/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the TPC tracker // // Origin: Marian Ivanov Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch // // AliTPC parallel tracker // // The track fitting is based on Kalman filtering approach // The track finding steps: // 1. Seeding - with and without vertex constraint // - seeding with vertex constain done at first n^2 proble // - seeding without vertex constraint n^3 problem // 2. Tracking - follow prolongation road - find cluster - update kalman track // The seeding and tracking is repeated several times, in different seeding region. // This approach enables to find the track which cannot be seeded in some region of TPC // This can happen because of low momenta (track do not reach outer radius), or track is currently in the ded region between sectors, or the track is for the moment overlapped with other track (seed quality is poor) ... // With this approach we reach almost 100 % efficiency also for high occupancy events. // (If the seeding efficiency in a region is about 90 % than with logical or of several // regions we will reach 100% (in theory - supposing independence) // Repeating several seeding - tracking procedures some of the tracks can be find // several times. // The procedures to remove multi find tacks are impremented: // RemoveUsed2 - fast procedure n problem - // Algorithm - Sorting tracks according quality // remove tracks with some shared fraction // Sharing in respect to all tacks // Signing clusters in gold region // FindSplitted - slower algorithm n^2 // Sort the tracks according quality // Loop over pair of tracks // If overlap with other track bigger than threshold - remove track // // FindCurling - Finds the pair of tracks which are curling // - About 10% of tracks can be find with this procedure // The combinatorial background is too big to be used in High // multiplicity environment // - n^2 problem - Slow procedure - currently it is disabled because of // low efficiency // // The number of splitted tracks can be reduced disabling the sharing of the cluster. // tpcRecoParam-> SetClusterSharing(kFALSE); // IT IS HIGHLY non recomended to use it in high flux enviroonment // Even using this switch some tracks can be found more than once // (because of multiple seeding and low quality tracks which will not cross full chamber) // // // The tracker itself can be debugged - the information about tracks can be stored in several // phases of the reconstruction // To enable storage of the TPC tracks in the ESD friend track // use AliTPCReconstructor::SetStreamLevel(n); // // The debug level - different procedure produce tree for numerical debugging // To enable them set AliTPCReconstructor::SetStreamLevel(n); where nis bigger 1 // // // Adding systematic errors to the covariance: // // The systematic errors due to the misalignment and miscalibration are added to the covariance matrix // of the tracks (not to the clusters as they are dependent): // The parameters form AliTPCRecoParam are used AliTPCRecoParam::GetSystematicError // The systematic errors are expressed there in RMS - position (cm), angle (rad), curvature (1/GeV) // The default values are 0. // // The sytematic errors are added to the covariance matrix in following places: // // 1. During fisrt itteration - AliTPCtracker::FillESD // 2. Second iteration - // 2.a ITS->TPC - AliTPCtracker::ReadSeeds // 2.b TPC->TRD - AliTPCtracker::PropagateBack // 3. Third iteration - // 3.a TRD->TPC - AliTPCtracker::ReadSeeds // 3.b TPC->ITS - AliTPCtracker::RefitInward // // There are several places in the code which can be numerically debuged // This code is keeped in order to enable code development and to check the calibration implementtion // // 1. ErrParam stream - dump information about // 1.a) cluster // 2.a) cluster error estimate // 3.a) cluster shape estimate // // // Debug streamer levels: // //------------------------------------------------------- /* $Id$ */ #include "Riostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliComplexCluster.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliKink.h" #include "AliV0.h" #include "AliHelix.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliTPCClustersRow.h" #include "AliTPCParam.h" #include "AliTPCReconstructor.h" #include "AliTPCpolyTrack.h" #include "AliTPCreco.h" #include "AliTPCseed.h" #include "AliTPCtrackerSector.h" #include "AliTPCtracker.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "AliTPCReconstructor.h" #include "AliAlignObj.h" #include "AliTrackPointArray.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "AliTPCcalibDB.h" #include "AliTPCcalibDButil.h" #include "AliTPCTransform.h" #include "AliTPCClusterParam.h" #include "AliTPCdEdxInfo.h" #include "AliDCSSensorArray.h" #include "AliDCSSensor.h" #include "AliDAQ.h" #include "AliCosmicTracker.h" // using std::cerr; using std::endl; ClassImp(AliTPCtracker) class AliTPCFastMath { public: AliTPCFastMath(); static Double_t FastAsin(Double_t x); private: static Double_t fgFastAsin[20000]; //lookup table for fast asin computation }; Double_t AliTPCFastMath::fgFastAsin[20000]; AliTPCFastMath gAliTPCFastMath; // needed to fill the LUT AliTPCFastMath::AliTPCFastMath(){ // // initialized lookup table; for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++){ fgFastAsin[2*i] = TMath::ASin(i/10000.); fgFastAsin[2*i+1] = (TMath::ASin((i+1)/10000.)-fgFastAsin[2*i]); } } Double_t AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(Double_t x){ // // return asin using lookup table if (x>0){ Int_t index = int(x*10000); return fgFastAsin[2*index]+(x*10000.-index)*fgFastAsin[2*index+1]; } x*=-1; Int_t index = int(x*10000); return -(fgFastAsin[2*index]+(x*10000.-index)*fgFastAsin[2*index+1]); } //__________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtracker::AliTPCtracker() :AliTracker(), fkNIS(0), fInnerSec(0), fkNOS(0), fOuterSec(0), fN(0), fSectors(0), fInput(0), fOutput(0), fSeedTree(0), fTreeDebug(0), fEvent(0), fEventHLT(0), fDebug(0), fNewIO(kFALSE), fNtracks(0), fSeeds(0), fIteration(0), fkParam(0), fDebugStreamer(0), fUseHLTClusters(4), fSeedsPool(0), fFreeSeedsID(500), fNFreeSeeds(0), fLastSeedID(-1) { // // default constructor // for (Int_t irow=0; irow<200; irow++){ fXRow[irow]=0; fYMax[irow]=0; fPadLength[irow]=0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtracker::UpdateTrack(AliTPCseed * track, Int_t accept){ // //update track information using current cluster - track->fCurrentCluster AliTPCclusterMI* c =track->GetCurrentCluster(); if (accept > 0) //sign not accepted clusters track->SetCurrentClusterIndex1(track->GetCurrentClusterIndex1() | 0x8000); else // unsign accpeted clusters track->SetCurrentClusterIndex1(track->GetCurrentClusterIndex1() & 0xffff7fff); UInt_t i = track->GetCurrentClusterIndex1(); Int_t sec=(i&0xff000000)>>24; //Int_t row = (i&0x00ff0000)>>16; track->SetRow((i&0x00ff0000)>>16); track->SetSector(sec); // Int_t index = i&0xFFFF; if (sec>=fkParam->GetNInnerSector()) track->SetRow(track->GetRow()+fkParam->GetNRowLow()); track->SetClusterIndex2(track->GetRow(), i); //track->fFirstPoint = row; //if ( track->fLastPointfLastPoint =row; // if (track->fRow<0 || track->fRow>160) { // printf("problem\n"); //} if (track->GetFirstPoint()>track->GetRow()) track->SetFirstPoint(track->GetRow()); if (track->GetLastPoint()GetRow()) track->SetLastPoint(track->GetRow()); track->SetClusterPointer(track->GetRow(),c); // Double_t angle2 = track->GetSnp()*track->GetSnp(); // //SET NEW Track Point // if (angle2<1) //PH sometimes angle2 is very big. To be investigated... { angle2 = TMath::Sqrt(angle2/(1-angle2)); AliTPCTrackerPoint &point =*(track->GetTrackPoint(track->GetRow())); // point.SetSigmaY(c->GetSigmaY2()/track->GetCurrentSigmaY2()); point.SetSigmaZ(c->GetSigmaZ2()/track->GetCurrentSigmaZ2()); point.SetErrY(sqrt(track->GetErrorY2())); point.SetErrZ(sqrt(track->GetErrorZ2())); // point.SetX(track->GetX()); point.SetY(track->GetY()); point.SetZ(track->GetZ()); point.SetAngleY(angle2); point.SetAngleZ(track->GetTgl()); if (point.IsShared()){ track->SetErrorY2(track->GetErrorY2()*4); track->SetErrorZ2(track->GetErrorZ2()*4); } } Double_t chi2 = track->GetPredictedChi2(track->GetCurrentCluster()); // // track->SetErrorY2(track->GetErrorY2()*1.3); // track->SetErrorY2(track->GetErrorY2()+0.01); // track->SetErrorZ2(track->GetErrorZ2()*1.3); // track->SetErrorZ2(track->GetErrorZ2()+0.005); //} if (accept>0) return 0; if (track->GetNumberOfClusters()%20==0){ // if (track->fHelixIn){ // TClonesArray & larr = *(track->fHelixIn); // Int_t ihelix = larr.GetEntriesFast(); // new(larr[ihelix]) AliHelix(*track) ; //} } if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) { Int_t event = (fEvent==NULL)? 0: fEvent->GetEventNumberInFile(); AliExternalTrackParam param(*track); TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Update"<< "cl.="<SetNoCluster(0); return track->Update(c,chi2,i); } Int_t AliTPCtracker::AcceptCluster(AliTPCseed * seed, AliTPCclusterMI * cluster) { // // decide according desired precision to accept given // cluster for tracking Double_t yt=0,zt=0; seed->GetProlongation(cluster->GetX(),yt,zt); Double_t sy2=ErrY2(seed,cluster); Double_t sz2=ErrZ2(seed,cluster); Double_t sdistancey2 = sy2+seed->GetSigmaY2(); Double_t sdistancez2 = sz2+seed->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t dy=seed->GetCurrentCluster()->GetY()-yt; Double_t dz=seed->GetCurrentCluster()->GetZ()-zt; Double_t rdistancey2 = (seed->GetCurrentCluster()->GetY()-yt)* (seed->GetCurrentCluster()->GetY()-yt)/sdistancey2; Double_t rdistancez2 = (seed->GetCurrentCluster()->GetZ()-zt)* (seed->GetCurrentCluster()->GetZ()-zt)/sdistancez2; Double_t rdistance2 = rdistancey2+rdistancez2; //Int_t accept =0; if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2 && ( (fIteration>0)|| (seed->GetNumberOfClusters()>20))) { // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2 && seed->GetNumberOfClusters()>20) { Float_t rmsy2 = seed->GetCurrentSigmaY2(); Float_t rmsz2 = seed->GetCurrentSigmaZ2(); Float_t rmsy2p30 = seed->GetCMeanSigmaY2p30(); Float_t rmsz2p30 = seed->GetCMeanSigmaZ2p30(); Float_t rmsy2p30R = seed->GetCMeanSigmaY2p30R(); Float_t rmsz2p30R = seed->GetCMeanSigmaZ2p30R(); AliExternalTrackParam param(*seed); static TVectorD gcl(3),gtr(3); Float_t gclf[3]; param.GetXYZ(gcl.GetMatrixArray()); cluster->GetGlobalXYZ(gclf); gcl[0]=gclf[0]; gcl[1]=gclf[1]; gcl[2]=gclf[2]; Int_t nclSeed=seed->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"ErrParam"<< "iter="<32) return 3; if ((rdistancey2>9. || rdistancez2>9.) && cluster->GetType()==0) return 2; //suspisiouce - will be changed if ((rdistancey2>6.25 || rdistancez2>6.25) && cluster->GetType()>0) // strict cut on overlaped cluster return 2; //suspisiouce - will be changed if ( (rdistancey2>1. || rdistancez2>6.25 ) && cluster->GetType()<0){ seed->SetNFoundable(seed->GetNFoundable()-1); return 2; } if (fUseHLTClusters == 3 || fUseHLTClusters == 4) { if (fIteration==2){ if(!AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetUseHLTOnePadCluster()) { if (TMath::Abs(cluster->GetSigmaY2()) < kAlmost0) return 2; } } } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtracker::AliTPCtracker(const AliTPCParam *par): AliTracker(), fkNIS(par->GetNInnerSector()/2), fInnerSec(0), fkNOS(par->GetNOuterSector()/2), fOuterSec(0), fN(0), fSectors(0), fInput(0), fOutput(0), fSeedTree(0), fTreeDebug(0), fEvent(0), fEventHLT(0), fDebug(0), fNewIO(0), fNtracks(0), fSeeds(0), fIteration(0), fkParam(0), fDebugStreamer(0), fUseHLTClusters(4), fSeedsPool(0), fFreeSeedsID(500), fNFreeSeeds(0), fLastSeedID(-1) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // The main TPC tracker constructor //--------------------------------------------------------------------- fInnerSec=new AliTPCtrackerSector[fkNIS]; fOuterSec=new AliTPCtrackerSector[fkNOS]; Int_t i; for (i=0; iGetNRowLow(); Int_t nrowup = par->GetNRowUp(); for (i=0;iGetPadRowRadiiLow(i); fPadLength[i]= par->GetPadPitchLength(0,i); fYMax[i] = fXRow[i]*TMath::Tan(0.5*par->GetInnerAngle()); } for (i=0;iGetPadRowRadiiUp(i); fPadLength[i+nrowlow] = par->GetPadPitchLength(60,i); fYMax[i+nrowlow] = fXRow[i+nrowlow]*TMath::Tan(0.5*par->GetOuterAngle()); } if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0) { fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TPCdebug.root","recreate"); } // fSeedsPool = new TClonesArray("AliTPCseed",1000); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtracker::AliTPCtracker(const AliTPCtracker &t): AliTracker(t), fkNIS(t.fkNIS), fInnerSec(0), fkNOS(t.fkNOS), fOuterSec(0), fN(0), fSectors(0), fInput(0), fOutput(0), fSeedTree(0), fTreeDebug(0), fEvent(0), fEventHLT(0), fDebug(0), fNewIO(kFALSE), fNtracks(0), fSeeds(0), fIteration(0), fkParam(0), fDebugStreamer(0), fUseHLTClusters(4), fSeedsPool(0), fFreeSeedsID(500), fNFreeSeeds(0), fLastSeedID(-1) { //------------------------------------ // dummy copy constructor //------------------------------------------------------------------ fOutput=t.fOutput; for (Int_t irow=0; irow<200; irow++){ fXRow[irow]=0; fYMax[irow]=0; fPadLength[irow]=0; } } AliTPCtracker & AliTPCtracker::operator=(const AliTPCtracker& /*r*/) { //------------------------------ // dummy //-------------------------------------------------------------- return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtracker::~AliTPCtracker() { //------------------------------------------------------------------ // TPC tracker destructor //------------------------------------------------------------------ delete[] fInnerSec; delete[] fOuterSec; if (fSeeds) { fSeeds->Clear(); delete fSeeds; } if (fDebugStreamer) delete fDebugStreamer; if (fSeedsPool) delete fSeedsPool; } void AliTPCtracker::FillESD(const TObjArray* arr) { // // //fill esds using updated tracks if (!fEvent) return; AliESDtrack iotrack; // write tracks to the event // store index of the track Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); //FindKinks(arr,fEvent); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; pt->UpdatePoints(); AddCovariance(pt); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"Track0"<< "Tr0.="<PropagateTo(fkParam->GetInnerRadiusLow()); if (pt->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0){ //don't propagate daughter tracks pt->PropagateTo(fkParam->GetInnerRadiusLow()); } if (( pt->GetPoints()[2]- pt->GetPoints()[0])>5 && pt->GetPoints()[3]>0.8){ iotrack.~AliESDtrack(); new(&iotrack) AliESDtrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCsignal(pt->GetdEdx(), pt->GetSDEDX(0), pt->GetNCDEDX(0)); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); // iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); MakeESDBitmaps(pt, &iotrack); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>70)&& (Float_t(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())/Float_t(pt->GetNFoundable()))>0.55) { iotrack.~AliESDtrack(); new(&iotrack) AliESDtrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCsignal(pt->GetdEdx(), pt->GetSDEDX(0), pt->GetNCDEDX(0)); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); MakeESDBitmaps(pt, &iotrack); // iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } // // short tracks - maybe decays if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>30) && (Float_t(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())/Float_t(pt->GetNFoundable()))>0.70) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,60,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if ( (found>20) && (pt->GetNShared()/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())<0.2)){ iotrack.~AliESDtrack(); new(&iotrack) AliESDtrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCsignal(pt->GetdEdx(), pt->GetSDEDX(0), pt->GetNCDEDX(0)); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); MakeESDBitmaps(pt, &iotrack); //iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } } if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>20) && (Float_t(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())/Float_t(pt->GetNFoundable()))>0.8) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,60,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (found<20) continue; if (pt->GetNShared()/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())>0.2) continue; // iotrack.~AliESDtrack(); new(&iotrack) AliESDtrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCsignal(pt->GetdEdx(), pt->GetSDEDX(0), pt->GetNCDEDX(0)); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); MakeESDBitmaps(pt, &iotrack); //iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } // short tracks - secondaties // if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>30) ) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(128,158,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if ( (found>20) && (pt->GetNShared()/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())<0.2) &&float(found)/float(foundable)>0.8){ iotrack.~AliESDtrack(); new(&iotrack) AliESDtrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCsignal(pt->GetdEdx(), pt->GetSDEDX(0), pt->GetNCDEDX(0)); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); MakeESDBitmaps(pt, &iotrack); //iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } } if ( (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>15)) { Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(138,158,found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (found<15) continue; if (foundable<=0) continue; if (pt->GetNShared()/float(pt->GetNumberOfClusters())>0.2) continue; if (float(found)/float(foundable)<0.8) continue; // iotrack.~AliESDtrack(); new(&iotrack) AliESDtrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(pt,AliESDtrack::kTPCin); iotrack.SetTPCsignal(pt->GetdEdx(), pt->GetSDEDX(0), pt->GetNCDEDX(0)); iotrack.SetTPCPoints(pt->GetPoints()); iotrack.SetKinkIndexes(pt->GetKinkIndexes()); iotrack.SetV0Indexes(pt->GetV0Indexes()); MakeESDBitmaps(pt, &iotrack); // iotrack.SetTPCpid(pt->fTPCr); //iotrack.SetTPCindex(i); fEvent->AddTrack(&iotrack); continue; } } // >> account for suppressed tracks in the kink indices (RS) int nESDtracks = fEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); for (int it=nESDtracks;it--;) { AliESDtrack* esdTr = fEvent->GetTrack(it); if (!esdTr || !esdTr->GetKinkIndex(0)) continue; for (int ik=0;ik<3;ik++) { int knkId=0; if (!(knkId=esdTr->GetKinkIndex(ik))) break; // no more kinks for this track AliESDkink* kink = fEvent->GetKink(TMath::Abs(knkId)-1); if (!kink) { AliError(Form("ESDTrack%d refers to non-existing kink %d",it,TMath::Abs(knkId)-1)); continue; } kink->SetIndex(it, knkId<0 ? 0:1); // update track index of the kink: mother at 0, daughter at 1 } } // << account for suppressed tracks in the kink indices (RS) AliInfo(Form("Number of filled ESDs-\t%d\n",fEvent->GetNumberOfTracks())); } Double_t AliTPCtracker::ErrY2(AliTPCseed* seed, const AliTPCclusterMI * cl){ // // // Use calibrated cluster error from OCDB // AliTPCClusterParam * clparam = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); // Float_t z = TMath::Abs(fkParam->GetZLength(0)-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())); Int_t ctype = cl->GetType(); Int_t type = (cl->GetRow()<63) ? 0: (cl->GetRow()>126) ? 1:2; Double_t angle = seed->GetSnp()*seed->GetSnp(); angle = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(angle/(1.-angle))); Double_t erry2 = clparam->GetError0Par(0,type, z,angle); if (ctype<0) { erry2+=0.5; // edge cluster } erry2*=erry2; Double_t addErr=0; const Double_t *errInner = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetSystematicErrorClusterInner(); addErr=errInner[0]*TMath::Exp(-TMath::Abs((cl->GetX()-85.)/errInner[1])); erry2+=addErr*addErr; seed->SetErrorY2(erry2); // return erry2; //calculate look-up table at the beginning // static Bool_t ginit = kFALSE; // static Float_t gnoise1,gnoise2,gnoise3; // static Float_t ggg1[10000]; // static Float_t ggg2[10000]; // static Float_t ggg3[10000]; // static Float_t glandau1[10000]; // static Float_t glandau2[10000]; // static Float_t glandau3[10000]; // // // static Float_t gcor01[500]; // static Float_t gcor02[500]; // static Float_t gcorp[500]; // // // // // if (ginit==kFALSE){ // for (Int_t i=1;i<500;i++){ // Float_t rsigma = float(i)/100.; // gcor02[i] = TMath::Max(0.78 +TMath::Exp(7.4*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); // gcor01[i] = TMath::Max(0.72 +TMath::Exp(3.36*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); // gcorp[i] = TMath::Max(TMath::Power((rsigma+0.5),1.5),1.2); // } // // // for (Int_t i=3;i<10000;i++){ // // // // // // inner sector // Float_t amp = float(i); // Float_t padlength =0.75; // gnoise1 = 0.0004/padlength; // Float_t nel = 0.268*amp; // Float_t nprim = 0.155*amp; // ggg1[i] = fkParam->GetDiffT()*fkParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.001*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; // glandau1[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5* (2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; // if (glandau1[i]>1) glandau1[i]=1; // glandau1[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // // outer short // padlength =1.; // gnoise2 = 0.0004/padlength; // nel = 0.3*amp; // nprim = 0.133*amp; // ggg2[i] = fkParam->GetDiffT()*fkParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; // glandau2[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; // if (glandau2[i]>1) glandau2[i]=1; // glandau2[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // // // // outer long // padlength =1.5; // gnoise3 = 0.0004/padlength; // nel = 0.3*amp; // nprim = 0.133*amp; // ggg3[i] = fkParam->GetDiffT()*fkParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; // glandau3[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; // if (glandau3[i]>1) glandau3[i]=1; // glandau3[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // } // ginit = kTRUE; // } // // // // // // // Int_t amp = int(TMath::Abs(cl->GetQ())); // if (amp>9999) { // seed->SetErrorY2(1.); // return 1.; // } // Float_t snoise2; // Float_t z = TMath::Abs(fkParam->GetZLength(0)-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())); // Int_t ctype = cl->GetType(); // Float_t padlength= GetPadPitchLength(seed->GetRow()); // Double_t angle2 = seed->GetSnp()*seed->GetSnp(); // angle2 = angle2/(1-angle2); // // // //cluster "quality" // Int_t rsigmay = int(100.*cl->GetSigmaY2()/(seed->GetCurrentSigmaY2())); // Float_t res; // // // if (fSectors==fInnerSec){ // snoise2 = gnoise1; // res = ggg1[amp]*z+glandau1[amp]*angle2; // if (ctype==0) res *= gcor01[rsigmay]; // if ((ctype>0)){ // res+=0.002; // res*= gcorp[rsigmay]; // } // } // else { // if (padlength<1.1){ // snoise2 = gnoise2; // res = ggg2[amp]*z+glandau2[amp]*angle2; // if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmay]; // if ((ctype>0)){ // res+=0.002; // res*= gcorp[rsigmay]; // } // } // else{ // snoise2 = gnoise3; // res = ggg3[amp]*z+glandau3[amp]*angle2; // if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmay]; // if ((ctype>0)){ // res+=0.002; // res*= gcorp[rsigmay]; // } // } // } // if (ctype<0){ // res+=0.005; // res*=2.4; // overestimate error 2 times // } // res+= snoise2; // if (res<2*snoise2) // res = 2*snoise2; // seed->SetErrorY2(res); // return res; } Double_t AliTPCtracker::ErrZ2(AliTPCseed* seed, const AliTPCclusterMI * cl){ // // // Use calibrated cluster error from OCDB // AliTPCClusterParam * clparam = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); // Float_t z = TMath::Abs(fkParam->GetZLength(0)-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())); Int_t ctype = cl->GetType(); Int_t type = (cl->GetRow()<63) ? 0: (cl->GetRow()>126) ? 1:2; // Double_t angle2 = seed->GetSnp()*seed->GetSnp(); angle2 = seed->GetTgl()*seed->GetTgl()*(1+angle2/(1-angle2)); Double_t angle = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(angle2)); Double_t errz2 = clparam->GetError0Par(1,type, z,angle); if (ctype<0) { errz2+=0.5; // edge cluster } errz2*=errz2; Double_t addErr=0; const Double_t *errInner = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetSystematicErrorClusterInner(); addErr=errInner[0]*TMath::Exp(-TMath::Abs((cl->GetX()-85.)/errInner[1])); errz2+=addErr*addErr; seed->SetErrorZ2(errz2); // return errz2; // //seed->SetErrorY2(0.1); // //return 0.1; // //calculate look-up table at the beginning // static Bool_t ginit = kFALSE; // static Float_t gnoise1,gnoise2,gnoise3; // static Float_t ggg1[10000]; // static Float_t ggg2[10000]; // static Float_t ggg3[10000]; // static Float_t glandau1[10000]; // static Float_t glandau2[10000]; // static Float_t glandau3[10000]; // // // static Float_t gcor01[1000]; // static Float_t gcor02[1000]; // static Float_t gcorp[1000]; // // // // // if (ginit==kFALSE){ // for (Int_t i=1;i<1000;i++){ // Float_t rsigma = float(i)/100.; // gcor02[i] = TMath::Max(0.81 +TMath::Exp(6.8*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); // gcor01[i] = TMath::Max(0.72 +TMath::Exp(2.04*(rsigma-1.2)),0.6); // gcorp[i] = TMath::Max(TMath::Power((rsigma+0.5),1.5),1.2); // } // // // for (Int_t i=3;i<10000;i++){ // // // // // // inner sector // Float_t amp = float(i); // Float_t padlength =0.75; // gnoise1 = 0.0004/padlength; // Float_t nel = 0.268*amp; // Float_t nprim = 0.155*amp; // ggg1[i] = fkParam->GetDiffT()*fkParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.001*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; // glandau1[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5* (2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; // if (glandau1[i]>1) glandau1[i]=1; // glandau1[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // // outer short // padlength =1.; // gnoise2 = 0.0004/padlength; // nel = 0.3*amp; // nprim = 0.133*amp; // ggg2[i] = fkParam->GetDiffT()*fkParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; // glandau2[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; // if (glandau2[i]>1) glandau2[i]=1; // glandau2[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // // // // outer long // padlength =1.5; // gnoise3 = 0.0004/padlength; // nel = 0.3*amp; // nprim = 0.133*amp; // ggg3[i] = fkParam->GetDiffT()*fkParam->GetDiffT()*(2+0.0008*nel/(padlength*padlength))/nel; // glandau3[i] = (2.+0.12*nprim)*0.5*(2.+nprim*nprim*0.001/(padlength*padlength))/nprim; // if (glandau3[i]>1) glandau3[i]=1; // glandau3[i]*=padlength*padlength/12.; // // // } // ginit = kTRUE; // } // // // // // // // Int_t amp = int(TMath::Abs(cl->GetQ())); // if (amp>9999) { // seed->SetErrorY2(1.); // return 1.; // } // Float_t snoise2; // Float_t z = TMath::Abs(fkParam->GetZLength(0)-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())); // Int_t ctype = cl->GetType(); // Float_t padlength= GetPadPitchLength(seed->GetRow()); // // // Double_t angle2 = seed->GetSnp()*seed->GetSnp(); // // if (angle2<0.6) angle2 = 0.6; // angle2 = seed->GetTgl()*seed->GetTgl()*(1+angle2/(1-angle2)); // // // //cluster "quality" // Int_t rsigmaz = int(100.