Continuous readout toy simulation loadlibs.C //modified version of the one used for GEMtest code. I haven't looked into this so it probably contains a lot of stuff that is not needed AliToyMCTrack, AliToyMCEvent //classes for storing event and track parameters AliToyMCEventGenerator //base class for event generators, contains DistortTrack method to distort track using method borrowed from AliTPCCorrection AliToyMCEventGeneratorSimple //simple first MC event generator, borrowing from Marians macro. Inherits from AliToyMCEventGenerator to get DistortTrack method. Generate(Double_t time) generates and returns an event at time time makeTree.C //short macro to generate events from a poisson distr and storing in a ROOT tree. to run : root -l loadlibs.C .L makeTree.C+ makeTree(Double_t collFreq/*kHz*/, Double_t bunchFreq/*MHz*/, Int_t nEvents)