#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliToyMCTrack.h" #include "AliToyMCEvent.h" #include "AliToyMCReconstruction.h" /* */ //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliToyMCReconstruction::AliToyMCReconstruction() : TObject() , fSeedingRow(140) , fSeedingDist(10) , fClusterType(0) , fCorrectionType(kNoCorrection) , fDoTrackFit(kTRUE) , fUseMaterial(kFALSE) , fIdealTracking(kFALSE) , fNmaxEvents(-1) , fTime0(-1) , fCreateT0seed(kFALSE) , fLongT0seed(kTRUE) , fFillClusterRes(kFALSE) , fUseT0list(kTRUE) , fForceAlpha(kFALSE) , fStreamer(0x0) , fInputFile(0x0) , fTree(0x0) , fEvent(0x0) , fTPCParam(0x0) , fTPCCorrection(0x0) , fkNSectorInner(18) // hard-coded to avoid loading the parameters before , fInnerSectorArray(0x0) , fkNSectorOuter(18) // hard-coded to avoid loading the parameters before , fOuterSectorArray(0x0) , fAllClusters("AliTPCclusterMI",10000) , fMapTrackEvent(10000) , fMapTrackTrackInEvent(10000) , fIsAC(kFALSE) { // // ctor // fTPCParam=AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliToyMCReconstruction::~AliToyMCReconstruction() { // // dtor // Cleanup(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::RunReco(const char* file, Int_t nmaxEv) { // // Recostruction from associated clusters // ConnectInputFile(file, nmaxEv); if (!fTree) return; Int_t maxev=fTree->GetEntries(); if (nmaxEv>0&&nmaxEvcd(); static AliExternalTrackParam resetParam; AliExternalTrackParam t0seed; AliExternalTrackParam seed; AliExternalTrackParam track; AliExternalTrackParam tOrig; // at ITS AliExternalTrackParam tOrigITS; // ideal track AliExternalTrackParam tRealITS; // ITS track with realistic space point resolution AliExternalTrackParam trackITS; // TPC refitted track //between TPC inner wall and ITS AliExternalTrackParam tOrigITS1; AliExternalTrackParam tRealITS1; AliExternalTrackParam trackITS1; //at TPC inner wall AliExternalTrackParam tOrigITS2; AliExternalTrackParam tRealITS2; AliExternalTrackParam trackITS2; AliExternalTrackParam *dummy; // prepare list of T0s TVectorF t0list(fTree->GetEntries()); if (fUseT0list) { for (Int_t iev=0; ievGetEvent(iev); const Float_t t0=fEvent->GetT0(); t0list[iev]=t0; } } // array with cluster residuals TClonesArray *arrClustRes=0x0; if (fFillClusterRes){ arrClustRes=new TClonesArray("AliTPCclusterMI",160); } const Double_t lastLayerITS = 43.0; // same as in AliToyMCEventGenerator::MakeITSClusters (hard coded) const Double_t iFCRadius = 83.5; //radius constants found in AliTPCCorrection.cxx const Double_t betweeTPCITS = (lastLayerITS+iFCRadius)/2.; // its track propgated to inner TPC wall const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); Double_t lastT0=0; for (Int_t iev=0; ievGetEvent(iev); Float_t z0=fEvent->GetZ(); Float_t t0=fEvent->GetT0(); for (Int_t itr=0; itrGetNumberOfTracks(); ++itr){ // printf(" > ====== Processing Track %6d ======== \n",itr); const AliToyMCTrack *tr=fEvent->GetTrack(itr); tOrig = *tr; // ideal track propagated to ITS reference points tOrigITS = *tr; tOrigITS1 = *tr; tOrigITS2 = *tr; // propagate original track to ITS comparison points AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&tOrigITS, lastLayerITS,kMass,1,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&tOrigITS1,betweeTPCITS,kMass,1,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&tOrigITS2,iFCRadius, kMass,1,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); // realistic ITS track propagated to reference points tRealITS = resetParam; tRealITS1 = resetParam; tRealITS2 = resetParam; dummy = GetTrackRefit(tr,kITS); if (dummy){ tRealITS = *dummy; tRealITS1 = *dummy; tRealITS2 = *dummy; // propagate realistic track to ITS comparison points AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&tRealITS, lastLayerITS,kMass,1,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&tRealITS1,betweeTPCITS,kMass,1,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&tRealITS2,iFCRadius, kMass,1,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); // delete dummy; dummy=0x0; } // resetParam t0seed = resetParam; seed = resetParam; track = resetParam; trackITS = resetParam; trackITS1 = resetParam; trackITS2 = resetParam; Float_t vDrift=GetVDrift(); Float_t zLength=GetZLength(0); // crate time0 seed, steered by fCreateT0seed // printf("t0 seed\n"); fTime0=-1.; fCreateT0seed=kTRUE; dummy = GetSeedFromTrack(tr); if (dummy) { t0seed = *dummy; delete dummy; // Long seed if (fLongT0seed){ dummy = GetFittedTrackFromSeed(tr,&t0seed); t0seed = *dummy; delete dummy; } // set the T0 from the seed // in case the match with the real T0 infor is requested, find the // closes T0 from the list of T0s fTime0 = t0seed.GetZ()-zLength/vDrift; if (fUseT0list) { fTime0 = FindClosestT0(t0list, fTime0); } // create real seed using the time 0 from the first seed // set fCreateT0seed now to false to get the seed in z coordinates fCreateT0seed = kFALSE; // printf("seed (%.2g)\n",fTime0); dummy = GetSeedFromTrack(tr); if (dummy) { seed = *dummy; delete dummy; // create fitted track if (fDoTrackFit){ // printf("track\n"); dummy = GetFittedTrackFromSeed(tr, &seed, arrClustRes); track = *dummy; delete dummy; } // Copy original track and fitted track // for extrapolation to ITS last layer trackITS = track; trackITS1 = track; trackITS2 = track; // propagate seed to 0 AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&seed,0,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); // // ITS comparison // // rotate fitted track to the frame of the original track and propagate to same reference AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS,lastLayerITS,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); trackITS.Rotate(tOrigITS.GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS,lastLayerITS,kMass,1,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); // rotate fitted track to the frame of the original track and propagate to same reference AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS1,betweeTPCITS,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); trackITS1.Rotate(tOrigITS1.GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS1,betweeTPCITS,kMass,1,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); // rotate fitted track to the frame of the original track and propagate to same reference AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS2,iFCRadius,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); trackITS2.Rotate(tOrigITS2.GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS2,iFCRadius,kMass,1,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); } } Int_t ctype(fCorrectionType); if (fStreamer) { (*fStreamer) << "Tracks" << "iev=" << iev << "z0=" << z0 << "t0=" << t0 << "lastt0=" << lastT0 << "fTime0=" << fTime0 << "itr=" << itr << "clsType=" << fClusterType << "corrType=" << ctype << "seedRow=" << fSeedingRow << "seedDist=" << fSeedingDist << "vDrift=" << vDrift << "zLength=" << zLength << "t0seed.=" << &t0seed << "seed.=" << &seed << "tOrig.=" << &tOrig << "track.=" << &track << // ITS match "tOrigITS.=" << &tOrigITS << "tOrigITS1.=" << &tOrigITS1 << "tOrigITS2.=" << &tOrigITS2 << "tRealITS.=" << &tRealITS << "tRealITS1.=" << &tRealITS1 << "tRealITS2.=" << &tRealITS2 << "trackITS.=" << &trackITS << "trackITS1.=" << &trackITS1 << "trackITS2.=" << &trackITS2; if (arrClustRes) { const Int_t nCl=arrClustRes->GetEntriesFast(); // fracktion of outliers from track extrapolation // for 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 sigma of the cluster resolution (~1mm) Float_t fracY[5]={0.}; Float_t fracZ[5]={0.}; for (Int_t icl=0; icl(arrClustRes->At(icl)); const Float_t sigmaY=TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaY2()); const Float_t sigmaZ=TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaZ2()); for (Int_t inSig=0; inSig<5; ++inSig) { fracY[inSig] += cl->GetY()>(1+inSig*.5)*sigmaY; fracZ[inSig] += cl->GetZ()>(1+inSig*.5)*sigmaZ; } } if (nCl>0) { for (Int_t inSig=0; inSig<5; ++inSig) { fracY[inSig]/=nCl; fracZ[inSig]/=nCl; } } (*fStreamer) << "Tracks" << "clustRes.=" << arrClustRes; for (Int_t inSig=0; inSig<5; ++inSig) { const char* fracYname=Form("clFracY%02d=", 10+inSig*5); const char* fracZname=Form("clFracZ%02d=", 10+inSig*5); (*fStreamer) << "Tracks" << fracYname << fracY[inSig] << fracZname << fracZ[inSig]; } } (*fStreamer) << "Tracks" << "\n"; } } lastT0=t0; } delete arrClustRes; Cleanup(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::RunRecoAllClusters(const char* file, Int_t nmaxEv) { // // Reconstruction for seed from associated clusters, but array of clusters: // Step 1) Filling of cluster arrays // Step 2) Seeding from clusters associated to tracks // Step 3) Free track reconstruction using all clusters // TFile f(file); if (!f.IsOpen() || f.IsZombie()) { printf("ERROR: couldn't open the file '%s'\n", file); return; } fTree=(TTree*)f.Get("toyMCtree"); if (!fTree) { printf("ERROR: couldn't read the 'toyMCtree' from file '%s'\n", file); return; } fEvent=0x0; fTree->SetBranchAddress("event",&fEvent); // read spacecharge from the Userinfo ot the tree InitSpaceCharge(); TString debugName=file; debugName.ReplaceAll(".root",""); debugName.Append(Form(".%1d.