t minLeftRightCutAbs = fRecoParam->GetMinLeftRightCutAbs(); Float_t minUpDownCutAbs = fRecoParam->GetMinUpDownCutAbs(); Float_t minMaxCutSigma = fRecoParam->GetMinMaxCutSigma(); Float_t minLeftRightCutSigma = fRecoParam->GetMinLeftRightCutSigma(); Float_t minUpDownCutSigma = fRecoParam->GetMinUpDownCutSigma(); Int_t useOnePadCluster = fRecoParam->GetUseOnePadCluster(); for (Int_t iSig = 0; iSig < fNSigBins; iSig++) { Int_t i = fSigBins[iSig]; if (i%fMaxTime<=crtime) continue; Float_t *b = &fBins[i]; //absolute custs if (b[0]GetValue(fRow, i/fMaxTime); if (noise>fRecoParam->GetMaxNoise()) continue; // sigma cuts if (b[0]GetMax()<400) return kTRUE; Double_t ratio = cl->GetQ()/cl->GetMax(); if (cl->GetMax()>700){ if ((ratio - int(ratio)>0.8)) return kFALSE; } if ((ratio - int(ratio)<0.95)) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } Double_t AliTPCclusterer::ProcesSignal(Float_t *signal, Int_t nchannels, Int_t id[3], Double_t &rmsEvent, Double_t &pedestalEvent){ // // process signal on given pad - + streaming of additional information in special mode // // id[0] - sector // id[1] - row // id[2] - pad // // ESTIMATE pedestal and the noise // const Int_t kPedMax = 100; Float_t max = 0; Float_t maxPos = 0; Int_t median = -1; Int_t count0 = 0; Int_t count1 = 0; Float_t rmsCalib = rmsEvent; // backup initial value ( from calib) Float_t pedestalCalib = pedestalEvent;// backup initial value ( from calib) Int_t firstBin = fRecoParam->GetFirstBin(); // UShort_t histo[kPedMax]; //memset(histo,0,kPedMax*sizeof(UShort_t)); for (Int_t i=0; imax && i>firstBin) { max = signal[i]; maxPos = i; } if (signal[i]>kPedMax-1) continue; histo[int(signal[i]+0.5)]++; count0++; } // for (Int_t i=1; ikPedMax) continue; if (count06<0.6*count1){ count06+=histo[median-idelta]; mean06 +=histo[median-idelta]*(median-idelta); rms06 +=histo[median-idelta]*(median-idelta)*(median-idelta); count06+=histo[median+idelta]; mean06 +=histo[median+idelta]*(median+idelta); rms06 +=histo[median+idelta]*(median+idelta)*(median+idelta); } if (count09<0.9*count1){ count09+=histo[median-idelta]; mean09 +=histo[median-idelta]*(median-idelta); rms09 +=histo[median-idelta]*(median-idelta)*(median-idelta); count09+=histo[median+idelta]; mean09 +=histo[median+idelta]*(median+idelta); rms09 +=histo[median+idelta]*(median+idelta)*(median+idelta); } if (count10<0.95*count1){ count10+=histo[median-idelta]; mean +=histo[median-idelta]*(median-idelta); rms +=histo[median-idelta]*(median-idelta)*(median-idelta); count10+=histo[median+idelta]; mean +=histo[median+idelta]*(median+idelta); rms +=histo[median+idelta]*(median+idelta)*(median+idelta); } } if (count10) { mean /=count10; rms = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(rms/count10-mean*mean)); } if (count06) { mean06/=count06; rms06 = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(rms06/count06-mean06*mean06)); } if (count09) { mean09/=count09; rms09 = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(rms09/count09-mean09*mean09)); } rmsEvent = rms09; // pedestalEvent = median; if (AliLog::GetDebugLevel("","AliTPCclusterer")==0) return median; // UInt_t uid[3] = {UInt_t(id[0]),UInt_t(id[1]),UInt_t(id[2])}; // // Dump mean signal info // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"Signal"<< "TimeStamp="<GetDumpAmplitudeMin(); // minimal signal to be dumped Float_t *dsignal = new Float_t[nchannels]; Float_t *dtime = new Float_t[nchannels]; for (Int_t i=0; i0) { if (max-median>kMin &&maxPos>fRecoParam->GetFirstBin()) (*fDebugStreamer)<<"SignalB"<< // pads with signal "TimeStamp="<fRecoParam->GetMaxNoise()) { pedestalEvent+=1024.; return 1024+median; // sign noisy channel in debug mode } return median; } Int_t AliTPCclusterer::ReadHLTClusters() { // // read HLT clusters instead of off line custers, // used in Digits2Clusters // if (!fHLTClusterAccess) { TClass* pCl=NULL; ROOT::NewFunc_t pNewFunc=NULL; do { pCl=TClass::GetClass("AliHLTTPCClusterAccessHLTOUT"); } while (!pCl && gSystem->Load("libAliHLTTPC.so")==0); if (!pCl || (pNewFunc=pCl->GetNew())==NULL) { AliError("can