*cl->GetSigmaZ2()/(seed->GetCurrentSigmaZ2())); // Float_t res; // // // if (fSectors==fInnerSec){ // snoise2 = gnoise1; // res = ggg1[amp]*z+glandau1[amp]*angle2; // if (ctype==0) res *= gcor01[rsigmaz]; // if ((ctype>0)){ // res+=0.002; // res*= gcorp[rsigmaz]; // } // } // else { // if (padlength<1.1){ // snoise2 = gnoise2; // res = ggg2[amp]*z+glandau2[amp]*angle2; // if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmaz]; // if ((ctype>0)){ // res+=0.002; // res*= gcorp[rsigmaz]; // } // } // else{ // snoise2 = gnoise3; // res = ggg3[amp]*z+glandau3[amp]*angle2; // if (ctype==0) res *= gcor02[rsigmaz]; // if ((ctype>0)){ // res+=0.002; // res*= gcorp[rsigmaz]; // } // } // } // if (ctype<0){ // res+=0.002; // res*=1.3; // } // if ((ctype<0) &&<70){ // res+=0.002; // res*=1.3; // } // res += snoise2; // if (res<2*snoise2) // res = 2*snoise2; // if (res>3) res =3; // seed->SetErrorZ2(res); // return res; } void AliTPCtracker::RotateToLocal(AliTPCseed *seed) { //rotate to track "local coordinata Float_t x = seed->GetX(); Float_t y = seed->GetY(); Float_t ymax = x*TMath::Tan(0.5*fSectors->GetAlpha()); if (y > ymax) { seed->SetRelativeSector((seed->GetRelativeSector()+1) % fN); if (!seed->Rotate(fSectors->GetAlpha())) return; } else if (y <-ymax) { seed->SetRelativeSector((seed->GetRelativeSector()-1+fN) % fN); if (!seed->Rotate(-fSectors->GetAlpha())) return; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtracker::F1old(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); if ( xr*xr+yr*yr<=0.00000000000001) return 100; return -xr*yr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtracker::F1(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- x3 -=x1; x2 -=x1; y3 -=y1; y2 -=y1; // Double_t det = x3*y2-x2*y3; if (TMath::Abs(det)<1e-10){ return 100; } // Double_t u = 0.5* (x2*(x2-x3)+y2*(y2-y3))/det; Double_t x0 = x3*0.5-y3*u; Double_t y0 = y3*0.5+x3*u; Double_t c2 = 1/TMath::Sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0); if (det<0) c2*=-1; return c2; } Double_t AliTPCtracker::F2(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- x3 -=x1; x2 -=x1; y3 -=y1; y2 -=y1; // Double_t det = x3*y2-x2*y3; if (TMath::Abs(det)<1e-10) { return 100; } // Double_t u = 0.5* (x2*(x2-x3)+y2*(y2-y3))/det; Double_t x0 = x3*0.5-y3*u; Double_t y0 = y3*0.5+x3*u; Double_t c2 = 1/TMath::Sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0); if (det<0) c2*=-1; x0+=x1; x0*=c2; return x0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtracker::F2old(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature times center of curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); return -a/(d*y1-b)*xr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtracker::F3(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t z1,Double_t z2) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the tangent of the track dip angle //----------------------------------------------------------------- return (z1 - z2)/sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); } Double_t AliTPCtracker::F3n(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t z1,Double_t z2, Double_t c) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the tangent of the track dip angle //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Double_t angle1; //angle1 = (z1-z2)*c/(TMath::ASin(c*x1-ni)-TMath::ASin(c*x2-ni)); // Double_t d = TMath::Sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); if (TMath::Abs(d*c*0.5)>1) return 0; // Double_t angle2 = TMath::ASin(d*c*0.5); // Double_t angle2 = AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(d*c*0.5); Double_t angle2 = (d*c*0.5>0.1)? TMath::ASin(d*c*0.5): AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(d*c*0.5); angle2 = (z1-z2)*c/(angle2*2.); return angle2; } Bool_t AliTPCtracker::GetProlongation(Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t x[5], Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const {//----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function find proloncation of a track to a reference plane x=x2. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t dx=x2-x1; if (TMath::Abs(x[4]*x1 - x[2]) >= 0.999) { return kFALSE; } Double_t c1=x[4]*x1 - x[2], r1=TMath::Sqrt((1.-c1)*(1.+c1)); Double_t c2=x[4]*x2 - x[2], r2=TMath::Sqrt((1.-c2)*(1.+c2)); y = x[0]; z = x[1]; Double_t dy = dx*(c1+c2)/(r1+r2); Double_t dz = 0; // Double_t delta = x[4]*dx*(c1+c2)/(c1*r2 + c2*r1); if (TMath::Abs(delta)>0.01){ dz = x[3]*TMath::ASin(delta)/x[4]; }else{ dz = x[3]*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(delta)/x[4]; } //dz = x[3]*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(delta)/x[4]; y+=dy; z+=dz; return kTRUE; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::LoadClusters (TTree *const tree) { // load clusters // fInput = tree; return LoadClusters(); } Int_t AliTPCtracker::LoadClusters(const TObjArray *arr) { // // load clusters to the memory AliTPCClustersRow *clrow = new AliTPCClustersRow("AliTPCclusterMI"); Int_t lower = arr->LowerBound(); Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=lower; iAt(i); if(!clrow) continue; if(!clrow->GetArray()) continue; // Int_t sec,row; fkParam->AdjustSectorRow(clrow->GetID(),sec,row); for (Int_t icl=0; iclGetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); icl++){ Transform((AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(icl))); } // if (clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast()<=0) continue; AliTPCtrackerRow * tpcrow=0; Int_t left=0; if (secSetN1(clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast()); for (Int_t j=0;jGetN1();++j) tpcrow->SetCluster1(j, *(AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(j))); } if (left ==1){ tpcrow->SetN2(clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast()); for (Int_t j=0;jGetN2();++j) tpcrow->SetCluster2(j, *(AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(j))); } clrow->GetArray()->Clear("C"); } // delete clrow; LoadOuterSectors(); LoadInnerSectors(); return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::LoadClusters(const TClonesArray *arr) { // // load clusters to the memory from one // TClonesArray // AliTPCclusterMI *clust=0; Int_t count[72][96] = { {0} , {0} }; // loop over clusters for (Int_t icl=0; iclGetEntriesFast(); icl++) { clust = (AliTPCclusterMI*)arr->At(icl); if(!clust) continue; //printf("cluster: det %d, row %d \n", clust->GetDetector(),clust->GetRow()); // transform clusters Transform(clust); // count clusters per pad row count[clust->GetDetector()][clust->GetRow()]++; } // insert clusters to sectors for (Int_t icl=0; iclGetEntriesFast(); icl++) { clust = (AliTPCclusterMI*)arr->At(icl); if(!clust) continue; Int_t sec = clust->GetDetector(); Int_t row = clust->GetRow(); // filter overlapping pad rows needed by HLT if(secGetBranch("Segment"); br->SetAddress(&clrow); // Conversion of pad, row coordinates in local tracking coords. // Could be skipped here; is already done in clusterfinder Int_t j=Int_t(tree->GetEntries()); for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); // Int_t sec,row; fkParam->AdjustSectorRow(clrow->GetID(),sec,row); for (Int_t icl=0; iclGetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); icl++){ Transform((AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(icl))); } // AliTPCtrackerRow * tpcrow=0; Int_t left=0; if (secSetN1(clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast()); for (Int_t k=0;kGetN1();++k) tpcrow->SetCluster1(k, *(AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(k))); } if (left ==1){ tpcrow->SetN2(clrow->GetArray()->GetEntriesFast()); for (Int_t k=0;kGetN2();++k) tpcrow->SetCluster2(k, *(AliTPCclusterMI*)(clrow->GetArray()->At(k))); } } // clrow->Clear("C"); LoadOuterSectors(); LoadInnerSectors(); if (AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetUseIonTailCorrection()) ApplyTailCancellation(); return 0; } void AliTPCtracker::UnloadClusters() { // // unload clusters from the memory // Int_t nrows = fOuterSec->GetNRows(); for (Int_t sec = 0;secfClusters1) delete []tpcrow->fClusters1; // if (tpcrow->fClusters2) delete []tpcrow->fClusters2; //} tpcrow->ResetClusters(); } // nrows = fInnerSec->GetNRows(); for (Int_t sec = 0;secfClusters1) delete []tpcrow->fClusters1; //if (tpcrow->fClusters2) delete []tpcrow->fClusters2; //} tpcrow->ResetClusters(); } return ; } void AliTPCtracker::FillClusterArray(TObjArray* array) const{ // // Filling cluster to the array - For visualization purposes // Int_t nrows=0; nrows = fOuterSec->GetNRows(); for (Int_t sec = 0;secGetN();icl++){ array->AddLast((TObject*)((*tpcrow)[icl])); } } nrows = fInnerSec->GetNRows(); for (Int_t sec = 0;secGetN();icl++){ array->AddLast((TObject*)(*tpcrow)[icl]); } } } void AliTPCtracker::Transform(AliTPCclusterMI * cluster){ // // transformation // AliTPCcalibDB * calibDB = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance(); AliTPCTransform *transform = calibDB->GetTransform() ; if (!transform) { AliFatal("Tranformations not in calibDB"); return; } transform->SetCurrentRecoParam((AliTPCRecoParam*)AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()); Double_t x[3]={static_cast(cluster->GetRow()),static_cast(cluster->GetPad()),static_cast(cluster->GetTimeBin())}; Int_t i[1]={cluster->GetDetector()}; transform->Transform(x,i,0,1); // if (cluster->GetDetector()%36>17){ // x[1]*=-1; //} // // in debug mode check the transformation // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2) { Float_t gx[3]; cluster->GetGlobalXYZ(gx); Int_t event = (fEvent==NULL)? 0: fEvent->GetEventNumberInFile(); TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Transform"<< "event="<SetX(x[0]); cluster->SetY(x[1]); cluster->SetZ(x[2]); // The old stuff: // // // //if (!fkParam->IsGeoRead()) fkParam->ReadGeoMatrices(); if (AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetUseSectorAlignment() && (!calibDB->HasAlignmentOCDB())){ TGeoHMatrix *mat = fkParam->GetClusterMatrix(cluster->GetDetector()); //TGeoHMatrix mat; Double_t pos[3]= {cluster->GetX(),cluster->GetY(),cluster->GetZ()}; Double_t posC[3]={cluster->GetX(),cluster->GetY(),cluster->GetZ()}; if (mat) mat->LocalToMaster(pos,posC); else{ // chack Loading of Geo matrices from GeoManager - TEMPORARY FIX } cluster->SetX(posC[0]); cluster->SetY(posC[1]); cluster->SetZ(posC[2]); } } void AliTPCtracker::ApplyTailCancellation(){ // // Correct the cluster charge for the ion tail effect // The TimeResponse function accessed via AliTPCcalibDB (TPC/Calib/IonTail) // // Retrieve TObjArray *ionTailArr = (TObjArray*)AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetIonTailArray(); if (!ionTailArr) {AliFatal("TPC - Missing IonTail OCDB object");} TObject *rocFactorIROC = ionTailArr->FindObject("factorIROC"); TObject *rocFactorOROC = ionTailArr->FindObject("factorOROC"); Float_t factorIROC = (atof(rocFactorIROC->GetTitle())); Float_t factorOROC = (atof(rocFactorOROC->GetTitle())); // find the number of clusters for the whole TPC (nclALL) Int_t nclALL=0; for (Int_t isector=0; isector<36; isector++){ AliTPCtrackerSector §or= (isector<18)?fInnerSec[isector%18]:fOuterSec[isector%18]; nclALL += sector.GetNClInSector(0); nclALL += sector.GetNClInSector(1); } // start looping over all clusters for (Int_t iside=0; iside<2; iside++){ // loop over sides // // for (Int_t secType=0; secType<2; secType++){ //loop over inner or outer sector // cache experimantal tuning factor for the different chamber type const Float_t ampfactor = (secType==0)?factorIROC:factorOROC; std::cout << " ampfactor = " << ampfactor << std::endl; // for (Int_t sec = 0;sec position fo sie loop if (!AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTailcancelationGraphs(sec+36*secType+18*iside,graphRes,indexAmpGraphs)) { continue; } AliTPCtrackerSector §or= (secType==0)?fInnerSec[sec]:fOuterSec[sec]; Int_t nrows = sector.GetNRows(); // number of rows Int_t nclSector = sector.GetNClInSector(iside); // ncl per sector to be used for debugging for (Int_t row = 0;row0) ncl=tpcrow.GetN2(); // Order clusters in time for the proper correction of ion tail Float_t qTotArray[ncl]; // arrays to be filled with modified Qtot and Qmax values in order to avoid float->int conversion Float_t qMaxArray[ncl]; Int_t sortedClusterIndex[ncl]; Float_t sortedClusterTimeBin[ncl]; TObjArray *rowClusterArray = new TObjArray(ncl); // cache clusters for each row for (Int_t i=0;i0)?(tpcrow.GetCluster2(i)):(tpcrow.GetCluster1(i)); if (rowcl) { rowClusterArray->AddAt(rowcl,i); } else { rowClusterArray->RemoveAt(i); } // Fill the timebin info to the array in order to sort wrt tb if (!rowcl) { sortedClusterTimeBin[i]=0.0; } else { sortedClusterTimeBin[i] = rowcl->GetTimeBin(); } } TMath::Sort(ncl,sortedClusterTimeBin,sortedClusterIndex,kFALSE); // sort clusters in time // Main cluster correction loops over clusters for (Int_t icl0=0; icl0(rowClusterArray->At(sortedClusterIndex[icl0])); if (!cl0) continue; Int_t nclPad=0; for (Int_t icl1=0; icl1(rowClusterArray->At(sortedClusterIndex[icl1])); if (!cl1) continue; if (TMath::Abs(cl0->GetPad()-cl1->GetPad())>4) continue; // no contribution if far away in pad direction if (cl0->GetTimeBin()<= cl1->GetTimeBin()) continue; // no contibution to the tail if later if (TMath::Abs(cl1->GetTimeBin()-cl0->GetTimeBin())>600) continue; // out of the range of response function if (TMath::Abs(cl0->GetPad()-cl1->GetPad())<4) nclPad++; // count ncl for every pad for debugging // Get the correction values for Qmax and Qtot and find total correction for a given cluster Double_t ionTailMax=0.; Double_t ionTailTotal=0.; GetTailValue(ampfactor,ionTailMax,ionTailTotal,graphRes,indexAmpGraphs,cl0,cl1); ionTailMax=TMath::Abs(ionTailMax); ionTailTotal=TMath::Abs(ionTailTotal); qTotArray[icl0]+=ionTailTotal; qMaxArray[icl0]+=ionTailMax; // Dump some info for debugging while clusters are being corrected if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2) { TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; if (gRandom->Rndm() > 0.999){ cstream<<"IonTail"<< "cl0.=" <SetQ(TMath::Nint(Float_t(cl0->GetQ())+Float_t(qTotArray[icl0]))); cl0->SetMax(TMath::Nint(Float_t(cl0->GetMax())+qMaxArray[icl0])); // Dump some info for debugging after clusters are corrected if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2) { TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; if (gRandom->Rndm() > 0.999){ cstream<<"IonTailCorrected"<< "cl0.=" << cl0 << // cluster 0 with huge Qmax "ionTailTotalPerCluster=" << qTotArray[icl0] << "ionTailMaxPerCluster=" << qMaxArray[icl0] << "nclALL=" << nclALL << "nclSector=" << nclSector << "nclRow=" << ncl << "nclPad=" << nclPad << "row=" << row << "sector=" << sec << "icl0=" << icl0 << "\n"; } }// dump the results to the debug streamer if in debug mode }//end of first loop over cluster delete rowClusterArray; }//end of loop over rows for (int i=0; i<20; i++) delete graphRes[i]; delete [] graphRes; delete [] indexAmpGraphs; }//end of loop over sectors }//end of loop over IROC/OROC }// end of side loop } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtracker::GetTailValue(Float_t ampfactor,Double_t &ionTailMax, Double_t &ionTailTotal,TGraphErrors **graphRes,Float_t *indexAmpGraphs,AliTPCclusterMI *cl0,AliTPCclusterMI *cl1){ // // Function in order to calculate the amount of the correction to be added for a given cluster, return values are ionTailTaoltal and ionTailMax // const Double_t kMinPRF = 0.5; // minimal PRF width ionTailTotal = 0.; // correction value to be added to Qtot of cl0 ionTailMax = 0.; // correction value to be added to Qmax of cl0 Float_t qTot0 = cl0->GetQ(); // cl0 Qtot info Float_t qTot1 = cl1->GetQ(); // cl1 Qtot info Int_t sectorPad = cl1->GetDetector(); // sector number Int_t padcl0 = TMath::Nint(cl0->GetPad()); // pad0 Int_t padcl1 = TMath::Nint(cl1->GetPad()); // pad1 Float_t padWidth = (sectorPad < 36)?0.4:0.6; // pad width in cm const Int_t deltaTimebin = TMath::Nint(TMath::Abs(cl1->GetTimeBin()-cl0->GetTimeBin()))+12; //distance between pads of cl1 and cl0 increased by 12 bins Double_t rmsPad1 = (cl1->GetSigmaY2()==0)?kMinPRF:(TMath::Sqrt(cl1->GetSigmaY2())/padWidth); Double_t rmsPad0 = (cl0->GetSigmaY2()==0)?kMinPRF:(TMath::Sqrt(cl0->GetSigmaY2())/padWidth); Double_t sumAmp1=0.; for (Int_t idelta =-2; idelta<=2;idelta++){ sumAmp1+=TMath::Exp(-idelta*idelta/(2*rmsPad1)); } Double_t sumAmp0=0.; for (Int_t idelta =-2; idelta<=2;idelta++){ sumAmp0+=TMath::Exp(-idelta*idelta/(2*rmsPad0)); } // Apply the correction --> cl1 corrects cl0 (loop over cl1's pads and find which pads of cl0 are going to be corrected) Int_t padScan=2; // +-2 pad-timebin window will be scanned for (Int_t ipad1=padcl1-padScan; ipad1<=padcl1+padScan; ipad1++) { // // Float_t deltaPad1 = TMath::Abs(cl1->GetPad()-(Float_t)ipad1); Double_t amp1 = (TMath::Exp(-(deltaPad1*deltaPad1)/(2*rmsPad1)))/sumAmp1; // normalized pad response function Float_t qTotPad1 = amp1*qTot1; // used as a factor to multipliy the response function // find closest value of cl1 to COG (among the time response functions' amplitude array --> to select proper t.r.f.) Int_t ampIndex = 0; Float_t diffAmp = TMath::Abs(deltaPad1-indexAmpGraphs[0]); for (Int_t j=0;j<20;j++) { if (diffAmp > TMath::Abs(deltaPad1-indexAmpGraphs[j]) && indexAmpGraphs[j]!=0) { diffAmp = TMath::Abs(deltaPad1-indexAmpGraphs[j]); ampIndex = j; } } if (!graphRes[ampIndex]) continue; if (deltaTimebin+2 >= graphRes[ampIndex]->GetN()) continue; if (graphRes[ampIndex]->GetY()[deltaTimebin+2]>=0) continue; for (Int_t ipad0=padcl0-padScan; ipad0<=padcl0+padScan; ipad0++) { // // if (ipad1!=ipad0) continue; // check if ipad1 channel sees ipad0 channel, if not no correction to be applied. Float_t deltaPad0 = TMath::Abs(cl0->GetPad()-(Float_t)ipad0); Double_t amp0 = (TMath::Exp(-(deltaPad0*deltaPad0)/(2*rmsPad0)))/sumAmp0; // normalized pad resp function Float_t qMaxPad0 = amp0*qTot0; // Add 5 timebin range contribution around the max peak (-+2 tb window) for (Int_t itb=deltaTimebin-2; itb<=deltaTimebin+2; itb++) { if (itb<0) continue; if (itb>=graphRes[ampIndex]->GetN()) continue; // calculate contribution to qTot Float_t tailCorr = TMath::Abs((qTotPad1*ampfactor)*(graphRes[ampIndex])->GetY()[itb]); if (ipad1!=padcl0) { ionTailTotal += TMath::Min(qMaxPad0,tailCorr); // for side pad } else { ionTailTotal += tailCorr; // for center pad } // calculate contribution to qMax if (itb == deltaTimebin && ipad1 == padcl0) ionTailMax += tailCorr; } // end of tb correction loop which is applied over 5 tb range } // end of cl0 loop } // end of cl1 loop } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtracker::LoadOuterSectors() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills outer TPC sectors with clusters. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t nrows = fOuterSec->GetNRows(); UInt_t index=0; for (Int_t sec = 0;secGetN1(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster1(ncl)); index=(((sec2<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } //right ncl = tpcrow->GetN2(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster2(ncl)); index=((((sec2+fkNOS)<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } // // write indexes for fast acces // for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,-1); for (Int_t i=0;iGetN();i++){ Int_t zi = Int_t((*tpcrow)[i]->GetZ()+255.); tpcrow->SetFastCluster(zi,i); // write index } Int_t last = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++){ if (tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i)<0) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,last); else last = tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i); } } fN=fkNOS; fSectors=fOuterSec; return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtracker::LoadInnerSectors() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills inner TPC sectors with clusters. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t nrows = fInnerSec->GetNRows(); UInt_t index=0; for (Int_t sec = 0;secGetN1(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster1(ncl)); index=(((sec<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } //right ncl = tpcrow->GetN2(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster2(ncl)); index=((((sec+fkNIS)<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } // // write indexes for fast acces // for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,-1); for (Int_t i=0;iGetN();i++){ Int_t zi = Int_t((*tpcrow)[i]->GetZ()+255.); tpcrow->SetFastCluster(zi,i); // write index } Int_t last = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++){ if (tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i)<0) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,last); else last = tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i); } } fN=fkNIS; fSectors=fInnerSec; return 0; } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCclusterMI *AliTPCtracker::GetClusterMI(Int_t index) const { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return pointer to a given cluster //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (index<0) return 0; // no cluster Int_t sec=(index&0xff000000)>>24; Int_t row=(index&0x00ff0000)>>16; Int_t ncl=(index&0x00007fff)>>00; const AliTPCtrackerRow * tpcrow=0; TClonesArray * clrow =0; if (sec<0 || sec>=fkNIS*4) { AliWarning(Form("Wrong sector %d",sec)); return 0x0; } if (secGetN1()<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->GetClusters1(); } else { if (tpcrow->GetN2()<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->GetClusters2(); } } else { AliTPCtrackerSector& tracksec = fOuterSec[(sec-fkNIS*2)%fkNOS]; if (tracksec.GetNRows()<=row) return 0; tpcrow = &(tracksec[row]); if (tpcrow==0) return 0; if (sec-2*fkNISGetN1()<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->GetClusters1(); } else { if (tpcrow->GetN2()<=ncl) return 0; clrow = tpcrow->GetClusters2(); } } return (AliTPCclusterMI*)clrow->At(ncl); } Int_t AliTPCtracker::FollowToNext(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t nr) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation to next pad row //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Double_t x= GetXrow(nr), ymax=GetMaxY(nr); // // AliTPCclusterMI *cl=0; Int_t tpcindex= t.GetClusterIndex2(nr); // // update current shape info every 5 pad-row // if ( (nr%5==0) || t.GetNumberOfClusters()<2 || (t.fCurrentSigmaY2<0.0001) ){ GetShape(&t,nr); //} // if (fIteration>0 && tpcindex>=-1){ //if we have already clusters // if (tpcindex==-1) return 0; //track in dead zone if (tpcindex >= 0){ // cl = t.GetClusterPointer(nr); //if (cl==0) cl = GetClusterMI(tpcindex); if (!cl) cl = GetClusterMI(tpcindex); t.SetCurrentClusterIndex1(tpcindex); } if (cl){ Int_t relativesector = ((tpcindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; // if previously accepted cluster in different sector Float_t angle = relativesector*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); // if (angle<-TMath::Pi()) angle += 2*TMath::Pi(); if (angle>=TMath::Pi()) angle -= 2*TMath::Pi(); if (TMath::Abs(angle-t.GetAlpha())>0.001){ Double_t rotation = angle-t.GetAlpha(); t.SetRelativeSector(relativesector); if (!t.Rotate(rotation)) { t.SetClusterIndex(nr, t.GetClusterIndex(nr) | 0x8000); return 0; } } if (!t.PropagateTo(x)) { t.SetClusterIndex(nr, t.GetClusterIndex(nr) | 0x8000); return 0; } // t.SetCurrentCluster(cl); t.SetRow(nr); Int_t accept = AcceptCluster(&t,t.GetCurrentCluster()); if ((tpcindex&0x8000)==0) accept =0; if (accept<3) { //if founded cluster is acceptible if (cl->IsUsed(11)) { // id cluster is shared inrease uncertainty t.SetErrorY2(t.GetErrorY2()+0.03); t.SetErrorZ2(t.GetErrorZ2()+0.03); t.SetErrorY2(t.GetErrorY2()*3); t.SetErrorZ2(t.GetErrorZ2()*3); } t.SetNFoundable(t.GetNFoundable()+1); UpdateTrack(&t,accept); return 1; } else { // Remove old cluster from track t.SetClusterIndex(nr, -3); t.SetClusterPointer(nr, 0); } } } if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()) return 0; // cut on angle if (fIteration>1 && IsFindable(t)){ // not look for new cluster during refitting t.SetNFoundable(t.GetNFoundable()+1); return 0; } // UInt_t index=0; // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>0.95 || TMath::Abs(x*t.GetC()-t.GetEta())>0.95) return 0;// patch 28 fev 06 if (!t.PropagateTo(x)) { if (fIteration==0) t.SetRemoval(10); return 0; } Double_t y = t.GetY(); if (TMath::Abs(y)>ymax){ if (y > ymax) { t.SetRelativeSector((t.GetRelativeSector()+1) % fN); if (!t.Rotate(fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { t.SetRelativeSector((t.GetRelativeSector()-1+fN) % fN); if (!t.Rotate(-fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } if (!t.PropagateTo(x)) { if (fIteration==0) t.SetRemoval(10); return 0; } y = t.GetY(); } // Double_t z=t.GetZ(); // if (!IsActive(t.GetRelativeSector(),nr)) { t.SetInDead(kTRUE); t.SetClusterIndex2(nr,-1); return 0; } //AliInfo(Form("A - Sector%d phi %f - alpha %f", t.fRelativeSector,y/x, t.GetAlpha())); Bool_t isActive = IsActive(t.GetRelativeSector(),nr); Bool_t isActive2 = (nr>=fInnerSec->GetNRows()) ? fOuterSec[t.GetRelativeSector()][nr-fInnerSec->GetNRows()].GetN()>0:fInnerSec[t.GetRelativeSector()][nr].GetN()>0; if (!isActive || !isActive2) return 0; const AliTPCtrackerRow &krow=GetRow(t.GetRelativeSector(),nr); if ( (t.GetSigmaY2()<0) || t.GetSigmaZ2()<0) return 0; Double_t roady =1.; Double_t roadz = 1.; // if (TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(y)-ymax)GetZLength(0) && (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())IsUsed(10)) return 0; Int_t accept = AcceptCluster(&t,t.GetCurrentCluster()); if (fIteration==2&&cl->IsUsed(11)) { t.SetErrorY2(t.GetErrorY2()+0.03); t.SetErrorZ2(t.GetErrorZ2()+0.03); t.SetErrorY2(t.GetErrorY2()*3); t.SetErrorZ2(t.GetErrorZ2()*3); } /* if (t.fCurrentCluster->IsUsed(10)){ // // t.fNShared++; if (t.fNShared>0.7*t.GetNumberOfClusters()) { t.fRemoval =10; return 0; } } */ if (accept<3) UpdateTrack(&t,accept); } else { if ( fIteration==0 && t.GetNFoundable()*0.5 > t.GetNumberOfClusters()) t.SetRemoval(10); } return 1; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCtracker::GetTrackPoint(Int_t index, AliTrackPoint &p ) const { // Get track space point by index // return false in case the cluster doesn't exist AliTPCclusterMI *cl = GetClusterMI(index); if (!cl) return kFALSE; Int_t sector = (index&0xff000000)>>24; // Int_t row = (index&0x00ff0000)>>16; Float_t xyz[3]; // xyz[0] = fkParam->GetPadRowRadii(sector,row); xyz[0] = cl->GetX(); xyz[1] = cl->GetY(); xyz[2] = cl->GetZ(); Float_t sin,cos; fkParam->AdjustCosSin(sector,cos,sin); Float_t x = cos*xyz[0]-sin*xyz[1]; Float_t y = cos*xyz[1]+sin*xyz[0]; Float_t cov[6]; Float_t sigmaY2 = 0.027*cl->GetSigmaY2(); if (sector < fkParam->GetNInnerSector()) sigmaY2 *= 2.07; Float_t sigmaZ2 = 0.066*cl->GetSigmaZ2(); if (sector < fkParam->GetNInnerSector()) sigmaZ2 *= 1.77; cov[0] = sin*sin*sigmaY2; cov[1] = -sin*cos*sigmaY2; cov[2] = 0.; cov[3] = cos*cos*sigmaY2; cov[4] = 0.; cov[5] = sigmaZ2; p.SetXYZ(x,y,xyz[2],cov); AliGeomManager::ELayerID iLayer; Int_t idet; if (sector < fkParam->GetNInnerSector()) { iLayer = AliGeomManager::kTPC1; idet = sector; } else { iLayer = AliGeomManager::kTPC2; idet = sector - fkParam->GetNInnerSector(); } UShort_t volid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(iLayer,idet); p.SetVolumeID(volid); return kTRUE; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::UpdateClusters(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t nr) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation to next pad row //----------------------------------------------------------------- t.SetCurrentCluster(0); t.SetCurrentClusterIndex1(-3); Double_t xt=t.GetX(); Int_t row = GetRowNumber(xt)-1; Double_t ymax= GetMaxY(nr); if (row < nr) return 1; // don't prolongate if not information until now - // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>0.9 && t.GetNumberOfClusters()>40. && fIteration!