%1d_%1d_%1d_%03d_%02d", fUseMaterial,fIdealTracking,fClusterType, Int_t(fCorrectionType),fSeedingRow,fSeedingDist)); debugName.Append(".allClusters.debug.root"); gSystem->Exec(Form("test -f %s && rm %s", debugName.Data(), debugName.Data())); if (!fStreamer) fStreamer=new TTreeSRedirector(debugName.Data()); gROOT->cd(); static AliExternalTrackParam dummySeedT0; static AliExternalTrackParam dummySeed; static AliExternalTrackParam dummyTrack; AliExternalTrackParam t0seed; AliExternalTrackParam seed; AliExternalTrackParam track; AliExternalTrackParam tOrig; AliExternalTrackParam *dummy; Int_t maxev=fTree->GetEntries(); if (nmaxEv>0&&nmaxEvSetDoKinks(kFALSE); AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform()->SetCurrentRecoParam(tpcRecoParam); //tpcRecoParam->Print(); // need AliTPCReconstructor for parameter settings in AliTPCtracker AliTPCReconstructor *tpcRec = new AliTPCReconstructor(); tpcRec->SetRecoParam(tpcRecoParam); // =========================================================================================== // Loop 2: Seeding from clusters associated to tracks // TODO: Implement tracking from given seed! // =========================================================================================== for (Int_t iev=0; ievGetEvent(iev); for (Int_t itr=0; itrGetNumberOfTracks(); ++itr){ printf(" > ====== Processing Track %6d ======== \n",itr); const AliToyMCTrack *tr=fEvent->GetTrack(itr); tOrig = *tr; // set dummy t0seed = dummySeedT0; seed = dummySeed; track = dummyTrack; Float_t z0=fEvent->GetZ(); Float_t t0=fEvent->GetT0(); Float_t vDrift=GetVDrift(); Float_t zLength=GetZLength(0); Int_t nClus = 0; // crate time0 seed, steered by fCreateT0seed printf("t0 seed\n"); fTime0=-1.; fCreateT0seed=kTRUE; dummy = GetSeedFromTrack(tr); if (dummy) { t0seed = *dummy; delete dummy; // crate real seed using the time 0 from the first seed // set fCreateT0seed now to false to get the seed in z coordinates fTime0 = t0seed.GetZ()-zLength/vDrift; fCreateT0seed = kFALSE; printf("seed (%.2g)\n",fTime0); dummy = GetSeedFromTrack(tr); if (dummy) { seed = *dummy; delete dummy; // create fitted track if (fDoTrackFit){ printf("track\n"); dummy = GetFittedTrackFromSeedAllClusters(tr, &seed,nClus); track = *dummy; delete dummy; } // propagate seed to 0 const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&seed,0,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,kFALSE); } } Int_t ctype(fCorrectionType); if (fStreamer) { (*fStreamer) << "Tracks" << "iev=" << iev << "z0=" << z0 << "t0=" << t0 << "fTime0=" << fTime0 << "itr=" << itr << "clsType=" << fClusterType << "corrType=" << ctype << "seedRow=" << fSeedingRow << "seedDist=" << fSeedingDist << "vDrift=" << vDrift << "zLength=" << zLength << "nClus=" << nClus << "t0seed.=" << &t0seed << "seed.=" << &seed << "track.=" << &track << "tOrig.=" << &tOrig << "\n"; } } } delete fStreamer; fStreamer=0x0; delete fEvent; fEvent = 0x0; delete fTree; fTree=0x0; f.Close(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::RunRecoAllClustersStandardTracking(const char* file, Int_t nmaxEv) { // // Reconstruction for seed from associated clusters, but array of clusters // Step 1) Filling of cluster arrays // Step 2) Use the standard tracking: AliTPCtracker::Clusters2Tracks(); // TFile f(file); if (!f.IsOpen() || f.IsZombie()) { printf("ERROR: couldn't open the file '%s'\n", file); return; } fTree=(TTree*)f.Get("toyMCtree"); if (!fTree) { printf("ERROR: couldn't read the 'toyMCtree' from file '%s'\n", file); return; } fEvent=0x0; fTree->SetBranchAddress("event",&fEvent); // read spacecharge from the Userinfo ot the tree InitSpaceCharge(); TString debugName=file; debugName.ReplaceAll(".root",""); debugName.Append(Form(".%1d.%1d_%1d_%1d_%03d_%02d", fUseMaterial,fIdealTracking,fClusterType, Int_t(fCorrectionType),fSeedingRow,fSeedingDist)); debugName.Append(".allClusters.debug.root"); gSystem->Exec(Form("test -f %s && rm %s", debugName.Data(), debugName.Data())); if (!fStreamer) fStreamer=new TTreeSRedirector(debugName.Data()); gROOT->cd(); AliExternalTrackParam t0seed; AliExternalTrackParam seed; AliExternalTrackParam track; AliExternalTrackParam tOrig; AliToyMCTrack tOrigToy; AliExternalTrackParam *dummy; AliTPCseed *seedBest; AliTPCseed *seedTmp; AliTPCclusterMI *cluster; Int_t maxev=fTree->GetEntries(); if (nmaxEv>0&&nmaxEvSetDoKinks(kFALSE); AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform()->SetCurrentRecoParam(tpcRecoParam); //tpcRecoParam->Print(); // need AliTPCReconstructor for parameter settings in AliTPCtracker AliTPCReconstructor *tpcRec = new AliTPCReconstructor(); tpcRec->SetRecoParam(tpcRecoParam); // AliTPCtracker AliTPCtracker *tpcTracker = new AliTPCtracker(fTPCParam); tpcTracker->SetDebug(10); // set sector arrays tpcTracker->SetTPCtrackerSectors(fInnerSectorArray,fOuterSectorArray); tpcTracker->LoadInnerSectors(); tpcTracker->LoadOuterSectors(); // seeding static TObjArray arrTracks; TObjArray * arr = &arrTracks; TObjArray * seeds = new TObjArray; // cuts for seeding // Float_t cuts[4]; // cuts[0]=0.0070; // cuts[0] - fP4 cut // cuts[1] = 1.5; // cuts[1] - tan(phi) cut // cuts[2] = 3.; // cuts[2] - zvertex cut // cuts[3] = 3.; // cuts[3] - fP3 cut // rows for seeding Int_t lowerRow = fSeedingRow; Int_t upperRow = fSeedingRow+2*fSeedingDist; const AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); const Int_t kNRowsInnerTPC = roc->GetNRows(0); const Int_t kNRowsTPC = kNRowsInnerTPC + roc->GetNRows(36); if(lowerRow < kNRowsInnerTPC){ Printf("Seeding row requested (%d) is lower than kNRowsInnerTPC --> use %d",lowerRow,kNRowsInnerTPC); lowerRow = kNRowsInnerTPC; upperRow = lowerRow + 20; } if(upperRow >= kNRowsTPC){ Printf("Seeding row requested (%d) is larger than kNRowsTPC --> use %d",upperRow,kNRowsTPC-1); upperRow = kNRowsTPC-1; lowerRow = upperRow-20; } // do the seeding for (Int_t sec=0;secMakeSeeds3(arr, sec,upperRow,lowerRow,cuts,-1,1); MakeSeeds(arr, sec,upperRow,lowerRow); // own function (based on TLinearFitter) //tpcTracker->SumTracks(seeds,arr); //tpcTracker->SignClusters(seeds,3.0,3.0); } Printf("After seeding we have %d tracks",seeds->GetEntriesFast()); // Standard tracking tpcTracker->SetSeeds(seeds); tpcTracker->PropagateForward(); Printf("After trackinging we have %d tracks",seeds->GetEntriesFast()); return; // Loop over all input tracks and connect to found seeds for (Int_t iev=0; ievGetEvent(iev); for (Int_t itr=0; itrGetNumberOfTracks(); ++itr){ printf(" > ====== Fill Tracks: Processing Track %6d ======== \n",itr); const AliToyMCTrack *tr=fEvent->GetTrack(itr); tOrig = *tr; tOrigToy = *tr; Float_t z0=fEvent->GetZ(); Float_t t0=fEvent->GetT0(); Float_t vDrift=GetVDrift(); Float_t zLength=GetZLength(0); // find the corresponding seed (and track) Int_t trackID = tr->GetUniqueID(); Int_t nClustersMC = tr->GetNumberOfSpacePoints(); // number of findable clusters (ideal) if(fClusterType==1) nClustersMC = tr->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); // number of findable clusters (distorted) // Int_t idxSeed = 0; // index of best seed (best is with maximum number of clusters with correct ID) Int_t nSeeds = 0; // number of seeds for MC track Int_t nSeedClusters = 0; // number of clusters for best seed Int_t nSeedClustersTmp = 0; // number of clusters for current seed Int_t nSeedClustersID = 0; // number of clusters with correct ID for best seed Int_t nSeedClustersIDTmp = 0; // number of clusters with correct ID for current seed for(Int_t iSeeds = 0; iSeeds < seeds->GetEntriesFast(); ++iSeeds){ // set current seed and reset counters seedTmp = (AliTPCseed*)(seeds->At(iSeeds)); nSeedClustersTmp = 0; nSeedClustersIDTmp = 0; if(!seedTmp) continue; // loop over all rows for(Int_t iRow = seedTmp->GetRow(); iRow < seedTmp->GetRow() + seedTmp->GetNumberOfClustersIndices(); iRow++ ){ // get cluster and increment counters cluster = seedTmp->GetClusterFast(iRow); if(cluster){ nSeedClustersTmp++; if(cluster->GetLabel(0)==trackID){ nSeedClustersIDTmp++; } } } // if number of corresponding clusters > 0, // increase nSeeds if(nSeedClustersTmp > 0){ nSeeds++; } // if number of corresponding clusters bigger than current nSeedClusters, // take this seed as the best one if(nSeedClustersIDTmp > nSeedClustersID){ // idxSeed = iSeeds; seedBest = seedTmp; nSeedClusters = nSeedClustersTmp; // number of correctly assigned clusters nSeedClustersID = nSeedClustersIDTmp; // number of all clusters } } // cluster to track association (commented out, when used standard tracking) if (nSeeds>0&&nSeedClusters>0) { t0seed = (AliExternalTrackParam)*seedBest; // fTime0 = t0seed.GetZ()-zLength/vDrift; // get the refitted track from the seed // this will also set the fTime0 from the seed extrapolation dummy=GetRefittedTrack(*seedBest); track=*dummy; delete dummy; //printf("seed (%.2g): %d seeds with %d clusters\n",fTime0,nSeeds,nSeedClusters); // // cluster to track association for all good seeds // // set fCreateT0seed to true to get the seed in time coordinates // fCreateT0seed = kTRUE; // dummy = ClusterToTrackAssociation(seedBest,trackID,nClus); //// propagate track to 0 //const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; //const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); //AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&track,0,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,kFALSE); } Int_t ctype(fCorrectionType); if (fStreamer) { (*fStreamer) << "Tracks" << "iev=" << iev << "z0=" << z0 << "t0=" << t0 << "fTime0=" << fTime0 << "itr=" << itr << "clsType=" << fClusterType << "corrType=" << ctype << "seedRow=" << fSeedingRow << "seedDist=" << fSeedingDist << "vDrift=" << vDrift << "zLength=" << zLength << "nClustersMC=" << nClustersMC << "nSeeds=" << nSeeds << "nSeedClusters=" << nSeedClusters << "nSeedClustersID=" << nSeedClustersID << "t0seed.=" << &t0seed << "track.=" << &track << "tOrig.=" << &tOrig << "tOrigToy.