/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit.cxx 46327 2011-01-10 13:29:56Z cblume $ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit // // // // Does the ExB calibration by applying a quadratic fit // // // // Author: // // R. Bailhache (R.Bailhache@gsi.de) // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Root includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //header file #include "AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit.h" ClassImp(AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit) /*FOLD00*/ //_____________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit() : /*FOLD00*/ TObject(), fVersion(0), fFitterHistoArray(540), fFitterPArray(540), fFitterEArray(540), fRobustFit(kFALSE) { // // default constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit(const AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit &ped) : /*FOLD00*/ TObject(ped), fVersion(ped.fVersion), fFitterHistoArray(540), fFitterPArray(540), fFitterEArray(540), fRobustFit(kFALSE) { // // copy constructor // for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){ const TVectorD *vectorE = (TVectorD*)ped.fFitterEArray.UncheckedAt(idet); const TVectorD *vectorP = (TVectorD*)ped.fFitterPArray.UncheckedAt(idet); const TH2S *hped = (TH2S*)ped.fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(idet); if ( vectorE != 0x0 ) fFitterEArray.AddAt(new TVectorD(*vectorE), idet); if ( vectorP != 0x0 ) fFitterPArray.AddAt(new TVectorD(*vectorP), idet); if ( hped != 0x0 ){ TH2S *hNew = (TH2S *)hped->Clone(); //hNew->SetDirectory(0); fFitterHistoArray.AddAt(hNew,idet); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit(const TObjArray &obja) : /*FOLD00*/ TObject(), fVersion(0), fFitterHistoArray(540), fFitterPArray(540), fFitterEArray(540), fRobustFit(kFALSE) { // // constructor from a TObjArray // for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){ const TH2S *hped = (TH2S*)obja.UncheckedAt(idet); if ( hped != 0x0 ){ TH2S *hNew = (TH2S *)hped->Clone(); //hNew->SetDirectory(0); fFitterHistoArray.AddAt(hNew,idet); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit& AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::operator = (const AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit &source) { // // assignment operator // if (&source == this) return *this; new (this) AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit(source); return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________ AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::~AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit() /*FOLD00*/ { // // destructor // fFitterHistoArray.SetOwner(); fFitterPArray.SetOwner(); fFitterEArray.SetOwner(); fFitterHistoArray.Delete(); fFitterPArray.Delete(); fFitterEArray.Delete(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::Copy(TObject &c) const { // // Copy function // AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit& target = (AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit &) c; // Copy only the histos for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){ if(fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(idet)){ TH2S *hped1 = (TH2S *)target.GetFitterHisto(idet,kTRUE); //hped1->SetDirectory(0); hped1->Add((const TH2S *)fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(idet)); } } TObject::Copy(c); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::Merge(const TCollection* list) { // Merge list of objects (needed by PROOF) if (!list) return 0; if (list->IsEmpty()) return 1; TIterator* iter = list->MakeIterator(); TObject* obj = 0; // collection of generated histograms Int_t count=0; while((obj = iter->Next()) != 0) { AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit* entry = dynamic_cast(obj); if (entry == 0) continue; // Copy only the histos for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){ if(entry->GetFitterHisto(idet)){ TH2S *hped1 = (TH2S *)GetFitterHisto(idet,kTRUE); Double_t entriesa = hped1->GetEntries(); Double_t entriesb = ((TH2S *)entry->GetFitterHisto(idet))->GetEntries(); if((entriesa + entriesb) < 5*32767) hped1->Add(entry->GetFitterHisto(idet)); } } count++; } return count; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::Add(const AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit *ped) { // // Add histo // fVersion++; for (Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){ const TH2S *hped = (TH2S*)ped->GetFitterHistoNoForce(idet); //printf("idet %d\n",idet); if ( hped != 0x0 ){ //printf("add\n"); TH2S *hped1 = (TH2S *)GetFitterHisto(idet,kTRUE); Double_t entriesa = hped1->GetEntries(); Double_t entriesb = hped->GetEntries(); if((entriesa + entriesb) < 5*32767) hped1->Add(hped); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________________ TH2S* AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::GetFitterHisto(Int_t detector, Bool_t force) { // // return pointer to TH2F histo // if force is true create a new histo if it doesn't exist allready // if ( !force || fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(detector) ) return (TH2S*)fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(detector); return GetFitterHistoForce(detector); } //______________________________________________________________________________________ TH2S* AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::GetFitterHistoForce(Int_t detector) { // // return pointer to TH2F histo // if NULL create a new histo if it doesn't exist allready // if (fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(detector)) return (TH2S*)fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(detector); // if we are forced and TLinearFitter doesn't yes exist create it // new TH2F TString name("LFEXB"); name += detector; name += "version"; name += fVersion; TH2S *lfdv = new TH2S((const Char_t *)name,(const Char_t *) name, 30, -TMath::DegToRad()*45, TMath::DegToRad()*45, 30, 0.3, 1.4); lfdv->SetXTitle("tan(phi_{track})"); lfdv->SetYTitle("rms"); lfdv->SetZTitle("Number of tracklets"); lfdv->SetStats(0); lfdv->SetDirectory(0); fFitterHistoArray.AddAt(lfdv,detector); return lfdv; } //______________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::GetParam(Int_t detector, TVectorD *param) { // // return param for this detector // if ( fFitterPArray.UncheckedAt(detector) ){ const TVectorD *vectorP = (TVectorD*)fFitterPArray.UncheckedAt(detector); if(!param) param = new TVectorD(vectorP->GetNoElements()); for(Int_t k = 0; k < vectorP->GetNoElements(); k++){ (*param)[k] = (*vectorP)[k]; } return kTRUE; } else return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::GetError(Int_t detector, TVectorD *error) { // // return error for this detector // if ( fFitterEArray.UncheckedAt(detector) ){ const TVectorD *vectorE = (TVectorD*)fFitterEArray.UncheckedAt(detector); if(!error) error = new TVectorD(vectorE->GetNoElements()); for(Int_t k = 0; k < vectorE->GetNoElements(); k++){ (*error)[k] = (*vectorE)[k]; } return kTRUE; } else return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::Update(Int_t detector, Float_t tnp, Float_t pars1) { // // Fill the 2D histos for debugging // TH2S *h = ((TH2S *) GetFitterHisto(detector,kTRUE)); Double_t nbentries = h->GetEntries(); if(nbentries < 5*32767) h->Fill(tnp,pars1); } //____________Functions fit Online CH2d________________________________________ void AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit::FillPEArray() { // // Fill fFitterPArray and fFitterEArray from inside // Int_t *arrayI = new Int_t[540]; for(Int_t k = 0; k< 540; k++){ arrayI[k] = 0; } // Loop over histos for(Int_t cb = 0; cb < 540; cb++){ const TH2S *fitterhisto = (TH2S*)fFitterHistoArray.UncheckedAt(cb); //printf("Processing the detector cb %d we find %d\n",cb, (Bool_t) fitterhisto); if ( fitterhisto != 0 ){ // Fill a fitter TAxis *xaxis = fitterhisto->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxis = fitterhisto->GetYaxis(); TLinearFitter fitter = TLinearFitter(3,"pol2"); //printf("test\n"); Double_t integral = fitterhisto->Integral(); //printf("Integral is %f\n",integral); Bool_t securitybreaking = kFALSE; if(TMath::Abs(integral-1199) < 0.00001) securitybreaking = kTRUE; for(Int_t ibinx = 0; ibinx < fitterhisto->GetNbinsX(); ibinx++){ for(Int_t ibiny = 0; ibiny < fitterhisto->GetNbinsY(); ibiny++){ if(fitterhisto->GetBinContent(ibinx+1,ibiny+1)>0){ Double_t x = xaxis->GetBinCenter(ibinx+1); Double_t y = yaxis->GetBinCenter(ibiny+1); for(Int_t k = 0; k < (Int_t)fitterhisto->GetBinContent(ibinx+1,ibiny+1); k++){ if(!securitybreaking){ fitter.AddPoint(&x,y); arrayI[cb]++; } else { if(arrayI[cb]< 1198){ fitter.AddPoint(&x,y); arrayI[cb]++; } } } } } } //printf("Find %d entries for the detector %d\n",arrayI[cb],cb); // Eval the fitter if(arrayI[cb]>15){ TVectorD *par = new TVectorD(3); TVectorD pare = TVectorD(2); TVectorD *parE = new TVectorD(3); //printf("Fit\n"); //if((fitter.EvalRobust(0.8)==0)) { //if((fitter.EvalRobust()==0)) { if(((fRobustFit) && (fitter.EvalRobust(0.8)==0)) || ((!fRobustFit) && (fitter.Eval()==0))) { //if((fitter.Eval()==0)) { //printf("Take the param\n"); fitter.GetParameters(*par); //printf("Done\n"); //fitter.GetErrors(*pare); //Float_t ppointError = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fitter.GetChisquare())/arrayI[cb]); //(*parE)[0] = pare[0]*ppointError; //(*parE)[1] = pare[1]*ppointError; (*parE)[0] = 0.0; (*parE)[1] = 0.0; (*parE)[2] = (Double_t) arrayI[cb]; fFitterPArray.AddAt(par,cb); fFitterEArray.AddAt(parE,cb); //par->Print(); //parE->Print(); } //printf("Finish\n"); } //delete fitterhisto; }// if something } delete [] arrayI; }