#ifdef __CINT__ /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ #pragma link off all globals; #pragma link off all classes; #pragma link off all functions; #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibBase+; // Base class for all calibration using tracks #pragma link C++ class AliTPCAnalysisTaskcalib+; // Task for processing TPC calibration, contains arrays of AliTPCcalibBase #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibTracks+; // Histogram cluster to track residuals in order to get clustershape and cluster error paramterization // Results go to AliTPCClusterParam --- clean up #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibTracksCuts+; // Specify input (cuts)for AliTPCcalibTracks and AliTPCcalibTracksGain #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibTracksGain+; // Get gain calibration per pad --- clean up #pragma link C++ class AliTPCFitPad+; // Helper class (fitting) for the above // Duplicted also (most probably) AliTPCCalPad --- to be cleaned up #pragma link C++ class AliTPCCalPadRegion+; // Helper class (fitting) for the above // Duplicted also (most probably) AliTPCCalPad --- to be cleaned up #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibCalib+; // Re-applying calib on cluster level - refitting of the tracks #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibAlign+; // (Sector)-alignment calibration // Histogram cluster to track residuals in order to create later on distortion maps // --- update documentation (current documentation is obsolete) #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibV0+; // Used for filtering of V0s --- to be removed later #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibCosmic+; // Used for filtering of Cosmics --- to be removed later #pragma link C++ class AliTPCCalibKr+; // Krypton calibration #pragma link C++ class AliTPCCalibKrTask+; // Analysis task for Krypton calibration #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibLaser+; // Histograms residuals of clusters to ideal laser tracks #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibTime+; // Calibrates v_Drift + Histograms residuals of track extrapolations to outer detectors // output is used in OCDB object TPC/Calib/TimeDrift #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibTimeGain+; // gas gain calibartion and multiplicity correction, normalizing the MIP - per padregion and sector // output is used in OCDB object TPC/Calib/TimeGain #pragma link C++ class AliTPCMisAligner+; // remove --- after checking with Raffaele Grosso // documentation needed #pragma link C++ class AliTPCPreprocessorOffline+; // Proccess output of calibration and create OCDB entry #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibGainMult+; // Not used for the moment / contains 'new' dE/dx algorithm #pragma link C++ class AliTPCCorrectionFit; // Fitting Methods for space-point calibration classes #pragma link C++ class AliTPCkalmanAlign+; // Combines relative alignment with global alignmet // --- move functionality to AliTPCCorrectionFit #pragma link C++ class AliTPCcalibSummary; // Tree creation of calibration parameters #pragma link C++ class AliAnalysisTaskPt+; #endif