=" << &tOrigToy << "\n"; } } } delete fStreamer; fStreamer=0x0; delete fEvent; fEvent = 0x0; delete fTree; fTree=0x0; f.Close(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::RunFullTracking(const char* file, Int_t nmaxEv) { // // // ConnectInputFile(file,nmaxEv); if (!fTree) return; InitStreamer(".fullTracking"); FillSectorStructureAC(); AliTPCReconstructor::SetStreamLevel(0); TObjArray seeds; seeds.SetOwner(); Int_t lowerRow=130; Int_t upperRow=150; if (lowerRow>upperRow){ Int_t tmp=lowerRow; lowerRow=upperRow; upperRow=tmp; } // seeding. // NOTE: the z position is set to GetTimeBin*vDrift // therefore it is not possible to simply propagate // the track using AliTrackerBase::Propagate, since a // wrong B-Field will be assinged... printf("Run Seeding in %3d - %3d\n",lowerRow,upperRow); for (Int_t sec=0;sec<36;sec++){ printf(" in sector: %d\n",sec); Int_t nAdded=MakeSeeds2(&seeds, sec,lowerRow,upperRow); printf(" -> Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); nAdded=MakeSeeds2(&seeds, sec,lowerRow-2,upperRow-2); printf(" -> Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); nAdded=MakeSeeds2(&seeds, sec,lowerRow-4,upperRow-4); printf(" -> Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); } printf("Run Tracking in %3d - %3d\n",lowerRow,upperRow); Int_t firstSeed=0; for (Int_t iseed=firstSeed; iseed Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); } printf("Run Tracking in %3d - %3d\n",lowerRow,upperRow); for (Int_t iseed=firstSeed; iseed Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); } printf("Run Tracking in %3d - %3d\n",lowerRow,upperRow); for (Int_t iseed=firstSeed; iseed0){ printf("Run Seeding in %3d - %3d\n",lowerRow,upperRow); Int_t nAdded=MakeSeeds2(&seeds, sec,lowerRow,upperRow); printf(" -> Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); for (Int_t iseed=firstSeed; iseed Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); // nAdded=MakeSeeds2(&seedsCentral2, sec,lowerRow-2,upperRow-2); // printf(" -> Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); // nAdded=MakeSeeds2(&seedsCentral2, sec,lowerRow-4,upperRow-4); // printf(" -> Added Seeds: %d\n",nAdded); // } // for (Int_t iseed=0; iseedGetNumberOfITSPoints(); break; case kTPC: npoints=(fClusterType == 0)?tr->GetNumberOfSpacePoints():tr->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); break; case kTRD: npoints=tr->GetNumberOfTRDPoints(); break; } if (npoints<3) return 0x0; Int_t pos[3]={0,npoints/2,npoints-1}; const AliCluster *cl=0x0; for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint<3;++ipoint){ Int_t cluster=pos[ipoint]; switch (det) { case kITS: seedPoint[ipoint]=(*tr->GetITSPoint(cluster)); break; case kTPC: cl=tr->GetSpacePoint(cluster); if (fClusterType == 1) cl=tr->GetDistortedSpacePoint(cluster); AliTPCclusterMI::SetGlobalTrackPoint(*cl,seedPoint[ipoint]); break; case kTRD: seedPoint[ipoint]=(*tr->GetTRDPoint(cluster)); break; } } AliExternalTrackParam *seed = AliTrackerBase::MakeSeed(seedPoint[0], seedPoint[1], seedPoint[2]); seed->ResetCovariance(10); return seed; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliExternalTrackParam* AliToyMCReconstruction::GetSeedFromTrack(const AliToyMCTrack * const tr, Bool_t forceSeed) { // // if we don't have a valid time0 informaion (fTime0) available yet // assume we create a seed for the time0 estimate // // seed point informaion AliTrackPoint seedPoint[3]; const AliTPCclusterMI *seedCluster[3]={0x0,0x0,0x0}; // number of clusters to loop over const Int_t ncls=(fClusterType==0)?tr->GetNumberOfSpacePoints():tr->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); if (ncls<3){ AliError(Form("Not enough points to create a seed: %d",ncls)); return 0x0; } UChar_t nextSeedRow=fSeedingRow; Int_t nseeds=0; //assumes sorted clusters if (forceSeed){ // force the seed creation, using the first, middle and last cluster Int_t npoints[3]={0,ncls/2,ncls-1}; for (Int_t icl=0;icl<3;++icl){ const AliTPCclusterMI *cl=tr->GetSpacePoint(npoints[icl]); if (fClusterType==1) cl=tr->GetDistortedSpacePoint(npoints[icl]); seedCluster[nseeds]=cl; SetTrackPointFromCluster(cl, seedPoint[nseeds]); ++nseeds; } }else{ // create seeds according to the reco settings for (Int_t icl=0;iclGetSpacePoint(icl); if (fClusterType==1) cl=tr->GetDistortedSpacePoint(icl); if (!cl) continue; // use row in sector const UChar_t row=cl->GetRow() + 63*(cl->GetDetector()>35); // skip clusters without proper pad row if (row>200) continue; //check seeding row // if we are in the last row and still miss a seed we use the last row // even if the row spacing will not be equal if (row>=nextSeedRow || icl==ncls-1){ seedCluster[nseeds]=cl; SetTrackPointFromCluster(cl, seedPoint[nseeds]); ++nseeds; nextSeedRow+=fSeedingDist; if (nseeds==3) break; } } } // check we really have 3 seeds if (nseeds!=3) { AliError(Form("Seeding failed for parameters %d, %d\n",fSeedingDist,fSeedingRow)); return 0x0; } // determine preliminary theta Float_t xyz1[3]={0,0,0}; Float_t xyz2[3]={0,0,0}; seedPoint[0].GetXYZ(xyz1); seedPoint[2].GetXYZ(xyz2); Float_t prelDeltaR = TMath::Sqrt(xyz2[0]*xyz2[0]+xyz2[1]*xyz2[1]) - TMath::Sqrt(xyz1[0]*xyz1[0]+xyz1[1]*xyz1[1]) ; Float_t prelDeltaZ = ( seedCluster[0]->GetTimeBin() - seedCluster[2]->GetTimeBin() ) * GetVDrift(); Float_t prelTheta = TMath::ATan(prelDeltaR/prelDeltaZ); if(prelTheta > TMath::Pi()/2) prelTheta = TMath::Pi() - prelTheta; // do cluster correction for fCorrectionType: // 0 - no correction // 1 - TPC center // 2 - average eta // 3 - ideal // 4 - preliminary eta (needs fixing!!! Not yet in full code!!!) // assign the cluster abs time as z component to all seeds for (Int_t iseed=0; iseed<3; ++iseed) { Float_t xyz[3]={0,0,0}; seedPoint[iseed].GetXYZ(xyz); const Float_t r=TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]); const Int_t sector=seedCluster[iseed]->GetDetector(); const Int_t sign=1-2*((sector/18)%2); Float_t zBeforeCorr = xyz[2]; if ( (fClusterType == 1) && (fCorrectionType != kNoCorrection) ) { // the settings below are for the T0 seed // for known T0 the z position is already calculated in SetTrackPointFromCluster if ( fCreateT0seed ){ if ( fCorrectionType == kTPCCenter ) xyz[2] = 125.*sign; //!!! TODO: is this the correct association? if ( fCorrectionType == kAverageEta ) xyz[2] = TMath::Tan(45./2.*TMath::DegToRad())*r*sign; if ( fCorrectionType == kPreliminaryEta ) xyz[2] = r/TMath::Tan(prelTheta)*sign;//(needs fixing!!! Not yet in full code!!!) } if ( fCorrectionType == kIdeal ) xyz[2] = seedCluster[iseed]->GetZ(); // Store xyz only here!!! To get the Delta z from the correction... zBeforeCorr = xyz[2]; //!!! TODO: to be replaced with the proper correction fTPCCorrection->CorrectPoint(xyz, seedCluster[iseed]->GetDetector()); } // after the correction set the time bin as z-Position in case of a T0 seed if ( fCreateT0seed ) xyz[2]=seedCluster[iseed]->GetTimeBin() + sign*( zBeforeCorr - xyz[2] )/GetVDrift(); seedPoint[iseed].SetXYZ(xyz); } const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); AliExternalTrackParam *seed = AliTrackerBase::MakeSeed(seedPoint[0], seedPoint[1], seedPoint[2]); if (fCreateT0seed&&!fLongT0seed){ // only propagate to vertex if we don't create a long seed // if fTime0 < 0 we assume that we create a seed for the T0 estimate Int_t ret=AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo2(seed,0,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,kFALSE); if (TMath::Abs(seed->GetX())>3) { // printf("Could not propagate track to 0, x:%.2f, a:%.2f (%.2f), snp:%.2f (%.2f), pt:%.2f (%.2f), %d\n",seed->GetX(),seed->GetAlpha(),tr->GetAlpha(), seed->GetSnp(), tr->GetSnp(), seed->Pt(), tr->Pt(), ret); } if (fForceAlpha) { seed->Rotate(tr->GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo2(seed,0,kMass,1.,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,kFALSE); } } seed->ResetCovariance(10); return seed; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliExternalTrackParam* AliToyMCReconstruction::GetTrackRefit(const AliToyMCTrack * const tr, EDet det) { // // Get the ITS or TRD track refitted from the toy track // type: 0=ITS; 1=TRD // AliExternalTrackParam *track=GetSeedFromTrackIdeal(tr,det); if (!track) return 0x0; const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); Int_t npoints=0; switch (det) { case kITS: npoints=tr->GetNumberOfITSPoints(); break; case kTPC: npoints=(fClusterType == 0)?tr->GetNumberOfSpacePoints():tr->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); break; case kTRD: npoints=tr->GetNumberOfTRDPoints(); break; } const AliCluster *cl=0x0; for (Int_t ipoint=0; ipointGetITSPoint(ipoint)); break; case kTPC: cl=tr->GetSpacePoint(ipoint); if (fClusterType == 1) cl=tr->GetDistortedSpacePoint(ipoint); AliTPCclusterMI::SetGlobalTrackPoint(*cl,pIn); break; case kTRD: pIn=(*tr->GetTRDPoint(ipoint)); break; } const Double_t angle=pIn.GetAngle(); track->Rotate(angle); AliTrackPoint prot = pIn.Rotate(track->GetAlpha()); // rotate to the local frame - non distoted point if (!AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,prot.GetX(),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial)) { AliInfo(Form("Could not propagate track to x=%.2f (a=%.2f) for det %d",prot.GetX(),angle,det)); } // Double_t pointPos[2]={0,0}; Double_t pointCov[3]={0,0,0}; pointPos[0]=prot.GetY();//local y pointPos[1]=prot.GetZ();//local z pointCov[0]=prot.GetCov()[3];//simay^2 pointCov[1]=prot.GetCov()[4];//sigmayz pointCov[2]=prot.GetCov()[5];//sigmaz^2 if (!track->Update(pointPos,pointCov)) { AliInfo(Form("no update: det: %d",det)); break; } } return track; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::SetTrackPointFromCluster(const AliTPCclusterMI *cl, AliTrackPoint &p ) { // // make AliTrackPoint out of AliTPCclusterMI // if (!cl) return; Float_t xyz[3]={0.,0.,0.