=2) { // t.fRemoval =10; // return 0; // not prolongate strongly inclined tracks // } // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>0.95) { // t.fRemoval =10; // return 0; // not prolongate strongly inclined tracks // }// patch 28 fev 06 Double_t x= GetXrow(nr); Double_t y,z; //t.PropagateTo(x+0.02); //t.PropagateTo(x+0.01); if (!t.PropagateTo(x)){ return 0; } // y=t.GetY(); z=t.GetZ(); if (TMath::Abs(y)>ymax){ if (y > ymax) { t.SetRelativeSector((t.GetRelativeSector()+1) % fN); if (!t.Rotate(fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { t.SetRelativeSector((t.GetRelativeSector()-1+fN) % fN); if (!t.Rotate(-fSectors->GetAlpha())) return 0; } // if (!t.PropagateTo(x)){ // return 0; //} return 1; //y = t.GetY(); } // if (TMath::Abs(t.GetSnp())>AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()) return 0; if (!IsActive(t.GetRelativeSector(),nr)) { t.SetInDead(kTRUE); t.SetClusterIndex2(nr,-1); return 0; } //AliInfo(Form("A - Sector%d phi %f - alpha %f", t.fRelativeSector,y/x, t.GetAlpha())); AliTPCtrackerRow &krow=GetRow(t.GetRelativeSector(),nr); if (TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(y)-ymax)= 0) && (index&0x8000)==0){ cl = t.GetClusterPointer(nr); if ( (cl==0) && (index >= 0)) cl = GetClusterMI(index); t.SetCurrentClusterIndex1(index); if (cl) { t.SetCurrentCluster(cl); return 1; } } } // if (index<0) return 0; UInt_t uindex = TMath::Abs(index); if (krow) { //cl = krow.FindNearest2(y+10,z,roady,roadz,uindex); cl = krow.FindNearest2(y,z,roady,roadz,uindex); } if (cl) t.SetCurrentClusterIndex1(krow.GetIndex(uindex)); t.SetCurrentCluster(cl); return 1; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::FollowToNextCluster(AliTPCseed & t, Int_t nr) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation to next pad row //----------------------------------------------------------------- //update error according neighborhoud if (t.GetCurrentCluster()) { t.SetRow(nr); Int_t accept = AcceptCluster(&t,t.GetCurrentCluster()); if (t.GetCurrentCluster()->IsUsed(10)){ // // // t.fErrorZ2*=2; // t.fErrorY2*=2; t.SetNShared(t.GetNShared()+1); if (t.GetNShared()>0.7*t.GetNumberOfClusters()) { t.SetRemoval(10); return 0; } } if (fIteration>0) accept = 0; if (accept<3) UpdateTrack(&t,accept); } else { if (fIteration==0){ if ( t.GetNumberOfClusters()>18 && ( (t.GetSigmaY2()+t.GetSigmaZ2())>0.16)) t.SetRemoval(10); if ( t.GetNumberOfClusters()>18 && t.GetChi2()/t.GetNumberOfClusters()>6 ) t.SetRemoval(10); if (( (t.GetNFoundable()*0.5 > t.GetNumberOfClusters()) || t.GetNoCluster()>15)) t.SetRemoval(10); } } return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtracker::FollowProlongation(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t rf, Int_t step, Bool_t fromSeeds) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation. //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t xt=t.GetX(); // Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); // t.SetRelativeSector(Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN); Int_t first = GetRowNumber(xt); if (!fromSeeds) first -= step; if (first < 0) first = 0; for (Int_t nr= first; nr>=rf; nr-=step) { // update kink info if (t.GetKinkIndexes()[0]>0){ for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){ Int_t index = t.GetKinkIndexes()[i]; if (index==0) break; if (index<0) continue; // AliKink * kink = (AliKink*)fEvent->GetKink(index-1); if (!kink){ printf("PROBLEM\n"); } else{ Int_t kinkrow = kink->GetTPCRow0()+2+Int_t(0.5/(0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (kinkrow==nr){ AliExternalTrackParam paramd(t); kink->SetDaughter(paramd); kink->SetStatus(2,5); kink->Update(); } } } } if (nr==80) t.UpdateReference(); if (nrGetNRows()) fSectors = fInnerSec; else fSectors = fOuterSec; if (FollowToNext(t,nr)==0) if (!t.IsActive()) return 0; } return 1; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::FollowBackProlongation(AliTPCseed& t, Int_t rf, Bool_t fromSeeds) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation. //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Double_t xt=t.GetX(); Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); t.SetRelativeSector(Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN); Int_t first = t.GetFirstPoint(); Int_t ri = GetRowNumber(xt); if (!fromSeeds) ri += 1; if (first0.95)) break;//patch 28 fev 06 if (t.GetKinkIndexes()[0]<0){ for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){ Int_t index = t.GetKinkIndexes()[i]; if (index==0) break; if (index>0) continue; index = TMath::Abs(index); AliKink * kink = (AliKink*)fEvent->GetKink(index-1); if (!kink){ printf("PROBLEM\n"); } else{ Int_t kinkrow = kink->GetTPCRow0()-2-Int_t(0.5/(0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (kinkrow==nr){ AliExternalTrackParam paramm(t); kink->SetMother(paramm); kink->SetStatus(2,1); kink->Update(); } } } } // if (nrGetNRows()) fSectors = fInnerSec; else fSectors = fOuterSec; FollowToNext(t,nr); } return 1; } Float_t AliTPCtracker::OverlapFactor(AliTPCseed * s1, AliTPCseed * s2, Int_t &sum1, Int_t & sum2) { // overlapping factor // sum1=0; sum2=0; Int_t sum=0; // Float_t dz2 =(s1->GetZ() - s2->GetZ()); dz2*=dz2; Float_t dy2 =TMath::Abs((s1->GetY() - s2->GetY())); dy2*=dy2; Float_t distance = TMath::Sqrt(dz2+dy2); if (distance>4.) return 0; // if there are far away - not overlap - to reduce combinatorics // Int_t offset =0; Int_t firstpoint = TMath::Min(s1->GetFirstPoint(),s2->GetFirstPoint()); Int_t lastpoint = TMath::Max(s1->GetLastPoint(),s2->GetLastPoint()); if (lastpoint>160) lastpoint =160; if (firstpoint<0) firstpoint = 0; if (firstpoint>lastpoint) { firstpoint =lastpoint; // lastpoint =160; } for (Int_t i=firstpoint-1;iGetClusterIndex2(i)>0) sum1++; if (s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) sum2++; if (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)==s2->GetClusterIndex2(i) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { sum++; } } if (sum<5) return 0; Float_t summin = TMath::Min(sum1+1,sum2+1); Float_t ratio = (sum+1)/Float_t(summin); return ratio; } void AliTPCtracker::SignShared(AliTPCseed * s1, AliTPCseed * s2) { // shared clusters // Float_t thetaCut = 0.2;//+10.*TMath::Sqrt(s1->GetSigmaTglZ()+ s2->GetSigmaTglZ()); if (TMath::Abs(s1->GetTgl()-s2->GetTgl())>thetaCut) return; Float_t minCl = TMath::Min(s1->GetNumberOfClusters(),s2->GetNumberOfClusters()); Int_t cutN0 = TMath::Max(5,TMath::Nint(0.1*minCl)); // Int_t sumshared=0; // //Int_t firstpoint = TMath::Max(s1->GetFirstPoint(),s2->GetFirstPoint()); //Int_t lastpoint = TMath::Min(s1->GetLastPoint(),s2->GetLastPoint()); Int_t firstpoint = 0; Int_t lastpoint = 160; // // if (firstpoint>=lastpoint-5) return;; for (Int_t i=firstpoint;iGetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF)==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { if ( (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i))==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { sumshared++; } } if (sumshared>cutN0){ // sign clusters // for (Int_t i=firstpoint;iGetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF)==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)&0xFFFF8FFF) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { if ( (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i))==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { AliTPCTrackerPoint *p1 = s1->GetTrackPoint(i); AliTPCTrackerPoint *p2 = s2->GetTrackPoint(i);; if (s1->IsActive()&&s2->IsActive()){ p1->SetShared(kTRUE); p2->SetShared(kTRUE); } } } } // if (sumshared>cutN0){ for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++){ if (s1->GetOverlapLabel(3*i)==0){ s1->SetOverlapLabel(3*i, s2->GetLabel()); s1->SetOverlapLabel(3*i+1,sumshared); s1->SetOverlapLabel(3*i+2,s2->GetUniqueID()); break; } } for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++){ if (s2->GetOverlapLabel(3*i)==0){ s2->SetOverlapLabel(3*i, s1->GetLabel()); s2->SetOverlapLabel(3*i+1,sumshared); s2->SetOverlapLabel(3*i+2,s1->GetUniqueID()); break; } } } } void AliTPCtracker::SignShared(TObjArray * arr) { // //sort trackss according sectors // for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliTPCseed *pt=(AliTPCseed*)arr->UncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; //if (pt) RotateToLocal(pt); pt->SetSort(0); } arr->UnSort(); arr->Sort(); // sorting according relative sectors arr->Expand(arr->GetEntries()); // // Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; for (Int_t j=0;j<12;j++){ pt->SetOverlapLabel(j,0); } } for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; if (pt->GetRemoval()>10) continue; for (Int_t j=i+1; jUncheckedAt(j); if (TMath::Abs(pt->GetRelativeSector()-pt2->GetRelativeSector())>1) continue; // if (pt2){ if (pt2->GetRemoval()<=10) { //if ( TMath::Abs(pt->GetRelativeSector()-pt2->GetRelativeSector())>0) break; SignShared(pt,pt2); } } } } void AliTPCtracker::SortTracks(TObjArray * arr, Int_t mode) const { // //sort tracks in array according mode criteria Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } pt->SetSort(mode); } arr->UnSort(); arr->Sort(); } void AliTPCtracker::RemoveUsed2(TObjArray * arr, Float_t factor1, Float_t factor2, Int_t minimal) { // // Loop over all tracks and remove overlaped tracks (with lower quality) // Algorithm: // 1. Unsign clusters // 2. Sort tracks according quality // Quality is defined by the number of cluster between first and last points // // 3. Loop over tracks - decreasing quality order // a.) remove - If the fraction of shared cluster less than factor (1- n or 2) // b.) remove - If the minimal number of clusters less than minimal and not ITS // c.) if track accepted - sign clusters // //Called in - AliTPCtracker::Clusters2Tracks() // - AliTPCtracker::PropagateBack() // - AliTPCtracker::RefitInward() // // Arguments: // factor1 - factor for constrained // factor2 - for non constrained tracks // if (Float_t(shared+1)/Float_t(found+1)>factor) - DELETE // UnsignClusters(); // Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); Float_t * quality = new Float_t[nseed]; Int_t * indexes = new Int_t[nseed]; Int_t good =0; // // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt){ quality[i]=-1; continue; } pt->UpdatePoints(); //select first last max dens points Float_t * points = pt->GetPoints(); if (points[3]<0.8) quality[i] =-1; quality[i] = (points[2]-points[0])+pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); //prefer high momenta tracks if overlaps quality[i] *= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pt->Pt())+0.5); } TMath::Sort(nseed,quality,indexes); // // for (Int_t itrack=0; itrackUncheckedAt(trackindex); if (!pt) continue; // if (quality[trackindex]<0){ MarkSeedFree( arr->RemoveAt(trackindex) ); continue; } // // Int_t first = Int_t(pt->GetPoints()[0]); Int_t last = Int_t(pt->GetPoints()[2]); Double_t factor = (pt->GetBConstrain()) ? factor1: factor2; // Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(first,last, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); // better to get statistic in "high-dens" region do't use full track as in line bellow // pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,160, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); Bool_t itsgold =kFALSE; if (pt->GetESD()){ Int_t dummy[12]; if (pt->GetESD()->GetITSclusters(dummy)>4) itsgold= kTRUE; } if (!itsgold){ // if (Float_t(shared+1)/Float_t(found+1)>factor){ if (pt->GetKinkIndexes()[0]!=0) continue; //don't remove tracks - part of the kinks if( AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>3){ TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"RemoveUsed"<< "iter="<RemoveAt(trackindex) ); continue; } if (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<50&&(found-0.5*shared)GetKinkIndexes()[0]!=0) continue; //don't remove tracks - part of the kinks if( AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>3){ TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"RemoveShort"<< "iter="<RemoveAt(trackindex) ); continue; } } good++; //if (sharedfactor>0.4) continue; if (pt->GetKinkIndexes()[0]>0) continue; //Remove tracks with undefined properties - seems if (pt->GetSigmaY2()GetClusterIndex2(i); // if (index<0 || index&0x8000 ) continue; if (index<0 || index&0x8000 ) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->GetClusterPointer(i); if (!c) continue; c->Use(10); } } fNtracks = good; if (fDebug>0){ Info("RemoveUsed","\n*****\nNumber of good tracks after shared removal\t%d\n",fNtracks); } delete []quality; delete []indexes; } void AliTPCtracker::DumpClusters(Int_t iter, TObjArray *trackArray) { // // Dump clusters after reco // signed and unsigned cluster can be visualized // 1. Unsign all cluster // 2. Sign all used clusters // 3. Dump clusters UnsignClusters(); Int_t nseed = trackArray->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } Bool_t isKink=pt->GetKinkIndex(0)!=0; for (Int_t j=0; j<160; ++j) { Int_t index=pt->GetClusterIndex2(j); if (index<0) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->GetClusterPointer(j); if (!c) continue; if (isKink) c->Use(100); // kink c->Use(10); // by default usage 10 } } // for (Int_t sec=0;secGetNRows();row++){ TClonesArray *cla = fInnerSec[sec][row].GetClusters1(); for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fInnerSec[sec][row].GetN1();icl++){ AliTPCclusterMI* cl = (AliTPCclusterMI*)cla->At(icl); Float_t gx[3]; cl->GetGlobalXYZ(gx); (*fDebugStreamer)<<"clDump"<< "iter="<At(icl); Float_t gx[3]; cl->GetGlobalXYZ(gx); (*fDebugStreamer)<<"clDump"<< "iter="<GetNRows();row++){ TClonesArray *cla = fOuterSec[sec][row].GetClusters1(); for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fOuterSec[sec][row].GetN1();icl++){ Float_t gx[3]; AliTPCclusterMI* cl = (AliTPCclusterMI*) cla->At(icl); cl->GetGlobalXYZ(gx); (*fDebugStreamer)<<"clDump"<< "iter="<At(icl); cl->GetGlobalXYZ(gx); (*fDebugStreamer)<<"clDump"<< "iter="<GetNRows();row++){ TClonesArray *cla = fInnerSec[sec][row].GetClusters1(); for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fInnerSec[sec][row].GetN1();icl++) // if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) ((AliTPCclusterMI*) cla->At(icl))->Use(-1); cla = fInnerSec[sec][row].GetClusters2(); for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fInnerSec[sec][row].GetN2();icl++) //if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) ((AliTPCclusterMI*) cla->At(icl))->Use(-1); } } for (Int_t sec=0;secGetNRows();row++){ TClonesArray *cla = fOuterSec[sec][row].GetClusters1(); for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fOuterSec[sec][row].GetN1();icl++) //if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) ((AliTPCclusterMI*) cla->At(icl))->Use(-1); cla = fOuterSec[sec][row].GetClusters2(); for (Int_t icl =0;icl< fOuterSec[sec][row].GetN2();icl++) //if (cl[icl].IsUsed(10)) ((AliTPCclusterMI*) cla->At(icl))->Use(-1); } } } void AliTPCtracker::SignClusters(const TObjArray * arr, Float_t fnumber, Float_t fdensity) { // //sign clusters to be "used" // // snumber and sdensity sign number of sigmas - bellow mean value to be accepted // loop over "primaries" Float_t sumdens=0; Float_t sumdens2=0; Float_t sumn =0; Float_t sumn2 =0; Float_t sumchi =0; Float_t sumchi2 =0; Float_t sum =0; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t nseed = arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } if (!(pt->IsActive())) continue; Float_t dens = pt->GetNumberOfClusters()/Float_t(pt->GetNFoundable()); if ( (dens>0.7) && (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>70)){ sumdens += dens; sumdens2+= dens*dens; sumn += pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); sumn2 += pt->GetNumberOfClusters()*pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); Float_t chi2 = pt->GetChi2()/pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (chi2>5) chi2=5; sumchi +=chi2; sumchi2 +=chi2*chi2; sum++; } } Float_t mdensity = 0.9; Float_t meann = 130; Float_t meanchi = 1; Float_t sdensity = 0.1; Float_t smeann = 10; Float_t smeanchi =0.4; if (sum>20){ mdensity = sumdens/sum; meann = sumn/sum; meanchi = sumchi/sum; // sdensity = sumdens2/sum-mdensity*mdensity; if (sdensity >= 0) sdensity = TMath::Sqrt(sdensity); else sdensity = 0.1; // smeann = sumn2/sum-meann*meann; if (smeann >= 0) smeann = TMath::Sqrt(smeann); else smeann = 10; // smeanchi = sumchi2/sum - meanchi*meanchi; if (smeanchi >= 0) smeanchi = TMath::Sqrt(smeanchi); else smeanchi = 0.4; } //REMOVE SHORT DELTAS or tracks going out of sensitive volume of TPC // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } if (pt->GetBSigned()) continue; if (pt->GetBConstrain()) continue; //if (!(pt->IsActive())) continue; /* Int_t found,foundable,shared; pt->GetClusterStatistic(0,160,found, foundable,shared); if (shared/float(found)>0.3) { if (shared/float(found)>0.9 ){ //MarkSeedFree( arr->RemoveAt(i) ); } continue; } */ Bool_t isok =kFALSE; if ( (pt->GetNShared()/pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<0.5) &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>60) isok = kTRUE; if ((TMath::Abs(1/pt->GetC())<100.) && (pt->GetNShared()/pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<0.7)) isok =kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(pt->GetZ()/pt->GetX())>1.1) isok =kTRUE; if ( (TMath::Abs(pt->GetSnp()>0.7) && pt->GetD(0,0)>60.)) isok =kTRUE; if (isok) for (Int_t j=0; j<160; ++j) { Int_t index=pt->GetClusterIndex2(j); if (index<0) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->GetClusterPointer(j); if (!c) continue; //if (!(c->IsUsed(10))) c->Use(); c->Use(10); } } // Double_t maxchi = meanchi+2.*smeanchi; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) { continue; } //if (!(pt->IsActive())) continue; if (pt->GetBSigned()) continue; Double_t chi = pt->GetChi2()/pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (chi>maxchi) continue; Float_t bfactor=1; Float_t dens = pt->GetNumberOfClusters()/Float_t(pt->GetNFoundable()); //sign only tracks with enoug big density at the beginning if ((pt->GetDensityFirst(40)<0.75) && pt->GetNumberOfClusters()fBConstrain) mindens = TMath::Max(mdensity-sdensity*fdensity*bfactor,0.65); if ( (pt->GetRemoval()==10) && (pt->GetSnp()>0.8)&&(dens>mindens)) minn=0; if ((dens>mindens && pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>minn) && chiGetNumberOfClusters(); pt->SetBSigned(kTRUE); for (Int_t j=0; j<160; ++j) { Int_t index=pt->GetClusterIndex2(j); if (index<0) continue; AliTPCclusterMI *c= pt->GetClusterPointer(j); if (!c) continue; // if (!(c->IsUsed(10))) c->Use(); c->Use(10); } } } // gLastCheck = nseed; // arr->Compress(); if (fDebug>0){ timer.Print(); } } Int_t AliTPCtracker::RefitInward(AliESDEvent *event) { // // back propagation of ESD tracks // //return 0; if (!event) return 0; const Int_t kMaxFriendTracks=2000; fEvent = event; fEventHLT = 0; // extract correction object for multiplicity dependence of dEdx TObjArray * gainCalibArray = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTimeGainSplinesRun(event->GetRunNumber()); AliTPCTransform *transform = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform() ; if (!transform) { AliFatal("Tranformations not in RefitInward"); return 0; } transform->SetCurrentRecoParam((AliTPCRecoParam*)AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()); const AliTPCRecoParam * recoParam = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform()->GetCurrentRecoParam(); Int_t nContribut = event->GetNumberOfTracks(); TGraphErrors * graphMultDependenceDeDx = 0x0; if (recoParam && recoParam->GetUseMultiplicityCorrectionDedx() && gainCalibArray) { if (recoParam->GetUseTotCharge()) { graphMultDependenceDeDx = (TGraphErrors *) gainCalibArray->FindObject("TGRAPHERRORS_MEANQTOT_MULTIPLICITYDEPENDENCE_BEAM_ALL"); } else { graphMultDependenceDeDx = (TGraphErrors *) gainCalibArray->FindObject("TGRAPHERRORS_MEANQMAX_MULTIPLICITYDEPENDENCE_BEAM_ALL"); } } // ReadSeeds(event,2); fIteration=2; //PrepareForProlongation(fSeeds,1); PropagateForward2(fSeeds); RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.4,0.4,20); Int_t entriesSeed=fSeeds->GetEntries(); TObjArray arraySeed(entriesSeed); for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i),i); } SignShared(&arraySeed); // FindCurling(fSeeds, event,2); // find multi found tracks FindSplitted(fSeeds, event,2); // find multi found tracks if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) FindMultiMC(fSeeds, fEvent,2); // find multi found tracks Int_t ntracks=0; Int_t nseed = fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (!seed) continue; if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)>0) UpdateKinkQualityD(seed); // update quality informations for kinks AliESDtrack *esd=event->GetTrack(i); if (seed->GetNumberOfClusters()<60 && seed->GetNumberOfClusters()<(esd->GetTPCclusters(0) -5)*0.8){ AliExternalTrackParam paramIn; AliExternalTrackParam paramOut; Int_t ncl = seed->RefitTrack(seed,¶mIn,¶mOut); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"RecoverIn"<< "seed.="<15) { seed->Set(paramIn.GetX(),paramIn.GetAlpha(),paramIn.GetParameter(),paramIn.GetCovariance()); seed->SetNumberOfClusters(ncl); } } seed->PropagateTo(fkParam->GetInnerRadiusLow()); seed->UpdatePoints(); AddCovariance(seed); MakeESDBitmaps(seed, esd); seed->CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); CookLabel(seed,0.1); //For comparison only // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1 && seed!=0) { TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Crefit"<< "Esd.="<GetNumberOfClusters()>15){ esd->UpdateTrackParams(seed,AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit); esd->SetTPCPoints(seed->GetPoints()); esd->SetTPCPointsF(seed->GetNFoundable()); Int_t ndedx = seed->GetNCDEDX(0); Float_t sdedx = seed->GetSDEDX(0); Float_t dedx = seed->GetdEdx(); // apply mutliplicity dependent dEdx correction if available if (graphMultDependenceDeDx) { Double_t corrGain = AliTPCcalibDButil::EvalGraphConst(graphMultDependenceDeDx, nContribut); dedx += (1 - corrGain)*50.; // MIP is normalized to 50 } esd->SetTPCsignal(dedx, sdedx, ndedx); // // fill new dEdx information // Double32_t signal[4]; Double32_t signalMax[4]; Char_t ncl[3]; Char_t nrows[3]; // for(Int_t iarr=0;iarr<3;iarr++) { signal[iarr] = seed->GetDEDXregion(iarr+1); signalMax[iarr] = seed->GetDEDXregion(iarr+5); ncl[iarr] = seed->GetNCDEDX(iarr+1); nrows[iarr] = seed->GetNCDEDXInclThres(iarr+1); } signal[3] = seed->GetDEDXregion(4); signalMax[3] = seed->GetDEDXregion(8); // AliTPCdEdxInfo * infoTpcPid = new AliTPCdEdxInfo(); infoTpcPid->SetTPCSignalRegionInfo(signal, ncl, nrows); infoTpcPid->SetTPCSignalsQmax(signalMax); esd->SetTPCdEdxInfo(infoTpcPid); // // add seed to the esd track in Calib level // Bool_t storeFriend = gRandom->Rndm()<(kMaxFriendTracks)/Float_t(nseed); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>0 &&storeFriend){ // RS: this is the only place where the seed is created not in the pool, // since it should belong to ESDevent AliTPCseed * seedCopy = new AliTPCseed(*seed, kTRUE); esd->AddCalibObject(seedCopy); } ntracks++; } else{ //printf("problem\n"); } } //FindKinks(fSeeds,event); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>3) DumpClusters(2,fSeeds); Info("RefitInward","Number of refitted tracks %d",ntracks); AliCosmicTracker::FindCosmic(event, kTRUE); FillClusterOccupancyInfo(); return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::PropagateBack(AliESDEvent *event) { // // back propagation of ESD tracks // if (!event) return 0; fEvent = event; fEventHLT = 0; fIteration = 1; ReadSeeds(event,1); PropagateBack(fSeeds); RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.4,0.4,20); //FindCurling(fSeeds, fEvent,1); FindSplitted(fSeeds, event,1); // find multi found tracks if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) FindMultiMC(fSeeds, fEvent,1); // find multi found tracks // Int_t nseed = fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t ntracks=0; for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (!seed) continue; if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)<0) UpdateKinkQualityM(seed); // update quality informations for kinks seed->UpdatePoints(); AddCovariance(seed); AliESDtrack *esd=event->GetTrack(i); if (!esd) continue; //never happen if (seed->GetNumberOfClusters()<60 && seed->GetNumberOfClusters()<(esd->GetTPCclusters(0) -5)*0.8){ AliExternalTrackParam paramIn; AliExternalTrackParam paramOut; Int_t ncl = seed->RefitTrack(seed,¶mIn,¶mOut); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"RecoverBack"<< "seed.="<15) { seed->Set(paramOut.GetX(),paramOut.GetAlpha(),paramOut.GetParameter(),paramOut.GetCovariance()); seed->SetNumberOfClusters(ncl); } } seed->CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); CookLabel(seed,0.1); //For comparison only if (seed->GetNumberOfClusters()>15){ esd->UpdateTrackParams(seed,AliESDtrack::kTPCout); esd->SetTPCPoints(seed->GetPoints()); esd->SetTPCPointsF(seed->GetNFoundable()); Int_t ndedx = seed->GetNCDEDX(0); Float_t sdedx = seed->GetSDEDX(0); Float_t dedx = seed->GetdEdx(); esd->SetTPCsignal(dedx, sdedx, ndedx); ntracks++; Int_t eventnumber = event->GetEventNumberInFile();// patch 28 fev 06 // This is most likely NOT the event number you'd like to use. It has nothing to do with the 'real' event number if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1 && esd) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"Cback"<< "Tr0.