/* TPC DA for online calibration Contact: Haavard.Helstrup@cern.ch Link: Run Type: CALIBRATION_PULSER DA Type: LDC Number of events needed: 100 Input Files: Output Files: tpcPulser.root, to be exported to the DAQ FXS fileId: pulser Trigger types used: CALIBRATION_EVENT */ /* TPCda_pulser.cxx - calibration algorithm for TPC pulser events 10/06/2007 sylvain.chapeland@cern.ch : first version - clean skeleton based on DAQ DA case1 30/09/2007 haavard.helstrup@cern.ch : created pulser DA based on pedestal code 19/09/2008 J.Wiechula@gsi.de: Added export of the calibration data to the AMORE data base. Added support for configuration files. 23/04/2011 Christian.Lippmann@cern.ch : Added output of acsii files for online contact: marian.ivanov@cern.ch This process reads RAW data from the files provided as command line arguments and save results in a file (named from RESULT_FILE define - see below). */ #define RESULT_FILE "tpcPulser.root" #define FILE_ID "pulser" #define MAPPING_FILE "tpcMapping.root" #define CONFIG_FILE "TPCPULSERda.conf" #define Q_FILE "tpcPulserQ.data" #define DEAD_FILE "tpcDeadChannelsPulser.data" #define AliDebugLevel() -1 #include #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include #include #include // //Root includes // #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TDatime.h" // //AliRoot includes // #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliTPCmapper.h" #include "AliTPCRawStream.h" #include "AliTPCROC.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include "AliTPCCalPad.h" #include "AliMathBase.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "AliTPCConfigDA.h" // //AMORE // #include // // TPC calibration algorithm includes // #include "AliTPCCalibPulser.h" /* Main routine Arguments: list of DATE raw data files */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* log start of process */ printf("TPC Pulser DA started - %s\n",__FILE__); if (argc<2) { printf("Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTPCRawStream",-5); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliRawReaderDate",-5); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTPCAltroMapping",-5); AliLog::SetModuleDebugLevel("RAW",-5); gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); TString daterolename(gSystem->Getenv("DATE_ROLE_NAME")); if ( daterolename == "" ) { printf("Error: Variable DATE_ROLE_NAME not defined! Exiting ...\n"); return -1; } bool inner; if ( daterolename.EndsWith("-0") ) inner = true; else if ( daterolename.EndsWith("-1") ) inner = false; else { printf("Error: Variable DATE_ROLE_NAME neither ends with -0 nor -1 (E.g. ldc-TPC-C12-1)! Exiting ...\n"); return -1; } /* declare monitoring program */ int i,status; status=monitorDeclareMp( __FILE__ ); if (status!=0) { printf("monitorDeclareMp() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } // variables AliTPCmapper *mapping = 0; // The TPC mapping char localfile[255]; unsigned long32 runNb=0; //run number // configuration options Bool_t fastDecoding = kFALSE; // if test setup get parameters from $DAQDA_TEST_DIR if (!mapping){ /* copy locally the mapping file from daq detector config db */ sprintf(localfile,"./%s",MAPPING_FILE); status = daqDA_DB_getFile(MAPPING_FILE,localfile); if (status) { printf("Failed to get mapping file (%s) from DAQdetDB, status=%d\n", MAPPING_FILE, status); return -1; } /* open the mapping file and retrieve mapping object */ TFile *fileMapping = new TFile(MAPPING_FILE, "read"); mapping = (AliTPCmapper*) fileMapping->Get("tpcMapping"); delete fileMapping; } if (mapping == 0) { printf("Failed to get mapping object from %s. ...\n", MAPPING_FILE); return -1; } else { printf("Got mapping object from %s\n", MAPPING_FILE); } // // DA configuration from configuration file // //retrieve configuration file sprintf(localfile,"./%s",CONFIG_FILE); status = daqDA_DB_getFile(CONFIG_FILE,localfile); if (status) { printf("Failed to get configuration file (%s) from DAQdetDB, status=%d\n", CONFIG_FILE, status); return -1; } AliTPCConfigDA config(CONFIG_FILE); // check configuration options if ( (Int_t)config.GetValue("UseFastDecoder") == 1 ) { printf("Info: The fast decoder will be used for the processing.