}; // ClusterToSpacePoint(cl,xyz); // cl->GetGlobalCov(cov); //TODO: what to do with the covariance matrix??? //TODO: the problem is that it is used in GetAngle in AliTrackPoint //TODO: which is used by AliTrackerBase::MakeSeed to get alpha correct ... //TODO: for the moment simply assign 1 permill squared // in AliTrackPoint the cov is xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz // Float_t cov[6]={xyz[0]*xyz[0]*1e-6,xyz[0]*xyz[1]*1e-6,xyz[0]*xyz[2]*1e-6, // xyz[1]*xyz[1]*1e-6,xyz[1]*xyz[2]*1e-6,xyz[2]*xyz[2]*1e-6}; // cl->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); // cl->GetGlobalCov(cov); // voluem ID to add later .... // p.SetXYZ(xyz); // p.SetCov(cov); // AliTrackPoint *tp=const_cast(cl)->MakePoint(p); // p=*tp; // delete tp; // const_cast(cl)->MakePoint(p); AliTPCclusterMI::SetGlobalTrackPoint(*cl,p); // cl->Print(); // p.Print(); p.SetVolumeID(cl->GetDetector()); if ( !fCreateT0seed && !fIdealTracking ) { p.GetXYZ(xyz); const Int_t sector=cl->GetDetector(); const Int_t sign=1-2*((sector/18)%2); const Float_t zT0=( GetZLength(sector) - (cl->GetTimeBin()-fTime0)*GetVDrift() )*sign; // printf(" z: %.2f %.2f\n",xyz[2],zT0); xyz[2]=zT0; p.SetXYZ(xyz); } // p.Rotate(p.GetAngle()).Print(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::ClusterToSpacePoint(const AliTPCclusterMI *cl, Float_t xyz[3]) { // // convert the cluster to a space point in global coordinates // if (!cl) return; xyz[0]=cl->GetRow(); xyz[1]=cl->GetPad(); xyz[2]=cl->GetTimeBin(); // this will not be correct at all Int_t i[3]={0,cl->GetDetector(),cl->GetRow()}; // printf("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f - %d, %d, %d\n",xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],i[0],i[1],i[2]); fTPCParam->Transform8to4(xyz,i); // printf("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f - %d, %d, %d\n",xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],i[0],i[1],i[2]); fTPCParam->Transform4to3(xyz,i); // printf("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f - %d, %d, %d\n",xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],i[0],i[1],i[2]); fTPCParam->Transform2to1(xyz,i); // printf("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f - %d, %d, %d\n",xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],i[0],i[1],i[2]); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliExternalTrackParam* AliToyMCReconstruction::GetFittedTrackFromSeed(const AliToyMCTrack *tr, const AliExternalTrackParam *seed, TClonesArray *arrClustRes) { // // // if (arrClustRes) { arrClustRes->Clear(); } // create track AliExternalTrackParam *track = new AliExternalTrackParam(*seed); Int_t ncls=(fClusterType == 0)?tr->GetNumberOfSpacePoints():tr->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); const AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); const Double_t kRTPC0 = roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,0); const Double_t kRTPC1 = roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,roc->GetNRows(36)-1); const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMaxR = 500.; const Double_t kMaxZ = 500.; // const Double_t kMaxZ0=220; // const Double_t kZcut=3; const Double_t refX = tr->GetX(); const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); // loop over all other points and add to the track for (Int_t ipoint=ncls-1; ipoint>=0; --ipoint){ AliTrackPoint pIn; const AliTPCclusterMI *cl=tr->GetSpacePoint(ipoint); if (fClusterType == 1) cl=tr->GetDistortedSpacePoint(ipoint); const Int_t globalRow = cl->GetRow() +(cl->GetDetector() >35)*63; if ( fCreateT0seed ){ if ( globalRowfSeedingRow+2*fSeedingDist ) continue; } SetTrackPointFromCluster(cl, pIn); Float_t xyz[3]={0,0,0}; pIn.GetXYZ(xyz); Float_t zBeforeCorr = xyz[2]; const Int_t sector=cl->GetDetector(); const Int_t sign=1-2*((sector/18)%2); if (fCorrectionType != kNoCorrection){ const Float_t r=TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]); if ( fCreateT0seed ){ if ( fCorrectionType == kTPCCenter ) xyz[2] = 125.*sign; //!!! TODO: is this the correct association? if ( fCorrectionType == kAverageEta ) xyz[2] = TMath::Tan(45./2.*TMath::DegToRad())*r*sign; if ( fCorrectionType == kIdeal ) xyz[2] = cl->GetZ(); } // Store xyz only here!!! To get the Delta z from the correction... zBeforeCorr = xyz[2]; fTPCCorrection->CorrectPoint(xyz, cl->GetDetector()); } if ( fCreateT0seed ) xyz[2]=cl->GetTimeBin() + sign*( zBeforeCorr - xyz[2] )/GetVDrift(); // xyz[2]=cl->GetTimeBin(); pIn.SetXYZ(xyz); // rotate the cluster to the local detector frame track->Rotate(((cl->GetDetector()%18)*20+10)*TMath::DegToRad()); AliTrackPoint prot = pIn.Rotate(track->GetAlpha()); // rotate to the local frame - non distoted point if (TMath::Abs(prot.GetX())kRTPC1) continue; // Bool_t res=AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,prot.GetX(),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); if (!res) break; if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())>kMaxZ) break; if (TMath::Abs(track->GetX())>kMaxR) break; // if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())SetX(prot.GetX()); clRes->SetY(track->GetY()-prot.GetY()); clRes->SetZ(track->GetZ()-prot.GetZ()); } Double_t pointPos[2]={0,0}; Double_t pointCov[3]={0,0,0}; pointPos[0]=prot.GetY();//local y pointPos[1]=prot.GetZ();//local z pointCov[0]=prot.GetCov()[3];//simay^2 pointCov[1]=prot.GetCov()[4];//sigmayz pointCov[2]=prot.GetCov()[5];//sigmaz^2 if (!track->Update(pointPos,pointCov)) {printf("no update\n"); break;} } AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo2(track,refX,kMass,5.,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); if (!fCreateT0seed || fForceAlpha){ // rotate fittet track to the frame of the original track and propagate to same reference track->Rotate(tr->GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo2(track,refX,kMass,1.,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); } return track; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliExternalTrackParam* AliToyMCReconstruction::GetFittedTrackFromSeedAllClusters(const AliToyMCTrack *tr, const AliExternalTrackParam *seed, Int_t &nClus) { // // Tracking for given seed on an array of clusters // // create track AliExternalTrackParam *track = new AliExternalTrackParam(*seed); const AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); const Double_t kRTPC0 = roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,0); const Double_t kRTPC1 = roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,roc->GetNRows(36)-1); const Int_t kNRowsTPC = roc->GetNRows(0) + roc->GetNRows(36) - 1; const Int_t kIRowsTPC = roc->GetNRows(0) - 1; const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMaxR = 500.; const Double_t kMaxZ = 500.; const Double_t roady = 100.; const Double_t roadz = 100.; const Double_t refX = tr->GetX(); const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); Int_t secCur = -1; UInt_t indexCur = 0; Double_t xCur, yCur, zCur = 0.; Float_t vDrift = GetVDrift(); // first propagate seed to outermost row AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,kRTPC1,kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp); // Loop over rows and find the cluster candidates for( Int_t iRow = kNRowsTPC; iRow >= 0; --iRow ){ // inner or outer sector Bool_t bInnerSector = kTRUE; if(iRow > kIRowsTPC) bInnerSector = kFALSE; // nearest track point/cluster (to be found) AliTrackPoint nearestPoint; AliTPCclusterMI *nearestCluster = NULL; // Inner Sector if(bInnerSector){ // Propagate to center of pad row and extract parameters AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,iRow),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp); xCur = track->GetX(); yCur = track->GetY(); zCur = track->GetZ(); if ( !fIdealTracking ) { zCur = zCur/vDrift + fTime0; // Look at time, not at z! } secCur = GetSector(track); // Find the nearest cluster (TODO: correct road settings!) Printf("inner tracking here: x = %.2f, y = %.2f, z = %.2f (Row %d Sector %d)",xCur,yCur,zCur,iRow,secCur); nearestCluster = fInnerSectorArray[secCur%fkNSectorInner][iRow].FindNearest2(yCur,zCur,roady,roadz,indexCur); // Move to next row if now cluster found if(!nearestCluster) continue; //Printf("Nearest Clusters = %d (of %d) ",indexCur,fInnerSectorArray[secCur%fkNSectorInner][iRow].GetN()); } // Outer sector else{ // Propagate to center of pad row and extract parameters AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,iRow-kIRowsTPC-1),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp); xCur = track->GetX(); yCur = track->GetY(); zCur = track->GetZ(); if ( !fIdealTracking ) { zCur = zCur/vDrift + fTime0; // Look at time, not at z! } secCur = GetSector(track); // Find the nearest cluster (TODO: correct road settings!) Printf("outer tracking here: x = %.2f, y = %.2f, z = %.2f (Row %d Sector %d)",xCur,yCur,zCur,iRow,secCur); nearestCluster = fOuterSectorArray[(secCur-fkNSectorInner*2)%fkNSectorOuter][iRow-kIRowsTPC-1].FindNearest2(yCur,zCur,roady,roadz,indexCur); // Move to next row if now cluster found if(!nearestCluster) continue; //Printf("Nearest Clusters = %d (of %d)",indexCur,fOuterSectorArray[(secCur-fkNSectorInner*2)%fkNSectorOuter][iRow-kIRowsTPC-1].GetN()); } // create track point from cluster SetTrackPointFromCluster(nearestCluster,nearestPoint); //Printf("Track point = %.2f %.2f %.2f",nearestPoint.GetX(),nearestPoint.GetY(),nearestPoint.GetZ()); // correction // TODO: also correction when looking for the next cluster? if (fCorrectionType != kNoCorrection){ Float_t xyz[3]={0,0,0}; nearestPoint.GetXYZ(xyz); fTPCCorrection->CorrectPoint(xyz, nearestCluster->GetDetector()); nearestPoint.SetXYZ(xyz); } // rotate the cluster to the local detector frame track->Rotate(((nearestCluster->GetDetector()%18)*20+10)*TMath::DegToRad()); AliTrackPoint prot = nearestPoint.Rotate(track->GetAlpha()); // rotate to the local frame - non distoted point if (TMath::Abs(prot.GetX())kRTPC1) continue; //Printf("Rotated Track point = %.2f %.2f %.2f",prot.GetX(),prot.GetY(),prot.GetZ()); // update track with the nearest track point Bool_t res=AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,prot.GetX(),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); if (!res) break; if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())>kMaxZ) break; if (TMath::Abs(track->GetX())>kMaxR) break; //if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())Update(pointPos,pointCov)) {printf("no update\n");} ++nClus; } // propagation to refX AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,refX,kMass,5.,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); // rotate fittet track to the frame of the original track and propagate to same reference