// // Macro to Setup OCDB // This is just example macro // Responsible: marian.ivanov@cern.ch // To be used: // 1. Before invocation of the calibration - in the calibration trains // 2. To setup calibration viewer. // // ConfigOCDB - setup default and specific data storage // SetupCustom - user sepcific configuration // - Values in local cache of OCDB are overwritten void SetupCustom(Int_t run); void ConfigOCDB(Int_t crun=-1){ // printf("SETUP OCBD for TPC\n"); // AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetDefaultStorage("local:///lustre/alice/alien/alice/data/2009/OCDB/"); // // // custom calibration to test before committing // Int_t run =crun; if (run<0) run =0; AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetRun(run); SetupCustom(run); AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->SetRun(run); } void SetupCustom(Int_t run){ // // // Custom part - to be empty once we are happy with the calibration // // // Setup magnetic field // AliGRPObject *grp = AliTPCcalibDB::GetGRP(run); Float_t current = 0; Float_t bz = 0; if (grp){ current = grp->GetL3Current((AliGRPObject::Stats)0); bz = 5*current/30000.; printf("Run%d\tL3 current%f\tBz\t%f\n",run,current,bz); } else{ printf("Run%d\tL3 current%f\tBz\t%f\n",run,current,bz); } AliMagF::BMap_t smag = AliMagF::k5kG; Double_t bzfac = bz/5; Double_t bzfacOrig=bzfac; if (TMath::Abs(bzfac)<0.01) { // force default magnetic field if 0 field used bzfac=1; bz=5; } AliMagF* magF= new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", bzfac, 1., smag); TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(magF); printf("\n\nSET EXB FIELD\t\n\n"); AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->SetExBField(magF); // // // import geometry // // TGeoManager::Import("/u/miranov/proof/geometry.root"); AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry("/u/miranov/proof/geometry.root"); AliTPCClusterParam * paramCl = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam(); AliTPCParam * paramTPC = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters(); paramCl->SetInstance(paramCl); // // Setup reco param // AliTPCTransform *transform = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetTransform() ; AliTPCRecoParam * tpcRecoParam = AliTPCRecoParam::GetCosmicTestParam(kTRUE); transform->SetCurrentRecoParam(tpcRecoParam); tpcRecoParam->SetUseGainCorrectionTime(0); tpcRecoParam->SetUseRPHICorrection(kTRUE); tpcRecoParam->SetUseTOFCorrection(kFALSE); // tpcRecoParam->SetUseDriftCorrectionTime(0); tpcRecoParam->SetUseDriftCorrectionGY(0); // tpcRecoParam->SetUseRadialCorrection(kFALSE); tpcRecoParam->SetUseQuadrantAlignment(kTRUE); // tpcRecoParam->SetUseSectorAlignment(kFALSE); tpcRecoParam->SetUseGainCorrectionTime(kFALSE); tpcRecoParam->SetUseFieldCorrection(kFALSE); tpcRecoParam->SetUseExBCorrection(kTRUE); if (TMath::Abs(bzfacOrig)<0.05){ tpcRecoParam->SetUseExBCorrection(kFALSE); } // // // TFile fposcor("~/OCDB/calibUnlin.root"); AliTPCPointCorrection *pcorr = fposcor.Get("correction"); if (pcorr) pcorr->SetInstance(pcorr); // // // printf("END of SETUP OCBD for TPC\n"); }