\n"); fastDecoding=kTRUE; } // create calibration object AliTPCCalibPulser calibPulser(config.GetConfigurationMap()); // pulser calibration algorithm calibPulser.SetAltroMapping(mapping->GetAltroMapping()); // Use altro mapping we got from daqDetDb //===========================// // loop over RAW data files // //==========================// int nevents=0; for(i=1;ieventRunNb; // Pulser calibration calibPulser.ProcessEvent(event); /* free resources */ free(event); } } // // Analyse pulser data and write them to rootfile // calibPulser.Analyse(); printf ("%d events processed\n",nevents); TFile * fileTPC = new TFile (RESULT_FILE,"recreate"); calibPulser.Write("tpcCalibPulser"); delete fileTPC; printf("Wrote %s\n",RESULT_FILE); /* store the result file on FES */ status=daqDA_FES_storeFile(RESULT_FILE,FILE_ID); if (status) { status = -2; } // //Send objects to the AMORE DB // printf ("AMORE part\n"); const char *amoreDANameorig=gSystem->Getenv("AMORE_DA_NAME"); //cheet a little -- temporary solution (hopefully) // //currently amoreDA uses the environment variable AMORE_DA_NAME to create the mysql //table in which the calib objects are stored. This table is dropped each time AmoreDA //is initialised. This of course makes a problem if we would like to store different //calibration entries in the AMORE DB. Therefore in each DA which writes to the AMORE DB //the AMORE_DA_NAME env variable is overwritten. //find processed sector Char_t sideName='A'; Int_t sector = -1; for ( Int_t roc = 0; roc < 72; roc++ ) { if ( !calibPulser.GetCalRocT0(roc) ) continue; if (mapping->GetSideFromRoc(roc)==1) sideName='C'; sector = mapping->GetSectorFromRoc(roc); } //gSystem->Setenv("AMORE_DA_NAME",Form("TPC-%c%02d-%s",sideName,sector,FILE_ID)); gSystem->Setenv("AMORE_DA_NAME",Form("%s-%s", gSystem->Getenv("DATE_ROLE_NAME"), FILE_ID)); // // end cheet if (sector>-1){ TDatime time; TObjString info(Form("Run: %u; Date: %s",runNb,time.AsSQLString())); amore::da::AmoreDA amoreDA(amore::da::AmoreDA::kSender); Int_t statusDA=0; statusDA+=amoreDA.Send("PulserT0",calibPulser.GetCalPadT0()); statusDA+=amoreDA.Send("PulserQ",calibPulser.GetCalPadQ()); statusDA+=amoreDA.Send("PulserRMS",calibPulser.GetCalPadRMS()); statusDA+=amoreDA.Send("arrayTmean",calibPulser.GetMeanTimeSectorArray()); statusDA+=amoreDA.Send("Info",&info); if ( statusDA!=0 ) printf("Waring: Failed to write one of the calib objects to the AMORE database\n"); } else { printf("Waring: No data found!\n"); } // reset env var if (amoreDANameorig) gSystem->Setenv("AMORE_DA_NAME",amoreDANameorig); // // Now prepare ASCII files for local ALTRO configuration through DDL. // ofstream deadchannelfile; ofstream qfile; qfile.open(Q_FILE); deadchannelfile.open(DEAD_FILE); qfile << 19 << std::endl; // Pulser Q deadchannelfile << 14 << std::endl; // Mark file to contain NOISY or DEAD CHANNELS Int_t ctr_channel = 0; Int_t ctr_dead= 0; // inner==true : calROC from ldc-0 contains: rcus 0,1 for IROC and rcu 2 for OROC // inner==false: calROC from ldc-1 contains: nothingfor IROC and rcus 3,4,5 for OROC for ( Int_t roc = 0; roc < 72; roc++ ) { if ( !calibPulser.GetCalRocQ(roc) ) continue; bool isIROC= mapping->IsIROC(roc); Int_t side = mapping->GetSideFromRoc(roc); Int_t sec= mapping->GetSectorFromRoc(roc); Int_t minrcu, maxrcu; if( isIROC ) { minrcu=0; maxrcu=1; } else if ( inner) { minrcu=2; maxrcu=2; } else { minrcu=3; maxrcu=5; } for ( int rcu = minrcu; rcu <= maxrcu; rcu++ ) { //Int_t patch = mapping->IsIROC(roc) ? rcu : rcu+2; for ( int branch = 0; branch < 2; branch++ ) { for ( int fec = 0; fec < mapping->GetNfec(rcu, branch); fec++ ) { for ( int altro = 0; altro < 8; altro++ ) { for ( int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++ ) { Int_t hwadd = mapping->CodeHWAddress(branch, fec, altro, channel); Int_t row = mapping->GetPadRow(rcu, hwadd); // row in a ROC Int_t globalrow = mapping->GetGlobalPadRow(rcu, hwadd); // row in full sector Int_t pad = mapping->GetPad(rcu, hwadd); // skip edge pads if ( (pad<1) || (pad>mapping->GetNpads(globalrow)-2) ) continue; Float_t Q = calibPulser.GetCalRocQ(roc)->GetValue(row,pad); qfile << ctr_channel++ << "\t" << side << "\t" << sec << "\t" << rcu << "\t" << hwadd << "\t" << Q << std::endl; if ( fabs(Q) < 2) { // dead channel deadchannelfile << ctr_dead++ << "\t" << side << "\t" << sec << "\t" << rcu << "\t" << hwadd << "\t" << Q << std::endl; } } // end channel for loop } // end altro for loop } // end fec for loop } // end branch for loop } // end rcu for loop } // end roc loop qfile.close(); deadchannelfile.close(); printf("Wrote ASCII file. Found %d dead channels.\n", ctr_dead); return status; }