="<3) DumpClusters(1,fSeeds); //FindKinks(fSeeds,event); Info("PropagateBack","Number of back propagated tracks %d",ntracks); fEvent =0; fEventHLT = 0; return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::PostProcess(AliESDEvent *event) { // // Post process events // if (!event) return 0; // // Set TPC event status // // event affected by HV dip // reset TPC status if(IsTPCHVDipEvent(event)) { event->ResetDetectorStatus(AliDAQ::kTPC); } //printf("Status %d \n", event->IsDetectorOn(AliDAQ::kTPC)); return 0; } void AliTPCtracker::DeleteSeeds() { // fSeeds->Clear(); ResetSeedsPool(); delete fSeeds; fSeeds =0; } void AliTPCtracker::ReadSeeds(const AliESDEvent *const event, Int_t direction) { // //read seeds from the event Int_t nentr=event->GetNumberOfTracks(); if (fDebug>0){ Info("ReadSeeds", "Number of ESD tracks: %d\n", nentr); } if (fSeeds) DeleteSeeds(); if (!fSeeds){ fSeeds = new TObjArray(nentr); } UnsignClusters(); // Int_t ntrk=0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); ULong_t status=esd->GetStatus(); if (!(status&AliESDtrack::kTPCin)) continue; AliTPCtrack t(*esd); t.SetNumberOfClusters(0); // AliTPCseed *seed = new AliTPCseed(t,t.GetAlpha()); AliTPCseed *seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(t/*,t.GetAlpha()*/); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); seed->SetUniqueID(esd->GetID()); AddCovariance(seed); //add systematic ucertainty for (Int_t ikink=0;ikink<3;ikink++) { Int_t index = esd->GetKinkIndex(ikink); seed->GetKinkIndexes()[ikink] = index; if (index==0) continue; index = TMath::Abs(index); AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index-1); if (kink&&esd->GetKinkIndex(ikink)<0){ if ((status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,2); if ((status & AliESDtrack::kITSout) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,0); } if (kink&&esd->GetKinkIndex(ikink)>0){ if ((status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,6); if ((status & AliESDtrack::kITSout) != 0) kink->SetStatus(1,4); } } if (((status&AliESDtrack::kITSout)==0)&&(direction==1)) seed->ResetCovariance(10.); //RS if ( direction ==2 &&(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) == 0 ) seed->ResetCovariance(10.); if ( direction ==2 &&(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) == 0 ) seed->ResetCovariance(10.); //if ( direction ==2 && ((status & AliESDtrack::kTPCout) == 0) ) { // fSeeds->AddAt(0,i); // MarkSeedFree( seed ); // continue; //} // // // rotate to the local coordinate system // fSectors=fInnerSec; fN=fkNIS; Double_t alpha=seed->GetAlpha(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); Int_t ns=Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN; alpha =ns*fSectors->GetAlpha() + fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); alpha-=seed->GetAlpha(); if (alpha<-TMath::Pi()) alpha += 2*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha>=TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2*TMath::Pi(); if (TMath::Abs(alpha) > 0.001) { // This should not happen normally AliWarning(Form("Rotating track over %f",alpha)); if (!seed->Rotate(alpha)) { MarkSeedFree( seed ); continue; } } seed->SetESD(esd); // sign clusters if (esd->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0){ for (Int_t irow=0;irow<160;irow++){ Int_t index = seed->GetClusterIndex2(irow); if (index >= 0){ // AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(index); seed->SetClusterPointer(irow,cl); if (cl){ if ((index & 0x8000)==0){ cl->Use(10); // accepted cluster }else{ cl->Use(6); // close cluster not accepted } }else{ Info("ReadSeeds","Not found cluster"); } } } } fSeeds->AddAt(seed,i); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtracker::MakeSeeds3(TObjArray * arr, Int_t sec, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t cuts[4], Float_t deltay, Int_t ddsec) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function creates track seeds. // SEEDING WITH VERTEX CONSTRAIN //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cuts[0] - fP4 cut // cuts[1] - tan(phi) cut // cuts[2] - zvertex cut // cuts[3] - fP3 cut Int_t nin0 = 0; Int_t nin1 = 0; Int_t nin2 = 0; Int_t nin = 0; Int_t nout1 = 0; Int_t nout2 = 0; Double_t x[5], c[15]; // Int_t di = i1-i2; // AliTPCseed * seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); Double_t alpha=fSectors->GetAlpha(), shift=fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); Double_t cs=cos(alpha), sn=sin(alpha); // // Double_t x1 =fOuterSec->GetX(i1); //Double_t xx2=fOuterSec->GetX(i2); Double_t x1 =GetXrow(i1); Double_t xx2=GetXrow(i2); Double_t x3=GetX(), y3=GetY(), z3=GetZ(); Int_t imiddle = (i2+i1)/2; //middle pad row index Double_t xm = GetXrow(imiddle); // radius of middle pad-row const AliTPCtrackerRow& krm=GetRow(sec,imiddle); //middle pad -row // Int_t ns =sec; const AliTPCtrackerRow& kr1=GetRow(ns,i1); Double_t ymax = GetMaxY(i1)-kr1.GetDeadZone()-1.5; Double_t ymaxm = GetMaxY(imiddle)-kr1.GetDeadZone()-1.5; // // change cut on curvature if it can't reach this layer // maximal curvature set to reach it Double_t dvertexmax = TMath::Sqrt((x1-x3)*(x1-x3)+(ymax+5-y3)*(ymax+5-y3)); if (dvertexmax*0.5*cuts[0]>0.85){ cuts[0] = 0.85/(dvertexmax*0.5+1.); } Double_t r2min = 1/(cuts[0]*cuts[0]); //minimal square of radius given by cut // Int_t ddsec = 1; if (deltay>0) ddsec = 0; // loop over clusters for (Int_t is=0; is < kr1; is++) { // if (kr1[is]->IsUsed(10)) continue; Double_t y1=kr1[is]->GetY(), z1=kr1[is]->GetZ(); //if (TMath::Abs(y1)>ymax) continue; if (deltay>0 && TMath::Abs(ymax-TMath::Abs(y1))> deltay ) continue; // seed only at the edge // find possible directions Float_t anglez = (z1-z3)/(x1-x3); Float_t extraz = z1 - anglez*(x1-xx2); // extrapolated z // // //find rotation angles relative to line given by vertex and point 1 Double_t dvertex2 = (x1-x3)*(x1-x3)+(y1-y3)*(y1-y3); Double_t dvertex = TMath::Sqrt(dvertex2); Double_t angle13 = TMath::ATan((y1-y3)/(x1-x3)); Double_t cs13 = cos(-angle13), sn13 = sin(-angle13); // // loop over 2 sectors Int_t dsec1=-ddsec; Int_t dsec2= ddsec; if (y1<0) dsec2= 0; if (y1>0) dsec1= 0; Double_t dddz1=0; // direction of delta inclination in z axis Double_t dddz2=0; if ( (z1-z3)>0) dddz1 =1; else dddz2 =1; // for (Int_t dsec = dsec1; dsec<=dsec2;dsec++){ Int_t sec2 = sec + dsec; // // AliTPCtrackerRow& kr2 = fOuterSec[(sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS][i2]; //AliTPCtrackerRow& kr2m = fOuterSec[(sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS][imiddle]; AliTPCtrackerRow& kr2 = GetRow((sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i2); AliTPCtrackerRow& kr2m = GetRow((sec2+fkNOS)%fkNOS,imiddle); Int_t index1 = TMath::Max(kr2.Find(extraz-0.6-dddz1*TMath::Abs(z1)*0.05)-1,0); Int_t index2 = TMath::Min(kr2.Find(extraz+0.6+dddz2*TMath::Abs(z1)*0.05)+1,kr2); // rotation angles to p1-p3 Double_t cs13r = cos(-angle13+dsec*alpha)/dvertex, sn13r = sin(-angle13+dsec*alpha)/dvertex; Double_t x2, y2, z2; // // Double_t dymax = maxangle*TMath::Abs(x1-xx2); // Double_t dxx0 = (xx2-x3)*cs13r; Double_t dyy0 = (xx2-x3)*sn13r; for (Int_t js=index1; js < index2; js++) { const AliTPCclusterMI *kcl = kr2[js]; if (kcl->IsUsed(10)) continue; // //calcutate parameters // Double_t yy0 = dyy0 +(kcl->GetY()-y3)*cs13r; // stright track if (TMath::Abs(yy0)<0.000001) continue; Double_t xx0 = dxx0 -(kcl->GetY()-y3)*sn13r; Double_t y0 = 0.5*(xx0*xx0+yy0*yy0-xx0)/yy0; Double_t r02 = (0.25+y0*y0)*dvertex2; //curvature (radius) cut if (r020) c0*=-1.; //Double_t dfi0 = 2.*TMath::ASin(dvertex*c0*0.5); //Double_t dfi1 = 2.*TMath::ASin(TMath::Sqrt(yy0*yy0+(1-xx0)*(1-xx0))*dvertex*c0*0.5); Double_t dfi0 = 2.*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(dvertex*c0*0.5); Double_t dfi1 = 2.*AliTPCFastMath::FastAsin(TMath::Sqrt(yy0*yy0+(1-xx0)*(1-xx0))*dvertex*c0*0.5); // // Double_t z0 = kcl->GetZ(); Double_t zzzz2 = z1-(z1-z3)*dfi1/dfi0; if (TMath::Abs(zzzz2-z0)>0.5) continue; nin1++; // Double_t dip = (z1-z0)*c0/dfi1; Double_t x0 = (0.5*cs13+y0*sn13)*dvertex*c0; // y2 = kcl->GetY(); if (dsec==0){ x2 = xx2; z2 = kcl->GetZ(); } else { // rotation z2 = kcl->GetZ(); x2= xx2*cs-y2*sn*dsec; y2=+xx2*sn*dsec+y2*cs; } x[0] = y1; x[1] = z1; x[2] = x0; x[3] = dip; x[4] = c0; // // // do we have cluster at the middle ? Double_t ym,zm; GetProlongation(x1,xm,x,ym,zm); UInt_t dummy; AliTPCclusterMI * cm=0; if (TMath::Abs(ym)-ymaxm<0){ cm = krm.FindNearest2(ym,zm,1.0,0.6,dummy); if ((!cm) || (cm->IsUsed(10))) { continue; } } else{ // rotate y1 to system 0 // get state vector in rotated system Double_t yr1 = (-0.5*sn13+y0*cs13)*dvertex*c0; Double_t xr2 = x0*cs+yr1*sn*dsec; Double_t xr[5]={kcl->GetY(),kcl->GetZ(), xr2, dip, c0}; // GetProlongation(xx2,xm,xr,ym,zm); if (TMath::Abs(ym)-ymaxm<0){ cm = kr2m.FindNearest2(ym,zm,1.0,0.6,dummy); if ((!cm) || (cm->IsUsed(10))) { continue; } } } // Double_t dym = 0; // Double_t dzm = 0; // if (cm){ // dym = ym - cm->GetY(); // dzm = zm - cm->GetZ(); // } nin2++; // // Double_t sy1=kr1[is]->GetSigmaY2()*2., sz1=kr1[is]->GetSigmaZ2()*2.; Double_t sy2=kcl->GetSigmaY2()*2., sz2=kcl->GetSigmaZ2()*2.; //Double_t sy3=400*3./12., sy=0.1, sz=0.1; Double_t sy3=25000*x[4]*x[4]+0.1, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; //Double_t sy3=25000*x[4]*x[4]*60+0.5, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; Double_t f40=(F1(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f30=(F3(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1+sz,z2)-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // if (!BuildSeed(kr1[is],kcl,0,x1,x2,x3,x,c)) continue; UInt_t index=kr1.GetIndex(is); if (seed) {MarkSeedFree(seed); seed = 0;} AliTPCseed *track = seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(x1, ns*alpha+shift, x, c, index); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); track->SetIsSeeding(kTRUE); track->SetSeed1(i1); track->SetSeed2(i2); track->SetSeedType(3); //if (dsec==0) { FollowProlongation(*track, (i1+i2)/2,1); Int_t foundable,found,shared; track->GetClusterStatistic((i1+i2)/2,i1, found, foundable, shared, kTRUE); if ((found<0.55*foundable) || shared>0.5*found || (track->GetSigmaY2()+track->GetSigmaZ2())>0.5){ MarkSeedFree(seed); seed = 0; continue; } //} nin++; FollowProlongation(*track, i2,1); //Int_t rc = 1; track->SetBConstrain(1); // track->fLastPoint = i1+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); // first cluster in track position track->SetLastPoint(i1); // first cluster in track position track->SetFirstPoint(track->GetLastPoint()); if (track->GetNumberOfClusters()<(i1-i2)*0.5 || track->GetNumberOfClusters() < track->GetNFoundable()*0.6 || track->GetNShared()>0.4*track->GetNumberOfClusters() ) { MarkSeedFree(seed); seed = 0; continue; } nout1++; // Z VERTEX CONDITION Double_t zv, bz=GetBz(); if ( !track->GetZAt(0.,bz,zv) ) continue; if (TMath::Abs(zv-z3)>cuts[2]) { FollowProlongation(*track, TMath::Max(i2-20,0)); if ( !track->GetZAt(0.,bz,zv) ) continue; if (TMath::Abs(zv-z3)>cuts[2]){ FollowProlongation(*track, TMath::Max(i2-40,0)); if ( !track->GetZAt(0.,bz,zv) ) continue; if (TMath::Abs(zv-z3)>cuts[2] &&(track->GetNumberOfClusters() > track->GetNFoundable()*0.7)){ // make seed without constrain AliTPCseed * track2 = MakeSeed(track,0.2,0.5,1.); FollowProlongation(*track2, i2,1); track2->SetBConstrain(kFALSE); track2->SetSeedType(1); arr->AddLast(track2); MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0; continue; } else{ MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0; continue; } } } track->SetSeedType(0); arr->AddLast(track); // note, track is seed, don't free the seed seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed; seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); nout2++; // don't consider other combinations if (track->GetNumberOfClusters() > track->GetNFoundable()*0.8) break; } } } if (fDebug>3){ Info("MakeSeeds3","\nSeeding statistic:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",nin0,nin1,nin2,nin,nout1,nout2); } if (seed) MarkSeedFree( seed ); } void AliTPCtracker::MakeSeeds5(TObjArray * arr, Int_t sec, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t cuts[4], Float_t deltay) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function creates track seeds. //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cuts[0] - fP4 cut // cuts[1] - tan(phi) cut // cuts[2] - zvertex cut // cuts[3] - fP3 cut Int_t nin0 = 0; Int_t nin1 = 0; Int_t nin2 = 0; Int_t nin = 0; Int_t nout1 = 0; Int_t nout2 = 0; Int_t nout3 =0; Double_t x[5], c[15]; // // make temporary seed AliTPCseed * seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed; seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); Double_t alpha=fOuterSec->GetAlpha(), shift=fOuterSec->GetAlphaShift(); // Double_t cs=cos(alpha), sn=sin(alpha); // // // first 3 padrows Double_t x1 = GetXrow(i1-1); const AliTPCtrackerRow& kr1=GetRow(sec,i1-1); Double_t y1max = GetMaxY(i1-1)-kr1.GetDeadZone()-1.5; // Double_t x1p = GetXrow(i1); const AliTPCtrackerRow& kr1p=GetRow(sec,i1); // Double_t x1m = GetXrow(i1-2); const AliTPCtrackerRow& kr1m=GetRow(sec,i1-2); // //last 3 padrow for seeding AliTPCtrackerRow& kr3 = GetRow((sec+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i1-7); Double_t x3 = GetXrow(i1-7); // Double_t y3max= GetMaxY(i1-7)-kr3.fDeadZone-1.5; // AliTPCtrackerRow& kr3p = GetRow((sec+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i1-6); Double_t x3p = GetXrow(i1-6); // AliTPCtrackerRow& kr3m = GetRow((sec+fkNOS)%fkNOS,i1-8); Double_t x3m = GetXrow(i1-8); // // // middle padrow Int_t im = i1-4; //middle pad row index Double_t xm = GetXrow(im); // radius of middle pad-row const AliTPCtrackerRow& krm=GetRow(sec,im); //middle pad -row // Double_t ymmax = GetMaxY(im)-kr1.fDeadZone-1.5; // // Double_t deltax = x1-x3; Double_t dymax = deltax*cuts[1]; Double_t dzmax = deltax*cuts[3]; // // loop over clusters for (Int_t is=0; is < kr1; is++) { // if (kr1[is]->IsUsed(10)) continue; Double_t y1=kr1[is]->GetY(), z1=kr1[is]->GetZ(); // if (deltay>0 && TMath::Abs(y1max-TMath::Abs(y1))> deltay ) continue; // seed only at the edge // Int_t index1 = TMath::Max(kr3.Find(z1-dzmax)-1,0); Int_t index2 = TMath::Min(kr3.Find(z1+dzmax)+1,kr3); // Double_t y3, z3; // // UInt_t index; for (Int_t js=index1; js < index2; js++) { const AliTPCclusterMI *kcl = kr3[js]; if (kcl->IsUsed(10)) continue; y3 = kcl->GetY(); // apply angular cuts if (TMath::Abs(y1-y3)>dymax) continue; //x3 = x3; z3 = kcl->GetZ(); if (TMath::Abs(z1-z3)>dzmax) continue; // Double_t angley = (y1-y3)/(x1-x3); Double_t anglez = (z1-z3)/(x1-x3); // Double_t erry = TMath::Abs(angley)*(x1-x1m)*0.5+0.5; Double_t errz = TMath::Abs(anglez)*(x1-x1m)*0.5+0.5; // Double_t yyym = angley*(xm-x1)+y1; Double_t zzzm = anglez*(xm-x1)+z1; const AliTPCclusterMI *kcm = krm.FindNearest2(yyym,zzzm,erry,errz,index); if (!kcm) continue; if (kcm->IsUsed(10)) continue; erry = TMath::Abs(angley)*(x1-x1m)*0.4+0.5; errz = TMath::Abs(anglez)*(x1-x1m)*0.4+0.5; // // // Int_t used =0; Int_t found =0; // // look around first const AliTPCclusterMI *kc1m = kr1m.FindNearest2(angley*(x1m-x1)+y1, anglez*(x1m-x1)+z1, erry,errz,index); // if (kc1m){ found++; if (kc1m->IsUsed(10)) used++; } const AliTPCclusterMI *kc1p = kr1p.FindNearest2(angley*(x1p-x1)+y1, anglez*(x1p-x1)+z1, erry,errz,index); // if (kc1p){ found++; if (kc1p->IsUsed(10)) used++; } if (used>1) continue; if (found<1) continue; // // look around last const AliTPCclusterMI *kc3m = kr3m.FindNearest2(angley*(x3m-x3)+y3, anglez*(x3m-x3)+z3, erry,errz,index); // if (kc3m){ found++; if (kc3m->IsUsed(10)) used++; } else continue; const AliTPCclusterMI *kc3p = kr3p.FindNearest2(angley*(x3p-x3)+y3, anglez*(x3p-x3)+z3, erry,errz,index); // if (kc3p){ found++; if (kc3p->IsUsed(10)) used++; } else continue; if (used>1) continue; if (found<3) continue; // Double_t x2,y2,z2; x2 = xm; y2 = kcm->GetY(); z2 = kcm->GetZ(); // x[0]=y1; x[1]=z1; x[4]=F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); //if (TMath::Abs(x[4]) >= cuts[0]) continue; nin0++; // x[2]=F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); nin1++; // x[3]=F3n(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2,x[4]); //if (TMath::Abs(x[3]) > cuts[3]) continue; nin2++; // // Double_t sy1=0.1, sz1=0.1; Double_t sy2=0.1, sz2=0.1; Double_t sy3=0.1, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; Double_t f40=(F1(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f30=(F3(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1+sz,z2)-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,z1,z2)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // if (!BuildSeed(kr1[is],kcl,0,x1,x2,x3,x,c)) continue; index=kr1.GetIndex(is); if (seed) {MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0;} AliTPCseed *track = seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(x1, sec*alpha+shift, x, c, index); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); track->SetIsSeeding(kTRUE); nin++; FollowProlongation(*track, i1-7,1); if (track->GetNumberOfClusters() < track->GetNFoundable()*0.75 || track->GetNShared()>0.6*track->GetNumberOfClusters() || ( track->GetSigmaY2()+ track->GetSigmaZ2())>0.6){ MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0; continue; } nout1++; nout2++; //Int_t rc = 1; FollowProlongation(*track, i2,1); track->SetBConstrain(0); track->SetLastPoint(i1+fInnerSec->GetNRows()); // first cluster in track position track->SetFirstPoint(track->GetLastPoint()); if (track->GetNumberOfClusters()<(i1-i2)*0.5 || track->GetNumberOfClusters()GetNFoundable()*0.7 || track->GetNShared()>2. || track->GetChi2()/track->GetNumberOfClusters()>6 || ( track->GetSigmaY2()+ track->GetSigmaZ2())>0.5 ) { MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0; continue; } { FollowProlongation(*track, TMath::Max(i2-10,0),1); AliTPCseed * track2 = MakeSeed(track,0.2,0.5,0.9); FollowProlongation(*track2, i2,1); track2->SetBConstrain(kFALSE); track2->SetSeedType(4); arr->AddLast(track2); MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0; } //arr->AddLast(track); //seed = new AliTPCseed; nout3++; } } if (fDebug>3){ Info("MakeSeeds5","\nSeeding statiistic:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",nin0,nin1,nin2,nin,nout1,nout2,nout3); } if (seed) MarkSeedFree(seed); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtracker::MakeSeeds2(TObjArray * arr, Int_t sec, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t */*cuts[4]*/, Float_t deltay, Bool_t /*bconstrain*/) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function creates track seeds - without vertex constraint //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cuts[0] - fP4 cut - not applied // cuts[1] - tan(phi) cut // cuts[2] - zvertex cut - not applied // cuts[3] - fP3 cut Int_t nin0=0; Int_t nin1=0; Int_t nin2=0; Int_t nin3=0; // Int_t nin4=0; //Int_t nin5=0; Double_t alpha=fOuterSec->GetAlpha(), shift=fOuterSec->GetAlphaShift(); // Double_t cs=cos(alpha), sn=sin(alpha); Int_t row0 = (i1+i2)/2; Int_t drow = (i1-i2)/2; const AliTPCtrackerRow& kr0=fSectors[sec][row0]; AliTPCtrackerRow * kr=0; AliTPCpolyTrack polytrack; Int_t nclusters=fSectors[sec][row0]; AliTPCseed * seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed; seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); Int_t sumused=0; Int_t cused=0; Int_t cnused=0; for (Int_t is=0; is < nclusters; is++) { //LOOP over clusters Int_t nfound =0; Int_t nfoundable =0; for (Int_t iter =1; iter<2; iter++){ //iterations const AliTPCtrackerRow& krm=fSectors[sec][row0-iter]; const AliTPCtrackerRow& krp=fSectors[sec][row0+iter]; const AliTPCclusterMI * cl= kr0[is]; if (cl->IsUsed(10)) { cused++; } else{ cnused++; } Double_t x = kr0.GetX(); // Initialization of the polytrack nfound =0; nfoundable =0; polytrack.Reset(); // Double_t y0= cl->GetY(); Double_t z0= cl->GetZ(); Float_t erry = 0; Float_t errz = 0; Double_t ymax = fSectors->GetMaxY(row0)-kr0.GetDeadZone()-1.5; if (deltay>0 && TMath::Abs(ymax-TMath::Abs(y0))> deltay ) continue; // seed only at the edge erry = (0.5)*cl->GetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetQ())*6; errz = (0.5)*cl->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetQ())*6; polytrack.AddPoint(x,y0,z0,erry, errz); sumused=0; if (cl->IsUsed(10)) sumused++; Float_t roady = (5*TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaY2()+0.2)+1.)*iter; Float_t roadz = (5*TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaZ2()+0.2)+1.)*iter; // x = krm.GetX(); AliTPCclusterMI * cl1 = krm.FindNearest(y0,z0,roady,roadz); if (cl1 && TMath::Abs(ymax-TMath::Abs(y0))) { erry = (0.5)*cl1->GetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl1->GetQ())*3; errz = (0.5)*cl1->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl1->GetQ())*3; if (cl1->IsUsed(10)) sumused++; polytrack.AddPoint(x,cl1->GetY(),cl1->GetZ(),erry,errz); } // x = krp.GetX(); AliTPCclusterMI * cl2 = krp.FindNearest(y0,z0,roady,roadz); if (cl2) { erry = (0.5)*cl2->GetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl2->GetQ())*3; errz = (0.5)*cl2->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cl2->GetQ())*3; if (cl2->IsUsed(10)) sumused++; polytrack.AddPoint(x,cl2->GetY(),cl2->GetZ(),erry,errz); } // if (sumused>0) continue; nin0++; polytrack.UpdateParameters(); // follow polytrack roadz = 1.2; roady = 1.2; // Double_t yn,zn; nfoundable = polytrack.GetN(); nfound = nfoundable; // for (Int_t ddrow = iter+1; ddrowGetX(); Double_t ymax1 = fSectors->GetMaxY(row)-kr->GetDeadZone()-1.5; polytrack.GetFitPoint(xn,yn,zn); if (TMath::Abs(yn)>ymax1) continue; nfoundable++; AliTPCclusterMI * cln = kr->FindNearest(yn,zn,roady,roadz); if (cln) { Float_t dist = TMath::Sqrt( (yn-cln->GetY())*(yn-cln->GetY())+(zn-cln->GetZ())*(zn-cln->GetZ())); if (distGetSigmaY2()/TMath::Sqrt(cln->GetQ())*(1.+1./(ddrow)); errz = (dist+0.3)*cln->GetSigmaZ2()/TMath::Sqrt(cln->GetQ())*(1.+1./(ddrow)); if (cln->IsUsed(10)) { // printf("used\n"); sumused++; erry*=2; errz*=2; } */ erry=0.1; errz=0.1; polytrack.AddPoint(xn,cln->GetY(),cln->GetZ(),erry, errz); nfound++; } } } if ( (sumused>3) || (sumused>0.5*nfound) || (nfound<0.6*nfoundable)) break; polytrack.UpdateParameters(); } } if ( (sumused>3) || (sumused>0.5*nfound)) { //printf("sumused %d\n",sumused); continue; } nin1++; Double_t dy,dz; polytrack.GetFitDerivation(kr0.GetX(),dy,dz); AliTPCpolyTrack track2; polytrack.Refit(track2,0.5+TMath::Abs(dy)*0.3,0.4+TMath::Abs(dz)*0.3); if (track2.GetN()<0.5*nfoundable) continue; nin2++; if ((nfound>0.6*nfoundable) &&( nfoundable>0.4*(i1-i2))) { // // test seed with and without constrain for (Int_t constrain=0; constrain<=0;constrain++){ // add polytrack candidate Double_t x[5], c[15]; Double_t x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3; track2.GetBoundaries(x3,x1); x2 = (x1+x3)/2.; track2.GetFitPoint(x1,y1,z1); track2.GetFitPoint(x2,y2,z2); track2.GetFitPoint(x3,y3,z3); // //is track pointing to the vertex ? Double_t x0,y0,z0; x0=0; polytrack.GetFitPoint(x0,y0,z0); if (constrain) { x2 = x3; y2 = y3; z2 = z3; x3 = 0; y3 = 0; z3 = 0; } x[0]=y1; x[1]=z1; x[4]=F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); // if (TMath::Abs(x[4]) >= cuts[0]) continue; // x[2]=F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); //if (TMath::Abs(x[4]*x1-x[2]) >= cuts[1]) continue; //x[3]=F3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2); x[3]=F3n(x1,y1,x3,y3,z1,z3,x[4]); //if (TMath::Abs(x[3]) > cuts[3]) continue; Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; Double_t sy1=0.02, sz1=0.02; Double_t sy2=0.02, sz2=0.02; Double_t sy3=0.02; if (constrain){ sy3=25000*x[4]*x[4]+0.1, sy=0.1, sz=0.1; } Double_t f40=(F1(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x[2])/sy; Double_t f30=(F3(x1,y1+sy,x3,y3,z1,z3)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x1,y1,x3,y3,z1+sz,z3)-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x1,y1,x3,y3+sy,z1,z3)-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x1,y1,x3,y3,z1,z3+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; //Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(x1); Int_t row1 = GetRowNumber(x1); UInt_t index=0; //kr0.GetIndex(is); if (seed) {MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0;} AliTPCseed *track = seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(x1,sec*alpha+shift,x,c,index); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); track->SetIsSeeding(kTRUE); Int_t rc=FollowProlongation(*track, i2); if (constrain) track->SetBConstrain(1); else track->SetBConstrain(0); track->SetLastPoint(row1+fInnerSec->GetNRows()); // first cluster in track position track->SetFirstPoint(track->GetLastPoint()); if (rc==0 || track->GetNumberOfClusters()<(i1-i2)*0.5 || track->GetNumberOfClusters() < track->GetNFoundable()*0.6 || track->GetNShared()>0.4*track->GetNumberOfClusters()) { MarkSeedFree( seed ); seed = 0; } else { arr->AddLast(track); // track IS seed, don't free seed seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed; seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); } nin3++; } } // if accepted seed } if (fDebug>3){ Info("MakeSeeds2","\nSeeding statiistic:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",nin0,nin1,nin2,nin3); } if (seed) MarkSeedFree( seed ); } AliTPCseed *AliTPCtracker::MakeSeed(AliTPCseed *const track, Float_t r0, Float_t r1, Float_t r2) { // // //reseed using track points Int_t p0 = int(r0*track->GetNumberOfClusters()); // point 0 Int_t p1 = int(r1*track->GetNumberOfClusters()); Int_t p2 = int(r2*track->GetNumberOfClusters()); // last point Int_t pp2=0; Double_t x0[3],x1[3],x2[3]; for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){ x0[i]=-1; x1[i]=-1; x2[i]=-1; } // find track position at given ratio of the length Int_t sec0=0, sec1=0, sec2=0; Int_t index=-1; Int_t clindex; for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++){ if (track->GetClusterPointer(i)){ index++; AliTPCTrackerPoint *trpoint =track->GetTrackPoint(i); if ( (indexGetX()>1){ clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (clindex >= 0){ x0[0] = trpoint->GetX(); x0[1] = trpoint->GetY(); x0[2] = trpoint->GetZ(); sec0 = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; } } } if ( (indexGetX()>1)){ clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (clindex >= 0){ x1[0] = trpoint->GetX(); x1[1] = trpoint->GetY(); x1[2] = trpoint->GetZ(); sec1 = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; } } if ( (indexGetX()>1)){ clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (clindex >= 0){ x2[0] = trpoint->GetX(); x2[1] = trpoint->GetY(); x2[2] = trpoint->GetZ(); sec2 = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; pp2 = i; } } } } Double_t alpha, cs,sn, xx2,yy2; // alpha = (sec1-sec2)*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= x1[0]*cs-x1[1]*sn; yy2= x1[0]*sn+x1[1]*cs; x1[0] = xx2; x1[1] = yy2; // alpha = (sec0-sec2)*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= x0[0]*cs-x0[1]*sn; yy2= x0[0]*sn+x0[1]*cs; x0[0] = xx2; x0[1] = yy2; // // // Double_t x[5],c[15]; // x[0]=x2[1]; x[1]=x2[2]; x[4]=F1(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]); // if (x[4]>1) return 0; x[2]=F2(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]); x[3]=F3n(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1],x2[2],x0[2],x[4]); //if (TMath::Abs(x[3]) > 2.2) return 0; //if (TMath::Abs(x[2]) > 1.99) return 0; // Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; // Double_t sy1=0.02+track->GetSigmaY2(), sz1=0.02+track->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t sy2=0.01+track->GetSigmaY2(), sz2=0.01+track->GetSigmaZ2(); Double_t sy3=0.01+track->GetSigmaY2(); // Double_t f40=(F1(x2[0],x2[1]+sy,x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1]+sy,x0[0],x0[1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(x2[0],x2[1]+sy,x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1]+sy,x0[0],x0[1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(x2[0],x2[1],x1[0],x1[1],x0[0],x0[1]+sy)-x[2])/sy; // Double_t f30=(F3(x2[0],x2[1]+sy,x0[0],x0[1],x2[2],x0[2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1],x2[2]+sz,x0[2])-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1]+sy,x2[2],x0[2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(x2[0],x2[1],x0[0],x0[1],x2[2],x0[2]+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(x2[0]); AliTPCseed *seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(x2[0], sec2*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift(), x, c, 0); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); // Double_t y0,z0,y1,z1, y2,z2; //seed->GetProlongation(x0[0],y0,z0); // seed->GetProlongation(x1[0],y1,z1); //seed->GetProlongation(x2[0],y2,z2); // seed =0; seed->SetLastPoint(pp2); seed->SetFirstPoint(pp2); return seed; } AliTPCseed *AliTPCtracker::ReSeed(const AliTPCseed *track, Float_t r0, Float_t r1, Float_t r2) { // // //reseed using founded clusters // // Find the number of clusters Int_t nclusters = 0; for (Int_t irow=0;irow<160;irow++){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0) nclusters++; } // Int_t ipos[3]; ipos[0] = TMath::Max(int(r0*nclusters),0); // point 0 cluster ipos[1] = TMath::Min(int(r1*nclusters),nclusters-1); // ipos[2] = TMath::Min(int(r2*nclusters),nclusters-1); // last point // // Double_t xyz[3][3]={{0}}; Int_t row[3]={0},sec[3]={0,0,0}; // // find track row position at given ratio of the length Int_t index=-1; for (Int_t irow=0;irow<160;irow++){ if (track->GetClusterIndex2(irow)<0) continue; index++; for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint<3;ipoint++){ if (index<=ipos[ipoint]) row[ipoint] = irow; } } // //Get cluster and sector position for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint<3;ipoint++){ Int_t clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(row[ipoint]); AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); if (cl==0) { //Error("Bug\n"); // AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); return 0; } sec[ipoint] = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; xyz[ipoint][0] = GetXrow(row[ipoint]); xyz[ipoint][1] = cl->GetY(); xyz[ipoint][2] = cl->GetZ(); } // // // Calculate seed state vector and covariance matrix Double_t alpha, cs,sn, xx2,yy2; // alpha = (sec[1]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[1][0]*cs-xyz[1][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[1][0]*sn+xyz[1][1]*cs; xyz[1][0] = xx2; xyz[1][1] = yy2; // alpha = (sec[0]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[0][0]*cs-xyz[0][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[0][0]*sn+xyz[0][1]*cs; xyz[0][0] = xx2; xyz[0][1] = yy2; // // // Double_t x[5],c[15]; // x[0]=xyz[2][1]; x[1]=xyz[2][2]; x[4]=F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[2]=F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[3]=F3n(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2],x[4]); // Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; // Double_t sy1=0.2, sz1=0.2; Double_t sy2=0.2, sz2=0.2; Double_t sy3=0.2; // Double_t f40=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[2])/sy; // Double_t f30=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2]+sz,xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy,xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2]+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(xyz[2][0]); AliTPCseed *seed=new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(xyz[2][0], sec[2]*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift(), x, c, 0); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); seed->SetLastPoint(row[2]); seed->SetFirstPoint(row[2]); return seed; } AliTPCseed *AliTPCtracker::ReSeed(AliTPCseed *track,Int_t r0, Bool_t forward) { // // //reseed using founded clusters // Double_t xyz[3][3]; Int_t row[3]={0,0,0}; Int_t sec[3]={0,0,0}; // // forward direction if (forward){ for (Int_t irow=r0;irow<160;irow++){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[0] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=160;irow>r0;irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[2] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=row[2]-15;irow>row[0];irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[1] = irow; break; } } // } if (!forward){ for (Int_t irow=0;irowGetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[0] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=r0;irow>0;irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[2] = irow; break; } } for (Int_t irow=row[2]-15;irow>row[0];irow--){ if (track->GetClusterIndex(irow)>0){ row[1] = irow; break; } } } // if ((row[2]-row[0])<20) return 0; if (row[1]==0) return 0; // // //Get cluster and sector position for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint<3;ipoint++){ Int_t clindex = track->GetClusterIndex2(row[ipoint]); AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); if (cl==0) { //Error("Bug\n"); // AliTPCclusterMI * cl = GetClusterMI(clindex); return 0; } sec[ipoint] = ((clindex&0xff000000)>>24)%18; xyz[ipoint][0] = GetXrow(row[ipoint]); AliTPCTrackerPoint * point = track->GetTrackPoint(row[ipoint]); if (point&&ipoint<2){ // xyz[ipoint][1] = point->GetY(); xyz[ipoint][2] = point->GetZ(); } else{ xyz[ipoint][1] = cl->GetY(); xyz[ipoint][2] = cl->GetZ(); } } // // // // // Calculate seed state vector and covariance matrix Double_t alpha, cs,sn, xx2,yy2; // alpha = (sec[1]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[1][0]*cs-xyz[1][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[1][0]*sn+xyz[1][1]*cs; xyz[1][0] = xx2; xyz[1][1] = yy2; // alpha = (sec[0]-sec[2])*fSectors->GetAlpha(); cs = TMath::Cos(alpha); sn = TMath::Sin(alpha); xx2= xyz[0][0]*cs-xyz[0][1]*sn; yy2= xyz[0][0]*sn+xyz[0][1]*cs; xyz[0][0] = xx2; xyz[0][1] = yy2; // // // Double_t x[5],c[15]; // x[0]=xyz[2][1]; x[1]=xyz[2][2]; x[4]=F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[2]=F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]); x[3]=F3n(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2],x[4]); // Double_t sy =0.1, sz =0.1; // Double_t sy1=0.2, sz1=0.2; Double_t sy2=0.2, sz2=0.2; Double_t sy3=0.2; // Double_t f40=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f42=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[4])/sy; Double_t f43=(F1(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[4])/sy; Double_t f20=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f22=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1])-x[2])/sy; Double_t f23=(F2(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy)-x[2])/sy; // Double_t f30=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1]+sy,xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f31=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2]+sz,xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sz; Double_t f32=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1]+sy,xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2])-x[3])/sy; Double_t f34=(F3(xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[2][2],xyz[0][2]+sz)-x[3])/sz; c[0]=sy1; c[1]=0.; c[2]=sz1; c[3]=f20*sy1; c[4]=0.; c[5]=f20*sy1*f20+f22*sy2*f22+f23*sy3*f23; c[6]=f30*sy1; c[7]=f31*sz1; c[8]=f30*sy1*f20+f32*sy2*f22; c[9]=f30*sy1*f30+f31*sz1*f31+f32*sy2*f32+f34*sz2*f34; c[10]=f40*sy1; c[11]=0.; c[12]=f40*sy1*f20+f42*sy2*f22+f43*sy3*f23; c[13]=f30*sy1*f40+f32*sy2*f42; c[14]=f40*sy1*f40+f42*sy2*f42+f43*sy3*f43; // Int_t row1 = fSectors->GetRowNumber(xyz[2][0]); AliTPCseed *seed=new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(xyz[2][0], sec[2]*fSectors->GetAlpha()+fSectors->GetAlphaShift(), x, c, 0); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); seed->SetLastPoint(row[2]); seed->SetFirstPoint(row[2]); for (Int_t i=row[0];iSetClusterIndex(i, track->GetClusterIndex(i)); } return seed; } void AliTPCtracker::FindMultiMC(const TObjArray * array, AliESDEvent */*esd*/, Int_t iter) { // // find multi tracks - THIS FUNCTION IS ONLY FOR DEBUG PURPOSES // USES MC LABELS // Use AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2 if you want to tune parameters - cuts // // Two reasons to have multiple find tracks // 1. Curling tracks can be find more than once // 2. Splitted tracks // a.) Multiple seeding to increase tracking efficiency - (~ 100% reached) // b.) Edge effect on the sector boundaries // // // Algorithm done in 2 phases - because of CPU consumption // it is n^2 algorithm - for lead-lead 20000x20000 combination are investigated // // Algorihm for curling tracks sign: // 1 phase -makes a very rough fast cuts to minimize combinatorics // a.) opposite sign // b.) one of the tracks - not pointing to the primary vertex - // c.) delta tan(theta) // d.) delta phi // 2 phase - calculates DCA between tracks - time consument // // fast cuts // // General cuts - for splitted tracks and for curling tracks // const Float_t kMaxdPhi = 0.2; // maximal distance in phi // // Curling tracks cuts // // // // Int_t nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); AliHelix *helixes = new AliHelix[nentries]; Float_t *xm = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *dz0 = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *dz1 = new Float_t[nentries]; // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // // Find track COG in x direction - point with best defined parameters // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track) continue; track->SetCircular(0); new (&helixes[i]) AliHelix(*track); Int_t ncl=0; xm[i]=0; Float_t dz[2]; track->GetDZ(GetX(),GetY(),GetZ(),GetBz(),dz); dz0[i]=dz[0]; dz1[i]=dz[1]; for (Int_t icl=0; icl<160; icl++){ AliTPCclusterMI * cl = track->GetClusterPointer(icl); if (cl) { xm[i]+=cl->GetX(); ncl++; } } if (ncl>0) xm[i]/=Float_t(ncl); } // for (Int_t i0=0;i0At(i0); if (!track0) continue; Float_t xc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(7); Float_t r0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(8); Float_t rc0 = TMath::Sqrt(xc0*xc0+yc0*yc0); Float_t fi0 = TMath::ATan2(yc0,xc0); for (Int_t i1=i0+1;i1At(i1); if (!track1) continue; Int_t lab0=track0->GetLabel(); Int_t lab1=track1->GetLabel(); if (TMath::Abs(lab0)!=TMath::Abs(lab1)) continue; // Float_t xc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(7); Float_t r1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(8); Float_t rc1 = TMath::Sqrt(xc1*xc1+yc1*yc1); Float_t fi1 = TMath::ATan2(yc1,xc1); // Float_t dfi = fi0-fi1; // // if (dfi>1.5*TMath::Pi()) dfi-=TMath::Pi(); // take care about edge effect if (dfi<-1.5*TMath::Pi()) dfi+=TMath::Pi(); // if (TMath::Abs(dfi)>kMaxdPhi&&helixes[i0].GetHelix(4)*helixes[i1].GetHelix(4)<0){ // // if short tracks with undefined sign fi1 = -TMath::ATan2(yc1,-xc1); dfi = fi0-fi1; } Float_t dtheta = TMath::Abs(track0->GetTgl()-track1->GetTgl())GetTgl()+track1->GetTgl())? track0->GetTgl()-track1->GetTgl():track0->GetTgl()+track1->GetTgl(); // // debug stream to tune "fast cuts" // Double_t dist[3]; // distance at X Double_t mdist[3]={0,0,0}; // mean distance X+-40cm track0->GetDistance(track1,0.5*(xm[i0]+xm[i1])-40.,dist,AliTracker::GetBz()); for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) mdist[i]+=TMath::Abs(dist[i]); track0->GetDistance(track1,0.5*(xm[i0]+xm[i1])+40.,dist,AliTracker::GetBz()); for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) mdist[i]+=TMath::Abs(dist[i]); track0->GetDistance(track1,0.5*(xm[i0]+xm[i1]),dist,AliTracker::GetBz()); for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) mdist[i]+=TMath::Abs(dist[i]); for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) mdist[i]*=0.33333; Float_t sum =0; Float_t sums=0; for (Int_t icl=0; icl<160; icl++){ AliTPCclusterMI * cl0 = track0->GetClusterPointer(icl); AliTPCclusterMI * cl1 = track1->GetClusterPointer(icl); if (cl0&&cl1) { sum++; if (cl0==cl1) sums++; } } // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) { TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Multi"<< "iter="<1) { AliInfo("Time for curling tracks removal DEBUGGING MC"); timer.Print(); } } void AliTPCtracker::FindSplitted(TObjArray * array, AliESDEvent */*esd*/, Int_t /*iter*/){ // // Find Splitted tracks and remove the one with worst quality // Corresponding debug streamer to tune selections - "Splitted2" // Algorithm: // 0. Sort tracks according quility // 1. Propagate the tracks to the reference radius // 2. Double_t loop to select close tracks (only to speed up process) // 3. Calculate cluster overlap ratio - and remove the track if bigger than a threshold // 4. Delete temporary parameters // const Double_t xref=GetXrow(63); // reference radius -IROC/OROC boundary // rough cuts const Double_t kCutP1=10; // delta Z cut 10 cm const Double_t kCutP2=0.15; // delta snp(fi) cut 0.15 const Double_t kCutP3=0.15; // delta tgl(theta) cut 0.15 const Double_t kCutAlpha=0.15; // delta alpha cut Int_t firstpoint = 0; Int_t lastpoint = 160; // Int_t nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); AliExternalTrackParam *params = new AliExternalTrackParam[nentries]; // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // //0. Sort tracks according quality //1. Propagate the ext. param to reference radius Int_t nseed = array->GetEntriesFast(); if (nseed<=0) return; Float_t * quality = new Float_t[nseed]; Int_t * indexes = new Int_t[nseed]; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt){ quality[i]=-1; continue; } pt->UpdatePoints(); //select first last max dens points Float_t * points = pt->GetPoints(); if (points[3]<0.8) quality[i] =-1; quality[i] = (points[2]-points[0])+pt->GetNumberOfClusters(); //prefer high momenta tracks if overlaps quality[i] *= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pt->Pt())+0.5); params[i]=(*pt); AliTracker::PropagateTrackToBxByBz(&(params[i]),xref,pt->GetMass(),5.,kTRUE); AliTracker::PropagateTrackToBxByBz(&(params[i]),xref,pt->GetMass(),1.,kTRUE); } TMath::Sort(nseed,quality,indexes); // // 3. Loop over pair of tracks // for (Int_t i0=0; i0UncheckedAt(index0))) continue; AliTPCseed *s1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->UncheckedAt(index0); if (!s1->IsActive()) continue; AliExternalTrackParam &par0=params[index0]; for (Int_t i1=i0+1; i1UncheckedAt(index1))) continue; AliTPCseed *s2 = (AliTPCseed*)array->UncheckedAt(index1); if (!s2->IsActive()) continue; if (s2->GetKinkIndexes()[0]!=0) if (s2->GetKinkIndexes()[0] == -s1->GetKinkIndexes()[0]) continue; AliExternalTrackParam &par1=params[index1]; if (TMath::Abs(par0.GetParameter()[3]-par1.GetParameter()[3])>kCutP3) continue; if (TMath::Abs(par0.GetParameter()[1]-par1.GetParameter()[1])>kCutP1) continue; if (TMath::Abs(par0.GetParameter()[2]-par1.GetParameter()[2])>kCutP2) continue; Double_t dAlpha= TMath::Abs(par0.GetAlpha()-par1.GetAlpha()); if (dAlpha>TMath::Pi()) dAlpha-=TMath::Pi(); if (TMath::Abs(dAlpha)>kCutAlpha) continue; // Int_t sumShared=0; Int_t nall0=0; Int_t nall1=0; Int_t firstShared=lastpoint, lastShared=firstpoint; Int_t firstRow=lastpoint, lastRow=firstpoint; // for (Int_t i=firstpoint;iGetClusterIndex2(i)>0) nall0++; if (s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) nall1++; if (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0 && s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { if (ilastRow) lastRow=i; } if ( (s1->GetClusterIndex2(i))==(s2->GetClusterIndex2(i)) && s1->GetClusterIndex2(i)>0) { if (ilastShared) lastShared=i; sumShared++; } } Double_t ratio0 = Float_t(sumShared)/Float_t(TMath::Min(nall0+1,nall1+1)); Double_t ratio1 = Float_t(sumShared)/Float_t(TMath::Max(nall0+1,nall1+1)); if( AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1){ TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; Int_t n0=s1->GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t n1=s2->GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t n0F=s1->GetNFoundable(); Int_t n1F=s2->GetNFoundable(); Int_t lab0=s1->GetLabel(); Int_t lab1=s2->GetLabel(); cstream<<"Splitted2"<< "iter="<AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetCutSharedClusters(0) || ratio1>AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetCutSharedClusters(1)){ // // // MarkSeedFree( array->RemoveAt(index1) ); } } } // // 4. Delete temporary array // delete [] params; delete [] quality; delete [] indexes; } void AliTPCtracker::FindCurling(const TObjArray * array, AliESDEvent */*esd*/, Int_t iter) { // // find Curling tracks // Use AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1 if you want to tune parameters - cuts // // // Algorithm done in 2 phases - because of CPU consumption // it is n^2 algorithm - for lead-lead 20000x20000 combination are investigated // see detal in MC part what can be used to cut // // // const Float_t kMaxC = 400; // maximal curvature to of the track const Float_t kMaxdTheta = 0.15; // maximal distance in theta const Float_t kMaxdPhi = 0.15; // maximal distance in phi const Float_t kPtRatio = 0.3; // ratio between pt const Float_t kMinDCAR = 2.; // distance to the primary vertex in r - see cpipe cut // // Curling tracks cuts // // const Float_t kMaxDeltaRMax = 40; // distance in outer radius const Float_t kMaxDeltaRMin = 5.; // distance in lower radius - see cpipe cut const Float_t kMinAngle = 2.9; // angle between tracks const Float_t kMaxDist = 5; // biggest distance // // The cuts can be tuned using the "MC information stored in Multi tree ==> see FindMultiMC /* Fast cuts: TCut csign("csign","Tr0.fP[4]*Tr1.fP[4]<0"); //opposite sign TCut cmax("cmax","abs(Tr0.GetC())>1/400"); TCut cda("cda","sqrt(dtheta^2+dfi^2)<0.15"); TCut ccratio("ccratio","abs((Tr0.fP[4]+Tr1.fP[4])/(abs(Tr0.fP[4])+abs(Tr1.fP[4])))<0.3"); TCut cpipe("cpipe", "min(abs(r0-rc0),abs(r1-rc1))>5"); // TCut cdrmax("cdrmax","abs(abs(rc0+r0)-abs(rc1+r1))<40") TCut cdrmin("cdrmin","abs(abs(rc0+r0)-abs(rc1+r1))<10") // Multi->Draw("dfi","iter==0"+csign+cmax+cda+ccratio); ~94% of curling tracks fulfill Multi->Draw("min(abs(r0-rc0),abs(r1-rc1))","iter==0&&abs(lab1)==abs(lab0)"+csign+cmax+cda+ccratio+cpipe+cdrmin+cdrmax); //80% // Curling2->Draw("dfi","iter==0&&abs(lab0)==abs(lab1)"+csign+cmax+cdtheta+cdfi+ccratio) */ // // // Int_t nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); AliHelix *helixes = new AliHelix[nentries]; for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track) continue; track->SetCircular(0); new (&helixes[i]) AliHelix(*track); } // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Double_t phase[2][2]={{0,0},{0,0}},radius[2]={0,0}; // // Find tracks // // for (Int_t i0=0;i0At(i0); if (!track0) continue; if (TMath::Abs(track0->GetC())<1/kMaxC) continue; Float_t xc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(7); Float_t r0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(8); Float_t rc0 = TMath::Sqrt(xc0*xc0+yc0*yc0); Float_t fi0 = TMath::ATan2(yc0,xc0); for (Int_t i1=i0+1;i1At(i1); if (!track1) continue; if (TMath::Abs(track1->GetC())<1/kMaxC) continue; Float_t xc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(7); Float_t r1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(8); Float_t rc1 = TMath::Sqrt(xc1*xc1+yc1*yc1); Float_t fi1 = TMath::ATan2(yc1,xc1); // Float_t dfi = fi0-fi1; // // if (dfi>1.5*TMath::Pi()) dfi-=TMath::Pi(); // take care about edge effect if (dfi<-1.5*TMath::Pi()) dfi+=TMath::Pi(); // Float_t dtheta = TMath::Abs(track0->GetTgl()-track1->GetTgl())GetTgl()+track1->GetTgl())? track0->GetTgl()-track1->GetTgl():track0->GetTgl()+track1->GetTgl(); // // // FIRST fast cuts if (track0->GetBConstrain()&&track1->GetBConstrain()) continue; // not constrained if (track1->GetSigned1Pt()*track0->GetSigned1Pt()>0) continue; // not the same sign if ( TMath::Abs(track1->GetTgl()+track0->GetTgl())>kMaxdTheta) continue; //distance in the Theta if ( TMath::Abs(dfi)>kMaxdPhi) continue; //distance in phi if ( TMath::Sqrt(dfi*dfi+dtheta*dtheta)>kMaxdPhi) continue; //common angular offset // Float_t pt0 = track0->GetSignedPt(); Float_t pt1 = track1->GetSignedPt(); if ((TMath::Abs(pt0+pt1)/(TMath::Abs(pt0)+TMath::Abs(pt1)))>kPtRatio) continue; if ((iter==1) && TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(rc0+r0)-TMath::Abs(rc1+r1))>kMaxDeltaRMax) continue; if ((iter!=1) &&TMath::Abs(TMath::Abs(rc0-r0)-TMath::Abs(rc1-r1))>kMaxDeltaRMin) continue; if (TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(rc0-r0),TMath::Abs(rc1-r1))0){ Int_t ibest=0; helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],deltah[0],2); if (npoints==2){ helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],deltah[1],2); if (deltah[1]kMaxDist) continue; // if (mindcar+mindcaz<40 && (TMath::Abs(hangles[2])3)) continue; Bool_t sign =kFALSE; if (hangles[2]>kMinAngle) sign =kTRUE; // if (sign){ // circular[i0] = kTRUE; // circular[i1] = kTRUE; if (track0->OneOverPt()OneOverPt()){ track0->SetCircular(track0->GetCircular()+1); track1->SetCircular(track1->GetCircular()+2); } else{ track1->SetCircular(track1->GetCircular()+1); track0->SetCircular(track0->GetCircular()+2); } } if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>2){ // //debug stream to tune "fine" cuts Int_t lab0=track0->GetLabel(); Int_t lab1=track1->GetLabel(); TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Curling2"<< "iter="<1) { AliInfo("Time for curling tracks removal"); timer.Print(); } } void AliTPCtracker::FindKinks(TObjArray * array, AliESDEvent *esd) { // // find kinks // // // RS something is wrong in this routine: not all seeds are assigned to daughters and mothers array, but they all are queried // to check later TObjArray *kinks= new TObjArray(10000); // TObjArray *v0s= new TObjArray(10000); Int_t nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); AliHelix *helixes = new AliHelix[nentries]; Int_t *sign = new Int_t[nentries]; Int_t *nclusters = new Int_t[nentries]; Float_t *alpha = new Float_t[nentries]; AliKink *kink = new AliKink(); Int_t * usage = new Int_t[nentries]; Float_t *zm = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *z0 = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *fim = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *shared = new Float_t[nentries]; Bool_t *circular = new Bool_t[nentries]; Float_t *dca = new Float_t[nentries]; //const AliESDVertex * primvertex = esd->GetVertex(); // // nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); // // // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track) continue; track->SetCircular(0); shared[i] = kFALSE; track->UpdatePoints(); if (( track->GetPoints()[2]- track->GetPoints()[0])>5 && track->GetPoints()[3]>0.8){ } nclusters[i]=track->GetNumberOfClusters(); alpha[i] = track->GetAlpha(); new (&helixes[i]) AliHelix(*track); Double_t xyz[3]; helixes[i].Evaluate(0,xyz); sign[i] = (track->GetC()>0) ? -1:1; Double_t x,y,z; x=160; if (track->GetProlongation(x,y,z)){ zm[i] = z; fim[i] = alpha[i]+TMath::ATan2(y,x); } else{ zm[i] = track->GetZ(); fim[i] = alpha[i]; } z0[i]=1000; circular[i]= kFALSE; if (track->GetProlongation(0,y,z)) z0[i] = z; dca[i] = track->GetD(0,0); } // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t ncandidates =0; Int_t nall =0; Int_t ntracks=0; Double_t phase[2][2]={{0,0},{0,0}},radius[2]={0,0}; // // Find circling track // for (Int_t i0=0;i0At(i0); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->GetNumberOfClusters()<40) continue; if (TMath::Abs(1./track0->GetC())>200) continue; for (Int_t i1=i0+1;i1At(i1); if (!track1) continue; if (track1->GetNumberOfClusters()<40) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(track1->GetTgl()+track0->GetTgl())>0.1) continue; if (track0->GetBConstrain()&&track1->GetBConstrain()) continue; if (TMath::Abs(1./track1->GetC())>200) continue; if (track1->GetSigned1Pt()*track0->GetSigned1Pt()>0) continue; if (track1->GetTgl()*track0->GetTgl()>0) continue; if (TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(1./track0->GetC()),TMath::Abs(1./track1->GetC()))>190) continue; if (track0->GetBConstrain()&&track1->OneOverPt()OneOverPt()) continue; //returning - lower momenta if (track1->GetBConstrain()&&track0->OneOverPt()OneOverPt()) continue; //returning - lower momenta // Float_t mindcar = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(dca[i0]),TMath::Abs(dca[i1])); if (mindcar<5) continue; Float_t mindcaz = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(z0[i0]-GetZ()),TMath::Abs(z0[i1]-GetZ())); if (mindcaz<5) continue; if (mindcar+mindcaz<20) continue; // // Float_t xc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(7); Float_t r0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(8); Float_t xc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(7); Float_t r1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(8); Float_t rmean = (r0+r1)*0.5; Float_t delta =TMath::Sqrt((xc1-xc0)*(xc1-xc0)+(yc1-yc0)*(yc1-yc0)); //if (delta>30) continue; if (delta>rmean*0.25) continue; if (TMath::Abs(r0-r1)/rmean>0.3) continue; // Int_t npoints = helixes[i0].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[i1], phase, radius,10); if (npoints==0) continue; helixes[i0].GetClosestPhases(helixes[i1], phase); // Double_t xyz0[3]; Double_t xyz1[3]; Double_t hangles[3]; helixes[i0].Evaluate(phase[0][0],xyz0); helixes[i1].Evaluate(phase[0][1],xyz1); helixes[i0].GetAngle(phase[0][0],helixes[i1],phase[0][1],hangles); Double_t deltah[2],deltabest; if (hangles[2]<2.8) continue; if (npoints>0){ Int_t ibest=0; helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],deltah[0],2); if (npoints==2){ helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],deltah[1],2); if (deltah[1]6) continue; if (mindcar+mindcaz<40 && (hangles[2]<3.12||deltabest>3)) continue; Bool_t lsign =kFALSE; if (hangles[2]>3.06) lsign =kTRUE; // if (lsign){ circular[i0] = kTRUE; circular[i1] = kTRUE; if (track0->OneOverPt()OneOverPt()){ track0->SetCircular(track0->GetCircular()+1); track1->SetCircular(track1->GetCircular()+2); } else{ track1->SetCircular(track1->GetCircular()+1); track0->SetCircular(track0->GetCircular()+2); } } if (lsign&&AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1){ //debug stream Int_t lab0=track0->GetLabel(); Int_t lab1=track1->GetLabel(); TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Curling"<< "lab0="<At(i); if (track0==0) { AliInfo("seed==0"); continue; } ntracks++; // Double_t cradius0 = 40*40; Double_t cradius1 = 270*270; Double_t cdist1=8.; Double_t cdist2=8.; Double_t cdist3=0.55; for (Int_t j =i+1;j200) continue; if ( (nclusters[i]+nclusters[j])<80) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(zm[i]-zm[j])>60.) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(fim[i]-fim[j])>0.6 && TMath::Abs(fim[i]-fim[j])<5.7 ) continue; //AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(j); Double_t phase[2][2],radius[2]; Int_t npoints = helixes[i].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[j], phase, radius,20); if (npoints<1) continue; // cuts on radius if (npoints==1){ if (radius[0]cradius1) continue; } else{ if ( (radius[0]cradius1) && (radius[1]cradius1) ) continue; } // Double_t delta1=10000,delta2=10000; // cuts on the intersection radius helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta1); if (radius[0]<20&&delta1<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[0]<10&&delta1<3) continue; //intersection at vertex if (npoints==2){ helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],delta2); if (radius[1]<20&&delta2<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[1]<10&&delta2<3) continue; //intersection at vertex } // Double_t distance1 = TMath::Min(delta1,delta2); if (distance1>cdist1) continue; // cut on DCA linear approximation // npoints = helixes[i].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[j], phase, radius,20); helixes[i].ParabolicDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta1); if (radius[0]<20&&delta1<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[0]<10&&delta1<3) continue; //intersection at vertex // if (npoints==2){ helixes[i].ParabolicDCA(helixes[j],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],delta2); if (radius[1]<20&&delta2<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[1]<10&&delta2<3) continue; //intersection at vertex } distance1 = TMath::Min(delta1,delta2); Float_t rkink =0; if (delta1cdist2) continue; // // AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(j); // // Int_t row0 = GetRowNumber(rkink); if (row0<10) continue; if (row0>150) continue; // // Float_t dens00=-1,dens01=-1; Float_t dens10=-1,dens11=-1; // Int_t found,foundable,ishared; track0->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0-5, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) dens00 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); track0->GetClusterStatistic(row0+5,155, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) dens01 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); // track1->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0-5, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>10) dens10 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); track1->GetClusterStatistic(row0+5,155, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>10) dens11 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); // if (dens00dens10 && dens01>dens11) continue; if (TMath::Max(dens00,dens10)<0.1) continue; if (TMath::Max(dens01,dens11)<0.3) continue; // if (TMath::Min(dens00,dens10)>0.6) continue; if (TMath::Min(dens01,dens11)>0.6) continue; // AliTPCseed * ktrack0, *ktrack1; if (dens00>dens10){ ktrack0 = track0; ktrack1 = track1; } else{ ktrack0 = track1; ktrack1 = track0; } if (TMath::Abs(ktrack0->GetC())>5) continue; // cut on the curvature for mother particle AliExternalTrackParam paramm(*ktrack0); AliExternalTrackParam paramd(*ktrack1); if (row0>60&&ktrack1->GetReference().GetX()>90.)new (¶md) AliExternalTrackParam(ktrack1->GetReference()); // // kink->SetMother(paramm); kink->SetDaughter(paramd); kink->Update(); Float_t x[3] = { static_cast(kink->GetPosition()[0]),static_cast(kink->GetPosition()[1]),static_cast(kink->GetPosition()[2])}; Int_t index[4]; fkParam->Transform0to1(x,index); fkParam->Transform1to2(x,index); row0 = GetRowNumber(x[0]); if (kink->GetR()<100) continue; if (kink->GetR()>240) continue; if (kink->GetPosition()[2]/kink->GetR()>AliTPCReconstructor::GetCtgRange()) continue; //out of fiducial volume if (kink->GetDistance()>cdist3) continue; Float_t dird = kink->GetDaughterP()[0]*kink->GetPosition()[0]+kink->GetDaughterP()[1]*kink->GetPosition()[1]; // rough direction estimate if (dird<0) continue; Float_t dirm = kink->GetMotherP()[0]*kink->GetPosition()[0]+kink->GetMotherP()[1]*kink->GetPosition()[1]; // rough direction estimate if (dirm<0) continue; Float_t mpt = TMath::Sqrt(kink->GetMotherP()[0]*kink->GetMotherP()[0]+kink->GetMotherP()[1]*kink->GetMotherP()[1]); if (mpt<0.2) continue; if (mpt<1){ //for high momenta momentum not defined well in first iteration Double_t qt = TMath::Sin(kink->GetAngle(2))*ktrack1->GetP(); if (qt>0.35) continue; } kink->SetLabel(CookLabel(ktrack0,0.4,0,row0),0); kink->SetLabel(CookLabel(ktrack1,0.4,row0,160),1); if (dens00>dens10){ kink->SetTPCDensity(dens00,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens01,0,1); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens10,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens11,1,1); kink->SetIndex(i,0); kink->SetIndex(j,1); } else{ kink->SetTPCDensity(dens10,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens11,0,1); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens00,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens01,1,1); kink->SetIndex(j,0); kink->SetIndex(i,1); } if (mpt<1||kink->GetAngle(2)>0.1){ // angle and densities not defined yet if (kink->GetTPCDensityFactor()<0.8) continue; if ((2-kink->GetTPCDensityFactor())*kink->GetDistance() >0.25) continue; if (kink->GetAngle(2)*ktrack0->GetP()<0.003) continue; //too small angle if (kink->GetAngle(2)>0.2&&kink->GetTPCDensityFactor()<1.15) continue; if (kink->GetAngle(2)>0.2&&kink->GetTPCDensity(0,1)>0.05) continue; Float_t criticalangle = track0->GetSigmaSnp2()+track0->GetSigmaTgl2(); criticalangle+= track1->GetSigmaSnp2()+track1->GetSigmaTgl2(); criticalangle= 3*TMath::Sqrt(criticalangle); if (criticalangle>0.02) criticalangle=0.02; if (kink->GetAngle(2)GetAngle(2))); // overlap region defined Float_t shapesum =0; Float_t sum = 0; for ( Int_t row = row0-drow; row155) continue; if (ktrack0->GetClusterPointer(row)){ AliTPCTrackerPoint *point =ktrack0->GetTrackPoint(row); shapesum+=point->GetSigmaY()+point->GetSigmaZ(); sum++; } if (ktrack1->GetClusterPointer(row)){ AliTPCTrackerPoint *point =ktrack1->GetTrackPoint(row); shapesum+=point->GetSigmaY()+point->GetSigmaZ(); sum++; } } if (sum<4){ kink->SetShapeFactor(-1.); } else{ kink->SetShapeFactor(shapesum/sum); } // esd->AddKink(kink); // // kink->SetMother(paramm); //kink->SetDaughter(paramd); Double_t chi2P2 = paramm.GetParameter()[2]-paramd.GetParameter()[2]; chi2P2*=chi2P2; chi2P2/=paramm.GetCovariance()[5]+paramd.GetCovariance()[5]; Double_t chi2P3 = paramm.GetParameter()[3]-paramd.GetParameter()[3]; chi2P3*=chi2P3; chi2P3/=paramm.GetCovariance()[9]+paramd.GetCovariance()[9]; // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"kinkLpt"<< "chi2P2="<GetKinkAngleCutChi2(0)){ continue; } // kinks->AddLast(kink); kink = new AliKink; ncandidates++; } } // // sort the kinks according quality - and refit them towards vertex // Int_t nkinks = kinks->GetEntriesFast(); Float_t *quality = new Float_t[nkinks]; Int_t *indexes = new Int_t[nkinks]; AliTPCseed *mothers = new AliTPCseed[nkinks]; AliTPCseed *daughters = new AliTPCseed[nkinks]; // // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); // // refit kinks towards vertex // Int_t index0 = kinkl->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = kinkl->GetIndex(1); AliTPCseed * ktrack0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * ktrack1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); // Int_t sumn=ktrack0->GetNumberOfClusters()+ktrack1->GetNumberOfClusters(); // // Refit Kink under if too small angle // if (kinkl->GetAngle(2)<0.05){ kinkl->SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kinkl->GetR())); Int_t row0 = kinkl->GetTPCRow0(); Int_t drow = Int_t(2.+0.5/(0.05+kinkl->GetAngle(2))); // // Int_t last = row0-drow; if (last<40) last=40; if (lastGetFirstPoint()+25) last = ktrack0->GetFirstPoint()+25; AliTPCseed* seed0 = ReSeed(ktrack0,last,kFALSE); // // Int_t first = row0+drow; if (first>130) first=130; if (first>ktrack1->GetLastPoint()-25) first = TMath::Max(ktrack1->GetLastPoint()-25,30); AliTPCseed* seed1 = ReSeed(ktrack1,first,kTRUE); // if (seed0 && seed1){ kinkl->SetStatus(1,8); if (RefitKink(*seed0,*seed1,*kinkl)) kinkl->SetStatus(1,9); row0 = GetRowNumber(kinkl->GetR()); sumn = seed0->GetNumberOfClusters()+seed1->GetNumberOfClusters(); mothers[i] = *seed0; daughters[i] = *seed1; } else{ delete kinks->RemoveAt(i); if (seed0) MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); if (seed1) MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); continue; } if (kinkl->GetDistance()>0.5 || kinkl->GetR()<110 || kinkl->GetR()>240) { delete kinks->RemoveAt(i); if (seed0) MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); if (seed1) MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); continue; } // MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); } // if (kinkl) quality[i] = 160*((0.1+kinkl->GetDistance())*(2.-kinkl->GetTPCDensityFactor()))/(sumn+40.); //the longest -clossest will win } TMath::Sort(nkinks,quality,indexes,kFALSE); // //remove double find kinks // for (Int_t ikink0=1;ikink0At(indexes[ikink0]); if (!kink0) continue; // for (Int_t ikink1=0;ikink1At(indexes[ikink0]); if (!kink0) continue; AliKink * kink1 = (AliKink*) kinks->At(indexes[ikink1]); if (!kink1) continue; // if not close kink continue if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[2]-kink0->GetPosition()[2])>10) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[1]-kink0->GetPosition()[1])>10) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[0]-kink0->GetPosition()[0])>10) continue; // AliTPCseed &mother0 = mothers[indexes[ikink0]]; AliTPCseed &daughter0 = daughters[indexes[ikink0]]; AliTPCseed &mother1 = mothers[indexes[ikink1]]; AliTPCseed &daughter1 = daughters[indexes[ikink1]]; Int_t row0 = (kink0->GetTPCRow0()+kink1->GetTPCRow0())/2; // Int_t same = 0; Int_t both = 0; Int_t samem = 0; Int_t bothm = 0; Int_t samed = 0; Int_t bothd = 0; // for (Int_t i=0;i0 && mother1.GetClusterIndex(i)>0){ both++; bothm++; if (mother0.GetClusterIndex(i)==mother1.GetClusterIndex(i)){ same++; samem++; } } } for (Int_t i=row0;i<158;i++){ //if (daughter0.GetClusterIndex(i)>0 && daughter0.GetClusterIndex(i)>0){ // RS: Bug? if (daughter0.GetClusterIndex(i)>0 && daughter1.GetClusterIndex(i)>0){ both++; bothd++; if (mother0.GetClusterIndex(i)==mother1.GetClusterIndex(i)){ same++; samed++; } } } Float_t ratio = Float_t(same+1)/Float_t(both+1); Float_t ratiom = Float_t(samem+1)/Float_t(bothm+1); Float_t ratiod = Float_t(samed+1)/Float_t(bothd+1); if (ratio>0.3 && ratiom>0.5 &&ratiod>0.5) { Int_t sum0 = mother0.GetNumberOfClusters()+daughter0.GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t sum1 = mother1.GetNumberOfClusters()+daughter1.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (sum1>sum0){ shared[kink0->GetIndex(0)]= kTRUE; shared[kink0->GetIndex(1)]= kTRUE; delete kinks->RemoveAt(indexes[ikink0]); break; } else{ shared[kink1->GetIndex(0)]= kTRUE; shared[kink1->GetIndex(1)]= kTRUE; delete kinks->RemoveAt(indexes[ikink1]); } } } } for (Int_t i=0;iAt(indexes[i]); if (!kinkl) continue; kinkl->SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kinkl->GetR())); Int_t index0 = kinkl->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = kinkl->GetIndex(1); if (circular[index0]||(circular[index1]&&kinkl->GetDistance()>0.2)) continue; kinkl->SetMultiple(usage[index0],0); kinkl->SetMultiple(usage[index1],1); if (kinkl->GetMultiple()[0]+kinkl->GetMultiple()[1]>2) continue; if (kinkl->GetMultiple()[0]+kinkl->GetMultiple()[1]>0 && quality[indexes[i]]>0.2) continue; if (kinkl->GetMultiple()[0]+kinkl->GetMultiple()[1]>0 && kinkl->GetDistance()>0.2) continue; if (circular[index0]||(circular[index1]&&kinkl->GetDistance()>0.1)) continue; AliTPCseed * ktrack0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * ktrack1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); if (!ktrack0 || !ktrack1) continue; Int_t index = esd->AddKink(kinkl); // // if ( ktrack0->GetKinkIndex(0)==0 && ktrack1->GetKinkIndex(0)==0) { //best kink if (mothers[indexes[i]].GetNumberOfClusters()>20 && daughters[indexes[i]].GetNumberOfClusters()>20 && (mothers[indexes[i]].GetNumberOfClusters()+daughters[indexes[i]].GetNumberOfClusters())>100){ *ktrack0 = mothers[indexes[i]]; *ktrack1 = daughters[indexes[i]]; } } // ktrack0->SetKinkIndex(usage[index0],-(index+1)); ktrack1->SetKinkIndex(usage[index1], (index+1)); usage[index0]++; usage[index1]++; } // // Remove tracks corresponding to shared kink's // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->GetKinkIndex(0)!=0) continue; if (shared[i]) MarkSeedFree( array->RemoveAt(i) ); } // // RemoveUsed2(array,0.5,0.4,30); UnsignClusters(); for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; track0->CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); track0->CookPID(); } // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->Pt()<1.4) continue; //remove double high momenta tracks - overlapped with kink candidates Int_t ishared=0; Int_t all =0; for (Int_t icl=track0->GetFirstPoint();iclGetLastPoint(); icl++){ if (track0->GetClusterPointer(icl)!=0){ all++; if (track0->GetClusterPointer(icl)->IsUsed(10)) ishared++; } } if (Float_t(ishared+1)/Float_t(all+1)>0.5) { MarkSeedFree( array->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } // if (track0->GetKinkIndex(0)!=0) continue; if (track0->GetNumberOfClusters()<80) continue; AliTPCseed *pmother = new AliTPCseed(); AliTPCseed *pdaughter = new AliTPCseed(); AliKink *pkink = new AliKink; AliTPCseed & mother = *pmother; AliTPCseed & daughter = *pdaughter; AliKink & kinkl = *pkink; if (CheckKinkPoint(track0,mother,daughter, kinkl)){ if (mother.GetNumberOfClusters()<30||daughter.GetNumberOfClusters()<20) { delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; continue; //too short tracks } if (mother.Pt()<1.4) { delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; continue; } Int_t row0= kinkl.GetTPCRow0(); if (kinkl.GetDistance()>0.5 || kinkl.GetR()<110. || kinkl.GetR()>240.) { delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; continue; } // Int_t index = esd->AddKink(&kinkl); mother.SetKinkIndex(0,-(index+1)); daughter.SetKinkIndex(0,index+1); if (mother.GetNumberOfClusters()>50) { MarkSeedFree( array->RemoveAt(i) ); AliTPCseed* mtc = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(mother); mtc->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); array->AddAt(mtc,i); } else{ AliTPCseed* mtc = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(mother); mtc->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); array->AddLast(mtc); } AliTPCseed* dtc = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(daughter); dtc->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); array->AddLast(dtc); for (Int_t icl=0;iclUse(20); } // for (Int_t icl=row0;icl<158;icl++) { if (daughter.GetClusterPointer(icl)) daughter.GetClusterPointer(icl)->Use(20); } // } delete pmother; delete pdaughter; delete pkink; } delete [] daughters; delete [] mothers; // // delete [] dca; delete []circular; delete []shared; delete []quality; delete []indexes; // delete kink; delete[]fim; delete[] zm; delete[] z0; delete [] usage; delete[] alpha; delete[] nclusters; delete[] sign; delete[] helixes; kinks->Delete(); delete kinks; AliInfo(Form("Ncandidates=\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",esd->GetNumberOfKinks(),ncandidates,ntracks,nall)); timer.Print(); } /* void AliTPCtracker::FindKinks(TObjArray * array, AliESDEvent *esd) { // // find kinks // // TObjArray *kinks= new TObjArray(10000); // TObjArray *v0s= new TObjArray(10000); Int_t nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); AliHelix *helixes = new AliHelix[nentries]; Int_t *sign = new Int_t[nentries]; Int_t *nclusters = new Int_t[nentries]; Float_t *alpha = new Float_t[nentries]; AliKink *kink = new AliKink(); Int_t * usage = new Int_t[nentries]; Float_t *zm = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *z0 = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *fim = new Float_t[nentries]; Float_t *shared = new Float_t[nentries]; Bool_t *circular = new Bool_t[nentries]; Float_t *dca = new Float_t[nentries]; //const AliESDVertex * primvertex = esd->GetVertex(); // // nentries = array->GetEntriesFast(); // // // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track) continue; track->SetCircular(0); shared[i] = kFALSE; track->UpdatePoints(); if (( track->GetPoints()[2]- track->GetPoints()[0])>5 && track->GetPoints()[3]>0.8){ } nclusters[i]=track->GetNumberOfClusters(); alpha[i] = track->GetAlpha(); new (&helixes[i]) AliHelix(*track); Double_t xyz[3]; helixes[i].Evaluate(0,xyz); sign[i] = (track->GetC()>0) ? -1:1; Double_t x,y,z; x=160; if (track->GetProlongation(x,y,z)){ zm[i] = z; fim[i] = alpha[i]+TMath::ATan2(y,x); } else{ zm[i] = track->GetZ(); fim[i] = alpha[i]; } z0[i]=1000; circular[i]= kFALSE; if (track->GetProlongation(0,y,z)) z0[i] = z; dca[i] = track->GetD(0,0); } // // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t ncandidates =0; Int_t nall =0; Int_t ntracks=0; Double_t phase[2][2]={{0,0},{0,0}},radius[2]={0,0}; // // Find circling track // for (Int_t i0=0;i0At(i0); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->GetNumberOfClusters()<40) continue; if (TMath::Abs(1./track0->GetC())>200) continue; for (Int_t i1=i0+1;i1At(i1); if (!track1) continue; if (track1->GetNumberOfClusters()<40) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(track1->GetTgl()+track0->GetTgl())>0.1) continue; if (track0->GetBConstrain()&&track1->GetBConstrain()) continue; if (TMath::Abs(1./track1->GetC())>200) continue; if (track1->GetSigned1Pt()*track0->GetSigned1Pt()>0) continue; if (track1->GetTgl()*track0->GetTgl()>0) continue; if (TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(1./track0->GetC()),TMath::Abs(1./track1->GetC()))>190) continue; if (track0->GetBConstrain()&&track1->OneOverPt()OneOverPt()) continue; //returning - lower momenta if (track1->GetBConstrain()&&track0->OneOverPt()OneOverPt()) continue; //returning - lower momenta // Float_t mindcar = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(dca[i0]),TMath::Abs(dca[i1])); if (mindcar<5) continue; Float_t mindcaz = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(z0[i0]-GetZ()),TMath::Abs(z0[i1]-GetZ())); if (mindcaz<5) continue; if (mindcar+mindcaz<20) continue; // // Float_t xc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(7); Float_t r0 = helixes[i0].GetHelix(8); Float_t xc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(6); Float_t yc1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(7); Float_t r1 = helixes[i1].GetHelix(8); Float_t rmean = (r0+r1)*0.5; Float_t delta =TMath::Sqrt((xc1-xc0)*(xc1-xc0)+(yc1-yc0)*(yc1-yc0)); //if (delta>30) continue; if (delta>rmean*0.25) continue; if (TMath::Abs(r0-r1)/rmean>0.3) continue; // Int_t npoints = helixes[i0].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[i1], phase, radius,10); if (npoints==0) continue; helixes[i0].GetClosestPhases(helixes[i1], phase); // Double_t xyz0[3]; Double_t xyz1[3]; Double_t hangles[3]; helixes[i0].Evaluate(phase[0][0],xyz0); helixes[i1].Evaluate(phase[0][1],xyz1); helixes[i0].GetAngle(phase[0][0],helixes[i1],phase[0][1],hangles); Double_t deltah[2],deltabest; if (hangles[2]<2.8) continue; if (npoints>0){ Int_t ibest=0; helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],deltah[0],2); if (npoints==2){ helixes[i0].ParabolicDCA(helixes[i1],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],deltah[1],2); if (deltah[1]6) continue; if (mindcar+mindcaz<40 && (hangles[2]<3.12||deltabest>3)) continue; Bool_t lsign =kFALSE; if (hangles[2]>3.06) lsign =kTRUE; // if (lsign){ circular[i0] = kTRUE; circular[i1] = kTRUE; if (track0->OneOverPt()OneOverPt()){ track0->SetCircular(track0->GetCircular()+1); track1->SetCircular(track1->GetCircular()+2); } else{ track1->SetCircular(track1->GetCircular()+1); track0->SetCircular(track0->GetCircular()+2); } } if (lsign&&AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1){ //debug stream Int_t lab0=track0->GetLabel(); Int_t lab1=track1->GetLabel(); TTreeSRedirector &cstream = *fDebugStreamer; cstream<<"Curling"<< "lab0="<At(i); if (track0==0) { AliInfo("seed==0"); continue; } ntracks++; // Double_t cradius0 = 40*40; Double_t cradius1 = 270*270; Double_t cdist1=8.; Double_t cdist2=8.; Double_t cdist3=0.55; for (Int_t j =i+1;j200) continue; if ( (nclusters[i]+nclusters[j])<80) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(zm[i]-zm[j])>60.) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(fim[i]-fim[j])>0.6 && TMath::Abs(fim[i]-fim[j])<5.7 ) continue; //AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(j); Double_t phase[2][2],radius[2]; Int_t npoints = helixes[i].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[j], phase, radius,20); if (npoints<1) continue; // cuts on radius if (npoints==1){ if (radius[0]cradius1) continue; } else{ if ( (radius[0]cradius1) && (radius[1]cradius1) ) continue; } // Double_t delta1=10000,delta2=10000; // cuts on the intersection radius helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta1); if (radius[0]<20&&delta1<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[0]<10&&delta1<3) continue; //intersection at vertex if (npoints==2){ helixes[i].LinearDCA(helixes[j],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],delta2); if (radius[1]<20&&delta2<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[1]<10&&delta2<3) continue; //intersection at vertex } // Double_t distance1 = TMath::Min(delta1,delta2); if (distance1>cdist1) continue; // cut on DCA linear approximation // npoints = helixes[i].GetRPHIintersections(helixes[j], phase, radius,20); helixes[i].ParabolicDCA(helixes[j],phase[0][0],phase[0][1],radius[0],delta1); if (radius[0]<20&&delta1<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[0]<10&&delta1<3) continue; //intersection at vertex // if (npoints==2){ helixes[i].ParabolicDCA(helixes[j],phase[1][0],phase[1][1],radius[1],delta2); if (radius[1]<20&&delta2<1) continue; //intersection at vertex if (radius[1]<10&&delta2<3) continue; //intersection at vertex } distance1 = TMath::Min(delta1,delta2); Float_t rkink =0; if (delta1cdist2) continue; // // AliTPCseed * track1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(j); // // Int_t row0 = GetRowNumber(rkink); if (row0<10) continue; if (row0>150) continue; // // Float_t dens00=-1,dens01=-1; Float_t dens10=-1,dens11=-1; // Int_t found,foundable,ishared; track0->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0-5, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) dens00 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); track0->GetClusterStatistic(row0+5,155, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) dens01 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); // track1->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0-5, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>10) dens10 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); track1->GetClusterStatistic(row0+5,155, found, foundable,ishared,kFALSE); if (foundable>10) dens11 = Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable); // if (dens00dens10 && dens01>dens11) continue; if (TMath::Max(dens00,dens10)<0.1) continue; if (TMath::Max(dens01,dens11)<0.3) continue; // if (TMath::Min(dens00,dens10)>0.6) continue; if (TMath::Min(dens01,dens11)>0.6) continue; // AliTPCseed * ktrack0, *ktrack1; if (dens00>dens10){ ktrack0 = track0; ktrack1 = track1; } else{ ktrack0 = track1; ktrack1 = track0; } if (TMath::Abs(ktrack0->GetC())>5) continue; // cut on the curvature for mother particle AliExternalTrackParam paramm(*ktrack0); AliExternalTrackParam paramd(*ktrack1); if (row0>60&&ktrack1->GetReference().GetX()>90.)new (¶md) AliExternalTrackParam(ktrack1->GetReference()); // // kink->SetMother(paramm); kink->SetDaughter(paramd); kink->Update(); Float_t x[3] = { static_cast(kink->GetPosition()[0]),static_cast(kink->GetPosition()[1]),static_cast(kink->GetPosition()[2])}; Int_t index[4]; fkParam->Transform0to1(x,index); fkParam->Transform1to2(x,index); row0 = GetRowNumber(x[0]); if (kink->GetR()<100) continue; if (kink->GetR()>240) continue; if (kink->GetPosition()[2]/kink->GetR()>AliTPCReconstructor::GetCtgRange()) continue; //out of fiducial volume if (kink->GetDistance()>cdist3) continue; Float_t dird = kink->GetDaughterP()[0]*kink->GetPosition()[0]+kink->GetDaughterP()[1]*kink->GetPosition()[1]; // rough direction estimate if (dird<0) continue; Float_t dirm = kink->GetMotherP()[0]*kink->GetPosition()[0]+kink->GetMotherP()[1]*kink->GetPosition()[1]; // rough direction estimate if (dirm<0) continue; Float_t mpt = TMath::Sqrt(kink->GetMotherP()[0]*kink->GetMotherP()[0]+kink->GetMotherP()[1]*kink->GetMotherP()[1]); if (mpt<0.2) continue; if (mpt<1){ //for high momenta momentum not defined well in first iteration Double_t qt = TMath::Sin(kink->GetAngle(2))*ktrack1->GetP(); if (qt>0.35) continue; } kink->SetLabel(CookLabel(ktrack0,0.4,0,row0),0); kink->SetLabel(CookLabel(ktrack1,0.4,row0,160),1); if (dens00>dens10){ kink->SetTPCDensity(dens00,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens01,0,1); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens10,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens11,1,1); kink->SetIndex(i,0); kink->SetIndex(j,1); } else{ kink->SetTPCDensity(dens10,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens11,0,1); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens00,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(dens01,1,1); kink->SetIndex(j,0); kink->SetIndex(i,1); } if (mpt<1||kink->GetAngle(2)>0.1){ // angle and densities not defined yet if (kink->GetTPCDensityFactor()<0.8) continue; if ((2-kink->GetTPCDensityFactor())*kink->GetDistance() >0.25) continue; if (kink->GetAngle(2)*ktrack0->GetP()<0.003) continue; //too small angle if (kink->GetAngle(2)>0.2&&kink->GetTPCDensityFactor()<1.15) continue; if (kink->GetAngle(2)>0.2&&kink->GetTPCDensity(0,1)>0.05) continue; Float_t criticalangle = track0->GetSigmaSnp2()+track0->GetSigmaTgl2(); criticalangle+= track1->GetSigmaSnp2()+track1->GetSigmaTgl2(); criticalangle= 3*TMath::Sqrt(criticalangle); if (criticalangle>0.02) criticalangle=0.02; if (kink->GetAngle(2)GetAngle(2))); // overlap region defined Float_t shapesum =0; Float_t sum = 0; for ( Int_t row = row0-drow; row155) continue; if (ktrack0->GetClusterPointer(row)){ AliTPCTrackerPoint *point =ktrack0->GetTrackPoint(row); shapesum+=point->GetSigmaY()+point->GetSigmaZ(); sum++; } if (ktrack1->GetClusterPointer(row)){ AliTPCTrackerPoint *point =ktrack1->GetTrackPoint(row); shapesum+=point->GetSigmaY()+point->GetSigmaZ(); sum++; } } if (sum<4){ kink->SetShapeFactor(-1.); } else{ kink->SetShapeFactor(shapesum/sum); } // esd->AddKink(kink); // // kink->SetMother(paramm); //kink->SetDaughter(paramd); Double_t chi2P2 = paramm.GetParameter()[2]-paramd.GetParameter()[2]; chi2P2*=chi2P2; chi2P2/=paramm.GetCovariance()[5]+paramd.GetCovariance()[5]; Double_t chi2P3 = paramm.GetParameter()[3]-paramd.GetParameter()[3]; chi2P3*=chi2P3; chi2P3/=paramm.GetCovariance()[9]+paramd.GetCovariance()[9]; // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"kinkLpt"<< "chi2P2="<GetKinkAngleCutChi2(0)){ continue; } // kinks->AddLast(kink); kink = new AliKink; ncandidates++; } } // // sort the kinks according quality - and refit them towards vertex // Int_t nkinks = kinks->GetEntriesFast(); Float_t *quality = new Float_t[nkinks]; Int_t *indexes = new Int_t[nkinks]; AliTPCseed **mothers = new AliTPCseed*[nkinks]; memset(mothers, 0, nkinks*sizeof(AliTPCseed*)); AliTPCseed **daughters = new AliTPCseed*[nkinks]; memset(daughters, 0, nkinks*sizeof(AliTPCseed*)); // // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); // // refit kinks towards vertex // Int_t index0 = kinkl->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = kinkl->GetIndex(1); AliTPCseed * ktrack0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * ktrack1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); // Int_t sumn=ktrack0->GetNumberOfClusters()+ktrack1->GetNumberOfClusters(); // // Refit Kink under if too small angle // if (kinkl->GetAngle(2)<0.05){ kinkl->SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kinkl->GetR())); Int_t row0 = kinkl->GetTPCRow0(); Int_t drow = Int_t(2.