track->Rotate(tr->GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,refX,kMass,1.,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); Printf("We have %d clusters in this track!",nClus); return track; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliExternalTrackParam* AliToyMCReconstruction::ClusterToTrackAssociation(const AliTPCseed *seed, Int_t trackID, Int_t &nClus) { // // Cluster to track association for given seed on an array of clusters // // create track AliExternalTrackParam *track = new AliExternalTrackParam(*seed); const AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); const Double_t kRTPC0 = roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,0); const Double_t kRTPC1 = roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,roc->GetNRows(36)-1); const Int_t kNRowsTPC = roc->GetNRows(0) + roc->GetNRows(36) - 1; const Int_t kIRowsTPC = roc->GetNRows(0) - 1; const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMaxR = 500.; const Double_t kMaxZ = 500.; const Double_t roady = 0.1; const Double_t roadz = 0.01; const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); Int_t secCur, secOld = -1; UInt_t indexCur = 0; Double_t xCur, yCur, zCur = 0.; // Float_t vDrift = GetVDrift(); // first propagate seed to outermost row Bool_t res0=AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,kRTPC1,kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp); // Loop over rows and find the cluster candidates for( Int_t iRow = kNRowsTPC; iRow >= 0; --iRow ){ // inner or outer sector Bool_t bInnerSector = kTRUE; if(iRow > kIRowsTPC) bInnerSector = kFALSE; // nearest track point/cluster (to be found) AliTrackPoint nearestPoint; AliTPCclusterMI *nearestCluster = NULL; // Inner Sector if(bInnerSector){ // Propagate to center of pad row and extract parameters AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,roc->GetPadRowRadii(0,iRow),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp); xCur = track->GetX(); yCur = track->GetY(); zCur = track->GetZ(); secCur = GetSector(track); // Find the nearest cluster (TODO: correct road settings!) //Printf("inner tracking here: x = %.2f, y = %.2f, z = %.6f (Row %d Sector %d)",xCur,yCur,zCur,iRow,secCur); nearestCluster = fInnerSectorArray[secCur%fkNSectorInner][iRow].FindNearest2(yCur,zCur,roady,roadz,indexCur); // Look again at -y if nothing found here and the sector changed with respect to the last found cluster // Increase also the road in this case if(!nearestCluster && secCur != secOld && secOld > -1){ //Printf("inner tracking here 2: x = %.2f, y = %.2f, z = %.6f (Row %d Sector %d)",xCur,-yCur,zCur,iRow,secCur); nearestCluster = fInnerSectorArray[secCur%fkNSectorInner][iRow].FindNearest2(-yCur,zCur,roady*100,roadz,indexCur); } // Move to next row if now cluster found if(!nearestCluster) continue; //Printf("Nearest Clusters = %d (of %d) ",indexCur,fInnerSectorArray[secCur%fkNSectorInner][iRow].GetN()); } // Outer sector else{ // Propagate to center of pad row and extract parameters AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,roc->GetPadRowRadii(36,iRow-kIRowsTPC-1),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp); xCur = track->GetX(); yCur = track->GetY(); zCur = track->GetZ(); secCur = GetSector(track); // Find the nearest cluster (TODO: correct road settings!) Printf("res0 = %d, outer tracking here: x = %.2f, y = %.2f, z = %.6f (Row %d Sector %d)",res0,xCur,yCur,zCur,iRow,secCur); nearestCluster = fOuterSectorArray[(secCur-fkNSectorInner*2)%fkNSectorOuter][iRow-kIRowsTPC-1].FindNearest2(yCur,zCur,roady,roadz,indexCur); // Look again at -y if nothing found here and the sector changed with respect to the last found cluster // Increase also the road in this case if(!nearestCluster && secCur != secOld && secOld > -1){ Printf("outer tracking here 2: x = %.2f, y = %.2f, z = %.6f (Row %d Sector %d)",xCur,-yCur,zCur,iRow,secCur); nearestCluster = fOuterSectorArray[(secCur-fkNSectorInner*2)%fkNSectorOuter][iRow-kIRowsTPC-1].FindNearest2(-yCur,zCur,roady*100,roadz,indexCur); } // Move to next row if now cluster found if(!nearestCluster) continue; Printf("Nearest Clusters = %d (of %d)",indexCur,fOuterSectorArray[(secCur-fkNSectorInner*2)%fkNSectorOuter][iRow-kIRowsTPC-1].GetN()); } // create track point from cluster SetTrackPointFromCluster(nearestCluster,nearestPoint); //Printf("Track point = %.2f %.2f %.2f",nearestPoint.GetX(),nearestPoint.GetY(),nearestPoint.GetZ()); // rotate the cluster to the local detector frame track->Rotate(((nearestCluster->GetDetector()%18)*20+10)*TMath::DegToRad()); AliTrackPoint prot = nearestPoint.Rotate(track->GetAlpha()); // rotate to the local frame - non distoted point if (TMath::Abs(prot.GetX())kRTPC1) continue; //Printf("Rotated Track point = %.2f %.2f %.2f",prot.GetX(),prot.GetY(),prot.GetZ()); // update track with the nearest track point Bool_t res=AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,prot.GetX(),kMass,5,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); if (!res) break; if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())>kMaxZ) break; if (TMath::Abs(track->GetX())>kMaxR) break; //if (TMath::Abs(track->GetZ())Update(pointPos,pointCov)) {printf("no update\n");} secOld = secCur; //Printf("Cluster belongs to track = %d",nearestCluster->GetLabel(0)); // only count as associate cluster if it belongs to correct track! if(nearestCluster->GetLabel(0) == trackID) ++nClus; } Printf("We have %d clusters in this track!",nClus); return track; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::AssociateClusters(AliTPCseed &seed, Int_t firstRow, Int_t lastRow, Bool_t direction) { // // do cluster to track association from first to last row // direction 0: outwards; 1: inwards // Double_t roady=10.; Double_t roadz=10.; AliRieman rieman1(160); AliRieman rieman2(160); SetRieman(seed,rieman1); CopyRieman(rieman1,rieman2); Int_t sec=seed.GetSector(); Int_t noLastPoint=0; //TODO: change to inward and outwar search? // -> better handling of non consecutive points if (direction){ firstRow*=-1; lastRow*=-1; } //always from inside out if (firstRow>lastRow){ Int_t tmp=firstRow; firstRow=lastRow; lastRow=tmp; } for (Int_t row=firstRow; row<=lastRow && noLastPoint<3;++row) { Int_t iRow=TMath::Abs(row); const AliTPCclusterMI *cl=seed.GetClusterPointer(iRow); if (cl) continue; const Int_t secrow = iRow<63?iRow:iRow-63; AliTPCtrackerSector *arrSec=(iRow<63)?fInnerSectorArray:fOuterSectorArray; const AliTPCtrackerRow& kr = arrSec[sec%36][secrow]; const Double_t maxy=arrSec[sec%36].GetMaxY(secrow); Double_t y=rieman1.GetYat(kr.GetX()); Double_t z=rieman1.GetZat(kr.GetX()); if (TMath::Abs(y)>maxy) { AliError("Tracking over sector boundaries not implemented, yet"); continue; } AliTPCclusterMI *n=kr.FindNearest(y,z,roady,roadz); if (!n || n->IsUsed()) { ++noLastPoint; continue; } // check for quality of the cluster // TODO: better? rieman2.AddPoint(n->GetX(), n->GetY(), n->GetZ(), TMath::Sqrt(n->GetSigmaY2()), TMath::Sqrt(n->GetSigmaZ2())); rieman2.Update(); // printf(" Riemann results: row=%d valid=%d, Chi2=%.2f (%.2f) %d (%d)", // iRow, rieman2.IsValid(), rieman2.GetChi2(), rieman1.GetChi2(), n->GetLabel(0),seed.GetLabel()); Double_t limit=2*rieman1.GetChi2(); if (fClusterType==0) limit=1000; if (rieman2.GetChi2()>limit) { CopyRieman(rieman1,rieman2); ++noLastPoint; // printf("\n"); continue; } // printf(" +++ \n"); noLastPoint=0; //use point rieman1.AddPoint(n->GetX(), n->GetY(), n->GetZ(), TMath::Sqrt(n->GetSigmaY2()), TMath::Sqrt(n->GetSigmaZ2())); rieman1.Update(); seed.SetClusterPointer(iRow,n); // if (iRowseed.GetSeed2()) seed.SetSeed2(iRow); n->Use(); } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::ClusterToTrackAssociation(AliTPCseed &seed) { // // // // printf("\n ============ \nnext Seed: %d\n",seed.GetLabel()); //assume seed is within one sector Int_t iMiddle=(seed.GetSeed1()+seed.GetSeed2())/2; //outward AssociateClusters(seed,iMiddle+1,158,kFALSE); //inward AssociateClusters(seed,0,iMiddle,kTRUE); seed.SetIsSeeding(kFALSE); CookLabel(&seed,.6); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::InitSpaceCharge() { // // Init the space charge map // TString filename="$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/Calib/maps/SC_NeCO2_eps5_50kHz_precal.root"; if (fTree) { TList *l=fTree->GetUserInfo(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntries(); ++i) { TString s(l->At(i)->GetName()); if (s.Contains("SC_")) { filename=s; break; } } } printf("Initialising the space charge map using the file: '%s'\n",filename.Data()); TFile f(filename.Data()); fTPCCorrection=(AliTPCCorrection*)f.Get("map"); // fTPCCorrection = new AliTPCSpaceCharge3D(); // fTPCCorrection->SetSCDataFileName("$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/Calib/maps/SC_NeCO2_eps10_50kHz.root"); // fTPCCorrection->SetOmegaTauT1T2(0.325,1,1); // Ne CO2 // // fTPCCorrection->SetOmegaTauT1T2(0.41,1,1.05); // Ar CO2 // fTPCCorrection->InitSpaceCharge3DDistortion(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliToyMCReconstruction::GetVDrift() const { // // // return fTPCParam->GetDriftV(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliToyMCReconstruction::GetZLength(Int_t roc) const { // // // if (roc<0 || roc>71) return -1; return fTPCParam->GetZLength(roc); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ TTree* AliToyMCReconstruction::ConnectTrees (const char* files) { TString s=gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form("ls %s",files)); TTree *tFirst=0x0; TObjArray *arrFiles=s.Tokenize("\n"); for (Int_t ifile=0; ifileGetEntriesFast(); ++ifile){ TString name(arrFiles->At(ifile)->GetName()); TPRegexp reg(".