not load class description of AliHLTTPCClusterAccessHLTOUT, aborting ..."); return -1; } void* p=(*pNewFunc)(NULL); if (!p) { AliError("unable to create instance of AliHLTTPCClusterAccessHLTOUT"); return -2; } fHLTClusterAccess=reinterpret_cast(p); } TObject* pClusterAccess=fHLTClusterAccess; const Int_t kNIS = fParam->GetNInnerSector(); const Int_t kNOS = fParam->GetNOuterSector(); const Int_t kNS = kNIS + kNOS; fNclusters = 0; // noise and dead channel treatment -- should be the same as in offline clusterizer const AliTPCCalPad * gainTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance() -> GetPadGainFactor(); const AliTPCCalPad * noiseTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance() -> GetPadNoise(); // charge thresholds // TODO: In the offline cluster finder there are also cuts in time and pad direction // do they need to be included here? Most probably this is not possible // since we don't have the charge information const Float_t minMaxCutAbs = fRecoParam -> GetMinMaxCutAbs(); const Float_t minMaxCutSigma = fRecoParam -> GetMinMaxCutSigma(); // make sure that all clusters from the previous event are cleared pClusterAccess->Clear("event"); for(fSector = 0; fSector < kNS; fSector++) { Int_t iResult = 1; TString param("sector="); param+=fSector; // prepare for next sector pClusterAccess->Clear("sector"); pClusterAccess->Execute("read", param, &iResult); if (iResult < 0) { return iResult; AliError("HLT Clusters can not be found"); } TObject* pObj=pClusterAccess->FindObject("clusterarray"); if (pObj==NULL) { AliError("HLT clusters requested, but not cluster array not present"); return -4; } TObjArray* clusterArray=dynamic_cast(pObj); if (!clusterArray) { AliError("HLT cluster array is not of class type TClonesArray"); return -5; } AliDebug(4,Form("Reading %d clusters from HLT for sector %d", clusterArray->GetEntriesFast(), fSector)); Int_t nClusterSector=0; Int_t nRows=fParam->GetNRow(fSector); // active channel map and noise map for current sector const AliTPCCalROC * gainROC = gainTPC -> GetCalROC(fSector); // pad gains per given sector const AliTPCCalROC * noiseROC = noiseTPC -> GetCalROC(fSector); // noise per given sector for (fRow = 0; fRow < nRows; fRow++) { fRowCl->SetID(fParam->GetIndex(fSector, fRow)); if (fOutput) fOutput->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&fRowCl); fNcluster=0; // reset clusters per row fRx = fParam->GetPadRowRadii(fSector, fRow); fPadLength = fParam->GetPadPitchLength(fSector, fRow); fPadWidth = fParam->GetPadPitchWidth(); fMaxPad = fParam->GetNPads(fSector,fRow); fMaxBin = fMaxTime*(fMaxPad+6); // add 3 virtual pads before and 3 after fBins = fAllBins[fRow]; fSigBins = fAllSigBins[fRow]; fNSigBins = fAllNSigBins[fRow]; for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { if (!clusterArray->At(i)) continue; AliTPCclusterMI* cluster=dynamic_cast(clusterArray->At(i)); if (!cluster) continue; if (cluster->GetRow()!=fRow) continue; const Int_t currentPad = TMath::Nint(cluster->GetPad()); const Float_t maxCharge = cluster->GetMax(); const Float_t gain = gainROC -> GetValue(fRow, currentPad); const Float_t noise = noiseROC -> GetValue(fRow, currentPad); // check if cluster is on an active pad // TODO: PadGainFactor should only contain 1 or 0. However in Digits2Clusters // this is treated as a real gain factor per pad. Is the implementation // below fine? if (!(gain>0)) continue; // check if the cluster is on a too noisy pad if (noise>fRecoParam->GetMaxNoise()) continue; // check if the charge is above the required minimum if (maxChargeGetArray()->Clear("c"); } // for (fRow = 0; fRow < nRows; fRow++) { if (nClusterSector!=clusterArray->GetEntriesFast()) { AliError(Form("Failed to read %d out of %d HLT clusters", clusterArray->GetEntriesFast()-nClusterSector, clusterArray->GetEntriesFast())); } fNclusters+=nClusterSector; } // for(fSector = 0; fSector < kNS; fSector++) { pClusterAccess->Clear("event"); Info("Digits2Clusters", "Number of converted HLT clusters : %d", fNclusters); return 0; }