ABOUT: Authors: Jens Wiechula Marian Ivanov (marian.ivanov@cern.ch) Scripts for viusalization and analysis of the TPC OCDB entries and visualization of trends. For visualization and analisys purposes root trees and queries on top of trees are used. Algorithm: 1. Creation of the run lists. (Expert operation) 2. Making a calibration trees. (Expert operation) 3. OCDB visualization analysis. (Non /software/ expert mode) Requiroments: 1. AliRoot installed. 2. Alien installed + valid alien certificate 3. In some cases (only to speed up tree creation process) the batch farm can be used. 4. Alien configuration/jobs ( see jdl/HowTo-CalibSummary.txt) ---------- Quickstart ----------- Do the following: 1. Setup environment 1.a) gui dependend variables export SCRIPTDIR=$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/scripts/OCDBscan or your local scriptdir if you want to modify it e.g: export SCRIPTDIR=`pwd`/scripts export PATH=$SCRIPTDIR:$PATH source $SCRIPTDIR/guiEnv.sh 1.b) Modify your guiEnv.sh script in $SCRIPTDIR 1.c) Run: source guiEnv.sh debug 1.d) Check the output of script. All checks has to be OK. 2. Run tree creation (Jens Wiechula scripts): makeRunList.sh -> creates the run.list file 3. Run jobs example // bgroup=/bguiRUN for arun in `cat run.list`; do echo submitting jobs for run $arun echo $BATCHCOMMAND -g $bgroup -oo $GUI_OUTDIR/logs/out$arun.log -eo $GUI_OUTDIR/logs/err$arun.log makeCalibTreeRun.sh $arun alien://///alice/cern.ch/user/m/miranov/OCDBscan/ $BATCHCOMMAND -g $bgroup -oo $GUI_OUTDIR/logs/out$arun.log -eo $GUI_OUTDIR/logs/err$arun.log $SCRIPTDIR/makeCalibTreeRun.sh $arun alien://///alice/cern.ch/user/m/miranov/OCDBscan/ done; 4. Start the GUI browser. This should work always (even on your laptop). guiTime ---------------- Customised setup ---------------- - Defining the OCDB directories (ConfigOCDB.C): Before starting the tree creation or gui the macro 'ConfigOCDB.C' is exectued. This macro should contain all the setup needed to point to the proper OCDB directories. If alien is used, alien needs also to be setup in the macro. Open the macro for examples. - General output information (guiEnv): In the 'guiEnv' script environment variables defining default output directories etc. See comments in the file for explanations. Troubleshouting: 1. Check your environment. source guiEnv.sh debug 1.a) If not execuitng check your $PATH 1.b) Check the output of script. All checks should be indicated OK. 2. Modify environment if neccessary 3. Missing ConfigOCDB.C macro. This macro is not provided by default. It is setup specific. You should contact experts to get it. 4. Wrong ConfigOCDB.C macro, tests: 4.a) ls $SCRIPTDIR/ConfigOCDB.C - file should exist 4.b) run ConfigOCDB.C macro in aliroot session. Check the output. In case of further problems, please inform authors.