*([0-9]_[0-9]_[0-9]_[0-9]{3}_[0-9]{2}).debug.root"); TObjArray *arrMatch=0x0; arrMatch=reg.MatchS(name); TString matchName; if (arrMatch && arrMatch->At(1)) matchName=arrMatch->At(1)->GetName(); else matchName=Form("%02d",ifile); delete arrMatch; if (!tFirst) { TFile *f=TFile::Open(name.Data()); if (!f) continue; TTree *t=(TTree*)f->Get("Tracks"); if (!t) { delete f; continue; } t->SetName(matchName.Data()); tFirst=t; } else { tFirst->AddFriend(Form("t%s=Tracks",matchName.Data()), name.Data()); // tFirst->AddFriend(Form("t%d=Tracks",ifile), name.Data()); } } if (tFirst->GetListOfFriends()) tFirst->GetListOfFriends()->Print(); return tFirst; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliToyMCReconstruction::LoadOuterSectors() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills outer TPC sectors with clusters. // Copy and paste from AliTPCtracker //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t nrows = fOuterSectorArray->GetNRows(); UInt_t index=0; for (Int_t sec = 0;secGetN1(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster1(ncl)); index=(((sec2<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } //right ncl = tpcrow->GetN2(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster2(ncl)); index=((((sec2+fkNSectorOuter)<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } // // write indexes for fast acces // for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,-1); for (Int_t i=0;iGetN();i++){ Int_t zi = Int_t((*tpcrow)[i]->GetZ()+255.); tpcrow->SetFastCluster(zi,i); // write index } Int_t last = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++){ if (tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i)<0) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,last); else last = tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i); } } return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliToyMCReconstruction::LoadInnerSectors() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills inner TPC sectors with clusters. // Copy and paste from AliTPCtracker //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t nrows = fInnerSectorArray->GetNRows(); UInt_t index=0; for (Int_t sec = 0;secGetN1(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster1(ncl)); index=(((sec<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } //right ncl = tpcrow->GetN2(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCclusterMI *c= (tpcrow->GetCluster2(ncl)); index=((((sec+fkNSectorInner)<<8)+row)<<16)+ncl; tpcrow->InsertCluster(c,index); } // // write indexes for fast acces // for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,-1); for (Int_t i=0;iGetN();i++){ Int_t zi = Int_t((*tpcrow)[i]->GetZ()+255.); tpcrow->SetFastCluster(zi,i); // write index } Int_t last = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<510;i++){ if (tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i)<0) tpcrow->SetFastCluster(i,last); else last = tpcrow->GetFastCluster(i); } } return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliToyMCReconstruction::GetSector(AliExternalTrackParam *track) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the sector number for a given track //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t sector = -1; // get the sector number // rotate point to global system (track is already global!) Double_t xd[3]; track->GetXYZ(xd); //track->Local2GlobalPosition(xd,track->GetAlpha()); // use TPCParams to get the sector number Float_t xyz[3] = {xd[0],xd[1],xd[2]}; Int_t i[3] = {0,0,0}; if(fTPCParam){ sector = fTPCParam->Transform0to1(xyz,i); } return sector; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::FillSectorStructure(Int_t maxev) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills the sector structure of AliToyMCReconstruction //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cluster array of all sectors fInnerSectorArray = new AliTPCtrackerSector[fkNSectorInner]; fOuterSectorArray = new AliTPCtrackerSector[fkNSectorOuter]; for (Int_t i=0; iGetEvent(iev); for (Int_t itr=0; itrGetNumberOfTracks(); ++itr){ printf(" > ====== Fill Clusters: Processing Track %6d ======== \n",itr); const AliToyMCTrack *tr=fEvent->GetTrack(itr); // number of clusters to loop over const Int_t ncls=(fClusterType==0)?tr->GetNumberOfSpacePoints():tr->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); for(Int_t icl=0; icl(tr->GetSpacePoint(icl)); if (fClusterType==1) cl=const_cast(tr->GetDistortedSpacePoint(icl)); if (!cl) continue; Int_t sec = cl->GetDetector(); Int_t row = cl->GetRow(); // set Q of the cluster to 1, Q==0 does not work for the seeding cl->SetQ(1); // set cluster time to cluster Z (if not ideal tracking) if ( !fIdealTracking ) { // a 'valid' position in z is needed for the seeding procedure // cl->SetZ(cl->GetTimeBin()*GetVDrift()); cl->SetZ(cl->GetTimeBin()); } //Printf("Fill clusters (sector %d row %d): %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f",sec,row,cl->GetX(),cl->GetY(),cl->GetZ(),cl->GetTimeBin()); // fill arrays for inner and outer sectors (A/C side handled internally) if (sec0){ // Printf("Inner: Sector %d Row %d : %d",i,j,fInnerSectorArray[i][j].GetN()); // } // } // } // for (Int_t i=0; i0){ // Printf("Outer: Sector %d Row %d : %d",i,j,fOuterSectorArray[i][j].GetN()); // } // } // } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::FillSectorStructureAC() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function fills the sector structure of AliToyMCReconstruction //----------------------------------------------------------------- /* my god is the AliTPCtrackerSector stuff complicated!!! Ok, so here we will not fill the fClusters1 and fClusters2 of AliTPCtrackerRow, using InsertCluster of AliTPCtrackerSector, but only the fClusters via InsertCluster of AliTPCtrackerRow itself which then will not be owner, but we create an array in here (fAllClusters) which owns all clusters ... */ fIsAC=kTRUE; // cluster array of all sectors fInnerSectorArray = new AliTPCtrackerSector[2*fkNSectorInner]; fOuterSectorArray = new AliTPCtrackerSector[2*fkNSectorOuter]; for (Int_t i=0; i<2*fkNSectorInner; ++i) { fInnerSectorArray[i].Setup(fTPCParam,0); } for (Int_t i=0; i<2*fkNSectorOuter; ++i) { fOuterSectorArray[i].Setup(fTPCParam,1); } Int_t count[72][96] = { {0} , {0} }; for (Int_t iev=0; ievGetEvent(iev); for (Int_t itr=0; itrGetNumberOfTracks(); ++itr){ // printf(" > ====== Fill Clusters: Processing Track %6d ======== \n",itr); const AliToyMCTrack *tr=fEvent->GetTrack(itr); // number of clusters to loop over const Int_t ncls=(fClusterType==0)?tr->GetNumberOfSpacePoints():tr->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); // check if expansion of the cluster arrays is needed. if (fAllClusters.GetEntriesFast()+ncls>=fAllClusters.Capacity()) fAllClusters.Expand(2*fAllClusters.Capacity()); for(Int_t icl=0; icl(tr->GetSpacePoint(icl)); if (fClusterType==1) cl=const_cast(tr->GetDistortedSpacePoint(icl)); if (!cl) continue; // register copy to the cluster array cl = new(fAllClusters[fAllClusters.GetEntriesFast()]) AliTPCclusterMI(*cl); Int_t sec = cl->GetDetector(); Int_t row = cl->GetRow(); // set Q of the cluster to 1, Q==0 does not work for the seeding cl->SetQ(1); // set cluster time to cluster Z (if not ideal tracking) if ( !fIdealTracking ) { // a 'valid' position in z is needed for the seeding procedure Double_t sign=1; if (((sec/18)%2)==1) sign=-1; cl->SetZ(cl->GetTimeBin()*GetVDrift()); //mark cluster to be time*vDrift by setting the type to 1 cl->SetType(1); // cl->SetZ(cl->GetTimeBin()); } //Printf("Fill clusters (sector %d row %d): %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f",sec,row,cl->GetX(),cl->GetY(),cl->GetZ(),cl->GetTimeBin()); // fill arrays for inner and outer sectors (A/C side handled internally) if (secAddSpacePoint(*cl); } else { tToy->AddDistortedSpacePoint(*cl); } } return tToy; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliExternalTrackParam* AliToyMCReconstruction::GetRefittedTrack(const AliTPCseed &seed) { // // // AliExternalTrackParam *track=0x0; const Float_t vDrift=GetVDrift(); const Float_t zLength=GetZLength(0); const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); AliToyMCTrack *toyTrack = ConvertTPCSeedToToyMCTrack(seed); fTime0 = 0; //get t0 estimate fCreateT0seed = kTRUE; AliExternalTrackParam *t0seed = GetSeedFromTrack(toyTrack,kTRUE); if (!t0seed) return 0x0; fTime0 = t0seed->GetZ()-zLength/vDrift; delete t0seed; t0seed=0x0; fCreateT0seed = kFALSE; AliExternalTrackParam *dummy = GetSeedFromTrack(toyTrack,kTRUE); track = GetFittedTrackFromSeed(toyTrack, dummy); delete dummy; // propagate seed to 0 AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,0,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); return track; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCclusterMI* AliToyMCReconstruction::FindMiddleCluster(const AliTPCclusterMI *clInner, const AliTPCclusterMI *clOuter, Double_t roady, Double_t roadz, AliRieman &seedFit) { // // // const Int_t rocInner = clInner->GetDetector(); const Int_t rocOuter = clOuter->GetDetector(); if ( (rocInner%18) != (rocOuter%18) ){ AliError("Currently only same Sector implemented"); return 0x0; } const Int_t innerDet=clInner->GetDetector(); const Int_t outerDet=clOuter->GetDetector(); const Int_t globalRowInner = clInner->GetRow() +(innerDet >35)*63; const Int_t globalRowOuter = clOuter->GetRow() +(outerDet >35)*63; AliTPCclusterMI *n=0x0; // allow flexibility of +- nRowsGrace Rows to find a middle cluster const Int_t nRowsGrace = 0; for (Int_t iter=0; iter<2*nRowsGrace+1; ++iter){ Int_t iMiddle = (globalRowInner+globalRowOuter)/2; iMiddle+=((iter+1)/2)*(1-2*((iter+1)%2)); Int_t localRow=iMiddle; Int_t roc = innerDet; if (iMiddle>62){ localRow-=63; roc=outerDet; } AliTPCtrackerSector *arrRow=(iMiddle<63)?fInnerSectorArray:fOuterSectorArray; const AliTPCtrackerRow& krMiddle = arrRow[roc%36][localRow]; // middle // initial guess use simple linear interpolation Double_t y=(clInner->GetY()+clOuter->GetY())/2; Double_t z=(clInner->GetZ()+clOuter->GetZ())/2; if (seedFit.IsValid()) { // update values once the fit was