+0.5/(0.05+kinkl->GetAngle(2))); // // Int_t last = row0-drow; if (last<40) last=40; if (lastGetFirstPoint()+25) last = ktrack0->GetFirstPoint()+25; AliTPCseed* seed0 = ReSeed(ktrack0,last,kFALSE); // // Int_t first = row0+drow; if (first>130) first=130; if (first>ktrack1->GetLastPoint()-25) first = TMath::Max(ktrack1->GetLastPoint()-25,30); AliTPCseed* seed1 = ReSeed(ktrack1,first,kTRUE); // if (seed0 && seed1){ kinkl->SetStatus(1,8); if (RefitKink(*seed0,*seed1,*kinkl)) kinkl->SetStatus(1,9); row0 = GetRowNumber(kinkl->GetR()); sumn = seed0->GetNumberOfClusters()+seed1->GetNumberOfClusters(); mothers[i] = new ( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(*seed0); mothers[i]->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); daughters[i] = new (NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(*seed1); daughters[i]->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); } else{ delete kinks->RemoveAt(i); if (seed0) MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); if (seed1) MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); continue; } if (kinkl->GetDistance()>0.5 || kinkl->GetR()<110 || kinkl->GetR()>240) { delete kinks->RemoveAt(i); if (seed0) MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); if (seed1) MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); continue; } // MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); } // if (kinkl) quality[i] = 160*((0.1+kinkl->GetDistance())*(2.-kinkl->GetTPCDensityFactor()))/(sumn+40.); //the longest -clossest will win } TMath::Sort(nkinks,quality,indexes,kFALSE); // //remove double find kinks // for (Int_t ikink0=1;ikink0At(indexes[ikink0]); if (!kink0) continue; // for (Int_t ikink1=0;ikink1At(indexes[ikink0]); if (!kink0) continue; AliKink * kink1 = (AliKink*) kinks->At(indexes[ikink1]); if (!kink1) continue; // if not close kink continue if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[2]-kink0->GetPosition()[2])>10) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[1]-kink0->GetPosition()[1])>10) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kink1->GetPosition()[0]-kink0->GetPosition()[0])>10) continue; // AliTPCseed &mother0 = *mothers[indexes[ikink0]]; AliTPCseed &daughter0 = *daughters[indexes[ikink0]]; AliTPCseed &mother1 = *mothers[indexes[ikink1]]; AliTPCseed &daughter1 = *daughters[indexes[ikink1]]; Int_t row0 = (kink0->GetTPCRow0()+kink1->GetTPCRow0())/2; // Int_t same = 0; Int_t both = 0; Int_t samem = 0; Int_t bothm = 0; Int_t samed = 0; Int_t bothd = 0; // for (Int_t i=0;i0 && mother1.GetClusterIndex(i)>0){ both++; bothm++; if (mother0.GetClusterIndex(i)==mother1.GetClusterIndex(i)){ same++; samem++; } } } for (Int_t i=row0;i<158;i++){ //if (daughter0.GetClusterIndex(i)>0 && daughter0.GetClusterIndex(i)>0){ // RS: Bug? if (daughter0.GetClusterIndex(i)>0 && daughter1.GetClusterIndex(i)>0){ both++; bothd++; if (mother0.GetClusterIndex(i)==mother1.GetClusterIndex(i)){ same++; samed++; } } } Float_t ratio = Float_t(same+1)/Float_t(both+1); Float_t ratiom = Float_t(samem+1)/Float_t(bothm+1); Float_t ratiod = Float_t(samed+1)/Float_t(bothd+1); if (ratio>0.3 && ratiom>0.5 &&ratiod>0.5) { Int_t sum0 = mother0.GetNumberOfClusters()+daughter0.GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t sum1 = mother1.GetNumberOfClusters()+daughter1.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (sum1>sum0){ shared[kink0->GetIndex(0)]= kTRUE; shared[kink0->GetIndex(1)]= kTRUE; delete kinks->RemoveAt(indexes[ikink0]); break; } else{ shared[kink1->GetIndex(0)]= kTRUE; shared[kink1->GetIndex(1)]= kTRUE; delete kinks->RemoveAt(indexes[ikink1]); } } } } for (Int_t i=0;iAt(indexes[i]); if (!kinkl) continue; kinkl->SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kinkl->GetR())); Int_t index0 = kinkl->GetIndex(0); Int_t index1 = kinkl->GetIndex(1); if (circular[index0]||(circular[index1]&&kinkl->GetDistance()>0.2)) continue; kinkl->SetMultiple(usage[index0],0); kinkl->SetMultiple(usage[index1],1); if (kinkl->GetMultiple()[0]+kinkl->GetMultiple()[1]>2) continue; if (kinkl->GetMultiple()[0]+kinkl->GetMultiple()[1]>0 && quality[indexes[i]]>0.2) continue; if (kinkl->GetMultiple()[0]+kinkl->GetMultiple()[1]>0 && kinkl->GetDistance()>0.2) continue; if (circular[index0]||(circular[index1]&&kinkl->GetDistance()>0.1)) continue; AliTPCseed * ktrack0 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index0); AliTPCseed * ktrack1 = (AliTPCseed*)array->At(index1); if (!ktrack0 || !ktrack1) continue; Int_t index = esd->AddKink(kinkl); // // if ( ktrack0->GetKinkIndex(0)==0 && ktrack1->GetKinkIndex(0)==0) { //best kink if (mothers[indexes[i]]->GetNumberOfClusters()>20 && daughters[indexes[i]]->GetNumberOfClusters()>20 && (mothers[indexes[i]]->GetNumberOfClusters()+daughters[indexes[i]]->GetNumberOfClusters())>100){ *ktrack0 = *mothers[indexes[i]]; *ktrack1 = *daughters[indexes[i]]; } } // ktrack0->SetKinkIndex(usage[index0],-(index+1)); ktrack1->SetKinkIndex(usage[index1], (index+1)); usage[index0]++; usage[index1]++; } // // Remove tracks corresponding to shared kink's // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->GetKinkIndex(0)!=0) continue; if (shared[i]) MarkSeedFree( array->RemoveAt(i) ); } // // RemoveUsed2(array,0.5,0.4,30); UnsignClusters(); for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; track0->CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); track0->CookPID(); } // for (Int_t i=0;iAt(i); if (!track0) continue; if (track0->Pt()<1.4) continue; //remove double high momenta tracks - overlapped with kink candidates Int_t ishared=0; Int_t all =0; for (Int_t icl=track0->GetFirstPoint();iclGetLastPoint(); icl++){ if (track0->GetClusterPointer(icl)!=0){ all++; if (track0->GetClusterPointer(icl)->IsUsed(10)) ishared++; } } if (Float_t(ishared+1)/Float_t(all+1)>0.5) { MarkSeedFree( array->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } // if (track0->GetKinkIndex(0)!=0) continue; if (track0->GetNumberOfClusters()<80) continue; AliTPCseed *pmother = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(); pmother->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); AliTPCseed *pdaughter = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(); pdaughter->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); AliKink *pkink = new AliKink; AliTPCseed & mother = *pmother; AliTPCseed & daughter = *pdaughter; AliKink & kinkl = *pkink; if (CheckKinkPoint(track0,mother,daughter, kinkl)){ if (mother.GetNumberOfClusters()<30||daughter.GetNumberOfClusters()<20) { MarkSeedFree( pmother ); MarkSeedFree( pdaughter ); delete pkink; continue; //too short tracks } if (mother.Pt()<1.4) { MarkSeedFree( pmother ); MarkSeedFree( pdaughter ); delete pkink; continue; } Int_t row0= kinkl.GetTPCRow0(); if (kinkl.GetDistance()>0.5 || kinkl.GetR()<110. || kinkl.GetR()>240.) { MarkSeedFree( pmother ); MarkSeedFree( pdaughter ); delete pkink; continue; } // Int_t index = esd->AddKink(&kinkl); mother.SetKinkIndex(0,-(index+1)); daughter.SetKinkIndex(0,index+1); if (mother.GetNumberOfClusters()>50) { MarkSeedFree( array->RemoveAt(i) ); AliTPCseed* mtc = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(mother); mtc->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); array->AddAt(mtc,i); } else{ AliTPCseed* mtc = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(mother); mtc->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); array->AddLast(mtc); } AliTPCseed* dtc = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(daughter); dtc->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); array->AddLast(dtc); for (Int_t icl=0;iclUse(20); } // for (Int_t icl=row0;icl<158;icl++) { if (daughter.GetClusterPointer(icl)) daughter.GetClusterPointer(icl)->Use(20); } // } MarkSeedFree( pmother ); MarkSeedFree( pdaughter ); delete pkink; } delete [] daughters; delete [] mothers; // // delete [] dca; delete []circular; delete []shared; delete []quality; delete []indexes; // delete kink; delete[]fim; delete[] zm; delete[] z0; delete [] usage; delete[] alpha; delete[] nclusters; delete[] sign; delete[] helixes; kinks->Delete(); delete kinks; AliInfo(Form("Ncandidates=\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",esd->GetNumberOfKinks(),ncandidates,ntracks,nall)); timer.Print(); } */ Int_t AliTPCtracker::RefitKink(AliTPCseed &mother, AliTPCseed &daughter, const AliESDkink &knk) { // // refit kink towards to the vertex // // AliKink &kink=(AliKink &)knk; Int_t row0 = GetRowNumber(kink.GetR()); FollowProlongation(mother,0); mother.Reset(kFALSE); // FollowProlongation(daughter,row0); daughter.Reset(kFALSE); FollowBackProlongation(daughter,158); daughter.Reset(kFALSE); Int_t first = TMath::Max(row0-20,30); Int_t last = TMath::Min(row0+20,140); // const Int_t kNdiv =5; AliTPCseed param0[kNdiv]; // parameters along the track AliTPCseed param1[kNdiv]; // parameters along the track AliKink kinks[kNdiv]; // corresponding kink parameters // Int_t rows[kNdiv]; for (Int_t irow=0; irow240.) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())<100.) continue; // Float_t normdist = TMath::Abs(param0[irow].GetX()-kinks[irow].GetR())*(0.1+kink.GetDistance()); normdist/= (param0[irow].GetNumberOfClusters()+param1[irow].GetNumberOfClusters()+40.); if (normdist < mindist){ mindist = normdist; index = irow; } } // if (index==-1) return 0; // // param0[index].Reset(kTRUE); FollowProlongation(param0[index],0); // mother = param0[index]; daughter = param1[index]; // daughter in vertex // kink.SetMother(mother); kink.SetDaughter(daughter); kink.Update(); kink.SetTPCRow0(GetRowNumber(kink.GetR())); kink.SetTPCncls(param0[index].GetNumberOfClusters(),0); kink.SetTPCncls(param1[index].GetNumberOfClusters(),1); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(&mother,0.4, 0,kink.GetTPCRow0()),0); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(&daughter,0.4, kink.GetTPCRow0(),160),1); mother.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(0)); daughter.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(1)); return 1; } void AliTPCtracker::UpdateKinkQualityM(AliTPCseed * seed){ // // update Kink quality information for mother after back propagation // if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)>=0) return; for (Int_t ikink=0;ikink<3;ikink++){ Int_t index = seed->GetKinkIndex(ikink); if (index>=0) break; index = TMath::Abs(index)-1; AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index); kink->SetTPCDensity(-1,0,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(1,0,1); // Int_t row0 = kink->GetTPCRow0() - 2 - Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row0<15) row0=15; // Int_t row1 = kink->GetTPCRow0() + 2 + Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row1>145) row1=145; // Int_t found,foundable,shared; seed->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),0,0); seed->GetClusterStatistic(row1,155, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),0,1); } } void AliTPCtracker::UpdateKinkQualityD(AliTPCseed * seed){ // // update Kink quality information for daughter after refit // if (seed->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0) return; for (Int_t ikink=0;ikink<3;ikink++){ Int_t index = seed->GetKinkIndex(ikink); if (index<=0) break; index = TMath::Abs(index)-1; AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(index); kink->SetTPCDensity(-1,1,0); kink->SetTPCDensity(-1,1,1); // Int_t row0 = kink->GetTPCRow0() -2 - Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row0<15) row0=15; // Int_t row1 = kink->GetTPCRow0() +2 + Int_t( 0.5/ (0.05+kink->GetAngle(2))); if (row1>145) row1=145; // Int_t found,foundable,shared; seed->GetClusterStatistic(0,row0, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),1,0); seed->GetClusterStatistic(row1,155, found, foundable,shared,kFALSE); if (foundable>5) kink->SetTPCDensity(Float_t(found)/Float_t(foundable),1,1); } } Int_t AliTPCtracker::CheckKinkPoint(AliTPCseed*seed,AliTPCseed &mother, AliTPCseed &daughter, const AliESDkink &knk) { // // check kink point for given track // if return value=0 kink point not found // otherwise seed0 correspond to mother particle // seed1 correspond to daughter particle // kink parameter of kink point AliKink &kink=(AliKink &)knk; Int_t middlerow = (seed->GetFirstPoint()+seed->GetLastPoint())/2; Int_t first = seed->GetFirstPoint(); Int_t last = seed->GetLastPoint(); if (last-first<20) return 0; // shortest length - 2*30 = 60 pad-rows AliTPCseed *seed1 = ReSeed(seed,middlerow+20, kTRUE); //middle of chamber if (!seed1) return 0; FollowProlongation(*seed1,seed->GetLastPoint()-20); seed1->Reset(kTRUE); FollowProlongation(*seed1,158); seed1->Reset(kTRUE); last = seed1->GetLastPoint(); // AliTPCseed *seed0 = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(*seed); seed0->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); seed0->Reset(kFALSE); seed0->Reset(); // AliTPCseed param0[20]; // parameters along the track AliTPCseed param1[20]; // parameters along the track AliKink kinks[20]; // corresponding kink parameters Int_t rows[20]; for (Int_t irow=0; irow<20;irow++){ rows[irow] = first +((last-first)*irow)/19; } // store parameters along the track // for (Int_t irow=0;irow<20;irow++){ FollowBackProlongation(*seed0, rows[irow]); FollowProlongation(*seed1,rows[19-irow]); param0[irow] = *seed0; param1[19-irow] = *seed1; } // // define kinks for (Int_t irow=0; irow<19;irow++){ kinks[irow].SetMother(param0[irow]); kinks[irow].SetDaughter(param1[irow]); kinks[irow].Update(); } // // choose kink with biggest change of angle Int_t index =-1; Double_t maxchange= 0; for (Int_t irow=1;irow<19;irow++){ if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())>240.) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())<110.) continue; Float_t quality = TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetAngle(2))/(3.+TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR()-param0[irow].GetX())); if ( quality > maxchange){ maxchange = quality; index = irow; // } } MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); if (index<0) return 0; // Int_t row0 = GetRowNumber(kinks[index].GetR()); //row 0 estimate seed0 = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(param0[index]); seed0->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); seed1 = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(param1[index]); seed1->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); seed0->Reset(kFALSE); seed1->Reset(kFALSE); seed0->ResetCovariance(10.); seed1->ResetCovariance(10.); FollowProlongation(*seed0,0); FollowBackProlongation(*seed1,158); mother = *seed0; // backup mother at position 0 seed0->Reset(kFALSE); seed1->Reset(kFALSE); seed0->ResetCovariance(10.); seed1->ResetCovariance(10.); // first = TMath::Max(row0-20,0); last = TMath::Min(row0+20,158); // for (Int_t irow=0; irow<20;irow++){ rows[irow] = first +((last-first)*irow)/19; } // store parameters along the track // for (Int_t irow=0;irow<20;irow++){ FollowBackProlongation(*seed0, rows[irow]); FollowProlongation(*seed1,rows[19-irow]); param0[irow] = *seed0; param1[19-irow] = *seed1; } // // define kinks for (Int_t irow=0; irow<19;irow++){ kinks[irow].SetMother(param0[irow]); kinks[irow].SetDaughter(param1[irow]); // param0[irow].Dump(); //param1[irow].Dump(); kinks[irow].Update(); } // // choose kink with biggest change of angle index =-1; maxchange= 0; for (Int_t irow=0;irow<20;irow++){ if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())>250.) continue; if (TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR())<90.) continue; Float_t quality = TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetAngle(2))/(3.+TMath::Abs(kinks[irow].GetR()-param0[irow].GetX())); if ( quality > maxchange){ maxchange = quality; index = irow; // } } // // if (index==-1 || param0[index].GetNumberOfClusters()+param1[index].GetNumberOfClusters()<100){ MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); return 0; } // Float_t anglesigma = TMath::Sqrt(param0[index].fC22+param0[index].fC33+param1[index].fC22+param1[index].fC33); kink.SetMother(param0[index]); kink.SetDaughter(param1[index]); kink.Update(); Double_t chi2P2 = param0[index].GetParameter()[2]-param1[index].GetParameter()[2]; chi2P2*=chi2P2; chi2P2/=param0[index].GetCovariance()[5]+param1[index].GetCovariance()[5]; Double_t chi2P3 = param0[index].GetParameter()[3]-param1[index].GetParameter()[3]; chi2P3*=chi2P3; chi2P3/=param0[index].GetCovariance()[9]+param1[index].GetCovariance()[9]; // if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>1) { (*fDebugStreamer)<<"kinkHpt"<< "chi2P2="<GetKinkAngleCutChi2(0)){ MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); return 0; } row0 = GetRowNumber(kink.GetR()); kink.SetTPCRow0(row0); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(seed0,0.5,0,row0),0); kink.SetLabel(CookLabel(seed1,0.5,row0,158),1); kink.SetIndex(-10,0); kink.SetIndex(int(param0[index].GetNumberOfClusters()+param1[index].GetNumberOfClusters()),1); kink.SetTPCncls(param0[index].GetNumberOfClusters(),0); kink.SetTPCncls(param1[index].GetNumberOfClusters(),1); // // // new (&mother) AliTPCseed(param0[index]); daughter = param1[index]; daughter.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(1)); param0[index].Reset(kTRUE); FollowProlongation(param0[index],0); mother = param0[index]; mother.SetLabel(kink.GetLabel(0)); if ( chi2P2+chi2P3GetKinkAngleCutChi2(1)){ mother=*seed; } MarkSeedFree( seed0 ); MarkSeedFree( seed1 ); // return 1; } AliTPCseed* AliTPCtracker::ReSeed(AliTPCseed *t) { // // reseed - refit - track // Int_t first = 0; // Int_t last = fSectors->GetNRows()-1; // if (fSectors == fOuterSec){ first = TMath::Max(first, t->GetFirstPoint()-fInnerSec->GetNRows()); //last = } else first = t->GetFirstPoint(); // AliTPCseed * seed = MakeSeed(t,0.1,0.5,0.9); FollowBackProlongation(*t,fSectors->GetNRows()-1); t->Reset(kFALSE); FollowProlongation(*t,first); return seed; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtracker::ReadSeeds(const TFile *inp) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function reades track seeds. //----------------------------------------------------------------- TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TFile *in=(TFile*)inp; if (!in->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"AliTPCtracker::ReadSeeds(): input file is not open !\n"; return 1; } in->cd(); TTree *seedTree=(TTree*)in->Get("Seeds"); if (!seedTree) { cerr<<"AliTPCtracker::ReadSeeds(): "; cerr<<"can't get a tree with track seeds !\n"; return 2; } AliTPCtrack *seed=new AliTPCtrack; seedTree->SetBranchAddress("tracks",&seed); if (fSeeds==0) fSeeds=new TObjArray(15000); Int_t n=(Int_t)seedTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetEvent(i); AliTPCseed* sdc = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(*seed/*,seed->GetAlpha()*/); sdc->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); fSeeds->AddLast(sdc); } delete seed; // RS: this seed is not from the pool, delete it !!! delete seedTree; savedir->cd(); return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::Clusters2TracksHLT (AliESDEvent *const esd, const AliESDEvent *hltEvent) { // // clusters to tracks if (fSeeds) DeleteSeeds(); else ResetSeedsPool(); fEvent = esd; fEventHLT = hltEvent; AliTPCTransform *transform = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform() ; transform->SetCurrentTimeStamp( esd->GetTimeStamp()); transform->SetCurrentRun(esd->GetRunNumber()); Clusters2Tracks(); fEventHLT = 0; if (!fSeeds) return 1; FillESD(fSeeds); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>3) DumpClusters(0,fSeeds); return 0; // } Int_t AliTPCtracker::Clusters2Tracks(AliESDEvent *const esd) { // // clusters to tracks return Clusters2TracksHLT( esd, 0); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtracker::Clusters2Tracks() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This is a track finder. //----------------------------------------------------------------- TDirectory *savedir=gDirectory; TStopwatch timer; fIteration = 0; fSeeds = Tracking(); if (fDebug>0){ Info("Clusters2Tracks","Time for tracking: \t");timer.Print();timer.Start(); } //activate again some tracks for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliTPCseed *pt=(AliTPCseed*)fSeeds->UncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<20) { MarkSeedFree( fSeeds->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } CookLabel(pt,0.1); if (pt->GetRemoval()==10) { if (pt->GetDensityFirst(20)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(30)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(40)>0.7) pt->Desactivate(10); // make track again active // MvL: should be 0 ? else{ pt->Desactivate(20); MarkSeedFree( fSeeds->RemoveAt(i) ); } } } // RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.85,0.85,0); if (AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetDoKinks()) FindKinks(fSeeds,fEvent); //FindCurling(fSeeds, fEvent,0); if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) FindMultiMC(fSeeds, fEvent,-1); // find multi found tracks RemoveUsed2(fSeeds,0.5,0.4,20); FindSplitted(fSeeds, fEvent,0); // find multi found tracks if (AliTPCReconstructor::StreamLevel()>5) FindMultiMC(fSeeds, fEvent,0); // find multi found tracks // // // // refit short tracks // // Int_t nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); // Int_t found = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<15) { MarkSeedFree( fSeeds->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } CookLabel(pt,0.1); //For comparison only //if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )&& nc>50 &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>0.4*pt->fNFoundable){ if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->GetRemoval()==10) )){ found++; if (fDebug>0) cerr<SetLab2(i); } else MarkSeedFree( fSeeds->RemoveAt(i) ); } //RemoveOverlap(fSeeds,0.99,7,kTRUE); SignShared(fSeeds); //RemoveUsed(fSeeds,0.9,0.9,6); // nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); found = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<15) { MarkSeedFree( fSeeds->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } t.SetUniqueID(i); t.CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); // CheckKinkPoint(&t,0.05); //if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )&& nc>50 &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>0.4*pt->fNFoundable){ if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->GetRemoval()==10) )){ found++; if (fDebug>0){ cerr<SetLab2(i); } else MarkSeedFree( fSeeds->RemoveAt(i) ); //AliTPCseed * seed1 = ReSeed(pt,0.05,0.5,1); //if (seed1){ // FollowProlongation(*seed1,0); // Int_t n = seed1->GetNumberOfClusters(); // printf("fP4\t%f\t%f\n",seed1->GetC(),pt->GetC()); // printf("fN\t%d\t%d\n", seed1->GetNumberOfClusters(),pt->GetNumberOfClusters()); // //} //AliTPCseed * seed2 = ReSeed(pt,0.95,0.5,0.05); } SortTracks(fSeeds, 1); /* fIteration = 1; PrepareForBackProlongation(fSeeds,5.); PropagateBack(fSeeds); printf("Time for back propagation: \t");timer.Print();timer.Start(); fIteration = 2; PrepareForProlongation(fSeeds,5.); PropagateForard2(fSeeds); printf("Time for FORWARD propagation: \t");timer.Print();timer.Start(); // RemoveUsed(fSeeds,0.7,0.7,6); //RemoveOverlap(fSeeds,0.9,7,kTRUE); nseed=fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); found = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; Int_t nc=t.GetNumberOfClusters(); if (nc<15) { MarkSeedFree( fSeeds->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } t.CookdEdx(0.02,0.6); // CookLabel(pt,0.1); //For comparison only //if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )&& nc>50 &&pt->GetNumberOfClusters()>0.4*pt->fNFoundable){ if ((pt->IsActive() || (pt->fRemoval==10) )){ cerr<RemoveAt(i) ); pt->fLab2 = i; } */ // fNTracks = found; if (fDebug>0){ Info("Clusters2Tracks","Time for overlap removal, track writing and dedx cooking: \t"); timer.Print();timer.Start(); } // // cerr<<"Number of found tracks : "<<"\t"<cd(); // UnloadClusters(); // return 0; } void AliTPCtracker::Tracking(TObjArray * arr) { // // tracking of the seeds // fSectors = fOuterSec; ParallelTracking(arr,150,63); fSectors = fOuterSec; ParallelTracking(arr,63,0); } TObjArray * AliTPCtracker::Tracking(Int_t seedtype, Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Float_t cuts[4], Float_t dy, Int_t dsec) { // // //tracking routine static TObjArray arrTracks; TObjArray * arr = &arrTracks; // fSectors = fOuterSec; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); for (Int_t sec=0;sec0){ Info("Tracking","\nSeeding - %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",seedtype,i1,i2,arr->GetEntriesFast()); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); } Tracking(arr); if (fDebug>0){ timer.Print(); } return arr; } TObjArray * AliTPCtracker::Tracking() { // tracking // if (AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetSpecialSeeding()) return TrackingSpecial(); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t nup=fOuterSec->GetNRows()+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); TObjArray * seeds = new TObjArray; TObjArray * arr=0; Int_t fLastSeedRowSec=AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetLastSeedRowSec(); Int_t gapPrim = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetSeedGapPrim(); Int_t gapSec = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetSeedGapSec(); Int_t gap =20; Float_t cuts[4]; cuts[0] = 0.002; cuts[1] = 1.5; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 3.; Float_t fnumber = 3.0; Float_t fdensity = 3.0; // make HLT seeds if (AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetUseHLTPreSeeding()) { arr = MakeSeedsHLT( fEventHLT ); if( arr ){ SumTracks(seeds,arr); delete arr; arr=0; //cout<<"HLT tracks left after sorting: "<GetEntriesFast()<0){ Info("Tracking()","\n\nPrimary seeding\t%d\n\n",seeds->GetEntriesFast()); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); } // RemoveUsed(seeds,0.75,0.75,1); //UnsignClusters(); //SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // find secondaries cuts[0] = 0.3; cuts[1] = 1.5; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 1.5; arr = Tracking(4,nup-1,nup-1-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-2,nup-2-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-3,nup-3-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-5,nup-5-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-7,nup-7-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // // arr = Tracking(4,nup-9,nup-9-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // for (Int_t delta = 9; delta<30; delta+=gapSec){ // cuts[0] = 0.3; cuts[1] = 1.5; cuts[2] = 3.; cuts[3] = 1.5; arr = Tracking(4,nup-1-delta,nup-1-delta-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // arr = Tracking(4,nup-3-delta,nup-5-delta-gap,cuts,4); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); // } fnumber = 1; fdensity = 1; // // change cuts fnumber = 2.; fdensity = 2.; cuts[0]=0.0080; // find secondaries for (Int_t delta = 30; delta0){ Info("Tracking()","\n\nSecondary seeding\t%d\n\n",seeds->GetEntriesFast()); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); } return seeds; // } TObjArray * AliTPCtracker::TrackingSpecial() { // // seeding adjusted for laser and cosmic tests - short tracks with big inclination angle // no primary vertex seeding tried // TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); Int_t nup=fOuterSec->GetNRows()+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); TObjArray * seeds = new TObjArray; TObjArray * arr=0; Int_t gap = 15; Float_t cuts[4]; Float_t fnumber = 3.0; Float_t fdensity = 3.0; // find secondaries cuts[0] = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetMaxC(); // max curvature cuts[1] = 3.5; // max tan(phi) angle for seeding cuts[2] = 3.; // not used (cut on z primary vertex) cuts[3] = 3.5; // max tan(theta) angle for seeding for (Int_t delta = 0; nup-delta-gap-1>0; delta+=3){ // arr = Tracking(4,nup-1-delta,nup-1-delta-gap,cuts,-1); SumTracks(seeds,arr); SignClusters(seeds,fnumber,fdensity); } if (fDebug>0){ Info("Tracking()","\n\nSecondary seeding\t%d\n\n",seeds->GetEntriesFast()); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); } return seeds; // } void AliTPCtracker::SumTracks(TObjArray *arr1,TObjArray *&arr2) { // //sum tracks to common container //remove suspicious tracks // RS: Attention: supplied tracks come in the static array, don't delete them Int_t nseed = arr2->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt){ // // remove tracks with too big curvature // if (TMath::Abs(pt->GetC())>AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetMaxC()){ MarkSeedFree( arr2->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } // REMOVE VERY SHORT TRACKS if (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<20){ MarkSeedFree( arr2->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; }// patch 28 fev06 // NORMAL ACTIVE TRACK if (pt->IsActive()){ arr1->AddLast(arr2->RemoveAt(i)); continue; } //remove not usable tracks if (pt->GetRemoval()!