performed y=seedFit.GetYat(krMiddle.GetX()); z=seedFit.GetZat(krMiddle.GetX()); } n=krMiddle.FindNearest(y,z,roady,roadz); if (n) break; } // if (n) // printf(" Nearest cluster (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) = m(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f : %d) i(%.2f, %.2f , %.2f : %d) o(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f : %d)\n",krMiddle.GetX(),y,z, // n->GetX(), n->GetY(),n->GetZ(),n->GetLabel(0), // clInner->GetX(), clInner->GetY(),clInner->GetZ(),clInner->GetLabel(0), // clOuter->GetX(), clOuter->GetY(),clOuter->GetZ(),clOuter->GetLabel(0) // ); return n; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::AddMiddleClusters(AliTPCseed *seed, const AliTPCclusterMI *clInner, const AliTPCclusterMI *clOuter, Double_t roady, Double_t roadz, Int_t &nTotalClusters, AliRieman &seedFit) { // // Iteratively add the middle clusters // // update rieman fit with every second point added AliTPCclusterMI *clMiddle=FindMiddleCluster(clInner,clOuter,roady,roadz,seedFit); // break iterative process if (!clMiddle || clMiddle->IsUsed()) return; const Int_t globalRowInner = clInner->GetRow() +(clInner->GetDetector() >35)*63; const Int_t globalRowMiddle = clMiddle->GetRow()+(clMiddle->GetDetector()>35)*63; const Int_t globalRowOuter = clOuter->GetRow() +(clOuter->GetDetector() >35)*63; seed->SetClusterPointer(globalRowMiddle,clMiddle); ++nTotalClusters; // printf(" > Total clusters: %d\n",nTotalClusters); seedFit.AddPoint(clMiddle->GetX(), clMiddle->GetY(), clMiddle->GetZ(), TMath::Sqrt(clMiddle->GetSigmaY2()), TMath::Sqrt(clMiddle->GetSigmaZ2())); if (seedFit.GetN()>3) { // printf(" call update: %d (%d)\n",seedFit.GetN(),nTotalClusters); // printf(" Riemann results: valid=%d, Chi2=%.2f, Chi2Y=%.2f, Chi2Z=%.2f -- %d\n", // seedFit.IsValid(), seedFit.GetChi2(), seedFit.GetChi2Y(), seedFit.GetChi2Z(), clMiddle->GetLabel(0)); seedFit.Update(); } if ( seedFit.IsValid() && seedFit.GetChi2()>1000 ) return; // Add middle clusters towards outer radius if (globalRowMiddle+1iRowOuter) { Int_t tmp=iRowInner; iRowInner=iRowOuter; iRowOuter=tmp; } if (iRowOuter>158) iRowOuter=158; if (iRowInner<0) iRowInner=0; // Define the search roads: // timeRoadCombinatorics - the maximum time difference used for the // combinatorics. Since we don't have a 'z-Vertex' estimate this will // reduce the combinatorics significantly when iterating on one TF // use a little more than one full drift length of the TPC to allow for // distortions // // timeRoad - the time difference allowed when associating the cluster // in the middle of the other two used for the initial search // // padRoad - the local y difference allowed when associating the middle cluster // Double_t timeRoadCombinatorics = 270./vDrift; // Double_t timeRoad = 20./vDrift; Double_t timeRoadCombinatorics = 270.; Double_t timeRoad = 10.; Double_t padRoad = 5.; // fOuterSectorArray runs from 0-95, so from iRowXXX which runs from 0-159 // the number of rows in the IROC has to be subtracted const Int_t innerRows=fInnerSectorArray->GetNRows(); AliTPCtrackerSector *arrInnerRow=(iRowInner<63)?fInnerSectorArray:fOuterSectorArray; AliTPCtrackerSector *arrOuterRow=(iRowOuter<63)?fInnerSectorArray:fOuterSectorArray; const AliTPCtrackerRow& krInner = arrInnerRow[sec][iRowInner - (iRowInner>62)*innerRows]; // up const AliTPCtrackerRow& krOuter = arrOuterRow[sec][iRowOuter - (iRowOuter>62)*innerRows]; // down AliTPCseed *seed = new AliTPCseed; const Int_t nMaxClusters=iRowOuter-iRowInner+1; // Int_t nScannedClusters = 0; Int_t nseedAdded=0; // loop over all points in the firstand last search row for (Int_t iOuter=0; iOuter < krOuter; iOuter++) { const AliTPCclusterMI *clOuter = krOuter[iOuter]; if (clOuter->IsUsed()) continue; for (Int_t iInner=0; iInner < krInner; iInner++) { const AliTPCclusterMI *clInner = krInner[iInner]; if (clInner->IsUsed()) continue; // printf("\n\n Check combination %d (%d), %d (%d) -- %d (%d) -- %d\n",iOuter, iInner, clOuter->GetLabel(0), clInner->GetLabel(0),iRowOuter,iRowInner,sec); // check maximum distance for combinatorics if (TMath::Abs(clOuter->GetZ()-clInner->GetZ())>timeRoadCombinatorics) continue; // printf(" Is inside one drift\n"); // use rieman fit for seed description AliRieman seedFit(159); // add first two points seedFit.AddPoint(clInner->GetX(), clInner->GetY(), clInner->GetZ(), TMath::Sqrt(clInner->GetSigmaY2()), TMath::Sqrt(clInner->GetSigmaZ2())); seedFit.AddPoint(clOuter->GetX(), clOuter->GetY(), clOuter->GetZ(), TMath::Sqrt(clOuter->GetSigmaY2()), TMath::Sqrt(clOuter->GetSigmaZ2())); // Iteratively add all clusters in the respective middle Int_t nFoundClusters=2; AddMiddleClusters(seed,clInner,clOuter,padRoad,timeRoad,nFoundClusters,seedFit); // printf(" Clusters attached: %d\n",nFoundClusters); if (nFoundClusters>2) seedFit.Update(); // printf(" Riemann results: valid=%d, Chi2=%.2f, Chi2Y=%.2f, Chi2Z=%.2f\n", // seedFit.IsValid(), seedFit.GetChi2(), seedFit.GetChi2Y(), seedFit.GetChi2Z()); // check for minimum number of assigned clusters and a decent chi2 if ( nFoundClusters<0.5*nMaxClusters || seedFit.GetChi2()>1000 ){ seed->Reset(); continue; } // printf(" >>> Seed accepted\n"); // add original outer clusters const Int_t globalRowInner = clInner->GetRow() +(clInner->GetDetector() >35)*63; const Int_t globalRowOuter = clOuter->GetRow() +(clOuter->GetDetector() >35)*63; seed->SetClusterPointer(globalRowInner,const_cast(clInner)); seed->SetClusterPointer(globalRowOuter,const_cast(clOuter)); // set parameters retrieved from AliRieman Double_t params[5]={0}; Double_t covar[15]={0}; const Double_t alpha=TMath::DegToRad()*(clInner->GetDetector()%18*20.+10.); const Double_t x=clInner->GetX(); seedFit.GetExternalParameters(x,params,covar); seed->Set(x,alpha,params,covar); // set label of the seed. At least 60% of the clusters need the correct label CookLabel(seed,.6); // printf(" - Label: %d\n",seed->GetLabel()); // mark clusters as being used MarkClustersUsed(seed); seed->SetSeed1(iRowInner); seed->SetSeed2(iRowOuter); seed->SetSector(sec); ++nseedAdded; seed->SetUniqueID(arr->GetEntriesFast()); seed->SetIsSeeding(kTRUE); arr->Add(seed); seed=new AliTPCseed; break; } } //delete surplus seed delete seed; seed=0x0; return nseedAdded; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::MakeSeeds(TObjArray * /*arr*/, Int_t sec, Int_t iRow1, Int_t iRow2) { // // Create seeds between i1 and i2 (stored in arr) with TLinearFitter // // sec: sector number // iRow1: upper row // iRow2: lower row // // Create Fitter static TLinearFitter fitter(3,"pol2"); // Get 3 padrows (iRow1,iMiddle=(iRow1+iRow2)/2,iRow2) Int_t iMiddle = (iRow1+iRow2)/2; const AliTPCtrackerRow& krd = fOuterSectorArray[sec][iRow2-fInnerSectorArray->GetNRows()]; // down const AliTPCtrackerRow& krm = fOuterSectorArray[sec][iMiddle-fInnerSectorArray->GetNRows()]; // middle const AliTPCtrackerRow& kru = fOuterSectorArray[sec][iRow1-fInnerSectorArray->GetNRows()]; // up // Loop over 3 cluster possibilities for (Int_t iu=0; iu < kru; iu++) { for (Int_t im=0; im < krm; im++) { for (Int_t id=0; id < krd; id++) { // clear all points fitter.ClearPoints(); // add all three points to fitter Double_t xy[2] = {kru[iu]->GetX(),kru[iu]->GetY()}; Double_t z = kru[iu]->GetZ(); fitter.AddPoint(xy,z); xy[0] = krm[im]->GetX(); xy[1] = krm[im]->GetY(); z = krm[im]->GetZ(); fitter.AddPoint(xy,z); xy[0] = krd[id]->GetX(); xy[1] = krd[id]->GetY(); z = krd[id]->GetZ(); fitter.AddPoint(xy,z); // Evaluate and get parameters fitter.Eval(); // how to get the other clusters now? // ... } } } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::InitStreamer(TString addName, Int_t level) { // // initilise the debug streamer and set the logging level // use a default naming convention // delete fStreamer; fStreamer=0x0; if (addName.IsNull()) addName=".dummy"; if (!fTree) return; TString debugName=gSystem->BaseName(fInputFile->GetName()); debugName.ReplaceAll(".root",""); debugName.Append(Form(".%1d.%1d_%1d_%1d_%03d_%02d", fUseMaterial,fIdealTracking,fClusterType, Int_t(fCorrectionType),fSeedingRow,fSeedingDist)); debugName.Append(addName); debugName.Append(".root"); gSystem->Exec(Form("test -f %s && rm %s", debugName.Data(), debugName.Data())); fStreamer=new TTreeSRedirector(debugName.Data()); fStreamer->SetUniqueID(level); gROOT->cd(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::ConnectInputFile(const char* file, Int_t nmaxEv) { // // connect the tree and event pointer from the input file // delete fInputFile; fInputFile=0x0; fEvent=0x0; fTree=0; fInputFile=TFile::Open(file); if (!fInputFile || !fInputFile->IsOpen() || fInputFile->IsZombie()) { delete fInputFile; fInputFile=0x0; AliError(Form("ERROR: couldn't open the file '%s'\n", file)); return; } fTree=(TTree*)fInputFile->Get("toyMCtree"); if (!fTree) { AliError(Form("ERROR: couldn't read the 'toyMCtree' from file '%s'\n", file)); return; } fEvent=0x0; fTree->SetBranchAddress("event",&fEvent); gROOT->cd(); fNmaxEvents=fTree->GetEntries(); if (nmaxEv>-1) fNmaxEvents=TMath::Min(nmaxEv,fNmaxEvents); // setup space charge map from Userinfo of the tree InitSpaceCharge(); // setup the track maps SetupTrackMaps(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::Cleanup() { // // Cleanup input data // if (fStreamer) delete fStreamer; fStreamer=0x0; delete fEvent; fEvent = 0x0; // delete fTree; fTree=0x0; delete fInputFile; fInputFile=0x0; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::SetupTrackMaps() { // // // fMapTrackEvent.Delete(); fMapTrackTrackInEvent.Delete(); if (!fTree) { AliError("Tree not connected"); return; } Int_t nmaxEv=fTree->GetEntries(); if (fNmaxEvents>-1) nmaxEv=fNmaxEvents; for (Int_t iev=0; ievGetEvent(iev); if (!fEvent) continue; const Int_t ntracks=fEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); if (fMapTrackEvent.GetSize()+ntracks>=fMapTrackEvent.Capacity()) fMapTrackEvent.Expand(2*fMapTrackEvent.Capacity()); if (fMapTrackTrackInEvent.GetSize()+ntracks>=fMapTrackTrackInEvent.Capacity()) fMapTrackTrackInEvent.Expand(2*fMapTrackTrackInEvent.Capacity()); for (Int_t itrack=0; itrackGetTrack(itrack)->GetUniqueID(); fMapTrackEvent.Add(label,iev); fMapTrackTrackInEvent.Add(label,itrack); } } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::CookLabel(AliTPCseed *seed, Double_t fraction, Int_t info[5]) { // // // Int_t labels[159]={0}; // Long64_t posMaxLabel=-1; Int_t nMaxLabel=0; // clusters from maximum label Int_t nMaxLabel2=0; // clusters from second maximum Int_t nlabels=0; Int_t maxLabel=-1; // label with most clusters Int_t maxLabel2=-1; // label with second most clusters Int_t nclusters=0; TExMap labelMap(159); for (Int_t icl=0; icl<159; ++icl) { const AliTPCclusterMI *cl=seed->GetClusterPointer(icl); if (!cl) continue; ++nclusters; const Int_t clLabel=cl->GetLabel(0); // a not assinged value returns 0, so we need to add 1 and subtract it afterwards Long64_t labelPos=labelMap.GetValue(clLabel); if (!labelPos) { labelPos=nlabels+1; labelMap.Add(clLabel,labelPos); ++nlabels; } --labelPos; const Int_t nCurrentLabel=++labels[labelPos]; if (nCurrentLabel>nMaxLabel) { nMaxLabel2=nMaxLabel; nMaxLabel=nCurrentLabel; // posMaxLabel=labelPos; maxLabel2=maxLabel; maxLabel=clLabel; } } if (Double_t(nMaxLabel)/nclustersSetLabel(maxLabel); if (info) { info[0]=nMaxLabel; info[1]=nMaxLabel2; info[2]=maxLabel2; info[3]=nclusters; info[4]=nlabels; } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::DumpSeedInfo(TObjArray *arr) { // for debugging if (!fStreamer || !fTree) return; // swap rows in case they are in the wrong order AliInfo(Form("Number of Seeds: %d (out of %d tracks)",arr->GetEntriesFast(),fMapTrackEvent.GetSize())); //loop over all events and tracks and try to associate the seed to the track for (Int_t iseed=0; iseedGetEntriesFast(); ++iseed){ AliTPCseed *seed = static_cast(arr->UncheckedAt(iseed)); // get original track Int_t seedLabel=seed->GetLabel(); Int_t iev=fMapTrackEvent.GetValue(TMath::Abs(seedLabel)); Int_t itr=fMapTrackTrackInEvent.GetValue(TMath::Abs(seedLabel)); fTree->GetEvent(iev); const AliToyMCTrack *toyTrack = fEvent->GetTrack(itr); DumpSeedInfo(toyTrack,seed); } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::DumpTrackInfo(TObjArray *arr) { // for debugging if (!fStreamer || !fTree) return; // swap rows in case they are in the wrong order AliInfo(Form("Number of Seeds: %d (out of %d tracks)",arr->GetEntriesFast(),fMapTrackEvent.GetSize())); //loop over all events and tracks and try to associate the seed to the track AliTPCseed dummySeed; for (Int_t iev=0; ievGetEvent(iev); const Int_t ntracks=fEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); for (Int_t itr=0; itrGetTrack(itr); Bool_t foundSeed=kFALSE; for (Int_t iseed=0; iseedGetEntriesFast(); ++iseed) { AliTPCseed *seed = static_cast(arr->UncheckedAt(iseed)); const UInt_t tmpLabel=TMath::Abs(seed->GetLabel()); if (toyTrack->GetUniqueID()!=tmpLabel) continue; // dump all seeds with the correct label DumpSeedInfo(toyTrack,seed); foundSeed=kTRUE; } if (!foundSeed) DumpSeedInfo(toyTrack,&dummySeed); } } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::DumpSeedInfo(const AliToyMCTrack *toyTrack, AliTPCseed *seed) { // // // const Double_t kMaxSnp = 0.85; const Double_t kMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi+")->Mass(); Float_t vDrift=GetVDrift(); Float_t zLength=GetZLength(0); AliExternalTrackParam tOrig(*toyTrack); AliExternalTrackParam tOrigITS(*toyTrack); // propagate original track to ITS last layer // Double_t lastLayerITS = 43.0; // same as in AliToyMCEventGenerator::MakeITSClusters (hard coded) const Double_t iFCRadius = 83.5; //radius constants found in AliTPCCorrection.cxx Double_t lastLayerITS = iFCRadius; // its track propgated to inner TPC wall AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&tOrigITS,lastLayerITS,kMass,1,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); AliExternalTrackParam dummyParam; Bool_t isDummy=kFALSE; //create refitted track, this will also set the fTime0 AliExternalTrackParam *track=GetRefittedTrack(*seed); if (!track) { track=&dummyParam; isDummy=kTRUE; } AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,0,kMass,5.,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); track->Rotate(tOrig.GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(track,0,kMass,1.,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); // rotate fitted track to the frame of the original track and propagate to same reference AliExternalTrackParam trackITS(*track); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS,lastLayerITS,kMass,5,kTRUE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); trackITS.Rotate(tOrigITS.GetAlpha()); AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackTo(&trackITS,lastLayerITS,kMass,1,kFALSE,kMaxSnp,0,kFALSE,fUseMaterial); Int_t seedSec=seed->GetSector(); Int_t seedID =seed->GetUniqueID(); // //count findable and found clusters in the seed // Int_t iRowInner=seed->GetSeed1(); Int_t iRowOuter=seed->GetSeed2(); Int_t nClustersSeedMax=iRowOuter-iRowInner+1; Int_t nClustersFindable=0; Int_t nClustersSeed=0; Int_t ncls=(fClusterType==0)?toyTrack->GetNumberOfSpacePoints():toyTrack->GetNumberOfDistSpacePoints(); Int_t rowInner=iRowInner-(iRowInner>62)*63; Int_t rowOuter=iRowOuter-(iRowOuter>62)*63; //findable in the current seed sector Int_t lastROC=-1; Int_t rocMaxCl=-1; Int_t nCrossedROCs=0; Int_t nMaxClROC=0; Int_t nclROC=0; Int_t row1=-1; Int_t row2=-1; Int_t row1Maxcl=-1; Int_t row2Maxcl=-1; for (Int_t icl=0; iclGetSpacePoint(icl):toyTrack->GetDistortedSpacePoint(icl); const Int_t roc=cl->GetDetector(); const Int_t row=cl->GetRow(); const Int_t rowGlobal=row+(roc>35)*63; AliTPCclusterMI *seedCl = seed->GetClusterPointer(rowGlobal); if (seedCl) { AliTPCclusterMI *clc=const_cast(cl); if (seedCl->GetDetector()==roc&&seedCl->IsUsed()) clc->Use(); clc->SetLabel(seedID,1); } // if (row1<0) row1=rowGlobal; if ( (roc%36) != (lastROC%36)) { ++nCrossedROCs; if (nclROC>nMaxClROC) { nMaxClROC=nclROC; rocMaxCl=lastROC; row1Maxcl=row1; row2Maxcl=row2; } lastROC=roc%36; nclROC=0; row1=rowGlobal; } ++nclROC; row2=rowGlobal; if ( (roc%36)!=(seedSec%36) ) continue; // if ( (rowrowOuter) ) continue; ++nClustersFindable; } if (nclROC>nMaxClROC) { rocMaxCl=lastROC; nMaxClROC=nclROC; row1Maxcl=row1; row2Maxcl=row2; } Int_t firstRow=160; Int_t lastRow=0; Int_t nClustersInTrack=0; //found in seed for (Int_t icl=0; icl<159; ++icl) { const AliTPCclusterMI *cl=seed->GetClusterPointer(icl); if (!cl) continue; ++nClustersInTrack; const Int_t row=cl->GetRow(); const Int_t rowGlobal=row+(cl->GetDetector()>35)*63; if (rowGlobal>lastRow) lastRow=rowGlobal; if (rowGlobalrowOuter) ) continue; ++nClustersSeed; } Float_t z0=fEvent->GetZ(); Float_t t0=fEvent->GetT0(); Int_t ctype(fCorrectionType); Int_t info[5]={0}; CookLabel(seed,.6,info); Int_t seedLabel=seed->GetLabel(); Int_t labelOrig=toyTrack->GetUniqueID(); AliToyMCTrack *tr2 = const_cast(toyTrack); (*fStreamer) << "Seeds" << // "iev=" << iev << // "iseed=" << iseed << // "itr=" << itr << "z0=" << z0 << "t0=" << t0 << "vDrift=" << vDrift << "zLength=" << zLength << "fTime0=" << fTime0 << "clsType=" << fClusterType << "corrType=" << ctype << "tOrig.=" << &tOrig << "tOrigITS.=" << &tOrigITS << "to.nclFindable=" << nClustersFindable << "to.nclTot=" << ncls << "to.label=" << labelOrig << "to.nCrossedROCs="<< nCrossedROCs << "to.rocMax=" << rocMaxCl << "to.rocMaxNcl=" << nMaxClROC << "to.row1Max=" << row1Maxcl << "to.row2Max=" << row2Maxcl << "track.=" << track << "trackITS.=" << &trackITS << "s.RowInner=" << iRowInner << "s.RowOuter=" << iRowOuter << "s.nclMax=" << nClustersSeedMax << "s.ncl=" << nClustersSeed << "s.ID=" << seedID << "tr.firstClRow=" << firstRow << "tr.lastClRow=" << lastRow << "tr.ncl=" << nClustersInTrack << "tr.label=" << seedLabel << "tr.LabelNcl=" << info[0] << "tr.Label2Ncl=" << info[1] << "tr.Label2=" << info[2] << "tr.nclTot=" << info[3] << "tr.Nlabels=" << info[4] << "tr.Sec=" << seedSec << "seed.=" << seed << "toyTrack.=" << tr2 << "\n"; if (!isDummy) delete track; } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::MarkClustersUsed(AliTPCseed *seed) { // // // for (Int_t icl=0; icl<159; ++icl) { AliTPCclusterMI *cl=seed->GetClusterPointer(icl); if (cl) cl->Use(); } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::ResetClustersZtoTime(AliTPCseed *seed) { // // // for (Int_t icl=0; icl<159; ++icl) { AliTPCclusterMI *cl=seed->GetClusterPointer(icl); if (cl) cl->SetZ(cl->GetTimeBin()); } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::DumpTracksToTree(const char* file) { // // // ConnectInputFile(file); if (!fTree) return; delete fStreamer; fStreamer=0x0; TString debugName=fInputFile->GetName(); debugName.ReplaceAll(".root",".AllTracks.root"); gSystem->Exec(Form("test -f %s && rm %s", debugName.Data(), debugName.Data())); fStreamer=new TTreeSRedirector(debugName.Data()); for (Int_t iev=0;ievGetEvent(iev); for (Int_t itr=0; itrGetNumberOfTracks();++itr){ AliToyMCTrack *toyTrack=const_cast(fEvent->GetTrack(itr)); Int_t trackID=toyTrack->GetUniqueID(); (*fStreamer) << "Tracks" << "iev=" << iev << "itr=" << itr << "trackID=" << trackID << "track.=" << toyTrack << "\n"; } } Cleanup(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::SetRieman(const AliTPCseed &seed, AliRieman &rieman) { // // // rieman.Reset(); for (Int_t icl=0; icl<159; ++icl) { const AliTPCclusterMI *cl=seed.GetClusterPointer(icl); if (!cl) continue; rieman.AddPoint(cl->GetX(), cl->GetY(), cl->GetZ(), TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaY2()), TMath::Sqrt(cl->GetSigmaZ2())); } rieman.Update(); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliToyMCReconstruction::CopyRieman(const AliRieman &from, AliRieman &to) { // // // if (to.GetCapacity()