=10){ MarkSeedFree( arr2->RemoveAt(i) ); continue; } // ENABLE ONLY ENOUGH GOOD STOPPED TRACKS if (pt->GetDensityFirst(20)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(30)>0.8 || pt->GetDensityFirst(40)>0.7) arr1->AddLast(arr2->RemoveAt(i)); else{ MarkSeedFree( arr2->RemoveAt(i) ); } } } // delete arr2; arr2 = 0; // RS: this is static array, don't delete it } void AliTPCtracker::ParallelTracking(TObjArray *const arr, Int_t rfirst, Int_t rlast) { // // try to track in parralel Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); //prepare seeds for tracking for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; if (!t.IsActive()) continue; // follow prolongation to the first layer if ( (fSectors ==fInnerSec) || (t.GetFirstPoint()-fkParam->GetNRowLow()>rfirst+1) ) FollowProlongation(t, rfirst+1); } // for (Int_t nr=rfirst; nr>=rlast; nr--){ if (nrGetNRows()) fSectors = fInnerSec; else fSectors = fOuterSec; // make indexes with the cluster tracks for given // find nearest cluster for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; if (!pt) continue; if (nr==80) pt->UpdateReference(); if (!pt->IsActive()) continue; // if ( (fSectors ==fOuterSec) && (pt->fFirstPoint-fkParam->GetNRowLow())GetRelativeSector()>17) { continue; } UpdateClusters(t,nr); } // prolonagate to the nearest cluster - if founded for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!pt) continue; if (!pt->IsActive()) continue; // if ((fSectors ==fOuterSec) && (pt->fFirstPoint-fkParam->GetNRowLow())GetRelativeSector()>17) { continue; } FollowToNextCluster(*pt,nr); } } } void AliTPCtracker::PrepareForBackProlongation(const TObjArray *const arr,Float_t fac) const { // // // if we use TPC track itself we have to "update" covariance // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt) { pt->Modify(fac); // //rotate to current local system at first accepted point Int_t index = pt->GetClusterIndex2(pt->GetFirstPoint()); Int_t sec = (index&0xff000000)>>24; sec = sec%18; Float_t angle1 = fInnerSec->GetAlpha()*sec+fInnerSec->GetAlphaShift(); if (angle1>TMath::Pi()) angle1-=2.*TMath::Pi(); Float_t angle2 = pt->GetAlpha(); if (TMath::Abs(angle1-angle2)>0.001){ if (!pt->Rotate(angle1-angle2)) return; //angle2 = pt->GetAlpha(); //pt->fRelativeSector = pt->GetAlpha()/fInnerSec->GetAlpha(); //if (pt->GetAlpha()<0) // pt->fRelativeSector+=18; //sec = pt->fRelativeSector; } } } } void AliTPCtracker::PrepareForProlongation(TObjArray *const arr, Float_t fac) const { // // // if we use TPC track itself we have to "update" covariance // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt) { pt->Modify(fac); pt->SetFirstPoint(pt->GetLastPoint()); } } } Int_t AliTPCtracker::PropagateBack(const TObjArray *const arr) { // // make back propagation // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt&& pt->GetKinkIndex(0)<=0) { //AliTPCseed *pt2 = new AliTPCseed(*pt); fSectors = fInnerSec; //FollowBackProlongation(*pt,fInnerSec->GetNRows()-1); //fSectors = fOuterSec; FollowBackProlongation(*pt,fInnerSec->GetNRows()+fOuterSec->GetNRows()-1,1); //if (pt->GetNumberOfClusters()<(pt->fEsd->GetTPCclusters(0)) ){ // Error("PropagateBack","Not prolonged track %d",pt->GetLabel()); // FollowBackProlongation(*pt2,fInnerSec->GetNRows()+fOuterSec->GetNRows()-1); //} } if (pt&& pt->GetKinkIndex(0)>0) { AliESDkink * kink = fEvent->GetKink(pt->GetKinkIndex(0)-1); pt->SetFirstPoint(kink->GetTPCRow0()); fSectors = fInnerSec; FollowBackProlongation(*pt,fInnerSec->GetNRows()+fOuterSec->GetNRows()-1,1); } CookLabel(pt,0.3); } return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::PropagateForward2(const TObjArray *const arr) { // // make forward propagation // Int_t nseed= arr->GetEntriesFast(); // for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt) { FollowProlongation(*pt,0,1,1); CookLabel(pt,0.3); } } return 0; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::PropagateForward() { // // propagate track forward //UnsignClusters(); Int_t nseed = fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (pt){ AliTPCseed &t = *pt; Double_t alpha=t.GetAlpha() - fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); t.SetRelativeSector(Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN); } } fSectors = fOuterSec; ParallelTracking(fSeeds,fOuterSec->GetNRows()+fInnerSec->GetNRows()-1,fInnerSec->GetNRows()); fSectors = fInnerSec; ParallelTracking(fSeeds,fInnerSec->GetNRows()-1,0); return 1; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::PropagateBack(AliTPCseed *const pt, Int_t row0, Int_t row1) { // // make back propagation, in between row0 and row1 // if (pt) { fSectors = fInnerSec; Int_t r1; // if (row1GetNRows()) r1 = row1; else r1 = fSectors->GetNRows()-1; if (row0GetNRows()&& r1>0 ) FollowBackProlongation(*pt,r1); if (row1<=fSectors->GetNRows()) return 0; // r1 = row1 - fSectors->GetNRows(); if (r1<=0) return 0; if (r1>=fOuterSec->GetNRows()) return 0; fSectors = fOuterSec; return FollowBackProlongation(*pt,r1); } return 0; } void AliTPCtracker::GetShape(AliTPCseed * seed, Int_t row) { // gets cluster shape // AliTPCClusterParam * clparam = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); Float_t zdrift = TMath::Abs((fkParam->GetZLength(0)-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ()))); Int_t type = (seed->GetSector() < fkParam->GetNSector()/2) ? 0: (row>126) ? 1:2; Double_t angulary = seed->GetSnp(); if (TMath::Abs(angulary)>AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()) { angulary = TMath::Sign(AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker(),angulary); } angulary = angulary*angulary/((1.-angulary)*(1.+angulary)); Double_t angularz = seed->GetTgl()*seed->GetTgl()*(1.+angulary); Double_t sigmay = clparam->GetRMS0(0,type,zdrift,TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(angulary))); Double_t sigmaz = clparam->GetRMS0(1,type,zdrift,TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(angularz))); seed->SetCurrentSigmaY2(sigmay*sigmay); seed->SetCurrentSigmaZ2(sigmaz*sigmaz); // Float_t sd2 = TMath::Abs((fkParam->GetZLength(0)-TMath::Abs(seed->GetZ())))*fkParam->GetDiffL()*fkParam->GetDiffL(); // // Float_t padlength = fkParam->GetPadPitchLength(seed->fSector); // Float_t padlength = GetPadPitchLength(row); // // // Float_t sresy = (seed->GetSector() < fkParam->GetNSector()/2) ? 0.2 :0.3; // seed->SetCurrentSigmaY2(sd2+padlength*padlength*angulary/12.+sresy*sresy); // // // Float_t sresz = fkParam->GetZSigma(); // seed->SetCurrentSigmaZ2(sd2+padlength*padlength*angularz*angularz*(1+angulary)/12.+sresz*sresz); /* Float_t wy = GetSigmaY(seed); Float_t wz = GetSigmaZ(seed); wy*=wy; wz*=wz; if (TMath::Abs(wy/seed->fCurrentSigmaY2-1)>0.0001 || TMath::Abs(wz/seed->fCurrentSigmaZ2-1)>0.0001 ){ printf("problem\n"); } */ } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtracker::CookLabel(AliKalmanTrack *tk, Float_t wrong) const { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //This function "cooks" a track label. If label<0, this track is fake. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- AliTPCseed * t = dynamic_cast(tk); if(!t){ printf("%s:%d wrong type \n",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); return; } Int_t noc=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (noc<10){ //printf("\nnot founded prolongation\n\n\n"); //t->Dump(); return ; } Int_t lb[160]; Int_t mx[160]; AliTPCclusterMI *clusters[160]; // for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) { clusters[i]=0; lb[i]=mx[i]=0; } Int_t i; Int_t current=0; for (i=0; i<160 && currentGetClusterIndex2(i); if (index<=0) continue; if (index&0x8000) continue; // //clusters[current]=GetClusterMI(index); if (t->GetClusterPointer(i)){ clusters[current]=t->GetClusterPointer(i); current++; } } noc = current; Int_t lab=123456789; for (i=0; iGetLabel(0)); Int_t j; for (j=0; jmax) {max=mx[i]; lab=lb[i];} for (i=0; iGetLabel(1)) == lab || TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2)) == lab ) max++; } if (noc<=0) { lab=-1; return;} if ((1.- Float_t(max)/(noc)) > wrong) lab=-lab; else { Int_t tail=Int_t(0.10*noc); max=0; Int_t ind=0; for (i=1; i<160&&indGetLabel(0)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(1)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2))) max++; ind++; } if (max < Int_t(0.5*tail)) lab=-lab; } t->SetLabel(lab); // delete[] lb; //delete[] mx; //delete[] clusters; } //__________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtracker::CookLabel(AliTPCseed *const t, Float_t wrong,Int_t first, Int_t last) const { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //This function "cooks" a track label. If label<0, this track is fake. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t noc=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (noc<10){ //printf("\nnot founded prolongation\n\n\n"); //t->Dump(); return -1; } Int_t lb[160]; Int_t mx[160]; AliTPCclusterMI *clusters[160]; // for (Int_t i=0;i<160;i++) { clusters[i]=0; lb[i]=mx[i]=0; } Int_t i; Int_t current=0; for (i=0; i<160 && currentlast) continue; Int_t index=t->GetClusterIndex2(i); if (index<=0) continue; if (index&0x8000) continue; // //clusters[current]=GetClusterMI(index); if (t->GetClusterPointer(i)){ clusters[current]=t->GetClusterPointer(i); current++; } } noc = current; //if (noc<5) return -1; Int_t lab=123456789; for (i=0; iGetLabel(0)); Int_t j; for (j=0; jmax) {max=mx[i]; lab=lb[i];} for (i=0; iGetLabel(1)) == lab || TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2)) == lab ) max++; } if (noc<=0) { lab=-1; return -1;} if ((1.- Float_t(max)/(noc)) > wrong) lab=-lab; else { Int_t tail=Int_t(0.10*noc); max=0; Int_t ind=0; for (i=1; i<160&&indGetLabel(0)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(1)) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->GetLabel(2))) max++; ind++; } if (max < Int_t(0.5*tail)) lab=-lab; } // t->SetLabel(lab); return lab; // delete[] lb; //delete[] mx; //delete[] clusters; } Int_t AliTPCtracker::GetRowNumber(Double_t x[3]) const { //return pad row number for given x vector Float_t phi = TMath::ATan2(x[1],x[0]); if(phi<0) phi=2.*TMath::Pi()+phi; // Get the local angle in the sector philoc const Float_t kRaddeg = 180/3.14159265358979312; Float_t phiangle = (Int_t (phi*kRaddeg/20.) + 0.5)*20./kRaddeg; Double_t localx = x[0]*TMath::Cos(phiangle)-x[1]*TMath::Sin(phiangle); return GetRowNumber(localx); } void AliTPCtracker::MakeESDBitmaps(AliTPCseed *t, AliESDtrack *esd) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill the cluster and sharing bitmaps of the track //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t firstpoint = 0; Int_t lastpoint = 159; AliTPCTrackerPoint *point; AliTPCclusterMI *cluster; Int_t nclsf = 0; TBits clusterMap(159); TBits sharedMap(159); TBits fitMap(159); for (int iter=firstpoint; iterGetClusterPointer(iter); if (cluster) { clusterMap.SetBitNumber(iter, kTRUE); point = t->GetTrackPoint(iter); if (point->IsShared()) sharedMap.SetBitNumber(iter,kTRUE); } if (t->GetClusterIndex(iter) >= 0 && (t->GetClusterIndex(iter) & 0x8000) == 0) { fitMap.SetBitNumber(iter, kTRUE); nclsf++; } } esd->SetTPCClusterMap(clusterMap); esd->SetTPCSharedMap(sharedMap); esd->SetTPCFitMap(fitMap); if (nclsf != t->GetNumberOfClusters()) AliDebug(3,Form("Inconsistency between ncls %d and indices %d (found %d)",t->GetNumberOfClusters(),nclsf,esd->GetTPCClusterMap().CountBits())); } Bool_t AliTPCtracker::IsFindable(AliTPCseed & track){ // // return flag if there is findable cluster at given position // Float_t kDeltaZ=10; Float_t z = track.GetZ(); if (TMath::Abs(z)<(AliTPCReconstructor::GetCtgRange()*track.GetX()+kDeltaZ) && TMath::Abs(z)GetZLength(0) && (TMath::Abs(track.GetSnp())GetSystematicError(); // // use only the diagonal part if not specified otherwise if (!AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetUseSystematicCorrelation()) return AddCovarianceAdd(seed); // Double_t *covarS= (Double_t*)seed->GetCovariance(); Double_t factor[5]={1,1,1,1,1}; factor[0]= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs((covarS[0] + param[0]*param[0])/covarS[0])); factor[1]= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs((covarS[2] + param[1]*param[1])/covarS[2])); factor[2]= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs((covarS[5] + param[2]*param[2])/covarS[5])); factor[3]= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs((covarS[9] + param[3]*param[3])/covarS[9])); factor[4]= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs((covarS[14] +param[4]*param[4])/covarS[14])); // factor[0]=factor[2]; factor[4]=factor[2]; // 0 // 1 2 // 3 4 5 // 6 7 8 9 // 10 11 12 13 14 for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++){ for (Int_t j=i; j<5; j++){ Int_t index=seed->GetIndex(i,j); covarS[index]*=factor[i]*factor[j]; } } } void AliTPCtracker::AddCovarianceAdd(AliTPCseed * seed){ // // Adding systematic error - as additive factor without correlation // // !!!! the systematic error for element 4 is in 1/GeV // 03.03.2012 MI changed in respect to the previous versions const Double_t *param = AliTPCReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetSystematicError(); Double_t *covarIn= (Double_t*)seed->GetCovariance(); Double_t covar[15]; for (Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) covar[i]=0; // 0 // 1 2 // 3 4 5 // 6 7 8 9 // 10 11 12 13 14 covar[0] = param[0]*param[0]; covar[2] = param[1]*param[1]; covar[5] = param[2]*param[2]; covar[9] = param[3]*param[3]; covar[14]= param[4]*param[4]; // covar[1]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[0]*covar[2]))*covarIn[1]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[0]*covarIn[2])); // covar[3]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[0]*covar[5]))*covarIn[3]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[0]*covarIn[5])); covar[4]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[2]*covar[5]))*covarIn[4]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[2]*covarIn[5])); // covar[6]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[0]*covar[9]))*covarIn[6]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[0]*covarIn[9])); covar[7]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[2]*covar[9]))*covarIn[7]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[2]*covarIn[9])); covar[8]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[5]*covar[9]))*covarIn[8]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[5]*covarIn[9])); // covar[10]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[0]*covar[14]))*covarIn[10]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[0]*covarIn[14])); covar[11]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[2]*covar[14]))*covarIn[11]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[2]*covarIn[14])); covar[12]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[5]*covar[14]))*covarIn[12]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[5]*covarIn[14])); covar[13]=TMath::Sqrt((covar[9]*covar[14]))*covarIn[13]/TMath::Sqrt((covarIn[9]*covarIn[14])); // seed->AddCovariance(covar); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCtracker::IsTPCHVDipEvent(AliESDEvent const *esdEvent) { // // check events affected by TPC HV dip // if(!esdEvent) return kFALSE; // Init TPC OCDB AliTPCcalibDB *db=AliTPCcalibDB::Instance(); if(!db) return kFALSE; db->SetRun(esdEvent->GetRunNumber()); // maximum allowed voltage before an event is identified as a dip event // and scanning period const Double_t kTPCHVdip = db->GetParameters()->GetMaxDipVoltage(); const Double_t dipEventScanPeriod = db->GetParameters()->GetVoltageDipScanPeriod(); const Double_t tevSec = esdEvent->GetTimeStamp(); for(Int_t sector=0; sector<72; sector++) { // don't use excluded chambers, since the state is not defined at all if (!db->GetChamberHVStatus(sector)) continue; // get hv sensor of the chamber AliDCSSensor *sensor = db->GetChamberHVSensor(sector); if (!sensor) continue; TGraph *grSensor=sensor->GetGraph(); if (!grSensor) continue; if (grSensor->GetN()<1) continue; // get median const Double_t median = db->GetChamberHighVoltageMedian(sector); if(median < 1.) continue; for (Int_t ipoint=0; ipointGetN()-1; ++ipoint){ Double_t nextTime=grSensor->GetX()[ipoint+1]*3600+sensor->GetStartTime(); if (tevSec-dipEventScanPeriod>nextTime) continue; const Float_t deltaV=TMath::Abs(grSensor->GetY()[ipoint]-median); if (deltaV>kTPCHVdip) { AliDebug(3,Form("HV dip detected in ROC '%02d' with dV '%.2f' at time stamp '%.0f'",sector,deltaV,tevSec)); return kTRUE; } if (nextTime>tevSec+dipEventScanPeriod) break; } } return kFALSE; } //________________________________________ void AliTPCtracker::MarkSeedFree(TObject *sd) { // account that this seed is "deleted" AliTPCseed* seed = dynamic_cast(sd); if (!seed) { AliError(Form("Freeing of non-AliTPCseed %p from the pool is requested",sd)); return; } int id = seed->GetPoolID(); if (id<0) { AliError(Form("Freeing of seed %p NOT from the pool is requested",sd)); return; } // AliInfo(Form("%d %p",id, seed)); fSeedsPool->RemoveAt(id); if (fFreeSeedsID.GetSize()<=fNFreeSeeds) fFreeSeedsID.Set( 2*fNFreeSeeds + 100 ); fFreeSeedsID.GetArray()[fNFreeSeeds++] = id; } //________________________________________ TObject *&AliTPCtracker::NextFreeSeed() { // return next free slot where the seed can be created fLastSeedID = fNFreeSeeds ? fFreeSeedsID.GetArray()[--fNFreeSeeds] : fSeedsPool->GetEntriesFast(); // AliInfo(Form("%d",fLastSeedID)); return (*fSeedsPool)[ fLastSeedID ]; // } //________________________________________ void AliTPCtracker::ResetSeedsPool() { // mark all seeds in the pool as unused AliInfo(Form("CurrentSize: %d, BookedUpTo: %d, free: %d",fSeedsPool->GetSize(),fSeedsPool->GetEntriesFast(),fNFreeSeeds)); fNFreeSeeds = 0; fSeedsPool->Clear("C"); // RS: nominally the seeds may allocate memory... } Int_t AliTPCtracker::PropagateToRowHLT(AliTPCseed *pt, int nrow) { AliTPCseed &t=*pt; Double_t x= GetXrow(nrow); Double_t ymax= GetMaxY(nrow); Int_t rotate = 0; Int_t nRotations=0; int ret = 1; do{ rotate = 0; if (!t.PropagateTo(x) ){ //cout<<"can't propagate to row "< "< ymax ) { if( rotate!=-1 ) rotate=1; } else if (y <-ymax) { if( rotate!=1 ) rotate = -1; } if( rotate==0 ) break; //cout<<"rotate at row "<GetAlpha() :-fSectors->GetAlpha())) { //cout<<"can't rotate "<=fN ) newSec-=fN; else if( newSec<0 ) newSec +=fN; //cout<<"rotate at row "< "<GetNRows()+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); fSectors=fInnerSec; Int_t nseed=arr->GetEntriesFast(); //cout<<"Parallel tracking My.."<UncheckedAt(iSeed)); if (!pt) continue; AliTPCseed &t=*pt; //cout <<"Pt "<GetNRows() ) fSectors=fInnerSec; else fSectors=fOuterSec; if( !PropagateToRowHLT(&t0, nr ) ){ break; } if (TMath::Abs(t0.GetSnp())>AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()){ //cout<<"Snp is too big: "<GetY()-t0.GetY(); double dz = cl->GetZ()-t0.GetZ(); double dr = sqrt(dy*dy+dz*dz); if( dr>roadr ){ //cout<<"row "<nr ) t0.SetFirstPoint(nr); t0.SetLastPoint(nr); nClusters++; } } if( nClusters <3 ){ //cout<<"NOT ENOUGTH CLUSTERS: "<=fInnerSec->GetNRows()){ lr = nr - fInnerSec->GetNRows(); fSectors=fOuterSec; } else fSectors=fInnerSec; AliTPCclusterMI *cl=t0.GetClusterPointer(nr); if(!cl){ //cout<<"WRONG!!!!"<GetDetector() %fkNIS; int rotate = iSec - t.GetRelativeSector(); if( rotate!=0 ){ //cout<<"Rotate at row"<GetAlpha()) ) { //cout<<"can't rotate "<GetX(); if (!t.PropagateTo(x)){ //cout<<"can't propagate to x="<AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()){ //cout<<"Snp is too big: "<=t0.GetFirstPoint(); nr-- ){ int lr=nr; if( nr>=fInnerSec->GetNRows()){ lr = nr - fInnerSec->GetNRows(); fSectors=fOuterSec; } else fSectors=fInnerSec; if(1|| iter<2 ){ if( nr == basePoints[0] ) continue; if( nr == basePoints[1] ) continue; if( nr == basePoints[2] ) continue; } AliTPCclusterMI *cl=t0.GetClusterPointer(nr); if(!cl) continue; int iSec = cl->GetDetector() %fkNIS; int rotate = iSec - t.GetRelativeSector(); if( rotate!=0 ){ //cout<<"Rotate at row"<GetAlpha()) ) { //cout<<"can't rotate "<GetX(); if (!t.PropagateTo(x)){ //cout<<"can't propagate to x="<AliTPCReconstructor::GetMaxSnpTracker()){ //cout<<"Snp is too big: "<GetNumberOfTracks(); AliInfo(Form("Using %d HLT tracks for seeding",nentr)); TObjArray * seeds = new TObjArray(nentr); Int_t nup=fOuterSec->GetNRows()+fInnerSec->GetNRows(); Int_t index = 0; Int_t nTr=hltEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); for( int itr=0; itrGetTrack(itr)->GetTPCInnerParam(); if( !param ) continue; //if( TMath::Abs(esdTr->GetSigned1Pt())>1 ) continue; //if( TMath::Abs(esdTr->GetTgl())>1. ) continue; AliTPCtrack tr; tr.Set(param->GetX(),param->GetAlpha(),param->GetParameter(),param->GetCovariance()); tr.SetNumberOfClusters(0); AliTPCseed * seed = new( NextFreeSeed() ) AliTPCseed(tr); Double_t alpha=seed->GetAlpha();// - fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); // seed->SetRelativeSector(Int_t(alpha/fSectors->GetAlpha()+0.0001)%fN); Double_t alphaSec = fSectors->GetAlpha() * seed->GetRelativeSector() + fSectors->GetAlphaShift(); if (alphaSec >= TMath::Pi()) alphaSec -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alphaSec < -TMath::Pi()) alphaSec += 2.*TMath::Pi(); seed->Rotate(alphaSec - alpha); seed->SetPoolID(fLastSeedID); seed->SetIsSeeding(kTRUE); seed->SetSeed1(nup-1); seed->SetSeed2(nup-2); seed->SetSeedType(0); seed->SetFirstPoint(-1); seed->SetLastPoint(-1); seeds->AddLast(seed); // note, track is seed, don't free the seed index++; //if( index>3 ) break; } fSectors = fOuterSec; TrackFollowingHLT(seeds ); nTr = seeds->GetEntriesFast(); for( int itr=0; itrUncheckedAt(itr); if( !seed ) continue; //FollowBackProlongation(*seed,0); // cout<GetNumberOfClusters()<GetClusterStatistic(0,nup, found, foundable, shared, kTRUE); seed->SetNFoundable(foundable); //cout<<"found "<0.5*found ){// || (seed->GetSigmaY2()+seed->GetSigmaZ2())>0.5){ //MarkSeedFree(seeds->RemoveAt(itr)); //continue; //} if (seed->GetNumberOfClusters()<30 || seed->GetNumberOfClusters() < seed->GetNFoundable()*0.6 || seed->GetNShared()>0.4*seed->GetNumberOfClusters() ) { MarkSeedFree(seeds->RemoveAt(itr)); continue; } for( int ir=0; irGetClusterPointer(ir); if( c ) c->Use(10); } } std::cout<<"\n\nHLT tracks left: "<GetEntries()<<" out of "<GetNumberOfTracks()<(fEvent->FindListObject("AliESDfriend")); if (!esdFriend) return; for (Int_t isector=0; isector<18; isector++){ AliTPCtrackerSector &iroc = fInnerSec[isector]; AliTPCtrackerSector &oroc = fOuterSec[isector]; //all clusters esdFriend->SetNclustersTPC(isector, iroc.GetNClInSector(0)); esdFriend->SetNclustersTPC(isector+18,iroc.GetNClInSector(1)); esdFriend->SetNclustersTPC(isector+36,oroc.GetNClInSector(0)); esdFriend->SetNclustersTPC(isector+54,oroc.GetNClInSector(1)); //clusters used in tracking esdFriend->SetNclustersTPCused(isector, iroc.GetNClUsedInSector(0)); esdFriend->SetNclustersTPCused(isector+18, iroc.GetNClUsedInSector(1)); esdFriend->SetNclustersTPCused(isector+36, oroc.GetNClUsedInSector(0)); esdFriend->SetNclustersTPCused(isector+54, oroc.GetNClUsedInSector(1)); } }